#himeno ayame
dollsandmasks · 1 year
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Hello, Youkai Watch fandom, today I bring you this.
I stumbled upon this alignment chart by accident, please tell me who made it if you have their info so I could credit them.
This alignment chart uses characters from Youkai Watch Shadowside and Forever Friends (mostly Shadowside, it's just this one guy from FF), and you can see I was scraping the barrel to fill some slots. It was very fun, though, and made me rewatch some episodes I haven't touched in a while, which is always a good thing. Also, I decided to only add one character per slot, the one who fits best in my opinion ( unless the characters are practically a single unit, such as the Onimaro Trio), but that ended up pushing some major figures to the side (like, for example, Keisuke and Akinori would both be Benefactors, and Fukurou and Douketsu would both be Soldiers, but I had to choose one for each category). I know that some characters don't really fit in these narrow slots, some are up for interpretation (how much do we really know about the Onimaro Leader or the corrupt royal advisers who framed Kuuten?), and some might be me misremembering the shit out of a show I'm in love with. If you have anything to add, please feel free to do so!
Here's the list, top left to bottom right, as well as some thoughts on their placement. Beware of spoilers, though, because it gets very spoilers!
Crusader - Tsukinami Touma. The post-movie Touma, obviously. He is a genuinely good guy who fights for what's right and is associated with sword imagery, what else can you say. Also, the reason he attacked the police station while under the influence of the Onimaro was because they made him believe the police weren't doing their job right and Touma was the only one who could fight crime efficiently, which means he must care about upholding the law, making him Lawful, alignment-wise.
Nurturer - Himeno Ayame. She is the kindest soul ever and doesn't want anyone to get hurt under any circumstances. She is the the only person on the show who is consistently nice to everyone, even the team's punching bag (Micchy, that is). And she is pretty social to boot.
Benefactor - Arihoshi Akinori. He is a free-roaming magical detective who will do illegal shit to solve a case, but will also do completely legal shit to solve a case, because he likes helping people and doing the right thing. Good for him.
Hero - Amano Natsume. I mean, who else would it be? She is literally the hero of this story, and she will try to deceive the villains by giving them chocolate bars instead of sacred swords, and I'm also not sure how legal jumping into that river from the movie was, she could have been fined for that if it didn't literally save a kid's life.
Vigilante - Jibanyan. All those Nyan Reno movies must have been one hell of an inspiration. He is a free spirit indeed, I mean, aren't all cats free spirits? And he is rough around the edges, but undoubtedly heroic and kind, and he will take on the supernatural law enforcements if they try to hurt someone who's dear to him.
Protector - Arihoshi Mitsue. She has high morals (some accidental dog-and-frogslaughter aside) and follows both the common Japanese laws and the laws dictated by the supernatural realm. She is not actively heroic (she tried her best during the movie, but at her age, she probably shouldn't have), but she is both a protector of tradition and a protector of the new generation of our spirit world doo-gooders. Respect the granny!
Counsellor - Whisper. Who else is there to give counselling to our leads if not the all-knowing butler himself? Whisper respects the laws of Youmakai, and appears to be working for Enma directly in the movie (I wonder if he still does during the show itself, that would explain where the detective agency gets the money to buy all these chocobars), but, as we can see from his past in the first anime, he is no stranger to barging into the royal palace and demanding laws be changed so he could keep hanging out with a friend. His relative closeness and complete lack of respect for Enma in some cases (the You-Tube prank and the Halloween boink come to mind) seems to indicate that he would be the most likely youkai to actually talk to Enma about changing the laws of the Youmakai if he disagrees with them, instead of following them begrudgingly (making him Lawful) or straight up breaking them (making him Chaotic).
Philosopher - Komasan. Why would a dog even care about laws? Also, he gives me general philosophical observer who would rather muse about the world around him than change it vibes. He is still a good doggo who will fight for his friends when they are in danger, and he follows his morals, but he will pay no respect to the silly human laws that forbid sentient creatures from urinating in the streets. Let him live, goddammit!
Rebel - Micchy. Acts without thinking? Check. Suffers the consequences? Check. Mantains a moral standing? Check. Would totally wear a leather jacket with a word "Rebel" etched onto the back? You betcha. I mean, many superhero comics and tokusatsu shows, which he is clearly a fan of, have rebellious protagonists who do the right thing and have high moral values without necessarily following the rules or staying in their lane, and many are at odds both with the criminals and with the law enforcements. Micchy himself has a delinquent background and would totally use underhanded tactics if necessary, but he is still a good guy and a self-professed hero. This guy is everything to me.
Trickster - Junior. Fudou Myouou Boy fits here too, to a lesser extent. Junior is still a little kid, so he views the world as a fun game to play, and being raised in a detective agency where exciting things tend to happen on a weekly basis is clearly affecting his development. He can be mischevious and cause minor trouble (including, but not limited to, eating someone's ark or cheating, like, twelve or so kids out of their Yu-Go-Oh! cards), and trickstery kinda comes with being a cat, but he is still a benevolent creature and will use his powers for good, even if using them for good means scaring a guy half to death (especially if it means scaring a guy half to death).
Judge - Lord Enma. Even with his throne usurped, he is still a just and honorable ruler who cares deeply about the safety of Youmakai and is willing to sacrifice himself to protect it. He is the law, or at least was the law before Lord Kaira took the throne for himself, but even then, saving Youmakai came first for Lord Enma, and getting his throne back came, like, third or so, he didn't even bother with it in the end. Nurarihyon could be in this spot as well, at least at the time of Shadowside, but the absolute shitshow that was his time as a consort in the second movie of the first anime makes me see him as more "Lawful Disaster" or "Lawful What the Fuck" than "Lawful Neutral". There was nothing neutral about him at the time, and even during Shadowside, his devotion to everything Enma kinda takes the neutrality out of him.
Soldier - Douketsu. Fukurou could be in this spot as well, but Douketsu had considerably more screen time than him, so I went with the teach. Fukurou can never win, can he? My poor owl child. Anyway, Douketsu is the devoted type. His moral compass is based entirely on what's best for the Oni clan, and, specifically, for Shutendoji. Shutendoji's wish is his command, and, even if he does not approve of his master's actions (see the Ayame/Jorogumo disaster for reference), he will always be there for him, will follow his every whim, and is more than willing to die for him (which he eventually does). Showing compassion to anyone but his fellow Oni clan members is out of the question, kidnapping little kids is the least he would do for his master. I wonder if his colleagues ever noticed anything strange about him during his short gig as a school teacher.
Undecided - Komajiro. Frog. That's it, that's the reasoning. He frog. Baby froggo. Dat boi. Why would he have morals, why would he follow the law? He loves his brother and is a friendly little creature, but he is more than capable of revenge, both petty and not-so-petty, and you will get your eye gouged out if he doesn't like you. This is what happens when you give a frog magical powers. Frogs cannot discern between good and evil, they don't need to, they are above that. Praised be the frogs. O shit waddup.
Rogue - Mitsumata Mizuchi. The Mitsumata Brother who did not grow out of his delinquent phase, but might begin to change his ways soon - not because he wants to be good or doesn't want to be evil, he just wants his brother to respect him. Laws, morals and alignments don't mean much to him, but his pride as a Mitsumata does, and so does his family (even if his reunion with an estranged brother did end up with a girl crying and a factory getting blown up). I don't think this guy respected a single law in his entire life, if he did not break a law, it means he just wasn't feeling like it on that particular day. His plan to get his brother's attention was to kidnap a girl, tie her to a chair and write a ransom note. I'm starting to think that watching too many movies and then poorly imitating them is a Mitsumata family trait.
Free Spirit - Ogu, Mogu and Togu. I'm including all three because they are an inseparable unit and play the same role in the story. While technically part of the malicious virus hive mind, they are not particularly motivated to do good or to do evil, they just float around doing what they are told, get attached to a guy and then help the guy in any way they can because they like him, whether it is by fighting the good guys, fighting the bad guys, performing a self-sacrifice or coming back after the self-sacrifice to float around once again. They even develop enough personality to get separated from the hive mind, all while not being technically good or bad. They literally become free spirits, after spending their entire lives as non-free spirits. Godspeed.
Overlord - the owner of NGEI, the power plant from the Robonyan 00 episode. His secretary also included because I couldn't be bothered to take a screenshot where he would be alone. A corrupt businessman who wants money and power, unsafe work practices be damned. You've seen these guys in the real world, now you get to see one on the screen. Not the strongest bad guy around, one combined effort from Whisper and Junior is enough to scare him into submission, and he gets his just desserts by the end of the episode. I know that the description says "bending" the law, and the guy clearly broke some laws in managing his power plant to get arrested at the end of the episode, but he fits otherwise, and bending the laws without technically breaking them can still get you in legal trouble if your power plant catches on fire and a group of kids nearly die. Shit, or was it a factory, not a power plant? I'd fact check if my browser didn't have a lethal amount of tabs open already.
Socialite - Lord Kaira. He wanted to lead all right, and lead he did. I don't think he was even that bad at it, like, everything bad that happened during Shadowside mostly took place in the human world, and the whole Soranaki kerfuffle wasn't even his fault. Nurarihyon is responsible for more ridiculous lawmaking than Kaira ever was, as far as we know. Lord Kaira's problem wasn't how he ruled, it was how he came to power (starting a coup and throwing a guy into a prison because he was more popular back in youkai school), and how he cared about power more than he did about effectively protecting his people (either that, or he genuinely believed he would just assimilate Fudou Myouou's power and slice Oni King Rasen in half effortlessly like a potato or something). On a sidenote, do we ever learn what kind of a human-youkai hybrid he is? Was he born from a youkai parent and a human parent, was he a human who somehow turned half-youkai, is he some weird magical amalgamation which resulted from some youkai scientists playing God? Either way, it clearly gave the guy some self-esteem issues that need to be adressed.
Schemer - the Onimaro Leader. You know, the guy from the movie who manipulated a lonely kid into doing lots and lots of crime, just so he could merge with Rasen, effectively stopping to exist in the process. We don't learn much about him, but he is hellishly good at manipulation (all of his scenes with Touma made me gawk at how good he was at reading that kid) and seems to be fairly smart and logical for someone whose goal is incomprehensible to humans. Like, why would you even want that? My theory is that all Onimaro are aspects of Rasen, one way or another, and the Leader represents his smart, logical and cunning side, you know, the traits that are kind of needed to be a competent king. This would mean that Ogu, Mogu and Togu represent friendliness, empathy and having an open mind, and these are the only three Onimaro he did not absorb. Says a lot about the guy, doesn't it?
Nomad - Shien. Yup, we are entering the Forever Friends zone, because it still counts as Shadowside, kinda, sort of, same game! He is a prince who hates his dad and wants to prove himself while also being a dick about it, and a lot of political and family drama follows, resulting in many senseless and tragic deaths among the common folk. You know, just like with real life monarchies. Also, Shutendoji was there, and it made things worse (of course it made things worse), and then Soranaki attacked, and Amaterasu of all youkai was there for some reason (it lasted for three seconds and he had, like, three lines of dialogue), and we ended up getting a baby Enma as a result. This movie was something else, I'm telling you. Anyway, Shien had zero respect for anything and anyone, ever, and his second life as Lord Enma is a big improvement (his second-second life as Hikage Mao is an improvement as well, he manages to be a background character for 214 episodes of the first anime without making it known that he can see youkai, despite everything that was happening around him in the classroom. A true legend).
Psychopath - Jorogumo. Hello, my favourite spider lady! We've all heard about women's rights, now get ready for women's wrongs. She does not. Give. A fuck. Morals can fuck right off, she will suck a guy's soul from his dead skull, and she will commit identity theft while commiting a different identity theft (theftception) to manipulate a simp into doing dirty work for her, and she will ridicule him every step of the way, and she will endanger all lives, any lives, as long as she gets to do what she loves (murder and consumption of human flesh). There has never been a better depiction of "gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss" as a character, and that phrase originated long after Shadowside came out. I love how she got to hang out in the opening credits long after the gang had defeated her. That's how much of an impact she had on everything, all while not being even remotely connected to the Soranaki drama (if she was present during Shuka and Kuuten's time, though, she would totally meddle with them to make sure the drama gets even juicier and everyone suffers even more, all while pretending to be Shuka's bff, friendship bracelets and all. I want a fanfic of this, not gonna lie).
Dominator - the corrupt advisors who framed Kuuten. This is the only slot that I have genuinely pulled out of the depths of my ass. How much do we even know about these guys? Why did they frame Kuuten? Were they worried that he was getting too much influence in the Youmakai court due to being Shuka's lover? Were they planning to set Shuka up with a different suitor to further their political agenda? Did Kuuten do something to anger them, maybe he vetoed a law he shouldn't have or crossed paths with the wrong politician? Was there genuinely a plot to kill Shuka's father, and the advisors decided to frame Kuuten to cover up the true culprit's ass? Were the advisors themselves behind the assassination plot? Or... Maybe the advisors genuinely believed that Kuuten was scheming behind their backs, but they had no evidence so they faked it in fear that Kuuten will go through with the assassination while they are too busy trying to catch him red-handed, and it was their distrust of him, not genuine malice, that got him killed. Either way, I needed someone for the Dominator slot, so let's go with the assumption that they framed Kuuten because they were evil, and were most definitely methodical and intentional while doing so. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it's them in the picture I used, or just some youkai they hired to get rid of the pesky Kuuten supporters. That's how vague the Kuuten situation is. Real world history tends to do that too, actually.
Sociopath - Shutendoji. Let me make this clear, the alignment chart uses the term as a description of a character archetype, I'm not trying to actually diagnose Shutendoji with sociopathy or anything. He clearly needs therapy (don't we all?), but I'm not sure if that would be the right diagnosis for him, same as I'm not sure if an actual medical professional would diagnose Jorogumo with psychopathy (they would probably get eaten by her before they could finish the assessment). Anyway, this guy had an agenda (to put Shuka back in charge of Youmakai, whatever it takes), and he sacrificed everything for this agenda. We don't know if it was his personal decision or if he was raised like that by the Oni clan and just trying to finish what his ancestors had started; we don't know if he genuinely believed that life would be better for everyone under the Oni clan's rule, or if he just wanted to have political power and saw Shuka as the only way to get it. His devotion to Shuka is almost fanatical in nature, his one-track mind makes him miss obvious signs that Something is Wrong, and everything about him screams "a kid who got brought up in a literal cult and does fucked up things because he doesn't know any better", but does that absolve him of responsibility for, well, everything that happened? Not really. Also, by the time we last see him in Shadowside, his two closest friends and allies are dead, his plan has failed, he has nowhere to go and he plans on drowning his sorrows in alcohol so he wouldn't have to face the existential dread of having failed the task that he's been preparing for his entire life. The tragedy of Shuka gave birth to the tragedy of Shutendoji, and time will tell if it, too, will result in a Soranaki-level threat that some kid with a magical watch will have to fix in a hudred years or so. Jiba Jinpei's descendants better get ready.
Malefactor - Oni King Rasen. The first trial our heroes had to face on their journey to Time Timely. The monarch who actually does something, that something being smashing stuff, throwing girls into rivers, shooting blood spikes at people and generally being an evil piece of shit. He is so mindlessly evil, it's kinda hard to hate him, unless you consider him and the Onimaro Leader to be parts of the same personality, then yes, he is very hateable. Also, his defeat made for a very entertaining kamishibai play by an obscure, but highly talented artist Mike Shadowside. Look, I'm referencing my own old posts now. It's time for me to go to bed, and, thankfully, we are almost done.
Anarchist - Shiroda, the thug from the first episode. At first I misremembered his name as Sorada and wanted to have an entire bit about how him being the first enemy of the series proper was a subtle foreshadowing for Soranaki, but alas, my bad memory is to blame. Anyway, he is a criminal who does criminal things criminally and beats eleven year olds with a chain. A disgrace to all anarchists everywhere, good thing the ghost of a little boy who looks inexplicably like Kujo Jotaro got him beat up.
Destroyer - Soranaki. The grief of a wrongly accused and executed innocent which took shape and went apeshit on everything, but especially his ex-girlfriend. Destruction of beauty and life, indeed. He wants to take away lives the same way his own life was taken away once. Tokio Ubaune from the first movie of the first anime had something similar going on, but her scope was not nearly that big, and her ex actually had nothing to do with it, yet he becomes the reason she changes her ways in the games, which is kind of another parallel to Soranaki. I guess the Amano family is just doomed to keep dealing with bitter spirits who are murderously angry about getting wrongly accused of crimes they did not commit and dying in prison as a result (an understandable reaction, not gonna lie), and the best solution just happens to bring their long dead ex to them so they could make up.
Oh God, I'm going to have so much fun tagging all of this, aren't I?
Anyway, have a nice Youkai Watchi-chi day, I hope the time is timing timely for you.
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myloh · 5 months
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Blud think they contributing anything to the team 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 /j
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dreamerkitty · 9 months
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Natsume and Ayame from episode 16, 18, 29, 30, 40, 47, 48 and 49
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obihiro-division · 3 months
Jack’s Thoughts on Kofu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
“Mr. Enjouji… I’ve heard a few whispers about his family and Reiji Enjouji. Nothing very concrete unfortunately, but that is mostly my own fault of being very, uninterested in the Enjouji family. Japan’s social politics aren’t exactly my forte. Having worked alongside Mistress Kamiyama, there’s many more interesting people not just in Japan, but across the globe with a greater history of dodgy records. I do have to give some credit to the Enjouji heir though… I’ve heard some rumors that he is a conniving young man. Whatever that could mean, is a mystery to an outsider such as myself. But I’m more than interested in finding out when we do have the opportunity to meet.”
Kei Himeno
“Sigh… You would be surprised how rough it can be, being a servant to a family. I’ve heard about the treatment Mr. Himeno had gone through and for that I send him my deepest condolences. You would be surprised how much gossip happens amongst the attendants behind the scenes. I myself am no exception to that sort of treatment. Only difference is that I am usually capable of handle any and all personal issues that may occur between the other workers hired by the Kamiyama family and myself. I have to imagine things went out of hand for Mr. Himeno. I do hope he is happier writing his novels. They are… Adequate. Not exactly my taste, but I have no doubt he has a good handful of fans out there.”
Ayame Kurokawa
“A belly dancer? I suppose even in Japan people would develop an interest in such things… However, male belly dancing is something I never expected to see. And I can’t help but admit that it’s peaked my interest. I’d love to learn how to have better control of my core muscles. It could prove to be a fun learning experience. I don’t think I would necessarily want to learn from Mr. Kurokawa, but I suppose contacting him would be ideal… If only Kofu wasn’t such a far away city. So perhaps, another time.”
Diabolik Love
“I’ve been warned by the little detective that there’s a great many of people who have darker intentions. And this team perhaps fits that criteria… Despite their overly friendly demeanor, their team name boldly proclaims their intentions. Which begs the question of whether or not getting involved in the D.R.B. is really worth this 'love' they so desperately crave.”
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kofu-division · 6 months
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-kofu's division Diabolik Love is a rap group consisting the Idol Singer and division leader Reiji Enjouji the novelist Kei Himeno and the artist Ayame Kurokawa
-the group's colour is the greyish purple because is a colour beautiful but at the same time misterious
-the group's symbol is a broken heart because the three suffered by love on their past
-the three have a broken heart on their persons, Reiji has one as a ring,Kei has one as a pin on his Jacket and Ayame has one as a necklace
-they hand sign from rhyme anima is a broken heart with his hands
-althought they seems be quite different the three have a relationship of family united by their dark sides and are agreed to help each other find their darlings beloved ones no matter what
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aoyama-division · 5 months
Tomi's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
Tomi looks at the photo of the idol, a deep frown on his face as he crushes the picture in his hand. "Since my brother left our family household, I've had to... hide my interactions with him less my parents find out. That is one headache I do not need to deal with at the present time. But anyway, during one of our interactions, he revealed to me about a certain idol who almost caused him and his betrothed to wind up dead. Why? ...I don't know the full story, but apparently, this peon caused some confusion at the school they were attending and used Kunio and his friend as, in my brother's words, 'the fall guys'. From the way he spoke, it almost cost him his life."
Tomi opens his hand and looks at the photo again, which is crumpled up. "Now that I take a good look at him, I think I do recognize this peasant from one of the soirees' I attended. I questioned who in their right mind invited this peon, but knowing him, he probably bribed his way onto the guest list. But that's besides the point. The point is, if this fool believes that he can get away harming a member of the Chōten family, whether they live with us or not, he is sorely mistaken. And he will pay for the mistake, I promise you that."
Kei Himeno
Tomi looks at the photo of the novelist, a crease in his eyebrows, as if remembering something. "Strange. Why does this individual look so familiar? Was it at a gala? ...No. Hmm..." Tomi continues looking at the photo, trying to remember where he recalls this young man from. He looks at his name, focusing on it, before a light goes off in his head.
"Ah. Now I recall. 'Kei Himeno'. He was one of the lesser servants who worked under Hino-san. I didn't pay him much attention, but Hino-san spoke highly of him, so I deigned to greet him when I saw him. I didn't notice immediately when he disappeared, but Hino-san stated that he was 'dismissed' by my parents."
This makes Tomi sigh and shake his head. "I can only guess what being 'dismissed' means..."
Ayame Kurokawa
"The only one from this team that I don't have any prior knowledge of. I think he works as an artist or something. My mother mentioned that she may have purchased some jewels from him, but I've never heard of him, so he is beneath my notice."
Diabolik Night
"I'd like to say this team is just another group of peons who were unfortunate enough to be dragged into this D.R.B., but considering I know 2/3 of them, I suppose that puts them on a higher scale than the others. I've nothing against Himeno, and Kurokawa, as stated, is beneath my notice. But Enjouji..."
Tomi takes the still-crumpled up photo of the idol and tosses it into a nearby fireplace, letting the flames turn it into ash.
"...I know I'm not the ideal 'big brother', but I'll play the part just this once for my younger sibling, and dish out some punishment on you for him. You'll see firsthand what happens when you mess with anything that is mine. Do you understand? ...Don't bother answering. Because I promise you, you will when we meet, you worthless peon."
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roppongi-division · 3 months
Kai's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
"Despite him being an idol, I don't fully know Reiji, a.k.a. 'Tenshi' all that well. I've produced some of his songs and offered him some advice as far as his music goes, but that's about the extent of our relationship. Truthfully, and I say this as nicely as I possibly can, there's something about this young man that I don't like. He seems charming in public, but I've observed how he'll often manipulate people to do what he wants, or simply because he can. That's why I don't bother dealing with people like him. I produce your music, but that's it. Anything else, I want nothing to do with."
Kei Himeno
"'Briar Rose', if I'm not mistaken. I've read some of his works. Many of them revolve around romances, most of which are dark or about fantasy. Truthfully, they're not what I'd normally read, but some of them are interesting. Other than that, I don't know much about him. He seems focused and serious, but... well, one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, as they say."
Ayame Kurokawa
"He's probably the only one from this team that I know very well, and that's cause my wife often hires him to perform with her. I'm not sure how they met, but she introduced him to me as her partner, so I created a routine for him and Mireya to dance too. Surprisingly, it was well-received. My wife invited him back, but from what I know, he does dancing only as a side job, preferring to paint. I've not seen any of his paintings, but I'll have to look them up when I get the chance."
Diabolik Love
"I have to admit, aside from Ayame, this team doesn't exactly feel me with the best of intentions. And the team name isn't exactly helping. I don't fully know what their intentions or reasons are for entering this tournament. But regardless, if we have to face them, then we shall."
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I do wonder if there's a reason why all the known and named student council members in cfmf (daina, himeno, ayame) all have their other names start with さ (sagara, sanasa, saiga). I assume it's a coincidence but also it feels too purposeful to be a coincidence
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How the OC’s Beat The Heat at Home
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Taking a shower every four hours: Kisouna Yuzairu (Sakura Clan), Tomi Chōten (Jet Set Trio), Mireya Quinlan (Private Party), Maki Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Kaiji Sano (Lovesick), Joey Kurusu (Justice Shield), Keiko Yumi (Otaku Corps), Fleuret Otoshiro (Blaid Maiden)
Puts a fan in every room: Anika Kiyozaki (Pixel Syndicate), Alexis Ward (Sounds of Silence), Yano Ietsuna (ECO BooN), Kureha Koizumi (Femme Fatale), Sakura Kito (Silent Tragedy), Akihisa Mashiro (Death Row Block), Seiji Tsukimoto (Valor Guard), Asahi Tomoharu (Miraitabi), Kunio Chōten (Strange Magic), Meari Miracle (Oculus), Criss Hiromi (Otaku Corps), Evelyn Rose (Liberty Guild)
Infinite uses of the air conditioning: Queen Card (R.I.P Märchen), Reiaki Suzubayashi (R.I.P Märchen), Aranai Norikoru (Sakura Clan), Kensaku Morimoto (ECO BooN), Miho Kobayashi (CodeX), Wataru Sasaki (Justice Shield), Yuriko Kuromiya (Wicked Requiem), Reika Aichi (Silent Tragedy), Lyall Shiba (Valor Guard), Saigo Fuyugami (Miraitabi), Aoba Yamamura (Strange Magic), Reiji Enjouji (Diabolik Love), Ayame Kurokawa (Diabolik Love), Yorii Sakuma (ENIGMA)
Lots of cold drinks: Miku Shirazuki (R.I.P Märchen), Zakari Hiroya (Private Party), Asato Rikiya (ECO BooN), Shuu Edogawa (山茶花 Zombeez), Sayaka Miyuki (Femme Fatale), Ren Nakashima (Lovesick), Kyler Aaron (Justice Shield), Kanra Akemi (Wicked Requiem), Ayumu Hayami (Valor Guard), Yuuya Kanata (Miraitabi), Natsume Kurome (Strange Magic), Ruka Shiina (Howling Moon), Kaede Iwasawa (Trickstar), Nikki Yoshie (Otaku Corps), Ace Douglas (Liberty Guild), Rashaad Young (Liberty Guild), Eldrid Iwasaki (Blade Maiden), Ted Bridges (Kuma no Ie)
Banning the use of clothes: Shian Meizono (Pixel Syndicate), Karada Kessaku (Jet Set Trio), Hoàng Diệu (Sounds of Silence), Ryuko Umemoto (山茶花 Zombeez), Hisoka Tetsuma (Veiled Vanguard), Lola Takahashi (Femme Fatale), Max Soukoku (Lovesick), Touya Kisaragi (Death Row Block), Eden Yamamura (Trickstar), Aika Yumi (Oculus)
Actually living in only the few cold hours of the day: Makina Setsukura (Pixel Syndicate), Kai Quinlan (Private Party), Daiki Kamiyama (Veiled Vanguard), Sumire Shinomiya (CodeX), Kaoru Shinozaki (Wicked Requiem), Kanon Hojo (Silent Tragedy), Kei Himeno (Diabolik Love), Hisui Meguno (Howling Moon), Nadya Kuromiya (Oculus), Mina Nakayama (ENIGMA), Kotan Anchikar (Kuma no Ie), Kokomi Morozov (Kuma no Ie)
Stands Still: Shisuta Heisha (Sakurai Clan), Luis Kōkyū (Jet Set Trio), Ivelisse Martinez (Sounds of Silence), Jack Verrill (Veiled Vanguard), Ritsuko Okada (CodeX), Rintaro Himura (Death Row Block), Aoi Yamamura (Howling Moon), Nellie Yukimura (Trickstar), Elliot Shimizu (ENIGMA), Azusa Furukawa (Blade Maiden)
@akihabara-division03 @uenodivision @aoyama-division @arakawa-division @roppongi-division @toyama-division @suginami-division @obihiro-division @saitama-division @shinagawa-division @kobedivision @kanazawa-division @edogawa-division @shizuokadivision @katsushika-division @niigata-division @naradivision @kumamoto-division @hamamatsu-divison @kofu-division @aomori-division @minato-division01 @akihabaradivision @setagaya-division @okinawa-division @taito-division @hakodate-division
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giggly-squiggily · 9 months
ok this is incredibly specific but top five lees who will deny liking tickling but if they're really sleepy or otherwise delirious they'll tell their partner(s) how much they secretly love it
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Okay so- I meant to answer these yesterday but Sunday got away from me karkekjajrkaj The ask game is closed because I don't forsee myself having the time this week to take more on but we're gonna do these last three :D Crumbly Lees and Danganronpa top 5 below the cut for length, Danganronpa spoilers and in game morbid-ness (is that the word I'm looking for? No idea)
Top five lees who will deny liking tickling until they're under the influence (sleepy, drunk, delirius, etc.) (For @tklpilled :3)
5.) Eren (AOT)- This man is PRIDEFUL. He'll never outwardly confess he likes tickling; it's a secret he'll take to his grave...until after too many nights staying up listening to Hange ramble about titans. Armin was getting him to bed and accidentally poked his side. In his delirious state, Eren was all: "Hehe, that tickled...I like tickles...zzzzzz." He denies it with his whole being afterwards but Armin knows the truth >:3
4.) Shigaraki (MHA)- Another prideful soul; I think Shigaraki got too drunk one day at the bar and just...forgot where he was? Dabi was messing with him (as one does) and Shigaraki groaned out "You're lucky I like that kind of thing, else you'd be dust!" Even Kurogiri was surprised at the confession. Dabi has yet to let him live it down and makes it a point to tickle Shigaraki at every opportunity.
3.) Aki (CSM): Lost a drinking contest with Himeno and is way out of it. It's not so much pride that prevents him from sharing this information but rather the consequence; if he were to confess- Power and Denji (and Angel) would NEVER let him live it down. So when he not only confessed to liking tickling but also admitted he enjoyed Power and Denji's company (on camera- Angel recorded it) the next few days were nothing but chaos for him. But really- is that anything new?
2.) Chuuya (BSD): Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn man! (affectionate) Chuuya would rather be caught dead than EVER admit he likes tickling (especially the soft kind). In his case he was delirious from an enemy attack- no real injury but very very tired after using his gravity ability. Dazai was carrying him home when Chuuya accidentally let it slip.
1.) Sanemi (Demon Slayer): Will deny with his whole chest that he hates it but if you tickle him SUPER gently when he's asleep (like- super light tracing and all that) he might confess that he likes it. Giyu found this out one morning and never told Sanemi he knew- but he does keep gentle tickles in their cuddle sessions going forward.
Top Five Lees Who Crumble and Should Be In A Horror Movie When Tickled (For anon :3)
5.) Raichi (Blue Lock): He's another guy who's all: "I'm not ticklish!" Until someone finds a really bad spot instantly and this man is GONE. He sounds exactly like that- a victim in a horror movie! It's the kind of screaming from those cheesy 80's ones too so it never fails to make the rest of Team Z lose it.
4. ) Arthur (Fire Force): It's not so much his immediate laugh that's screamy; it's the spot along his hips that will get you a shriek. He's SO ticklish and has zero resistance to rely on! Shinra finds it absolutely hilarious whenever he stumbles upon that spot.
3.) Ayame (Fruits Basket): Listen- my snake man's got a big laugh. He's a big personality and needs a laugh to boot! It's still fairly elegant but if you find the right spots (highest ribs, the back of his thighs, his feet) he'll be a mess of high pitched shrieky laughter!
2.) Mic (MHA): Mic is such a ler in my eyes but MY GOD. He's the definition of a shriek laugh; his whole quirk is all about being loud! Aizawa has to plan his attacks on him when Eri is out cause he's so loud and will absolutely wake her up during nap time. Mic doesn't mean to be- he just is TwT'
1.) Kakyoin (JJBA): It's not so much he screams when tickled; but rather his laugh sounds absolutely insane and borderline horror movie victim. Anytime he gets tickled someone thinks he's being murdered and goes to save him cause he sounds so dramatic ajrjaejrkejj
TW: Danganronpa executions/Spoilers below!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Top Five Danganronpa Executions:
5.) Blast Off! Second Ignition (Kaito Momota): OUCH??? But also good for him! Kaito was someone truly to love- and while I'm sad to see him go, I'm glad it was on his terms (well....his illness' terms anyway) and he got to see space! Plus his execution failed so it was a big middle finger to Monokuma which made me laugh.
4.) The 1000 Blows (Leon Kuwata): The first execution of the entire series! While it wasn't extravagant and over the top the way Kaede and Kiyo's were; it was still so tone setting and brutally chilling. Especially when we get a reaction cam of all the students after they're forced to watch the results of their vote.
3.) Strand Of Agony (Kirumi Tojo): This one hurt. This one hurt ALOT. Listen- I'm not the biggest fan of Kirumi (no hate- I was just never THAT INTO her? She's lovely though) but my god- the way she fought so hard to escape only for that ending reveal...it was a bit soul crushing even if it was to be expected.
2.) Der Flohwalzer (Kaede Akamatsu): KAEDE DESERVED BETTER! I'm gonna say it with my whole chest; Kaede was a good soul and didn't deserve to go out the way she did (really none of them did when you know what's revealed at the end). That said; her execution was so HER and so tone setting for the rest of the game!
1.) Cultural Melting Pot (Korekiyo Shinguji): Forgive my morbid curiosity, but this was the execution that got me playing Danganronpa. It's so brutal and terrifying but so animated and floaty? I love Korekiyo- but after that third trial...his execution was both visually and spiritually satisfying. By far the best one in V3.
Honorable mention to Gundham cause HOW COULD HE OH MY GOD *sobs hysterically* MY BABY! T-T (I respect his decision but I'm not happy! >:L)
Thanks for asking! :D
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koishiro · 10 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ꒰͡⠀ . ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ミ★ ☽ ͡꒱
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Requests will be done on a first-come first-serve basis. Naturally, in order to submit a request, you will require some basic information of the work intended such as au’s, character, prompt, reaction, etc. Being more specific about the work you’re requesting will allow me to write a more cohesive piece in response to said request!
(E.g): I’d like to request Gojo reacting to [prompt]
Naturally, requests will only be done when the request status is OPEN. If you choose to send a request when the status is CLOSED, it will be ignored until requests are re-opened (and then naturally, I’ll get to you soon!) requests are completed in about 1-2 weeks notice depending on how busy I am.
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jjk men (gojo, geto, nanami, toji, yuuta, inumaki, itadori, megumi)
jjk women (nobara, maki, miwa, utahime, mai, shoko)
bllk boys (isagi, rin, nagi, sei, reo, chigiri, niko, bachira)
csm men (aki, yoshida, denji, kishibe, angel devil)
csm women (makima, himeno, power)
fruits basket (kyo, hatori, shigure, yuki, hatsuharu, ayame)
tokyo ghoul men (kaneki, hideyoshi, kishou, nishiki, sasaki, yomo)
tokyo ghoul women (touka kirishima)
haikyuu!! (osamu, astumu, hinata)
bnha (bakugo, tamaki, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, dabi, shigaraki, aizawa)
genshin (diluc, kaeya, alhaitham, itto, kaveh, childe, zhongli, kazuha, thoma, dainsleif)
ateez (san, mingi, yeosang, wooyoung, hongjoong, yunho, jongho, seonghwa)
bts (jungkook, yoongi, jimin, taehyung, namjoon, jin, hoseok)
got7 (jackson wang, jay b, bambam, mark, yugyeom, jinyoung, young-jae)
monsta x (wonho, shownu, I.M, kihyun, hyungwon, minhyuk, joohoney)
fluff, comfort, au’s, prompts, etc. (I don’t write angst)
drabbles, hcs, oneshots, smut
share your thoughts in the ask box! I’m happy to elaborate on them even if not in formatted writing!
I really like learning new things so if I’m not familiar with the anime / game / kpop band, I will research into it but keep in mind it may take more time.
I do try and be as vast as I can with my posts ranging from anime to video games to kpop so I will accept any fandom requests as long as it keeps to my [rules].
I write for any gender and any pronouns! If you want a certain gender or pronoun please add that into your request otherwise I’ll keep to fem readers.
WARNING: my works do and/or will consist of some alcohol consumption, implied sex, detailed smut, substance usage, arguing, aggressive behaviour, suggestive content, making out, etc. my account is 18+, please be aware of this when reading! Works that do include any of the above will have warnings beforehand!
no descriptive nsfw or anything suggestive for characters that are underaged (e.g: yuuta, nobara, inumaki, maki, itadori, miwa, megumi, mai) I will age these characters up if so
heavy topics like eds, depression, suicide, death, etc.
no oc/name inserts, works are entirely reader inserts.
no major injury, incest (just don’t be weird pls or I will ignore you)
NOTE: I have every right to decline a request if I believe I am not comfortable writing/delivering/posting said content!
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maigeiko · 2 years
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Mukojima Odori 2022 will be held on 11th November (it’ll be the 11th birthday of Skyrim, too. Man, time flies.). Participants are: Geisha: Sakon 左金, Kinya 欣也, Yuri 友梨, Chiaki 千晶, Anko あんこ, Hiro ひろ, Kurumi くる美, Shino 紫の, Ponko ぽん子, Rumi るみ, Kotochiyo 琴千代, Hiroya 宏弥, Honoka ほのか, Harukoma 春駒, Manten 万てん, Kikyo 桔梗, Chikage 千景, Himari ひまり, Momoka 桃加, Rika りか, Kotomi 琴巳, Chizuru ちづる, Fumiko 文子, Natsuki 南月, Sanae さなえ, Chiemiちえ美, Anna 杏奈, Menko めん子, Sakura さくら, Ran らん, Reika 怜加, Masako 雅子, Ayame あやめ, Ririko りり子, Aoba あお葉, Koume 小梅, Sorakaそら香, Hotaru 螢, Junka 潤加, Yûrina 悠梨南 Hangyoku: Kosuzu 小鈴, Yô 羊, Akina あき奈, Masaki まさ樹, Ôka 扇加, Unoha うの葉, Manaka 真菜香, Teruka てる香, Hinano 日南乃 That's a hand full of new names (Hinano, Manami, Junka, Ririko) and Geisha/Hangyoku confirmed to be still active (Kosuzu, Yô, Anko, Masako). Several Geisha who are either still active, or at least I can’t confirm they retired, are not appearing in the list: Kanoko, Kintaro, Senyume, Shishiko, Yuko, Akane, Yuki, Misaki, Tomoka, Takachiyo, Kingyo, Tsukushi, Kodemari, Kifune, Himeno, Komomo.
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myloh · 5 months
Does anyone wants to talk about Ayame Himeno’s writing with me ?
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dreamerkitty · 7 months
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Some silly billies
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obihiro-division · 3 months
Daiki’s Thoughts on Kofu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
“What the… Is he? No, it can’t be. He’s got the same fringe as Jyushi! That right eye must hold his powers right? Or maybe he’s shy? I need to meet him if I’m going to figure out if he aligns with good or evil! For now, I’m cautious about him. Mostly because I have a bad feeling about his smile… It doesn’t sit right with my gut.”
Kei Himeno
“Jack keeps yapping saying we’ve kind of met Kei before. I can’t really remember though… I hated going to all the fancy events my dad would try to force me into going. I don’t like stuffy suits and I don’t like having to talk with those dull old twits! And no offense, but Kei kinda looks dull too. Especially if he’s now a writer? You really think that I’d care about Kei more because of that when I already called that Gentaro guy boring?”
Ayame Kurokawa
“...What’s a bellydancer? Does he make his tummy move in a weird way or something? I’m not sure if I really get it, but he looks cool! Especially his hair! It’s so long and pretty! If I was better at caring for myself, I would probably try and grow my hair out too. Or wait, maybe Jack knows how to maintain hair like that? Jack! Do you know? Jaaaack!”
Diabolik Love
“Oh right! Uhm, I think this group may be a little suspect-I mean suspicious! The name and the leader alone makes me think they might bend to the will of the darkness. I can’t be sure though until we are able to face them. And I hope we meet them soon! I want to know if they’re going to be a friend or foe. I’d prefer if they were on our side though… I’d like more friends.”
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kofu-division · 4 months
💔 - Reiji
💅🏻 - Kei
🎁 - Ayame
Reiji was answered here!
Kei is actually someone who work on his appearance daily,not to Ayame's level but he likes look pretty,if he has a partner nothing would change very much but it's possible to see him with more lipstick for leave kiss marks
Ayame used to received gifts several times from his customers when he worked as prostitute and after be adopted by Enjouji family and begins to work as dancer (and give occasional sexual services) it not changed, Ayame could say he's used to it now, ¿But if the gift is from his crush/couple? He will be a shy and blush mess,after accept the gift one will to see him with a blush that highlight on his pale skin and a sweet smile
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