raiiryuu · 3 months
👫 cuz, ya know, dragons
⚡︎ FOUR HEADCANONS ⚡︎ - @skyroars
Laxus looks at this kid and he knows she can handle herself -- and that Charle is a great partner for her -- but his first instinct is still protect this one with your life. It's not much different for anyone else in the guild, nowadays, but he's more conscious of it. He thinks it'd be fun to do a combo attack with their magics again, like they did against Zirconis after the Games, but he's not sure at all how she feels about him in return. Also really admires her healing magic.
He's...honestly very glad she joined AFTER the Battle of Fairy Tail. Even if he wasn't around, when he did come back it was one of the few things that felt normal. He...was kinda convinced he'd just scare her, though, so he kept his distance for a while.
Laxus has absolutely stopped random flying objects from hitting her mid-brawl. Sometimes he tries to pass it off as unintentional, sometimes a bottle will just get zapped before reaching her and it's very obvious.
He feels like he's able to speak to her easier than a lot of the rest of the guild, and isn't as likely to pull his grumpy 'it's nothing leave me alone grr' bullshit with her as he is with most others. He may not tell all, but he'll be less vague about it.
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