#wip that i may/may not go back into; but i'm releasing into the wild for now!
playerkingsley · 1 year
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Chetney: Life can be long. It can be short, but boy, it can really be long sometimes.
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morningstargirl666 · 2 months
So, this is part of some flashbacks of the new chapter 10 of tbbw, first draft but still...I may have dumped the angst glitter on the Mikaelsons. Particularly Elijah. Oops.
[shrugs in a what-can-you-do gesture]
However, the reason this flashback has been added in the edits is because it also helps set up next plot arc I'm going to be writing from chapter 36 onwards. So like, take from that what you will - you guys know I love a good teaser.
Pisa, Marquisate of Tuscany, Italia. Le Estate, 1114 A.D.
“KOL!” Elijah yelled, struggling to rip the sharp, broken chair leg from his brother’s grip, yanking it away only to face another battle - stopping Klaus from grabbing anything else. “HELP ME HOLD HIM!”
“Elijah, please, don’t let them do this to me-” Klaus begged, eyes wild and unseeing, lost to yet another hallucination. 
“KOL!” Elijah screamed again, just as their brother appeared around the corner, cursing upon seeing the scene, Klaus’ chambers in disarray, tables and chairs toppled where he had tried to fashion the wood into stakes. Elijah wrapped his arms firmly around Klauss chest, holding him back and leaning forward to hiss in his ear. “Niklaus, we’re only trying to help, you are hurting yourself-”
Kol rushed to Elijah’s side, leaping over the toppled chairs to grab Klaus as he thrashed in Elijah’s arms.
“Please, I can’t! Don’t let her take him from me-”
Kol glanced between his brother and Elijah, grimacing as Klaus tried to slip out of his grip, nearly succeeding - he had always been stronger than his siblings. “What is he talking about?”
Elijah shook his head. “I don’t know, he’s not lucid-” He swallowed, trying to catch Klaus’ eye. “Brother, please, we don’t mean to harm you-”
“NO!” Klaus roared, lashing out and throwing his elbow back, right into Kol’s face, smashing his brother’s nose on impact. In the next moment, he’d pushed Kol with so much force his brother was thrown across the room, slamming into shelves and cracking the wall. Kol fell to the floor, blood dripping from his brow. Eyes wide, Elijah’s grip slipped and his brother nearly managed to flash away but he caught his jacket at the last second, snagging the fabric and hauling Klaus by the neck into the wall behind them.
“NIKLAUS!” he bellowed, pinning him across the stone and shaking him for good measure. “That is enough,” he snarled.
Klaus shrank away, terrified, frantically shaking his head, so terribly unlike him that it made Elijah pause. For the first time, he noticed the tear tracks on his brother’s cheeks.
“I can’t lose him, please, don’t let her take the wolf away-” he begged, but he wasn’t looking at Elijah, but to the side, talking to whatever hallucination standing there. “Please, ‘lijah, don’t let them do this to me-”
Elijah’s grip slackened, his anger exhaling from his body in a single flood of horror. He remembered the night Klaus was currently reliving, remembered the heat of mother’s fires, the roar of Mikael’s orders. His hands pinning Klaus down, enclosing his wrists in tight shackles, and eventually, Elijah doing the same. 
Now, Elijah looked down at his hands, clenched around his brother’s shoulders, holding him down and suddenly felt sick, releasing his brother as if burned.
“Brother, I-” 
Klaus didn’t give him the chance to work through the ball of emotion in his throat, releasing a yell of fury, grabbing Elijah and flashing them both across the room, slamming him into the opposite wall. Elijah gasped, looking down where Klaus’ hand had impaled his chest, fingers grasped around his heart.
“You took everything from me,” his brother snarled, eyes bleeding red, seeing not his brother, but another enemy entirely. Even so, it felt like he was saying the words to Elijah all the same. His grip tightened, fingers squeezing around Elijah’s heart and in that moment, he didn’t doubt Klaus would tear it from his chest. 
Suddenly, hands grasped the side of Klaus’ head and his neck snapped to the side, body falling to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Kol stood behind him, his chest heaving with adrenaline, nose bloody as he stared down at her brother’s unconscious body in shock and horror. Elijah slumped against the wall, a hand over his chest where the wound was already beginning to heal, sliding to the floor.
Neither of them moved for a long while. ______________________________________________________________
Elijah bolted the door to the cell shut, glancing through the barred window of the door to Klaus inside, their brother laid out on the cold, straw-lined floor where they had left him. There was no furniture for him to break and use as stakes, no windows and curtains to open and let in sunlight, the daylight ring on his brother’s finger noticeably absent. Elijah didn’t know where he had discarded it this time. He’d have to search through the wreckage in the room to find it.
“Make sure the door remains locked,” he said to Kol, turning to leave the dungeon, a numbness settling into his bones that felt suffocating. “When he wakes, he may try to escape.”
“If that’s what you think is best,” Kol said as he passed him, lips curled in a bitter snarl.
Elijah stopped in the middle of the cells, his entire body freezing as Kol’s words cut into his skin. He hadn’t known how much Kol had overheard upstairs - they had carried Klaus down here in silence, neither of them knowing how to break it. But now, now he knew. 
Skin itching with Kol’s judgement, slowly he turned around, teeth gritted as he looked at his brother, daring him with his glare to speak up. “Do you have something to say to me, Kol?”
Kol looked away from him, fists clenched as he stared instead at the wooden cell door currently locking their brother away.
“Do you know why Finn had to snap my neck to stop me from going after you and Nik that night?” he asked eventually, taking Elijah off-guard. When his gaze met his brother’s, there was agony there that was not unlike Klaus’ own. “Because I understood even then what you were going to help them take from him. Maybe not fully, but I understood enough.”
Elijah swallowed around the ball in his throat, trying not to remember Kol’s wails of grief the night they were turned, and later, Klaus��� screams as his wolf was ripped away. “Losing your magic was not same as what happened to Niklaus-”
“How would you know, Elijah? You were never a witch. And last time I checked,” Kol spat in his face, shoving past him, “You were never one of the wolf-folk either.”
On his way out, Kol slammed the door to the dungeons behind him. Elijah couldn’t stop his flinch.
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samurai-skittle-squad · 8 months
Uh oh, putting a writing WIP up on the Internet? Lmao I'm not very confident in my writing but here's what I've got of Kotone's (and Saburo's) intro. Not the beginning of the story, but very early on.
A little context:
Shu has already run into a fucked up Youja soldier and a classmate of his, a girl named Umeko, may have witnessed some cool supernatural shenanigans. Then Kotone and friends crashed the group meetup.
The giant red gate appeared in the middle of the street, towering over even buildings in a familiar, if unwelcome sight.  It swung open with a terrible groan, releasing slowly drifting fog to tumble silently across the cityscape.
"Awfully quiet." Shin said softly. "There's usually all that wind and noise…"
"No spirits, no soldiers, no ac-!" Shu started to shout, but Seiji hushed him.
Through the clearing fog, the silhouette of a person could be seen. 
It was a girl, but it definitely wasn't Kayura. 
Her clothes were tattered, her white hair thick and wild, the armor she wore was worn and old fashioned. There was a beastly mask covering her face, a snarling thing with huge, curved fangs jutting from the mouth. As she stood there silently, staring them down, they could hear metallic shuffling and dragging.
"Who are you?! Are you Youja?!" Ryo shouted at her, but she continued to only stare forward at them, unmoved.
The metallic sounds grew louder and louder until they could see the shapes of more and more of the warped Youja soldiers staggering up behind her.
Touma drew back an arrow."Last chance. Who. Are. You."
The shuffling abominations halted behind her. There was a tense pause before she extended her arm, pointing toward them. Immediately, everything erupted into chaos. The Youja twisted into animal-like shapes and lept forward with uncharacteristic speed, growling and roaring and gnashing. Crawling over each other and falling in waves of twisted, metal nightmare. One had been bad enough but now there were dozens rushing them like a stampede. Still, the girl stood watching them silently as the horde parted around her.
Shu ran up to Umeko and pushed her into Naste. "RUN!!"
"Byakuen! You know what to do!" Ryo called out to the tiger and Byakuen rushed over to Naste.
"We have to go, Umeko!"
"Go?! Go where? What is going on?!"
"Don't worry! It'll be okay!" Jun hopped on to the tiger's back, followed by Naste, who reached out a hand to Umeko.
"You can't stay here."
Reluctantly, Umeko got onto Byakuen's back and the tiger took off at a full run, leaving the boys to contend with the wave of chaos that erupted from the gate. Some of the metal abominations clashed with them and others poured out into the city. At last as the fighting erupted, the girl stepped forward wordlessly, breaking into a run as she crossed the threshold. Seiji cut through one of the twisted creatures just in time to be set upon by the girl who leapt at him, curved sword in hand. He scarcely had time to guard, but it was still enough for him to raise his sword to block her plunging strike. 
"Seiji!" Touma shouted for him as he drew back an arrow, but a Youja lunged at him, interrupting his shot. "Dammit!"
Seiji managed to push her away, practically throwing her through the air away from him. She fell slowly, landing lightly on her feet as the monsters cleared away from her.
"What have you done?!" Seiji cried but still the girl didn't speak. Instead she charged him again with a flurry of wild swings, snarling like an animal.
"I'll take a vantage point!" Touma called to his friends as he jumped up to a rooftop. As soon as he was up there he took a quick glance around to see how bad things had gotten and down one of the streets he could see Byakuen and ones he'd carried off stopped by a big, long, tan colored animal. He alerted the others as he took aim at one of the Youja beasts."Byakuen has run into some trouble!"
"What is this?!" Umeko cried. "Is this a movie set? Did I stumble on to a movie set?! Am I dreaming?!"
She clung to the tiger's fur, struggling a bit to keep hold. It didn't really seem like he was used to carrying 3 people, even if one of them was just a kid.
"I'm afraid it isn't. It's very real." Naste answered. "Three years ago there was a major incident that occurred in Shinjuku. People thought it was a black out caused by an earthquake. It wasn't."
"Are you serious?!" Umeko asked. "What was it then?!"
"Well…" Naste sighed. "There was a prophecy…"
"A prophecy???"
"Yeah! The guys are really strong! They fought all kinds of bad guys and saved everybody!" Jun shouted excitedly.
"What the hell have I gotten myself into?! You're all crazy-!" Umeko started to say, but she was cut off as she felt something sharp and unseen graze her cheek.
Byakuen suddenly came to a stop and started growling.
"What's wrong Byakuen?!" Jun asked but the tiger continued growling, carefully shuffling backward.
A strange, long creature resembling a weasel emerged from a dark alley. It was huge, bigger than even the tiger, and slowly moving toward them making a strange, low screeching sound.
"Interesting, interesting!" A man's voice spoke, almost seeming to come from the creature. "A traitor and a couple of human stragglers, eh? Scouting can wait, I want to sharpen my claws!"
"Who are you?! What are you?!" Naste cried.
"Ain't it obvious, woman?" The weasel lifted it's head and almost seemed to laugh. "I'm a weasel! A little beast you humans like to call kamaitachi! Quick as the wind and sharp as a sword!"
"Kamaitachi?!" Jun shouted."Like the yokai?"
"Yeah, kid!" The weasel laughed. "A yokai! A scary ol' monster! Except I'm here to do a lot worse than just give you a little scratch!"
Naste grabbed onto Umeko, and she and Jun jumped off Byakuen. The tiger leapt at the kamaitachi with a great deal of strength, swiping at him with claws extended. The giant weasel jumped back and knocked the cat away with a heavy swing of his tail. He reared up, teeth bared and his claws growing strangely long.
"I'll tear you all apart!!"
He jumped at them with a screech but was struck across the snout by Shu's staff. 
"What the hell is going on here?! What are you supposed to be?!" 
Ryo ran up next to Byakuen, placing a gentle hand on the tiger's back. "Are you okay, Byakuen…?"
The tiger shook his head and chuffed softly.
The weasel snorted and bared his teeth."Who are you calling an overgrown worm, you outrageous house cat?!" 
Byakuen roared back, stepping forward in front of Ryo as if to protect him.
Shin had tried to grab hold of the girl with his spear but she slipped out of its grasp with an effortless jump, landing on the back of one of the monstrous things.
For whatever reason, she avoided him- only dodging his attacks- but charged at Seiji with a surprising amount of speed and strength. It was as if she were after him specifically.
"Seiji, I get the impression she doesn't like you in particular!" 
Seiji sighed as he cut through a smaller Youja beast, the girl beginning to circle him from several yards away. "I've noticed that too. It's as if she isn't interested in fighting you." She paced around him, furious eyes gazing at him from the eye holes in the mask.
"I'm not sure if I feel insulted or flattered."
She charged at Seiji again but was stopped by several of Touma's arrows cutting off her path in a line. Growling in frustration she changed direction and circled around a large beast and rushed by under its chin, toward Seiji again. Keeping low this time, she swung upward and he deflected but it put him off balance. He stepped back to regain his footing and she pushed forward, turning her wrist to swing downward at him in close quarters. He had to lean backwards awkwardly to avoid her swing, the sharp edge of her sword grazed across his armor with a spray of sparks.
"Seiji! Back up!" Shin cried, pointing his spear at the girl. Seiji staggered back as quickly as he could before a column of water rushed by, crushing Youja in its path and slamming into the girl and forcing her away.
She stood back up, drenched head to toe, coughing and staggering and struggling to stay back on her feet. The Youja beasts swarmed between her and them, growling and swinging weapons with extra, misplaced arms. One lunged at Shin, biting onto one of his arms and grabbing his spear with a free, unwarped hand. Several of Touma's arrows struck the thing and it collapsed into a heap of metal and a plume of fetid smoke.
A sigh of relief escaped Shin. "These things are so…vicious? They don't fight like people anymore. Something is very wrong here."
Seiji shifted back into a defensive stance and watched the girl wearily. She put her hand against her mask and shook the water from her hair. 
"Well…" She spoke at last, still sputtering. "I admit that was unexpected. But I'm not interested in fighting you, yet."
"So you can understand us!" Seiji shouted back at her. "Not very interested in talking though, are you?"
The girl shrugged. "Not here to talk."
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bumblerhizal-art · 2 years
WIP “Wednesday”
Tagged by and tagging back @heniareth @badartxd @siriskulksnerding @oxygenforthewicked and @wild-houseplant
I sure let this one pile up eh lol
Of course the new Pokemon game release tomorrow is coinciding with the return of my creative energy, but i’m going to get this posted before i enter that fugue state since it’s at a good stopping point regardless
Setting their totally chill meet-cute to the tune of a tumblr post that had like 60k notes when i screenshotted it in May which i'm keeping secret til i'm ready to post the finished piece :3c
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satans-codpiece · 6 months
I was not expecting EY epilogue to be so short or come out so quickly and neither was I prepared for it. Tbh you should rename it to "How to fuck up an audience in 600 words or less" because HOLY SHIT. I knew it wasn't going to be pretty™ but did you really have to go this hard??? The 2 being all cutesy romantic on a cruise with a burning harbour literally in front of them???? THAT RAM SET ON FIRE????? The tea vendor?????? READER FEELING GUILTY AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION????????
And then you have the nerve to answer that other anon's ask about Ram saying I love you with "haha no he loves you but he has too many issues to admit it out loud" ONLY to then turn out the next day and use it HERE of all places is. God. You bastard-
Oh shit uh.... I kind of realized I don't really have anything laying around in the horny Ram art department (that isn't a total disaster or way, WAYYYY too self-indulgent) sooo.... may I offer you a WIP in these trying times??? Entirely SFW but I feel like it's plenty horny still, just in a different way ;) (Link in another ask again. Btw, you can post the WIP publicly if you feel like the Ramattra nation should see it. I still have no goddamn idea if I should try to revive my abandoned art blog or start a new one or if I should even commit to posting semi-regularly in the first place why are my feelings so fucking complicated on something so basic-)
OH I FEEL YA MAN, same story here, don't care about the game I care about the universe, except I left the franchise entirely ages ago only for Blizz to be like "hey you liked Zen right? Here's his hot angsty younger brother" and I'm like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffuck you Blizzard, and fuck me for falling for that eye and brain candy...
Heard about that "sometime in 2024" release date, THAT AIN'T IT MATEY, could be in December for all we know, I NEED it sooner- But hey, I guess Blizz's laziness means the fans can go wild???
And oooooh you say shit like this keeps you active? Guess I gotta bother you some more then :P Also NEEEEEY you an SSS+ tier writer the heckle you talking about-
HAHAH YEAH FKDJSG So my original draft of it was actually even darker, with more of Reader "waking up" on being released from their room, then spiraling and feeling guilty and only being maintained by the feeling that they have to keep Ramattra in check. So, I think this one's a bit kinder in that Reader's still feeling guilty, but it's easier for them to push away the darkness.
fjdhsgks listen! Again! My original epilogue was darker (I think I didn't have him use it, but I also don't think Reader prompted him to say it?) And to be fair it's more that he has too many issues in that moment at the end of Ch5... and he's kind of settling into accept that you do love him and want ("want") to be there with him by the epilogue... so he can choke it out sometimes.
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Like, yeah idk, it certainly is... difficult to know how to engage with fandom. More than a few times I've wondered if just being in a small, dedicated discord would be a better choice (but then I'm awful at engaging with people directly, so I tend to lurk in discord servers...)
Hah, see, I completely missed Ramattra's release. I played a little bit at OW2's release, so a bit into season 1, then I just stopped playing. I don't think it was intentional quitting. But I somehow completely missed Ramattra's entire existence until I randomly started playing Overwatch again in March/April (I don't even remember why? I think the Minecraft server I was playing revealed itself to be run by morons and I was looking for a game to spend most of my time and just ended up back with Overwatch).
Only to, bam, load into a game with someone playing him and for me to immediately go "oh my god" (and also he gave me headpats and i...... I wonder if that person has any clue what they've done. but then I think most Ram players who give headpats are also Ram Enjoyers.)
gjkhgsd You know that um. that chart that depicts "art quality vs perceived art quality over time"? to show how artists' perception of their work changes as they develop it? I feel like I'm permanently stuck in a "I'm sure my work is fine given the time I've spent working on it as a craft, but it still doesn't look/behave in the way I want it to." groove for like. at least a year.
The last time I genuinely 100% liked something I wrote was uhhhh probably in Februaryish with an unpublished DBD!Wesker/Reader WIP. (The WIP title is Boon: Wesker's Worms LOL)
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Receiving the AO3 notification about your new fic made me so happy! I love your writing, and I'm already on board this new fic. Despite being a newcomer to the COD fandom, I know it's going to be great!
Just out of curiosity and no rush, but I was wondering if you plan to finish your other wips now too?
Oh my goodness Nony, first of all thank you so much!! When I got back on here after being gone for like 3 years I sort of figured I would be starting from scratch in a new fandom. (And was totally ok with that!!)
But there are so many people I recognize from my TOG days who seem to not only remember me, but still want to read my stuff, even if it's in a different fandom??? Wild. Y'all are amazing!
Ok and to your question, short answer: Yes!!!
Long answer: Yes and then some!
I have 2 WIPs from The Old Guard that need finishing. Both of them are plotted and I even have a few chapters already completed for both. So yes, As You Wish AND Indian Joe and the Sword of the First Crusader are both going to be finished. I've set myself the goal of getting them done by the time the sequel comes out.... More reason for them to get us that release date sooner 😜😜
In addition to that I have three series that I had more parts planned for. And I plan on getting those out as well.
Never fear. I may take awhile sometimes, but I never abandon a fic forever. (I have a spn fic I wrote over a decade ago on another account that I didn't finish until last year... It may take me awhile sometimes but I always come through!)
Thank you so much for your ask, and for caring about my writing years later and in a different fandom, it means so so much!!!
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missgeniality · 2 years
tumblr 2021 year end review o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
tagged by: @taegularities, @amourtae and @agustdakasuga, thank you lovelies!
rules : post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released this year (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
lessgeddiiittt <3
1. top 5 works i'm most proud of that i released lastyear:
Keynote - I LOVE the way this fic turned out. It burned me out mid-last year and I'm so happy I pulled my pants up and finished it. It was a WIP that I wanted to finish for so long, I wanted it to be nasty extraordinaire, and I feel like I achieved that so yay!
Opaline Moon - I'm always in love with this. Because a. Jin. And b. it was my first try at a real story I think, and I was pushed out of my comfort zone with incorporating some angst. This is the only fic I love rereading from time to time.
A Date With Destiny - MY FIRST BABY!!! I go back to it sometimes and want to rewrite so many things, but I am always just so happy that I opened Docs and went with this wild dream.
Unicorn Ride - I probably wrote this in a horny daze, in two nights. It feels like a shitpost and I'm so proud of it T_T
“Kittens, They Love To Enslave Us” - It's a milestone drabble that I wrote and I found it to be very difficult, but it was just so fluffy and cute 😭I was veryyyy happy with the way it turned out.
2. top 4 WIPs that i'm excited to release this new year:
Ornaments Of Adour - Coming in a few days! I wanted to badly fill the Namjoon gap in my mlist, and I think I'm done with 60% of it! Very excited <3
Stigma - OH LAWD I WAS SUPPOSED TO FINISH THIS IN OCTOBER MAN I KNOW BOO ME OFF THIS PLATFORM T_T I swear I will be done in Feb/March, all the plotting is through I just need to seat my ass and WRITE.
Strip Lawyer - This is another horny dream with Lawyer!JK. I'm not gonna say much but 😩😤🤯
Dress Down - Just more installments of this series!
3. top 3 biggest improvements in my writing over the past year:
Descriptions have gotten better - I think my smut quality has improved in general.
Better stories? I thought I would write myself a whore nest but somehow, I add SOME SEMBLANCE of a story here and there. ANd HEY, big ups to all sexy writers who write filth pwp - immense respect for you. I just didn't think I would do it LOL
This is not a writing thing, but I think I've gotten better at betaing and understanding someone else's writing style and adjusting my comments accordingly <3
4. top 2 resolutions (wishes to improve writing/blog) for the new year:
Want to write more angst. More feelings. Just more tears. I don't like reading angst but I badly want to write it.
Want to try to not abandon my writing for days just because I wasn't happy with one paragraph. Learn to leave some of the work to editing Siya.
5. number 1 favourite line i've written this year:
Your brain rejects logic, chews and spits it out before any of the rationale seeps into you. You have wanted this for far too long. The need inside you for a meaningful relationship materializes in the form of recklessness, desperately looking for surface-level relief for the moment. A night of sewing sutures to your battle-worn heart, stitches that may come off at the slightest strain - but right now, that will do.
- Opaline Moon. (I'm sorry I know its not a line T_T)
No pressure tagging: @jimilter, @agustdealer, @voiceswithoutlips, @beckysworld7, @sugalaritae, @jeonjcngkook, @moccahobi, @ditttiii, @moonse0k, @kookthief, @sublimebangtan, @yutasthetic, @hobeemin and anyone else who wishes to do this! <3 And if you have done it already pls forgive a blind bich ily 🥰
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thorvaenn · 7 years
Hey! I'm recent to the fandom and wanted to know if there's a MUST READ list anywhere or any really good gems that are unmissable. I've already went thought cavaleira's (almost) whole AO3 account and am still recovering from 'Take the Long Way Home' (like, how soon is too soon for a re-read?). Also, awesome blog :)
So I bring you a mix of genres and there’s both canon and AU fics, basically what I feel really captures the experience of this fandom as I know it. Take the Long Way Home would be very high on that list so you’re already covered there, just linking for other readers. 
Note: 1) Unless I absolutely couldn’t help it, it’s one fic per author but on this list there are MANY very prolific, very talented authors. Please check out their other works too. 2) Some of these are current or even abandoned WIPs. Some stuff is just too good even without an ending.
First you have the list of just titles and authors, then under the cut the same list but with summaries included because this is just so long.
Spoils of War by Fickle_Obsessions 
A Brother’s Treason by dreamlittleyo 
To Be the Anvil by Schaudwen 
Faceless by thefirstwhokneels 
The Old Ways by Clarice Chiara Sorcha (claricechiarasorcha) 
Cavemen Thor and Loki by Icemaidenstory 
Let slip the dogs of war by amberfox17 
The Northern Sea by soltian 
The Ice (and Mistakes and Accidents series) by themantlingdark
Good Inside by glayish 
As if he were the Sun by ohfreckle 
Waiting for the Moon to Rise by cavaleira 
Wild Ambition Fortune’s Ice Prefers by amberfox17 
Dead wings carried like a paper kite by illwynd 
Mad Man by griseldajane 
Make It Go Away, Or Make It Better by rayemars 
Easily by proantagonist 
God of Lies by izazov 
Shadow in the Sun by shadow_in_the_shade 
Something so Magic by thisdorkyficthing 
You Pull Me Out of Line (Make Me Beg and Make Me Chase) by sexualthorientation (sexyscholar) 
Where Shadows Lie by eyeus 
A Poison that Never Stung by thisdorkyficthing 
down to just one thing by helwolves 
Dog inside the heart by thebookhunter 
Wergeld by rayemars 
In Your Heart Believe What In My Heart I Know by umakoo 
Out of the Mouths of Babes by Rynfinity 
Look To The Sky by karuvapatta 
Number One Contender For My Heart by guardianinthesky 
Facing the Vast by needleyecandy 
Crash Into Me by ravenbringslight 
Putting Out Fire by Hermaline75 
Spoils of War by Fickle_Obsessions
A Jotunheim born-and-raised Loki becomes Thor’s prize after a war with the frost giants. Thor is thoroughly smitten, which unfortunately means he’s not too keen to take the slow route. No, the path Thor take has a lot more hair pulling and it’s Loki doing the pulling.
A Brother’s Treason by dreamlittleyo
Thor can tell, by the barely discernible narrowing of Loki’s eyes, that his brother is surprised to see him.
To Be the Anvil by Schaudwen
There is little Loki would deny Thor when his brother comes to him with less than innocent intentions.
Faceless by thefirstwhokneels
There is a special tavern in Asgard where, in complete anonymity, anyone can have their desire granted.Both Thor and Loki share the passion for what the tavern provides - it is only that they don’t know it of each other…
The Old Ways by Clarice Chiara Sorcha (claricechiarasorcha)
Based on a Norsekink prompt in which Thor and Loki get fake-married to avoid a diplomatic incident in the outlands of wild Álfheimr. Except they got real-married. And they’re going to find out the hard way.
Cavemen Thor and Loki by Icemaidenstory
Thor’s tribe destroys another tribe because they couldn’t agree about their territories. Loki, a son of the leader of that tribe, survives, but he gets captured and enslaved.
Let slip the dogs of war by amberfox17
Loki is too far gone, and barely seems able to hear him. The air hums with the charge of his seidr, bottling up inside him, unable to escape so long as he is bound within the enchanted cuffs, and the beast in him is still battle-hungry and furious. He requires release, and since he is not safe to be set free, Thor has only one other kind to offer him.Thor/Loki PWP, in a world where mages must be kept chained and their magic bound: Loki is Thor’s dog of war, unleashed only in the most terrible of battles, and now Thor must deal with the aftermath of setting Loki’s seidr loose.
The Northern Sea by soltian
Lost and freezing in the middle of the ocean, Loki encounters an intriguing and dangerous stranger that seems more likely to make things worse rather than better.
The Ice (and Mistakes and Accidents series) by themantlingdark
They’re twins. Fraternal, obviously. Thor is nine minutes older.
Good Inside by glayish
“Is this supposed to shame me, Thor? I thought you could do better. But I should have known.” Loki bares his teeth and when he speaks into Thor’s ear he makes sure his words bite.
“There’s not enough good in you to take the bad out of me.”
As if he were the Sun by ohfreckle
Thor is a Russian nobleman and Loki is his spoiled rotten consort who’s drenched in jewels and furs and is constantly whispering conspiracies and scandal into Thor’s ear.
Waiting for the Moon to Rise by cavaleira
As the newly crowned king of Asgard, Thor’s life is filled with stress as he as he navigates political intrigue and struggles to figure out what kind of king he wants to be. Desperately in need of a night of relaxation, he finds himself at a brothel he used to frequent in his youth. It’s there that Thor spends an evening in the arms of beautiful courtesan named Loki, and his whole world changes in ways he never could have imagined.
Wild Ambition Fortune’s Ice Prefers by amberfox17
When Thor went storming into Jotunheim he was looking to start a fight, but accidently winds up a pawn in Odin and Laufey’s plans for a permanent peace between the realms; namely, in exchange for the return of the Casket of Ancient Winters, Laufey is offering his firstborn child Loki, the Aesir-sized sorcerer, in marriage to Thor. Such a momentous decision is not to be taken lightly, so Odin sends Thor to live on Jotunheim - without Mjolnir - for a season with Loki, to get to know his prospective consort and to teach the wilful prince some diplomatic sense. Thor is horrified, his parents are insistent and no-one really knows what Loki is thinking, but he hasn’t stopped smiling…Or, a jotun AU arranged marriage worldbuilding fic, featuring a confused Thor, a manipulative bastard Loki, Jotunheim politics, a slow burn developing relationship and a motley arrangement of characters from Marvel and myth.
Dead wings carried like a paper kite by illwynd
In the heat of battle, Loki kills his brother. As soon as Thor lies dead at his feet, though, he realizes this is not what he wanted. So he brings Thor back, and surely all is well again. Right?
Mad Man by griseldajane
When Loki discovers that Thor has seemingly vanished from the nine realms, he uses all the tricks at his disposal to find his missing brother, including teaming up with the Avengers.
In the meantime, Thor is pushed past his breaking point and may have forever lost his way.
Make It Go Away, Or Make It Better by rayemars
It was a normal summer vacation until Thor spotted Loki in his bedroom when his cousin thought he was alone. Then it turned into something else completely; something that upends more than a few family secrets, and changes quite a few things for them both.
Easily by proantagonist
It’s not until Jane dies that Loki finally comes to Thor.
God of Lies by izazov
There are lines no one in Asgard should cross. Not even Asgard’s two princes.
Shadow in the Sun by shadow_in_the_shade
The year is 14 AD, Thor is a Gladiator in the Roman Colosseum, a captive from the wars against Germany, Loki is a Roman Nobleman, or something that looks a lot like it and everything Thor hates. When Loki sees Thor in the arena he knows he has to have him.
Something so Magic by thisdorkyficthing
First the scars, now this. And he bakes. All while looking the way he does.
Loki is dangerously intrigued by Thor.
You Pull Me Out of Line (Make Me Beg and Make Me Chase) by sexualthorientation (sexyscholar)
Thor, a Roman general in the Emperor’s army, becomes infatuated with Loki, a young pleasure slave. Smut ensues. Naturally.
Where Shadows Lie by eyeus
“We could call the enemy ‘Walkers’,” offers Bruce. “Like they do on The Walking Dead.”
Thor thinks they should be called Shamblers or Stumblers instead, but keeps his silence. His teammates might take offense to their iconic television show being referred to as The Stumbling Dead.
A Poison that Never Stung by thisdorkyficthing
Loki is a seventeen year old runaway that gets taken in by Thor. (Thor’s probably gonna regret it)
down to just one thing by helwolves
“Mother always said, the fastest way to a man’s heart is through an unbreakable curse of mysterious origin.”
Dog inside the heart by thebookhunter
Thor and Loki are the children of a dynasty of great actors. Their mother Frigga is a grande dame of the stage and muse of the finest European movie directors, their father Odin is going down in history as the Lawrence Olivier of his time.
Thor and Loki are following on their steps, with everything to prove, to themselves and to the world.
But as they become dragged under the public eye, so does their past, full of secrets and lies.
There are things that not even Thor can protect Loki from.
Wergeld by rayemars
It was springtime, and Thor had taken his men war-faring to seek goods for themselves; but raiding a foreign temple brought him far more than he’d ever imagined–in either goods or trouble.
In Your Heart Believe What In My Heart I Know by umakoo
A Jötunn AU set in Utgård where both Thor and Loki are Jötnar, Thor a blacksmith and Loki the jarl’s youngest son. Their lives become intertwined through friendship, which time shapes into something deeper.
Out of the Mouths of Babes by Rynfinity
“He’s my brother,” Thor says with a shrug. “I don’t expect you to understand.”
He doesn’t. He doesn’t understand any of it himself, after all.
Look To The Sky by karuvapatta
Most of his pleasant daydreams started like this: Asgard in ruins at his feet. And yet Loki felt very little satisfaction as he stepped over the wreckage.
Number One Contender For My Heart by guardianinthesky
Loki has never been into sports, but one day Amora drags him to a pro wrestling event, promising him lots of hot, sweaty guys. He finds himself less than impressed until a particular wrestler named Thor shows up.
Facing the Vast by needleyecandy
England has just declared war on Napoleon, Naval captains are winning their laurels on a daily basis, and Thor’s ship is ordered to the South Seas to seek out a lost scientific vessel. It is an assignment for an old man, but the Admiralty will hear no reason. All hope of glory lost, he takes to sea in a foul temper.
Loki is an artist employed by the naturalist who accompanies HMS Hope on the expedition of rescue and research. He is to make quick and accurate sketches of those plants that catch his employer’s eye. For the first time in his life, the rest of his time is his own.
Back home, their paths never would have crossed, but life at sea is different, and their shared journey brings many kinds of discovery.
Crash Into Me by ravenbringslight
Thor moves back into his childhood home to take care of Odin in his final months. Putting up with the old man’s moods and taking care of his failing body is stressful enough - and then Thor meets Loki.
Loki is the son of Odin’s neighbor and he pushes himself into Thor’s life with all the dogged determination of youth and the subtlety of an avalanche.
He’s the prettiest thing Thor has ever seen. He’s also 16.
Thor is fucked.
Putting Out Fire by Hermaline75
Life as a shifter has many problems. Like fires. And being adopted by a fire fighter, your ideal man, who unfortunately believes that you’re an ordinary cat…
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