#xeonna the lost
ratasum · 2 months
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HERE THEY ARE! In honor of Trans Day of Visibility, from your local trans nonbinary bunny player to your dashboard, all of my current trans/nonbinary characters. There will be more, don't worry. Give me time.
Infiltrator Leyya (she/her), Islwyn the Penitent (he/him), Demoltionist Billi (they/them)
Laxzzi (she/her, with her lovely wife), Necrologist Ahlma (she/her), Xeonna the Lost (she/her)
Ktokka (she/her), Butch Crushfist (she/her), Mharnii (she/they)
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ratasum · 9 months
In honor of my dad, who I realized I have based many of my guys on.
Tag your ocs who are constantly like "No no it's fine don't worry about it yeah I just got stabbed I'll walk it off."
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ratasum · 4 months
Should You Fight My Characters 2.0
I have an older one, but I wanted to do an update with some of my newer toons!
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Xeonna the Lost
Probably the least recommended. She lost everything when Rata Novus fell and is a stranger in a strange time. She will fight with everything she's worth, especially for the people who are now in her life. You can try, of course, but she goes for the knees and has zero reservations about biting.
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Infiltrator Leyya
She isn't one who really likes to fight these days, but if she's threatened (or if Zojja is), she makes for a formidable opponent. Low self esteem, so you could probably break her down if you really wanted to, but that could leave you open to her secret weapon. It'd be a close fight, but do so at your own risk.
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Technomancer Rhenn
It's like enrichment for him! Highly encouraged! He enjoys a good spar, and will really throw himself into a fight. You'd have a hell of a time, but I can guarantee you'd at least have fun. And if you win, maybe it'll take him down a few pegs.
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Naqai is only nineteen as of the current story and pretty inexperienced, so you'd probably win. However, she is nineteen and has more scathing remarks up her sleeves than you could ever imagine, and your ego would be devastated perhaps beyond recovery. You'd lose either way, all things considered.
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One hundred percent do NOT recommend. This girl was raised by her grandaunt, one of the most vicious, ruthless, conniving councilors in Rata Sum, one who isn't above murder. And Pyxsi isnt' either. You wouldn't even get to the fight before you wound up with a one way ticket to the bottom of the valley under the city.
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Mender Kippa
I mean, you could. You'd probably even win. But imagine the emotional toll.
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ratasum · 11 days
Comically I only have two characters who use the canon in game voices, and that's Qirri and Vezz, who sound like Colleen O'Shaughnessy and Steve Staley respectively.
Everyone else has other voices I've picked. A small selection can be seen below:
Rosie is Jessie Mueller
Agaue is Heather Headley
Elektra is Suzanne Plechette
Oaklinna is Minnie Driver
Makko is Carrie Ann Moss
Umbra is Ashleigh Ball
Xeonna is Eden Espinosa
I have more but I can't think of them at the moment so. Short list jfkdls.
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ratasum · 1 year
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Qirri Tinkerfirst | Keeper Vezz | Overseer Zatte
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Liquidator Korrix | Peacemaker Teall | Explorer Kaill
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Lady Makko | Xeonna the Lost | Naqai
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Ympp | Laxzzi | Pheazza
A compilation of all of my current sharkrats. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one I guess lmao.
I have ideas for more rats but these guys are good for now.
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ratasum · 1 year
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Perky goth and depressed jock girlfriends.
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ratasum · 4 months
Also got any new music that went right into your OCs' playlists?
I recently added a new League song, "Still Here," to Xeonna's playlist almost immediately on hearing it!
Gripping with my cold hands The shapes I used to take Hollow like a straw man But it's easier to push away ’Cause it could all end here With a strange daylight caught in our eyes And my shadow stretching out Through all the things I left behind
It's really fitting for her, with everything she lost when she was locked in stasis in Rata Novus and reawakened 150 years later.
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ratasum · 4 months
So I had to go double check since it's been a minute, but we don't directly know the author of this note:
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You can find it while looking up information for the New Horizons achievement, but the author is unknown, and it doesn't activate anything.
I'm also thinking about Xeonna, my Rata Novus survivor who accidentally got sealed in a specimen containment tube in the dragon lab in the last day of the city. She had parents, a partner, and a child.
What if the letter was her partner, trying to reach her?
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ratasum · 1 year
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Xeonna the Lost, Asura Firebrand
A relic frozen in time, in the last moments of the last to fall in the lost asuran city of Rata Novus, Xeonna found herself knocked into a specimen containment tube, and the next thing she remembered was waking up to her home as an archaeological ruin, 150 years from anyone she ever knew or loved.
Struggling to adapt in a modern world, she left the ruins of Rata Novus as soon as she was deemed well enough from the stasis sickness, fitted with a new prosthesis to replace the one that had become unusable during her time in magically induced stasis.
She does her best to help as best she can around this new Tyria, seeking peace and desperate for answers as to why she should have been allowed to survive when everyone she knew and loved has died.
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ratasum · 1 year
Last moments. Or, the last things Xeonna saw before her world was changed forever.
“Just leave him, Xeonna! He’s not gonna make it, and we need your sword!”
Everything around her was sharp. The scrape of chak claws against stone and their ear-splitting shrieks, echoing in the cavern, amidst the cacophony of trundling attack golems and the frantic pings of nearby mesmer magic.
Xeonna’s hands were under the arms of Dhennix, one of her closest friends, dragging him into the safety of this spot. Their last resort. He was bleeding heavily from a wound to his side, gasping for air to lungs she knew were starting to fail.
“I’m not going to let him die down a chak’s gullet,” the guardian spat back, her ears pulling back sharply. Her dark hair, lovingly plaited into neat braids by her partner just this morning, had fallen from its elaborate pins, cascading into her face. “Least we can do is let him die among friends.”
She didn’t look up when Braj scoffed, pulling Dhennix to the back of the lab they’d been so desperately trying to keep safe. By the time she’d laid him down, his breathing had stilled, and his eyes - still open - stared blank at the ceiling. It wasn’t that Xeonna had never seen death, but Dhennix had always been good to her family. Her daughter even called him uncle. Letting out a shaky breath, she reached down to close his eyes for the last time, pressing her hand against his forehead before rushing back to the others.
Braj was letting loose bursts of fire from his hands, even as Xeonna rushed forward to cut through a line of chak that had managed to get close. Caerr, his whole frame shaking, was doing his best to keep up, the shattering ripples of pink magic flowing in a constant stream down his arms. “Is he…?”
“Dead.” Xeonna kept her voice as still and steady as she could, purposefully not looking back at where Dhennix’s body lay. “We can only hope he finds peace in the Eternal Alchemy, but we have bigger problems.”
So many people dead. A population in the thousands, culled down to scraps in so little time it felt unreal.
She felt sick to her stomach.
Beside her, Braj swallowed hard, glancing briefly in her direction. “...we’re going to die here, Xeo. They have to have shut down the surviving gates by now.”
Her hands tightened on her sword. Her beloved partner, her daughter. Her parents, her siblings, her nieces and nephews… had they made it to the gates in time? With so many people dying, it was impossible to believe they might have.
“Then we die fighting. We can’t let them get to the dragon lab. We’re not letting our deaths here be for nothing.”
Caerr was shaking, harder than Xeonna had ever seen him tremble. He was a researcher, not a fighter, but he’d stood beside them when they’d rushed in here for safety. Most of the other researchers had already fled.
Squaring her shoulders, she shifted, moving to head down the stairs… only for Braj to shout something behind her. Spinning to try to see what was going on, she lost her footing, tipping back over the railing.
It was a stunningly serene feeling, falling like this. Watching as Caerr turned to try to reach and grab her. She heard Braj call out, saw the spray of blood, and watched the massive chak loom up behind Caerr.
She couldn’t even yell a warning as everything went cold and dark.
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ratasum · 1 year
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So uh.
I was looking for a nice spot to do some nice screens of Xeonna and may have broken Rata Sum.
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ratasum · 1 year
Look. Look.
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ratasum · 1 year
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Unrelated to anything but this is the BEST screenshot I got of Xeonna earlier. The face of a woman who spent 150 years in magic stasis and still hasn't slept a day in her life.
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ratasum · 1 year
She's Here.
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ratasum · 1 year
Waking up after 150 years to learn that the home you knew your entire life is an archaeological marvel and the lab your friends died in looks nothing like it did in the last instant you saw them alive.
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ratasum · 11 months
I had to just go screaming back through my blog to find my story I wrote about Xeonna's last few moments before she got flash frozen in a specimen tube for 150 years because like.
What if one of her friends lived. What if Caerr somehow survived the chak attack, alone and terrified in the dragon lab.
What if he kept himself alive through some terrible arcane means.
What if he had become obsessed with destroying the dragons by any means possible.
Including Aurene.
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