#youkai watch forever friends
dollsandmasks · 1 year
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Hello, Youkai Watch fandom, today I bring you this.
I stumbled upon this alignment chart by accident, please tell me who made it if you have their info so I could credit them.
This alignment chart uses characters from Youkai Watch Shadowside and Forever Friends (mostly Shadowside, it's just this one guy from FF), and you can see I was scraping the barrel to fill some slots. It was very fun, though, and made me rewatch some episodes I haven't touched in a while, which is always a good thing. Also, I decided to only add one character per slot, the one who fits best in my opinion ( unless the characters are practically a single unit, such as the Onimaro Trio), but that ended up pushing some major figures to the side (like, for example, Keisuke and Akinori would both be Benefactors, and Fukurou and Douketsu would both be Soldiers, but I had to choose one for each category). I know that some characters don't really fit in these narrow slots, some are up for interpretation (how much do we really know about the Onimaro Leader or the corrupt royal advisers who framed Kuuten?), and some might be me misremembering the shit out of a show I'm in love with. If you have anything to add, please feel free to do so!
Here's the list, top left to bottom right, as well as some thoughts on their placement. Beware of spoilers, though, because it gets very spoilers!
Crusader - Tsukinami Touma. The post-movie Touma, obviously. He is a genuinely good guy who fights for what's right and is associated with sword imagery, what else can you say. Also, the reason he attacked the police station while under the influence of the Onimaro was because they made him believe the police weren't doing their job right and Touma was the only one who could fight crime efficiently, which means he must care about upholding the law, making him Lawful, alignment-wise.
Nurturer - Himeno Ayame. She is the kindest soul ever and doesn't want anyone to get hurt under any circumstances. She is the the only person on the show who is consistently nice to everyone, even the team's punching bag (Micchy, that is). And she is pretty social to boot.
Benefactor - Arihoshi Akinori. He is a free-roaming magical detective who will do illegal shit to solve a case, but will also do completely legal shit to solve a case, because he likes helping people and doing the right thing. Good for him.
Hero - Amano Natsume. I mean, who else would it be? She is literally the hero of this story, and she will try to deceive the villains by giving them chocolate bars instead of sacred swords, and I'm also not sure how legal jumping into that river from the movie was, she could have been fined for that if it didn't literally save a kid's life.
Vigilante - Jibanyan. All those Nyan Reno movies must have been one hell of an inspiration. He is a free spirit indeed, I mean, aren't all cats free spirits? And he is rough around the edges, but undoubtedly heroic and kind, and he will take on the supernatural law enforcements if they try to hurt someone who's dear to him.
Protector - Arihoshi Mitsue. She has high morals (some accidental dog-and-frogslaughter aside) and follows both the common Japanese laws and the laws dictated by the supernatural realm. She is not actively heroic (she tried her best during the movie, but at her age, she probably shouldn't have), but she is both a protector of tradition and a protector of the new generation of our spirit world doo-gooders. Respect the granny!
Counsellor - Whisper. Who else is there to give counselling to our leads if not the all-knowing butler himself? Whisper respects the laws of Youmakai, and appears to be working for Enma directly in the movie (I wonder if he still does during the show itself, that would explain where the detective agency gets the money to buy all these chocobars), but, as we can see from his past in the first anime, he is no stranger to barging into the royal palace and demanding laws be changed so he could keep hanging out with a friend. His relative closeness and complete lack of respect for Enma in some cases (the You-Tube prank and the Halloween boink come to mind) seems to indicate that he would be the most likely youkai to actually talk to Enma about changing the laws of the Youmakai if he disagrees with them, instead of following them begrudgingly (making him Lawful) or straight up breaking them (making him Chaotic).
Philosopher - Komasan. Why would a dog even care about laws? Also, he gives me general philosophical observer who would rather muse about the world around him than change it vibes. He is still a good doggo who will fight for his friends when they are in danger, and he follows his morals, but he will pay no respect to the silly human laws that forbid sentient creatures from urinating in the streets. Let him live, goddammit!
Rebel - Micchy. Acts without thinking? Check. Suffers the consequences? Check. Mantains a moral standing? Check. Would totally wear a leather jacket with a word "Rebel" etched onto the back? You betcha. I mean, many superhero comics and tokusatsu shows, which he is clearly a fan of, have rebellious protagonists who do the right thing and have high moral values without necessarily following the rules or staying in their lane, and many are at odds both with the criminals and with the law enforcements. Micchy himself has a delinquent background and would totally use underhanded tactics if necessary, but he is still a good guy and a self-professed hero. This guy is everything to me.
Trickster - Junior. Fudou Myouou Boy fits here too, to a lesser extent. Junior is still a little kid, so he views the world as a fun game to play, and being raised in a detective agency where exciting things tend to happen on a weekly basis is clearly affecting his development. He can be mischevious and cause minor trouble (including, but not limited to, eating someone's ark or cheating, like, twelve or so kids out of their Yu-Go-Oh! cards), and trickstery kinda comes with being a cat, but he is still a benevolent creature and will use his powers for good, even if using them for good means scaring a guy half to death (especially if it means scaring a guy half to death).
Judge - Lord Enma. Even with his throne usurped, he is still a just and honorable ruler who cares deeply about the safety of Youmakai and is willing to sacrifice himself to protect it. He is the law, or at least was the law before Lord Kaira took the throne for himself, but even then, saving Youmakai came first for Lord Enma, and getting his throne back came, like, third or so, he didn't even bother with it in the end. Nurarihyon could be in this spot as well, at least at the time of Shadowside, but the absolute shitshow that was his time as a consort in the second movie of the first anime makes me see him as more "Lawful Disaster" or "Lawful What the Fuck" than "Lawful Neutral". There was nothing neutral about him at the time, and even during Shadowside, his devotion to everything Enma kinda takes the neutrality out of him.
Soldier - Douketsu. Fukurou could be in this spot as well, but Douketsu had considerably more screen time than him, so I went with the teach. Fukurou can never win, can he? My poor owl child. Anyway, Douketsu is the devoted type. His moral compass is based entirely on what's best for the Oni clan, and, specifically, for Shutendoji. Shutendoji's wish is his command, and, even if he does not approve of his master's actions (see the Ayame/Jorogumo disaster for reference), he will always be there for him, will follow his every whim, and is more than willing to die for him (which he eventually does). Showing compassion to anyone but his fellow Oni clan members is out of the question, kidnapping little kids is the least he would do for his master. I wonder if his colleagues ever noticed anything strange about him during his short gig as a school teacher.
Undecided - Komajiro. Frog. That's it, that's the reasoning. He frog. Baby froggo. Dat boi. Why would he have morals, why would he follow the law? He loves his brother and is a friendly little creature, but he is more than capable of revenge, both petty and not-so-petty, and you will get your eye gouged out if he doesn't like you. This is what happens when you give a frog magical powers. Frogs cannot discern between good and evil, they don't need to, they are above that. Praised be the frogs. O shit waddup.
Rogue - Mitsumata Mizuchi. The Mitsumata Brother who did not grow out of his delinquent phase, but might begin to change his ways soon - not because he wants to be good or doesn't want to be evil, he just wants his brother to respect him. Laws, morals and alignments don't mean much to him, but his pride as a Mitsumata does, and so does his family (even if his reunion with an estranged brother did end up with a girl crying and a factory getting blown up). I don't think this guy respected a single law in his entire life, if he did not break a law, it means he just wasn't feeling like it on that particular day. His plan to get his brother's attention was to kidnap a girl, tie her to a chair and write a ransom note. I'm starting to think that watching too many movies and then poorly imitating them is a Mitsumata family trait.
Free Spirit - Ogu, Mogu and Togu. I'm including all three because they are an inseparable unit and play the same role in the story. While technically part of the malicious virus hive mind, they are not particularly motivated to do good or to do evil, they just float around doing what they are told, get attached to a guy and then help the guy in any way they can because they like him, whether it is by fighting the good guys, fighting the bad guys, performing a self-sacrifice or coming back after the self-sacrifice to float around once again. They even develop enough personality to get separated from the hive mind, all while not being technically good or bad. They literally become free spirits, after spending their entire lives as non-free spirits. Godspeed.
Overlord - the owner of NGEI, the power plant from the Robonyan 00 episode. His secretary also included because I couldn't be bothered to take a screenshot where he would be alone. A corrupt businessman who wants money and power, unsafe work practices be damned. You've seen these guys in the real world, now you get to see one on the screen. Not the strongest bad guy around, one combined effort from Whisper and Junior is enough to scare him into submission, and he gets his just desserts by the end of the episode. I know that the description says "bending" the law, and the guy clearly broke some laws in managing his power plant to get arrested at the end of the episode, but he fits otherwise, and bending the laws without technically breaking them can still get you in legal trouble if your power plant catches on fire and a group of kids nearly die. Shit, or was it a factory, not a power plant? I'd fact check if my browser didn't have a lethal amount of tabs open already.
Socialite - Lord Kaira. He wanted to lead all right, and lead he did. I don't think he was even that bad at it, like, everything bad that happened during Shadowside mostly took place in the human world, and the whole Soranaki kerfuffle wasn't even his fault. Nurarihyon is responsible for more ridiculous lawmaking than Kaira ever was, as far as we know. Lord Kaira's problem wasn't how he ruled, it was how he came to power (starting a coup and throwing a guy into a prison because he was more popular back in youkai school), and how he cared about power more than he did about effectively protecting his people (either that, or he genuinely believed he would just assimilate Fudou Myouou's power and slice Oni King Rasen in half effortlessly like a potato or something). On a sidenote, do we ever learn what kind of a human-youkai hybrid he is? Was he born from a youkai parent and a human parent, was he a human who somehow turned half-youkai, is he some weird magical amalgamation which resulted from some youkai scientists playing God? Either way, it clearly gave the guy some self-esteem issues that need to be adressed.
Schemer - the Onimaro Leader. You know, the guy from the movie who manipulated a lonely kid into doing lots and lots of crime, just so he could merge with Rasen, effectively stopping to exist in the process. We don't learn much about him, but he is hellishly good at manipulation (all of his scenes with Touma made me gawk at how good he was at reading that kid) and seems to be fairly smart and logical for someone whose goal is incomprehensible to humans. Like, why would you even want that? My theory is that all Onimaro are aspects of Rasen, one way or another, and the Leader represents his smart, logical and cunning side, you know, the traits that are kind of needed to be a competent king. This would mean that Ogu, Mogu and Togu represent friendliness, empathy and having an open mind, and these are the only three Onimaro he did not absorb. Says a lot about the guy, doesn't it?
Nomad - Shien. Yup, we are entering the Forever Friends zone, because it still counts as Shadowside, kinda, sort of, same game! He is a prince who hates his dad and wants to prove himself while also being a dick about it, and a lot of political and family drama follows, resulting in many senseless and tragic deaths among the common folk. You know, just like with real life monarchies. Also, Shutendoji was there, and it made things worse (of course it made things worse), and then Soranaki attacked, and Amaterasu of all youkai was there for some reason (it lasted for three seconds and he had, like, three lines of dialogue), and we ended up getting a baby Enma as a result. This movie was something else, I'm telling you. Anyway, Shien had zero respect for anything and anyone, ever, and his second life as Lord Enma is a big improvement (his second-second life as Hikage Mao is an improvement as well, he manages to be a background character for 214 episodes of the first anime without making it known that he can see youkai, despite everything that was happening around him in the classroom. A true legend).
Psychopath - Jorogumo. Hello, my favourite spider lady! We've all heard about women's rights, now get ready for women's wrongs. She does not. Give. A fuck. Morals can fuck right off, she will suck a guy's soul from his dead skull, and she will commit identity theft while commiting a different identity theft (theftception) to manipulate a simp into doing dirty work for her, and she will ridicule him every step of the way, and she will endanger all lives, any lives, as long as she gets to do what she loves (murder and consumption of human flesh). There has never been a better depiction of "gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss" as a character, and that phrase originated long after Shadowside came out. I love how she got to hang out in the opening credits long after the gang had defeated her. That's how much of an impact she had on everything, all while not being even remotely connected to the Soranaki drama (if she was present during Shuka and Kuuten's time, though, she would totally meddle with them to make sure the drama gets even juicier and everyone suffers even more, all while pretending to be Shuka's bff, friendship bracelets and all. I want a fanfic of this, not gonna lie).
Dominator - the corrupt advisors who framed Kuuten. This is the only slot that I have genuinely pulled out of the depths of my ass. How much do we even know about these guys? Why did they frame Kuuten? Were they worried that he was getting too much influence in the Youmakai court due to being Shuka's lover? Were they planning to set Shuka up with a different suitor to further their political agenda? Did Kuuten do something to anger them, maybe he vetoed a law he shouldn't have or crossed paths with the wrong politician? Was there genuinely a plot to kill Shuka's father, and the advisors decided to frame Kuuten to cover up the true culprit's ass? Were the advisors themselves behind the assassination plot? Or... Maybe the advisors genuinely believed that Kuuten was scheming behind their backs, but they had no evidence so they faked it in fear that Kuuten will go through with the assassination while they are too busy trying to catch him red-handed, and it was their distrust of him, not genuine malice, that got him killed. Either way, I needed someone for the Dominator slot, so let's go with the assumption that they framed Kuuten because they were evil, and were most definitely methodical and intentional while doing so. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it's them in the picture I used, or just some youkai they hired to get rid of the pesky Kuuten supporters. That's how vague the Kuuten situation is. Real world history tends to do that too, actually.
Sociopath - Shutendoji. Let me make this clear, the alignment chart uses the term as a description of a character archetype, I'm not trying to actually diagnose Shutendoji with sociopathy or anything. He clearly needs therapy (don't we all?), but I'm not sure if that would be the right diagnosis for him, same as I'm not sure if an actual medical professional would diagnose Jorogumo with psychopathy (they would probably get eaten by her before they could finish the assessment). Anyway, this guy had an agenda (to put Shuka back in charge of Youmakai, whatever it takes), and he sacrificed everything for this agenda. We don't know if it was his personal decision or if he was raised like that by the Oni clan and just trying to finish what his ancestors had started; we don't know if he genuinely believed that life would be better for everyone under the Oni clan's rule, or if he just wanted to have political power and saw Shuka as the only way to get it. His devotion to Shuka is almost fanatical in nature, his one-track mind makes him miss obvious signs that Something is Wrong, and everything about him screams "a kid who got brought up in a literal cult and does fucked up things because he doesn't know any better", but does that absolve him of responsibility for, well, everything that happened? Not really. Also, by the time we last see him in Shadowside, his two closest friends and allies are dead, his plan has failed, he has nowhere to go and he plans on drowning his sorrows in alcohol so he wouldn't have to face the existential dread of having failed the task that he's been preparing for his entire life. The tragedy of Shuka gave birth to the tragedy of Shutendoji, and time will tell if it, too, will result in a Soranaki-level threat that some kid with a magical watch will have to fix in a hudred years or so. Jiba Jinpei's descendants better get ready.
Malefactor - Oni King Rasen. The first trial our heroes had to face on their journey to Time Timely. The monarch who actually does something, that something being smashing stuff, throwing girls into rivers, shooting blood spikes at people and generally being an evil piece of shit. He is so mindlessly evil, it's kinda hard to hate him, unless you consider him and the Onimaro Leader to be parts of the same personality, then yes, he is very hateable. Also, his defeat made for a very entertaining kamishibai play by an obscure, but highly talented artist Mike Shadowside. Look, I'm referencing my own old posts now. It's time for me to go to bed, and, thankfully, we are almost done.
Anarchist - Shiroda, the thug from the first episode. At first I misremembered his name as Sorada and wanted to have an entire bit about how him being the first enemy of the series proper was a subtle foreshadowing for Soranaki, but alas, my bad memory is to blame. Anyway, he is a criminal who does criminal things criminally and beats eleven year olds with a chain. A disgrace to all anarchists everywhere, good thing the ghost of a little boy who looks inexplicably like Kujo Jotaro got him beat up.
Destroyer - Soranaki. The grief of a wrongly accused and executed innocent which took shape and went apeshit on everything, but especially his ex-girlfriend. Destruction of beauty and life, indeed. He wants to take away lives the same way his own life was taken away once. Tokio Ubaune from the first movie of the first anime had something similar going on, but her scope was not nearly that big, and her ex actually had nothing to do with it, yet he becomes the reason she changes her ways in the games, which is kind of another parallel to Soranaki. I guess the Amano family is just doomed to keep dealing with bitter spirits who are murderously angry about getting wrongly accused of crimes they did not commit and dying in prison as a result (an understandable reaction, not gonna lie), and the best solution just happens to bring their long dead ex to them so they could make up.
Oh God, I'm going to have so much fun tagging all of this, aren't I?
Anyway, have a nice Youkai Watchi-chi day, I hope the time is timing timely for you.
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lynab00 · 3 months
ive adopted him he’s my character now. I love usuta san
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dreamerkitty · 9 months
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Shutendoji and Shien from M05
You and me, forever and ever <3
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mr-buisson-bosquet · 11 months
As a faithful Yokai Watch fan, I have watched every single movies from the first to the sixth. And as expected of this diverse franchise full of official content, some movies are more popular amongst audiences than others.
Yet, while looking for fan content on them, I found the Forever Friends movie to be barely exploited, even though it has enormous potential both in storytelling lore, and characters.
Which is why I'm asking every Yokai Watch Movie connoisseur !
Are there still Yokai Watch Forever Friends fans today ? Fanfiction writers, fanartists, theorists, music composers, video creators...
Let's all unite and share together our works on this unknown Yokai Watch gem !
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Sagume Kishin:
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Sagume Kishin is based on Ame-no-sagume, the goddess thought to be the mother of all amanojaku. Though, she's also a high-ranking figure among the Lunarians, being another of the Lunar Sages as Eirin was.
Oh, and she's a goddess specifically. Touhou Project usually uses the word "kami", which is gender-neutral, but the English word "goddess" is used for her.
She has the superpower to "reverse a situation with her words". It might be best explained this way: have you ever watched or read a work of fiction where someone says "what's the worst that could happen?" only for the absolute worst possible thing to happen? That's her ability. Her saying that something is the case will cause it to not be the case. It might be the natural extent of how amanojaku lie so much: she literally can't tell the truth because anything she says will soon become a lie. This ability is an incredibly powerful one, with no apparent weaknesses. She could hypothetically bend all of reality to her whim if she said the right things.
Sagume Kishin is the true mastermind behind the events of Touhou 14.5: Urban Legend in Limbo. She caused the Urban Legend incident and manipulated Sumireko into spreading it. She successfully "poisoned the tree at the roots", permanently altering Gensokyo into a land where anything can happen if people believe it will. She did this to allow the Lunarians to break into Gensokyo and take the place over.
This was not an act of greed, but instead one of desperation: the Lunarians had been forced out of their Lunar Capital by an invading army straight out of Hell itself, led by a long-time enemy of the Lunarians.
In the meantime, Sagume asked Doremy to create a copy of the Lunar Capital in the Dream World for everyone to hide in, while she stayed behind in the real Lunar Capital to keep watch. Indeed, Sagume was so reluctant to follow through on this invasion plan, that when the protagonist faced her, she announced that the Lunarian invasion was inevitable and any resistance against it was powerless, activating her ability and solving the crisis shortly after.
She was fought as Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom's 4th boss, where she tested the strength of the protagonist to see if they could defeat the Hell army. She explained the Lunarians' predicament, and pointed them towards the game's true main villain. While most bosses in the series at least have their clothes torn a tiny bit and a few bruises after their defeat, Sagume emerged completely unscathed by the boss fight. Apparently this was because the dialogue before the fight is very short, while the dialogue afterwards is very long, so you wouldn't be able to get a good look at her.
After the incident was resolved, Sagume made repeated visits to Gensokyo in secret, where she visited Eintei to talk with Eirin about stuff.
She made another major appearance at the end of The Grimoire of Usami. As it turns out, Yukari Yakumo set up a failsafe for Shinmyoumaru's little violent party. While Yukari did approve of it, as "you can't really have fun without the smell of death around", she also realized Reimu and her incident resolving friends couldn't keep the youkai at bay forever. So, she pulled a favor in from Eirin to contact Sagume and invite her over to the festival. Sagume didn't show up until the very end, after almost everyone had gone.
Sagume knew immediately why she was sent there, and announced to the audience and all participants that they could go wild as long as they liked! Sure enough, Shinmyoumaru entered the stage as the "final boss" immediately afterwards, at which point Reimu confronted her and showed her the error of her ways. Oh, and Seija Kijin was so excited by her great-great-great-grandma showing up that she promised that she would be in it for the long haul with Shinmyoumaru, since clearly the Inchling knew how to have a good time.
Still, who exactly was Sagume was unknown to the audience, who would probably snap if they knew a Lunarian could so easily enter Gensokyo, or that she was responsible for the near annihilation of Gensokyo. Sumireko in particular thought Sagume was another Chunnibyou teenager like herself, based on her outfit and mannerisms.
Speaking of, you'd think Yukari Yakumo would be mad at Sagume for almost laying waste to all of Gensokyo, since she founded it and all, but it seems Yukari is actually more impressed than anything. She thinks Sagume's superpower is an awfully convenient one, and thanks her for allowing Gensokyo to evolve in such a way.
Sagume's personality appears to be cold and aloof. Due to her abilities, she's usually borderline mute, being incredibly careful when and how she speaks. While it seems she was against the Lunarian invasion of Gensokyo enough to plan a backdoor out of it, she also appears to have the typical Lunarian feeling of superiority over the "impure Earthlings". Reisen Udongein Inaba still respects her enough to follow her orders without question, despite claiming to be an Earth rabbit now. Eirin and Kaguya also appear to be on good terms with Sagume, enough to scare people into thinking they plan on betraying Gensokyo to the Lunarians.
Either way, we've never actually seen a "normal" Lunarian up to this point, unlike, for example, how pretty much every kappa is a Nitori clone. They'll probably continue to be faceless bureaucrats well into the future.
In combat, Sagume doesn't do much on her own. She mostly summons these Yin-Yang orb enemies to shoot danmaku for her. Apparently they're Impurity Detection Drones. She only attacks directly in her last spellcard: "One-Winged White Heron" where she creates lots of yellow beams of light from her single wing.
Speaking of, the one wing on her back is meant to reveal she's actually only half-Lunarian. She's half heavenly god, half earthly god.
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inu-mothership · 1 year
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday Encore: Jan. 21, 2023: TogIza!
Hello everyone! We here at @inu-mothership are back with another list of fics for you to enjoy. For 2023, we've decided to bring you a mix: some will be new - characters, rare pairs, and more - and some will revisit our lists from years past. To start off the new year, our first fic rec list is an encore, in honor of the recent @inuparentsday: TogIza!
We first brought you a list of TogIza fics just over a year ago; you can see that list here 💜 Since then, there have been many wonderful stories written. This list features sixteen of them, and we urge you to go check out the tag on Ao3 for more!
As always, stories are below the cut, listed in alphabetical order with rating and current status (ongoing or complete). We hope you find more Inuparents stories to love!
Ambush Tactics (G; complete) by @alannada
A princess plays koto. A youkai lurks in the night.
Burn (M; complete) by @loveyou-x3000
The Inu no Taisho warns his lover of the war to come.
Claws and Silk (E; ongoing) by niahime98 (Ao3)
Everyone knows the story about the girl who overcame time, and the boy who was just overcome, but what about the events leading up to the birth of our favorite Inu-hanyou?
A telling of Izayoi and Toga’s story. 🤍
Dog of the Dawn (T; ongoing) by Anglotron (Ao3)
Inu no Taisho's alive, though he doesn't know how. The general wants to help his sons, all the while enduring the grief of losing his soulmate. Determined to look after his boys, he's willing to face this Nara-whatever. His presence causes some unintended consequences.
Doggy Smooches (M; ongoing) by @superpixie42
Puppy Kisses for the older generation. A collection of one-shots and ficlets (canon and AU) centered around Touga and Izayoi. The collection is rated M but each chapter will be individually rated with a descriptive summary at the beginning. Additional tags will be added as the collection grows.
Dreams of a Better Tomorrow (G; complete) by heartrush (Ao3)
Toga and Izayoi find out they're expecting a child.
Dropping the Ball (M; complete) by @dawnrider and @nartistadigital
The New Year's Eve gala was supposed to be a wonderful night, a culmination of a year's hard work and a chance for Touga and Izayoi to have a good time. Instead Izayoi finds herself in her best friend's bathroom wondering how everything went so wrong. How did they drop the ball?
How Do You Make a Hanyou? (G; complete) by @arisukingdom
Inuyasha has a very important question to ask and nobody seems to want to answer, but dad will deal with this, well he didn’t have much choice, but he can do it!
Missing You (G; complete) by SerenityElian (Ao3)
Izayoi watched desperately as the castle she used to live in being consumed by flames and with it, him, the love of her life.
A Most Peculiar Family (T; complete) by @inuyashamybeloved/InuScarlett (Ao3)
Even when they are loving, parents can be quite embarrassing. (Ch 1)
Toga meets Izayoi at a medical convention. (Ch 2)
No Possible Way (T; complete) by @neutronstarchild
The whale sounds were soothing, Izayoi claimed. And the yodeling? Well, everyone needed to understand parts of different cultures. When the “learn how to speak German” came on, at that point Tōga was definitely catching on. Because according to Mō-Mō Construction, coworkers weren’t allowed to date. Even if the coworker was a gorgeous perfect specimen of dog demon that certain red-blooded women had ever seen. And work trips were not for paying attention to said crush, or the suspicion that it was mutual. But Izayoi’s friend Kaede had some tricks up her sleeve, and their boss Tōtōsai had not paid nearly enough attention to the bed & breakfast reservations he made.
One Moment in Time: Ch. 4: Ai ai gasa (T; complete) by @jeremymarsh
One moment in time in our characters’ lives that could change them forever – or maybe not.
Such is a Scent that is as Sweet as You (T; complete) by @shade-without-color/streamsofstoriesandcolour (Ao3)
Toga has a rough day being a bounty hunter on the Continent, mere food and a chat from Myoga did not extinguish his exhaustion until a certain person came back to him.
There’s Always Time for Coffee (G; complete) by @heynikkiyousofine
Toga works up the nerve to ask the barista out, with a little help from his son's mother.
Who’s Your Daddy (M; complete) by @moon-ion/thetroll (Ao3)
"Daddy," InuYasha learns, is a term with more than one meaning.
The Widow’s Howl (T; complete) by @mamabearcat
This was originally posted on Tumblr in response to a heart wrenching piece of amazing art by Sayuri-Watanabe.
I imagined what Izayoi must have felt as she left Toga behind at the burning castle, carrying a newborn Inuyasha. Unfortunately I didn't have to imagine too hard, having had experience with that kind of grief. I apologise in advance.
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kozachenko · 6 months
Hey, so I was thinking about this post of yours and wait, dosent reimu just defeat most yokai and not kill them?
In pc98 yeah she did, I’ll agree with that, but she didn’t kill all yokai, as shown by Alice, mima (yes, she’s in windows thanks to a music cd), and yuuka. But from eosd onwards, I thought she just deafeted them? Like with suika, koishi, murasa, saki, rin, Flandere etc who all reoccur in recent games, they’re still kicking. Maybe yukari keeps certain yokai alive for various reasons like being useful / maintains order / too weak to care, but then why have Marisa killed specifically? Alice is still alive, and if Marisa were to become a yokai, she’d be most similar to her probably. And why further upset the shrine maiden, who maintains order and keeps things running / is useful by killing Marisa? Wouldn’t that serve to dishearten reimu?
I still love the angst of watching someone you love become something else entirely and knowing that this cannot maintain forever (some yokai would outlive reimu, and if Marisa was to slow / stop the aging process, then yeah) but it’s just something I was thinking of, and my touhou knowledge isn’t as deep as I’d like, so I mi t be wrong
That's actually a good point, before I made that post I didn't know about a plot point in Forbidden Scrollery where Yukari prevents Kosuzu from becoming a Youkai because Reimu killing her wouldn't exactly be good for Reimu's mental health. My main inspiration for this post was another post talking about why Reimu needed to kill the fortune teller guy in Forbidden Scrollery. She does still kill Youkai, just humans who become Youkai while in Gensokyo (hence why she's fine with Alice), she just doesn't do so in the main games due to the spellcard system (albeit, there have been some times when it's been broken e.g. Junko straight up trying to kill you in LoLK).
I like to imagine that Yukari tries to steal some of Marisa's books on magic from her, or otherwise tries to hinder her progression in her magic studies. The scenario I detailed in that post is more or less a bad-ending type situation, where all of Yukari's (and some of the other sage's) efforts to try and keep Marisa from becoming a Youkai end up failing. The only reason they would try so hard to prevent this in the first place was because Marisa is a close friend of Reimu's, if she were anyone else who Reimu didn't know, they wouldn't really care to stop them. So when Marisa would become a Youkai, they would probably tell Reimu, try to help her come to grips with the emotional turmoil of it all, and then focus on the preservation on Gensokyo, a necessary evil in Gensokyo's protection.
Looking back on that post they wouldn't quite be so cold about the whole thing, but they would definitely become more focused on Gensokyo's preservation than Reimu's feelings on the matter, kind of like a "last resort" type of situation. If we're going with the idea of the sages trying to keep an eye on Marisa and prevent her from becoming a Youkai, then maybe they would see it as a "prolonging the inevitable" type of thing. They've probably told Marisa the consequences of becoming a Youkai, and she just doesn't believe them, thinking they just don't want her to become too strong as to not surpass them in terms of power. I don't really know how in character this would be for her, but to me it seems she's less trusting of Yukari than Reimu is, she would probably trust Kasen more, but if Kasen were to be the one to deliver that information she might just associate it more with Yukari and the other sages just using her to try and prevent Marisa from getting stronger, idk I haven't read Wild and Horned Hermit yet so I don't know the full ins and outs of their relationship, I just go off the wiki.
I think the biggest mystery here is why it's so vital to Gensokyo's balance that no human can become a Youkai, it's something I still think about sometimes, but in canon the issue is treated pretty seriously by Yukari and Reimu, so who knows. Again, I haven't read all the manga (YET), so my information comes from other Tumblr posts talking about the manga lol.
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mysteriawrites · 9 months
INFP-T. AFAB they/them. Down to be paired with any gender.
I am a lover of sweets, cats, and games and tend to be very passionate about the things that I’m interested in. Often, I act like an older sibling to friends that are younger than me, and like a complete troll/bratty younger sibling to friends that are older (or taller). I have been referred to as a “chaos gremlin.”
Still, I know when to be responsible. Overall, I try my best to be kind and happy, and have been told that my smile “lights up a room”. ;-; so nice.
I am a bit short at 5’2.5”. I also get bouts of anxiety and have a tendency to overthink or read too much into things that don’t actually mean anything.
Thank you so much for opening up your matchups again, and I hope you’re doing well!!! <3
Hello thx for the request! Sorry this is extremely late. Also I prefer if people send asks for different fandoms separately so if you could send a separate ask for star rail that’d be great. Anywho DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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You and Itto are a very silly couple. Despite you being the more responsible of the two of you, you still get wrapped up in just as many shenanigans. However you always have each other’s back.
You were just a young nekomata (two tailed cat youkai like Kirara) who had a tendency to get into a bit of mischief from time to time. You never ment any harm by it, you would just be playing games with the citizens of inazuma and they didn’t seem to bothered.
However today you happened to chose the wrong people to bother
You thought it would be fun if you took borrowed a hat from your Nobushi friend to entertain the kids. So you went to where he was normally stationed, only to find out you accidentally took the wrong hat.
And so now you’re running away from a gang of nobushi. Itto was just looking for some beetles when he saw you being chased by angry men with swords. Yeah he decided to step in.
After he saved you he introduced himself as Arataki Itto. You were so grateful to him for saving you and you two became instant friends.
You joined his gang and you and him spend your days entertaining the children and pulling harmless pranks. He also gives you a multitude of silly nicknames to your dismay.
He thinks it’s adorable how double sided you can be. You tease him and act like a complete gremlin with him, but with the kids you’re a sweet and responsible oni-chan (pun).
One day he invited to come watch one of his beetle battles. You see in your time of knowing you Itto has grown to have a little (big) crush on you. He likes to show off and impress you every chance he gets, so he really wanted you to watch him win.
He won of course. He was so happy he picked you up and spun you around! In that moment you two looked into each other’s eyes eyes and realized something important…
There’s no one you’d rather have by your side but one another. You two promised to be each other’s partner and crime forever and sealed that promise with a kiss.
Itto is a very gentleman type boyfriend. Spoils you with gifts, give you a coat when you’re cold, pulls out chairs and opens doors for you.
He just wants you to know that even though he’s a big goof ball, he takes his love for you very seriously.
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isaksbestpillow · 1 year
Hi Siiri! So I often watch stuff when I see it on your blog because you honestly have excellent taste. This time I watched Sangatsu no lion after I saw that post that had the Bump of Chicken video. I'm obsessed with that band and the show sounded perfect for me. I finished the entire anime today and I loved it so much!! I wish there was more. So anyway I just wanted to say thanks for reblogging that post lmao. Also what other anime/manga do you love and recommend?
Hello!! Omg another Bump of chicken listener in the wild!! I love them though I haven't been vibing with their last few songs as much. Fujiwara Motoo has a genuine talent for writing profound lyrics using mundane words, he's great!
I've become such a boomer regarding anime that I really don't know any of the titles currently relevant, but I can recommend some of my forever faves!
Natsume yuujinchou/Natsume's book of friends: My beloved, my dearest, my most favourite. Natsume Takashi is an ordinary, introverted high school boy who lives in rural Kumamoto prefecture with his foster family and a fat cat. Except that his cat is no cat at all and Natsume is no ordinary boy because he can see youkai (spirits). Some of those spirits are angry, some sad, some funny, some lonely. What they have in common is they've all got beef with Natsume's late grandmother who has sealed their names into a book. The episodes revolve around Natsume and his cat sidekick setting free the trapped spirits they encounter one by one. It's the best anime!!! It's so calming and melancholy and nice. With 29 manga volumes out, the story is still on-going.
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Chihayafuru: The best sports anime ever!! Chihaya, Taichi and Arata are three childhood friends brought back together by competitive karuta, which is an agility and memory based sport that uses ancient Japanese poetry. There's friendship, romance, sport, poetry, what else do you need! I love it so much. The characters are great, they all have their strengths and weaknesses in karuta and outside of it, especially Chihaya who is super likable without being a Mary Sue type. With fifty manga volumes out, the story is still on-going. I just wish they'd go polyamorous because even after all these years I can't decide whether I ship Chihaya more with Taichi, Arata or her idol/nemesis Shinobu haha.
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Shouwa genroku rakugo shinjuu: Freshly out of prison, a yakuza discovers the world of rakugo (traditional Japanese story telling), but his mentor is haunted by the ghosts of his difficult past in this stunning queer period piece.
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Mushishi: A guy wanders around the country in search of supernatural powers known as mushi that can possess and harm people. This is what would happen if Natsume Yuujinchou took up drugs and smoking.
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Heike monogatari (2021): A stunning feminist retelling of the birth of one of Japan's oldest epics.
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Yojouhan shinwa taikei/The tatami galaxy: A guy tries to restart his freshman year at university over and over, each time failing to get the outcome he desires regardless of what he chooses or changes, steadily snowballing to a mental breakdown and existential crisis. This one is a classic with a very unique style in art and direction and the most amazing line you must accept that you are the person here now and you cannot become anyone else but that person.
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No 6: This anime pales in comparison to the book series that's such a vivid, visceral portrayal of the indomitable will to live even when dying would be easier, but it's still nice viewing. Queer teenagers take on an oppressive government and some killer bees. The books though!!!! They are so great!!! It's a shame they aren't available internationally, but then again I'm not sure how well they'd work in English because so much of their rhythm and tension tempo is achieved in ways that disappear when you remove Japanese from the equation. Pov is an especially tricky area because Japanese doesn't have personal verbs or mandatory grammatical subject which allows for shifting pov and narrator and time.
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I'm probably forgetting something, but these are some of my forever faves!! I didn't mention Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood because I think everyone knows it already, but it's my most favourite favourite.
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yyh4ever · 2 years
Summer Night Feast
"Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle" Summer Event
This summer event was first held from July 13th to July 31st, 2020. It shows Mukuro, Yomi and Raizen enjoying a summer festival before war broke out between the countries. It's great to see Raizen having fun with Enki, Koko and his other friends.
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Story: The three great youkai of the Demon World: Raizen, Mukuro, and Yomi. Before the rift between their countries intensified, the tension was not as great as it is now … And, a summer festival was held in the Demon World...
"Summer Night Feast"
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Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi…
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The three major forces who represent the Demon World. No one seems to know their names.
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The present Demon World has been in conflict for 500 years due to a standoff between those three.
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However, before the rift between their countries intensified, it was hard to say that things were peaceful at all.
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But, it seems it was not as tense as it is now.
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That was when the summer festival was held in the Demon World.
What kind of expressions did the 3 most powerful youkai of the Demon World show back then?
Part 1 – Mukuro [The Devil enjoying the cool evening]
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*blah blah* (background chatter)
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Mukuro: Hmm … they're really charged up!
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Mukuro: All the youkai have a spineless look on their faces, and are making a fuss.
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Youkai A: Aah? What the hell, you're bumping into me!
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Youkai B: You too! What the fuck?!
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 *punch*! *snap*!
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Youkai C: Go, go, go! Kill'em!
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Mukuro: ........
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Mukuro: Even if they look spineless, the Demon World is still the Demon World…
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Mukuro: But, maybe this very disorder is what makes the Demon World what it is.
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Mukuro: No outrageous problems have occurred. On the other hand, it doesn't mean that the Demon World has lost its essence.
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Mukuro: It would be best to maintain the status quo.
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Mukuro: But, it appears that's not going to happen...
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Mukuro's aide: Hey, hasn't Mukuro-sama returned yet?
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Kirin: Beats me. If we are told to wait here, we don't have much choice but to obey.
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Mukuro's aide: I don't know what she's thinking at all. If something happens, I am not sure if we can help.
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Kirin: ...Indeed, it will be troublesome if Mukuro-sama's face becomes known in a place like this. 
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Kirin: What the heck, what is she doing over there...?
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Mukuro: Eventually, there will be all-out war in the Demon World.
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Mukuro: Now that I've been at odds with Yomi and Raizen, a clash is probably inevitable.
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Mukuro: To protect the current Demon World, I will never give up...
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Kirin: Mukuro-sama!
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Kirin: Someone is approaching, ma'am. Please, get away from there as soon as possible.
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Mukuro: ...*Sigh*. I was watching the youkai, and now this…
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Mukuro: I can't even enjoy one of the festivals.
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Kirin: Mukuro-sama, run away quickly, please! We will handle it from here…!
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Mukuro: The Demon World is good because it's chaotic. That's my opinion, and I should reaffirm it.
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Mukuro: I'm ready for all-out war!
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Mukuro: I will never let the Demon World change...!
Part 2 – Yomi [The Wise Emperor enjoying the cool evening]
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Yomi: Hmm...
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Yomi: Even though the festival is crawling with youkai, I don't see anyone here.
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Yomi: It may be an unexpectedly out-of-the-way spot.
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Youda: However, Yomi-sama ... I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.
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Youda: According to the information I overheard, it seems that fireworks will be launched very soon.
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Youda: If so, many youkai will likely wander this way as well.
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Youda: Therefore, I don't think it's safe to stay here too long.
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Yomi: Yes, I know.
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Yomi: But just for a minute, I have things to do. I'll return shortly, would you leave me alone?
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Youda: ...*Sigh*
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Yomi: .......
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Yomi: I used to be selfish and sly.
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Yomi: I was only gazing at my own navel, and I sacrificed numerous friends...
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Yomi: As a result, I even lost my light (sight). 
(End of flashback)
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Yomi: When I watch these floating lanterns, I can see my former friends and my foolishness in my mind's eye.
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Yomi: The Demon World will descend into chaos very soon.
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Yomi: Mukuro and Raizen won't remain silent forever...
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Yomi: To unify the Demon World, I must also reach for the Human and Spirit Worlds.
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Yomi: It is impossible to control this vast Demon World with their naive thinking.
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Yomi: I will never bend my will…!
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…*boom*! *boom*!
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Yomi: ...Fireworks?
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Yomi: Huh, isn't this good scenery suitable for a night of resolutions?
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Yomi: This may be the last time I can walk alone like this. 
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Yomi: Let's burn this moment into the mind just a little more… 
 Part 3 – Raizen [Toushin enjoying the cool evening]
T/N: Raizen's title of Toushin means "god of war".
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*boom*! *boom*!
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Koko: TA-MA-YA!!
T/N: "Tamaya" and "Kagiya" are words shouted when a firework explodes in the sky. They were the names of famous Edo-era fireworks shops, and shouting them is a way of praising the fireworks.
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Koko: Hey, what is it?! Is this all that's left?!
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Koko: I haven't had enough to drink yet!
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Enki: Hey, that's enough already…
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Koko: Shut up, geezer!
(Koko punches Enki)
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Enki: Ouch!
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Souketsu: Oi! You, metal guy!
T/N: During his fight with Shuu in the Makai Tournament, Souketsu teases his metal appearance. In turn, Shuu also makes fun of Souketsu’s hat and mentions they don’t have a real fight for more than 1,000 years. It's great to see Raizen's friends together, years before the cold war with Yomi and Mukuro.
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Kujou: Not yet! Gahahahahahahaha!
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Enki: Oh shit, good grief … They're all completely drunk…
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Enki: Hey, Raizen? Why did you become quiet all of a sudden?
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Raizen: Hmm, I don't know how many hours we've been fighting. This is what people call taking a break, huh.
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Enki: Haha, I feel the same way.
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Raizen: ........
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Enki: ...Hey, what is it? You've suddenly got quiet since some time ago.
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Raizen: ...Err, it's not a big deal.
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Raizen: But...
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Enki: But?
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Raizen: It just occurred to me some time ago, I don't know how long I can keep doing this.
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Raizen: You know that, right?
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Enki: ...I see. I feel exactly the same way.
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Raizen: Right?
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Raizen: Even fun festivals must come to an end someday. I was thinking about such petty thing all by myself.
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Enki: It's not petty.
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Enki: You only realize the most important things, after losing them.
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Raizen: Humph ... You're kinda stinking today.
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Enki: Hahaha, maybe it's because of the booze. 
(Koko punches Enki)
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Enki: Ouch!
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Koko: What are two guys getting so excited about!? Come on, there's no time to rest!
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Koko: Raizen! I haven't beaten you yet!
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Souketsu: Hey! Include us in the fight too!!
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Raizen: Humph, they're all a bunch of cheerful guys!
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Enki: Yeah … We don't even have time to watch the fireworks at ease.
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Enki: Alright, you guys! Today's the festival!
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Enki: Let's have a great night!
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 - The End -
Mukuro and Yomi are so serious! At Raizen's side, everyone is drunk (lol). Probably, after this night, Raizen met the "kuda kusushi" woman and decided to stop eating human meat. This event is prior to Hokushin's time. I'd love to see an official one-shot or OVA about the 3 kings.
Please, take a look at other summer events:
Undercover Operation on the “Poaching” Beach!
Memories of a Summer
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lynab00 · 3 months
god I’m just convinced the designers just fucking hate whisper… I’m fucking cackling why does he look like a political cartoon
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sodapopsolstice · 1 year
as im on the topic of the 5th youkai watch movie. there was no heterosexual explination for shin screaming at itsuki “Make me a youkai so we can be together forever”, idgaf that the movies called forever friends that shit was QUEER
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Usuta-san is here!
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After watching the Forever Friends movie, I’m now adding Usuta-san, or just Usuta, to the group of Whispers!
~~To show that Usuta’s talking, I’ll have two tildes around the text, and will include ‘usu’ puns.~~
For this, he’s a yokai pretending to be a human. He has his reasons, which if you’ve seen the movie, you’ll probably know why.
He acts polite towards everyone, but he doesn’t really like Dark Watch that much.
If you want to ask Usuta, or any of the other Whissus questions, feel free!
Have a wonderful day!
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yokaiwatchmedia · 2 years
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More character art from another collaboration, this time with Charaum Cafe. (+Menu)
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cadinmingming · 5 years
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Youkai Watch: Forever Friends.
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So last night I finished watching the Forever Friends movie and it's a crime against nature that Usuta-san didn't get more screentime.
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