I’m glad that it did :3 P.s You’re welcome! I was just surfing Tumblr and found you’re blog! It’s very promising.  @ask-accurate-philippines
Mun_Gab.exe has stopped working
I’m sorry…but thank you tho ;w; You both made my day.
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Idk how to react but thank you ;w; I’m sorry if it’s over the top but it’s cool that people notice you just the day after you started the blog. @ask-piratealia-nerds thanks and have a Merry Christmas!
(QvQ Love your blog by the way—-)
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*giggles uncontrollably* ThAnK yOu! Okay okay I sound weird but…wow. H-have a Merry Christmas QvQ I uuhhh…I’m sorry if I’m being akward and over the top but…thank you again @the-conductor-of-the-train  (I checked out your blog and the Joan of Arc post hit hard ;-; and Iceland x Fridge was beautiful)
-Mun Gab
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My 2nd Art Raffle (◠‿◠✿)
Okay so in the spirit of Christmas (and me, being a  big forgetful idiot, realizing too late that November was this blog’s first year in tumblr,) I’ll be having a second art raffle!
The rules are the same just like last time:
•Must be a follower to this blog (new followers are welcome but must not unfollow after the raffle)
•You have to either like or reblog this post to enter the raffle. Doing both can let you enter twice but you can only reblog this once.
•Unable to reply my message after the announcing of winners will not receive their prize and I will randomly choose again within 3 days after the deadline.
•The raffle starts now and ends in December 31st Philippines time zone (UTC+08:00) which means that in the other side of the world, its on December 30.
Here are the prizes!
1st Prize: Full cell and soft colour shading and full body piece. (Minimum of characters are 3 and background will be a simple one. They can choose both my normal art style or my cartoon-ish one.)
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2nd Prize: Flat colour and half body piece. (Minimum of characters are 3 and can only choose one art style, my normal or my cartoon-ish art style.)
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3rd Prize: Flat colour and bust size piece. (Minimum of characters are 2 and just like the 2nd prize, can only choose one art style.)
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character by: Seii  and my final drawing
Bonus prizes!! (Will choose 2 winners.)
They’ll both receive a half body line art in my normal art style.
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So here are the samples! The backgrounds can be discussed but I really want to keep it simple because I suck so much at it. ;;;
Remeber! The deadline is in December 31st/30!
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I...umm. Do I pm you or...? 
I’m sorry ;w; Izuku Midoriya from MHA eating a cookie is my request. Can’t wait to see more of your future art and have a very merry Christmas! 
love from Las Piñas ~(>w<)~
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Salamat para sa lahat! ((Please bear with my awful drawing skills)) 
Like and/or reblog to enter ^^
Must be following this blog ((Please don’t unfollow after the raffle, that’s kinda sad and rude ;^;))
No spamming
For the Requests:
No Nsfw
No cursing ((soft curses would be okay))
Super gorey stuff (( Blood would still be okay))
For oc’s please send references ^^
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Don’t worry Icey, we’ll be your friends.
Tsun tsun to bishie holy freckled Jesus
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Canada...never really noticed by anyone.
Isn’t that sad?
Look at that transformation
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The Berlin Wall. 
Yeah, Prussia is East Germany now.
Yes Germany is unified now but there are still some regional differences.
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How America learned about human life.
(Here’s the story: http://hetalia.kitawiki.net/index.php?title=Davie)
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Here’s a good vid :3 
All credits to the onwer.
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Here’s some crack
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Now here’s some more emo shizz 
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No need to explain this.
The last one made me cry.
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People who say that Russia is a Psycho path are psycho paths.
The reason why he’s like this because of wars when he was young. They broke his innocence and maybe...his mind. All this guy wants to do is to live in a peaceful life where it’s warm and sunny with lots of sunflowers.
Read more about his character development you monsters.
Link: http://hetalia.kitawiki.net/index.php?title=Russia
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Joan of Arc.
Wikipedia or historical way:
(Link to the whole thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Arc)
Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d'Arc,[5] IPA: [ʒan daʁk]; 6 January c. 1412[6] – 30 May 1431), nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans" (French: La Pucelle d'Orléans), is considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War and was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint. Joan of Arc was born to Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée, a peasant family, at Domrémy in north-east France. Joan said she received visions of the Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria instructing her to support Charles VII and recover France from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. The uncrowned King Charles VII sent Joan to the siege of Orléans as part of a relief mission. She gained prominence after the siege was lifted only nine days later. Several additional swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims. This long-awaited event boosted French morale and paved the way for the final French victory.
On 23 May 1430, she was captured at Compiègne by the Burgundian faction, which was allied with the English. She was later handed over to the English[7] and put on trial by the pro-English Bishop of Beauvais Pierre Cauchon on a variety of charges.[8] After Cauchon declared her guilty she was burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, dying at about nineteen years of age.[9]
In 1456, an inquisitorial court authorized by Pope Callixtus III examined the trial, debunked the charges against her, pronounced her innocent, and declared her a martyr.[9] In the 16th century she became a symbol of the Catholic League, and in 1803 she was declared a national symbol of France by the decision of Napoleon Bonaparte.[10] She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920. Joan of Arc is one of the nine secondary patron saints of France, along with Saint Denis, Saint Martin of Tours, Saint Louis, Saint Michael, Saint Rémi, Saint Petronilla, Saint Radegund and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.
The Hetalian way (maybe):
One day England decided to invade France’s upper regions and stuff. Of course France rebelled against the bitter Brit but nope. Cause Iggy is the world’s greatest invader. He invades wherever he wants, however he wants, and whenever he wants. 
(But now he’s bitter old guy who complains about America and stuff and keeps on saying things like “Excuse me you twat but I was pirate!” and mutters on how amazingly strong he was back in the day)
Then Joan of Arc came along with God by her side and kneeled down and said to France’s soon to be boss and said “God has sent me to guide you to be king.” or something like that. So the mission came true and the king was crowned. France was in awe.
Joan approached him with a big smile on her face.
“Don’t worry, I’m fighting for you.”
But England’s peeps burned her on the stake and no one came to help her...
Yeah isn’t that sad.
France considers her as his best hero.
He wants to meet Lisa again but she’s American ._.
wow this is long.
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Something, for everyone
I have a friend.
A friend who believes she’s worthless.
She believes that her existence is meaningless.
There are people who are more important then her, so why even bother she says. Every time she says that she breaks down and cries.
I always had to comfort her but she keeps pushing me away.
Her father left her.
Her mother is busy.
She has love problems.
She wants to commit suicide.
But read this...
She always manages to laugh. As in, truly laugh.
But she says she has depression.
She gets to fly to other countries with her family. Yes, her father left her but her busy mom was still able to spend time. This summer, she went to Japan and stayed there for one week.
I never been outside the country before. I have a complete family but this family is slowly being ripped apart. Soon, hopefully not, My father might leave my mom because of her endless complaining and shit.
And she says I’m lucky. Yet she knows about my life right now.
What’s more painful? Your father left when you were born and yet you live a normal life or seeing your father, the father who you truly know and cared for and loved leaving you in the middle of your life?
She says that no one is there for her and no one loves her.
Yet she pushes me away and says there’s nothing I can do.
Two boys are courting her and telling her that she’s beautiful.
Yet she believe she’s ugly and no one wants to date her.
She still cries and says she wants to commit suicide. 
I have something tell people who are like her.
 Stop bitching.
Yes, I said stop bitching around.
The fact that your complaining about your life and saying that nothing is ever great for is bullshit.
There are millions of people who have worse then you.
There are orphans who never had any parents or saw their parents die.
There are people in hospitals who are on the brink of death.
There are people who are being bullied brutally.
There are people who are being discriminated for their race.
And those are just a few of the many examples
Now think about your life.
Do you really have depression if you managed to live your life happily? Are you really unloved if you have a family that looks after you? Are you really the worst person in the world if have friends? If you think that way, That’s the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. What a piece shit.
Please love your life. Love the fact that your even alive. There so many lives in this world that had never got to live.
You wanna commit suicide? Then you maybe killing the next best thing that happens in this world’s future. Please do reconsider.
Stop being a whining baby! Start living your life in the best way possible and strive to help other’s who are once like you! Appreciate the things you have now and help others do the same thing.
Just promise me something...don’t do suicide.
Every life is precious.
Who knows, you might be the world’s next Albert Einstein :)
Admin: I found this in my locker in the fourth day of school. I got my locker at that time. It had 3 long pages and it was taped to the wall.I thought that this simple act was amazing and decided to copy the whole thing here. Spread the awareness! Be the hero this time, not America!
P.S If your the one who wrote this then great job. You truly are an wonderful person, this got me to sit back and reflect about my life.
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The fact that Iceland is usually lonely and left out sad enough.
you just had to ship him Sweden’s fridge.
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Happy Crying
Another subbed preview of the first hetamyu, this time the chibitalia song. Grab a box of tissue you might need it.
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HRE x Chibitalia or GerIta spam.
I’m doing you a favor.
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First post...uh hi. Here’s Romano and Roman Empire. 
here are some extra feels:
Romano feels unwanted. Roman Empire took Italy with him and left him with all the others. because of the feeling of neglection he became mean and tuff of the sake of showing he doesn’t care. But he really did care. He wanted his Grandfather to love him as well. Italy got the inheritance of art and riches but only he got the riches. Now in the present day, he’s left with just farming. Unlike his brother who’s successful in alot of things. 
But he still doesn’t believe that Roman Empire loved him as much.
meh just headcannon stuff
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