the-orphic-news · 2 years
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05. September 2022
Welcome to the first official issue of The Orphic News! In this issue we will talk about creativity, balance, magic and magical objects.
—༉table of contents
The Balance of Creativity
A magical object: The Aero-Luggage (by @thetruearchmagos)
Do you…believe in Magic? 
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—༉The Balance of Creativity
by @orphicpoieses
What if my routine is wrong? What if my idea is too obvious? What if my book is just a copy?
Everyone knows these thoughts. Without exception. The fear of not being good enough has become widespread in our society, and not only among authors.
Such thoughts are not necessarily bad in the first place. Sometimes they point out things to us that we wouldn't have noticed otherwise, for example that we somehow don't feel like sitting at a desk anymore in the evening. Or maybe that one scene somehow turned into too much fan fiction. If we use them properly, they can be useful and improve our work.
But where do such thoughts begin to become toxic?
As soon as you notice that nothing is going on anymore, that thoughts are getting out of hand or that your own mind is being influenced, things become critical. In such cases, it helps to gain distance. To take a break.
Balance is important in life. Whoever inhales must also exhale. Whoever exhales must also inhale. We cannot be constantly productive, we also need time to rest. But we can't just rest either. At some point we will feel bad and maybe even depressed!
The goal of each individual is to find their own balance. For some, balance is a set routine that they follow. Others take days off. Still others use an entirely different method. How you deal with it is up to you. You just have to feel good with it.
If you find it difficult to find your pace, you can write down the things you have already tried on a small piece of paper or in a notebook. At each point think to yourself, “Was it good? Did it help me? Or can I live without it?" Sometimes there are also things on the list that are neutral, things, which have not brought an improvement or an additional burden. Take these things and put it aside until you know wether or not you will carry on doing these.
This way, you can effectively find out what suits you and what your very own routine looks like.
Incidentally, this idea does not come from me, but from Rowena Tsai, who originally introduced the idea for self-care in general. As you can see, the list can be used in many ways.
What's your routine like? What do you do to stay in balance while writing and not slip into the spiral of negative thoughts? Write to us!
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—༉ A Magical Object: The Aero-Luggage
by @thetruearchmagos
Aero-Luggage, safe to say, is one of the stranger innovations to have come about in recent years. The Hand-Com is simply marvelous, Industrial Blood a life saver through and through, and I suppose Morpho-Utensils have a place in the home. Aero-luggage? Absolutely pointless, an extravagant waste of cash. I own six, and you while pry them from my cold, dead hands.
Who invented the Aero-Luggage?
The curious individual who invented the things is none other than my old friend, Professor Haiqa Jailali. In the days of my tenure at the Duke's, Haiqi was involved in their Aerium Research Section within the Department of Applied Magic, helping out in their general research, as well as teaching the ropes to the student body, bless her overworked and perpetually stressed heart. As she relayed it to me back in 165, she was conducting one of her usual demonstrations in her second role, which involved showcasing the various properties of Aerium in person.
One of the many props she used was what appeared to be a large, robust steamer trunk, on which she instructed two of her students to stand upon. Then, she activated the aerium crystal complex she had inserted within the trunk, and, as one would expect, it prompt floated off the ground like the students were mere feathers. Also as expected, they chickened out and fell flat on the ground, to the laughter of their peers.
However, it appeared at least one student was paying attention! And frankly, that's a miracle in and of itself. Jump to the next week, when a student, one Arnold Collins, asked to show something to his Professor. Apparently, the lad had been so captivated by the demonstration, he set out to make a more practical tool himself. Cue a solid week spent in the Varsity machine shops, toiling away at prototype after prototype, until, at lonh last, he had it. He called it, this piece of luggage containing a miniaturised aerium complex, the very creative name of "Aero-Luggage". And lo, it was so.
What is the Aero-Luggage used for?
Aero-Luggage itself is most valuable in the transport of heavy, relatively small objects. That, combined with the sheer costs inherent to any product upon the appearence of any amount of Aerium crystals in its construction, has lent it an exclusive and limited degree of use. To my knowledge, banks and secure courier services have made significant usage of such containers in transporting precious commodities and items, from the relatively simple precious metals and jewels, to such things as "the entirety of the literary records of a major author" from his home to a museum. Strange.
A far more common application of the contraptions is simply as a way to flaunt wealth in a passingly practical manner. I suppose the sight of these sorts of luggage floating through the air at head height, their shiny, embossed faces clad in fine silks or clean marble plate for reasons I can't fathom, has an air of beauty about it, but when trains of servants are still employed to carry all such detritus about, the only thing positive I feel is a sympathy for those poor souls' spines. I mean, do you really need a case carrying your undergarments and tourist prizes to be able to fly?
Lastly, another minor sector of users of the technology can be found among souls such as myself, the users of magic. If I'm being honest, our own usage is hardly more interesting than that enjoyed by the aforementioned well-to-dos, but it has its own character. Of course, there is the pride of fine craftsmanship, in the case of those like myself who take on the challenge of making our own devices. Then, there is the sort of professional pride I know many feel in owning and using such contraptions, a way of showing one's skills in the magical trades openly and proudly. And, lastly, there are some like myself who, having mastered the finer skills of magic casting to manipulate the very crystals themselves, have the ability to "play around" with our creations. Again, not actually too practical, but when you see someone flying around on the back of a piece of luggage while you're stuck on the ground, it is quite a sight.
Find the original blog on world anvil!
Check out @thetruearchmagos for more content like this!
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—༉Do you…believe in Magic? 
by @orphicpoieses
Some may already know the series, others are hearing it for the first time: Annarasumanara. Annarasumanara — or The Sound of Magic — is a K-Drama available to watch on Netflix. It's about a young girl living in poverty who meets a magician in an abandoned amusement park. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen the series yet! Because contrary to what you might think, Annarasumanara is not about a love story, but about the power of magic.
But what does that have to do with writing?
On the one hand nothing. On the other hand everything. Because first and foremost an author is just that: a magician. A magician who can create worlds. We all, no matter what genre, have to believe in magic to tell stories. Sometimes the magic of our world. Sometimes the magic of love. And sometimes the magic of a smile.
We are artists: painters, writers, craftsmen. We create things to produce magic. Without spoilers, I can pick up a scene from the series: It might be a stage trick that we create, but the smiles we see...that's the real magic behind it.
Just because something is hidden in the dark doesn't mean it's not there. When the road gets rocky, look up at the sky that needs no roads.
Because even if you don't know what to do now, if you're stuck in one place, if it's difficult for you now: at some point the path will become easier and you look back with a smile.
So? What about you? Do you...believe in Magic?
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We hope, you enjoyed this issue of The Orphic News! We also want to thank @thetruearchmagos for this wonderful article!
If you want to be featured in the next issue, please send us a dm or submit something via the button in the bio.
Otherwise, please visit us next week again for the next issue of The Orphic News.
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the-orphic-news · 2 years
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After over 40 people liked the idea of a writeblr newspaper, it’s finally here!
But to launch with creative content, we need you!
Submit anything you want to include in the newspaper: wip intros, writeblr intros, snippets, resources and more!
Just send us an dm or submit directly via the button in the profile.
To make sure that the readers don’t get hit by a way to long post, we can only include short to medium length texts. If you want to submit a longer text, please send the link to the original post with the submission so we can include it in the next newspaper.
If there are to many submissions of the same kind, we will publish them separately in different issues. If your content didn’t get published in the last one, it will stay in the queue and will be published later.
We will tag every creator who submits something to the newspaper. Every text belongs to the creator and we won’t claim any snippets or ideas.
If you have any questions you can always dm us or send an ask.
For anyone who doesn’t know about the concept of the newspaper, please visit the previous post down below!
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the-orphic-news · 2 years
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01. September 2022
Welcome to The Orphic News, a Writeblr Newspaper! In this issue you will find out who is behind the idea, how you can contribute and how often it appears. You can find out more about the concept of the newspaper here.
—༉table of content
The editorial office
How to write a post
Release interval
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—༉The editorial office
The newspaper was founded by @orphicpoieses in September 2022.
It is currently managed and written by: @orphicpoieses
As long as the newspaper is still in its infancy and demand is low, the team will remain small and manageable. Depending on demand and processing time, additional members will be sought later who will diligently support the newspaper.
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—༉How to write a post
This newspaper is all about the Writeblr community. From profile presentations to submitted texts to tips and tricks, everything is welcome here.
Anyone who would like to contribute to the newspaper, present their WIP or contribute other things to the newspaper can contact us at any time! Either dm us or submit it and we'll try to wrap it up in the next issue.
For more information, please visit this post.
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—༉Release interval
As yet there is not enough content for the paper to be published weekly, so The Orphic News is still being published infrequently at this time when we receive material. However, our goal is to eventually build a regular newspaper that is informative and promotes the community.
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The editors would like to thank all contributors and are always happy to receive feedback.
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