fruit-of-infidelity · 8 months
💜 Diatober 💚
Day Twenty-Six: Insanity
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vae-victoris · 6 months
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𝕹𝖆𝖒𝖊: Daisuke | Dennis | Dietrich*
*Given Japanese Name | "Saint Name" | Birth Name
𝕬𝖌𝖊: Unknown (Physically 17)
𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕿𝖞𝖕𝖊: AB
𝕳𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙: 180cm
𝖂𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙: 61kg
𝕳𝖔𝖇𝖇𝖎𝖊𝖘: Bible Recitations, Puzzles.
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  As both a Vampire and a Vampire Hunter, Daisuke has been Komori Seiji's apprentice at the Church ever since he was gravely injured by him. He is the son of Sakamaki Richter and his estranged wife, who were thought to have been murdered by Odessa, and thus he is the half-brother of Sakamaki Ryuuto. Daisuke is, additionally, unofficially a priest at the Church.
   Within the Church, only Seiji knows of Daisuke's Vampirism, with the former taking him under his wing as his apprentice after being hunted by him in Germany. Although Daisuke remains weakened, and ill, from the poison used to capture him, Seiji keeps him alive for the purpose of his pureblood heritage providing knowledge of other Vampires, and of Karlheinz. The poison used was alike the potent toxins Richter used on Ayato, following his initial refusal to abdicate; His poisoned and dying veins are similarly discoloured, kept at bay by medicine administered by Seiji. His hands, however, are the most noticeably poisoned part of him, which he conceals with gloves.
   Daisuke is a methodical, and routine-loving, young man who keeps to himself more often than not. Despite being thankful for the mercy showed by Seiji, his gratitude has its bounds; He remains distrusting, with his death almost certainly assured when his usefulness runs dry. He, however, remains loyal to him, festering a deep desire for vengeance for his mother against Odessa, and all those involved with the destruction of his family.
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  ✒︎ He briefly fled from Germany to Russia following Odessa's destruction of his family, before returning a few years later after being chased out by Vampire Hunters.
  ✒︎ He is fluent in Japanese, German, and Russian.
  ✒︎ He was born on the December 24.
  ✒︎ He shares a name with Saint Denis, the first bishop of Paris, who was martyred by decapitation, after which legend says he picked up his own severed head and walked for a distance while preaching a sermon.
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mikanandpotato · 6 months
Ok i should besleeping rn it'it's 1am but instead i decided to complete the rest of male cast (not really everyone since it is just a quick copypaste / not doing any research at all)
Some name would be changed completely because im lazy better and i can lmao.
Dark Art
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厚沢忠杜 (Atsuzawa Tadamori)
厚 means "thick, heavy, deep."
沢 means "stream, swamp, marsh."
忠 means "loyalty, devotion."
杜 means "forest, grove, woods."
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寺島兆三 (Terajima Chozou)
寺 means "temple, buddhist temple."
島 means "island."
兆 means "trillion, sign, omen."
三 means "three, third, threefold."
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淀川栄司 (Yodogawa Eiji)
淀 means "eddy, backwater, pool."
川 means "river, stream, brook."
栄 means "prosperity, flourish, glory."
司 means "administer, manage, control."
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佐式昇 (Sashiki Noboru)
佐 means "assistant, help, aid."
式 means "formula, expression, ceremony."
昇 means "rise, ascend."
OSU! Guy
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一本木竜士 (Ippongi Ryuuto)
一 means "one, single, alone."
本 means "book, main, true, real."
木 means "tree, wood."
竜 means "dragon, imperial, mythical creature."
士 means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."
Girly boy
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明智音彦 (Meichi Otohiko)
明 means "bright, clear, obvious."
智 means "wisdom, intellect, knowledge."
音 means "sound, noise."
彦 means "young man, boy."
Osana's love interest
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小名川久治 (Konagawa Kyuuji)
小 means "small, little, tiny."
名 means "name, family name, given name."
川 means "river, stream, brook."
久 means "long time, old, long-cherished."
治 means "govern, manage, cure."
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国木田尚 (Kunikida Syo/Nao)
国 means "country, nation."
木 means "tree, wood."
田 means "rice field, rice paddy."
尚 means "still, yet, further, more."
I am tempted to use 正武 (Syoubu) because it has 武 on it buuuutttt... Let's just stick with sho for simplier.
正 means "correct, right, proper."
武 means "warrior, military, martial arts."
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July Ren for the win.
蓮•ヂュり (Ren July)
蓮 means "lotus, water lily."
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Happy Mother’s Day.
[ Ryuuto holds out a plentiful, deep crimson bouquet of roses for her, tied together with a purple ribbon of lace. ]
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Please accept this small gift, in honour of this date: A bouquet of roses, dedicated to your beauty~. I’ve even taken the time to personally cut each thorn from their stems, too, so you needn’t worry about pricking yourself.
[ Leaning in, as he handed off the bouquet, Ryuuto caught Cordelia in a soft, meek kiss upon the corner of her lips. ]
Whatever I can do to make today special, as your son… just say the word.
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She smiles gently
Oh my… Ryuuto. You have truly outdone yourself this once, have you not?
I have only occasionally received such loving gifts from handsome young man, such as yourself.
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Offers her hand in exchange
If only Karlheinz was here to see how well you treat me, right? Maybe his jealousy would only make our growing love stronger for one another.
I assume if you were to give me something more expensive next time, he would surely be jealous of you, my love.
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GakuRuka - “Date”
Gakupo and Ruka went on a “date”
Story Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44997874
Gakupo: The park look beautiful today, the weather is warm, not too many cloud up in the sky, and... (looks at Ruka) My dear Ruka is with me to enjoy all of this. This is nice-
Gakupo: ((Oh yes... Ryuuto is with us today...))
Ruka: Please wait, Ryuuto.
Gakupo: In due time, Ryuuto.
Ruka: He's such an energetic child.
Gakupo: Eager might also describe him well.
Ruka: (soft laugh) That too
Gakupo: I... Apologize, Ruka. I know we planned this trip to the park for just the two of us, but... Well, the others are busy with their work and that makes Ryuuto without anybody to accompany him. I don't want him to feel left out and lonely so...
Ruka: It is okay, Gakupo, I understand. I think it's the right thing to do, not to leave a child alone without adult supervision.
Gakupo: (smiles) Thank you, Ruka. I am glad to have a woman as understanding as you as my lover.
Ruka: And I'm glad to have a caring man such as you as my lover.
They smile at each other and reach for each other's hand...
But Ryuuto got ahead of them and grabbed their hands
Ryuuto: Too slooooww!!! Hurry up!!!
Ryuuto run and drags both of them by their hands
Ruka: Ah, R-Ryuuto-Kun!
Gakupo: Be patient, and don't run, you can trip and hurt yourself!
Ryuuto: Less lessons, more ice creams!!!!
as both Gakupo and Ruka are being dragged by Ryuuto, they look at each other, shaking their heads to Ryuuto's antics. After having their hands pulled for some time, they arrived at the ice cream stand
Ryuuto: We're here! Ice cream!
Ruka: Phew... Ryuuto-Kun you're quite strong...
Gakupo: For you to drag us both here running...
Ruka: Impressive feat for a child to do...
Gakupo: Agreed.
Ryuuto: Yeah, I'm cool okay, but you know what's cooler than me, Gakupo-Nii, Ruka-Nee? Ice cream! Let's buy some!
Ryuuto then runs to the stand nad immediately take his pick of flavours
Ruka: He's excitable when it comes to ice cream.
Gakupo: reminds you of a certain blue-haired man doesn't it?
Ruka: The difference is its still reasonable for Ryuuto to act like that.
Gakupo: (Chuckles) Good point.
Ryuuto: Excuse me, sir, three ice creams please, one vanilla, one chocolate, one green tea
Ice cream man: Coming right up
"Excuse me, sir, may I have 1 coffee ice cream, 1 strawberry and 1 apple sherbet please?"
Ice cream man: Of course, young lady.
Ryuuto: ...Yuki?
Yuki: Ryuuto?
Ryuuto: Wow, what are you doing here?
Yuki: Going to the park!
Ryuuto: Me too!
Ruka: Oh, Yuki-San. I didn't expect to meet you here.
Yuki: Ruka-Nee! You're here too?
Ruka: Yes I am. I am currently accompanying Ryuuto-Kun with Gakupo.
Yuki: Gakupo-San is here too?
Gakupo: Indeed I am.
Yuki: Whoa! We're all here then!
Gakupo: Pardon me, "we"?
"Yuki-Chan, please don't run away like that!"
"What's with the hurry, you silly girl?"
Gakupo: Kiyoteru?
Ruka: Meiko-OneeSan?
Kiyoteru: Gakupo?
Meiko: Ruka?
Ryuuto: Ryuuto!
Yuki: Yuki!
After their little unexpected “reunion”, Ryuuto and Yuki are playing tag, while the adults are sitting together on the park bench, chatting away.
Meiko: So, you two brought him along because Ryuuto got nobody to accompany him?
Gakupo: Indeed, the others are busy with their own respective schedules, and we're the only ones who are free.
Meiko: Yeah, but you're sacrificing what may be the only time you can be together without the others pestering you, you okay with that, Ruka?
Ruka: I am, It wouldn't be wise to leave a child alone while we both are having fun, I think poor Ryuuto would feel so left out. I think of it as a quality time and the chance to get to know Ryuuto-Kun better. I think we made the right decision.
Kiyoteru: I agree, it is unwise to leave a child unsupervised for an extended period of time. How commendable of you two.
Meiko: Oi, you two would sacrifice so much for the betterment of others... If only there are more people like you two...
Gakupo: Please, Meiko-San you're giving us too much credit.
Ruka: We are merely doing the right thing.
Meiko: Oh, so humble and considerate too. You two are a package.
Kiyoteru: Okay, I think that's enough compliment, Mei.
Gakupo: Yes, enough about us, and more about you. Are you both in the same situation as us, that is, bringing Yuki along on your date?
Kiyoteru: Well, not really.
Meiko: She asked if she can join us on our "walk" to the park.
Ruka: Ah, she brought herself along?
Meiko: Yeah. She said it's been a while since she went here and wanted to come along.
Kiyoteru: We were about to object, truthfully, but she then said she wanted to spend more time with us, at least until her parents are home.
Meiko: And then she did that "Pleaaaase?" along with that cutey face...
Kiyoteru: We... were unable to refuse her... In the end...
Gakupo: I... see...
Ruka: Ahaha...
Gakupo: In a way, you're in the same situation as us.
Ruka: That is, having to "sacrifice" our time for the children.
Kiyoteru: More or less.
Meiko: Kind of.
Gakupo: Children have this certain "pull" to an adult, don't they?
Ruka: What do you mean?
Kiyoteru: I think Gakupo is referring to how the children made us cave in to what they want.
Meiko: They know which of our buttons to push and then take advantage of us. (shakes her head) sly little...
Gakupo: Well, as I once heard in a show, "A dangerous opponent is an opponent who does their "homework".
Ruka: That saying hold some weight.
Kiyoteru: Though in this case, our "opponent" really does have homeworks to do.
Meiko: (pretending to rimshot a drumset) Ba Dum Tss!
The adults then all share a moment of laughter. Their respective date plans may not go as they planned, but they can’t say it was a total loss.
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🔷 all this young! ryuuto content has me thinking abt young! gwen. but honestly that child had TOO much energy to spare 😭 running off to god knows where, meeting god knows who. 😭 🔷
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
|| @fruit-of-infidelity ||
[ Rubbing his arm, Ryuuto shivered a little as he cautiously approached Mystic. ]
[ Although his voice quivered, it was clear he was trying to seem tough. He was lost, terribly lost.. And frightened, admittedly. So, forgive him if he was a little bratty, snappy. ]
…Wh-Where am I?
// Hope this was okay 🥺
[Mystic had to stop fumbling with the cylinder of his revolver upon having goosebumps trail up his his arm. He shut the weapon back up and waited for whoever it was to come closer.
A kid. What in the world was a child doing out here all on his own so late? He returned the weapon back in its case and rose from the park’s bench, hopeful that the black of his uniform would hide any splatters of blood.]
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[This kid looked awfully familiar, with a very specific pattern of hair color and familiar violently emerald eyes.]
Well, I’m actually not that sure about where we are. I just took a turn ‘cause there aren’t that many people around. Not sure how you wandered off so far without—
(Is this kid… a Vampire?)
[Wow. He haven’t seen a Vampire child since the Sakamaki brothers—back in the day he was also super young. So, a long time ago.]
Where ‘d ya come from? I could take back to your house. If not, there’s always the police. Who knows they’d be able to help, though…
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honotakara · 3 years
Moodboard masterlist:
Young Akaishi part 1
Young Akaishi part 2
Young Akaishi part 3
Young Akaishi part 4
Ryuuto Sakamaki (gift)
Gwen Exicor (gift)
Margherita D'ascenzo (gift)
Celebrating your birthday with Kanato (gift)
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fujoshibitches · 5 years
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Title: Jounetsu no Arika ⚣ Whereabouts of Passion ⚣ 情熱の在処 Chapter: 1-End Artist/Mangaka: Fuyuno Ikuya Rating: 18+ Language: English Download: Here Summary: Ichiyanagi is a popular director for the theatrical group, “Ichigaya Shark Company.” However, he’s lost sight of his promise to his late wife, and lives an apathetic lifestyle. Then a young man named Ryuuto appears before him saying, “My whole life is for you”?! Love has thrust itself upon the man who forgot its meaning, an unexpected love composition!
Happy Friday everyone!! Today we have our 5th anniversary release #5!! This is the spin off of Aru Hi, Bokura ga Koi ni Ochitara and it's so good!!! There is one more spin off but it's being TS now so it won't be released :( It's okay tho, the wait is always worth it!!! Please thank the staff and enjoy!!
Okay so it looks like our anni releases will have to bleed into next month because the kids are out of school for winter break and I really don't know how much time I'll have to release...I'll still be working on QCing things and redrawing dicks (I have a ton of that to do). I'll try to release random chapters until the kids go back on the 31st but I don't want to promise anything. ALSO BAD NEWS, OUR 40+ AGE NEW MANGA GOT LOST BY DSL. So I'm not sure when I'll get it, we might have to have a late Xmas release with the Ike Reibun Santa :( If I don't get it by next week I'll have to re order it, but it's Xmas time so the mail is slow as shit on a shingle.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 8 months
💜 Diatober 💚
Day Eight: Tsukinami
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❝ These two. . . are Giesbach’s sons? ❞
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fruit-of-infidelity · 8 months
💜 Diatober 💚
Day Fifteen: Magic
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
// talking with @kindan-no-kanojo , i am thinking more and more again about the insanity of Ryuuto's Young Blood. I really wanna draw a whole comic like rejet did but,,, no promises as of yet ><
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
// this is my formal audition for a jjba live action as “DIO’s leftovers” thank you :)
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fruit-of-infidelity · 9 months
// Just had a thought that the “vampire juice” drama cd i wrote matches up nicely with the prompt Karlheinz and Makai! Since I wanna do a young blood inspired drawing for the 31st (a young blood comic for ryuuto anyone?? 👀) tho, I’ll have to figure out when is best to post the halloween drama cd lolol. Maybe on the “Sakamaki” day 🤔🤔
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fruit-of-infidelity · 9 months
♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Laito | Maniac 5½  ♱
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⌜ Scene: Yui's Bedroom ⌟
Yui: …Haa.
Laito: What’s with the melancholy sighs lately?
Could you be hoping for someone to overhear and cheer you up, I wonder~?
Yui: L-Laito-kun?
Laito: Don’t sound so surprised, it makes me think you were hoping for someone else.
Yui: That’s not it…
Besides, i-it wasn’t a melancholy sigh. I was just getting relaxed…
( It’s been a long night, after all... )
Laito: Retiring to bed so early? The night is still young, Bitch-chan.
Yui: Maybe for someone like you, Laito-kun…
( But my body still isn’t used to my days becoming nights. )
Laito: O~h well, have you got enough room for two~?
Yui: For two?
ー Laito tries to sneak under the covers. ー
Wha… Just a moment…!
( He’s tugging at my blanket! )
Laito: Eeh~? Don’t you get lonely, in this big bed, all by yourself?
Yui: N-Not at all…
Laito: It’s s~o warm under here. Scoot over some.
Yui: Don’t… Don’t wanna…!
Laito: What’s with you, getting all shy on your Laito-kun? You’re not… sleeping naked, are you? How naughty~!
Yui: …! N-No!
Laito: Fufufu…
… …
Yui: E-Eh?
( He… suddenly stopped? )
Laito: Oi, what’s that?
Yui: That’s…
( His eyes are on my bedside table, and the… )
A lock of hair…
ー He snatches it up. ー
Laito: This colour is…
ー He sniffs at it. ー
Ts…!! That scent…!
ー He pins her down suddenly. ー
Yui: O-Ow…!!
Laito: Where did you get this?
Yui: You’re… c-crushing my chest…
I can’t… breathe…!
Laito: Why don’t you tell me where you got this, Bitch-chan. Or else, I might just crack your ribs under my weight, you know.
I wonder how much it would hurt to breathe, then?
With each sharp inhale… fufu, you’ll be pricked by your shattered bone.
Yui: Pl…ease…
Laito: Cough up your answers, won’t you? Did someone give this to you?
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  Ryuuto Yui: R…Ryuuto…san! H-He’s the one that g-gave it to me…! ( Please, L-Laito-kun… My breath is… ) Laito: … … Yui: ( Lai…to…kun… )
  ❈  Safe Keeping (♥) Yui: I was t-told to… k-keep it safe! N-Not to leave it down anywhere… Laito: Really? Yui: Yeah…! Laito: You’re not too good at following orders, Bitch-chan. Who asked you, hm?What for? Yui: B-By Ryuuto-san! I-I don’t know…! He didn’t s-say…!! ( Please… I’m…! )
Laito: Fufu. Ryuuto, huh? I shouldn’t have been too surprised.
ー He lets her go. ー
Yui: Gasp!
( Th-Thank God! )
( The way Laito-kun reacted though… Does he know who the lock of hair belongs to? )
Laito: What were you doing with that guy, to get given this? You really have been cheating on me, haven’t you?
Yui: Th-That’s not the case…
Laito: Do you even know who it belongs to? What sort of person had this hair?
Yui: N…No.
Laito: …Fufu, that’s no wonder, because it’s not important.
Yui: ( It feels like I’m being lied to my face… )
Laito: So that’s why I’m going to hang onto it for you, ‘kay?
Yui: E-Eh? But…
Laito: It’s a bit of a coincidence, you know. I figured that person was long gone by now, but each and every day…
I get proven wrong, huh?
Yui: I… I don’t follow…
Laito: Oh well. You tell Ryuuto-san I’m taking good care of it on your behalf, ‘kay?
Yui: ( …I-I’m sorry, Ryuuto-san. )
( You told me not to leave it down, and I did. I really hope it wasn’t important… )
Laito: Although, Bitch-chan?
ー He gets really close to her. ー
You know this means I can’t trust you, right? Not until…
I do a who~le room search! I’ve got to make sure you’re not hiding anything else from your Laito-kun, you naughty girl. So, up-up!
Yui: …!?
Laito: Where else does a girl hide stuff besides her pantie drawer? I’ll tackle that place first! And then, you’ve got to strip some.
Your nightgown could be hiding s~o many things, after all.
Yui: Uu… 
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←  [ ✥ Maniac 05 ✥ ]⎥ [ ✥ Maniac 06 ✥ ]  →     [ ✥ Ecstasy 3½ ✥ ]
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fruit-of-infidelity · 9 months
♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Laito | Ecstasy 7½  ♱
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⌜ Scene: Flashback – Ballroom ⌟
Laito: You’re…
Ryuuto: Richter’s son.
― A young Laito talks with Ryuuto.  ―
Laito: So, that makes us cousins?
And with that woman being our mother… We’re cousins, as well as half-brothers? Fufu, this stuff is a little confusing, don’t you think?
Ryuuto: …We shouldn’t be talking.
Laito: Says who? Besides, Ayato-kun said something about sneaking away from this troublesome ball to play, feel like joining?
This is all for grown-ups anyway. Come on.
― He grabs his hand.  ―
Ryuuto: Don’t!
Laito: …!!
Ryuuto: We―― I can’t.
― Ryuuto runs off.  ―
Laito: … …!?
― The scene fades to a flashback of the garden now.  ―
Cordelia: ーーMy heart, carve it out...!
Place it into some... someone else! A v-vessel!
Richter: …Must I?
Ryuuto: No! You’ll die!
Take o-one of them as a vessel; I'll kill them right now! I… I can’t lose you…!
Laito: … …
Ryuuto: Y-You… All along, you!?
― The scene fades to the present, to Yui’s bedroom.  ―
Yui: ( If ghosts are real, then… )
( I wonder, would those other brides be wandering around this place, now? What would they be saying to me, if I could hear? )
( “Leave”…? “Get out”? )
( …All the things I told myself to do many nights ago… )
???: Cordelia.
Yui: E-Eeh!?
Richter: … …
Yui: ( This person is R-Richter? Laito-kun’s uncle? )
Ryuuto: She is not here yet, it would appear.
Yui: …! R-Ryuuto-san, h-how did you…
Ryuuto: Surely you are used to unannounced visits, by now. Although, you really ought to lock your balcony door, more often…
Richter: I thought the awakening was close to complete.
Ryuuto: Close, indeed. Not yet complete…
Any night now… She will be returned to us.
Yui: “S-She”…?
Ryuuto: I believe you have been more than acquainted with her.
How much has Laito told you of that special woman, I wonder? How dear to us… and to him, she is. How precious…
Yui: ( “Special woman”? )
( Someone that is… special to Laito-kun? )
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  I know her ( S ) Yui: ( Could he be taking about… ) Laito-kun’s… “incredibly hateful yet precious”* person? Ryuuto: The very same. Yui: Then, yes. I know her. ( Even if what I know is very little… ) ( It is enough to know that she is someone Laito-kun seems to cherish, and hate, all at once. )
  ❈  I don’t know her ( M ) Yui: ( I don’t want to think about it…! ) I don’t know who you could mean. Ryuuto: Oh, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you do. That special person… is the very same person who possesses that heart inside you. You know her extremely intimately. Yui: Possesses… my heart? ( …Laito-kun’s special person… )
Ryuuto: In due time, she will return…
In fact, I have little doubt that she cannot hear me right now, as I speak. Lurking just beneath the surface, ready to return to this realm.
Yui: …!!
Ryuuto: All has worked in our favour, in the end. Isn’t that right, Father?
Richter: Although it has been troublesome, keeping an eye on a human like you from such a distance… Indeed, it is.
Yui: F…Father…?
Ryuuto: Close your eyes now, Pet.
Surrender yourself, and let that darkness inside consume you.
Yui: No. I don’t want to…!
― Yui’s eyes begin to grow heavy.  ―
( A-And yet… out of nowhere, I’m drowsy… )
Richter: … …
Yui: ( Somehow, these Vampires are… making me close them against my will. )
( It’s dark! )
( Laito-kun… )
( I’m… )
( I’m scared…! )
*If you read this alongside Laito’s route, you’ll notice how he refers to Cordelia throughout it as someone he despises yet loves. Hence, Yui’s quotation here of his reference to her as his “incredibly hateful yet precious” person.
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←  [ ✥ Ecstasy 07 ✥ ]⎥ [ ✥ Ecstasy 08 ✥ ]  →
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