#y'all better stream
stil-lindigo · 3 months
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ARTISTS FOR PALESTINE 🇵🇸 - On the 6th and 9th of March, I'll be doing art requests on stream with other notable artists to raise money for Operation Olive Branch and the PCRF.
I'm incredibly lucky to be counting quite a few big names in the roster, including known Jesus and Odysseus enthusiast @wolfythewitch, the extraordinary fanartist @denimcatfish, and the incredibly talented @troubledminnesotan, as well as Lilypichu from OfflineTV.
You'll be able to watch the streams on the day of the event either on my twitch channel here, or via the links provided by the artists below.
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shevr · 18 hours
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good news : i might try to draw some more again this month bad news? : its mostly from trying to 10+ years later join the Equestria Daily NATG so its really just gonna be horses. might not share it all
also as mentioned this is drawn after the very very good picture from this post
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The Federation, The Census Bureau, QSMP, Cucurucho, and Roier
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Something fishy is going on regarding Roier and the higher powers of the QSMP, and after chatting with @kasiobite, I've realized that things are a lot more complicated than we first thought.
We do know a few things though:
Roier considered Cucurucho a friend for a long time (he doesn't anymore after Bobby's death)
Cucurucho was, and has always been, very fond of Roier
Cucurucho seemed happiest when it was with Roier
Cucurucho does not always represent the QSMP. Sometimes, it specifically says it represents the Federation. (Are these two different forces on the Island?)
The most we've ever learned about Cucurucho has been when it's spoken with Roier
Roier has told Cucurucho he loved it
Roier thinks Cucurucho is being controlled by the Island / the Federation and wanted to help free it
The Cucurucho we knew at the beginning of the series and the Cucurucho we know now act differently. Many believe this is because it was punished for its feelings for Roier, and its memory was altered.
When describing Cucurucho to Bobby, Roier (who seems to understand Cucurucho best) said this:
"I think Cucurucho is sad. It's just that, I remember I used to hang out with him a lot when I first came to this Island. I hung out with him a lot. He always came to see me and help me. But from one moment to the next, I realize that he had changed. He stopped being so kind to me, and in fact he gave me a book. He had been telling me for many days that he was going to stop bothering me, it seems like he was scolded, but he acts like nothing's wrong. He acts like everything is fine, but I feel like they are forcing him. He's sad. He doesn't show it, but he wrote me a sad face."
Let's break down the details day by day:
[UPDATED: June 4]
Day 1 - 3 - Establishing a bond
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Since the beginning, Cucurucho had a very playful relationship with Roier. It enjoyed surprising / scaring Roier with its sudden appearance, and after a certain point, Roier began to expect Cucurucho's presence whenever he called it.
And sure enough, whenever Roier called it, Cucurucho came.
There's a lot of playful teasing between the two of them, and these first three days best exhibit Cucurucho's personality.
When Roier wanted to create a taco truck, he searched the Island for all the ingredients he needed, but had no luck finding tomatillo seeds. Cucurucho appears suddenly before him, and after whacking him on the head, it offers him... some tomato seeds.
Roier gets excited until he realizes what the seeds are, and when Cucurucho realizes its mistake, it digs itself a hole and jumps in. Cucurucho seems genuinely embarrassed by its mistake, and its the most expressive we've ever seen Cucurucho be.
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What's interesting is that, even outside of its interactions with Roier, Cucurucho's mind always seems to circle back to him.
On Day 3, Cucurucho hangs out with Mariana for 10 minutes in a cave before giving him a book that says "Tell me everything you know about Roier." (Note: this is completely unprompted by anything)
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Mariana, having absolutely zero sense of self-preservation, proceeds to tease Cucurucho about its crush on Roier so much it would put an entire class of Kindergarten children to shame.
Mariana: You like Roier, don't you? You like Roier man! You like him! Ohhhhhhhhh~!!! You like him!!!!
(He also asks Cucurucho if it wants Roier's number).
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Cucurucho then shoots and kills Mariana (lmao) but eventually does revive him. It seems to get frustrated when Mariana doesn't give it any information it deems "helpful" and starts digging pits and running back and forth. When Mariana asks what kind of information Cucurucho wants, it says "classified" and refuses to elaborate.
Day 4 - Last day with "our" Cucurucho
This is the first time we get a hint that there are multiple Cucuruchos [Timestamp 3h 52m]. Cucurucho appears in Roier's basement, and is also at the top of the stairs when Roier goes up, then back downstairs when Roier goes down. Roier is, understandably, a little freaked out, but he shakes it off pretty quickly. Cucurucho is a bit playful with Roier, and just… hangs out with him for no apparent reason. Roier even asks Cucurucho "Are you having a good time here?" and Cucurucho nods. Roier seems happy at the response, saying "this is your house."
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Roier gives him his first taco [Timestamp: 3h 56m], having made a deal with Cucurucho that he'd give it 10 tacos (and more) in exchange for one taco from Cucurucho. It hurts his feelings that Cucurucho doesn't have an enthusiastic reaction about the taco, and after he makes a huevo joke and Cucurucho shooting him then pretends like nothing happened, Roier feels really bad. Roier tells Cucurucho it can't treat him like this and pouts for a bit.
When he tries asking Cucurucho its name, it just responds with "no" and when Roier tries asking it why there are two of them, the upstairs one says "I don't know." Roier asks Cucurucho to let him go so he can get more materials to make more tacos, and Cucurucho tells him no.
While waiting for Cucurucho to finish writing him an answer via book, Roier gives Cucurucho back the amapola (poppy) it gave him earlier, pretending to spit at him because he's mad [Timestamp 3h 58m 50s]. Cucurucho hands him a book that says "Finish what I told you." They part ways with Roier (half-jokingly) saying, "You know what Osito Bimbo, you know what? I'm tired of you treating me badly. You and I are no longer friends," and dramatically logs out.
Day 5 - A Final Message
Roier logs in and immediately finds potted amopola (poppies) in his house. At the top of the stairs is another singular amapola, two tacos, and this book:
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Translation: 0037. Through this I want to express my most sincere apologies for treating you as a slave. We are sorry for any discomfort I may have caused you. We hope you continue to enjoy the island at its best. You won't see me, but I will see you. Best regards, Federal QSMP Commission
There are a few things weird with this message, namely the fact that it's signed by the Federal QSMP Commission, and the use of "I" vs "We" in several places (though I chock that up to translation inconsistencies, so YMMV).
I briefly wondered what the significance of 0037 was before I remembered that was Roier's ticket number.
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Why refer to him by a number instead of a name? Does this confirm that they're all part of an experiment?
Anyways, Roier says, "No! No!!! I want to keep seeing you Osito!" and responds to that message with this:
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Translation: Hello my dear Osito Bimbo :) I like you, please keep showing up. And that's all, uwu
As far as I'm aware, none of the books from Osito Bimbo up until this point used smiley-faces, but after this, Cucurucho started using them in some of its books. Did it learn that from Roier?
(To give you a timeframe reference for where we are: this same day, Roier is later betrayed by Spreen and Quackity. In one fell swoop, Roier lost many of the people he cared about, and who cared about him, all in one day.)
Day 6
[Timestamp 2h 32m] Quackity says he doesn't want to give any spoilers, but he warns Fit, Vegetta, and Roier to be careful around Cucurucho.
Day 10 - Cucurucho is back, but isn't the same
[Timestamp: 2h 12m 30s] At the adoption center (where Mariana is trying to comfort JuanaFlippa, who says she wants a new family) Roier sees Osito Bimbo spying on them and chases after it, but it vanishes.
Later, while Roier is with Jaiden, he tells her there's more than one Cucurucho, then sees Cucurucho standing on top of one of the buildings near spawn / the wall. Roier tells Cucurucho, "Come here! I missed you!" Cucurucho doesn't come. For whatever reason, Jaiden can't see it. Roier says to Cucurucho, "Ok, well maybe later I can see you in my house. You are going to come, because I know you! I know you like the back of my hand" (Cucurucho shakes its head "no" at this)
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[Timestamp 2h 59m] After Roier and Jaiden put Bobby to bed and Jaiden logs out, Roier does a few laps around the castle while talking to Chat. When he comes back a few minutes later, he finds the entry to Bobby's room blocked off and a sign in front of it that reads: "Don't touch your son."
Here's where things get interesting: for context, between this stream and the last time Roier streamed on the QSMP, Mariana and Slimecicle broke into Leonarda's house and misclicked the bed. Since then, a new rule was implemented on the server saying that if an Egg's bed breaks, they lose a life.
Was Cucurucho trying to warn Roier, and potentially save Bobby's life?
Anyways, Roier immediately breaks the blocks and runs upstairs to check on Bobby. He laughs, thinking Bobby is playing a prank on him, then realizes Bobby (and the admin) isn't logged in. He then asks, "Cucurucho?" out loud and starts looking around for it. Roier starts theorizing, saying no one can get through his door since he has a whitelist and only a few people can enter. He checks the house for any weakpoints that someone could sneak in through, but there are none, and he determines that Bobby is safe.
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Roier mentions that Cucurucho isn't acting like its usual self. When they do finally meet again in the castle courtyard, Cucurucho keeps its distance from him.
Roier: Well, I'm here, is there anything you want to ask me? I've seen you around, watching me. Do you want to know something about me?
Cucurucho: Classified.
Roier: Are you holding a book? Why haven't you visited me? Tell me.
Cucurucho: Classified
Roier: Ouch, now you don't want to tell me anything. Do you not like me anymore?
Cucurucho: ...
Roier: Do you not like me anymore? I thought we… I thought we were buddies.
Cucurucho: Maybe. I don't know.
[ A short time later, Roier starts singing a song and doing a little dance for Cucurucho ]
Roier: – And that's how it went. Huh? Don't you remember? How come you don't remember? Those were good times, when we spent time together! How come you don't remember? Remember!!!!
Cucurucho: I don't know (It repeats this several times)
Roier: No you DO know! Come down. First of all, come down. Why are you talking to me from up there? Come down, don't be so rude.
Cucurucho: No. (Repeated several times)
Roier: Come on, why not? Come! Are you jealous?* *(He says "Ta celoso", celoso is jealous and oso is bear, so he's making a pun)
Cucurucho: Enjoy the Island. (Turns to leave)
Roier: I do enjoy it a lot, Osito! Osito!
Roier runs after Cucurucho and confronts it yet again. Cucurucho gives him a book that has his ticket number in it, then tries to leave again.
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[Timestamp 3h 7m] Roier follows it, even digging to go underground with it to keep up, asking why it gave him a book with his train ticket number on it.
Roier: Stop playing a fool, where are you going? I won't stop following you
Cucurucho: [ Fires two warning shots on either side of Roier ]
Roier: What, are you going to kill me? Come on, kill me! Shoot me! Kill me! Murder me right here! Are you going to leave a child without a father? Are you going to leave Jaiden without a partner?
Cucurucho opts to run away, and Roier continues following it until it goes somewhere he can't (under lava) leaving him shouting, "You can't leave me like this!"
Day [ ? ]
I'm uncertain what day this happens, but someone pointed out this important conversation Roier has with Bobby around day 32. [CLIP]
Roier: Have you seen a white bear around?
Bobby: [ Wiggles to indicate "no" ]
Roier: You haven't seen him around… He's an old friend of mine, he's an old friend of mine. He could help us out with anything we need. I know I can count on him.
Day 32 - Love, Understanding, and Tenderness
[Timestamp 2h 39m] While they're in the castle, Bobby suddenly pulls out his gun and leads Roier outside. Roier asks what's wrong, then sees Cucurucho standing on the balcony above them.
[Timestamp 2h 41m] After messing around with his new stretchy tentacle gun that lets him Spider-man swing, he finally gets up to where Cucurucho is. Cucurucho greets him with a "Buenos Dias" then asks how Roier is doing. Roier says he's doing fine, then asks Cucurucho how it is and what its been doing.
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Cucurucho: I was informed you were looking for me.
Roier: Yes, that's right. Where were you all that time? Why did you stop talking to me? Why did you leave my life?
Cucurucho: Classified
Roier: Cucurucho, Cucurucho, Osito Bimbo, why did you stop talking to me?
[ Cucurucho hands him a book that says, "Do you need anything?" ]
Roier: Yes. What I need is love, understanding, and tenderness.
[Bobby punches him off the tower]
Roier: Anyways, I was saying –
Cucurucho: Observation.
Roier: Observation? Let's see, but did you leave because you had to, or did you leave because they made you? What happened?
Cucurucho: ...
Roier: I already know what happened, I know what happened. It was Mariana, Mariana bothered you and told you, "YOU LIKE ROIER you like him, you like Roier!" Right? Was that it?
Cucurucho: [ Turns away and hangs its head ]
Roier: Hey, yes or no? Tell me. You got trapped--
Cucurucho: Hahaha
Roier: What?
Cucurucho: Hahaha
Roier: [Laughs] What is that laugh? You're laughing to make the moment less awkward, right? This is a defense mechanism. "Hahaha."
Cucurucho: ...
Roier: Well, if you don't want to answer, that's fine. You don't send me WhatsApp or anything. You don't love me. We are no longer friends. [He starts to hop away, then turns back to see Cucurucho's response]
[Cucurucho hands him a book that says, "On this island there are many things to do."]
Roier: For example, that?
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[Roier moves to stand closer to Cucurucho, then Bobby knocks him off the tower again. Roier "Spider-man"s his way back up the tower, and he and Cucurucho are face to face again]
Cucurucho: Classified
Roier: What do you mean by that, what do you mean by that? Tell me! What is there to do here, what is there to do? Tell me.
Cucurucho hands him this book, which says: "We are preparing things for your enjoyment. Thank you very much for your patience."
Roier: Ok, but is that the reason you no longer speak with me? You're very busy?
Cucurucho: [Nods]
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Roier is concerned about Cucurucho's voice and asks if it's still able to say yes or no, and Cucurucho proves it can still say that. Roier asks Cucurucho if it needs to go and it says yes. Roier says: "You could stay with us and eat taquitos" drink Jamaica water or horchata if you like that more," and starts offering Cucurucho more and more food. Bobby falls off the building and Roier has to leave and go revive him, and Cucurucho again asks if he needs anything and apologizes for the inconvenience, saying its busy.
Roier: As I was telling you before, what I need is love, understanding, and tenderness. Do you have that?
Cucurucho: Hahaha
Roier: Why are you laughing? That makes you laugh?
[Cucurucho hands him a book that says Las Casualonas is on the other side of the Island]
Roier: [Laughing] But it's not that, there is that but it's not love.* Besides, I work there! I am Las Casualonas! I mean I can't go there because I'm the one who gives love, I'm the one who gives love, I'm the one who gives love and tenderness, but who gives it to me? Who gives me love? Tell me, who gives me love?
*(The phrasing on this is a bit weird but in essence, that's what he said here)
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[Bobby hits Roier again, wanting him to take them somewhere fun, and Cucurucho says, "Enjoy the Island" before leaving. Bad and Dapper have just arrived and are just hanging out, but follow Roier, who starts chasing Cucurucho, to watch the drama]
Roier: Osito, why are you leaving? Do you want to leave? If you want to leave, you can leave, if you don't love me anymore, it's ok. No it's ok, if you don't love me anymore, then leave. Leave.
[Roier momentarily glances back at Bad, who's just standing there just silently watching their private conversation while Dapper's taking photos like a weirdo]
Cucurucho hands him a book that says: "What are you talking about?" then starts fishing.
Roier: Don't be stupid, don't act like an idiot, if you don't love me anymore, you can go.
Cucurucho doesn't leave, continuing to fish until Bad gets closer, and it throws him the fishing pole then turns to leave.
Roier: (To Bad) Don't be such a gossip! (To Cucurucho) No no no! Well, if you want to go, go. I asked you to screw me, not fail me.*
*I have no idea how to translate this, it's slang so don't take it literally but I genuinely don't know how to translate that.
Cucurucho shoots Roier and leaves.
Day 34 - Who is the Host?
[Timestamp 3h 44m 30s] Roier talks to Bobby about Cucurucho, calling it his friend. He says he wants to talk to Cucurucho again and starts singing "Baby Come Back"
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Roier does a "ritual" trying to get Cucurucho to visit, and it (miraculously) works. Rainbow Cucurucho appears, and acts stranger than usual (which is saying something, considering this is Cucurucho we're talking about). This is their exchange [I'll add a clip later]:
Cucurucho: Good morning. What are you doing? We're from the QSMP Federation. It was reported that you were looking for me
Roier: I missed you! I was looking for you. I have a question Cucurucho, lately, I have seen people saying I work for the Federation. People are saying that I work for you. Cucurucho, you and I know-
Cucurucho: Hahaha
Roier: Exactly! You laugh because you and I are only friends, right, we are friends. [Long pause] …Right?
Cucurucho: I don't know.
Roier: Nah, you know, you know. Cucurucho, I don't know what you are, but you… you love me. You can't deny that. You love me: yes or no?
Cucurucho: Hahaha.
Roier: Nahhh no no no, Cucurucho, do you love me: yes or no? Do you love me? Yes or no? Wait- don't go Cucurucho- !
Cucurucho: No.
Roier: No?
Cucurucho: ...
Roier: Ok, Cucurucho. I have a question for you- I have a question for you. Let's see. If you don't like me, why do you come when I call you? If I'm not to your liking, why do you come? Every time I call, you answer. Tell me.
Cucurucho: ...
Roier: Cucuruchito, because I've known you since we first got here, I know you. There will be people who arrived a few days ago-
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Cucurucho: [ Hands him a book that says: IT IS THE DUTY OF A GOOD HOST. IF THEY CALL ME, IT IS MY DUTY TO COME. ]
Roier: How is that the duty of a good Host? You are the Host? You are a Host? Host.... of a program show for children?
Cucurucho: [ Hands him a book that says: IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO DO RITUALS ]
Roier: Ok... then Cucurucho, Cucurucho, Cucurucho, then let's see- clarify something for me- [Cucurucho starts to build up and go away] Nononono don't go! Wait wait wait. What do you mean you are a Host? Are you a Host? By "Host" do you mean the presenter of a program? Or do you mean that you are the Host of the Island?
Cucurucho: ...
Roier: Cucurucho? I thought we were friends. I don't know. So you just come because I call you? Because- because you are a good host?
Cucurucho: [ Hands him a book that says: YOU WERE INVITED TO THE ISLAND. THAT'S RIGHT, A HOST. ]
Roier: But Cucurucho, wait- wait wait wait- I mean, you say you are nothing but an asset? In other words, you are just active, because you don’t want to look bad to me? That’s why?
Roier: ...Ok. It's fine. It's fine, Cucurucho. It's fine. Ok, but but you told me you were the Host. Are you the host?
Cucurucho: Hahaha.
Roier: Ok Cucurucho. I won't bother you anymore. I just wanted to see you again, but now it's clear to me... that you don't like* me. You never liked me. You come because you don't want to look bad in front of me because you want to be a good Host -- or do you want to make the Host look good?
* Roier uses the word "querer" here which is more sentimental than just "like"
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Cucurucho: [ Hands him a book that says: WANT IS A TERM I DON'T KNOW ]
Roier: So… they force you? They force you? Are you being forced?
Cucurucho: Enjoy the Island. [Runs away]
Roier: [Runs after it ] Are they forcing you to come here?! Cucurucho, answer me! I love you! I appreciate you! Are they forcing you to do this? Do they force you to come? ...Are you a real person? Are you a person disguised as a bear?
Cucurucho: ...
Roier: Cucurucho?
Roier: So when I need something from you, you'll come? Nothing more? Every time I need something, you come?
Cucurucho: [ Hands him a book that says: THOSE ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE HOST. THAT'S HOW IT IS. ]
Roier: Cucurucho, the truth is, I don't want to lie to you. I've been very sad. I think I want to leave the island. I feel very sad Cucurucho.
[Bobby punches Roier, and Roier shakes his head and holds a finger up to his lips, telling Bobby to be quiet]
Cucurucho: [ Hands him a book that says: WHAT IS MISSING ON THIS ISLAND THAT YOU NEED TO BE HAPPY? ]
Roier: I'm missing... I... need more friends.
Cucurucho: [Gestures at Badboyhalo and Dapper, who have been lurking trying to listen in on their conversation]
Roier: Them? Them as friends? But I don't like him, he smells like avocado. [Bad punches him] I want friends who don't smell like avocado, and who don't write so much!
Cucurucho: [Gives Roier a cockroach and tells him to enjoy the Island, then turns to leave]
Roier: Ok, ok, thank you. [Roier chases after Cucurucho] You have a nice day too! Nobody forces you to do what you don't want to do! You're free! Goodbye Osito Bimbo. [Osito Bimbo pauses as Roier is attacked by a zombie mob, hesitating until it sees he's ok] Goodbye!
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[Timestamp 3h 55m] Despite their farewells, Roier decides to follow Cucurucho more anyways to see where it goes.
[Timestamp 3h 57m 45s] Afterward, Roier and Bobby go home, and Roier tells Bobby (in a low voice to avoid anyone overhearing), "I think Cucurucho is sad. It's just that, I remember I used to hang out with him a lot when I first came to this Island. I hung out with him a lot. He always came to see me and help me. But from one moment to the next, I realize that he had changed. He stopped being so kind to me, and in fact he gave me a book. He had been telling me for many days that he was going to stop bothering me, it seems like he was scolded, but he acts like nothing's wrong. He acts like everything is fine, but I feel like they are forcing him. He's sad. He doesn't show it, but he wrote me a sad face."
Day 36 - The Federation takes Felps
[Timestamp 1h 16m] Cucurucho arrives at Roier's castle with half the server (all rainbow) in tow. Roier asks how Cucurucho is doing, and Cellbit confronts Cucurucho about the chainsaw incident, which Cucurucho denies happened. Roier intervenes, telling people not to fight. Maximus pulls Roier aside, telling him something strange is happening with Felps because he's acting like he's "Cucurucho's best friend", and Maximus wonders if he's being brainwashed.
Cucurucho spends this entire time giving people gifts acting harmless, until Cellbit intervenes again.
Cellbit: Roier, Roier, don't trust Cucurucho, he's a liar.
Roier: Why?
Cucurucho: Why?
Cellbit: Don't believe him. He tortured me with a chainsaw.
Roier: He tortured you? Ah, you did tell me. Cucurucho, is that true?
Cucurucho: [shakes its head] No
Cellbit: He's lying, he's lying! Guapito, believe me, believe me.
Roier: Ok, I believe you, gatinho, I believe you gatinho. [He repeats "I believe you" over and over]
Cellbit: Be careful around him, ok? He's a manipulator, a liar. Do not believe his lies!
[As Cellbit says this, Cucurucho hangs its head]
Roier: I knew him from a long time ago. And he was not always like that. He was good before. But I don't know. What happened to you?
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[Timestamp 1h 57m] Felps is taken by the Federation, and Cellbit, Maximus, and Roier confront Cucurucho, who laughs and says "I hope you enjoy the Island," offering them no answers.
[Timestamp 2h 8m 40s] Cellbit takes Roier and the other boys to the Theory Bros room, where they discuss the events from today and theories about Cucurucho]
Roier: Let me explain one thing. Cucurucho was very good to me. But then one day, he was very strange, you know? He was like… doing strange things, I don't know how to explain. But he was very good at the beginning, but then— he was like the Host.
Cellbit: Maybe at first he was really worried about making a good impression, and after that he started to let his guard down, and you caught him red-handed doing something weird.
Roier: Maybe the Host changed Cucurucho. I dunno, that's a theory.
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Day 37
The longer Roier hung out with Cellbit and the Theory Bros, the more his opinion of Cucurucho soured.
[Timestamp 3h 16m] After a chat with Richarlyson about his art skills, he asks him to draw Cucurucho, and they draw what they think it looks like together.
[Timestamp 3h 26m] They show off their finished artwork to Cellbit, and both he and Roier call it "The true face of Cucurucho." Roier's art is on the bottom, Richarlyson's is the one on top.
Roier: This person, this one here, is the true Cucurucho. The devil.
Cellbit: A demon of the apocalypse.
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Day 41 - Reviving Bobby
[Timestamp: 17m] Cucurucho visits Roier and Jaiden a few days after Bobby's death. It tells him to gather his friends to try and rescue Bobby, and gives him this book:
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[See it from Jaiden's POV]
Roier: I didn't lie to you. I told you I have new friends, I told you, and now they're all here.
Cucurucho: If you want to see [Bobby] again, there's a price to pay.
But they don't get Bobby back.
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Cucurucho: I told you. Everything has a price.
Roier: Was that the price? All those deaths?
Cucurucho: Yes :) […] There is a high price to pay when it comes to life and death. 10 minutes is the best I could get you.
In reality, they wound up getting 25. Realistically, this was probably just the admins feeling bad for Roier and Jaiden because frick dude, that was depressing, but if we want to give an in-universe explanation for it, Cucurucho might've given them more time.
Even so, Roier still vows he'll hold a trial against the Federation to try and get Bobby back.
Day 47 - A series of unfortunate events
I'm gonna TLDR this because so much happened on this day I'd recommend just watching the VOD, but essentially: Jaiden makes a deal with Cucurucho in the hopes that in return, they'll get something that will help protect the Eggs forever. Roier, distrustful of Cucurucho, stays close to keep an eye on things, and he has some back and forth interactions with Cucurucho that are reminiscent of their early day interactions, but are layered with sadness and mistrust.
Alright this post is getting long enough as it is, but let's run through some other oddities:
When Cellbit was trying to join the Federation, Cucurucho gave him a task that was specifically about Roier, asking him what he needs to be happy, why he's sad, and what would make him smile. Perhaps it's understandable that Cucurucho would be interested in one of the most depressed members of the Island, because the whole point of the Island is to make people happy, but considering their past friendship / relationship, detail of Cucurucho singling out Roier is something worth noting (particularly since it knows Cellbit is also close to Roier). Also idk, something about the way it's phrased as, "What would make him smile?" makes my heart ache
Cucurucho's task and Cellbit's answers:
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Other things of interest other people have brought up:
Roier (used to) keep all the books Cucurucho gave him in a chest
I should also note here that Cucurucho has always been kind to Jaiden as well. Despite terrifying her that first day, it also gave her a blue parrot. While Jaiden has always been cautious of Cucurucho, she's always been polite as well. When everyone went to save Bobby, she stopped to say thank you to Cucurucho (presumably thanking it for giving them the chance to save Bobby).
There's a lot I could say about Jaiden's interactions with Cucurucho, but if I did this post would be twice as long, so I'll have to save that for another day I'm afraid :'D
If there's anything I missed, please send it to me so I can add it here, or add it in the reblogs!
UPDATE: This thread compiles even more moments between Cucurucho and Roier and includes translated clips
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
they took every version of the RRR OST except for the Telugu and Hindi off Spotify and even then it's only the first three songs in the Telugu it's a glitch the Telugu songs aren't even on there it's just the Hindi. i'm going to scream
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gaspshichat · 3 months
appreciaton post time !!
except this time it isn't about pearl. it's about her amazing and kind community which i am so proud and happy to be apart of
i try to be active on all my social media platforms, uplifting all pearl fans bc y'all are amazing and extremely talented people. y'all deserve all the praise in the world
on tiktok, the cosplayers are so impressive in the way they can transform into a character or person. i've seen so many people somehow capture pearl's energy almost perfectly. the art these people do to their bodies is so cool and i'm hoping to become one of them soon
on twitter and tumblr, the fanartists are constantly and continuously making me shocked with how great they are at turning a bunch of pixels into something beautiful and realistic. all great fanartists out there deserve so much more recognition and love for what they do bc it's absolutely ridiculous how they're able to capture such energy and beauty in their art
to the writers, i am still surprised every time i read a beautiful angst piece and i can feel the raw emotion the writer put in there. i'm a writer, in mutliple ways, and i still don't understand how other writers do it
on youtube, the comments never fail to make me smile or laugh. everyone there is so kind to each other and especially to pearl. they're also very funny a lot of the times, making jokes about something pearl did or said or just simply quoting her. it always brightens my day
on discord, y'all are so silly and sweet. you can go into general chat, say timezone, and someone is bound to respond. the conversations that i've witnessed and been apart of, from trying to describe a toaster in the longest way possible to the dutch, y'all never fail to make me smile [or a little scared with the things y'all say, but in a good way!]
and finally, on twitch, y'all are genuinely the nicest people i've ever seen. the joy y'all have for other people's success, the jokes y'all come up with, the kind words y'all always have for pearl, everything. sure, we get the occasional weirdo or bad person, but y'all are good at ignoring them and not letting them bring down our great vibes
i am so proud to be apart of this community. i've been in online spaces for almost a decade now, and this is the only place i've ever truly felt safe. everyone in pearl's community is such a kind, caring, sweet, genuine person from what i've seen. pearl, you've created an amazing community. you should feel proud
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frogprinsen · 6 months
I don't have the proper words to describe how I feel about this song. At first listen, I've been on the verge of tears the whole time and when the song ended, I just burst out sobbing. The lyrics are so beautiful and really moved me. I've heard it multiple times now, but I still can't stop the tears falling from my eyes. I'm so happy with this. Thank you Omar.
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jewishbarbies · 10 months
Halle Bailey supremacy omg. Finally a song I can't sing along to. Real vocalists are back.
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thespiandax · 10 months
I've never felt so happy and betrayed at the same time. Episode 6 moved faster than a roller coaster and hit me like a ton of bricks. I cried. I screamed. I cursed the heavens. Neil Gaiman you are incredible, but you've broken me into more pieces than I thought were possible. You've given me everything I ever wanted and ripped it away in an instant. I am going to be spending the next few months weeping and listening desperately for a nightingale because I am broken.
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the-nation-of-today · 5 months
Btw besties I was Distracted with the holidays BUT it's been just over a year since this blog started so happy one year the-nation-of-today dot tumblr dot com
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wethecelestial · 9 months
diversity win! the cat callers use gender neutral language to hit on you
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“Who would Jesus’ favorite DSMP character be?”
The Great Chat Debate of August 8th, 2022: Part 1  | (Part 2)
Context: Philza was roasting some Televangelists who were using religion to excuse their greed, chat joined in and cited parts of the bible to emphasize their hypocrisy, then this dono sent us on a half-hour tangent.
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kurara-black-blog · 2 years
The mere thought of any character blaming Makoto for not saving his classmates/the world makes my blood boil
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ragingtwilight · 2 years
debating w myself on whether or not to stream while doing artfight attacks
bc i want all my attacks to be a surpriiise
i also rly like streaming drawing,,, 👉👈
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Maybe it’s because I’ve watched the show so many times at this point but I keep coming back to the main conflict from the season finale and how there was a missed opportunity to make the fallout between Calliope and Juliette so much more devastating. 
So putting aside the fact that we still don’t fully understand how a vampire is turned and what the rules are exactly for Theo now that he’s a half-legacy(?) or just regular grade vamp - what I would have loved to have seen is Theo attack Calliope. Not so that Calliope was injured but to fully make her come to terms with how dangerous vampires are. Calliope’s struggle the entire season was her steadfast belief that the worst kind of monsters are those that look human coming into question as she falls in love with Juliette. However, again putting aside Theo’s own reasons for why’d never be a vampire (sorry Theo, it’s not really about you here) Calliope would then be put in a position where her big brother, her constant protector then attacks her out of bloodlust, which would cause her to fully retreat into her initial mindset. 
I just really wanted the stakes (hah!) to feel so much higher in the finale and for the “break-up” to feel slightly more earned. It worked as is but I get why some folks have had a harder time understanding Calliope’s viewpoint here. Everything else could’ve stayed the same - Juliette coming through and letting Theo feed on her, Theo calming down and Talia taking him to Oliver’s, etc. Anyway, season two when??  
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jimilter · 1 year
your blog is celebrating hoseok like a king and i'm here for it 💎 some of these people call him "bias" but don't even post about him :(
hello anon! well, a king deserves to be celebrated like a king! and i believe we're all doing a pretty good job of celebrating him. 😍❤️ he's been all over my feed, all my moots have made beautiful creations for the mv that keep circulating – i'm loving this. 🥺
maybe the people you're talking abt haven't been active? bec i see a lot of ppl dipping without notice these days (me included but shhh 💀) but we all love him, anon! i'm sure no one is gonna willingly skip this chance to cry over over on the street! my tears haven't dried yet but i feel another sob coming 🖐️😔
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pheonix-inside · 2 years
Uh oh I made such a fuss about not wanting to pursue professional theatre after highschool but now... It's looking tempting again........ Oh god.
Warning for a rant in the tags lol
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