#yes i think romano is s italy's human name
sunnysssol · 2 years
The fact that Romano looks the most like Rome/Maximus but he insists he doesn't is interesting and heartbreaking to me. Does he hate himself that much that he rejects the very notion that he, too, is an heir of Rome? I wonder what Feliciano thinks. These two's relationship have always been really interesting to me on the grounds of the fact that they truly love one another, but it doesn't seem like they like each other, if at all. To me, Feliciano seems to reach out and try to maybe mend the relationship, but only to a certain and almost shamelessly self-serving degree. Romano, not wanting to get hurt, is too unsure to trust him, so he lashes out. He's not naive, he knows that's just the nature of Nations' relationships with one another– ensure your survival, that can be such a fickle thing, too– but would it hurt to be a little selfish just this once? Would it be selfish to wish for love again, like he'd always done?
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ohnohetaliasues · 4 years
Tokyo OC (Setsuna Miyuu)
So, an anon sent me a note about this OC, and I found her almost immediately on Hetalia Fan Characters Wiki. Let’s get into it.
I made a Tokyo OC a while ago, so this should be interesting.
Tokyo (東京 Tokyo) is the capital city of Japan in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. She is sometimes referred to as Tokyo Metropolis (東京都 Tokyo-to). Her human name is Miyuu Setsuna (刹那 美夢ー Setsuna Miyuu).
Okay, so both Miyuu (more commonly spelled as Miyu) and Setsuna are first names.
Also I read the Kanji for ‘Miyuu’ as ‘Mimu’ so there’s that.
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This looks like a Love Live character.
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Okay, so as cute as this chibi is, I think this character is a bit whitewashed. She looks Caucasian as opposed to Japan, who does look Asian for the most part.
Name: Tokyo Metropolis (東京都) Human Name: Miyuu Setsuna (刹那 美夢ー Setsuna Miyuu) Alternative Spelling(s): N/A Age: 16
Too young.
Tokyo was originally called Edo, and Edo castle was built in 1457, then became the center of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s military government in 1603. She would be a little older than 16.
Gender: Female Birthday: February 10th
This date has nothing to do with Tokyo’s history.  You could try May 1st, which is the day Tokyo was established as a city.
Hair Color: Caramel Brown (manga), Caramel Brown (anime) Eye Color: Maroon (manga), Cherry Red (anime)
Seeing as none of the countries have abnormally colored hair and that they physically cannot dye their hair, this is not normal because Japanese people typically don’t have red hair. They have dark hair.
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Case in point.
Height: 145 cm
Why in fresh hell is she 4′7″? The average height of a Japanese woman is around 5′2″ or so.
Tokyo, Japan
She has brown hair that reaches a few inches below her shoulders and a P-shaped curl on the middle of her head.
Does this represent anything?
Her hair is wavy and some of it on the side also curls inward. This was from the effect of having to tie her hair up too often when she was a child.
No. This isn’t how hair works. I tie my hair up plenty and it doesn’t leave a permanent dent, even if my hair is naturally curly.
Despite this, Tokyo's original hair color is actually black.
Like I said, countries cannot dye their hair, so this is not plausible. Leave her hair as black if you wanna stay accurate.
In her first appearance as a character, she wore an above-the-knee black yukata with a reddish-pink sash and a bell at the side. However, when she grew up with Japan, she is seen wearing a seemingly military-type set of clotes with gold linings and black accents.
She would still wear pants and not a skirt because wearing a skirt as a military uniform in combat would be really silly.
Her left boot is noticeably shorter than the right.
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Is there a practical reason for this?
As a child, she wore a white kimono that looked big and loose on her. Her hair was styled like two triangular-shaped buns that looked like riceballs.
A white kimono?
From what I know about kimonos, you don’t wear white kimonos unless you’re getting married. Other than that, white kimonos are only ever worn under the actual kimonos and are called nagajuban.
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Personality and Interests
Though described as determined and strong-willed, Tokyo doesn't know much of other nations. She tends to be rather shy and gentle to strangers, sometimes acting nervous like she would make a mistake.
Tokyo has the best metropolitan economy in the world, so I’d imagine she’d be generally pretty outgoing. She’d talk to others in a business-like manner because of this, possibly. My own Tokyo OC is afraid of explosives because of the bombings that took place in Tokyo and she is also careful with what she spends because of the economy thing.
Despite this, Tokyo shows a more outgoing and cheerful side to the nations or capitals she's already a bit close to.
Tokyo secretly likes making robots but she doesn't usually reveal her inventions to the other nations or capitals, only to Japan.
I mean, Japanese electronics are pretty common, so I find this silly.
She has a verbal mannerism to say 'ryuun' just like the way China says 'aru'.
Is there an actual reason for this?
Tokyo was relatively quiet and timid as a child. There showed one time when she kicked Susanoo square on the face for eating her sushi, showing that she was quite aggresive.
Who in the hell is Susanoo?
When she was a child, Tokyo lived in Japan's house at a separate room and only went outside to eat a snack or use the bathroom. Eventually, she started to open up more when the other nations China, America and England started visiting Japan. This lead to her meeting Washington and London and seeing her childhood friend Beijing again.
Holland was the first to visit Japan after he closed his boarders for nearly 263 years, and I’m concerned that he’s not mentioned. I mean, sure America arrived around 1853.
Also, why Washington? It isn’t inaccurate since Japan sent cherry trees to plant along the Potomac River in 1910, but that was 57 years after the boarders opened again.
Okay, did this person even do their research?
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Main Article: China
China took control of Japan when he was a kid. Before being Japan's capital, she secretly followed him. When China found out about her, she was forced to work as a servant.
N O.
Okay no.
China never formally occupied Japan, at least not as far as I know. They were connected politically, but China never actually totally controlled Japan.
However, during WWII Japan did actually occupy some of China’s land.
Do your goddamn research.
When Tokyo became China's servant, she met Beijing. Beijing introduced himself as her boss, being China's capital, and often made fun of her and made her work twice as usual.
One time when Beijing asked for Tokyo to cook siopao for him, Tokyo screwed the dish and made Beijing throw up. Since then, he never asked her to cook for him.
This is irrelevant since this was never a thing.
When Japan became part of the Axis, Tokyo had an opportunity to meet Germany. There is not much known about there relationship, save for the fact that Tokyo dubbed him as a "respectable person".
Uh, okay.
Berlin met Tokyo through Germany. They became friends and often shared thoughts, only about war and fighting. Tokyo stated that Berlin was "a person to go to when you're in trouble", contrasting the fact that other nations avoid Germany when they have trouble.
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This is irrelevant.
When Paris went to a vacation in Japan, she met Tokyo and made friends with her. She thinks that Tokyo is her little sister and loves going shopping with her. Paris likes her a lot and is the reason why Tokyo has a lot of "weird" clothes. Despite this, Tokyo hates shopping and going to places with crowds.
Okay, no. Tokyo is a giant city. She would have to be pretty used to crowds and shopping since Tokyo has many markets and shopping districts.
I might even say she would like things like this.
Italy met Tokyo when he was running away from Germany. Tokyo introduced herself while Italy forgot about being chased.
Italy said that Tokyo was like a kid by the way she looks and sometimes calls her "sorellina".
Um. Okay.
Rome and Tokyo hang out as much as Italy and Japan. They are shown to have good relations with each other as Rome feels that he can trust Tokyo to tell about his problems. Rome often asks Tokyo for tips on how to woo women but it eventually turns out to a disaster since Tokyo doesn't know much about "wooing".
South Italy (Romano)
Tokyo and Romano don't have a good relationship. When the two met, Tokyo was dressed up as a boy so Romano didn't recognized her as a woman. The two bumped into each other and Romano cursed at her, still not knowing her actual gender.
Tokyo's gender was only revealed to Romano when Tokyo went with Japan to look for Italy. But since then, Romano's harsh attitude still hasn't changed towards her.
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Yes. This is accurate. London and Tokyo have a partnership agreement. They even have universities which are connected.
Tokyo and London are close friends just as Japan and England are.
But that’s not why they could be friends.
They met from London being introduced by Japan and since then they have been good friends.
London and Tokyo both enjoy having conversations about anime or about who they ship. Due to London being honest with her opininon Tokyo is always able to confide in her.
Don’t trick me into thinking you did your research when you didn’t.
The exact inspiration behind her human name was from the Japanese word "setsuna"
Japanese name, you mean. But yes, also a word.
which means "in a split second" and "miyu" meaning "beauty" or "dream". This in total gives her name a meaning of "beauty in a split second" or "dream in a split second".
And, my dear readers, this has nothing at all to do with the city of Tokyo.
Discussing further, it is known that Tokyo has a hobby of drawing scenes or events that happen in her dreams. She does this first thing in the morning or whenever she wakes up from sleep. It is revealed that she keeps a pencil and a sketchpad underneath her pillow which she calls her "dream board".
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Okay, but this is again, irrelevant. Characters are allowed to have their quirks and hobbies, but with Hetalia OCs, you have to be careful of giving them totally unrelated hobbies.
Character Songs
Marukaite Chikyuu
Hatafutte Parade
Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo
There are no links even on the wiki page, so I guess those are useless.
When the Axis celebrated Tokyo's birthday on February 10th by buying her cake, she ate it all without sharing which lead to the fact that Tokyo loves confections. She said sorry after not giving the others the food.
Alright, I guess.
In a comic strip, Beijing mumbled to himself in his room that, "I'm gonna be her boss so we'll finally meet so she can notice me," revealing that Beijing was quite lonely and only wanted Tokyo as a playmate and not actually a servant.
What comic strip? Is this person just pretending Himariya wrote their characters in? I’m confused.
China once called for Tokyo and Japan and looked at them in their eyes. He stated that their eyes looked dull and same but had a different hue.
China just called Japan and Tokyo to look at their eyes? Doesn’t he have better things to do with his time?
Okay, so all that is left is a bunch of art in the gallery, but I don’t know how much of it is stolen and how much of it isn’t, so I’ll just leave it where it is.
Anyway, this OC needs research. Look up information about Tokyo’s history, about Japan’s history. Surprisingly, that video on YouTube, ‘History Of Japan,’ that’s actually a usable source, as silly as it is.
Anyway, I’ll see you guys later. Thanks for recommending this character to me, Anon!
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kyashidioctober · 6 years
GerIta: A First Kiss in a Long Time
"Ve~" I was at training again, and lord all mighty was it tiering! I had to run 15 laps, do 60 push ups, 50 sit ups and crunches, and so much more. I was panting and heaving by the end of practice. Germany was talking with Japan, and I saw my chance to get away, and did I take it? YES I DID! I was out of there before they could even process what was going on.
   I had escaped back to my house. Walking in I called out "FRETTELO I'M HOME!!!" there was no response though. Walking into the huge kitchen I opened our silver fridge. Sure enough there was some pasta, which I was overjoyed that Romano had left me some. I took it out of the fridge and turned to put the pasta on the black island, but when I turned there stood my angered drill captain. "G-GERMANY!!" I shouted.
   I had jumped back a bit and when I did so I dropped the glass container full of pasta. The glass hit the floor and I yelped when I heard the crash. Germany jumped a bit when it hit the black and white tiled ground. "Ah! sorry, I didn't mean to cause you to drop that, but your slacking off from training so come on!!" Germany snapped. It sorta scared me when Germany snapped and yelled like that.
   I whimpered, "but my pasta..." a huff came from the annoyed German. "You can always make more, now come on, Japan's waiting for us to come back." He growled and turned to leave. I had been looking down at my pasta, but when I looked up at Germany he looked exactly like someone else had before they left me. I felt an old wound open up and my heart wrenched in pain seeing Germany like that.
   I could still see him leaving perfectly as the day he left and promised to come back. Black cloak waving behind him, his gold trimmed hat, his expression saying 'I'll see you again'. For a second I could see Germany in that outfit, as that person. Holy Roman Empire, oh how I missed him, oh how I longed to see him, oh how it hurt to even think of him, oh how my heart hurt when I saw Germany like this, oh how he looked like him.
   Little did I realized that I had started crying while thinking this. Germany stiffened and briskly walked up to me. "I-Italy! Why are you crying?! You're really not crying over pasta! You can make more!" I chuckled and sniffed. Wiped my tears away with my arm, "No! No, it's just, you looked like someone else for a little bit." A confused face came over his features, he kinda looked like a confused dog!
   "Who?" The question honestly startled me. I hadn't expected him to want to know who I was crying about. "Why do you want to know?" I questioned back, "so I know who I have to go lecture and to have them come apologies for making you cry at the though of them." He huffed, I noticed a slight dusting of pink over his features. Then I realized how close we were, our faces where literally only a few inches apart. I could literally lean in and kiss him. "WHAAAA ITALY STOP THINKING LIKE THAT!!!" I screamed in my head.
   A melancholy smile came over my lips and I whispered "you wouldn't be able to, he's been dead for years. H-His name was Holy Roman Empire..." My cheeks became a rose red and I felt my curl lower, tears began to fall from my eyes again. Germany was obviously upset by this and the next thing I knew he was wiping away my tears with his hands. After he was done he was just holding my face, gently grazing his thumb over my cheek.
   It was like we had the same thought at once. Our bodies moved on their own and the next thing I knew Germany was slowly inching his face closer to mine. I watched as his eyes darted to my lips then back to mine. My eye's were still shut but I could still tell what was going on and what was happening. I could feel his warm breath on my lips, he stopped as if he were thinking 'should I do this? Is this right? Is it ok?'
   I couldn't take this, he was right there. I rushed in and pressed my lips to his. I felt him jolt a bit in surprise, but quickly calm and kiss back. His lips were surprisingly soft and warm, nothing like I expected. It was definitely a pleasant surprise. I felt his hands leave my face and wrap around my small form. In return I laid my arms around his neck and let my hands explore his hair messing it up a bit on purpose.
   I knew Germany would be annoyed, but it would be worth it. To see his hair all messy like when he wakes up in the morning. He pressed his lips to mine a bit harder, and I quickly matched. I felt my curl shape into a heart, and I knew that what was happening was right. I could feel my lungs suffocating for air. Longing for it like I longed for, what I hoped, the man in front of me to say. Slowly and silently I pulled away, both of us panting. I knew Germany's eyes were closed, and I knew he would open them, but I couldn't help myself. I just had to.
   Hesitantly and slowly my eyes fluttered open. Germany's eyes were open, definitely not in my plans in letting him see my eyes. My face immediately turned red, and my round honey eyes widened. Frettelo had told me his eyes were blue when I asked him what he looked like since I couldn't really see at the time. But mio dio, he didn't tell me how beautiful they were. They were the clearest, prettiest blue I had ever seen.
   Our foreheads were pressed up against each other, and our eyes were locked. One of his hands came up to gently hold my cheek as he looked into my eyes. "Y-Your eyes." I could feel my face slowly getting redder and redder. "Their beautiful..." I heard him whisper. I looked away, face now a blushing mess. "Thank you. Yours are very pretty to..." I whispered. "Danke." I looked back to him, and gingerly kissed him again. It was a sweet and innocent kiss, after I pulled away I smiled softly.
   "Feliciano." My face contorted to surprise, countries only used each others human names when it was a serious matter. "S-Sì?" He gulped, he was looking away, anywhere but my face and I could tell he was nervous. "I umm, I... ich liebe dich Felici-" I giggled, I knew what that meant. Prussia said that to Canada all the time, and one day I asked and he told me the meaning. "Please Ludwig, just call me Feli, there's no need for formality, and ti amo. I love you to." I smiled.
   His eye's widened when I said that, and then the most beautiful thing happened. He smiled, a real pure smile, and it took my breath away. A soft chuckle came from his throat. "Ja, I-I love you. More than anything in the world. Feli." I felt a small giggle come from my mouth, and I puled him close and hugged him.
   And that is how we found each other again. Holy Rome really did come back, but as someone that be there with me to the end. That was my first kiss, in a long time.
   "Don't think this is getting you out of training."    "Oh come on!!"    A Japanese man and a fuming Italian along with a spaniard were watching from the window. "I SWARE TO GOD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THOSE TWO!-" The spaniard quickly covered his boyfriends mouth with his hand. "Shhhh Roma~ don't ruin the moment!~" He quietly whispered to the red faced older brother of the little Italian in the room in front of him. "It's about time those two got together" the Japanese man quietly said. "Sì, it really is~" the Spanish man beamed. "Come, let's leave these two be." The Asian said. With that the two promptly turned away to leave. Dragging the other Italian along with them.
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katemarley · 7 years
Fanfic Asks!
I was tagged by @gummyboots.
Why/how did you get into fanfiction?
Even before I was actually able to write, my granny and preschool me made up our own stories about things we had watched together on TV and about fictional adventures of the dachshund that belonged to my granny’s friend. I suppose that’s how I got into fanfiction? I didn’t know it was fanfiction at the time, of course, and neither did my granny. It was just something that we did. I only learned there was a thing called “fanfiction” when I was, like, 13. At that time, I wrote two Ranma 1/2 fanfics I sent to my penfriend, but that was about it for quite some time.
Why did you get into writing?
Honestly, I have no idea. I just ... sort of started to write my own stories as soon as I was able to hold a pen. Perhaps it was because I liked the stories, fairytales and such, that my granny and my parents had either read to me as a preschooler or made up for me before I had to go to bed; perhaps it was because of the stories my granny and me had made up together. I’ve just been ... writing stories ever since.
How long have you been writing?
See above. Ever since the time I was about five, six years old.
Do you think you’re a good writer?
I think I both see some of the aspects that are okay at the moment and some that still need improvement in my writing while I don’t see others in which I’m either good or bad. That’s where constructive criticism comes in handy!
Do you think you’ve improved?
Yes. Definitely. I mean I was a five-to-six-year old when I started writing and I’m a twen now. It’d be extremely sad if my style, lexis, and intellectual range hadn’t improved since that time!
Name one thing that helps you write
I suppose most people will say “music” here, but since I love writing Historical Hetalia and historical AUs, I’ll mention something else: My uni’s library, access to digital essays and such via my library account, and Google Books. Nothing is more useful than a good history essay/book, even more so if it is searchable via keyword search.
Have you ever gotten hate related to fics?
Yup. I’ve written a story called “(De)Fences” in September 2015 in which Austria and Hungary talk about refugees. Some Hungarian nationalist who called themselves “Attila’s Nation” felt the need to tell me among other things, and I quote: “You’re not a Hungarian citizen, you know nothing, so sweep before your own door, and shut - the - hell - up about our business!”
Well, I’m a citizen of the European Union, so I was minding my own business. And even if I hadn’t been: There’s something called “freedom of speech”... As for “shut the hell up”: About one month later, I got the idea for “Remember That You’re Not Alone”, another story that touches upon the same topic and in which Austria and Hungary are main characters.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fanfiction or books?
Both. It’s all just stories. There are both books that are written extremely well and fanfics that are written extremely well, just like there are badly written fanfics and books that make you wonder why the heck that got published.
Do you want to professionally write? If not, what would you like to do/what do you do?
I’d love to see some fictional book I wrote get published one day (and by that I don’t mean self-published; I’m just not willing to pay any money for that), but I don’t have any intention to attempt to pursue a professional career as a writer of fiction. We’ll see. If it happens, then fine; if it doesn’t, that’s also fine. I actually don’t want to post what I’d like to do in this moment of time even though I know what that is. Right now, I’m still a student.
Have you ever been published professionally?
I’ve done an internship at a local newspaper once, and the articles I’ve written for it got published. No idea if that counts. Anyway, that was the time I decided that certain aspects of community journalism are definitely not for me.
What is your favorite story/ies you’ve written?
I’ve already answered this here, actually.
Why is it/are they your favorite(s)?
See the link above.
What is your least favorite story/ies you’ve written?
I don’t like anything I’ve written under the age of 16 anymore, but I never posted any of that stuff online. 😉 Among the stories that I posted, it’s “Autumn Roses”.
Why is/are they your least favorite(s)?
The idea of taking “On Monsieur’s Departure” Queen Elizabeth I wrote about the Duke of Anjou and using it to mirror Hungary and Austria’s situation at the end of 1918 was better than the actual realisation. Too much poem, too less story.
What is something you expect from a fanfiction?
I ... don’t expect anything? I just hope it’s well written and the characterisation is all right.
How do you feel about troll fics?
If the person who writes them does it properly, they may be extremely funny. If they’re bad at trolling, troll fics can be pretty lame. It’s ... sort of contrary to the idea of a troll fic, I guess, but there’s a brillant one in the SatW (Scandinavia and the World) section on fanfiction.net: Click at your own risk.
What is your favorite writing style?
I don’t have any. There’s a huge variety of great writing styles, from using indirect speech in order to convey irony (that’s what Daniel Kehlmann does in “Measuring the World”) to flamboyant and flowery writing that is great as well (Oscar Wilde, for example).
Do you write things for the sake of popularity?
If I was, I’d certainly not write historical SpAus fanfiction in the Hetalia fandom. 😂 
I write things because I want to write them—because there are some ideas I just need to get out of my brain. I share my stories with others because I believe there might be a few people out there who enjoy reading them. If somebody tells me they like my stories by leaving kudos, likes, and sometimes even comments, I’m very happy! But I’d never write a story I don’t feel the need to tell just because I think it might get popular. 
My impression is that longer Human AU stories with popular pairings like USUK, FrUK, and Spamano (those are the current Top Three in the “Relationship” tag on AO3) get most of the attention in the fandom. Well, I prefer sort of a “foster father and wayward son” relationship for APH England and APH America as well as for APH Spain and APH South Italy. APH England and APH France are frenemies with a tendency towards enemies in my opinion. That’s why you won’t get any USUK, FrUK, and Spamano fanfics written by me.
Do you think fanfiction is a good way to get into writing?
Writing is a good way of getting into writing. It doesn’t matter what you write. All right, you should write fiction if you intend to improve on writing fiction, of course, essays if you want to become good at writing essays, etc.
Reading helps a lot, too. It both broadens your vocabulary and your awareness for different styles of writing, different ways to make up plots, etc.
What is something you like about the fanfiction world?
There are no boundaries, no limits to the human imagination. You’ll find literally anything.
What is something you dislike about the fanfiction world?
Just that. 😉
Also mpreg (I just ... always loved biology as a subject, and mpreg is biologically impossible), A/B/O (except for the occasional fanfic that manages to twist that trope into an struggle-for-independence story, such as this one), and soulmates AUs (I’m a multishipper, so this idea is disturbing to me).
Just for fun!
What is a pairing you’re currently shipping?
SpAus, PruAus, and AusHun in the Hetalia fandom.
What is something canon you’ll never ship?
Honestly, I don’t have any idea what to write for this question at the moment.
What is something fanon you’ll never ship?
There are lots of ships in the Hetalia fandom, to stick only to this, that I’d never ship because I see the relationships of those characters differently from the people in the fandom who ship them. Sticking to one of the examples I already mentioned: APH Spain and APH Romano will always have kind of a foster father/foster son sort of relationship for me. I just can’t bring myself to see them as a couple. APH Austria and APH Switzerland are cousins to me who squabble a lot with each other, but deep, deep down, they care for each other a lot because they’re both relatives and childhood friends.
In conclusion:
Any writing advice?
Just two basic things: 1. Read a lot and pay attention to how the plot is structured, what kind of writing style the author uses, etc. 2. Keep writing. Attempt to try out different writing styles, plot structures, etc. Skill comes with practice.
What is something a writer should always remember?
It’s just fiction.
An important thing to remember when someone (whether a professional author or a fanfic author) writes something about a character you love that you don’t approve of. 😉
It’s just fiction.
I tag (and of course you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to)
@salytierra @ilaaer​
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