the-rooke-system · 1 year
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Imagine knowing your alter count lmao
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
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Yo if anyone doubts the legitmate of DID, atleast don't call it fake or attention-seeking. This is hella damaging and just makes it harder for folks with DID to get the help and support they need. But, you know what? MRI brain imaging shows that DID is real and detectable, this is just the first tangible proof i discovered and there is a lot of resources for educational/research purposes too.
It's really important to recognize our struggles of people not believing us and how most of the society demonize/deny it, we just want people to accept as who and how we are,, not to hear that you 'know' more than us, or ask those stereotype questions, or try to prove it.
I just want people to just be mature and listen and support for once ok?? like how hard is that, for those who don't have DID to do that.
sources: for image , for research
- j
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
changing 7 times in the span of 20 minutes because we can’t settle on an outfit everyone in co con likes.
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
Its is a normal experience for systems to have less active inner-conversations and/or longer switch gap when in a safe enviroment.
You’re all good. There’s no catch. You’re still not faking DID even if your brain is silent.
Taken from something i noticed in day-to-day living since months ago.
- j
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
never let other alters get away with stealing your leftovers. it’s so evil and they should get locked up for that……
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
Not all amnesia is equal.
Some systems have partial blocks, not remembering close friends names or frequent fronters' favorite foods when asked.
Some systems have full blackouts to where alters aren't aware of any external elements prior to fronting and learning them.
Some systems forget memories and traumas. Some systems have alters that shove away memories so those who can't handle the information don't see it.
Sometimes alters won't even know there is amnesia within their system.
Sometimes they won't know what they've forgotten.
All amnesia is not equal, however, all amnesia is important to acknowledge.
Amnesia is tough to work around but you can work through it. You can improve system communications and healing.
Keep your head up.
Dazai (he/him)
Morgue System
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
Not having a proper diagnosis (self diagnosed) for your DID/OSDD does not automatically makes you a faker.
Yes, and for those who are diagnosed by a psychiatrist, you did not lie or manipulate the fuck out of the person to have the obvious answer.
Being a system is not naturally nor inherently bad, it did what it had to,, to protect you all and us.
Sincerely from a system who self diagnosed and accepted the truth years ago.
- j
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
Reasons alters in our system are banned from driving (alone):
-Burst into tears behind the wheel
-Refuses to drive in any other way than like the car is for racing (20+ year old car cannot handle this)
-Keeps changing the CDs while driving.
-Forgot which side of the road was the right side & started driving on the wrong one.
- Accidentally forgot to turn off the parking break for like the whole drive
-Got into a fight with another alter about the music while driving
- Has literally never arrived on time to anything ever because they kept getting lost even if it was a straight shot.
Reasons alters are not banned:
- Knows exactly how much they can speed without getting pulled over when we're running late.
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
anger holders get a lot of stigma surrounding them, so we wanted to make this post.
to all anger holders:
you are loved. you are important.
you play a very important role, that we think you should be proud of. it's okay if you're not proud of it. but we are proud of you.
you are not evil. you are not wrong. you are not a ticking time bomb.
you are valid, you are loved, you are wanted.
you are more than just your role, but your role is still important. an important job, that isn't always easy to handle.
even if you are not proud of yourself, we are proud of you.
it's okay if you don't always handle your anger in the most appropriate or healthy ways. I encourage you to try and learn healthy coping mechanisms, but that's difficult. it's okay and entirely normal to slip up.
you are allowed to be angry. it's healthy.
your role is important.
and you, as an individual, are important.
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
hey osddid community.
yeah, you.
let me tell you a secret.
it's perfectly okay to struggle with looking in the mirror. identity issues are normal. if you don't see yourself, it's because you're looking at everyone, not just you! it's okay to be startled sometimes when you see the body.
i don't see this talked about much in system spaces but it's something a lot of our system struggles with and i wanted to put that out there, cause yeah! it's hard sometimes to know who you are and not be able to express it. on the flip side, if you don't experience this at all, you're still just as much of a system as anyone else.
- selina <3
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
Friends: “You have way too many hobbies and talents! So unique, so ambitious, there’s nothing you didn’t know from history facts to psychology!!”
Me: * laughing anxiously from multiple alters who are actually interested in different things * “Yep, thats right,, i have a lot of interests thank you for the compliment..”
- j
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
I don't see people talk about this often soooooooo
systems, my comrades my chums, my good time pals
don't talk about other alters or stuff involving other alters without their permission
I know you all share a body but please still be mindful of other's privacy. This involves trauma they went through, their triggers, their orientation and gender identities, as well as like their existence period.
I am not saying sharing information is bad, I am saying that you should ask permission to share that info, even if it seems small and unimportant
okay goodnight you swaggy babes
-☣️ (mostly 🌺)
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
We don't often speak on this but I wanted to share some things from the photoshoot Florence did.
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He wanted to do a photoshoot about the loss of childhood due to trauma. It was meant to grieve that loss and to appreciate where we are now.
The bear is one of the stuffed animals we still have from when we were a kid. We had to replace the stuffing and the eyes as they were lost a long time ago. The rose is slightly dead and a lighter color specifically meant to show love. All of this is to say.
You can still live a good life. It's ok to grieve what could have been just don't let it take you over.
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
the genderfluid to plural pipeline is so real
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the-rooke-system · 1 year
Leave it to an @egberts tag to sum up our DID.
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