#yes man 2009
wyvernest · 7 months
imagine >
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moving into a new city with no friends and family around. having to find your place in an entirely new space and into new people's lives.
neighbour!miguel being so sweet and caring, but also flirtatious and serious when time is best. offering to help you with just anything; driving you to work because you just moved in & are getting acquainted with the city, getting groceries for you when you're sick and/or tired, occasionally even bringing you flowers in the mornings.
neighbour!miguel smiling so sweetly when he sees you at his door at 11 p.m. on a friday night, asking for his help with your new furniture instead of being out and having fun.
neighbour!miguel walking through your apartment door, so happy to help you and spend even as much as a few more minutes around you. and it all feels so domestic and serene; seeing him in his home clothes, just a navy blue t-shirt and sweatpants, in your own private, intimate space.
neighbour!miguel not even asking for your help because he doesn't want you to lift a finger, or worse, get splinters stuck in your delicate fingers. frankly, he wants and likes to show off to you. he relishes in the opportunity to show you how strong he is, how he can effortlessly put everything in place. and sincerely, you do enjoy the show.
you enjoy seeing his arms flex when he lifts the entire underside of the ikea sofa so he could turn it around and continue with the instructions; yet his face shows zero struggle. no holding his breath, no pants of exhaustion. he knows exactly what he's doing, and he only needs to look over the pages a few times before he arranges the whole thing like he designed it.
neighbour!miguel secretly even taking longer than necessary to set the screws just to have you look at him with such admiration. maybe you might even begin to like him the way he likes you. he has no idea the only thing you wish you could do was to kiss him and let him put his arms around you, to reward him for how good he's been to you.
neighbour!miguel whose heart races as you gently kiss his cheek as he's working, gazing into his eyes with that look he knows all too well. but eventually you grow bolder, seeing no resistance from him; only satisfaction and a hint of sugar sweet surprise.
neighbour!miguel who can't help it but drop the screws and keys to grab you as you keep teasingly kissing him all over his face; one arm secured around your back, one around your middle, finally returning the kisses he had long coveted to give you.
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divider by @cafekitsune
a/n: should i continue???? will miguel break the bed he just made???? poor miguel
also im posting that back massage fic soon too i just gotta make up my mind ab a couple things💀
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cryptconstellation · 9 months
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Dana: 🤔
Alex: 🥺
Dana is coming up with a plan of action! Meanwhile, Alex is just having a nice time mimicking little-big-sister. There are no thoughts in that mimicry of a human brain. Only ✨viral vibes✨
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badboyfriends · 4 months
can someone tell me why im being abnormal about a character i've barely touched the content of. like yay yippie i watched like 20 hours of you. there's fucking 80 years of content get me OUT OF HERE?
#yeah this is about nightwing. yes im a freak about him no i don't do well with comics#shout out to duke thomas in the we are robin comic i've had in my browser tabs for three weeks now#sorry king.#i mean i guess it makes sense because theres So many characters in media that you can't even get 20 hours out of . but. BUT ITS NOT FAIR.#i want to read comics so bad. i try to. i have. i've started several#blue beetle 2009 nightwing 2016... superman & batman world's finest#i was able to finish teen titans world's finest but that was only. like. six issues#comics as a medium just has this thing where. you're dropped in and it kinda expects you to know what's happening#and leaves you feeling like you started on the wrong page. like blue beetle. loved you but man that was not the greatest first comic to rea#wait i forgot i read hawkeye 2011(?) and that also had the same issue. but more so each installment like#felt like it was starting on a point AFTER something happened like i was meant to be reading another comic before i got to that issue.#i got. like. idk 18? 19? comics into that one. and 12 into nightwing. nightwing wasn't as bad but it just. gah. like several-issue long#stories carried across batman and nightwing and its like.OUGH.#i know im mutuals with a comic person. hi. i know you're cringing.#there are so many good characters to come out of comics. its just SO HARD to get into.#rn i dont have an excuse with We Are Robin. just that i've been infected with needing to play the sims for 8 hours a day.#mika-posts
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nattikay · 1 year
anyone looking for a full workday’s worth of background listening material? cuz this was great, very thorough👌
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2009 Malaysian Grand Prix - Jenson Button(ft. Nick Heidfeld & Timo Glock)
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skinnedred · 9 months
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he's trying to get this hard headed ass little boy to understand he can't body slam people even if they're being bullies (boys got too much strength)
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2dou · 6 months
desperately trying to finish books
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Okay I can't post it until next week at the earliest and NEED to get this off my chest between now and my next longer reply because of stuff we were talking about:
Confirmed in one of my livestream clips there's been actual consideration towards Mine having survived. It's just a matter of his voice actor's availability and wanting to do it right if they end up doing it. We really could see Mine back in the main series.
And I recorded that clip based on something I misheard and didn't register that part at all until now. How Are We Doing Tonight
(Speaking of, get well soon!! I was sick myself the past couple of weeks, it's awful)
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me waiting for the absolute millisecond yokoyama drops the 100% Mine Survived The Fall statement
#snap chats#ON THE REAL THOUGH HELLO ?#hang on i need to put my thinking cap on after i threw it across the room excited#OK so i recall yokoyama(? im p sure it was yokoyama lik 99% sure it was him) talked about the concept of mine being alive#i think i still have the tweet bookmarked and while he didnt blatantly confirm it he did kind of allude to it#EITHER WAY ive gotten hope from the idea of mine being alive before#BUT IF THIS IS CREDENCE TO FURTHER CONFIRMATION i might just explode. i MIGHT just be even MORE insufferable#this is such a funny case though like i love how the status of mine's mortality is treated like an actual missing person's case sometimes#Area Man That Went Missing In 2009 Has Finally Been Found Alive#im holding off on the Mine's Alive memes until theres a Confirmation confirmation#i dont even care if he comes back in the main games (yes i do im lying) just the idea that's he's out there would satisfy me for now#if mine was just a local cryptid in the rgg franchise that would be JUST as funny oh my god actual zhao in judgement type beat#BUT THANK YOU FOR THE INFORMATION I CAN SEE WHY YOU'D WANNA SAY SOMETHING NOW#IF YOU GET THE CLIP OF THAT READY LIKE OBVI ID LOVE TO SEE IT ?? MY STARS#gonna think of this all night.. mine should come back so i can be even more annoying#and thank you- i hope you're feeling better from your sickness now !#i think im starting to feel better- i just have to stay inside more i guess#when i was at school there was pretty much no foliage so my allergies werent as bad#but back home theres nothing But foliage im gonna throw up ☠️
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sitzfleischh · 5 months
Outing myself as a 2010's indie bitch but Blood Bank by Bon Iver is a gorgeous song that also has multiple excellent covers by other artists that each put their own spin on it in an equally gorgeous way. If you have not yet listened to the Mountain Goats cover or the Tallest Man on Earth cover I HIGHLY RECOMMEND BOTH.
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tezuka-brainrot · 4 months
Compared to his edgy cunt Japanese counterpart from six years prior... 09 film Tenma is such a dork I want him to tell me all about his air fryer.
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This shot is my absolute favorite shot. The lighting. The balance. James Cameron really said
Look at them, these foils.
One bathed in light. The other half clouded in darkness but there is GOOD there too.
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meadowmines · 8 months
A few words about Nobuaki Chiba, Kijin Clan Lieutenant because he's a fun character and I love him:
He's about six foot even and built like a fridge and has a big square jaw and a butch cut and he's kind of loud and has a little bit of a dirty mind but nonetheless gives big Just A Guy energy. Definitely intimidating if you don't know him! Kind of intimidating if you do know him! But he's Just A Guy, for the most part! He likes beer and sportsball and greasy fried shit and chilling at bars with his buds and just Being A Guy!
Generally wears charcoal gray slacks and suit jacket with a purple shirt and no tie.
Actually swore up under OG Nishitani a couple years before the old man retired but as loyal a man as Kuroshi could ever want on his team.
Always chewing on a toothpick. He says he gnaws on toothpicks because he's trying to quit smoking. He says this with both a cigarette and the toothpick in his mouth.
He and Sugihara gently roast each other all the time. They have been mistaken for a couple at least once because of it. Chiba is 100% straight but does not take offense to this.
Is constantly trying to get Aoyagi laid despite having the whole ace thing explained to him multiple times by multiple people. He means well but this ain't it chief
this never changes. Aoyagi comes back to Sotenbori for OG Nishitani's funeral in 2009 and the second the service is over Chiba bodily drags him over to the Grand because it's what the old man woulda wanted
I have not nailed his irezumi down yet but Onamazu and particularly the part where it thrashes around and causes earthquakes when left unsupervised would be an amusing hint at the Chiba we see being the older, mellower version and that he was possibly somehow even rowdier in his youth than he is now
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honeyoats · 1 year
Genuinely curious of everyone’s opinion on this. Thoughts on like. the recurring theme of superheroes or vigilantes being like I cannot let my friends or s/o know abt any of it. like i get the notion of like. if the ‘civilians’ know too much it puts them at risk but. isn’t it fine if they’re like like. Hey btw i mask up and fight crime at night. Just letting you know. So. Be careful. like that kinda thing. like i understand this whole thing of keeping ur identity hidden being Sacred but if. it werent.
like not being like. Let me make my friends/partner become a person deeply involved in what i do (like behind the scenes). but just like. Hey heads up. Because. i don’t know isn’t it Worse to not know of the risk… i mean obviouslt the natural solution i guess is to Not Become Involved With Anyone. but. Not sure if that works for anyone. so i feel like. Yes it is a risk to let them know. But it’s a calculated one. i think in the long run of like. knowing that persons secret identity (and not much else, but also there is a question of how feasible that is, like how long can the vigilante/hero go without slipping up or if their friend/loved one presses for more BUT there is a component of awareness to that. i think) it helps to be more aware of certain situations??????? i just think. not knowing is worse.
there’s also like. i guess the ethical part of it? of it being like… does this superhero/vigilante really know better than me when it comes to my safety. like maybe so BUT. is it still ok for them to make decisions without letting that person know. like especially if they’re a loved one. idk. does that make sense. like the question of autonomy. and judgment. Right. especially if that person is like. i want to take that risk. ya know. idk. lots of thoughts to be thought
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simptasia · 2 years
when i was 14 i made fun of americans for still being upset about 9/11 because “it’s not like anybody died, they’re just buildings”, because it didn’t occur to me at all that anybody was in those buildings. when i see buildings, i just see the building, i forget people are in them. i legit thought americans were making a big fuss about two buildings falling down, because americans are so over dramatic that it seemed like something that would happen. i was informed that 2000 people were in there and then promptly banned from that simpsons forum
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rhysdarbyarchive · 2 years
2009 interview with Rhys, pasted below the cut in case it's behind a paywall.
Generally when I open my mouth, people recognise my voice. I normally wear a hat and glasses, not for a disguise, just for..." Your trademark look? "Yeah! It sort of became my thing." Fame has not come easily to Rhys Darby. Indeed, the name might not even mean much to you now – but take a quick look at that picture to the right. Ring any bells? A little bit. A little bit, eh?
That line, delivered as something of a catchphrase in the 35-year-old New Zealander's distinctive, slightly nasal intonation, would surely be the giveaway to anyone who has caught his turn as the well-meaning but inept band manager Murray Hewitt on cult HBO comedy Flight of the Conchords (shown here on BBC4). But while his fellow Conchorders Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement became instantly recognisable (thanks in no small part to some prodigious facial hair), Darby left the set of the first series to go back to his first love of stand-up, performing in tiny gigs in student pubs in Wales, because "I didn't know Conchords was going to be a success. We thought it was a bit too novelty for it to be as big as it's got." How big? Big enough to catch the eye of the Hollywood director who gave Darby his first taste of the silver screen – but we are getting ahead of ourselves.
Darby's inability to predict the success of the show may well stem from a character trait he says is germane to his countrymen, of not believing in themselves ("It comes from living on a small island in the South Pacific, the furthest away from anyone, and us looking to the rest of the world rather than anyone looking in") – a trait that meant Darby had to struggle in his early years just to get up on stage. "No one in New Zealand did stand-up until 15 years ago," he reveals. "We didn't get our own purpose-built comedy club until 1996 – and we've still only got the one, in Auckland."
Indeed, the greats of New Zealand stand-up are far from household names here – and even struggled to get by on their funny bones at home. Billy T James, after whom the country's most prestigious comedy award is named, was an iconic Maori entertainer, but he had to rely on his all-round repertoire of singin', dancin' and paintin' talents to be given a much-loved TV show in the 1980s (Hang on: paintin'? "Yeah, he was a bit like Rolf Harris," explains Darby) – and his fame travelled no further than Australia. Similarly, John Clarke, whose portrayal of country farmer Fred Dagg endeared him to the nation in the early 1970s, left for Oz at the height of his fame "because New Zealand didn't really know what to do with him; we were too conservative to give him his own show".
Lacking a heritage into which he could tap, Darby helped found a stand-up scene in Christchurch while at university. "I was part of a troupe called Four Fingers Missing. We'd go to local pubs and ask if we could perform. We weren't asking for money, just a chance to try out our stuff. And the reaction back then was, 'Who do you think you are? Here we go, we've got some Billy Connollys here.' New Zealanders just didn't think we [as a people] were capable of doing anything like that. Of course, we went on stage, did our stories, some surreal stuff, some songs, and people started to say, 'Ah, you're not too bad, actually... we'll buy you a beer.'"
The scene grew to the extent that New Zealand now hosts an international comedy festival every year. "And we've got at least five or six comics now!" The global triumph of Conchords has helped in no small part. "Although we had those few home-grown comedy heroes like Billy T, it was only after crossing the border and having the rest of the world go, 'Oh my God, you guys are funny,' that New Zealand went, 'OK, we'll accept it now, maybe we can do it.'"
This shifting sense of confidence has itself proven a rich seam that Darby has mined in both his stand-up and his screen roles. His "Imagine That!" stand-up tour of last year was filled with his own tacit acknowledgement of his talents followed immediately by self-deprecation ("Thanks for the applause on the helicopter [impersonation] there. Do you need friends when you can do that...? You do. I used to do it when I was a kid and my friends just thought I was a dick,") while Conchords' Murray Hewitt is a character who "has this new-found confidence, but with all these back-of-the-head insecurities" – his heartbreaking ode to the "leggy blonde" using the office photocopier during the second series of Conchords being a case in point. His first big-screen role, as Jim Carrey's fancy-dress-obsessed boss in Yes Man was similarly endearingly nerdy.
Yet Darby has since moved on from playing hapless managers, first appearing alongside such thespians as Philip Seymour Hoffman and Kenneth Branagh in Richard Curtis's The Boat that Rocked as a DJ – "though my character was still very losery, even more of a loser, really; he's thrown off the boat" – and next year he will break the mould entirely as the lead in the romantic comedy Coming & Going, in which he plays "a hunky doctor - HA!" opposite Sasha Alexander, his Yes Man co-star. "He's definitely not a nerd," insists Darby. "But he is still zany."
Those movie roles play a large part in a short stand-up run Darby has just completed at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London and which he is now taking to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, in which he relates his journey from small-town Kiwi boy to Tinseltown leading man. "For the most part, since I've become famous – it always sounds awful when you say that – it's an adjustment, and I wanted to laugh with people about those changes. Two years ago I was performing in tiny pubs in Wales, and suddenly I get this phone call from a Hollywood director saying that Jim Carrey wants to work with me. Jim Carrey!
"After the first season of Conchords, I was really at a loss as to what to do, because I'd gone to America and thought, 'Here we go, I made the big move, I've given up the stand-up, it's going to be all acting from here,' and... nothing happened. The show hadn't gone on air yet, and there's no money doing stand-up in America unless you're a big name. Then Conchords was on HBO, word spread and it gained a big audience – including Peyton Reed [the director of Yes Man]. I was just lucky. What are the chances of your first big movie being with Jim Carrey? I'd idolised him."
Carrey himself likened the New Zealander to Peter Sellers – quite a claim. "We had some fun improvising stuff," Darby explains. "I improvised a lot more than he did – quite often because I couldn't remember the script. Half the time it's funnier than what they've written anyway. I'd look over to the writers and they'd put their thumbs up as if to say, 'That's awesome, we'll take credit for that!'"
It was less Peter Sellers than his erstwhile Pink Panther aide Cato that a frenzied Darby brought to mind in an advertisement he filmed last year with Roger Federer for Nike, playing a crazed fan who believed he was the Wimbledon champion's coach. The part, for which he leapt about the tennis star's living-room in a duel of thrumming forehands and sizzling smashes, took advantage of the physicality that has been a focal point of his comedy career. Whether it's his energetic impersonations of robots, jetpacks or dinosaurs, or bouncing around the stage to demonstrate the innate hellishness that is sitting in a stationary bumper car, Darby has been throwing himself around stages for more than a decade – and to ever-increasing crowds.
"Before I left New Zealand, I was doing more gigs than anyone in Auckland – three a week. And half the time the audience would be the same people. At the one club, it would be 60 to 100 people a night, and the other two gigs would be 20 to 30. So when I first came to Edinburgh, in 2001, in a show called The New Zealand Brat Pack – we wore suits and drank Martinis – I was blown away. This amazing city, full of entertainers, 200,000 people. I fell in love with it and vowed to come back every year no matter what."
Which he did, for five years. Now, after two years away, Edinburgh is where Darby finds himself again. And chances are, this time one or two people (let's not get over-confident; it's not the Kiwi way) might even recognise him before he starts gabbing away.
Rhys Darby is performing at Udderbelly in Edinburgh (020 7222 3311) until 15 August. The second season of 'Flight of the Conchords' is out on DVD tomorrow
Pacific punsters: Six more Kiwi acts
John Clarke
"A huge influence," says Darby. "Everyone could relate to his farmer character Fred Dagg." After moving to Australia in the 1970s, Clarke wrote satires and screenplays, including one that became the 2001 Billy Connolly vehicle The Man Who Sued God.
Billy T James
After performing with the Maori Volcanics Showband in the 1970s, James went solo in the 1980s, doing sketches and impressions and singing cabaret.
McPhail & Gadsby
"They were a duo who did political satire in the 1980s. They were very much stamped on our consciousness."
Ben Hurley
"He's come over here the past three years. He does a bit of politics, he's a bit like [the Canadian comic] Glenn Wool, a bit provocative, but not too bad." Won the Billy T award in 2004.
Sam Wills
"He's more your physical street performance-based maniacal idiocy comic. He did a show called 'The Boy with Tape on his Face'. He just had tape on his face and it was all mime. He does crazy tricks, too: he swallows swords, puts his body through a coat hanger."
Rhys Mathewson
"He's a very young comic; he's got the same first name as me, so I'm a big fan. His style is story-telling and he also has that confident-naïve guy mentality. I think he's going to make waves."
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jasons-exposedspine · 5 months
Bro why do I always have to write fics that break my heart 😭 like dawg I'm breaking my own heart over here. I'm one of those 'tragic romance' writers you could say I guess 🤷‍♂️ jusy why do I have to break my own hearrrrrtttttt 😭
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