#wordpress site speed
bigbirdweb1 · 11 days
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tryangletech · 2 months
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sivasaikrishna · 1 month
What is 10Web AI Builder?
10Web AI Builder is an innovative website-building tool that utilizes advanced artificial intelligence technology. It sets itself apart from other website builders on the market and simplifies the process of creating a website. Visit Website Learn More Click Here
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10Web AI Builder offers a range of key features that streamline website creation. These include an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, extensive customizable templates, and more, enhancing the web design experience.
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bizhubit · 1 month
Want to leave a lasting impression on your visitors? Discover the power of Website Optimization with our latest blog post. Learn how to fine-tune your site for maximum impact and engagement! Learn more -
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bkthemes · 3 months
Staying in the Game: How Small Businesses Can Stay Ahead with Website Optimization
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ theme_builder_area=”post_content” _builder_version=”4.22.2″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.22.2″ _module_preset=”default” theme_builder_area=”post_content”][et_pb_column _builder_version=”4.22.2″ _module_preset=”default” type=”4_4″ theme_builder_area=”post_content”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.22.2″ _module_preset=”default”…
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View On WordPress
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marketingtools-blog · 4 months
From Frustration to Flow: How DreamPress Unleashed My Blogging Mojo
Unlocking the Potential of DreamPress: A Blogging Revolution Long gone are the days of agonizingly slow dial-up internet, where website management felt like navigating through molasses. Enter DreamPress, the game-changer that not only upgraded my blogging experience but revolutionized it. In this article, we’ll explore how DreamPress turned the tide, from frustrating lags to a seamless flow of…
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jnexttech · 4 months
Advanced WordPress Caching
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Speed is important in the fast-paced world of online presence. Users expect websites to load in the blink of an eye, and search engines reward faster sites with better rankings. If you’re a WordPress enthusiast, you probably already know how crucial caching is to maximising the functionality of your website. We’ll explore sophisticated WordPress caching strategies in this blog post, which can significantly increase the speed of your website.
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berrybrennan89 · 6 months
WordPress Bug Fix
WordPress Bug Fix Struggling with WordPress glitches? Need to enhance or modify features on your site? You've landed at the good spot for skilled WordPress problem-solving! Offering complete WordPress troubleshooting companies, from fast $5 fixes to in depth $1000+ tasks. Please message me with your particular points for a tailored quote before placing your order. With 17+ years within the WordPress arena, I've efficiently revamped 1000's of WordPress websites, ensuring seamless functionality and optimized performance. Services Include: Critical WordPress Errors Syntax Issues Internal Server Troubles Email Deliverability Fixes Database Connection Errors Resolving White/Empty Screens Addressing 404 & 403 Errors Redirect Loop Solutions Extending Maximum Execution Time Multi-language Site Issues Image Display Problems CSS/Style Adjustments Repairing Broken WordPress Sites Plugin & Theme Fixes/Updates Demo Data Installation Website Speed Optimization Responsive Design Fixes for All Devices Enhancing WordPress Security Custom Design Adjustments (font, structure colors) Resolving PHP, HTML/HTML5, JS, CSS/CSS3 Issues Embedding YouTube Videos Ads Placement Your website's efficiency and safety are my prime priorities. Let's get your WordPress site running easily and efficiently within simply 24 hours!
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mokubetech · 1 year
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tryangletech · 2 months
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ecomhardy · 1 year
Best settings for WP-Rocket plugin to achieve High GT Metrix score and website speed - eComHardyGet a discount when you purchase the WP-Rocket plugin from the below link. https://ecomhardy.com/wprocket You will receive an extra discount as follow; 10% OFF on Single license 15% OFF on Plus license 20% OFF on Infinite license In this video, I have explained the best settings in the WP-Rocket plugin for your WordPress Woocommerce website which will help you not only to achieve the best GT Metrix score but also boost the website speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1- How to make a website - Buy right Domain and Hosting https://youtu.be/y-JoRxhwhE8 Go to, https://ecomhardy.com/make-a-website All the steps with useful information are provided there. Part 2- Make a website- How to install WordPress on your website; https://youtu.be/t0E7_rp8LrY Bonus video: To know How to point the domain name servers to your hosting, check out the link; https://youtu.be/6UNA7AY-lxw Part 3 - How to install a theme on WordPress. https://youtu.be/inO0H4LPpNQ Thanks for watching. Consider subscribing.
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creolestudios · 1 year
Optimizing a WordPress site for mobile is important because more and more people are using their mobile devices to access the internet, and a website that is not optimized for mobile may be difficult to use and may not function properly on a small screen. By optimizing your WordPress site for mobile, you can improve the user experience for mobile users and potentially increase traffic and revenue.
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ewaydigitalsolution · 2 years
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ineffablefool · 2 months
Anyone out there have their own website and want to rec their host?
I'm looking for domain registration and managed hosting for a domain or three, good connection speed and bandwidth caps and such but no need for the leading edge. Preferably includes managed SSL (might as well join the 2020s I guess), database services (relational preferred but not required), and some kind of control panel interface (please don't make me relearn the command line), all preferably in the same package. Honestly everything should ideally be managed/hidden behind slick interfaces, so I can just click some buttons to upload my own content and then let everything else be taken care of by the professionals.
Don't care if it's Linux or Windows but it 100% must allow server-side scripting so I can toss up like a springboot site or something. (Nothing WordPress-only; I do not currently feel like learning that ecosystem.)
Very important that the domain registration piece be through a company where you can actually get your domain back from them relatively easily if you decide to move to somewhere else. I've heard horror stories.
Does not need to be free -- I actually specifically would like to pay professionals to do all the boring stuff for me -- but I'm hoping to stay under a couple hundred USD per year.
I am aware that GoDaddy exists, is very common, and will do the whole shebang, but I don't know if it's actually a good experience for a fairly technical but very lazy person. And I mean, I could google to see what else is out there these days, but [points at last three words of previous sentence], so! A post hurled into the Tumblr void it is. Hopefully it will not immediately land in one of the many dumpster infernos.
If you read any part of this post (even just this one sentence) then I hope your tomorrow will be unexpectedly wonderful.
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anamoon63 · 7 months
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The saucer waited a few moments, spinning in front of Ann, turning its lights on and off. She thought of running to the door, but her feet didn't move from their place, as if the same force that had pulled Robin into the ship had paralyzed her.
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Then, with a roar similar to an explosion, the saucer turned into a sort of comet with a blazing, colorful stele.
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And flew away rotating at high speed, to lose itself behind the high Aurora Skies mountains.
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After that, Velkomin Rd. was left in the most profound silence…
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"Oh, Robin, I'm sorry…" Ann whispered, tears still in her eyes. The distant sound of a voice then reached her ears from the backyard.
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"Robin? What was that all about? Are you alright? Rob, if you're still there please answer me!"
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And I’m gonna be high as a kite by then, I miss the Earth so much; I miss my wife. It’s lonely out in space on such a timeless flight. And I think it’s gonna be a long, long time ’til touchdown brings me ’round again to find I’m not the man they think I am at home. Oh, no, no, no I’m a rocket man, rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone.
CREDITS AND THANKS 🌸 Ann poses are from Convo/Emotion Poses by bmit04, poses-by-bee (Tumblr site), also, Poses-by-bee (WordPress site). Phone in hand is by Lorandia Sims. (Couldn’t find a link that still works, sorry). Phone on floor is from the Inside My Purse clutter by SIMcredible!
Songs: They, by Jem. (Beginning of the episode). Rocket Man, by Elton John. (End of the Episode).
Title of the episode is inspired by a dialogue from Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Old Man: ¡El sol salió anoche y me cantó! Translator: He says the sun came out last night. He says it sang to him. [Literally: The sun came out last night and sang to me!] Thanks Wikiquote! 🤗 Thanks as well to Reshade. I’m not an expert yet, but at least it saved me a lot of time editing and enhancing photos. 😊 Some of the final effects, though, were made with Photoscape X photo editor. 😉
And of course my thanks to all the readers who have gotten this far with me and my crazy story. Thank you so much! 💗 See you in 2024 for Part 3: To the Moon and Back, (hopefully) 😊
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serverbeast · 23 days
I will work on wordpress website design and development
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Note : If you have any questions watch contact me now.
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