#young!ryuuto event
fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
【𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝕽𝖞𝖚𝖚𝖙𝖔 𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙】
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* T H U D *
[ Ryuuto had tripped mid-stride, over his... Own pant-leg!? What was going on, why was everything suddenly so baggy!? ]
Wh-What on earth!? I-I’ve shrunk!?
N-No, not shrunk…
I've grown younger!? I’ve got to find a way of turning back to my old self, at once! I need to...
[ As quickly as he had shrunk, some of his memories also seemed to fade! Ryuuto was, essentially, his younger self again. ]
...Mother? Father?
I need… a change of clothes...
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// Young Ryuuto is here to answer any and all questions you might have about him, his family, his childhood, etc.! I know I have scenario asks to get to but they take a bit when I don’t have any creative juices flowing ><
// I have all his younger sprites (both pre- and post-haircut 👀 ) re-drawn and rendered out finally, so you'll get the full experience! If you are interested, too, I might bring Cordelia and Richter in too (sort of as if Karl pressed a reset button on everything)!
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➤ A Young! Gwen has appeared
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“Uah… Stupid, stupid, stupid old man!”
The bottom of the… child’s(?) shoes kicked at the floor in a grumpy fashion. But how could they not be! They had woken up in their bed, like usual, made their way down to make themselves breakfast, and everyone in the damn building looks like they’ve seen a ghost.
“Damned rejected Santa Claus… The hell did I ever do to him anyway! Always getting angry at me for no reason!”
Little did the, now child Gwen know, they had woken up back in their old room… As a kid! The reason everyone was so spooked, was Gwen regression to their childhood self. Perhaps they should play along, and hope they return back to normal… Grumbling, the kid made their way out of the castle— they shouldn’t have been allowed to leave, though no one even bothered to stop them. Arms crossed angrily, they grumbled.
“Stupid old man with his stupid servants. Treating me like a freaking dog. So mean! I hate that stupid castle.”
Kicking rocks and stomping on leaves, Gwen now found themselves far away from Eden Castle, but not near anyone interesting… That was fine. There were so many places they haven’t explored yet! So many stones unturned— Both literally and figuratively. The Makai was so interesting!! Swaying their head from side to side, they began to think.
“Hah… Wish I could meet someone cool. Everyone in there is either super mean or doesn’t even look at me! Stupid…”
It seems Karlheinz is… Having a little too much fun, with this one.
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Hello yes this event is completely inspired by @fruit-of-infidelity . WHICH YOU SHOULD GO CHECK OUT. BECAUSE TINY RYUUTO IS THE BEST LITTLE GUY EVER.
But yeah Gwen has, unknowingly, but reverted back to kid form!! Likely between the ages of 7 and 10, so they have a lot of energy 🙄 And are actually happy. I hope you all enjoy this T~T. I’ll likely have this go on for about 5 days to a week, if people actually enjoy it. Just to give people the chance to interact! And if people wanna do actual roleplays with small Gwen, they can :)
Note: I’ll still answer RPs and asks for present! Gwen, just in case people don’t vibe/aren’t in the mood for the little guy 💪😎
-> picrew i will be using.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
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// I have a family lunch to attend this afternoon, so I will answer all your other asks/interactions for Young!Ryuuto soon! But thank you so so much for the immediate and immense support and love for him as a child! It is astonishing, I’m so touched ♥️
// While I’m gone, please have the full sprites of him as a child (before his haircut and after uwu).
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
[Kauze went to the Sakamaki mansion to draw with Ryuuto, but when he gets there, he finds the vampire somewhat different]
Ryuuto?! You became a child! You've been cursed by a witch! I told you, but you didn't listen to me...!
[ The blonde surrounded the vampire, the child couldn't stand it and started laughing ]
Haha ha! You turned out funny and cute! Let's play? Uncle Harry bought me a bike, now that you're little you can ride with me!
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[ Ryuuto hugs himself a little for comfort. ]
...Wh-What are you talking about!? 
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You shouldn’t be telling stupid jokes like that, a-and what’s more, you shouldn’t be here either, stranger!
[ Oh dear, he had completely forgotten Kauze! He was beyond confused at his familiarity with him, let alone what he had to offer. ]
“Funny and cute”? Just who are you anyway?
[ The young boy scowled, his self-hug melting into a crossing of his arms. What on earth, a bike? Was he trying to befriend him? ]
...A bicycle?
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My Father let’s me ride on horses; Bicycles are far less respectable, aren’t they? If you want to keep up with a Prince, you’ll need a horse of your own!
[ He was rambling... Truth be told, he didn’t have a clue how to ride a bike! As bratty as ever, Ryuuto kept his arms crossed. ]
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
((i hope Gwen saying hello is okay T~T they have a secret soft spot for kids 🙄))
Ryuuto’s become… A child? To say that him getting himself into this kind of predicament wasn’t confusing, would be a lie, but it was also quite amusing. Squatting down to his height, Gwen put on a friendly smile for him.
“Goodness, you’re pretty tiny, aren’t you?”
The comment served as sort of a greeting, though was also just an observation. Who knew the Princess was so tiny, and adorable, as a kid? Though they were curious as to how Ryuuto’s art was, when he was younger. Though their voice came out a lot more genuine, and friendly, than usual.
“You’re an artist, aren’t you? Have you painted recently? May I see them?”
// OF COURSE ITS OKAY!! Cue a nice, though slightly suspicious, Ryuuto enjoying the attention 🙄😭
[ He suspiciously puffed out his cheeks. ]
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That’s just because you’re older.
[ Ryuuto’s eyes suddenly glistened, though, as the conversation took a turn to painting. ]
I… Heh, I wouldn’t call myself an artist.
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But I paint good-ly— Eer, I mean… well. If you want to see some, I’ve got some sketchbooks here somewhere.
Just, keep quiet. I don’t want Father to find out there’s somewhere else here—
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
idk if baby ryuuto event is still going but
[ The larger demoness crouches down to Ryuuto’s level, smiling sweetly as she asked in a warm voice. ]
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Hey baby... you mind doing me a huge favor~?
Can you find the little plastic card in mommy’s purse and give it to me?
// Yup its still going!! <3 Simone, baby, hi 😏 Take mine-
[ Ryuuto froze. It wasn't that he was frightened, per se, but something about Simone reminded him of the same woman she made mention to. It was probably the confident way she held herself; it left him a little mesmerised! ]
[ So much so, he didn't even notice he hadn't corrected himself. ]
...Mama's purse?
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I... I can't do that. That's get me in trouble, I'm not even supposed to be talking to strangers like this...
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
【𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝕽𝖞𝖚𝖚𝖙𝖔 𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙 | 𝕯𝖆𝖞 𝕿𝖜𝖔】
[ With the last 24 hours being smooth-sailing since Ryuuto's transformation, little else seemed to change... Well, aside fromーー ]
...Aah, short hair? When did Iーー
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[ Of course, how could he forget? He had cut it himself! After Mother said... ]
[ Well, anyway, one thing was for sure, he seemed older than yesterday; Perhaps the curse, or whatever it was, would wear off by itself over the next day or two? ]
( E-Eh!? That voice is... )
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What on earth happened to you? You're a...
[ Oh dear... Richter's memory seemed to be clouding too! His creased brow slowly relaxed, and as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, to him or to his son, he sighed. ]
It's almost midnight; What are you doing out of your tutorial? You're supposed to be studying, aren't you?
Uu... Right, I'll get straight to it! Sorry, Father!
[ And with that, Ryuuto took off! ]
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// Day 2 commences uwu. Ryuuto will still be reblogging interactions with his longer hair if they were started yesterday. Bu~t, this new prompt gives me an excuse to use Richter for questions too (with new edited expressions) and shorter-haired Ryuuto ^^
// From here on out, Richter is his younger self too by the way! From Ryuuto's childhood! Tomorrow, I have Cordelia planned to appear too uwu. I have edited her sprites (they are FAR higher quality than those previously seen on my main) for the event! ^^
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
// I'm here to deliver Big Sis Nova 😤
"Ah... you're small." Nova glanced at the younger version of Ryuuto with a rather relaxed look. Now that he was a child she didn't have to feel so nervous anymore. Kneeling down, she patted his head gently. "What are you doing here on your own? Shouldn't someone... be watching over you, hm?" Nova's expression turned gentle as she showered the young boy with affection. It wouldn't hurt, right?
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Watching over me? Aah... Now, that you say thatーー
[ Ryuuto’s gaze followed her hand suspiciously... and when it came to pat his head like that, he flinched back! ]
ーーHey! You...
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...You shouldn’t do that...
[ He dug the toe of his shoe into the ground, a little awkwardly, quickly turning his head away from Nova. He was startled! For someone to touch him so familiarly; so gently... He hadn’t been doted on since Cordelia was last visiting which was... How long now? ]
( I miss Mama... )
[ Oh dear, were those tears in his eyes? ]
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
🔷 oh my god— HELLO TINYYYYYY.
okay question time: How was the first art project you ever presented to your parents? Did they like it? They better have liked it 🙄 🔷
My first art project? It was the first one Father let me hang up in the manor, and the first one I used a real canvas for!
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It’s of me and Father! 
But, when I showed Mother, she didn’t seem to like it as much as I thought…
[ He rubs his arm a little, pouting. ]
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I think she just felt left out, you know?
So, I made sure to add her into it as well, before Father hung it up! She seemed a lot happier when I showed her the new and improved version.
And I promised not to leave her out of anymore!
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
[ Yvonne glanced at him and sighed, already exhausted. Good god, not this again, not another one. He got on his knees and smiled at him softly, and he's cuter this way, she'll give him that. ]
Hello there, Ryuuto... Mind to tell me what happened?
[ The woman was lucky he was at his place now, if any of the others saw him like that, well... She didn't have to worry about August, she knew he would treat Ryuuto like his own the moment he lays eyes on him, but her kids... Well, that's a whole other story. ]
What do you meaーー
( Wait! How does this person know my name!? )
[ He was alarmed! But when wasn’t he, after this whole mess? With no memory of anything of his older life, Ryuuto was nothing less than suspicious of all who, seemed to be, strangers. ]
[ Partly out of fear for getting in trouble, talking to someone like Yvonne, and partly for fear of the unfamiliar situation, he clamped his mouth shut and, in a bratty manner, turned his head away from hers. ]
( Whoever she is... I’m not talking to her...! )
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
(( @sumire-bride )) ((Ryuuto's Sumire's now, she's the captain now))
SUMIRE- ... (..A child... This is a child... Of Ryuuto-sama no less...)
[Sumire looks at the younger Ryuuto, both stared at each other in complete shock and confusion. Sumire looked around then back at Ryuuto]
..Oh goodness... This truly isn't good... I doubt this will end nicely for the both of us.. Hooh... (..The temptation is too strong.. Far too strong... I must.. Resist...!)
[Sumire picks up Ryuuto, seems those urges were too strong]
..Come now Ryuuto-sama... I have this cool book no one will read with me... Oh you are so cute... Fufu...! (..If he remembers this.. I will be punished when he is normal again... For now... Uwahh.. So small.. So adorable...)
// SUMIRE JUST PICKING HIM UP 🥺🥺 Pleease, she’d be so cute with looking after him, my heartttt
( What is this person doing—!? )
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P-Put me d-down, you d-don’t have Mother’s permission to—
[ He squirmed quickly and suddenly, but Sumire was much older and therefore much stronger than him. He still tried to thrash, until he began to wear himself out. ]
You— Haa…
Sniff… Who e-even are you, calling me “Ryuuto-sama” like that? A-Are you a new servant?
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Or could you be…
( A Nanny!? But Mother is the only one who… )
I demand to know your name!
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
【𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝕽𝖞𝖚𝖚𝖙𝖔 𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙 | 𝕯𝖆𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊】
[ Ryuuto suddenly jumps when a few fingers delve into his hair from behind him, brushing it back from his face. ]
Ufufu, did I frighten you?
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[ Ryuuto was almost breathless, in surprise! ]
Voice down, voice down. You know I hate your shrieking... Nfu, but it's not so bad when you're pulling such a desperate face.
Did you miss me~?
[ Cordelia, keeping her hand placed upon her son's head, couldn't help but giggle to herself at how pitifully he peered up at her. ]
Go and fetch your Father for me, won't you? I do so ache for him.
Do you... ache for me, too?
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[ He had next to no clue what she meant by ache, but that didn't stop her from delightfully playing along. He needed to be needed; And who was she to shatter his heart... Yet~? ]
...Ufufu, yes, Ryuuto. I ache for you as well~
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// Day Three~! Cordelia joins the party! You’re free to start new interactions, or include her in current ones! Richter and Ryuuto are still here for interactions too!
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
🔷 Ava you know I gotta come an see him 🙄✋
Hello- Ahem- Richter, sir. You are looking very nice today, as always. And, I shall be willing to look after you dearest son for the price of one kith an hour 🤲 That isn’t so bad— You get a break, and I get kisses and a cute child.
I mean I’d watch the tiny man for free but LISTEN— 🔷
// He’s hot and ready to serve 😮‍💨 Come and get him huehue
[ Richter rubs his temples, casting you an unimpressed glance. Oh dear… Was he really about to deal with this—? ]
A what now? Kisses?
From who?
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You can’t possibly mean myself; I’m a…—
[ He was going to say “married man”… but that wasn’t entirely true, was it~? He wasn’t used to being at the receiving end of these sorts of things though so, he decided to give in and entertain them… Just a tad~ ]
…Well, that is a price I am not sure I can afford for your child services. If I needed them in the first place, that is; I’m more than confident in myself that I have the capability of juggling my responsibilities.
[ A faint smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth. ]
Might you have a card I could take?
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
What is your favourite book, little Ryuuto? Has Papa ever read to you before going to bed?
Papaーー Erm, Father... doesn’t read to me, no. 
But that’s fine! I’m way too old for silly bedtime stories anyway! If I ever wanted something like that when I was younger, though, the butlers would find something for me... 
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I liked a lot of the heroic stories! You know... Hercules, Achilles... But out of them all? My favourite would be...
[ He shyly rubs his arm, clearly a little flustered to say it. ]
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
Ryuuto-chan~ What would you like to be when you grow up? 🥺
A big, strong man! To protect Mother!
[ He beams at the thought. ]
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She’s always going on about Uncle, and how miserable she is… About how he should just die.
[ He explained such a thing with so little terror as if he didn’t quite understand the gravity of that statement… and, perhaps he didn’t. ]
Even if she wants to be the one to do it, I’ve made a promise to keep her safe!
From him… from anyone.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
What was your favorite breakfast when you were around five?
Mother’s croissants!
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Sometimes, I would refuse to eat anything else, fufu. Father even used to try his hand at making me breakfast, but it always tasted funny... So he said Mother would start making it for me, instead!
He said she used to come by early each day and make them for me. I even tried to wake up super early to see her come by! 
But, I never caught her...
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Come to think of it, though, Mother doesn’t like cooking; She has servants to do it for her, so maybe... She never made those for me, after all?
...I’m beginning to think he lied to me.
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