stellarflex · 2 years
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Hunan TV’s special May Fourth program
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mamun258 · 3 months
How to use Amazon’s reverse working method to present a neighborhood social idea?
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Mastering some operational management methods or workplace methods can sometimes help us improve our competitiveness or better demonstrate our creativity and ideas. In this article, the author introduces the Amazon reverse  HE Tuber  working method and combines it with Amazon's reverse working method to present a neighborhood social creative idea. Let's take a look at the sharing of this article.
1. Introduction to Amazon reverse press release
The sustainable development of an organization and company depends not only on luck but also on the continuous improvement of operation and management methods. Amazon is such a company. The recently published "Amazon Reverse Working Method" introduces many very practical and efficient practices that are applicable to any organizational management.
One of the most important methods is the press release method when presenting new ideas. Amazon abolished the PPT method that required beautiful eloquence to express, and chose to use word documents to present ideas from the perspective of press releases that customers can understand. This is a very time-saving way for everyone to quickly understand the background and discuss the pros and cons of an idea. For a workplace veteran who has experienced many rounds of ineffective meetings, this method is really worth promoting.
Amazon recommends a one-page press release and no more than 6 pages of FAQ to showcase new product ideas. The one-page press release needs to contain the following:
Title: Name the product in a way that is easy for target users to understand.
Subtitle: Describe the product and the benefits to customers of using it.
Release channel, city and date.
Summary: Briefly describe the benefits of the product.
Problem: Describe the specific problem the product solves from the customer's perspective.
Solution: Describe the product in more detail and how it solves the customer problem.
Quotes: Quotes from company spokespersons and customers indicating the various benefits they have experienced using the new product.
Purchase/Learn Channels.
In Amazon’s culture, press releases are not only used to quickly understand and filter ideas, but also as a tool for continuous iteration. A good creative press release must be a version that has gone through several iterations after continuous discussions among the team.
The following uses Amazon’s reverse working method to present a neighborhood social idea:
2. Amazon reverse work social platform case
Title : "Friendly Community Building Platform" is officially launched!
Subtitle : Offline socializing, go with your neighbors!
Press release location and date: Shenzhen, Shenzhen Daily, June 14, 2023
Today, the "Friendly Neighborhood Community Building Platform", which has been in trial operation in small-scale communities for three months, is officially launched! Nowadays, the pace of work and life in cities is very fast. Many people choose to lie down and check their mobile phones after get off work, but they do not get real relaxation. With the Youlin platform, you can quickly find various leisure or public welfare activities around your residence, allowing you to spend your leisure time with a higher quality. If not, you can also start a wish list on the Friendly Neighbors platform, and the community manager will help you find like-minded neighbors and related activity clubs to make your wishes come true.
Nowadays, urban life is becoming more and more convenient, but at the same time, people are becoming more and more lonely, because the relationship between people has become the relationship between things. Many people choose to sign up for various offline activities on weekends to kill time. These types of activities may give you new experiences, but they make it difficult to make new friendships. Because the city is so big, the chances of strangers getting together again are slim. Neighbors living in the same community lack opportunities to get to know each other and become friends.
The Friendly Neighborhood Community Building Platform is an offline event registration platform with the purpose of rebuilding neighborly relations. Through the operation and matching of community managers, community residents can quickly find various offline activities that they are interested in and socialize with their peers, relax in real and safe social activities, and enjoy colorful urban life.
The "Friendly Neighborhood Platform" is not only an offline event registration platform, but also a friendly community building platform. The Youlin platform recruits community owners to become social building managers, interacts with everyone online through neighborhood WeChat groups, helps neighbors recommend suitable weekend leisure information, and answers daily life problems; offline encourages everyone to form various clubs and assist in organizing Various neighborhood activities. The Friendly Neighbor Platform unites street communities and public welfare organizations to work with community residents to create an interactive, friendly and supportive community environment.
Project leader Ms. Wu is confident about future business expansion. She said: "Our current material life needs are basically met, but spiritual emptiness still causes many psychological and social problems. Combine the power of neighbors to create a friendly community platform to create more meaningful collective social interactions for neighbors life, get rid of loneliness and enhance community cohesion, which has great positive significance for society and individuals."
Ms. Zhou, a user in the community, said: "The Youlin platform not only enriches my life during the week, they have mountain climbing and mom reading club activities. It also allows the children to play better with neighborhood friends on weekends. We can find group hiking, mountain climbing, For activities such as going to the beach or watching exhibitions, we only need to choose the appropriate activities to participate in, and we don’t have to worry about organizing them.”
Another community user, Ms. Liu, said: "Youlin Platform has provided me with a flexible and challenging part-time job. As the community building manager of the community, I connect with neighbors in the community through event organization and community operations, so that everyone can have fun." More opportunities for group interaction.”
The friendly community building platform is currently being gradually implemented in various districts of Shenzhen. Interested full-time mothers in Shenzhen communities are welcome to sign up to become community building managers. As a connector of the colorful life in the city, you will receive systematic community building training and leisure activity recommendation commissions, so that stay-at-home mothers can better display their value and exercise their abilities.
For detailed information about the Friendly Neighborhood Community Building Platform, you can search the WeChat official account "Friendly Neighborhood Community Creation Platform" or search the "Friendly Neighborhood Community Creation Platform" WeChat applet.
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mamun52 · 3 months
How to use Amazon’s reverse working method to present a neighborhood social idea?
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Mastering some operational management methods
workplace methods can sometimes help us improve our competitiveness or better demonstrate our creativity and ideas. In this article, the HE Tuber author introduces the Amazon reverse working method and combines it with Amazon's reverse working method to present a neighborhood social creative idea. Let's take a look at the sharing of this article.
1. Introduction to Amazon reverse press release
The sustainable development of an organization and company depends not only on luck but also on the continuous improvement of operation and management methods. Amazon is such a company. The recently published "Amazon Reverse Working Method" introduces many very practical and efficient practices that are applicable to any organizational management.
One of the most important methods is the press release method when presenting new ideas. Amazon abolished the PPT method that required beautiful eloquence to express, and chose to use word documents to present ideas from the perspective of press releases that customers can understand. This is a very time-saving way for everyone to quickly understand the background and discuss the pros and cons of an idea. For a workplace veteran who has experienced many rounds of ineffective meetings, this method is really worth promoting.
Amazon recommends a one-page press release and no more than 6 pages of FAQ to showcase new product ideas. The one-page press release needs to contain the following:
Title: Name the product in a way that is easy for target users to understand.
Subtitle: Describe the product and the benefits to customers of using it.
Release channel, city and date.
Summary: Briefly describe the benefits of the product.
Problem: Describe the specific problem the product solves from the customer's perspective.
Solution: Describe the product in more detail and how it solves the customer problem.
Quotes: Quotes from company spokespersons and customers indicating the various benefits they have experienced using the new product.
Purchase/Learn Channels.
In Amazon’s culture, press releases are not only used to quickly understand and filter ideas, but also as a tool for continuous iteration. A good creative press release must be a version that has gone through several iterations after continuous discussions among the team.
The following uses Amazon’s reverse working method to present a neighborhood social idea:
2. Amazon reverse work social platform case
Title : "Friendly Community Building Platform" is officially launched!
Subtitle : Offline socializing, go with your neighbors!
Press release location and date: Shenzhen, Shenzhen Daily, June 14, 2023
Today, the "Friendly Neighborhood Community Building Platform", which has been in trial operation in small-scale communities for three months, is officially launched! Nowadays, the pace of work and life in cities is very fast. Many people choose to lie down and check their mobile phones after get off work, but they do not get real relaxation. With the Youlin platform, you can quickly find various leisure or public welfare activities around your residence, allowing you to spend your leisure time with a higher quality. If not, you can also start a wish list on the Friendly Neighbors platform, and the community manager will help you find like-minded neighbors and related activity clubs to make your wishes come true.
Nowadays, urban life is becoming more and more convenient, but at the same time, people are becoming more and more lonely, because the relationship between people has become the relationship between things. Many people choose to sign up for various offline activities on weekends to kill time. These types of activities may give you new experiences, but they make it difficult to make new friendships. Because the city is so big, the chances of strangers getting together again are slim. Neighbors living in the same community lack opportunities to get to know each other and become friends.
The Friendly Neighborhood Community Building Platform is an offline event registration platform with the purpose of rebuilding neighborly relations. Through the operation and matching of community managers, community residents can quickly find various offline activities that they are interested in and socialize with their peers, relax in real and safe social activities, and enjoy colorful urban life.
The "Friendly Neighborhood Platform" is not only an offline event registration platform, but also a friendly community building platform. The Youlin platform recruits community owners to become social building managers, interacts with everyone online through neighborhood WeChat groups, helps neighbors recommend suitable weekend leisure information, and answers daily life problems; offline encourages everyone to form various clubs and assist in organizing Various neighborhood activities. The Friendly Neighbor Platform unites street communities and public welfare organizations to work with community residents to create an interactive, friendly and supportive community environment.
Project leader Ms. Wu is confident about future business expansion. She said: "Our current material life needs are basically met, but spiritual emptiness still causes many psychological and social problems. Combine the power of neighbors to create a friendly community platform to create more meaningful collective social interactions for neighbors life, get rid of loneliness and enhance community cohesion, which has great positive significance for society and individuals."
Ms. Zhou, a user in the community, said: "The Youlin platform not only enriches my life during the week, they have mountain climbing and mom reading club activities. It also allows the children to play better with neighborhood friends on weekends. We can find group hiking, mountain climbing, For activities such as going to the beach or watching exhibitions, we only need to choose the appropriate activities to participate in, and we don’t have to worry about organizing them.”
Another community user, Ms. Liu, said: "Youlin Platform has provided me with a flexible and challenging part-time job. As the community building manager of the community, I connect with neighbors in the community through event organization and community operations, so that everyone can have fun." More opportunities for group interaction.”
The friendly community building platform is currently being gradually implemented in various districts of Shenzhen. Interested full-time mothers in Shenzhen communities are welcome to sign up to become community building managers. As a connector of the colorful life in the city, you will receive systematic community building training and leisure activity recommendation commissions, so that stay-at-home mothers can better exert their own value and exercise their abilities.
For detailed information about the Friendly Neighborhood Community Building Platform, you can search the WeChat official account "Friendly Neighborhood Community Creation Platform" or search the "Friendly Neighborhood Community Creation Platform" WeChat applet.
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444names · 1 year
french forenames + the entire lyrics of "all i want for christmas is you"
Adee Adeere Aden Agabright Agabrine Aine Alle Amant Ance Anding Andrent Andrémy Anfrarc Anice Anloémed Anlucieu Annienring Annique Annis Anny Anuelle Aringe Arinie Ascal Ascard Askine Audiely Aure Auré Aurémenn Babine Babout Bennath Beresting Bertin Bette Brianclaud Bric Brictoce Brie Briennick Béan Béanne Béathienne Béathéo Calick Came Camiste Camuriette Cara Card Caree Catterre Chalesenck Chand Channe Chel Chelinge Chelique Chria Chric Chrichery Chrienine Chright Chèle Clacely Clacque Claine Clask Claudia Claul Claule Claulette Clille Clémie Clérie Colaing Colair Colaurien Cole Cora Corandre Corenciely Corguish Corion Corywher Couis Couli Cyris Cédéri Cédérolas Dancine Dandery Dandricen Danne Davich Davièle Daymon Dells Dence Denée Dine Dintalette Dylaing Dylarc Dylvience Dylving Emmarcelie Enrie Evere Evertie Evine Evire Fabenne Fabie Fabiecher Fabielle Fabielly Faby Fanlucine Filine Fille Florie Flot Flouts Fora Fore Frah Fran Frang Franie Franne Frano Fraphing Frarine Frartint Fréme Gaby Gale Gaétiancie Genow Gerne Ghilieu Gick Gildris Gindette Gine Ging Giniques Ginisanne Gitin Gitte Grégone Grégore Guely Guis Gélie Gélivine Hamil Hathéo Haël Helles Hené Herre Holia Holie Hugorgette Hugue Hurey Huris Hérèneed Ingélène Istigh Ittel Jacque Jamuel Janne Janpat Jeah Jeal Jealette Jeand Jeande Jeandin Jeanding Jeanfrah Jeang Jeangette Jeanicie Jeanpien Jeantoy Jeastle Jeat Jeatrund Jeatte Jessaire Jessance Joce Jocédrep Jone Jonic Jonnie Jule Juliene Juse Jéra Jérighis Kariching Karober Kaëlleight Keve Kevelyne Keveniquel Kevickine Kevie Keving Lacen Lair Land Lançois Laude Laudovic Laudrine Laulin Lauri Liama Lietore Line Lionna Lique Liqueserre Lore Lorgeoris Loulette Lout Loémicas Lucamie Lucaright Lucia Luciel Luciette Lucilli Lude Ludette Lyne Léathille Madrie Magnès Maingérôme Mainienck Mairgenzo Makeer Mance Mandid Mara Marannis Marep Margine Mari Maricher Maris Marise Marogese Mart Mase Maste Mathel Mathie Matra Matrie Matrine Maudien Maxish Mice Micen Micole Mill Mine Mireah Mistanie Mone Morart Moreild Mores Moryonade Mucine Mure Mélice Mélivid Nade Nadidette Nadrélène Narcen Nicen Niquelie Noît Océlierre Odidine Odillettel Odine Oles Ouisaitte Ounding Pascaliel Pascame Paseed Patte Paude Paughisle Paume Paumed Paur Paurémic Phantale Phie Phinciamed Pienna Piette Pleighte Ples Prent Quervé Rane Ranmaran Ranna Raymoh Reang Reervérès Ricam Rice Rier Righte Robenria Rober Robere Rogessa Rold Roldené Role Rolivièle Romie Régon Rémick Sabiel Sabiert Sabouista Sabriane Sain Sandette Sandia Sane Sang Sanie Sanine Sanne Sette Sice Sicen Solain Sole Sonin Sonne Sophinne Soulie Stia Stiane Stie Stigist Stine Sting Stissa Stitine Stmaris Suzandres Sylaudette Sylvalle Sylvine Sébabelle Sébas Séverryout Thann Thançoing Thaëlle Thel Thelle Then Therne Thie Thili Thillis Thin Thine Thomed Thomickine Thélique Tine Tint Toniel Tophinelle Toriery Tortight Tring Unding Undrah Upolaude Upolinck Vaitine Valaur Valiaming Valis Vandre Vietine Vine Ving Viren Virge Vérie Wake Wakeerre Wane Whan Witin Witingine Wonne Xaneane Xantoy Xavine Yandrent Yane Yone Yonichatra Youline Youts Yven Éliel Élielle Élin Éloundre Émyristing Érès Étan Étiane Éverryon Évette
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nbyoulins · 1 year
Ningbo Youlin Trading Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Youlin Trading Co., Ltd. is a company offering All-In-One Solutions for Precision CNC Machining, CNC turning, CNC Milling, Metal Stamping, Deep Drawing, Forging, Casting, Investment Casting, Die Casting, Aluminum Extrusion, Plastic Injection, Tube Laser Cutting and Sheet Metal fabrication in a variety of industries for more than decade’s year. The products we made are mainly used in medical, electronic, aerospace, mechanical, communication, toys, intelligent equipment and other industries.
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cripta-today · 2 years
KuCoin — криптовалютная биржа
New Post has been published on https://cripta.today/obzory-i-rejting-kriptobirzh/kucoin-kriptovaljutnaja-birzha/
KuCoin — криптовалютная биржа
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Что такое KuCoin?
KuCoin — это криптовалютная биржа, созданная с целью «облегчить глобальный свободный поток цифровых ценностей». Она утверждает, что делает упор на интуитивно понятный дизайн, простой процесс регистрации и высокий уровень безопасности. Платформа поддерживает торговлю фьючерсами, встроенный обмен P2P, возможность покупки криптовалюты с помощью кредитной или дебетовой карты и услуги мгновенного обмена. Платформа, также известная как «народная биржа», обеспечила 1,2 триллиона торговых оборотов за все время существования и поддерживает более 20 миллионов пользователей по всему миру. Компания утверждает, что предлагает технологические торговые продукты и экосистему KuCoin, которая охватывает сообщество KuCoin и построена вокруг токена KuCoin (KCS).
Кто основатели KuCoin?
KuCoin был соучредителем Майкла Гана, Эрика Дона, Топа Лана, Кента Ли, Джона Ли, Джека Чжу и Линды Лин. В 2013 году Майкл Ган и Эрик Дон написали первые фрагменты кода для KuCoin в кафе. До 2020 года Ган был генеральным директором, прежде чем Джонни Лю занял пост генерального директора. Майкл Ган окончил Университет Чэнду (компьютерная программная инженер��я) и начал свой путь разработчиком в MikeCRM, Youlin и Missyi Inc. Работал с микросервисами, накопил опыт в DevOP и гибкой разработке. Ган был техническим экспертом в Ant Financial, разрабатывал финансовые решения и был старшим партнером в Kf5.com. Эрик Дон окончил Университет электронных наук и технологий Китая со степенью бакалавра в области сетевой инженерии. До основания KuCoin Эрик работал в ИТ-индустрии в качестве старшего ИТ-партнера в YOULIN.COM, KITEME и REINIOT.
Когда был запущен KuCoin?
Биржа официально запущена в августе 2017 года.
Где находится KuCoin?
Компания является международной, со штаб-квартирой на Сейшельских островах и офисами в Гонконге и Сингапуре, с более чем 20 миллионами пользователей по всему миру и присутствием в более чем 200 странах.
Страны с ограниченным доступом KuCoin
Платформа предоставляет услуги таким странам, как Турция, Индия, Япония, Канада, Великобритания, Сингапур и многим другим. У проекта нет лицензии на работу в США, но трейдеры и криптоинвесторы могут зарегистрировать свои счета.
Какие монеты поддерживаются на KuCoin?
Платформа имеет большое количество торговых пар, предлагает около 700 криптовалют для покупки, продажи и торговли, в список топовых монет входят BTC , ETH , USDT , BNB , ADA , XRP , USDC , DOGE , DOT , UNI и другие . .
Сколько стоит комиссия KuCoin?
Сборы основаны на многоуровневой системе в зависимости от того, к какому «классу» относится токен, и «уровня» пользователя, определяемого их объемом спотовой торговли за последние 30 дней и минимальным объемом KCS. В системе используется модель мейкера-тейкера с комиссией мейкера и тейкера от 0,10% для «Класса А» до 0,30% для «Класса С» для трейдеров «Уровня 0». Уровни варьируются от 0 до 12. Пользователи могут получить скидку 20% при оплате токеном KCS. Для торговли фьючерсами комиссия мейкера варьируется от 0,02% для «Уровня 0» до «-0,015%» для «Уровня 12». Комиссия тейкера варьируется от 0,06% до 0,03%. Депозит бесплатен для всех пользователей, однако комиссия за снятие средств зависит от криптоактива.
Можно ли использовать кредитное плечо или маржинальную торговлю на KuCoin?
Да, пользователи могут использовать маржинальную торговлю, фьючерсы или токены с кредитным плечом, что позволяет им использовать кредитное плечо. Максимальное кредитное плечо, доступное на фьючерсах KuCoin, составляет 100x, но сначала пользователям необходимо пройти KYC. В режиме изолированной маржи кредитное плечо достигает 10x и зависит от торговой пары.
Адреса и контакты
Сайт: https://www.kucoin.com
Информация: kucoin.com/vip/level
Личный блог: kucoin.com/blog/en_US
Telegram: t.me/joinchat/FMqUpg1_vED9MSDJPPcFkg
Twitter: @kucoincom
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matteohudson · 5 years
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Now Listening: Tech N9ne - N9na. #techn9ne #techn9nen9na #lehordeintro #lordofweird #n9na #hitthegroundrunning #likeiaint #greenlit #chukifever #fndoit #dontletmefall #youline #edis #rata #fti20 #shefell #sink #hob #ionmemba #active #efueasierforyou #icaughtcrazy4ever #imsorry #2019 #2019album #hiphop #nowplaying #nowlistening https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwr3yiqFw4T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hsbc9d22o19o
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Yanjun: I understand that we need something to lure the zombie, but why does it have to look like me?
Jeffrey: You’re the only one of us who looks edible.
Yanjun: Excuse me?
Jeffrey: Mostly cause you shower.
Zhangjing: It’s just science.
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chris-jumbo · 3 years
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Jeffrey Tung for a Hublot live-stream event
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sope-seoulmates · 4 years
Sorry for taking so long, but here it is: Fantasy Restaurant Ep 12 Eng Subs! I'm still working on this, but the first 30 minutes are done!
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daily-music-recs · 5 years
Daily Music Recs: Day #222
Jeffrey (董又霖) and Flowsik - Too Much
Still have no clue how Jeffrey and Flowsik ended up collaborating, but BLESS UP.
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stellarflex · 10 months
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Luo Yunxi Studio Weibo update 230630
Youlin Guying, stepping lightly, bid farewell to June with Mr. Jiang Xinbai@罗云熙Leo, welcome July!
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bevanjun · 5 years
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[190420] Xiao Gui Weibo Update
Aahhh I miss seeing them together 🤧
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my9percent · 5 years
51 with Jeffrey? I’ve been watching Fantasy Restaurant and falling for this wonderful man more and more each episode lol
s51. “I’m your husband. It’s my job.”
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You glanced at the time at the corner of your computer and haphazardly threw your items into your bag. Your colleagues raised an eyebrow and you whispered, “My in-laws are coming.” Suddenly their eyes brightened in understanding and you waved goodbye before joining the subway rush to get home.
It was a ten minute walk from the station to home but five if you ran. And so when you unlocked the door, you were breathing heavily. You kicked off your heels and padded towards the kitchen when a succulent smell made you slow down.
When you rounded the corner and looked into the dining room, you saw the table laden with succulent dishes and plates all set up. There were unlit candles and the house was impeccable. A smile tugged on your lips but your heart still ached when you walked into the kitchen.
Jeffrey was bent over a three-tier cake and carefully sprinkling powdered sugar on the cream. His face was set in concentration and you leaned against the doorway, admiring.
When he was satisfied with the result, he finally looked up. “Love, you’re back!”
You walked over to him, feeling the guilt overwhelm you. “You shouldn’t have.”
Jeffrey blinked, once, twice. “What do you mean?”
“All this. Your parents are coming. I should at least take the time out to put in effort and cook. I even came home earlier for this.”
His arm slid around your waist as he looked at the cake with a critical eye. “Sweetie, it’s fine. I know you have the big project. Besides, my parents love you. They’d be upset if they knew I made you do all this.”
Your lower lip slid into a tiny pout. “You’re so good to me. You’re going to make me cry.”
A slow smile built on his face as he kissed your cheek. “I’m your husband. It’s my job.” He placed another kiss on your forehead and then carefully lifted the cake to put it into the fridge. “How about this, what you can do is talk to my mom so she doesn’t complain that nobody listens to her. That would be the hardest feat by far.”
You giggled and slapped his arm. “Jeffrey! She only misses you.”
“I know but I’ve been listening to her talk for the last twenty-something years of my life. I need help.”
The doorbell rang, interrupting your laughter and he held your hand. “Come on. Let’s go greet them.”
@kpopsincejune07, I hope you like it sweetie! Honestly, I have always loved Jeffrey and him on Fantasy Restaurant? EVEN BETTER. He’s just so so great. What a softie, what a sweetheart. What husband material. 呆ffrey hehe 
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jiu-jiemei · 6 years
Jeffery: Can you teach me how to hoe?
Lin Yanjun: Rude
Lin Yanjun: *sips wine*
Lin Yanjun: But yes
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cfensi · 5 years
Celebs become playgrounds for cartoon figurines
Celebs become playgrounds for cartoon figurines
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Celebrities become human landscapes for miniature figures in this photoshoot for a Vogueme event photographed by Oliverjune.  Whose is your favorite?   Liu Haoran, Li Yifeng, Victoria Song Qian, Justin Lin Yanjun,, Dong Youlin, Dilraba, Wang Yibo,, Xiaogui, or Zeng Shunxi?
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