blue0909 · 5 months
future Little Fella :3
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
oh buddy you don’t want to know. he’s unaware it was even a possibility
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yao1-sex · 1 year
" OOhh YYikEs! Ii tHinK ThAtt onE waSs woRrssEe thAnn LiStenIng ToO peoPlE dEbAte MmYy GennDEr! "
[Glitched Candy Fox has joined the chaos!]
@rebuilding-paradise @m00re-devi1s @j0ur3nys-3nd
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sarcasticmothdraws · 2 years
i think all of the differing perception of Kankri can be so cool, i personally went the route of "he was always socially aware when he was younger and got the whole 'you're so mature for your age' thing from adult trolls on beforus and in turn he ended up stuck in this state of being a large child and missing out on alot of things like quadrants and being emotionally mature rather than socially mature, and if he says he's celibate he can avoid the horrifying idea of committed partnership with anyone because he doesn't feel like he's emotionally developed enough to deal with it" ok yyikes im being longwinded
I LOVE talking about Kankri so much and I think that is a very interesting take on his character /gen
I've also read about the headcanon that he was culled and was then babied for his entire life so he never really had the proper resources TO research things because he was constantly watched so while he does genuinely want to help out, everything he knows is surface level because that is all he was allowed to know
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ratcandy · 1 year
how would the sibling Au react to the nosks.....extinction....?
Oh worm, I'm surprised to say I don't think we ever considered that back when the concept was still being messed with !
Hrmnm. I mean, I think the lot of em would still be various levels of shocked to mortified, as anyone would be when hearing their entire species is fuckin Dead,,, but as for who takes it the hardest. Bronze, probably. Since he was the one most tied to/influenced by the nosk ideals back then,,, to him Deepnest was still "home," so. if the three went back, for whatever reason, and saw the nosk den as it is now.
erm. yyikes would need some serious all-around comforting . and either zote or silva would have to be the one to drag the other two out so they didn't just keep. staring at it I think it would have to be Zote though . both Silva and Bronze were more connected to the nosk den than he was (Zote never really saw it as "home;" he was never accepted or treated respectfully by anyone there, with the only exception being the Den Elder. Whereas Bronze and Silva had dad and mom respectively, with Bronze also having his lil clique) so it's. It'd be left up to him to be like "I think we should go" to get them out of there
and then the three of them have to Sit Down somewhere and come to terms with the fact that everyone they ever knew or grew up with is So, Incredibly Dead
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ranbizzle · 2 years
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sweetpeadancem6277 · 2 months
Kawaii Milch Haftnotiz
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hip-hoppin-hobbits · 1 year
The thing about crush is that he's a massive shit to me especially and gives me a hard time at work but also it's fun but it's the annoying you like a boy kinda thing and he's also 30 so. And like also divorced??? but I heard that in passing so this isn't info I fully know but yyikes.
I'm thinking about crush and I hate it. I'm gonna blow up and never be on earth again
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coelakanths · 3 years
while were on the subject of fucked up things in aphmau series are we not going to talk abt the arc where aphmau and katelyn are literally trafficked
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twilightsaga · 4 years
the fact that bob and eliza arent saying anything about the allegations ... says more than anything
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donnysunrise · 4 years
not to be controversial on main but trans men literally experience the shittiest form of passive aggressive misogyny and it hurts. most ppl don't view us as men ! This isn't new ! but to start to spin the narrative any trans men being in a "better situation" is bullshit and we shouldn't alienate each other...??? we both experience the cis bullshit can we stop comparing ??
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tenkotoshiggy · 4 years
Throwback to when I like leo Valdez, then he does that shit for a girl and now I’m like leo who?
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pea-milk · 6 years
bitch!!! come back!!!!
i will once my lungs stop tryin to kill me!!
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garboesque · 3 years
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New city, same fixations
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geidi-visions · 7 years
Grimes - Genesis (YYIKES! remix)
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deadgrantaires · 6 years
uhhh laptop just froze up and started screaming again so. have to deal w that tomorrow
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heckolve · 7 years
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old,,, old,,, avery content and some other side characters that i scrapped so i wont talk abt them but. i fucking hate avery im working to make him better his first concepts were badbad and hes still bad but. one day
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