oceanwithouthermoon · 3 months
kuboyasu aren is definitely the type of guy to write a love letter confession, but instead of giving it to the person to read later, he gives it to them and wants to watch them open and read it because he thinks thats the appropriate way to confess. bro couldnt just say it out loud ??
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Satouhii: i mean theyre canon(-ish, he likes her and they were like practically almost dating by the end.. ig its only crush canon like satousai) so.. saiki and aiura kinda describe all the reasons theyre perfect for each other in the show LOLZ but yea like.. even after she stopped being unlucky, him liking her before AND after just proves he actually freaking cares and just.. he likes her, flaws and all..
Yumeyasu: Theyre perfect for each other. both romantics
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sillysnack · 6 months
chiyo is an "i listen to everything" kind of gal except she only posts about the idols she listens to so no one kind of believes her until she starts listing bands / songs she knows from different genres
the doubter turned believers -> kubotori. they soon constantly ask chiyo for song recommendations
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yume-yasu · 5 years
La colo avance 🤩
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
yumehara and kuboyasu both write in a diary but yumeharas is lovingly and carefully decorated with adorable stickers and she writes in beautiful frilly handwriting with glitter pens (her handwriting actually sucks but she spends hours making this diary look pretty) while kuboyasus is filled with messy vent writing, ripped pages, and messy doodles, and the cover is fingerpainted on
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
nah wait terusai and yumeyasu go on a double date and accidentally become a polyamorous relationship ☠️
straight couples accidentally turn each other queer (/lie they just realize it together but they all have comphet lol)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
weird(?) polycule i thought of?- toritsuka x kuboyasu x yumehara !! i have no reason for it other than that the three of them are the most desperate of the group LMAO sorry
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
yumeyasu is actually a pretty perfect ship though like cmon guys.. they dont interact a lot in canon (chiyo is too busy being obsessed with his best friend) but they would be pretty powerful together
kuboyasu and yumehara are literally the two token hopeless romantics of the group☠️and they would be fully able to indulge in their fantasies together because they would actually enjoy each others view of love
arens whole thing is wanting to be chivalrous for a girl.. exactly what chiyo wants in a guy ??
guys they could be delusional together and talk about their future marriage on their first date
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
one of the more niche ships i enjoy from time to time is kuboyasu and yumehara..
like okay. just imagine, unrequited yumekai AND kubokai..
and maybe theyre love rivals at first, or more like chiyo sees aren as a love rival and aren is just uncomfortable around chiyo BUT eventually, they both get rejected in some way
probably just something dumb like, theyre all in a group and kaido says like "yea, im like REALLY not interested in dating." and they both look at each other like 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏻yo what do we do now
they talk about it privately and realize how silly it was that they disliked each other over something as dumb as a boy, who turned out to not even be interested, and they just talk and talk and are like "hey, youre actually pretty cool!"
they meet up sometimes at cafes and have little picnics and just talk, mostly about kaido, and its totally them being like "i wish he liked me, hes soo cute" while basically being on a date and not realizing it
they realize at some point.. but by then theyve practically been TOGETHER for months
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
i was thinking over my yumeyasu (here and here if youre wondering what that was about) and i just thought... what if i just add saiki to that🧍🏻‍♀️
hey hey hey hearrr me out, im a huge kubosai shipper and an avid yumesai enjoyer (usually platonic but i enjoy it romantic often too) so it makes sense to me that if yumeyasu also works, this would definitely work
just think about it... yumehara and kuboyasu are the two romantics of the group and saiki is the major tsundere, so put them together and you get a super flustered kusuo with his two flirty lovers
aren and chiyo could fluster kusuo SO easily
and they would both majorly appreciate the little things he does and his tiny thoughtful affectionate gestures 😭 they would think hes the sweetest ever
and this polycule could be really good for him because sure, they would smother him with affection but those two would also be MORE than happy to spend some time alone with just the two of them whenever kusuo feels overwhelmed or just wants some alone time..
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
kubosai brainrot so bad i sometimes look at the actual show/manga and realize i forgot how few interactions they actually have together..
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yume-yasu · 5 years
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Hello ❤
Je sais que je ne poste pas souvent à cause de mes cours et de mes devoirs à rendre. Puisque ça faisait longtemps que je n'avais rien posté, j'ai décidé de vous envoyé un petit croquis que j'ai fait durant mon cour de philo (parce que disons que philo c'est pas trop mon truc mais c'est obligatoire donc je suis présente physiquement mais pas mentalement) 😂 Ce croquis est en fait le personnage que j'animerai pour mon cour d'animation 😁 À défaut de ne pas poster souvent, je pense poster l'avancement de mon travail au fur et à mesure et si l'animation finale me convient bien, je pourrai peut être vous la partager 😊 Par contre il ne faut pas s'attendre non plus à quelque chose de grandiose, puisque c'est un travail à réaliser seule et que je n'ai qu'un mois et demi pour faire une animation de 30 secondes sans compter les autres travaux que je dois rendre pour les autres cours mais sachez que ça me fera plaisir de vous partager mon avancement 😘
Je pense coloriser la première image de mon perso aujourd'hui donc vous devriez ravoir de mes nouvelles d'ici demain 😊
Bisou 😘
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yume-yasu · 5 years
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Vendredi dernier était la journée contre l'homophobie. Étant touchée par cette journée, car j'ai des amis homosexuels et je suis moi même bisexuelle, j'ai décidé de dessiner pour cette journée 😊
J'espère que ce dessin vous plaira ;)
N'hésitez pas à mettre un j'aime et à partager, ça fait toujours plaisir 😘
P.S.: L'animation sur laquelle je travaille devrait sortir au courant de la semaine 😄
Bisous 😚
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yume-yasu · 5 years
Mon animation 😊
P.S: Désolé pour le retard 😅
Si vous voulez partager n'oubliez pas de me créditer 😘
N'hésitez pas à mettre un coeur ❤ ça fait toujours plaisir :)
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yume-yasu · 6 years
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Hello 😁 j'ai réalisé que je n'avais pas donné vraiment de nouvelles depuis longtemps :O En fait, j'ai beaucoup de travaux à faire et à remettre, mais je tiens à vous donner des nouvelles de temps en temps :D Vous rappellez vous du brouillon du fan art d'Eldarya que j'avais commencé ? Voilà où j'en suis rendue et je dois avouez que je suis plutôt fière du résultat pour l'instant 😄 donc je vais essayer de le continuer dans mes temps libres et je vais essayer de vous donner plus de nouvelles ;)
N'hésitez pas à liker, commenter, enregistrer ou encore partager ma publication 😘
Si vous voulez partager, s’il vous plait, n’oubliez pas de me créditer <3
N'hésiter pas à aller voir ma page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Yume-Yasu Ainsi que mon instagram : https://www.instagram.com/yumeyasu/
Dans tout les cas, je vous dit à bientôt :D
#yumeyasu #fanart #eldarya #amoursucre #mycandylove #amordoce #lynn#erika #hug #proud
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