thatlegendaryfool · 12 days
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Been a while since I've drawn these guys. But I thought it was worth revisiting. Especially after the new helluva boss episode!
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thatlegendaryfool · 12 days
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thatlegendaryfool · 26 days
*finishes the entire thing* ...
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I demand that more be made. This was too good.
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The big day is here! Anime-Niacs: an Animaniacs zine is out!
We have made over 30 pages of illustrated art and short written stories! ✨ A lot of talented artists took part, we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it! 💜 I linked the artists in the zine, make sure you check them out!
Without further ado:
Read the zine here!
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thatlegendaryfool · 27 days
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Coming soon...
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
Meme Time
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The original photo cause this is too much of a worthy meme pose to have:
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
To Fanfic or not to Fanfic
The urge to create a whole new fanfic is always so great for me. Especially when I have so many ideas. My vent (which is here) encouraged me to create a new idea.
I might either make a fanfic or a blog. The question is I don't know which fits the idea better. The idea is simple: a fan keeps making characters for Animaniacs and when one of them purposely seeks out the Warners, things get out of hand.
I could make a fanfic about it. Which is simple. But I could also make a blog where it follows a certain storyline. I do draw and I am on summer break so it would be fun, but I'm not sure. My luck with blogs hasn't been so great.
I'm not sure what to do.
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
Cringe is Dead: A Fool's Perspective
(AKA I need to write and feel the need to bring my inner child out)
A lot has been labeled as cringe, the classics being self-inserts, and for a long time, I never let myself indulge in the art that is self-inserts. I have made them. But including myself in the story of my favorite shows and movies was never something I crossed the barrier of for fear of being labeled as cringe and cast out as an outcast among the fandom community.
But as I've grown older, I've realized I've pushed down all my 'cringe' wants and let them manifest into my inner child desires. Like, okay sure, I would like to ship myself with a character I like (multiple times), and yes I've wanted to make fanfiction with myself as a main character. But the reason I never did is because of that fear. And I don't like that fear. It brings out anxieties that just make fandom culture toxic. Now you don't have to agree with me (I'm really just venting), but I hope you agree no one should be outed in a fandom for their interests. Of course, there are problematic types (ones that I don't have to name and don't want to), which shouldn't be encouraged. But we as a community agree there are dos and don'ts of the fandoms.
But the self-insert doesn't have to be one. Yet it's made to be one.
But honestly, it's like saying making too many ocs is bad. Is it? No. It's called being creative and inventive. I've made dozens of Animaniacs ocs and they only encourage me to create and write.
The idea that cringe will always be around is heartbreaking, but we have to realize calling something cringe is the same thing as outing a person for their interests. I could even be called cringe for saying this, but I would like to make a self-insert. Who doesn't want to be their favorite show? Their favorite movies? Books!
Cringe culture is just another excuse to out people. We become bullies by encouraging cringe culture. So why not cancel the cringe culture? Why not make it cringe to be in cringe culture?
I don't know who will listen to this, but I just want our fandom communities to be safer. And to be honest, from my side of Tumblr, I see plenty of good folks. But what kills me is the people who encourage cringe culture.
So what if I am cringe? Cringe is just another excuse to bully. And I will not encourage it. I want to be free to be a part of a fandom without someone ridiculing me for my interests. Cringe is dead and dead I hope it stays. We need more diversity in our fandoms, it's where the best ideas come from.
Fanfiction is meant to be self-indulgent. Fanart is meant to be fun. So why can't I be both? I don't have to hide. If you don't like it, move on. If you feel the need to hate, I'll ignore you. If you want to call me cringe, then go right ahead, because I'll be as cringey as I want to be and you can't stop it.
Cringe is dead. So let's keep cringe culture dead.
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
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happy siblings day!
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
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"I don't condone hitting women, but I never said anything about strangling bitches." -Lucifer (probably)
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
Warmuppsss of THE KING🫵💥❤️
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Every single scene of him is adorable
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
Fearless year of Shadow aye?
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
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My redraw in my style of the Vox print from Streamily!
(The original print design is by @/GasuGuma on twt!)
I did this as an art study and I felt like I learned a lot. GasuGuma is one of my idols!
Full uncompressed image (16"x 20") is for download here if anyone wants it! https://ibb.co/Hns0krw
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
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The ultimate lifeform's attempt at flirting, slightly cringy but quite effective.
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Sonic interrupts the moment lmao
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
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Blub blub !!
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thatlegendaryfool · 1 month
And that's how they became boyfriends.
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