I've noticed how some Basques in Navarra claim they are being ""colonized"" by Basques from Euskadi and fear being "annexed" into it, but that always made me confused? Because the Basque Kingdom of Navarra started in... Navarra.
(Addendum) I don't know if it's a similar thing with the one that happens with Catalunya and Valencia, where Valencians claim they are not actually Catalans and don't speak Catalan and that Valencian is a different language altogether... 😬
Kaixo anon!
It has similarities, but it's not the same case. All of this is the consequence of the zonification of Nafarroa: it’s divided in 3 different regions regarding Basque language.
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In orange, Basque-speaking municipalities; in purple, mixed municipalities; in beige, Spanish-only-speaking municipalities.
A quick historical recap. Although it’s true that the southern side of Nafarroa was the part that suffered the Roman influence the most - it was an ideal location for Roman agriculture - and was very quickly romanized, Euskara didn’t disappear into thin air.
Back in the Middle Ages, Castilian king Alfonso X the Wise used Latin expression “lingua navarrorum” (the language of the Navarrese), and king Charles III of Navarre swore his coronation “in ydiomate navarre” (the language of Navarre). This language was clearly regarded as a different and opposed one to Castilian Romance or Latin, and scholars suspect it would have been probably Euskara.
These mentions happened after Muslim invasion, so we see that after centuries using Latin, Arab, and Romance in Southern Nafarroa, there still remained native languages which were used by many people; people enough for the kings to use it so they could be understood by their subjects, at least.
A bit further in time, in 1566, queen Jeanne III of Navarre requested to translate the New Testament to Euskara so her Basque-speaking subjects could understand it (Bibles and masses were solely in Latin, a language only known by priests and nobility by then). Why even bothering if in the Kingdom of Navarre Basque-speakers were a minority? We highly doubt that a queen was interested in bringing the Bible to a tiny part of the Navarrese population specifically…
However from the 16th century on, everything goes downhill: Castile assimilates the Kingdom of Navarre, all the high public servants would come from Castile or Aragon, and were unable and unwilling to speak Euskara. In 1795 the social elite (mayor, priests, etc) of Artaxona [also in the South, remember] went to court to demand that the town public notary learnt the Basque language since it was “the language most commonly used in town”. They lost the trial.
In the 19th century, the French invasion and the Carlist Wars hastened the regression of Euskara in southern Navarre, that turned almost 100% Spanish-speaking. Franco’s dictatorship just consolidated that situation.
So historically, Basque was spoken by most Navarreses - no matter from the north or the south -, it was just in the last 200 hundred years when it was lost in the southern part of the region.
Nafarroa becoming divided into zones [Basque-speaking, transition, and non-Basque-speaking] is said to be based on history but we all can see it’s bullshit.
That said, it’s a bit easier to understand why some Navarreses have this animosity towards Basques - not only towards Basques, also towards Basque-speaking Navarreses. They like to be considered Navarrese and not Basques - which is super respectable - because the kingdom of Navarre was the one that included Basque people and not the other way around - which is also very true... if we stopped in the Middle Ages. If we go back further in time, we'll find the county of Vasconia, though.
However don’t be fooled. They will swiftly drop historical accuracy to defend that Basque was never spoken in middle and southern Nafarroa and that Basque is being imposed as part of a Basque political agenda; that Basque people are trying to colonize them and make them lose their identity; and that they should resist at all costs by rejecting Basque as an imposed language. Spanish wasn't the imposed one, Euskara is. French and English - taught in every school - are also not imposed and free to go on seemingly.
See how just 2 centuries of assimilation and banning of Basque have twisted their perception? Basque people are imposing our language on them… our language that for centuries was called… the language of the Navarrese??? It’s insane. The Spanish Constitution includes the possibility of uniting Euskadi and Nafarroa in just one Autonomus Community if approved by a referendum, but of course with this social situation the mere mention of it will be controversial to say the least.
So this is what dividing a region into here you can speak a language, here you can speak it but you’ll be part of a tiny minority, and here you’ll find every obstacle imaginable to speak / learn it does to people. Language zonification in Nafarroa is evil and a blatant tool for assimilation that has worked wonders.
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gxryfmo · 4 hours
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random-conspiracy · 9 months
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msclaritea · 1 year
"This🧵draws parallels between Truss' model of investment zones to those installed in Shenzen, China, another model of capitalist achievement lauded by the libertarian right. Even Chinese citizens needed visas to enter the quarantined ‘corporate zone of economic experimentation’.
Inside this zone, local entrepreneurs were left to self organize as corporate management had been handed Govt powers. The zone had a huge influx of foreign investment as land and labor were aggressively commodified.
1987 an inland market was set up, a deluge of venture capitalists descended onto Shenzen, huge swathes of land were taken from rural usage and transformed into private property, this was one of the biggest transfers of public wealth to private hands in modern history. UK next!
As zone fever gripped the nation, on paper the results were staggering, in 1980, officials hoped to bring in 300,000 people to Shenzen by 2000, the real number was 10million, by 2020 the population doubled to 20million
Template of a China of enclaves was set, total 'zonification'
A reserve army of migrant labourers moved between the city and the countryside, mini zones 'permitted' town and village enterprises to produce and sell for the larger markets dominating the region. Sunak and Hunt’s SEZs will do much the same thing by weaponising deregulation.
What Sunak is doing with his Freeports&SEZ’s is restructuring sovereignty so it enables in newly written anti-EU law the hypermobile movement of capital in and around increasingly competitive zones, a patchwork of sovereignty bought up by selling off public assets #BrexitDisaster
In 1990 Milton Friedman said the right model for Eastern Europe after state socialism was not the US, GB, it was Hong Kong. Capitalism did not need democracy to work, the path to success was the 'zone'. For God's sake UK wake up and stop whats coming next to post Brexit UK.
Brexit UK, a perfect model for the zone, an isolated island, a 3rd country that wants nothing to do with EU regulation and protectionism. Govt despises ECHR, anti-immigration is cover for domestic workers rights being shredded to allow the corporate zone to treat people as slaves.
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The Tories are doing the exact same in Britain that the GOP, along with their corporate donors have been trying to do here, destroy the government, with the help of the hard left. Trump tried the same action, taking America out of long-standing contracts with Human Rights organizations. Britain is being turned into a version of Communist China. Meantime, Twitter is flooded with pro-China trolls.
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ayanos-pl · 2 years
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オシツケ(アブラボウズ)の頭@魚國さん 先日インスタグラムで解体ライブやってたやつ。でかい。
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cityinterface · 3 years
Zonification playing such a crucial role in city planning gone awry.
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myhouseidea · 4 years
Coast Apartment is a project designed by Manuel García Asociados. This bright and simple apartment is located on the Moraira coast. It is an adaptation of a promotional home that customers wanted to customize to their tastes and requirements. The needs of the clients were small hall, a couple of spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms and a spacious day area which incorporates a kitchen, dining room and living room in a single room, leaving only the service area and the terrace outside. Photography by Miguel Ángel Cabrera
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Despite the fact that the general zonification of the house has been respected, a change has been made in the initial distribution, unifying two secondary bedrooms into one that becomes the main one and subtracting a small space for the reception area. We decided to eliminate the kitchen’s enclosure to achieve an open space and notably shorten the linear meters of corridor. The rest of the pieces only vary slightly in proportions We pursued mediterranean, natural and discreet appearance with light woods, certainly desaturated, which gives the apartment that calm air. The shade of the lacquers is defined by a “dirty” blue and the use of black is reserved for the lighting and certain elements to provide contrast. The kitchen is imple and very functional. The column area is resolved in oak, forming a volume that bursts from the distributor and enters into dialogue with the rest of the furniture in the day area. The kitchen is delimited by a large storage volume that integrates several TV screens, as well as two-sided storage to deposit the tableware (on the kitchen side) and to provide service to the living area. This part integrates the dining table. A heavy Ceppo di Gre stone body which emerges from the main volume as a horizontal element that is slightly suspended and embraces the storage structure. A metal substructure together with a glass plane placed on the edge is responsible for maintaining the weight of the flying object. From the access the characteristic resources of the house are already shown: the presence of the porcelain, the wood and especially the lathes that materialize the courtesy cabinet integrated in it. A carpentry work is repeated in the head of the bed in the bedroom, the front part of the dressing room and the main volume of the living room. The slats give these elements texture and a certain nobility. The front wall of the bedroom is completely covered with wood to give the space a warmer atmosphere. The sliding doors create entrance to the dressing room and to the interior of the bathroom. At the same time these entrance doors combine smooth wooden surface with others wooden parts with slats and with their characteristic weave. The lighting of the entire house is specially designed to encourage the use of indirect lighting present in the ceiling slats and curtain covers. The light tones and the moderate use of artificial light contribute to the calm and Mediterranean aesthetics pursued from the beginning of the project. Both bathrooms are resolved by porcelain slabs with a stone colour and oak furniture. Its design is essential and practical. An opal glass is incorporated above the toilet in the main bathroom, connecting both toilets and allowing entering the natural light into the common bathroom. The children’s bedroom consists of a 135 cm bed, with a lower trundle bed and a shelf area for storage. The head, as with the main bedroom, intersperses grooved areas with other smooth areas. The wood here is combined with the tones of cinnamon and salmon to sweeten the girl´s room.
Loction: Moraira, Alicante Floor area: 100 m2 Year of realization: 2019 Interior Design: Manuel García Asociados
Coast Apartment by Manuel García Asociados Coast Apartment is a project designed by Manuel García Asociados. This bright and simple apartment is located on the Moraira coast.
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phgq · 3 years
DTI seeks zoning of Zambo City livestock, poultry industry
#PHnews: DTI seeks zoning of Zambo City livestock, poultry industry
ZAMBOANGA CITY--The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has called on the local government to strengthen the local livestock and poultry industry's zonification program to address health and sanitation problems as well as supply shortage. “In Cagayan de Oro City, the officials there approved an ordinance creating a buffer zone for poultry raisers. There are particular places where only chickens are being raised, and there is no complaint of sanitation,” DTI-9 Director Ceferino Rubio said Tuesday. Rubio noted that there is no buffer zone for the livestock and poultry industry in the city. The government immediately issues a closure order in case of any complaint about sanitation. “This results in the shortage of supply, especially chicken, as the businessmen lessen the number of chicken they raise for fear the government will close down their poultry,” he said. Rubio’s statement came on the heels of the supply shortage of chicken and other livestock currently being experienced in the city. “There is already a need to strengthen the agricultural backyard of this city to resolve this dilemma. This is going to be a problem in the future if not addressed immediately,” Rubio said. The DTI official believes that the city should not rely more on other provinces for basic commodities. “Other cities and provinces are strengthening their food security because they are thinking ahead; we need to do the same,” he added. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "DTI seeks zoning of Zambo City livestock, poultry industry." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1128586 (accessed January 27, 2021 at 02:53AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "DTI seeks zoning of Zambo City livestock, poultry industry." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1128586 (archived).
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juansmonroy · 4 years
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Against the failure of modernism and Post-War design.
 Ville Radieuse, Le Corbusier, (1935) Zonification cities
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celerybroker · 5 years
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Vélez Sarsfield VENTA LOTE 8,66 x 33 Zonif E3 (en Vélez Sarsfield, Distrito Federal, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxopdceAi1r/?igshid=19yfvie2maet6
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It seems from the interactions I see on social media there is some sort of animosity between Basques from Euskadi and Nafarroa, like distancing themselves from the ikurrina (which I get, they have their own flag, but I'm talking straight up hate). Which is undoudtedly a product of imperialism meant to further drive away any sense of solidarity for all of EH. On the other hand, I see many Basques from Nafarroa who exclusively use Basque (some from Lapurdi too) so maybe things are looking better..
Kaixo anon!
It'd be better to have some context for the situation you describe and that is sadly true. Let's keep in mind that Nafarroa it's divided in 3 different regions regarding Basque language.
Now let’s recap. Although it’s true that the southern side of Nafarroa was the part that suffered the Roman influence the most - it was an ideal location for Roman agriculture - and was very quickly romanized, Euskara didn’t disappear into thin air.
Back in the Middle Ages, Castilian king Alfonso X the Wise used Latin expression “lingua navarrorum” (the language of the Navarrese), and king Charles III of Navarre swore his coronation “in ydiomate navarre” (the language of Navarre). This language was clearly regarded as a different and opposed one to Castilian Romance or Latin, and scholars suspect it would have been probably Euskara.
These mentions happened after Muslim invasion, so we see that after centuries using Latin, Arab, and Romance in Southern Nafarroa, there still remained native languages which were used by many people; people enough for the kings to use it so they could be understood by their subjects, at least.
A bit further in time, in 1566, queen Jeanne III of Navarre requested to translate the New Testament to Euskara so her Basque-speaking subjects could understand it (Bibles and masses were solely in Latin, a language only known by priests and nobility by then). Why even bothering if in the Kingdom of Navarre Basque-speakers were a minority? We highly doubt that a queen was interested in bringing the Bible to a tiny part of the Navarrese population specifically…
However from the 16th century on, everything goes downhill: Castile assimilates the Kingdom of Navarre, all the high public servants would come from Castile or Aragon, and were unable and unwilling to speak Euskara. In 1795 the social elite (mayor, priests, etc) of Artaxona [also in the South, remember] went to court to demand that the town public notary learnt the Basque language since it was “the language most commonly used in town”. They lost the trial.
In the 19th century, the French invasion and the Carlist Wars hastened the regression of Euskara in southern Navarre, that turned almost 100% Spanish-speaking. Franco’s dictatorship just consolidated that situation.
So historically, Basque was spoken by most Navarreses - no matter from the north or the south -, it was just in the last 200 hundred years when it was lost in the southern part of the region.
Nafarroa becoming divided into zones [Basque-speaking, transition, and non-Basque-speaking] is said to be based on history but we all can see it’s bullshit.
That said, it's a bit easier to understand why some Navarreses have this animosity towards Basques - it's not only towards Basques, it's also towards Basque-speaking Navarreses. They like to be considered Navarrese and not Basques - which is super respectable - because the kingdom of Navarre was the one that included Basque people and not the other way around - which is also very true! But don't be fooled. They will swiftly drop historical accuracy to defend that Basque was never spoken in middle and southern Nafarroa and that Basque is being imposed as part of a Basque political agenda; that Basque people are trying to colonize them and make them lose their identity; and that they should resist at all costs by rejecting Basque as an imposed language. French and English - taught in every school - are not imposed and free to go on seemingly.
See how just 2 centuries of assimilation and banning of Basque have twisted their perception? Basque people are imposing our language on them... our language that for centuries was called... the language of the Navarrese??? It's insane.
So this is what dividing a region into here you can speak a language, here you can speak it but you'll be part of a tiny minority, and here you'll find every obstacle imaginable to speak / learn it does to people. Language zonification in Nafarroa is evil and a tool for assimilation that - as you have checked yourself - has worked wonders.
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celerybroker · 5 years
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Vélez Sarsfield VENTA LOTE 8,66 x 33 Zonif E3 (en Vélez Sarsfield, Distrito Federal, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxopdceAi1r/?igshid=1ps6q1sk2nbc0
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