#yk there ARE crosses you could safely be on frank
frnkiebby · 26 days
frank= jesus?????
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further evidence~🎃
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pussyd0n · 1 year
My silly thoughts about tsats:
okay okay here we go
The plot was...good. as good as it could have gotten, i love how we get to see tartarus in a different light than we saw in house of hades. When Will and Nico had to cross river Acheron i was like woah woah hold on wasn't that the same river Percy swam accross with an unconceous annabeth on his back? And it was ! It was... Intresting to see the effects of the river on them pre-quest and post-quest yk ?
BUT the writing seemed bad ... sorry
I'll be frank Will and Nico's dynamic was ... Cringe? Now Don't come for me, i know it's written for middle schoolers but pjo always reads as good as it did back when I was a middle schooler. This book felt like they tried to compensate absence of Will's character arc before this book with gratituous amounts of fluff. I liked Percy and Annabeth's constant bicker-flirting and I'd have appreciated if Will and Nico weren't as sweet as they are in this book ? Like ..idk Will seemed very two dimensional , he's either always sweet and understanding or straight up blaming Nico for murder under the influence of tartarus.
I think the ...how do I put it ? Hmm . The world building in house of hades seemed more intriguing. Like it was easy to imagine the surrounding atmosphere of tartarus in house of hades than it was in this book. I don't know why, but house of hades was more descriptive. It's probably because hoh was from pov of Percy/annabeth so we could basically experience what was going on each of their heads,while tsats was written in sort of third person pov.
Dionysus, Chiron,seemed very ooc. Then certain things like the iris message with Piper and then the Percy sort of apologising, these seemed very unnecessary.like. Its okay, i don't hate it all (it's a mixed bag, loved some parts, hate some too) it's just. It felt like either or both of the authors scrolled through Tumblr befor writing this book so they know what checkpoint they have to fullfill to make the fans happy. You know? (And yet I'm here moaning about it lmao)
Will could have been more badass. Like i get it he believes in peace and he's a medic and all but , if only for his safety the author could have given him a dagger. Like just for self defence maybe. Like Annabeth..yk ? This is where he seemed one dimensional, like he'd packing up a whole bag of stuff and not one cellestial bronze dagger. In a place that is literal breeding ground for monsters.
Love Will's plague powers (this one was a very popular headcanon too before the book existed👀(see fourth point) )
love how Nico isn't perfect, and his mental health was one of the many focus points in this book. He's spiralling and he's ready to snap at everyone, even Will, especially Will because he isn't perfect and that he is close enough to someone for the first time to know that he's allowed to feel angry. He's angry and he's (mis)directing his anger at the only safe space he knows
My feelings about this book in a nutshell: Disapointing. Like it's not bad. But it reads like a very fluffy fanfic. It feels very fanon , like there no new creative input from the authors. Like the author's made a list of all the popular headcanons by going through Tumblr and wrote it into a book. Nico is an important character to me an i had Expectations™ , which weren't met. (I'm gonna rate it like 3/5)
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survivor-kalymnos · 4 years
Ep. 5 - “Dumb ass mode activate!” - Worm & Ep. 6 - “here's what you missed on glee” - Lenny
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yay round 5
LENNY AND RAIN LIVED!!! Invisible edit WHO? And then Cranjes said “They aren’t playing by tribal lines over there” EYE- does that mean we are playing it over HERE? Me and Franco are ROYALLY fucked if we lose. This just cements us needing to work together and needing to win this next challenge
last tribal made me pee my pants. I am so glad our alliance worked out. I hope maxyne is okay and they can forgive me. They are a great person. Plati is going to work really hard in the next challenge. For me, I feel like I am in a strange place. If I make it after the merge. Then, I don't know who I can trust on my old tribe. I think Rain and Franco... then again, you never know for sure in this game. 
Thank the good fucking lord fae survived. so far they’re the only person in this game I feel I can trust. Still tryin to avaoid going to council with this small of a tribe because there aren’t many bonds formed yet. It’s so chaotic and I feel like anyone can jump ship at any time. I do like Tristan though,  they seem pretty cool and I might try to talk to them more.
I am PISSED. I hate this shit so much. I am now on the bottom. And these bitches are pretending that I will not be voted out next. This is a bunch of bullshit. Fuck Fae especially. Like this bitch really said: I'll just turn on my simple majority. They think I will still work with them come merge? Fuck that. I am ratting her out as a liar and a traitor to our big alliances. We cannot trust them. They will be the death of our game. I was so ready to pop off, but I know for certain that I need to keep my composure. If I want a chance to stay if we lose tribal council, I have to keep calm, keep nice, and keep being trustworthy. But mark my words. These people will regret the day they crossed me. Cause all who do go down. And they go down hard. 
I will be staying awake for the entire night doing this challenge. I refuse to be going home because of a tribe swap. 
Dumb ass mode activate! Why in the hell did I think it was a smart move to be the hero. Honestly doing it was kind of a  split second decision but I don't trust anyone's ability on my tribe to put faith in to win a challenge on their own. I was guessing before it was posted  that some point a double tribal would happen with there now being three tribes and everything. My only worry now is that I don't know how I feel about all my relations with everyone on my tribe. This being an alias game is one of the hardest things I've ever done in an org. I can't call anyone which is the best way I have made trust and figured out what other people are thinking. I think I have a way with words when talking to but online I feel like I communicate like a boomer (sorry Susan).  Just not have any sense of what emotions people are putting behind their words just cause me to feel like everyone doesn't like me and I'm alone. (This also might be from me slowly losing my touch with reality as I do this challenge.) My strategy is still the same and it is to talk to people and try to keep as many options open as I can until I need to close those doors on certain people. 
It is now 4am and I'm working on this challenge and I've been working on this challenge straight for however long and put that on top of how long I've been awake in general. I legit think I'm starting to lose it. Like I was in the kitchen having an existential crisis. Like what are we.? What are we doing? What is time? Like isn't time an illusion? So by me waiting ten minutes to wait to post is actually just waiting a randomly specified length of a human life that someone decide to tell everyone that is was concrete. My brain doesn't even know tothink now its just white noise. I really hope all this work comes to fruition and that I win this challenge.
Maxyne quitting redemption is heart breaking. I was very ready to give them ride-or-die status, but it was not meant to be. Now I need to find loyal allies which I doubt I can find on this tribe with a majority against me. I know that Rain, Fae, and Lenny have an alliance because Fae let a "We" slip when we were talking about Maxyne's vote out. This "We" came to a consensus to vote out Maxyne which means that they must have an alliance chat together. This is valuable information because I can use it against them going into the merge. I just need to be careful who I use it against. If I can win individual immunity, I can set my plan into action. Right now, I want Fae gone because they have proven to be a backstabber which is not a good trait to have in an ally. They need to go sooner rather than later in order for me to thrive in this game. I stayed up all night for this challenge and have gotten barely any sleep. I took ten-minute naps which helped my sleep deprivation. Now, I just need to stay awake for these 24 hours and I have this challenge in the bag. Hopefully, the other two have fallen asleep at some point such that it puts me in the lead. I will not know till I find out, however. I just need to keep going and avoid tribal at all costs. Tribal is the worst thing that could happen to my game at this stage. I would definitely be voted out if we were to go to tribal again. I will show everyone my resolve and why they should not mess with me in this single victory. 
Okay so WHEW, I don't know how Rain and Lenny managed to survive that tribal, but I'm so proud of them!! When the hero challenge was announced, I immediately knew I was not gonna do it, like?? i'm actually in somewhat of a good position on this tribe now, being in a majority alliance with 2 former Plati members. Tristin, however, REALLY wanted an og nera to do it. So I? obviously let him do it and told him I didn't want Cranjes to do it, which I really didn't actually care about. I feel like Tristin really shot himself in the foot this round, and that's fine w me!! We're the only 2 original nera on this tribe, and that makes us both nervous. Obviously I'd love to make it to merge w him but I'm 1000% going to let him take the fall before I do
Tristin is worried that they'll be voted out if they lose the challenge for us and I'm trying to reassure them that it could go differently in the event we lost, but idk how differently it would go, yk? I mean, for one thing there aren't a ton of options since the tribe is Small
so it’s like guaranteed we are losing at this point tbh. van and i are kinda unsure what to do because we’re both thinking tristin and franco are saying whatever they can to stay and tbh that could prove to be problematic. so i really don’t know what to do.
So the challenge was announced and its a hero challenge! Me and Franco were bent on not allowing Cranjes to be the hero just because he could throw the challenge and send either me or Franco home. Since Franco didn’t volunteer and Cranjes was getting ready to, I stepped in and volunteered. We figured it would be endurance since only 1 would compete. I THOUGHT that I had the most free time out of everyone and could win this for us but twisty twistos the other team is literally vampires. So I’m currently losing and that sucks and we will probably be going to tribal. I just hope that there is some twist and there is a joint tribal council instead. If not I have two plans. 1) play like I was at the bottom of the old tribe and vulnerable to a majority alliance. 2) Try and flip Van. I think that the first may not work bc of Franco and the latter possssiblyyy may depending on Van’s relationship with the others. I’m getting a defeatist attitude and can’t wait to face Frank at redemption island. We shall see tho.
So I should have kept that both tribes go to tribal council a secret ajdksksks
Fear. It feels like I have power in my tribe, but that just puts a target on my back and I don’t like it. I have people telling me they’ll follow what I want to do, but are they telling the truth or am i actually at the bottom? Stay tuned ig 
Jay pls get me back to fae. I lit rally trust no one 
The game is definitely taking a turn at this tribal. Theres rumors of idols and they could potentially be the end of my game if used against me. Best case scenario Worm, Eliza, and I are able to dominate the tribe and safely make it to merge. I have to put a lot of trust in Eliza because she is by far in the safest position on our tribe. I am absolutely keeping her around for a while but I’m starting to look into who I gotta take down. For now though, I think it’s best to play it safe and solidify my alliance!
i gave someone a nosebleed with my ass
ok real shit. so van and i have been working with franco. we want that to be on the DL. we also want someone to beat frank at redemption. so we want tristin out. we’re painting it to sasha that they’re getting targeted by franco & tristin and that with the merge coming tristin needs to go. franco is voting sasha bc 1) keep the alliance hidden  and 2) just in case tristin has that idol.
Maxyne went home last round in a successful 3-2. I was so stressed but I am SO THRILLED that Lenny didn’t go home! I feel horrible about lying to Elle although I guess technically I didn’t lie - I told her I wasn’t going to play an idol and send her home, and I didn’t. Lenny not going home means I’m probably going to make merge. Fuck yeah. I am in a new alliance with her and Fae called the sibling hood of the traveling idiots and we don’t talk as much as the Elizance did but we still talk! And we are all actually loyal to it, or we were last round. It’s possible that, had we gone to tribal again, it would be a one round alliance, BUT! Elle probably figured she was on the chopping block so she volunteered as our tribes hero. And a hero she was! We won immunity early because she didn’t fucking sleep! Elle I promise that I’m gonna Venmo you for a coffee once I know your identity because you deserve it you absolute icon. Now I think we either have one more round until merge OR we’re going to swap into larger tribes of 6. But the game will be pleasantly even and I love that. Eliza, Michele, and Franco, PLEASE survive this round! I need to betray y’all at the final 6! 
i'm being messy again!!!! so. obv it's between Tristin and Sasha to go home this tribal. the easiest vote for me is Sasha, they don't contribute much. BUT, I have a crackedt idea. I really like Van and Cranjes, they seem like they'd be great allies to keep around going forward. and our trio could stay under the radar if we want it to. I came up w the idea to orchestrate a vote that gives the illusion that we're sticking with original tribe lines. Tristin and I would vote Sasha, while everyone else votes Tristin. Then, going forward, nobody will suspect I'm actually in the majority, and going into merge no one will know that Van, Cranjes, and I are working together. I feel bad for backstabbing Tristin like this, but this is really fun and creates an interesting dynamic moving forward. so yeah! that's the plan!! i'm being a snake.
So we lost. I feel bad cause I was the hero but I wasn't going to hurt my body by staying up for 30+ hours. With this tribal I'm very worried about it. Neither Dusty or Erick are talking to me and neither of the girls are talking to me in private chats. I just think that I'm getting voted out and I literally have no idea why. I'm still unsure of what's happening but the only thing that is clear is that  unless something crazy happens, one of the guys are leaving. All I can now is sip on my iced coffee and wait. Fuck I hate not having any control of my own fate.
Van put Cranjes and I in a chat for og Plati and we're targeting Tristin. Hopefully there are no idols, esp since they reported that Tristin and Franco are voting for me asdgfhj
this is for Tristin when he reads this at the end of the season i am SO SORRY. you are a beautiful wonderful human but I really felt like this would put me in a good position going into merge. I feel so bad knowing it was my plan that ended in your vote off, but I gotta look out for myself first and foremost. now I have a clear path to play both sides when the time comes. again, I am so sorry. ily <3 <3 <3 pls dont be mad at me
Jay: I'm surprised y'all voted Tristin out me, thinking about it: okay, me too honestly Van and Cranjes probably looked at me and took an approach of "if we save them from this vote, then they'll work with us down the line. free number" and like, whatever. I'm just out here vibing. I'll roll with that
oh god. everything went exactly as it was supposed to, but i want to vomit. god that was stressful. This is why I hate small tribes. Jay pls have mercy. So y’all are probably wonder why Tristin. Tbh he’s good in challenges. The plan is he gets frank in redemption. Frank sounds pissed and that leads to chaos. Chaos in this game is not fun.
So everyone on the tribe is feeling bad about the vote and I'm just like, well I didn't talk to Tristin too much so I feel bad voting for them, not because they're "so nice" but because I feel like I didn't talk to them enough. Though it would've sucked if we'd talked a bunch and I still voted them.
I am so glad to have won that immunity challenge. I put my heart and my soul into succeeding and I did. I knew that I would have been the next voted out if we went to tribal council again, so I am thankful to the Survivor Gods for pushing me this far! My only concern is that I will be seen as a challenge threat, but it was do or die in that moment. I had no other choice, but to kill the challenge to save my skin. Going into a merge scenario, I am very scared that people will vote me because I can be seen as a "challenge threat," but I hope my social game is strong enough to prevent that. 
I have no clue what to do right now, vote Erick, bites me in the ass. Vote worm, bites me in the ass. I’m in an awful position no matter what I do and I KNOW I’m the deciding vote. Fuck fuck fuckkkk
WOOF! okay. Here’s what you missed on survivor plati tribe from my POV. Maxyne left and then didn’t survive redemption island. :( really would of loved for them to return! Elle killed it in the challenge. Honestly, ICONIC. I would not be mad if she won the whole thing. We’ll see after the merge. Which I am nervous about. Tristan went home which is sad. I liked them! Eliza and Michele are definitely working together and I suspect them of being the two who tried to vote me out a while back. Franco and Rain are strong players! I really like Fae too and would like to work with Fae, Franco, Rain, and Elle post-merge. That being said, once the merge comes, who knows what will happen! Trusting people is really hard for me :/ I hope rain and fae feel like they can trust me because I do want to have their backs!! 
I feel really bad about Erick! I would have voted off Dusty if there werent an idol at stake. Time to lie to dusty and start a fake trio with him and eliza to gain his trust.....
Eliza try to get dusty’s trust back challenge! (More details coming later)
Well uh that tribal didnt go as planned. I thought that I would be able to hold some trust in Eliza, but it seems she cares more for her relationships with other people in the game. Now moving forward I have to figure out if I can still rely on Eliza, because having the power of the super idol is a big advantage. Hopefully she doesn’t stop seeing value in that advantage before i do. 
I hate that we have a disadvantage. I do not need to go to tribal council. I am sad that Erick got voted out. That means that OG Plati is coming in at a numbers disadvantage once we get to merge if another Plati gets voted out. Best case scenario, an OG Vathis gets voted out and we can be even in the merge. However, there is always redemption to consider. So many factors!! I just want to be safe!
The early tribals signal to me that these people do not want any scrambling of any kind. These people are a tight ship, and merge is going to be crazy. 
We lost. Again. I don’t want to vote for anyone, but I’m letting Elle campaign to me. I’ll be back. 
wow oh wow. we're going back to tribal. I hope me and rain continue to stick together. I have no clue what is going to happen though. I never feel safe. 
So we lost, it’s really sad. My paranoia had already set in. I’ve been inactive for a while, I might play my idol or atleast tell Rain. I’m flipping for mo reason. But generally when I think it’s me it is. 
ok so loving the fact that we don’t have to go to tribal. but i’m not loving the prospect of merging into one tribe from three. that’s kinda scary. i think i’d be fine. i have been building good relationships when i can and i have my idol in my back pocket if my back is against the wall. if we merge after this vote, i think i’ll be able to maneuver.
I have to do hardcore campaigning in order to stay. I want Fae gone because they have already proven themselves to be a backstabber. I do not need that type of person in my game. Also, now I have to campaign to Lenny (barf) and Rain. God my life has just gotten 10x more difficult and I am going to lose my hair. These are the campaigns I've made. The first is to Rain and the second is to Lenny. So, I think it would be better to keep me because of my challenge ability. That sounds counterproductive, but think about it: Shields are needed in the long run of this game. Let me be your shield. I feel like I would become a target because I am good at challenges, so that takes the heat off of you. If you were to keep me, I would also be 100% loyal to you. I will tell you everything that I know and everything I hear. I will be in your debt. I have also shown that I am a loyal person in the short time we have been together (I think?). I did not turn my back on Maxyne and Fae, but, at the same time, I was honest with you and Lenny (at least the most I could have been to Lenny). I know lying and scheming are a part of this game, but I like to play honestly and with integrity. So, you know that I will do everything in power to make sure we get through the rest of the game together. Finally, I think the better option (even though I would vote someone else if you wanted) would be Fae only because they have proven themselves to be sneaky and a liar. They were the first one to stab someone in the back in this game (as far as I know). So, having someone on our side is not good for us in the long run since, if it were to suit them, they will backstab us in a heartbeat It is! I really want to work with you in this game because I feel like you are a good person and I feel like we have easy and nice conversations together. I want to work with people who I connect with emotionally and I feel like you are one of those people. That means that I want to target Fae. I love Fae, but they have already shown what kind of player they are last time we went to tribal: a backstabber. If it suited them, they will definitely vote against you if you keep them long enough. If you keep me, I will be a good and loyal ally. I have already shown that I am loyal and honest because I tried to stay loyal with Maxyne and Fae. I told Rain that I was voting you, and I did not want to bullshit you nor have the awkward "I am voting me out." That's why I did not talk to you before tribal. It would make me feel yucky to lie to someone like that. But either way, I have shown that I am honest and loyal. I pledge 100% loyalty to you if I am to stay which is a promise I intend to keep all the way until the end. Finally, my challenge prowess can be beneficial to you because it paints a massive target on me at the start of merge which keeps the heat off of you and your allies. I guarantee that keeping Fae will not have the same effect. I am praying to God that Fae does not have the Plati idol because that would just send my ass to Redemption. But, you can bet your ass that I will be the returning castaway if I do get voted out. Then I will seek my revenge on those who have crossed me. 
I already miss Tristin, the tribe is so dead without him. He was super active and I could always rely on him to have an actual meaningful conversation with me. Despite my personal feelings, I still think it was the smartest move game wise I'm REALLY happy we won immunity!! But everyone else is still.... Just so quiet. No celebrating or anything. Kinda ruins the tribe dynamic. Oh well. Im praying for merge next round!!!
I really think Plati should take out Elle while they have the chance! This being the last tribe round, they need to take out their strongest for the weaker to have a chance after merge!
Fae wants me to throw out a name which is something I am not going to do. I am on thin ice, and I cannot get either Rain or Lenny to hear that I said their names. Otherwise, I would definitely get voted out. Perhaps I should lie and say Fae said Lenny's name. But that could come to bite me in the ass. It would definitely be a last resort if I did feel like I was in danger. That would ruin my image, but I just need to do this so I can make merge which is definitely happening next round. 
Rain definitely does not want to vote for me which means I have to go talk to Lenny about it. All I need to do is flip Lenny. Honestly, I would settle for Fire at this point because I know I can beat Fae. Making them go to fire would probably be easier than flipping Lenny entirely. But that would mean making Rain comfortable enough to vote for Fae. My chances are increasing, but I am in no way comfortable. Time to pull out all my charms!
i really really really can’t have frank coming back. i kinda snaked him by making him feel comfortable and i hate that so much bc i had to do what was good for the order which was the majority alliance but i didn’t not like frank he was nice so i hope if he does come back i can talk to him and be like hey i’m sorry this is why i had to do that and he won’t come for me as much as he would for like say anyone else who voted for him aka every og plati left.
I pulled out my trump card with Lenny and told them everything about the alliances. The one thing I lied about was that Fae created those alliances. Hopefully that is enough to push them to vote Fae. It would be a dumb move to keep Fae because they are in those alliances and they are one of the heads of those alliances, not me. So, at the end of the day, keeping them in this game is a terrible idea because they will just turn their back on Lenny and Rain. Personally, I have not decided whether or not I want to betray them, but it sure as hell is better if they keep me rather than Fae. I even promised to be a rat in that alliance. I am just so frustrated and nervous going into this tribal. I hope they at least give me the decency to go to fire. 
I'm going to MERGE! It's such a nice feeling for over stressing myself. It kind of lets me know that even though this game has taken me out of my comfort zone, I still have the basic ability to make it to merge. Nothing crazy has happened on our tribe so I'm just using the rest of my time in tribes to connect closer to my current tribe mates. I really do hope that Elle doesn't get voted out tonight. She is looked at as a physical threat and I feel like if she gets eliminated then I might get looked at as the biggest one with me doing really well in a lot of the challenges. If she does survive and make merge then I want to align with her to have as a meat shield for a couple rounds. Going into merge though I have been preaching keeping loyal to tribal lines. Maybe for the first round I would do so but after that I want to mix it up cause I feel like there are so big threats that I am aligned with, like Eliza. Eliza seems like a huge social threat that seems to have great relations with everyone and that is a huge red flag as we head further into the game. I hope I can make it far enough in the game to make that happen.
here's what you missed on glee. So, I am in an alliance with Rain and Fae (closer to rain tho). Fae betrayed their old tribal lines and now Rain and I are trying to decide if they are toying with us again. According to elle, Fae told her that she was going to vote me out but fae told me that they were voting for elle. Elle has been campaigning hard to me and Rain, exposing old alliances, pledging allegiances, etc. She is really making a case for herself. I am SO FLIPPING ANXIOUS. I just want to make the merge. this is wild. I don't know who to trust in this case. If we betray Fae, then we look like backstabbers, but they could do it to us again. I am trusting elle a little more rn, but she could be messing with me!!
I think my odds have significantly increased. My social skills came in handy, and Fae told me that they were going to vote Lenny which I used against them. Hopefully Lenny sees the merits in keeping me and we avoid fire. But I am absolutely ready for it if it comes down to that.
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