etabetapr · 1 year
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- GOLD ICE - Vieni a scoprire i nostri gioielli sul nostro Shop www.goldiceofficial.com - Per avere novità in anteprima inviaci una email a: [email protected] Verrai iscritto alla nostra News Letters e avrai uno sconto di benvenuto - #shop #acquisti #gioielli #goldiceofficial #madeitaly🇮🇹❤️ #artigianatoitaliano #newsletter #orecchini #zirconi #earrings - #EtaBetaPR @Eta_Beta_PR #EtaBetaPR_for_GoldIce #Mtpisani_EtaBetaPR (presso Eta Beta PR & Events) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn5KYd-jJvi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scienza-magia · 2 years
Diamanti per uso industriale creati in laboratorio dal PET
Dalla bottiglietta di plastica al diamante. Esperimento spaziale apre nuove prospettive per il riciclo dei rifiuti. Quello che per una persona è immondizia può diventare un tesoro per un’altra, e in modo letterale.  Un esperimento con finalità legate allo studio spaziale ha ottenuto nano diamanti facendo colpire da un raggio laser il materiale utilizzato dalle bottiglietta di plastica. I ricercatori dello SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California intendevano ricreare il fenomeno della “pioggia di diamanti” che si verifica all’interno di Nettuno e Urano. All’interno di questi pianeti giganti di ghiaccio ci sono temperature di diverse migliaia di gradi Celsius e la pressione è milioni di volte superiore a quella dell’atmosfera terrestre. A queste condizioni si ritiene che gli idrocarburi cambino la propria struttura molecolare sino a trasformarsi in diamanti.
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Per imitare questo processo, gli scienziati hanno sparato un laser ad alta potenza sulla plastica di polietilene tereftalato (PET) – un materiale idrocarburico comunemente usato negli imballaggi monouso – e hanno assistito alla crescita di strutture simili a diamanti. Il PET ha un buon equilibrio tra carbonio, idrogeno e ossigeno per simulare l’attività dei pianeti di ghiaccio”, ha dichiarato Dominik Kraus, fisico dell’HZDR e professore all’Università di Rostock. Per l’esperimento è stato usato un laser ottico ad alta potenza presso la Linac Coherent Light Source di SLAC per riscaldare brevemente una sottile pellicola di PET fino a 10.800°F (6.000°C). Questo ha generato un’onda d’urto che ha compresso il materiale per alcuni nanosecondi, fino a un milione di volte la pressione atmosferica. La combinazione di temperatura elevata e pressione ha generato i nanodiamanti, tra l’altro così comprovando teoricamente l’ipotesi della “Pioggia di diamanti” dei pianeti esterni. nel caso di Urano però l’idrocarburo di base è l’abbondante metano, che, fra l’altro, fornisce la colorazione bluastra al pianeta. Questa scoperta apre una strada interessante allo studio di nuove soluzioni per la produzione dei diamanti ad uso industriale, un mercato in continua crescita e che potrebbe combinarsi positivamente con il riciclo delle plastiche. Non si può mai sapere cosa riservi la tecnologia. Read the full article
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nalu-gifs · 2 years
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N: “What’s your deal? I’m startin’ to think that you like fightin’ naked.”
L: “Don’t stare at me!”
N: “Ah, for cryin’ out-- Fine, I’ll cover them.”
L: “Pervert! You were supposed to cover your eyes instead!”
H: “Uh oh. Sorry buddy, did I come at a bad time?”
N: “Very funny! Don’t blame me! Blame Fairy Tail’s resident flasher, Lucy Heart-feel-me-up!”
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happyvoidharmony · 2 years
Actually getting mad about how we got deprived of the fight Zirconis (aka. the shame dragon that strips people naked) vs. Laxus (aka. biggest cocky arrogant ass of all time).
I mean, how iconic that would have been
Zirconis : I will strip you down to nothing, make that dragon slayerish grin vanish and you disappear behind the redness of your embarassment.
Laxus : My body was chiseled by the gods and my clothes are actually the only thing keeping me from getting too cocky.
And Mira laughing her ass off behind.
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e-vay · 1 month
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@zirconie: So I was on lunch break, I was the only person left in the Physics dept, no lab managers there to judge me or say “Watcha doin?” over my shoulder. Oh yeah, it’s art time baby. I Haven’t drawn CC before but I’ve been meaning to for literal years but I kept forgetting or didn’t have time. I hope you like her in my style! (Sorry about the signature, people like to steal my stuff. -_-)
E-vay: I'm so sorry it took me so long to find this in my inbox. CC looks great in your style! I love the sweet reverence in this scene; she’s just observing life with a sense of longing. Thank you for the drawing!
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allfiredupfornalu · 9 months
Chapter 331: Natsu's Strategy
Indulge yourselves with this NaLu Chapter!
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As Lucy was thrown away by Zirconis, for some reason she was pointed towards Natsu's location.
Yep, a naked Lucy.
As Lucy jumps onto Natsu they fall.
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I also don't know what to say.
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At last, the spinning finished so weird.
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One of the funniest NaLu moments
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This trio's weird antics never dies.
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For some reason, Lucy's story on what happened gave Natsu an idea on how to defeat the dragons.
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But she only got dressed and now Natsu undressed her again.
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Your Natsu.
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Oh Lucy can't stop blushing!
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raiiryuu · 2 months
👫 cuz, ya know, dragons
⚡︎ FOUR HEADCANONS ⚡︎ - @skyroars
Laxus looks at this kid and he knows she can handle herself -- and that Charle is a great partner for her -- but his first instinct is still protect this one with your life. It's not much different for anyone else in the guild, nowadays, but he's more conscious of it. He thinks it'd be fun to do a combo attack with their magics again, like they did against Zirconis after the Games, but he's not sure at all how she feels about him in return. Also really admires her healing magic.
He's...honestly very glad she joined AFTER the Battle of Fairy Tail. Even if he wasn't around, when he did come back it was one of the few things that felt normal. He...was kinda convinced he'd just scare her, though, so he kept his distance for a while.
Laxus has absolutely stopped random flying objects from hitting her mid-brawl. Sometimes he tries to pass it off as unintentional, sometimes a bottle will just get zapped before reaching her and it's very obvious.
He feels like he's able to speak to her easier than a lot of the rest of the guild, and isn't as likely to pull his grumpy 'it's nothing leave me alone grr' bullshit with her as he is with most others. He may not tell all, but he'll be less vague about it.
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💎Super styling per questo bellissimo orecchio: 🌟Helix Piercing con cluster crescent moon a sei zirconi tondi e beads 🌟Conch Piercing con crescent moon con zircone centrale marquise e laterali tondi e beads 🌟Cambio su lobi non miei con due clicker con micro pavé di zirconi ♥️ Grazie @mela_federica_mele_ . . #earcuration #curatedear #curatedearpiercings #earpiercing #earrings #earproject #helixpiercing #conchpiercing #conch #helix #bodyjewelry #piercingjewelry #piercedgirl #pierced #romapiercing (presso INK Factory Tattoo Roma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnH5JAatsWM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I have further reason to insanely dislike those news sites that make like 50 top tens a day.
I was basically looking for some pics of where Nirvana was hidden for the story so I could figure out how to transition characters walking through a forest to those old ruins when I came across an article ranking the ten dumbest villain plans in the show and oh boy, I am convinced they either A. didn't read/watch the show, b. skimmed through it or c. purposefully cut out important key details to make some of those plans sound dumb.
Daphne being on the list doesn't bother me but oh boy some of the others do.
They several times bring up how its dumb for villains to want to resurrect Zeref when he isn't dead like it isn't established that very few people know that information. Neither Avatar nor Jellal (both in the list) knew that information.
They also say that its dumb for Jellal to want to build the R-system and mention how he was never possessed by Zeref but completely negate to mention that he was influenced by Ultear which was why his personality did a sudden 180.
They say its dumb the Seiz want to cause Chaos when its literally a case of they are angry at the world for the trauma they went through and were being led by a man who didn't care to have them healthily address their trauma. Some people angry at the world will lash out in similar ways (minus the magic of course)
Rogue's plan was apparently dumb because there was no way 7 dragons would be able to defeat Acnologia, completely ignoring the fact that Rogue planned to have 10,000 dragons but Lucy and Yukino closed the gate which caused him to have to rework. They also state that its dumb that he wouldn't care about killing anyone in his path but in the same paragraph already mentioned how he had been swallowed by darkness and we already saw in the same arc that the shadow is very willing to kill when it wanted to kill Gajeel.
They say how its dumb for Faust to want everlasting magic in a world where its fading. Its not dumb for him to want something that would benefit him or his kingdom. That was his motive. What made him the villain was that he was willing to kill people from another world and the exceeds to get that magic. That doesn't make it dumb.
And by far the one I am the most annoyed by, "Acnologia just wants destruction". Firstly, they get a basic fact wrong by saying "audiences were able to sympathise at first" when talking about his backstory which is completely false. His first mention is after he maimed Gildarts and first appearance where he destroys Tenrou island. We never get a backstory in the manga and the anime one isn't until the last few episodes. The closest thing to back story before that is Zirconis saying that Acnologia was once human before becoming a dragon and when he sympathises with a little girl in dragon cry. That's it. And even then, Acnologia was never motivated by just destruction. He was betrayed by a dragon he trusted and then immediately went into a war against them with no chance to healthily cope with his trauma and emotions which he turned into anger that was directed at dragons which was followed by 400 years of isolation with maybe a couple interactions every so often with Zeref or someone else. And 1. he didn't seek out Gildarts, he accidently stumbled on the location that Acnologia was staying at and the dragon attacked. We at least know the immense magic on tenrou was what attracted him that time, maybe the multiple dragon slayer magic being used since Wendy, Laxus, Gajeel and Natsu were all in the one place for the first time two of them used secret arts. He showed up in Tartarous because of END and stayed because of the dragons and came in Alvarez because of the slayers in the area since all of them were fighting and he made it clear when he killed God Serena that was what he was after and then later gathered the remaining 7 because he needed them to stabilise his body when his soul and body split. He had reasons for showing up every time and always had something he focused on. He only destroyed stuff in the end of Alvarez because his body and soul were split. His goal was always dragons and slayers(possibly because he didn't know their seeds were thwarted so just saw them as dragons since they would become dragons eventually like he did)
God I went on there. I just had a lot to say about this article.
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rosenere · 2 years
Sembri una persona linda, pulita che dice sempre quel che pensa. Sembri un diamante in mezzo a tutti gli zirconi del cesto.
Sembri, esatto, non sei. E questo ti rende finto per metà.
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etabetapr · 2 years
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- GOLD ICE Collezione Sport e Combattimento Ciondoli - Ciondolo Guantone in argento 925 con pietre in morganite incastonati a mano. - 380 € - Scoprilo su Shop: www.goldiceofficial.com - Corner @kickandpunch_milano_downtown Via Vivaio,1 Milano - #gold_ice_official #ciondoli #guantone #zirconi #madeinitaly🇮🇹 - #EtaBetaPR #EtaBetaPR_for_GoldIce #Mtpisani_EtaBetaPR @etabetapr https://www.instagram.com/p/CjU0GLnjNYP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scontomio · 19 days
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💣 Orecchini a Cerchio Placcati in Oro 14K e Argento Sterling con Zirconi - Set da 6 🤑 a soli 2,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/orecchini-a-cerchio-placcati-in-oro-14k-e-argento-sterling-con-zirconi-set-da-6/?feed_id=233685&_unique_id=662f73b9dcb9a&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Orecchini%20a%20Cerchio%20Placcati%20in%20Oro%2014K%20e%20Argento%20Sterling%20con%20Zirconi%20-%20Set%20da%206 Questo set di 6 paia di orecchini a cerchio placcati in oro 14K offre eleganza senza tempo. Realizzati in argento Sterling, ipoallergenici e perfetti come regalo. Acquista ora! #coupon #morotole #orecchini #offerteamazon #scontomio
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fashionshopping · 2 months
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2023 New Arrival Cubic Zirconi ... Price 3.45$ CLICK TO BUY
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nalu-gifs · 2 years
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“Is that...Lucy?!”
“Catch me! Catch me!”
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zefiroshop · 3 months
Giada, zirconi ed argento.
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nhakhoaplatinum1 · 3 months
Răng Sứ Zirconia Là Gì? Bọc Răng Sứ Zirconia Có Tốt Không?
Răng sứ zirconia là một trong những vật liệu chế tạo răng giả hiện đại và tiên tiến nhất hiện nay. Răng sứ zirconia có thành phần chính là ôxít zirconi(ZrO2) nên cứng gấp khoảng 4 lần so với răng sứ thông thường. 醴 Răng sứ zirconia có màu sắc tự nhiên gần giống với răng thật hơn so với răng sứ thông thường. Răng sứ zirconia còn có độ bền cao, không bị mòn trong thời gian dài sử dụng và chống trầy xước tốt hơn so với răng sứ. Thêm vào đó, răng sứ zirconia không bị ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ và không bị biến dạng khi tiếp xúc với thức ăn nóng lạnh hay đồ uống có độ axit cao như trà, cà phê, nước ép trái cây.
Răng sứ zirconia có độ cứng cao, khoảng 8.5 độ Mohs nên chịu lực cắn và mài mòn cực tốt. 👍 Với thành phần zirconi ôxít dạng đơn nhất cùng kỹ thuật sản xuất tiên tiến, răng sứ zirconia tạo nên độ bóng láng và óng ánh tự nhiên, mang lại vẻ ngoài giống răng thật nhất.Răng sứ zirconia khi được sử dụng lâu dài vẫn giữ nguyên màu s - i9q6srauzx
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