#yes they could defeat the villain on their own bc they have protagonist powers. no these dads will not stand for it
shachiruka · 2 years
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rappaccini · 1 year
toh finale thoughts
as before, the animation is stunning. the attention to detail is unmatched and the fight scenes were gorgeous.
damn vee literally did nothing in the end huh
and the caleb-evelyne thing sure never mattered.
the dreamworld was cool. wish they'd gone into more depth with luz and belos paralleling to make that hallucination feel much more impactful. as is, it just feels like luz is cosplaying him rather than we're learning some deep-seated fear in her psyche. the 'you've been the whole villain all along' thing really falls flat if we never receive any indications that it's possible for luz to become that.
bringing it back to luz eda and king was great. i missed this trio.
i find the collector clip show funny.
deeply appreciate them not asspulling a redemption for belos. yes, most people can be reached with kindness and forgiveness... but some can't. most people are doing the best they can. some are not.
i definitely think that the whole 'Luz is a Good Person, You Guys' thing that takes up the first half of the special is the writers trying to address the bullshit criticisms of her character and the badfaith flattening of amity in particular into a generic mean girl. which, well they're not assassinating the chars to appeal to those fans, but they also didn't need to address it either.
love the symbolism of luz getting killed and resurrected, getting to meet god and gain power from him
the gnarly entropy luz's body gets was a great design.
so's her titan form. it's so magical-girly but that's part of the charm. luz gets to not just dress up as her favorite character, but be something her own.
the animation in this fight sequence is stunning.
don't like hunter being demoted to support crew in the final showdown with His Abuser. no one deserves this confrontation more than him and he doesn't even get a chance to tell belos to fuck off and give luz the green card to beat his ass. she just goes lion turtle while he's stuck on the blimp. again, they wanted season 3b zuko so bad they skipped all the most important parts of that arc. in this case, zuko facing ozai during black sun, telling him he's wrong, and saying he'll leave his defeat to the avatar.
like. this is Luz's Fight, being that she's the protagonist and the emperor's foil. but hunter needed to participate too. the bare minimum would've been him and luz having a private moment where he gives her his blessing to pulp his uncle.
sure, give hunter something to do helping the folks at the archives, but he doesn't know them like the hexsquad do.
also again i wish they let luz keep her glyph magic instead of moving on to a palisman. toh spend three seasons building up luz's new unique magic style only to say 'sike! it was a placeholder until she could get the Exact Same Thing Everyone Else Has'. yes camila and the hexsquad get to use it in the climax, but it's luz's magic. it feels wrong that she dropped it as soon as she got a cooler replacement. there had to be some way for her to integrate it more prominently into her titan magic.
belos as final boss had to happen. relieved they didn't make it the collector at the last second. giving him no forgiveness and handing over his destruction to the people he hurt and the literal land he colonized was excellent. smart sidestep of the Kid Protag Can't Kill rule that feels thematically coherent (stares at atla). especially him being melted by water like a classic fairy tale witch
and making him the literal heart of the rot, to match the metaphorical one he was the whole time.
luz keeping her dorky self, but now having the confidence to call herself luz instead of luzura? wonderful.
archives. clever way to sidestep killing everyone bc kids cartoon.
love hunter being adopted by darius. it was properly built up and they seem like a great match personality wise. it caps off hunter's need for a new family (not to mention a new father figure who actually loves and cares for him), and darius's need to redeem himself for his complicity in letting belos abuse his nephew.
salty fandom side note: my controversial opinion is that Hunter Noceda the headcanon reeks to me of a group of people who earnestly wanted to see a pair of adopted male-female siblings being the main characters of a cartoon of this nature, projecting that dynamic onto two friends who aren't related or the same species, who definitely do have romantic tension that just never goes anywhere, who briefly live together as teens being cared for by the same adult after having never known each other as children, and whose parents aren't/will never be married, hallucinating it into Two Literal Siblings, having that interest whipped into an insistent fury that it's the Only Interpretation Allowed by lunter antis/the most rabid lumity stans who wanted an excuse to declare the ship problematic, and since it being abusive would mean blackwashing hunter's character and that was out of the question, they went with it being incest by the vaguest of technicalities, therefore literal 100% no-different-from-two-bio-siblings-fucking incest, therefore anyone who likes lunter becomes depraved, abusive, somehow also homophobic and therefore a 'valid' target for mobbing.
anytime i see art of luz and hunter in a pose that could be interpreted as romantic, and the word 'siblings' is slapped in the description i just think 'so you definitely know what you drew and that people would see it that way. you're just too insecure to let people interpret it as they please, huh'
anyway, hunter deamonne was the right choice. given how quickly hunlow got smashed together to Protect Lumity's Innocence, i'm relieved the writers didn't asspull hunter into the noceda family just to please the fans.
(.... to the people who want luz to have a sibling from the boiling isles who was adopted by camila to protect them from belos, THAT'S VEE)
speaking of ~hUnTeR nOcEdA~ who wants to bet the next ironclad luz-and-hunter-are-siblings pivot will be 'obviously darius and alador marry because they were onscreen together for one shot, and since lumity marry, and hunter is darius's adopted son, they are siblings-in-law and therefore the Exact Same Thing as literal full-on-related-siblings-who-were-raised-together.' fucking. idiots.
or maybe the even more elaborate mental gymnastics routine of 'obviously darius and camila will marry, making luz and hunter stepsiblings'.
either way, it's canon that these two characters who aren't related... aren't related. i feel like people need reminding of that.
i love ending on a time skip epilogue
i appreciate that rebuilding the isles is a work in progress that'll take years. no magical everything-is-fine-now-that-we-killed-the-bad-guy
their college designs are great
palisman carver hunter works. give him a quiet life surrounded by the wild magic he was denied, helping to create things
gus and willow's endings are solid. gus living his human world loving dream, willow getting to beat ass. good for them.
amity certainly was doing... something?
luz staying in the magical realm is great. this story is about not having to choose a category or group to ally yourself with, and finding your own path. it was never going to involve luz going back to the human world forever.
i do wonder if she finished hs in the human realm though. i think that's an important aspect of her character that's been overlooked-- she came to the isles to find the belonging she didn't find in the human world. she needed to go back to the human world, even if only temporarily, to show how her adventure changed her as a person. i'll give it a pass given how truncated this season was. her hs days were probably cut for the first special. still hope she got to have them to some extent.
love the nocedas buying the portal house. best of both worlds is the best ending.
pour one out for flapjack.
again i acknowledge that hunlow's buildup got totally wiped out because s3 had to be truncated. yes, it probably would've been much more developed if s3 got to be a whole twenty or even just ten episodes. sucks. still don't like them as a couple. still reeks of 'we need to pair up the biggest threats to lumity together so Nothing Can Touch Our Baby' and it's still annoying when they coulda just written all four characters better from day 1.
again amity is here to be The Girlfriend. it's wonderful and groundbreaking that a disney cartoon gets to have its main couple be two female characters who get to be a couple onscreen during the run of the show but it's still such an undersell of amity as a character. wish she got her own role in the story as an individual.
so in full review... yeah toh is a mostly-great show with some gaping weak points. even with all the issues i have with it, it's unquestionably beautiful to look at, full of fantastic ideas and characters, made by people who deeply loved what they were doing and mostly stuck to their guns. if this came out when i was a preteen, i'd have loved it.
but that being said, preteen me didn't watch it. adult me did.
adult me appreciates all those aspects and especially how the creatives chose to die falling on their queer sword instead of letting the mouse censor things and water down the message. but adult me does think there are some gaping holes in the writing that keep toh from being one of the All Time Greats. avatar come again, this is not. it's close, but not quite there. i'll recommend it to everyone forever, but i Will talk about the issues too.
yes, the romance is one of my big issues. lumity was just wlw kataang. it was cute and you saw it coming, and Yes I Sure Am Glad It Was Able To Exist... but it totally overpowers and consumes amity's individual character. not to mention that all luz and amity's individual character arc moments could have been better satisfied by pairings with hunter and willow respectively. it's just odd that a show this strongly written failed so hard in this regard, and either didn't at all realize that their two main couples should have swapped partners, or definitely knew and consciously chose to go with the worse option because they wanted wish fulfillment.
but more than that, the biggest problem with toh isn't actually that it was shot dead by disney before it could finish its story on its own terms. if anything these three supersized episodes showed that it was capable of efficient storytelling all along and just didn't do it. season 1's pacing was really fucking bad, and introducing hunter in s2 was a massive mistake. even if they did get two-and-a-half seasons, they still could've ended on such a stronger note if hunter was in s1, and if they actually let the plot get rolling before s1e18.
and on the fandom end of things i'm most happy that the worst people in the fandom will move on to find another children's cartoon to make unbearable for everyone else. ideally the lunter shippers can finally poke their heads out and have fun with the (disclaimer, in the event some nutjob reads this:) non-canon ship. including and especially multishippers.
in general, it's always fun to see how fandoms develop after the dust settled. which headcanons, aus, and theories gain prominence, which discourses are forgotten. which ships and characters aren't remembered fondly, which ones will get a retroactive groundswell. what aspects of the show will be loved, which will be critiqued.
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madisonrooney · 3 years
hey, amanda! it's your gcwca secret santa again. don't worry about the late reply. i'm thrilled that you gave me such a detailed answer! except for dude, i love all the characters you listed and my other faves would be uma and jay!
uma is so strong and loyal to her crew. i love to see her taking control and trying to get the freedom that all the kids on the isle deserve. descendants really said women have the power. i enjoyed how d3 focused a lot on getting uma and mal to work together as a team.
jay is a loyal friend. he's the big protector in the group, always making sure his friends are doing alright. he has to overcome that eat-or-be-eaten mentality from the isle, and he really embraces life in auradon. one of my fave moments with him is in d2 when he offers to drive mal back to the isle himself.
really loved what you had to say on all the characters! the internalized self hatred and dealing with expectations were such a big part of mal's character arc that i feel like a lot of people ignore. it really is not easy for the vks to adjust to life in auradon and overcome the damage their parents did to their self esteem. mal especially has to deal with maleficent telling her she's not good enough (or bad enough haha). i love the contrast to ben, who is the literal definition of good. and how he teaches her that being good, which her mother had always told her was a flaw, is actually a really good thing.
if you feel comfortable talking about it, i would love to hear more about your interactions with cameron. i have heard from everyone who got the chance to meet him that he was incredibly sweet. if not, could you share another experience with a different descendants cast member? 💞
getting long so
i love uma too! and i love how she worked with mal in d3 too, that was one of my fav things about that movie. i think it was really smart how they made her the villain of d2, but still a redeemable villain, yknow? like, not a character that's all bad and must be defeated at all costs like idk scar from the lion king or something. and that lead to the trilogy as a whole playing out so well. UGH i could go on forever about how its the perfect trilogy and each movie feeds into the next so well.
i do love jay too, i just dont find him quite as interesting as the rest of the core four, and id argue he has less screen time. i agree with everything you said tho! and i loved that moment too (+ we were robbed of the if only reprise that was supposed to follow that)
yes thank you!! i know much of the fandom doesnt like mal (as ik ive talked about in the discord) but i dont think theyre understanding the things that you pointed out. i reblogged a post recently that i think phrased it really well that said in order for a protagonist to be well-written and layered, sometimes bad things have to be their fault.
im more than happy to share my experiences with cameron ❤️
for starters, i just wanna say that i know its common for people to go overboard saying how wonderful someone was after they've passed but i swear i would've told these stories the exact same way when he was still alive, and i did! he was just that lovely.
the first time i met him was at d23 2015 which was also the first time i met dove so naturally, most of my attention was directed at her. i was sobbing when i met her lol, but cameron was next up and i was def excited to meet him too so i gave him a hug and he said nice to meet you. i know that sounds uneventful but keep it in mind bc it will come back later.
the next time i met him was at an event almost a year later and i reminded him who i was. a couple weeks after that, i went to the return to the isle of the lost book launch that he and sofia were at. sofia i hadnt met since d23 so i began to reintroduce myself to her and cameron said "remember? she was the girl who cried when she met dove!" NOTE: i did NOT remind him of that when i reintroduced myself at the previous event, he remembered that all on his own! from nearly a year before!
in spring 2017, i called into radio disney to talk to the cast. i got cut off while talking to dove and sofia (and that wasnt as awful as it sounds cuz calling into radio disney was always full of glitches) and when i called back they put me on with cameron and booboo. i reminded cameron who i was (booboo hadn't been at d23) i.e. the girl who cosplayed as maddie rooney and he asked if i was going to that years d23 and if i was cosplaying. i said i was planning to cosplay but i didnt know what as yet and he and booboo ganged up on me and told me i needed to dress up as all four VKs at once. more on that later.
a week or two later, i saw him at the rdmas after party. i showed him a pic of me and he immediately gave me a hug and said "you called in!"
a couple months later was d23 and i kept my promise and did a mashup cosplay of all four VKs, albeit kinda haphazard lol. cameron and booboo were SO excited when they saw it. cameron pulled me in for a hug, and i didnt realize it at the time but upon watching the video my mom took of me meeting them, a security guard was trying to get me to hurry up right as cameron hugged me. clearly he didnt care lol.
an hour or two later there was a little parade with the cast and as fate would have it, the car with dove and cameron on it stopped right in front of me and my friends. cameron pointed me out and started cheering.
that was sadly the last time i saw him. but i cant stress enough how much it meant to me that he remembered so many details about me. ive met hundreds of celebrities, many of them multiple times, and often they wont recognize me at a subsequent meeting, much less remember details about me. i don't fault them for that as i can imagine it gets overwhelming when youve met so many fans, but it's all the more touching when someone does remember those details.
like i said in the previous post, i love how we just kinda fell into this relationship. like, again, it makes sense that dove was the cast member i was closest too since obviously *I* had a big attachment to HER, but that just happened to develop with cameron bc of how kind he was. not that i wasnt always a fan of him, but he definitely rose up my ranks the more times i met him.
that being said, losing him was really hard and definitely the hardest celebrity death ive ever been through. but i donate to his foundation regularly and am planning on setting up a fundraiser for it for my birthday which ive tried to do in previous years too. i know hes out there somewhere looking out for us. ❤️
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nolvini · 4 years
i want to get into jojo, but i dont know where to start lol, do you think you could summarize it:?
ok ok so despite what people say, my friend gave me a flash drive with all of part 3 (stardust crusaders) on it, and after that i watched 4 and 5 and then went back to 1 and 2 and god i’m terrible at explaining but I’ll try my best lol
Anyways tbh,,, each part can be watched on their own since they all have a different protagonist and plot/setting. I don’t recommend watching it completly out of order (like 4->2->5->etc) but recurring characters from other parts are present so you may not fully understand their importance at first.
SO it’s very long like not as long as homestuck but maybe a tier or two below so I’m going to go over the main aspects of each parts below with a copied-pasted summary from the wiki in italics and a better understanding underneath:
Warnings: gore heavy, sexual assault, I’ll add more as I think about it (i’m sorry it’s almost 1am here)
Some good ol’ vocab
Hamon/Ripple: a technique used in the early parts of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Through the use of controlled breathing, the user can fill their body and attacks with sunlight energy, making it very effective against Vampires, Zombies, and Pillar Men.
Stands:  a visual manifestation of life energy, unique to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. It generally presents itself as a figure hovering over or near the user and possesses abilities beyond that of an ordinary human, which, depending on the Stand User, can be wielded for good or evil.
Part One: Phantom Blood (9 episodes)
In 19th-century England, a youth named Dio Brando is adopted by the wealthy George Joestar to repay Dio's father for seemingly saving his life. Jonathan Joestar, who aspires to become a gentleman, finds himself shunned by his family and friends as part of Dio's plot to take the Joestar fortune for himself.
This is the beginning of JJBA. Each protagonist of each part is nicknamed “JoJo” (i.e. Jonathan Joestar), so like it’s the protag’s bizarre adventure, and they are super weird!!!
Anyways Dio is Jonathan’s adoptive brother, and he’s like just pure evil and is the antithesis of Jonathan and later he becomes a vampire. Jonathan meets a man who teaches him Hamon/Ripple which he tries to use against Dio.
Part Two: Battle Tendency (17 episodes)
Taking place in 1938-39, the story follows the misadventures of Joseph Joestar (a.k.a. JoJo), grandson of Jonathan, as he masters his innate Ripple abilities in order to combat hostile, ancient super-beings named the Pillar Men, creators of the Stone Mask that plot to become the ultimate lifeforms.
Joseph is Jonathan’s grandson, so this shows that this series follows the JoJo bloodline (so like descendants of Jonathan) and their misadventures. But yeah like the summary above states, Joseph also learns Hamon/Ripple (it’s the same thing idk why it has two names).
Part Three: Stardust Crusaders (48 episodes)
Jotaro Kujo and his friends as they journey from Tokyo to Cairo to save his mother's life by defeating his family's resurrected archenemy, DIO.
OK the concept of Hamon/Ripple here is just, completly removed lmao and in my opinion i think it’s better. Hamon is replaced with Stands, which many characters have. Jotaro Kujo is Joseph’s grandson, so again, follows the bloodline. HEY I LOVE THIS PART!!!! The majority of the story takes place in south Asia, the Middle East, and Egypt which is great bc i’m brown and it’s nice to see some rep in anime even if it’s not the main focus lol ANYWAYS sorry for the tangent just if anything I recommend starting with Stardust Crusaders since Jotaro is kind of the mascot of JJBA, but of course up to you
Part Four: Diamond is Unbreakable (39 episodes)
Takes place in the summer of 1999 in Morioh, a midsized japanese town. Jotaro Kujo has come to visit for two reasons. One, to meet Josuke Higashikata, Joseph Joestar's illegitimate son. And two, to find a serial killer, and figure out how he got a stand.
Parts 4-6 explore the Stand concept in depth, where they came from, why certain people get a stand while others don’t, etc. while also havinf their own plots aside from that. Part 4 is more slice of life-ish but of course still has it’s fair share of gore and sadness, but compared to others I personally think it has a more uplifting endings than the other parts which is great bc Josuke deserves the world
Part Five: Vento Aureo aka Golden Wind (39 episodes)
Set in 2001 Italy, the story follows Giorno Giovanna and his dream to rise within the Neapolitan mafia and defeat the boss of Passione, the most powerful and influential gang, in order to become a "Gang-Star". With the aid of a capo and his men, and fueled by his own resolve, Giorno sets out to fulfill his goal of absolving the mafia of its corruption.
This is the season that just ended (summer 2019). Giorno is actually Dio’s son, but is still considered to be part of the JoJo bloodline because of.... spoilers. ANYWAYS this is kind of where jjba becomes more “feminine” in lack of a better word; with its floral/art imagery and Giorno not being as masculine as the other parts’ protagonists. Anyways i cried.
Part Six: Stone Ocean
In 2011, Florida; Jolyne Cujoh, daughter of Jotaro, is wrongfully accused of a crime she didn't commit and sent to a maximum security prison. While imprisoned, she struggles within a longstanding plot agreed between dead villain DIO and ideologue Enrico Pucci.
Here is our very first female jojo (wow gif) but let me tell you all the female characters in this part are so badass and powerful in their own ways it’s just... wrow. This part isn’t animated yet but hopefully will be bc I need to see Jolyne or else I will die.
Part Seven: Steel Ball Run 
Set in the U.S. in 1890, the story follows Johnny Joestar, a paraplegic ex-jockey, and Gyro Zeppeli, master in a mystic art named the Spin, as they compete with a vast number of others in the Steel Ball Run race: a mad-dash across America for a grand prize of 50 million dollars.
Steel Ball Run describes a new continuity apart from that detailed in Part 1-6 of the series. On top of core features to JoJo such as Stands, the story is marked by many references to the original series.
Legit I just finished reading this in the last week and it is a fan favorite. I’m still processing everything that happened honestly kjsdhfsjkdhfj but yes it’s good 9/10 imo. Anyways this is on a different timeline from parts 1-6 because of the events that happened in Stone Ocean.
Part Eight: JoJolion
The story begins in 2011 and follows Josuke Higashikata, a young man afflicted by retrograde amnesia, in his search to uncover his identity in Morioh Town, a coastal Japanese town affected by the Tohoku earthquakeW. However, his digging pulls him and his adoptive family into the unfinished business between his previous life and an impending inhuman threat.
I haven’t read this part yet but i will, but know that this part is in the same timeline as Steel Ball Run.
OK THANK U FOR READING i didn’t do any of my hw and I’m going to sleep now but I hope this helps!!! IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS MORE THAN YOU WANTED I’m just extra and hopefully this can be summed up in a better way but yeah: that’s jojo’s bizarre adventure in a nutshell.
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iasfuturekings · 7 years
Questionable Executive Decision: Weapons
All right, let’s begin on this topic that might end up upsetting a few people. Or maybe a lot. I don’t know, I’m no good at gauging the reactions for these things.
If anyone’s ever read the timelines, they’ll notice the small notes where I said that the Brynhildr and Fuujin Yumi were downgraded from status of plot relevant weapons and the Yato no longer exists. This means only the Siegfried and the Raijinto have ties to Valla and therefore the main story. Brynhildr is from a major Nohrian myth, and the Fuujin Yumi is the name Takumi calls his personally commissioned bow. Camilla, Elise, Hinoka, and Sakura don’t get special legendary weapons to compensate. The Fire Emblem itself, which was the Yato in the original game, will be something else. Before anyone takes out their pitchforks in defense of their sisters and little brothers, I’d like to lay down my thought process on this.
Like many people who’ve seen the story for Fire Emblem Fates, I, too, have noticed the obvious disparity in distribution of personal royal weapons among the royal children. The boys get all the wonderful toys, and unless you play as a female Corrin, the girls didn’t have any weapons of their own (or they were the named weapons in the game like Camilla’s Axe and stuff). That really sucks, and I wanted to address that issue somehow.
I decided on eliminating the Yato from the story because like many people, I’m tired of the “chosen one” kind of plots, and not being destined to bring peace or whatever makes a different conflict for Anri because he won’t get a free ticket to solve his issues. He already has his dragon form and weird “undead” status, but even those two aspects aren’t exclusive to him to begin with. I’ll discuss this in further detail in another post all about Anri’s different role. The main focus is the sibling weapons.
There were at least two ways I could go about doing this:
The boys keep their weapons, but the girls get their own personal ones, too, all tied to the precious metals that Kleo and Dion brought with them from Valla. Hinoka gets some special lance, Camilla, an axe, and the younger girls get some special healing/support rod of some kind.
Restrict the number of weapons only to the firstborns in the family. The girls won’t get “divine” weapons, but neither do the boys who aren’t the eldest ones, and it’s fair because Nohr and Hoshido have only one special sword of their own.
There are plenty more ways to resolve this issue, but I liked these two the most. Both are reasonable ideas, but I went with option 2 rather than option 1. Why?
I’ll admit, it’s personal preferences, because option 1 tends to bring up bad memories for me. Kinda like how I don’t like naming my protagonists certain names because people I’ve known in real life with such names have been jerks to me (I won’t share what those names. Ever). Petty, I know.
Also, if I made special weapons for everyone, that would probably mean the deceased siblings would need some special weapons of their own as well. If the Nohrian family had only four special weapons, then it’s going to feel like “wow we got too many family members, gotta cut it down to four people so now everyone can stop fighting bc now no one’s missing out on a MacGuffin,” which can descend into shallow villain territory, and I’d like to avoid that.
One of my least favorite tropes commonly found in the shonen anime I’ve watched is that thing where every single person has a “special” ability. In some cases, it can work! But in the context of a story involving a “chosen one” who saves the world because they would be the only powerful person to defeat the big bad? Not much of a problem when everyone and their grandma has a personal weapon that’s “legendary”. This brings down everyone’s value so no one is special. Being a so called “chosen one” begins to lose its meaning.
Saying 5 weapons is too much is pushing it and probably sounds like unnecessary whining on my part. And yes, Fire Emblem has done the story of multiple divine weapons before, so why don’t I just go ahead and do a plot like the previous Fire Emblem games? I don’t know, maybe I’ve seen that plot done a ton of times, so I wanted to do something else? There’s nothing wrong with that, right?
So, by keeping only the Raijinto and the Siegfried, I avoid the issue of this “special snowflake syndrome” I despise for settings like these, I and also keep the plot grounded and less of a “collect them all” plot, another plot I’m not too fond of. Because how many times have we seen this already as well? Sure, having the Yato glow and change shape is fun and all, but what did it serve other than being Corrin's identification tag? A lot of the time the Yato felt like an excuse for other factions to drop their weapons and call it quits because some coincidentally, absolutely true prophecy said that collecting these special weapons is more important than resolving the obvious problems going on within and between the two kingdoms. Raijinto, Siegfried, Fuujin Yumi, Brynhildr, and Azura’s pendant, all of which are significant objects, are left out of the spotlight.
Perhaps my changes are going to break the coherence of the game because I’m inadvertently erasing the ties to some mythology the games’ weapons are based off (I’m already accidentally erasing the ties between Rajin and Fuujin by denying the Fuujin Yumi its divine status, feel free to berate me on that). Maybe I’m betraying everything that there is about Fire Emblem by doing this. But like I said before, I don’t want to make the story suffer for the sake of adhering to its sources of inspiration.
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