#with all the other robots needing to refuel manually
cherubytes · 5 months
when human soldiers became obsolete and robots began using blood as fuel, would the war recruitment propaganda become centred around donating blood?
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sorry-apsalar · 3 years
Everything's Going to be Okay
First off, this fic contains temporary character death. Everything's going to be okay though, don't worry.
Second, I've been sitting on this fic for months, like half a year maybe. I wanted to write more but this was the only part I was actually interested in writing. I've tried several times to continue and do a more complete thing but it wasn't happening so I've decided to just post this because it's complete enough even if it's not the full story of events following this.
Fry really didn’t want to wake up but the cold metal hand patting his cheek was insistent in drawing him back towards consciousness. “Come on Fry, I know you ain’t dead yet so hurry up and open your eyes already. It can’t be that bad, can it?” There was an odd note to his voice, an emotion Fry couldn’t quite place, especially since he was fairly sure he’d never heard it in Bender’s voice before. Meaning it was probably a good idea to wake up and see what he was upset about.
With a groan, Fry forced himself to open his eyes. He was leaning back against an uneven wall. Bender hovered over him, one hand out stretched to tap Fry’s check, the other held a lantern, its light dim and lens cracked, it was seemingly the only source of light in whatever space they were currently in. A large splotch of something wet and red was smeared across Bender’s front, it looked an awful lot like blood but that didn’t make sense because robots didn’t bleed.
“You’re awake,” Bender said as he withdrew his hand from Fry’s face. He sounded… relieved? “That means you’ll be fine, right?”
Fry wanted to push himself up a bit further but… the fact that everything seemed to hurt told him not to. “What happened?” They’d been going into a scary looking cave to deliver a package to the client who’d ordered it who was supposedly inside. Presumably they were still in that cave since they certainly weren’t outside. So… what had happened? A cave-in perhaps? That would explain why it was so dark and perhaps why Fry had been unconscious.
“It was a trap. Those bastards tried to kill us. They failed though, look see, even the lantern survived.” Bender gestured with it, making it sway back and forth a bit harder than Fry was comfortable with given how it was their only source of light.
“Why’d they try to kill us?”
“How should I know? It doesn’t matter though because they blew the fucking cave up on top of us and now we’re trapped behind a damn wall of rocks and dirt. I’d tell you to dig us but uh…” he looked Fry up and down a grimace, “yeah. That means I have to though. Ugh, I hate manual labor.”
“What?” Fry’s brain seemed to be running slow and the pain made it rather hard to think. Why had Bender been looking at him like that? And why did everything hurt so much?
Bender said something in response but Fry missed it as he looked down at himself at last. He clothing was soaked in something warm and red… blood, he was covered in blood. It was impossible to tell where it was all coming from in the in low light of the damaged lantern but surely it couldn’t all be his, could it? But then where else would it have come from? And further down, his leg lay twisted an odd angle that no human leg was supposed to bend and it might’ve just been his imagination playing cruel tricks on him but it looked like part of his bone was sticking out as well, covered in more blood.
“Fry!” Bender snapped in a tone that suggested he’d been trying to get Fry’s attention for a little bit now. The ‘wet red stuff’ on his front made more sense now; he’d moved Fry to lean him up against the wall. “You hit your hit too or something?”
“Uh… I don’t know.” He honestly had no way of knowing anymore. “But what… how’d this… happen?” He gestured vaguely at himself.
“The explosion and shrapnel and stuff turned your soft meaty body into swiss cheese. It didn’t do much to me for obvious reasons.” He hit a fist against his chest, making a hollow clang. “And a big boulder landing on you fucked up your leg. You were lucky though because it probably would’ve killed you if it had hit you somewhere else. But you’ve survived some pretty bad stuff in the past. Even if that was with immediate medical assistance, which we don’t have down here, you’ll still survive this, right?” That odd note was back in Bender’s voice as he finished speaking
“Uh… I don’t know.” He certainly didn’t feel like he was going to be all right after this. Though he hadn’t felt that way during all the other times he’d taken serious bodily harm either. But unlike those times there weren’t any doctors nearby with their nigh-on magical healing technologies. They were trapped in a cave on a planet in the middle of nowhere without even basic medical supplies which didn’t bode well for him. But… “I hope so.” Hoping was all he could really do.
A few seconds of heavy silence went by in which Bender was still as a statue before he jerked out of it. “Well, I’m going to get to moving boulders and stuff. Those punks are so going to pay for this as soon as I’m out and uh… I guess after I take you to a doctor too. Call me if you need anything, okay?” He placed the lantern down on the ground next to Fry before turning to leave, presumably heading in the direction of the cave in.
Fry watched him disappear into the darkness, wanting to call him back but… as much as he didn’t want to be alone, his only chance of surviving this was Bender getting him out and to a doctor. So… “I love you,” he called after him instead just in case this was his last chance to say that.
Bender’s footsteps paused. “Is now really the time for being all sappy and stuff?”
“I don’t see why it’s a bad time for it.”
“Fine, I love you too so don’t you dare fucking die or I’ll never forgive you.”
Fry’s small laugh quickly petered out because it hurt too much. “I’ll try my best,” he forced out in a weak voice.
Without Bender there to keep him focused, Fry quickly started having trouble staying awake. Even with the pain every tiny movement and even breathing brought, sleep seemed to beckon him. If he fell asleep now though would he ever wake up? So he fought it. … It was a losing battle though.
It was awfully cold too. So much so, his hands and feet soon began to grow numb from it. Which was odd because hadn’t the planet been rather warm, even inside the cave? He’d complained about it to Leela before heading off with Bender while she stayed back to refuel the ship, using the ship’s backup fuel canisters; she’d told him to suck it up and deal with it. So why did it feel so cold now?
He didn’t want to die in the cold, especially alone. … More like he didn’t want to die at all, there was still so much to see and do. He still hadn’t mastered the holophonor. And there were still so many TV shows left to watch with Bender and video games to play on his phone while avoiding work. And so many other things too. He couldn’t die yet, not like this, he wasn’t ready. … But he’d never would be ready, huh? And he didn’t really have a choice in the matter; he was dying whether he liked it or not and… he didn’t want to do it alone.
“Bender,” he tried to call out but his voice failed him and it came out rather weak instead.
Despite that, the sound of Bender shifting rocks stopped. A few seconds later, he emerged back into the weak lamplight. “What?” The annoyance in his voice and stance were forced. “I’m trying to get us out of here which you should be grateful for since I don’t normally do that type of thing.”
“I… I’m dying,” Fry choked out. “I’m… not going to make it.”
“Nonsense, you’re still breathing so it’s fine. You said so yourself… sort of.”
Fry whimpered as he shook his head. “I’m cold and numb and… it hurts so much. But… I just want to sleep.” He didn’t even have enough energy to be as panicked as he should be. “I don’t got much time left.”
“Well… I’m trying to get us out as fast as I can, what more do you want from me?” Lacking any real energy, Bender’s attempt at callousness failed. He had to know that even if the way to the ship was clear, getting to anywhere with proper medical facilities would take a couple hours at least. Fry was growing increasingly certain he didn’t have that long, let alone however long it would take to dig out of the cave too so…
“I don’t want to die alone.” That had always been one of his biggest fears, that he’d die alone and no one would care. He didn’t have to worry about the latter at least but the former was still scary. “Please Bender I… I… just please… I don’t want to die alone.” That wasn’t too much to ask for, was it?
Still as a statue, Bender stared at him, his expression unreadable, for several seconds before he jerked back into motion. “If that’s the case then I guess I just got to use this sooner than I thought I would.” As he spoke, he opened his chest compartment and reached seemingly all the way to the back to pull something out. A small black metal box. He flipped that open to pull out a rectangular object with a switch on it and wires coming out either end of it. One of which ended in what looked an awful lot like the brain scan caps in science fiction movies.
“What’s that?” Fry asked as Bender leaned over to put it on him.
“Don’t worry about it. Just… trust me when I say everything’s going to be okay, all right?” Bender secured it in place under Fry’s chin, tight enough to be uncomfortable. Fry didn’t trust himself to be able to loosen it though so he let it be as Bender sat down to lean back against the wall next to him.
“I love you. You’re the greatest friend I’ve ever had or could’ve ever asked for and the best…”
“What did I just say?” Bender’s annoyance was real this time. “As much as I like it when you acknowledge how great am I, you’re talking like you think this is the end.”
“But… it is.” And Fry was struggling to even stay focused enough to say the things he wanted to say, how much longer before even that was too much for him?
“I told you, everything’s going to be okay so just trust me and shut up already, talking’s a waste of energy.”
Fry did trust him but… he didn’t seem to know what was going on. Was it denial or him not understanding how death worked? Couldn’t be the latter, not solely anyway. Maybe a little bit of both then? Fry didn’t have the energy to explain though.
Bender was fiddling with the wire coming out of the other side of the rectangle thing. It split off into two plugs. One of which Bender opened his chest compartment to plug it into himself or into something else inside him. The other he stared at for several seconds, seemingly unsure what to do with it before shrugging and pulling it into his chest compartment too. He went much deeper with that one, his arm stretching up inside himself.
“What is it?” Fry tried again, having to force the words out. Perhaps if his mind didn’t feel so cloudy he’d be able to come up with even guess but… he had nothing.
Bender didn’t even glance his way as he instead pressed the switch on the box connecting them. A strange hum filled Fry’s head, loud but not unpleasant, especially since it seemed to lessen the pain a little, making it even harder to focus and think.
Bender said something that Fry couldn’t quite understand for some reason as he leaned back against the wall and took Fry’s hand into his own, intertwining their fingers. His tone was reassuring though, which was rather unlike him but… it was nice.
Fry squeezed his hand as hard as his failing strength would let him. He wasn’t dying alone or unloved and… that was enough right now.
Fry came to slowly. Something was off though. He opened his eyes to the sight of a cave wall several feet away. It didn’t look normal though, it was like he was looking at it through a night vision camera. Why was he even in a cave? … Right yeah, the delivery mission and then waking up in pain… he’d been dying and now wasn’t? He certainly didn’t hurt anymore which was a huge plus all on it own.
“See? I told you everything would be okay,” Bender said, sounding rather pleased with himself. But when Fry turned his head to the left to look at him to ask what exactly had happened, he wasn’t there. Hmmm… weird.
Fry turned his head to look to the right next and was met with the rather peculiar sight of himself. But everything about that sight was wrong. He was unnaturally stiff and covered in blood, the latter of which made sense based off his recollection prior to waking except for the fact that it looked mostly congealed now. … Dead was the only word that could describe it, he was looking at his own corpse.
He yelped as he pulled away because what the actual fuck? But the corpse – hiscorpse – was holding his hand and wouldn’t let go and… Suddenly he was holding still and looking away, though not by his own volition.
“This is going to be a lot more troublesome than I initially thought,” Bender said, the location of his voice indiscernible
“Bender? What’s going on?” Fry didn’t like whatever it was. But then again he was still here while his body was very dead. Was he a ghost?
“I guess I didn’t exactly tell you what I was doing. But I’m sure even you can figure it out fairly quickly.” Bender’s hand, that was also his own somehow, rose in front of his face to give a small finger wave. Things just kept getting stranger but one thing was pretty clear, he seemed to be in Bender’s body somehow, looking down at himself and seeing Bender’s open chest compartment with the two wires coming out confirmed it.
“I’m a ghost possessing you?”
“Close but not exactly. I downloaded your mind onto my hard drive” As he spoke, Bender carefully pried his hand out of corpse Fry’s stiff grip. It was coated in a thick layer of congealed blood.
Fry shuddered in disgust, looking away again as he tried to shake it off. It didn’t work though; despite being made of metal he could still feel it clinging to him or… more like to Bender.
“Stop that!” Bender reinserted control and tried to wipe it on Fry’s jacket before Fry pulled it back.
“Can we please not touch my corpse? It’s weird and… I don’t like it.” Touching one’s own corpse was not a thing anyone should ever even be able to do, let alone actually do if given the chance.
“It’s not really you anymore so why does it matter? But fine, whatever, if you insist. Let me take this off though.” Bender at least had the kindness to let Fry continue to look away as he reached over to take off the wired cap off Fry’s corpse. He then unplugged himself from the device, a rather odd feeling sensation, before putting the whole thing back in its box and then that back in his chest compartment.
“Why didn’t you tell me that that thing was going to download my mind or whatever?” Fry asked as he wiped off what could of the blood on Bender’s hand onto the rocks making up the floor – which wasn’t as effective as he would’ve liked but what else could he do? “That would’ve been a huge comfort, you know.” Knowing he wasn’t going into oblivion would’ve made the whole dying thing a lot less scary and upsetting. And it’s not like Bender didn’t have enough time to explain, he’d had plenty.
“In case you refused.”
“Why would I ever refuse?”
Bender shrugged as he stood up. “Humans and other living things are peculiar about their bodies for some reason. I’ve heard of instances where your kind have refused stuff like that in the past so I wasn’t taking any chances.”
“Well, those people were dumb.” Fry would’ve never even considered refusing such a thing even if sharing a body with his boyfriend was really weird and seeing his own corpse was all kinds of horrible that he’d probably have nightmares about later. “Is this like a permanent situation though? Are we going to be in the same body forever?”
“Fuck no. As much as I love you, I need me time sometimes too so I’m transferring you to your own body as soon as possible when we get home.”
Good, Fry wasn’t a huge fan of sharing a body either. He wanted his own body, preferably the one he’d had before. That wasn’t an option though so he’d take what he could get. … But then again, he’d presumably be uploaded into a robot, basically making him a robot, right? That would be pretty awesome. Heck actually, he was technically a robot now, wasn’t he?
“Can I bend something? … If that’s all right with you?” It was Bender’s body and he really didn’t want to impose, especially since taking on Fry like this was probably not his idea of a good time but he’d always admired Bender’s strength and now that was kinda his so… he really badly wanted to bend something just because he could now.
Bender sighed and fondly shook his head – conversing with him when they were in the same body was really weird. “Sure, if there’s something around here to bend, you can bend it.”
Fry looked around, carefully avoiding glancing at his corpse. Unfortunately, they were in a natural cave and thus the only thing around was rock wall and the boulders and stuff, making up the cave-in, nothing all that bendable. Well, there was the lamp, its battery had run out while they’d been ‘sleeping’. Still careful not to look directly at his corpse, Fry located it and snatched it up off the ground.
Its already cracked lens shattered as he bent it with ease. It was only a small lantern but it was still made of pretty sturdy metal and he could bend it all out of shape in any and every way he pleased. It might as well have been putty in his hands.
Bender kindly let him play with it for a while before interjecting. “As much fun as this is, we really need to get out of here.”
“Right uh… yeah.” Fry opened Bender’s chest compartment and quickly placed the mangled, unrecognizable remains of the lantern inside. That was another something he’d always wished he could do. It was like having a giant pocket, one he didn’t have to worry about stuff falling out of or being pick-pocketed. “How do we get out?”
“I don’t know, maybe the same way we came in.” Bender turned to face the rockslide. In hindsight, that had been a rather stupid question. “So get to digging meatbag. … I guess I can’t really call you ‘meatbag’ anymore, huh?”
“Nah, you can still call me that if you want to.” It would be weird if Bender didn’t occasionally call him that after all the years he’d been doing it.
“All right then meatbag, get to work.” Bender pointed to the cave in but made no move to start digging them out himself. “But then again, you doing it would technically be the same as me doing it and you’re already dead so there’s no need to rush anymore. So, actually let’s just wait for Leela to come save us instead.”
Under normal circumstances, Fry would’ve been more than willing to go with that plan. Even now it was tempting but his corpse was only a few feet away and he’d rather not think about that or the fact that it would probably start rotting soon and that was not something he wanted to see any part of. With all that hovering over him like an oppressive cloud, he wanted out of here as soon as physically possible. So, he stepped forward to start of the rock pile. “I think I’d prefer to dig out.”
“Really?” Bender groaned. “Fine, whatever, I’m not helping though.”
Bender’s initial attempt at digging out had cleared only about enough to be noticeable. Despite how long it had felt to Fry at the time, he clearly hadn’t been long at it before Fry had called him back. But Fry was making good progress. Up until he started to feel dizzy anyway, messing with his coordination and balance. It was almost like he was starting to get tipsy or something.
“That’s enough,” Bender said, breaking his silence as he took back control of his body. Fry’s instinct was to fight that because he wanted out of here but it was Bender’s body, he was just a temporary passenger.
Bender stepped back from the cave in but thankfully didn’t turn around. He opened his chest compartment and somehow knew just where to reach to pull out a beer. He downed the whole thing in one go and instantly Fry felt better. Right yeah, because robots ran on alcohol. After tossing the empty bottle aside, he pulled out another and down that one too, finishing with a flame belch.
“And that’s the last one,” he said as he tossed the bottle off somewhere too. “So no more digging or we’re going to run out of fuel faster.”
“I thought you always carried a lot of extra bottles though, especially when we go out on missions.” They’d all been in enough crazy situations by now to bring extra everything they needed when going out. Especially when it was to a particularly distant planet as this one had been.
“Yeah, I do, but do you have any idea how much power it takes to upload a human mind into anything, especially when it needs to be done quickly? And it’s not like there’s an outlet anywhere nearby so all that power had to come straight from me. So you better be grateful, especially since I have to put up with you in my body for who even knows how long.”
“Oh uh… I guess that would probably take a lot of power, huh? Thanks, I… really appreciate this, like a lot.” More than he knew how to put into words; if Bender hadn’t done this, he’d be… who even knows what or where, probably oblivion would be his guess. But instead he got to continue to exist after death. This didn’t count as being alive anymore though, did it? He was still dead, his corpse was mere feet away, just not gone. That was… creepy to think about so he wasn’t going to anymore. “You’re really awesome for doing this for me.”
Bender chuckled smugly. “Yep, I’m great and awesome.”
Fry wanted to hug him but… well actually he could sort of. So, he did, he was hugging himself too but it still counted, right? Especially since it was Bender’s body.
“This is really weird,” Bender said but didn’t put a stop to it. When Fry got his own body, he’d be sure one of the first things he did with it was give Bender a proper hug, for now though, this would have to do.
“What if Leela assumes we’re both dead and thus doesn’t even try to dig us out?” And thus they would be trapped in here until Bender ran out of fuel and then what would happen next? … They’d die, right? Meaning Fry would die again. He wasn’t ready to face death again, not so soon after the first time.
“Yeah, no, that’s not going to happen. She’ll know I survived so she’ll at least want to dig me out.”
That was a fair point actually but it only calmed Fry’s nerves for a short time because… “What if the assholes who attacked us went after her too and now she’s also dead or dying and…”
“This is Leela we’re talking about here. You really think she’d let those chumps get the best of her?” Another good point.
“But… but…” On top of not wanting to potentially die again Fry also really wanted out of here. He wasn’t normally plagued by claustrophobia or anything like it but the longer he spent in the presence of his slowly rotting corpse, the more he wanted away from it. Refusing to look in its general direction didn’t make him any less aware that it was there. “Look at how much progress we made? Surely we’re almost out. I bet if we cleared just a few more rocks we’d begin to see…”
The ground shook beneath them accompanied by a loud but muffled boom. Whatever it was also raised a cloud of dust from the cave-in as it shifted, most of it collapsing outward away from them. It didn’t clear it, not even close, but it did make as sizeable hole in it through which light could be seen. Not sunlight but a lantern, its light growing stronger as the person holding it stepped into the breach. It was Leela of course.
“See I told you,” Bender said smugly before starting for her. “It’s about damn time you showed up. We’ve been trapped for ages.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. I kind of had to deal with an army of aliens trying to kill me and steal the ship. And then I had to steal some explosives because the ones we have the ship were too powerful and probably would’ve made the cave in worse and possibly crushed you guys. All that kind of took a…” Leela paused as Bender pulled them up onto the rock next to her. “Is that blood on your chest?”
“Yep, and hand.” Bender lifted the hand still coated in Fry’s dried blood. “I need a shower.”
“Where’s Fry? Is he okay?”
“That depends on your definition of ‘okay’.”
Leela stepped past them to jump off the rock. Which unfortunately was far enough into the cave to allow the circle of her lantern light to reach Fry’s corpse. She gasped and presumably ran over based off the sound of her footsteps but Fry didn’t see because no way was he looking in that direction anymore. Instead he focused on the cave wall on the other side.
“He’s dead.” Leela’s voice was full of grief and shock. Fry truly hadn’t died unloved, he had friends who cared about him too.
“Yep,” Bender said, “but don’t worry, he’s…”
“How can you be so indifferent to this?” Leela was almost yelling. “I thought you loved him. How can even you be so…”
It was Fry’s turn to interrupt now because the last thing Bender deserved was Leela’s ire. “It’s fine, I’m fine. Well… I guess that does depend what your definition of ‘fine’ is because I am still dead which is… pretty awful and disturbing and scary. But… other than that I’m fine.”
There was a heavy beat or two of silence before Leela found her voice again. “W-what?”
“This is what you get for not letting me finish Leela.” Bender crossed his arms and tapped his foot in annoyance but thankfully respected Fry’s desire to continue to stare the wall and not look in that direction. “Before he died, I uploaded his mind onto my hard drive. So he’s basically sharing a body with me now.”
“Oh uh… but how? I thought the technology to do that kind of thing was super expensive and not portable.”
“Well, I stole a prototype portable version.”
“Wait, that thing was only a prototype?” Fry had assumed it was tested and safe. “What if it hadn’t worked?”
“You wouldn’t be here right now, duh.”
“Well uh… I guess that’s good,” Leela said. “Why’d you put him into your body though? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to carry something else around for that purpose?”
“I did but I didn’t think I’d have to use it any time soon and filled that flash drive up with porn. So when he was dying I had to decide if I wanted to delete all that porn or delete a few extraneous things from my hard drive and deal with sharing a body for a little while. It’s a lot of porn, most of it good too, so it wasn’t really a hard decision.”
“What’d you delete to make room for me?”
“The last traces of the code meant to make me follow the Laws of Robotics and a few other things so unimportant I don’t even remember what they were.”
“What’s the Laws of Robotics?” Fry was pretty sure he’d never heard of such a thing before.
Bender shrugged. “How should I know? I just deleted everything having to do with them other than the name. There’s no way I ever followed them though so it doesn’t matter. Now let’s get out of here, I’m so done with this cave.” He turned and started for the exit.
“What are we going to do about Fry’s body though?” Leela called after them. “Is okay to just leave it?”
Fry halted, earning a small annoyed sound from Bender but this was important. He still didn’t look over his shoulder at Leela as he answered her though. “Burn it and spread my ashes on the moon.”
“Why?” Unsurprisingly Bender didn’t understand. That was fine though, he didn’t need to, to follow Fry’s wishes.
“Because the very few times I thought about what I wanted to have happen to my body after I died, that was what I decided I wanted. It’s in my will.”
“All right Fry. We’ll burn your body. Bender and uh… Fry let’s go get some stuff for burning from the ship.” As she spoke, Leela climbed back up onto the rock next to them and led the way out.
“What else is in your will?” Bender asked as he followed.
“All my stuff is supposed go to you, except my space heater and all my food, that goes to Leela.”
Bender chuckled. “Sounds good to me, we don’t need the heater anymore anyway, especially since I still have the one installed in me. I don’t know what I’ll do with any of your junk but it doesn’t matter.”
“Wait what? No! I’m still here so my stuff going to you doesn’t really count.”
“Nope, too late, you died and already brought your will up for this weird moon thing of yours so all your stuff’s mine now.”
In hindsight Fry probably shouldn’t have even said anything about that part of his will but it was too late now. Though, it didn’t really matter much anyway, Bender had always had a ‘your stuff is my stuff’ attitude that had only grown stronger since they’d started dating. So really, Bender being the legal owner of all his stuff probably wouldn’t change much. … Sharing a body for however long they would have to probably would though. Being transferred to his own robot body would certainly change stuff too. In how many different ways though? … That wasn’t something he needed worry about yet. For now he was just glad to still exist.
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teslaoutsourcing · 3 years
Automation: Future of Construction Business
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The Construction Industry is probably one of the biggest industries all over the globe, with a yearly market capitalization surpassing $10 trillion. With that being said, even though the industry possesses tremendous potential to grow by leaps and bounds it is still facing pertinent issues globally. Factors such as deficiency of talented laborers, slow advancements in industry, and considerable wastage of resources along with the age group of laborers are playing a crucial factor in hindering the industry’s progress.
Automation has already influenced most of the industries all over the globe. And it is pretty ironic that the AEC industry which is in dire need of adapting automation is the one that is far away in the race, considering it being one of the most labour intensive industries. Relying on automation could revolutionize the processes of the construction sector to a great extent and solve most of the problems which the construction firms all over the world are currently facing. Many firms who have already adopted the innovations have speculated that automation really addresses the future of construction business. This blog will take you past 5 major domains through which automation can penetrate the construction industry for the greater good.
 1. Robotics in Concrete Works
Robotization and automation in construction can be utilized to increase productivity and accuracy. Automated frameworks can now be utilized to blend concrete, lay the concrete, polish floors, and eliminate surface water. Robots are capable of performing great danger assignments (like destruction and working at great heights). Employing robots in repetitive and highly-complex tasks can increase the overall efficiency of the process while ensuring workers’ safety.
Lately, various robots have influenced construction industry. The world's first 3D-printed steel bridge was helped by a robot with 3D-printing functionalities. A versatile mechanical arm controls a 3D-printer and makes developments based on a bunch of prearranged directions and specifications. Robots have likewise been utilized to lay a whole road at a time which can work on the speed, quality and general effectiveness of different development projects.
Demolition robots have appeared to be in the industry as of late. Despite the fact that they aren't just about as fast as human demolition teams, they still make the task a lot more secure while simultaneously decreasing the expense significantly.
2.      BIM
 BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a 3D model process used to create and manage information on a construction project throughout its lifecycle. However, there is not enough clarity on the same. There are myths as to BIM being just a design program, but in actuality BIM Modeling Services offer a lot more than just designing. BIM provides the professionals from the construction industry with various tools to design, plan and structure their construction projects by providing relevant information on numerous types of data like time, costs, facilities etc.
By implementing BIM automation and scripting tools the project output can be enhanced with utmost accuracy, reduced cost & time, ease in cross discipline coordination.
The overall impact of BIM for all the stakeholders of any construction project is immensely beneficial. By using Architectural BIM Services architects and designers can validate and develop their design ideas in a digital environment before actual on site construction. They can produce better error free drawings and documentation. Project managers can better visualize, plan and execute the design more effectively by using BIM. All these factors enable the project design and construction team to pass on the benefits of better design, time and cost to the client.
3.    Drones to Conduct Job site Inspections & Monitor Inventory
Drones are another noteworthy example of automation, as they are programmed to mechanically check the working on the sites without there being a need for human supervision. Robots can be programmed to consequently check the construction site for any likely dangers, after which the reports can be sent back to a unified control framework.
Utilizing drones permits construction firms to lead pre-project reviews and other significant site observing activities.
These vehicles can be utilized for different causes including:
(1) Getting to areas with dangerous conditions, without having to put human lives on the line.
(2) Studying and observing tasks in great details; and
(3) Drones can also be utilized to examine geographical locations which are inaccessible and possibly dangerous for manual workers to access.
Earlier an individual or a group of investigators would go through days strolling through the construction sites to detect various parameters in order to ensure if the area is safe for construction. Now, with the advent of technology drones can be sent to far off places in order to detect sites, look out for possible danger or problems with accurate information, without having to send number of workers at the construction site.
4.    Immersive Technology for visualization and better planning
Virtual reality frameworks are a leading example of automation in construction. Regardless of whether it be 3D printed houses or drones finishing site investigations, innovation is changing the construction business in new and invigorating manners. For the construction industry, 3D reality innovation can possibly take care of business in a more secure, quicker and less expensive manner than it has ever been. Below we describe what innovation in construction looks like today and what can it offer the industry.
There are two parties who tend to benefit the most from the utilization of VR by means of immersive technology.
· Clients can utilize VR to visualize the building before construction and provide feedback wherever they require changes.
· Service providers can utilize VR to work all the more proficiently and successfully by providing detail oriented visualization experience to the clients and providing good client experience.
It's in fact worth mentioning that VR can be utilized to portray two detailed segments of data. By using VR arrangements like LiDAR checking, point cloud planning programming and CAD programming, 3D rendered models of spaces can be produced and investigated in a VR climate – the outcomes of which are of extreme help.
5.    Sensors for collecting and processing data
Sensors are the key gadgets that make automation conceivable. These gadgets can take constant readings of area, temperature, pressure and different conditions. Sensors allow construction firms to mechanize a wide range of machines and robots as per their inclinations. IoT can empower more availability and proficiency.
Power and fuel utilization may bring about wastage if not effectively overseen, and that will affect the general expense of the task. Through the accessibility of ongoing data provided by IoT, it becomes conceivable to know the situation with each resource, to plan support, stops or refueling and turning-off idle equipment.
The reception and incorporation of automation in construction sector might be the best chance for the industry to flourish in the coming decades.
#BIM #automation #Construction #Future #Architectural #Architects
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wit-egde · 5 years
Robots. How’d they be?
Now... let there be no doubt, that I like the Human = Space Orc genre. And I do recall reading about robot being able to blush, due to them having to process unfamiliar situation would make their processors run hotter. Granted if a robot started blushing, to the point that it was isible in the visible spectrum, I’d prefer to be atleast 3 meters away, to avoid the infrared radiation, that would come from that. Plus, I would question the life-expendancy of the robot, if it blushed a lot. Anyway, I started thinking... (I know... it’s dangerous). How else would a robot be able to express emotional like tells, or physical signs of having excerted itself? And that thought pattern could become scary the further down we go. Because it involves a lot of heat. In a litteral sense. Do note, that I am an IT-professional by trade, so that will show in my analysis. We need to have some assumptions. Advanced AI is invented. So that we can communicate with electronics, without having to worry about writing or speaking in code. Other assumption is that robots/droids/AI have some level of autonomy in society. So... let’s look at what a robot would consist of. Central Processor(s). Short-term memory. (RAM) Long-term memory. (Storage/HDD/SSD/future alternative) Visual Processor(s).  Auditory Procesor(s). Casing. Visual Sensors. Audio Sensors. Articulation motors. Power generator/storage. Cooling Liquids. Lubricant Liquids. Liquid storage(s). Liquid reclamation. Over-pressure vents. Piping. Pumps. Cooling fans. Charger plug(s)/refueling plug(s). Additional plugs for direct interface. So... let us put our smart robot in a given situation. Take inspiration from Futurama and look at Billy West, the hardworking bending unit that had become a farmer on the moon.. It has been doing manual labor and comes back home. How does it look? Well... condensation has formed on the outer casing dripping down to the reclamation section, while some of it is evaporating, giving additional cooling. Fans are buzzing with every “breath” the robot takes, to circulate fresh air in for the cooling units and exhaling air, to remove warm air. Joints are creaking slightly, where one can hear pumps working in the robot to circulate coolant and lubricant around it. The robot sit down, slowly cooling off and is now presented with a fuel source in the form of alcohol to recharge the batteries/fuel cells and a smashed chicken, which is reprocessed to lubricant and coolant. The robot seems a bit slow in responding to activity around him, seeming tired, due to his central processor(s) having been throttled down, to avoid over-heating. Also to some extend, if the processors are too hot for a longer period of time, the robot could experience a form of mental incapatisation (head-ache). One of it’s visual sensors are slightly warped from the heat, so it doesn’t see clearly. A replacement is possible, but expensive on the moon, so it is using correcting lenses, as a stop-gap meassure. All it’s work has given it a bit to think about, so it needs to reboot, to transfer data from short-term memory (RAM) to long-term memory (storage). And while it is supposed to reboot, it might aswell go through a resting period, so that the alcohol and chicken can be processed until next day and that the rest of the internal systems can cool down and go through a self-diagnostic, and give the power-storage a chance to recharge, while the rest of the system doesn’t require more power for performance. (Sleeping/resting)
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Robotic Refueling System Market: Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, and Forecasts up to 2030
The report on the global robotic refueling system market provides qualitative and quantitative analysis for the period from 2017 to 2025. The report predicts the global robotic refueling system market to grow with a CAGR of 45.6% over the forecast period from 2019-2025. The study on robotic refueling system market covers the analysis of the leading geographies such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and RoW for the period of 2017 to 2025. The report on the robotic refueling system market is a comprehensive study and presentation of drivers, restraints, opportunities, demand factors, market size, forecasts, and trends in the global robotic refueling system market over the period of 2017 to 2025. Moreover, the report is a collective presentation of primary and secondary research findings.
Request to Fill The Form To get Sample Copy of This Report: https://www.sdki.jp/sample-request-104392 Porter's five forces model in the report provides insights into the competitive rivalry, supplier and buyer positions in the market and opportunities for the new entrants in the global robotic refueling system market over the period of 2017 to 2025. Further, IGR- Growth Matrix gave in the report brings an insight into the investment areas that existing or new market players can consider. Report Findings 1) Drivers • Requirement to dispense different types of fuels with flexibility and safety • The increasing adoption of cost-effective onsite refueling stations for mining haulage trucks 2) Restraints • Legal and safety regulations, and manually-operated fuel caps of existing cars 3) Opportunities • Increase in the adoption of autonomous technology in the automobile sector Research Methodology A) Primary Research Our primary research involves extensive interviews and analysis of the opinions provided by the primary respondents. The primary research starts with identifying and approaching the primary respondents, the primary respondents are approached include 1. Key Opinion Leaders associated with Infinium Global Research 2. Internal and External subject matter experts 3. Professionals and participants from the industry Our primary research respondents typically include 1. Executives working with leading companies in the market under review 2. Product/brand/marketing managers 3. CXO level executives 4. Regional/zonal/ country managers 5. Vice President level executives. B) Secondary Research Secondary research involves extensive exploring through the secondary sources of information available in both the public domain and paid sources. At Infinium Global Research, each research study is based on over 500 hours of secondary research accompanied by primary research. The information obtained through the secondary sources is validated through the crosscheck on various data sources. The secondary sources of the data typically include 1. Company reports and publications 2. Government/institutional publications 3. Trade and associations journals 4. Databases such as WTO, OECD, World Bank, and among others. 5. Websites and publications by research agencies Segment Covered The global robotic refueling system market is segmented on the basis of fuel pumped, payload-carrying capacity, and end-user industry. The Global Robotic Refueling System Market by Fuel Pumped • Gasoline • Natural Gas • Diesel • ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter) • Others (Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Methanol, Biofuel, and Biodiesels) The Global Robotic Refueling System Market by Payload-carrying Capacity • Up to 50 Kg • 50 Kg – 100 Kg • 100 Kg – 150 Kg The Global Robotic Refueling System Market by End-user Industry • Automobile • Mining • Oil & Gas • Marine & Shipping • Aerospace • Military & Defense • Others Company Profiles The companies covered in the report include • Aerobotix • SCOTT Technologies • PLUG POWER Inc. • Airbus S.A.S • The Boeing Company • ABB Group • Fuelmatics • KUKA • Rotec Engineering B.V. • Neste Oyj • Other companies What does this report deliver? 1. Comprehensive analysis of the global as well as regional markets of the robotic refueling system market. 2. Complete coverage of all the segments in the robotic refueling system market to analyze the trends, developments in the global market and forecast of market size up to 2025. 3. Comprehensive analysis of the companies operating in the global robotic refueling system market. The company profile includes analysis of product portfolio, revenue, SWOT analysis and latest developments of the company. 4. IGR- Growth Matrix presents an analysis of the product segments and geographies that market players should focus to invest, consolidate, expand and/or diversify.
The dynamic nature of business environment in the current global economy is raising the need amongst business professionals to update themselves with current situations in the market. To cater such needs, Shibuya Data Count provides market research reports to various business professionals across different industry verticals, such as healthcare & pharmaceutical, IT & telecom, chemicals and advanced materials, consumer goods & food, energy & power, manufacturing & construction, industrial automation & equipment and agriculture & allied activities amongst others.
For more information, please contact:
Hina Miyazu
Shibuya Data Count Email: [email protected] Tel: + 81 3 45720790
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runridedive · 5 years
BMW i3 – Simply electrifying
In life there are things you must appreciate. Tastes may differ but in the end we all have a favourite food and drink.  A favourite holiday destination and a happy place where we can retreat to gather ourselves or formulate our thoughts into meaningful plans to make the most of our opportunities. Once in a while you might even discover a rather special motorcar. The BMW i3 is in no way unique because it is electric but it is the first all electric car we’ve ever driven and there are a few things one should know before setting off on a journey in such a vehicle.
Firstly, the BMW i3 is actually a thing of beauty. It’s beautiful in the ugly duckling sense though and you need to learn to appreciate it’s beauty.
Interior and Exterior
The interior is very unlike any BMW I have ever driven before. It’s all about space-age lightweight materials pressed into shapes of convenience rather than sculpted into beautiful creations we are accustomed to and that’s beautiful in it’s own way, just unusual to us. Electric cars don’t have a gear lever between the seats or a driveshaft tunnel down the middle of the car. The floors are usually flat which provides more space for passengers and their various packages.
Notice how cleverly the volume dial and channel buttons are placed along the top of the radio to save space and how the screen sits further back on the dash to use the depth of the dashboard. With this in mind it seemed a little odd that the BMW i3 only had useful bootspace at the back, the front loading area being completely consumed by the charge cables and other oddities associated more with home appliances than cars. Not serious though, with the limited range of the i3 you’re probably not packing for a major journey anyway. More about the range a bit later.
The upright driving position makes visibility all round really good, something quite similar to the X range of vehicles. If there is a consideration, like all BMW’s, the infotainment screen sits like an afterthought on the rather deep dashboard.
The BMW i3 is a striking car. You’re not going to confuse it with any other vehicle on the road. The shape is just unique. Sort of a cross between a small SUV and a small van and yet very attractive.
In the photo below you can see how thick the doors are. I’m quite sure the batteries and electric motors make up quite a considerable amount of weight but BMW have gone to extraordinary lengths to keep all other weight down, except the safety cell for the passengers. The body panels feel like plastic all the way round to rear tailgate which felt like glass to the touch.
Back to the photo, the wheels are glorious. Even standing still they create an illusion of forward motion and they are shod with super thin 19″ rubber, another weight saving tactic. You can also see the molded seats in profile and the manual handles to adjust them. Every electric motor adds weight and in an electric car, crucially, requires power which diminishes range!
The steering wheel is quite simple for a modern car. Indicator stalk behind the wheel to the left, gear changer for the automatic box to the right. Yup, the D P N R labelled stalk with the start/stop button is the all important one. On the steering wheel you’ll find the cruise control setting buttons, the radio and phone controls, the hooter and the airbag. All very economical and nicely packaged with the ‘instrument cluster’ screen visible through the top of the wheel.
What’s it like to drive
The first time I switched on the BMW i3 I wasn’t really sure if it was on. I was in the car looking at the options on the infotainment system, setting up the bluetooth, fiddling with the radio stations and the usb player with the aircon on but never heard the car running. This is something you learn to love. The silence is remarkable.
The acceleration is also quite remarkable. You’re not going to run with the GTi crowd but zero to 100 in about 7 seconds doesn’t put you far behind and the way the petrol price is going, only the rich can robot race anyway. Speaking of expensive, the BMW i3 is pricey. As tested the vehicle would set you back R 753 000 but it does include a hefty R 115 700 of extras.
Most notable extras,
BMW interior design suite
Navigation system, professional
Glass sunroof
Park assist
Turbine styling 428, 19″ mixed tyres
Harman kardon sound system
R 43 700
R 14 500
R 14 300
R 14 000
R 12 300
R 9 300
Another feature, although not unique to BMW, is the electronic park brake. It’s located between the front seats behind the navigation wheel, which in turn is behind that great 20th Century invention, the cup holders.
BMW i3 charging at Melrose Arch
The BMW i3 is like your cellphone, the more you use it, the faster the battery depletes. In eco mode you start with a maximum range of 250km. I found eco mode to be more than adequate when buzzing, almost silently, along the motorways but once into busier stop start traffic, I found the range dropping quite steeply regardless of the mode. In simple terms, pulling off requires a lot more energy than cruising and multiple starts drain the battery faster. Back to the range, 250km is a long way to walk but it isn’t a particularly long way to drive in South Africa. To put it into perspective, the Comrades marathon is 90km. You’d be approaching a flat battery in any mode but eco if you drove from Durban to Pietermaritzburg and back in a day.
Refueling is a bit of a task if you want to use the quick charge stations unless you happen to work near one. Charging at home is an option via traditional 3 pin plug with the equivalent of a trickle charger but it requires a 10 hour charge to reach 80% compared to the quick charge stations 45 minutes to 80%. The third, and in my opinion most attractive option, is a solar powered charger which can be purchased from BMW to home or office charge without relying on Eskom. Imagine calling into work to say I can’t get to the office because we had loadshedding. Even worse, you call your beloved and advise you might not make it home because you were not able to charge due to cable theft. The third world certainly throws up some interesting situations for first world technology ideas.
BMW i3 visiting a famous landmark
We really enjoyed the BMW i3. It’s a vehicle that points to the future of motoring. There will be refinements along the way. Possibly we will see other fuel technology coming into play like hydrogen or liquid gas but what we know for certain, the electric car is not only plausible it is here now and it’s quite magnificent in how clever it is.
Would you be in pole position for the robot grand prix? I don’t know. But you might well be a pioneer in the electric motor vehicle field if you bought one.
In Europe there is a BMW i3 version fitted with a range extending 9 litre petrol tank. This may be the one to buy considering our precarious electricity network situation.
The post BMW i3 – Simply electrifying appeared first on Run Ride Dive.
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