#yinu’s mom
robinh00d · 2 years
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The best boss battle from No Straight Roads! Also the Vs Yinu music is a total bop!
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(the scene in question vv)
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this took way too long lol
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secretarysong · 3 months
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(insert caption here about how i love the Vs. Yinu bossfight)
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nsrthenaturafamily · 21 days
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Happy Mother’s Day!
This piece was inspired by the doodle from the devs socials!
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erigold13261 · 8 months
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These teens have problems! :D
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dogflowerzz · 11 months
nsr twitter part THREE ?!?
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eve art credits :: @starlightfallz
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stephguzdoodles · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s Day from Heart of Gold! This is a redraw from an older piece I drew for Rocktober 2021.
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whipped-bean · 2 years
Bunch o' nsr headcanons that have been sitting in my head for weeks
- Since DJSS's head is a black hole, its SUPER hot, like, a million times hotter than the sun, so he likes to eat ice cream since its super simple to just vaccum up.
- (This also means he has to eat it quickly or it melts)
- He is also the type of person to get irrationally upset when they run out of bubble bath.
- Neon J eats by having stuff phase through his screen and then he just absorbs it i guess, no more questions.
- 1010 all listen to Tally Hall
- Yinu likes strawberries and grapes over most fruits, her mother prefers cherries and apples
- eve has a huge sweet tooth and has lots of cafes and bakeries around her district, she likes cakes and tarts a lot
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enderboyme · 2 years
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Yassified Zuke
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tinukie · 1 year
when the when my two favorite things , . yeah ....
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just a little what if: Yinu's mom takes in / adopts Wendy and Abigail ... Now Yinu has two sisters 🙏
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anger-ey · 10 months
The Google drive link will be provided soon, there are 2k files after all so it'll take a while to load.
Without further ado....
Sayu's Crew
DK West
Yinu's Mom
Neon J
Part 2 (Eve, Tatiana and NPCs)
Google drive link
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
on the subject of hanahaki disease x NSR, I'm specifically thinking about how it applies to Yinu and her mom since they're. plant beings to an extent?
putting this under a cut because it got a bit too long and it turned into mostly an analysis lmfao
like, for example, Mama's most prominent trait is the fact that her hair changes into branch-like tendrils when angry, so I assume hanahaki would be harder to recognize because. they're already plants. changing radically, coughing up petals, growing flowers and stems or whatever wouldn't be too alarming for them in GENERAL? since those things already happen with their different moods and emotions, perhaps even health, so how does extreme repression look like? growth of invasive plants that they certainly shouldn't have maybe? symbolic flowers for the type of things they're repressing? a slow process of decay? something else?
Mama as a character is so very interesting, because she's clearly an attentive, loving and protective mother - but at the same time, she and Yinu represent the concept of young prodigies forced on the spotlight by parents who live vicariously through their kids
maybe Mama is aware of hanahaki disease, but hasn't experienced it herself because she already has an outlet for all of her feelings - her own daughter. whether she does it on purpose or not is up to you and how you like to characterize Mama, but personally I like to think is something she does unconsciously specifically because Yinu takes so much after her father. IF YOU LOOK AT THEM SIDE TO SIDE? the only things that Yinu and her mother have in common are the forehead markings and the possibility that Yinu's hair might be actual flowers, like Mama's branch-like hair.
"But the rose motif-" PAPA. TAKEN FROM PAPA. THE GOLDEN ROSE IS ATTRIBUTED TO HIM AND THEN INHERITED BY YINU. I don't think they outright say this anywhere, but the implication that the piano Yinu plays used to belong to her father explains her attachment to it and why their entire fight ends when it's broken (you could even argue that the roses on Mama's outfit were influenced by Papa, since she goes from a white dress with yellow roses to a black dress with red roses after his death, yknow. mourning widow and all)
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(the last picture is taken from this official tweet, drawn by one of the concept artists of the game!)
but back on track, the point I was trying to make here is that I think Mama unconsciously projects all of her feelings about losing her husband through Yinu. instead of the usual "I want to be famous, so I will make my child famous", it's more of a "I'm keeping the memory of Papa alive through our daughter" vibe? if that makes sense?? and that's why Mama presents as this very collected woman who can, and will lose control if angry - because she's not used to repressing.
which then takes me to how that affects Yinu, my favorite subject ever.
they both bond through music because it's the legacy that Papa left them, but taking into account Mama's overbearing and overprotective nature towards Yinu, using her as an outlet and whatnot, that definitely. has consequences.
I vaguely remember the devs at some point saying that Natura, the lungs of Vinyl City, has a lot of crystal domes around because they represent Mama's desire to keep Yinu safe since Yinu is represented as a flower? but take that with a grain of salt since I can't find the source rn </3 (still, I love thinking about each charter's relationship to their own district and all so I'm eating that up anyway) and it's obvious that the puppet themes allude to the fact that Yinu has no control over her career and/or life.
there's also the thing about Yinu being. INCREDIBLY SMALL. LIKE. LOOK AT HER. SHE COULD STRAIGHT UP FIT INSIDE DJ SUB'S SHOE OR SOMETHING. yeah, she's 9 years old and it makes sense for her being small, but I wonder. what if this is how hanahaki manifests for Yinu?
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she's visibly small and lacks any sort of presence when compared to everyone else because she's, essentially, carrying her mother's emotional baggage. she's actively being smothered and kept from properly growing because of it. and Yinu is much too young to properly recognize her mother's actions as harmful - this is her mother, she might be scary when angry, but she loves her all the same. someone her age probably does as told with one thing in mind: to make her loved ones happy.
hanahaki affects her because Yinu is confident, in her skills and in the way things are supposed to be. she plays and the entire district, NSR and Mama are happy - so I imagine she would struggle with the idea of being unhappy when nothing is physically hurting her. with the idea that her loved ones are putting her in situations that make her uncomfortable and all. like. come on. shes literally a child.
and maybe that's why it's so hard to notice the signs of hanahaki within Yinu, because she's stagnant. nothing changes, she doesn't grow or develop, she remains the same and that's exactly why it goes unnoticed, nothing is visibly affecting her. that's why Mama doesn't realize anything is wrong for a long time. until the stress of hanahaki starts to actually take a toll on Yinu, with the accumulated stress and repression affecting her body - maybe her petals start to fall or and no one understands Why. maybe her plant abilities start growing inwards instead, taking root in her organs and such. something something, plants will always find a way to adapt and grow under harsh conditions
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thehyperrequiem · 4 months
NSR The Creatures of Vinyl City
Just going to show you a recap of my first No Straight Roads AU from my old account. It is called The Creatures of Vinyl City. It is an au where everything is the same, but the scenery changes to a Cryptidcore aesthetic and shout out to @sundove88 for helping out with this one, soooo enjoy!
AU Synposis: “In Vinyl City, Humans and Cryptids used to live together in harmony...until the greedy Tatiana started capturing them for her own gain. Can Mayday and Zuke restore this ancient bond before the fate of Vinyl City changes forever?”
And now, the Characters!
🧡 MayDay 🎸- Human
💚 Zuke 🥁 - Human
🩵 Ellie 🐊 - Mutated Crocodile (They keep her as a pet)
🌌 DJ Subatomic Supernova 🎧- Ursa Major (Constellation Bear)
💕 Sayu 🧜‍♀️- Mermaid (Obvious)
🎵✏️ The Sayu Crew (Tila, Remi, Dodo, Sofa)🏃🎞 - Kappas (Turtle Yokais)
💛 Yinu 🎹- Cervitaur (Deer Centaur) (She has Shapeshifting powers like her Mom)
♥️ Yinu’s Mom 🌹- Manaha (Cannibalistic Deer Monster)
💛 Yinu’s Dad 🎶 - Centaur (He used to be a Regular Centaur, but now he is a Centaur Spirit)
🤍❤️🩵 1010 (Rin, Zimelu, Purl-Hew, Haym, Eloni) 💛💚 - Techno Organic Moth Monsters (They can shapeshift to humans, mini versions of themselves and Beasts)
📺 Neon J. 🎖- Mothman
🤍🩷Eve 🖼- Succubus (A Kind Hearted One)
🔥 Tatianna 🤍- Manticore (It makes more sense)
👓 Kliff 🧡- Satyr (Goat Hybrid)
💚 DK West 🪘- Magic User (he may looked human, but the Tattoos of his are magical!)
🎧 DJ Zam 📻 - Jersey Devil (Biped Goat Monster with fork tail and leathery wings)
⚓️ Captain Torpedo ⛴ - Kraken (A Giant squid Monster)
🦄 Amal - Unitaur (Like a Centaur but a Unicorn)
🍳Aunty - Futakuchi Onna (Woman with a head at the back of her mouth)
👮‍♂️Azma - Minotaur (Half man Half Bull)
📔Barbara 🕶 - Magic User
💜Celine - Harpy
👩‍🍳Chef Sunshine - Phoenix
🩵Daphne and Jan 💞 - Banshee (Daphne) and Aqrabuamelu (Jan)
🪟Dash - Water Elemental
💜Gigi 🕶 - Loch Ness Monster
💖Joey 🎼 - Cyclops
💗Kayane - Fairy
💘Mia 🤍 - Gorgon
🕵️‍♂️Mystery Man 🕶 - Xexeu
👴Retdex - Yeti
🤖 Robot - Robot (Obviously)
👨‍🔧Timmy - Bunnyip
❤️Yiruk - Imp
🎧Zed - Bigfoot
That is all for now! Tune in next time for more Content of The Creatures of Vinyl City
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I've seen other quotes and DJSS calls Zuke and Mayday "Plutonians," Sayu a "Neptunian" and Eve a "Venusian." (I know that first one is canon.) What does he call everyone else?
Ooooh. Excellent question. I've just been coming up with them as necessary, so I'd only really settled on those three nicknames and Tatiana's till now. Thanks for the excuse to come up with the others :D
Bunk Bed Junction are "Plutonians"
Sayu is "Neptunian"
Eve is "Venusian"
Tatiana is "Martian"
Yinu is "Earthling"
Yinu's Mom is "Lunarian"
Sayu's Crew are "Tritonians"
DK West is "Uranian"
Neon J. is "Jovian," but the two are close enough that Nova started mostly just using his actual name some time ago
Rin is "Eirenian"
Zimelu is "Pandian"
Purl-Hew is "Ersian"
Haym is "Phylophrosian"
And Eloni is "Euphemian"
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nsrthenaturafamily · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day from the Newly weds!
Please don’t repost this or trace this drawing.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
How about Eve or Yinu's mama for the ask game!
-Mama (gonna be honest, I did Yinu entirely at first before rereading the ask lol):
First impression: I was so confused at first on who this is because for SOME FUCKING REASON, I legit though Tatiana was Yinu's mother. Had no idea why, so when I saw her I was confused. But then thought her design was really cool.
Impression now: She is a grieving mother doing everything in her power to give her daughter the best life and make sure she is happy, but she gets so easily blinded by rage she can't see she is hurting her own daughter at times. Also, she's probably overworked
Favorite moment: I LOVE both times she catches Yinu. The one in the beginning and tells her to relax, and the one at the end where she saves her from getting hurt in the fall. (Also just, her in the back of the stage in the shadow, you can't see it in game easily as you are focusing, but if you look at her, she looks so cool!)
Idea for a story: Mama needs to start using a cane after the fall she took during the fight. She has Neon help her learn how to properly use a cane and make it muscle memory, and Yinu and 1010 help decorate the cane to make her feel better about using it.
Unpopular opinion: I do not like it when people draw Mama short. Especially shorter than Papa. I'm sorry but she is tall to me. I know official Metronomik artist draw her shorter than him, and that there is a picture on the wall in Yinu's first collectable with her being shorter than Papa, but I refuse to accept that Mama is anywhere near being short. She's like just a bit shorter than Tatiana and maybe the same height as Eve. She tol.
Favorite relationship: I really only ever think of her hanging out with Yinu, Neon, and/or DJ, but honestly I love the version of her and Papa in my head so definitely those two.
Favorite headcanon: It's silly and has NO basis, but I like thinking she is also part snake, which is why she has a head tail thing. And her heart is a bunch of colored scales. :3
First impression: She seems like a bitch but she is so fucking beautiful and I love how she talks. Impression now: She is still hard to read and to write for, but that is because she is such a complex character with so much depth and I wish I could do her more justice when I draw her and make my own interpretations of her. Favorite moment: I really like her freak out part when she makes a realization Zuke and May formed a bond of hatred against her. Her smacking the Tatiana statue, laughing, and then creating her extra arms with her voice changing, I loved all of that so much! (Also the music at that part is super good) Idea for a story: I didn't really have one before, but now I really want to explore Eve's first time going into her "Diva's Realm," and her just exploring her powers. It's all fun and games until she can't get out of it and can hear her parents calling her name to wake up and she starts to panic and ends up messing the reality around her by accident and scaring her parents severely. Unpopular opinion: I really hate it when people make her overly obsessed with Zuke. Like yes, she was obsessed with him, but when people make her out to be a Yandere or something, I don't like it. Favorite relationship: I love her platonically with Zuke, and the dynamic they can have. I also really like her with Purl. If I had to choose though, I'd think I like the different scenarios and serious moments that can happen between Purl and Eve. Those two have a LOT of problems and can either help or hurt each other without realizing it. Favorite headcanon: Her powers are super weird. She can make temporary real realities and permanent fake realities. Her powers can do some major harm to someone's psyche. Her arms can be fake or real depending on what she needs. Literally she can do so much and is so powerful with her powers to bend the mind and reality around her that nothing would be able to really stop her if she truly wanted to hurt someone.
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