#yes im giving bianca the character and development she deserves
ace-writer-lani · 1 month
Sneak Peak at my Son of Persephone Nico AU:
(This is the main fic and part 3 of my Blooming from Darkness series)
Excerpt of Chapter One: Aquamarine (Bianca's POV):
“Who said we are going anywhere? We don’t even know who you people are and you’re trying to recruit us to join your cult?” Bianca paused, remembering Percy’s own cryptic words. “Are you trying to recruit us for a cult too?”
“Yes. I mean no!” he stuttered, “I guess the army he’s trying to force you into can be considered a cult, but I’m just here to save you guys and bring you to a place made for people like us.”
Bianca took a step away from him, tugging Nico with her. “People like us? You just made it sound even more like a cult!”
Percy gave a frustrated groan and opened his mouth. But before he could say anything, whether it was to defend his not-cultish-camp or not, something solid and completely invisible rammed into them, knocking the three of them to the ground.
A new voice rang out, shouting “For Zeus!” and Bianca looked up to see a girl with short, spikey hair. She had an almost raw aura to her, radiating a sense of authority and power as she charged at Dr. Thorn with a large spear and shield. There were two other kids that fought alongside her: one was another girl with blonde curls that almost seemed…familiar, and the other was a boy with a wispy goatee that ran weirdly. Percy sighed at relief at the sight of them, so they were probably with him.
As if today could get any weirder. Bianca knew she and Nico should’ve gone with her plan to fake being sick so that they wouldn’t have had to go to the winter dance in the first place.
It was too late for that though and now she had to deal with three possible cultists and whatever Dr. Thorn was because he was starting to transform more and more into something definitely not human with every blow he took. He looked as if someone had a baby with both a lion and a scorpion at the same time, which was a combo she wished she had never gotten the chance to see.
“What is going on?” Bianca cried, shielding Nico from another black spike that whizzed through the air. “What is that?!”
The blonde drew a dagger from a holster strapped around her thigh. It was the same bronze color as Percy’s sword and flashed under the moonlight.
“He’s a manticore!” she said, and Nico gasped, “Watch out for the spikes because they contain poison.”
“Oh really, Annabeth?” Percy muttered, drawing his blade. “That would have been nice to know before I got stabbed in the shoulder.”
“Normally people tend to, you know, avoid sharp things whether or not it’s poison, Seaweed Brain.”
“Is that really a manticore?!” Nico asked, eyes wide. He tugged on her sleeve repeatedly. “Bia! Bia! It’s just like in Mythomagic! Manticores have three thousand attack power, plus five to saving throws, and-”
“Please, not now fratellino,” Bianca whispered calmly (because she could not lose control). Then she stepped forward, making sure Nico was within her sight and out of the line of fire before she clicked the button of her ring. It transformed into a crossbow in a fluid motion, and she started to shoot at the manticore.
“What the fuck?” yelped the spikey-haired girl when an arrow nearly hit her after the monster dodged it. If Bianca’s hands weren’t currently occupied, she would have immediately covered Nico’s ears at the profanity. “Who gave her a crossbow?” She gave Percy a glare. “Was it you, Jackson? Did you think it was a good idea to give a dangerous weapon to a child?”
“Again, you're at a military school. Plus, you guys are literally children too-”
At the same time Percy said, “I didn’t give it to her! She already had it! Why do you always assume I did something wrong?”
The girl ignored him, turning to the other boy who was blowing a set of reed pipes. It was a bright little tune that clashed with the atmosphere of the situation they were in, but when Bianca looked harder, the music seemed to be controlling plants…unless Bianca was starting to hallucinate.
(Maybe she was the one on drugs.)
The rest of the chapter will be posted on my ao3 either tonight or within the next few days so stay tuned ;)
Update: first chapter is posted here!
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ace-writer-lani · 16 days
Lol late update but I finally managed to finish this chapter!
Chiron gestured him and Bianca forward. However, before they could take more than a few steps, a rumble vibrated through the ground and thick vines suddenly sprouted from the slight cracks in the marble. They spiraled around the pillars of the pavilion, decorated with daffodils identical to the ones that formed the crown that rested on his head.
A series of gasps arose, but they weren’t aimed at the flowers.
Nico frowned and tilted his chin up to follow everyone’s gazes. There were two symbols that hovered above both him and his sister. Hers shimmered a beautiful silver and created the shape of a bow and arrow. His, on the other hand, looked like some red glowing blob.
“What is that?” he asked Bianca.
“It’s a pomegranate fratellino.”
“Oh, really?” He squinted. “I thought it was a butt at first.”
Bianca groaned. “Seriously, Nico? What did I say about-”
But before she could continue, Chiron cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention back to him. Then he smiled and clapped his hands.
“Everyone, welcome Bianca and Nico di Angelo. Hunter of Artemis and son of Persephone.”
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ace-writer-lani · 24 days
“I understand that you must have a few questions.”
Bianca wanted to scoff. A few? A few was an understatement. It wasn’t like she had been assigned a project with vague instructions that barely explained what she was supposed to do because that, at least, she could handle. Instead, in the span of only a few hours, she and Nico had been attacked by a monster, saved by cultists, and now she was in the presence of a goddess who could probably end her life with a snap of her fingers.
That meant she didn’t just have a few questions that churned in her head like a soft storm, she had a whole hurricane of them. They fought each other ruthlessly for dominance, quenching their associative answer. However, if she asked them all, it would take at minimum the last few hours of the night.
And Bianca was sure Artemis had more important, godly things to do.
So she just picked the most pressing one. “Why did our, um, godly parent request for you to watch us? Wouldn’t it have been easier to do it themselves?”
Artemis shook her head, leading her and FiFi (or was she supposed to call her Phoebe now?) deeper into the tent. There was a small brazier in the center that created an atmosphere of warmth and dozens of animal pelts were hung along the walls. With an elegant motion of her hand, the goddess gestured for them to sit on the large, soft pillows that Nico would’ve loved to make a fortress out of.
“No, it would not have,” she said. “Any direct influence they have on your lives is bound to draw unwanted attention. That is why they turned to me. While I wasn’t able to interfere myself, my Hunters could.”
Bianca twisted her ring. “So you sent FiFi.”
“Yes. Phoebe already had connections in the hotel, which made her the most qualified.” At the mention of her name, Phoebe gave another two-finger salute.
“But why?”
Artemis hummed as she ran her fingers through the fur of a deer that had wandered into the tent to lay its head on her lap. “Two reasons. The first is because I am a protector, of maidens and children. The second, well, you still have trouble with controlling your Hellfire do you not?”
Bianca flinched. The chilling flickers that swirled beneath her skin sent shivers down her spine. “How do you know about that?”
“I am a Goddess, little one. I can sense it within you, threatening to break free. That is why I am extending to you an offer to join my Hunt.”
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ace-writer-lani · 1 day
Do I love Bianca di Angelo? Fuck yeah.
Do I also love to give her trauma and angst? Also yeah.
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