#why are the creel house scenes SO dark……
stevesnailbat · 2 years
every gif i’m making is such low quality
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kedreeva · 2 years
I can't live like this, I made a post about how much the group still needs Eddie and @joseph-quinns made a stunning gifset of it which planted my ass FIRMLY back into seething rage territory over the damn flashlight. So hear me out okay, hear me out
That scene? Where he wraps up the flashlight? That's not just a flashlight and that's not just a one-off. Yes, Eddie protected a beacon of guiding light to send with Steve into the dark, but that's not random. That's a purposeful narrative act!!
In 4.05, at 38 minutes in, the party almost in full enters the darkened Creel house, the den of the beast. Lucas tries to turn on the light, and it fails. Dustin pulls out a flashlight and clicks it on- and here's the parallel. Steve asks him where everyone got them, and Dustin (Dustin, who point-blank told Steve "you die, I die" last season, Dustin who is closest to Steve next to Robin, Dustin who is closest to Eddie, the bridge between the two) gives him a reproachful look and asks him if he needs to be told everything, reminds him that he is not a child, and... tells him where to find a flashlight. Doesn't give him the light, doesn't turn it on. Expects Steve to be taking care of himself.
Which is fine, it's fine, he's a kid, a teenage boy. This isn't to speak on Dustin's character.
But it is to draw the parallel line right up alongside Eddie, who (in 4.06 on the lake) doesn't wait for Steve to ask. He doesn't ask if it's needed. He pulls out a plastic bag from within his clothing, dumps his own belongings on the floor, and uses the bag to wrap up the flashlight, to prepare a beacon for Steve. Eddie solemnly hands it to Steve, something I'm not sure it would have even occurred to him to ask for (they are all so used to the darkness by now). The light is already on, shining bright, when Eddie passes it off with the soft, mundane protection of a good luck.
THIS is what they need. In every war, there are medics. There are healers. There are the helpers, the support. There are those who are the home to come back to, the reasons worth fighting. The ones waiting with clean water and a hot meal and a soft blanket. Even in the midst of the worst days of his entire life, Eddie looks at the warriors around him and says "I can give them light, I can give them a home, I can give them protection."
He can wrap up a flashlight, he can steal a vehicle that is most like a home, he can build shields. He can buy them time.
And perhaps most importantly? Dustin, early on, didn't hand Steve the light. But... by the end, he is building a shield alongside of Eddie, learning how to protect others.
And that's why the flashlight is important.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
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This part of the article, as far as I can tell, reads:
“The bodies were discovered early Sunday morning, after Creel was found wandering aimlessly along the side of Highway 49, south of Hawkins.  Deputy (name here bc i cant quite read it)  from Hawkins police department intercepted Creel and made the discovery upon returning him home.” 
I’m telling you guys- that shot in Henry’s memories that Nancy sees of “victor” holding Henry the EXACT same way that Brenner holds El WAS BRENNER, Henry’s memories have been messed with. And so have Victor’s.
And so, let’s go back to that scene of Victor supposedly getting arrested that night- those “cops” weren’t cops at all. Those were Brenner’s lab employees. Victor was then taken, likely had his memories tampered with, and was released onto the side of the highway. I thought maybe this scene was Victor getting arrested the next morning but a.) it’s dark outside and b.) the newspaper article specifies that a HAWKINS POLICE DEPT officer intercepted Victor- but in the show, we see STATE TROOPERS arresting Victor- “state troopers” who then took him, messed with his memories, and dumped him on the side of the road, where he was later picked up by the cops. And need I remind you of the state troopers who kept interfering with Will’s fake body in S1? The state troopers who are shown here ARRESTING VICTOR? 
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Not only that, but the same article states that both children were found eyeless- which doesn’t make any sense because as we know, Henry didn’t lose his eyes. It was a FAKE BODY found by the Hawkins Police Dept officer the next morning, planted by the lab.  And is it not strange that Victor makes no mention of his arrest- almost as if it’s missing from his memories? And is it not fucking STRANGE that, like I’ve been SAYING, so many shots that play during Victor’s retelling are from HENRY’S POV, through HIS EYES, whereas many shots in Henry’s memory sequence are through VICTOR’S EYES?  It’s almost like their memories got swapped around- swapping places, and all that.  And what’s really weird about this is that Victor claims that Henry slipped into a coma and then died a week later- and yet, Victor was being charged with THREE murders, not two murders and an attempted murder, THREE murders, and again, the article claims that BOTH childrens’ bodies were found eyeless.  How the hell did Victor know about the coma? Well yknow who DID know about the coma? Henry. But then “a week later, he died.” Victor seems to have been under the impression that Henry was alive, and then accepted that he had died- which would explain the fact that the article kept caling Victor “defiant,” and acting as if they weren’t dead. Why would the lab tell Victor that Henry was in a coma and then that Henry died? Because they wanted to sell the idea that Victor was insane. They wanted him to keep denying the murders, even though Henry’s “eyeless body” had already been found, even though somehow, miraculously, evidence photos of a “bloodbath” at the Creel house had been shown. A bloodbath that was staged by Hawkins Lab. 
It’s almost like Henry was put into a medically induced coma by Brenner, like i’ve been saying, but that’s a topic for another time. Brenner was there that night. The lab was involved. The lab planted Henry’s fake body, Brenner killed Virginia and staged her death, just like Benny, Virginia and Henry were fighting with their powers at the table. Alice was killed by Virginia.  This ties into another massive analysis I’m working on, so I have a bunch of proof specifically for the idea of Brenner pushing the Creels around via subtle manipulation, but long story short, but Brenner was pushing the Creels around like pawns on a chessboard too- Virginia was an abusive mother, but this tension between her and Henry was exacerbated by Brenner. 
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And is it not interesting that the lab hides behind “Hawkins Power and Light,” which is the vans they use in S1? 
Yknow. Lights. Like the flickering ones in the Creel house. The exact sort of thing that would be needed to cause tension between Henry and Virginia, wondering who was causing the lights to flicker- the exact sort of thing that would make Virignia “somehow know’/suspect that Henry had powers? 
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erikiara80 · 1 year
Will, the Forever Clock and Cerebro
The writers used Dustin’s inventions to tell us A LOT about Will and his powers. 
The Forever Clock, very useful in the apocalypse is probably about time powers, timelines and time loop... Maybe only Vecna has time powers, we don’t know, but it’s not a coincidence that in S3 Dustin gives the Forever Clock to Will, and that the name Williams is engraved on the grandfather clock.
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But let’s talk about Cerebro! 
Cerebro, an unassembled, one-of-a-kind battery powered radio tower
Will: So it’s like a HAM radio.
Dustin: The Cadillac of HAM radios. This baby carries a crystal clear connection over vast distances. I’m talking North Pole to South.
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Note: Dustin uses Cerebro to communicate with Suzie, who lives in Salt Lake City. Water and salt. Two things that are constantly mentioned on the show. @will80sbyers made a masterpost about it )
Why is Cerebro connected to Will?
1.  One-of-a-kind It’s also the title of the book behind Will in Lenora. That could mean that his powers or his very existence are important.
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2.  Battery.  Will has always been associated with lights, and in S4 Nancy even says that ‘When Will was in the Upside Down lights came to life’.
So it is possible that his powers give the UD and the hive-mind energy, and Vecna needs them to build a new world. 
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3.  Battery powered radio tower 
The number twelve represents Will since S1. When Hopper talks with Joyce after looking for Will, she says: Six hours. It’s been six hours! And when she’s at the lab with Brenner, he says:Six. Six people (have disappeared) And there are many other examples
And what does Twelve do in the Rainbow Room? He builds a red tower.
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So it really seems that Will can build. Creation powers? The shed scene is the first time they mention that, when Jonathan tells him that they built Castle Byers just the way Will drew it (and Vecna/Mind Flayer is also there, listening)
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Or maybe, like a battery, Will can give the UD the energy to grow and spread.
In S3 the Flayed had to eat fertilizers for the Mind Flayer to build its body. Maybe Will’s powers/energy are like “fertilizers” too, but for the whole Upside Down. 
He’s like the water that plants need to grow.
I’m still analyzing the many Billy-Will parallels but it’s in this season that the writers started to show AND tell what Vecna wants from Will. 
Vecna/Mind Flayer tells someone named William, in a scene that has many parallels with Will’s vanishing, that he wants him to build.
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In the Rainbow Roow Twelve builds a red tower, and there’s a red buiding on the poster in Will’s room. 
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It’s also note worthing that some of Michael Maher JR’s concept arts for Vecna’s Mind Lair looked like a tower.
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So maybe the red tower and the rose glass of Creel House are a reference to Stephen King’s Rose Red and The Dark Tower series (always love to mention SK! @lilitblaukatz​  )
It’s also interesting that Will has the poster of The Cure. Owens said that he thinks El is the cure, but she lost. It’s like the game in 4x01. They were losing with an 11, but won with a 20. 
I’m sure it’s not a coincidence that the dnd game and the game at school were won by the Sinclairs. Brother and sister. Only together Will and El can win. Only together they can fix it.
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Ok, they focus on Will’s skates, but let’s not forget Mike
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More about Cerebro, X-Men and The Lord of the Rings
Dustin’s radio tower is called after the device Professor X uses to locate other mutants and humans in The X-Men. Reminds me of the hive-mind.
And the kids assemble it on Weathertop, a reference to The Lord of the Rings. The ancient watch-tower where Frodo gets stabbed by a Nazgul with a Morgul-knife. That weapon remains in the wound of the victim and turns them into a wraith under the rule of Sauron. Hmm, sounds familiar.
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Weathertop = Will’s possession and connection to the UD and Vecna.
Will and Max
Before S4 we couldn’t know that Vecna would target Max, but the two Venkmans in S2, was foreshadowing of this Lumax and Byler parallel. Venkman’s love interest, Dana, is possessed by a creature similar to a demodog. Will gets possessed in S2 and is still haunted by Vecna/UD, and Max was targeted in S4.
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In 3x01, more foreshadowing of Will and Max being connected to Vecna while they’re assembling Cerebro. And if “Will is Cerebro”, it is possible that he will try to communicate with Max.
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But this could be very dangerous for him. I read a very interesting theory, by @freetobeeyouandme​ about the episode of My Little Pony Dustin and Erica talk about in S3 and that could be foreshadowing of Max and Will’s storyline in S5.
Here the post  
There is so much in that scene that is foreshadowing of S4 and I think S5 too. Brilliant!
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
Chapter 8: Separate Ways
Season One | Season Two | Season Three | Season Four
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Raining Hellfire: Season Four
Word Count: 2550 words
Warnings: swearing, vecna's curse [canon-typical violence], mentions of death, brief mention of torture, lots of trauma in this one whew
[A/N: did someone order a heaping pile of angst??]
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Separate Ways
The room was empty, chandelier pieces still scattered around your feet as you stand there.
You didn’t know where everyone went, panic setting in as you whisper their names into the darkness. But no one was there.
Or, so you thought.
Vecna’s voice vibrated through the walls and you squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head. Please, please, please.
“It’s time you know the truth”
You slowly open your eyes, anxiety expecting the red veined figure to be staring at you with ghostly eyes. But the room around you had changed instead.
You were still in the Creel House, now situated just in front of the door, staring back at the staircase. This time, you had a clearer view of the couple you had envisioned earlier.
A man, dark haired, was stood smiling down at a woman with a pretty prominent bump. She was pregnant. And something about her soft features reminded you of someone.
Frowning, you follow them as they walk up another step, laughing into conversation.
“Come now, Michael,” The woman smiled, her pretty features only enhanced by the glow of her pregnancy, “Don’t tell me you’re scared.”
“Never.” Michael raises his chin before resting a hand on her stomach, “But I’m worried that a fright could harm you.”
“I’m weeks away from my due date.” She bats him away with a flick of her wrist, instead looping her arm into his. “Besides, we didn’t travel all this way just to back out now, did we?”
“Jennifer.” Michael sighed, “Someday, you truly will be the death of me.”
His hands came up to cup her face and you slowly shake your head, wondering why Vecna chose to show you this. You had no idea who this couple was, nor did you think it would hurt you enough to allow him to take your soul.
“Michael and Jennifer” Vecna’s deep voice echoed out, darkening the joy of the scene in front of you, “They were drawn to the darkness, just like you”
“What…” You try and make sense of it all, eyes focused on the people but retaining no information.
“Their love for horror brought them here” He continues as you watch them ascend another stair, “But it cost them”
In that moment, Jennifer yells out in pain. The lights in the house start to flicker aggressively, casting haunting shadows onto the walls behind them as Michael reaches for her.
You step forward before realising you couldn’t help. This wasn’t real.
“Jen?!” Michael yells as she suddenly crouches to the floor, clutching her stomach.
“The baby.” She cries and the Creel House began to shake.
Flashing lights soon beamed from behind you, an ambulance arriving and carting Jennifer from the house, Michael holding her hand.
“I don’t understand.” You whisper, watching as the Creel House faded and formed into an old, vintage room you didn’t recognise, Jennifer holding her new born baby with teary eyes.
“Watch” Vecna orders and you swallow your fear, turning back to the couple once more.
They looked down at their baby, smiles etched into their faces before the door bursts open, a man stepping through with a few men in hospital clothing just behind him. Your breath hitched in your throat as you stared at the one in charge, older with striking white hair. El’s previous captor.
Behind him, a boy around the age of 18 stood with his hands clasped in front of him, dressed in white and seemingly awaiting orders. He had defined features, hair a perfectly cut blonde.
“My name is Dr. Martin Brenner.” He introduces himself to the shocked couple, extending a hand.
Michael stands from his chair, cautiously reaching out to shake the hand. “Doctor?”
“Is something wrong with our baby?” Jennifer panics, gently rocking the child in her arms.
“Quite the opposite.” Brenner steps forward, peering down at the baby. “In fact, I have reason to believe that your child is quite… extraordinary.”
“Extraordinary how?” Michael questioned, moving back to his wife.
“Don’t you find it strange that you went into labour weeks before you were meant to?” Brenner raised an eyebrow, “Or perhaps, the fact that your baby has yet to cry? I assume they were born into the world with… flickering lights?”
“What do you want from us?” Michael lowered his voice, a protective arm making its way around Jennifer’s shoulders.
“I am not a stranger to individuals such as your child.” He glances back at the boy stood patiently behind him, “I take them into my custody, allow them to grow under strict conditions in order to reach their full potential. It is rare to find someone who possesses any kind of ability, but we were alerted to your child’s presence once they showed immediate signs of a powerful being.”
“You want to take our baby?” Jennifer whispers out, clutching her child tightly.
“No.” Brenner shakes his head. “We need to take your baby.”
You stare at the scene as Michael stands from his chair, fist balled up in an angry flare.
“You will do no such thing.” He warns, glaring, “Now leave.”
Brenner simply sighs, nodding his head at the boy behind him. Finally, the boy unclasps his hands and moves forward, stretching his arm out in a manner you’ve seen El do multiple times.
“Then I suppose we must do this the hard way.” Brenner states, nodding his head once more and your blood runs cold.
Michael is suddenly flung against the wall, screams leaving his wife’s lips as the boy steps forward, crushing each of his bones.
You stumble back, a gasp escaping your lips as you watch Michael drop to the floor, covered in blood, mouth gaping open.
“Find her.” Brenner says and you whip your head around to see that Jennifer had suddenly vanished, the back door wide open.
“His death wasn’t the last” Vecna returned, changing the world you stood in once again until you found yourself staring at a familiar building, heart beating with erratic jumps.
A tear slipped down your cheek as you watched Jennifer hand the baby to an elderly woman, wiping away her tears and leaving a final kiss on her child’s head.
“She knew they would find her eventually” Vecna continued and in the corner of your eye, you see some kind of window, shining into a dark room that made your throat close up.
Tied to a chair, Jennifer’s head hung loosely, blood pouring from her head as the boy you had seen before stood in front of her with a murderous glint in his eye.
“Tortured and murdered” Vecna said simply, the words circling your mind over and over, “She never gave up the whereabouts of that child, forcing the men to wonder day in and day out if they would ever find it again”
Everything faded to pitch black, the darkness swallowing you whole as you breathed unsteady breaths.
“But they did”
It takes a moment for you to truly see what Vecna is showing you; a vision of the past. From a new perspective.
You can see the party, El clinging onto Mike’s back as she stares wide-eyed at Brenner.
“Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!” Dustin shouted and they started pedalling their own bikes.
“Y/n! Come on!”
You whip your head to where you stood, one foot on the ground as you frowned towards the man you never realised you knew. Brenner’s eyes found yours, his face dropping.
He knew you.
The vision faded as quickly as it came before everything plunged into darkness. All you could hear were your heavy breaths, the pounding beat of your heart in your head. But Vecna wasn’t done with you yet.
Up ahead, a light shone down on a girl laying on her bedroom floor, convulsing.
You didn’t want to move, shaking hands covering your mouth.
The desk lamp flickered as black dust entered her mouth, her body slowly raising off the ground as her eyes submitted to the dark. You didn’t need a closer look to understand what was happening.
Because you had lived it.
“Your parents died protecting you”
“No.” You let out a choked sob, falling to the ground and landing in a red puddle, soaking your jeans straight through.
Vecna stepped out of the shadow, looking down at you with a tilted head.
“You always wanted to know where you came from, who you were” He leaned closer, forcing your head to raise and meet his eyes, “You’ve been causing deaths since the day you were born”
Tears rolled down, staining your cheeks. It couldn’t be true. None of it could be true.
“The power you possess is far from your control” Vecna reaches his right hand out to cup your chin, bringing you to your feet and keeping your eyes on him, “This place is older than time and yet you were the first to connect with it”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You cry, unable to tear your eyes away from his milky white stare.
“When I came here, I found a mass of ancient particles that held stronger power than I had ever seen” His hand reaches up to grip your throat, “And despite all my efforts to take control, it always chooses you”
The claws tightened, restricting your breathing and you begin to struggle, trying to push him away.
“What do you want from me?” You gasp out before he throws you back, your arms and legs suddenly covered in vines and pinning you against the spindles of the staircase banister.
“Time is ticking, Y/n” Vecna begins to creep closer to you, the gravel in his voice sending pained shivers down your spine, “And you’re the only thing stopping me from completing everything I’ve planned for you and your little friends”
“You won’t win.” You try, your voice breaking as the feared hand claws above your face, the energy draining from your body.
“You have suffered enough” He announces, leaning close to whisper in your ear, “I can take away your pain”
His hot breath bared onto your cheek, flushing the tears streaming down. He had caught you in his web, and you did all you could to rip out of those chains. But nothing worked.
It was like a headache burned behind your eyes, his force compressing your bones until you cried out in pain.
His sinister smile would be the last image you’d see.
Here we stand
Vecna growls as music echoes around you both, his hand almost touching the tip of your nose.
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two
You try to focus on the lyrics, but your mind keeps slipping away. You can feel yourself drifting, Vecna’s curse taking effect.
Sleepless nights
Losing ground I’m reaching for you, you, you
“This is what you’ve always wanted, Y/n” Vecna tilts his head again, narrowing his eyes, “I see those thoughts you’ve tried so hard to hide”
Feelin’ that it’s gone, could change your mind
“You are afraid that they no longer need you”
You start to give up, submitting yourself to Vecna’s curse as your eyes flutter shut. Any happy memories you had were disappearing, replaced by the reasons you should let him kill you.
“You are afraid of being alone”
If we can’t go on
“They will all be better off without you in their lives” Vecna threatens, a horrifying smile on his face, “You are their curse”
To survive the tide, love divides
Max’s voice splits into Vecna’s mind games, pulling you away from him.
You open your eyes to find a swarm of black dust hovering in the air, waiting. As another tear slips from your eye, a glimmer of hope flutters in your chest.
You needed to fight.
“Let me help you” Vecna orders harshly and your eyes drift back to his.
A single word leaves your lips and your mind clears, eyes burning black as the particles scurry towards you, grasping onto Vecna before throwing him across the lake of blood.
In an instant, you see your way out; a window looking in to the Creel House, your body floating in the air as your veins start to turn black. Everyone is screaming at you. And the music bursts back into your head.
Someday, love will find you
Creating a wall of black dust between you and Vecna, you run.
Break those chains that bind you
Your legs took you faster than you thought possible, heart yearning to reach the portal and return to your friends. Return to Max.
“NO” Vecna’s voice booms and you feel the wall you built crash down, piercing pain into your chest.
Stumbling to the ground, you look back at where Vecna stood, hand balled into a fist and taking small control of the particles in front of him, restricting their movements.
One night will remind you
How we touched and went our separate ways
The song pulls back your focus and you scramble to your feet, staring back at Vecna as he suddenly points at you. The black dust slowly starts swarming before shooting towards you and your breath hitches.
Looking back at the portal, your nose was running black and you could feel the toll it had on you.
You weren’t powerful enough to stop that.
If he ever hurts you
“Y/n, please!”
True love won’t desert you
Max’s cries pull you closer to her, sprinting to the exit in attempt to outrun the chaos Vecna had created.
You know I still love you
A scream escapes your lips at the first attack, the particles tugging at your feet. You stumble before catching yourself. You were so close.
Though we touched and went our separate ways
Another attack pulls you away and you land on your back, wind being knocked from your lungs. In a panicked attempt at breath, you turn onto your front, staring at how Vecna was suddenly descending the crimson hill, heading towards you.
The screams distracted you for a mere second. When you look back, Vecna is staring down, directly above you. His claws reach down to you.
You whip your head back to the portal, seeing how your body was faltering mid-air, arms dangling by your side. Vecna keeping you here only made you weaker, your power draining the life from you. But you needed one last push.
As Vecna’s pull raises you from the slippery puddles, you reach your arms out either side of the monster to the black dust hurtling towards you.
And, in a flash, you use it to push you backwards, throwing you towards the portal and away from Vecna’s roar of anger.
Everything turned black and you were falling. Deeper and deeper down. You didn’t breathe, you didn’t struggle.
You just…
Until a sore gasp left your lips and you crashed to the ground, barely able to move.
Everyone was rushing around you all at once, Separate Ways still blaring into your mind. Max’s face appeared in front of you, her own ears bare.
“Y/n?” She cried, pulling you into a hug and sobbing into your shoulder.
Once you regained the feeling in your limbs, your arms wrap around and cling to her, all the other voices drowning out.
True love won’t desert you
Chapter 9: The Shire Is Burning ->
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hawkinspostnewspaper · 6 months
here is a compilation of all things I can recall from the play involving Joyce Maldonado
also to note: some things I am still a little confused about and will need to verify when I see it again soon. I will update as I rememeber things!
Joyce is in charge of directing the high school's musical for the season, directing her fellow schoolmates in her version of 'Dark of the Moon'
As the play revolves around witches and teased by other schoolmates to be about 'lesbians' and sex and all things inappropriate, so they cover it to the principal (Mr Newby, Bob and Patty's father) by pretending to be performing 'Oklahoma'
You can read more about the play here: Dark of the Moon (play) - Wikipedia
She is desperate to be awarded a scholarship for theatre direction as it will be her way out of Hawkins
Her relationship with Lonnie is teased by Walter Henderson who claims she only has eyes for bad boys usually over 25 years old, emphasising their age gap and his misbehaviour
There are few scenes of the two of them to explore their relationship but it is clear he does not believe in her wanting to leave Hawkins and not so supportive of her dream about the theatre scholarship - Lonnie is seen arrested in Hawkins PD too, that bothers Joyce
Bob is said to have a huge crush on Joyce and wants to get involved with the play to interact with her and build confidence to confess, but it seems Joyce is more preoccupied with her own future and getting the play done despite the chaos around her to notice (I will do a separate post for Bob in the play, but the show really emphasises how deeply and how long he loved her, making what happens in the series even worse)
Her opinion of Hopper is that he is lazy and a womaniser and has hurt many girls with his flirtations, though we don't see any of him doing that besides to her (again, I will do another post for Jim) - their relationship throughout the play is very much teasing and underlying hints of flirtation
Joyce, Bob and Hopper end up trying to solve the murder of several pets recently - there is a reward from Claudia Henderson for finding out who killed her pet cat, something Joyce believes Hopper is only in it for rather than to do the right thing
The 'Kids' soundtrack theme plays often when Joyce, Hopper and Bob are on stage together
They are lead to the Creel house, believing Victor to be the murderer
Joyce witnesses Hopper and his father have a fight at the PD when they try and appeal for help and arrest Victor Creel - she asks why he does not stand up to him more and it seems she begins to sympathise with him more here, also as he assures it was not all about the money for him to crack the case but to help and do something good
Hopper offers to drive himself and Joyce out of town, to Mexico or someplace, away from the dull and chaos of Hawkins - we know Joyce wants desperately to leave but she turns down the offer
The pair almost kiss at one point, her hands on his chest but are interrupted by Bob (I think?)
Joyce cast Henry as the lead male principal in her play because of his chemistry with Patty, her female lead - the adults knew Henry in high school
Joyce is pleased when she hears Victor Creel has been arrested, thinking her and Hopper's warning to the PD has helped
She runs into Henry, who all believed was missing since the incident with Patty and Mr Newby at the Creel House - as Hopper and Joyce were in Russia for ST4 they do not yet know what the kids do about Henry being responsible. I can't recall the specific dialogue of this scene but it could be said Joyce has her suspicions after the very tense interaction and then what happens to Patty moments later, Henry then going 'missing' (back in the hands of Brenner) by the end
It could also be inferred that Will was taken because of this interaction, though it doesn't seem to be the intended assumption
An invited guest who runs the scholarship programme attends the play's performance, Joyce is more stressed about controlling her unruly cast but all is well until Patty's tragic accident and she loses the opportunity
It is mentioned she used to work shifts at Enzo's restaurant
Her last scene set four years later in 1963 shows her working at Melvalds, which used to be a bar/diner/hang out spot. Jim visits now in his police training uniform and explains he will be heading out for military/police training/Vietnam
it has to be said that Isabella is an incredibly powerful force in her performance of Joyce and I hope you all get the opportunity to witness it! She has the perfect energy and also sounds so close to Winona without it seeming like a forced impersonation!
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sweetsaturnsky · 1 year
Okay so this is something I have been discussing and talking about for a while and I want to share it here. It's over how Will's memories from season 2 have been affected and how that could play an important role in season 5.
This connects to birthdaygate and the idea that Vecna can control memories.
Pretty much, the idea is that every good memory that was used in Season 2 in order to help Will get out of his possession has become a tainted memory and I believe this is Vecna's doing.
*Side note that I will be saying the Vecna is who possessed Will in Season 2 because of evidence I have found that I believe to be true. If I find the post over why, I will link it*
Remember in Season 2 when Will is possessed and Joyce, Jonathan, and Mike are all trying to get him back. They know that at this point, they are talking to the shadow monster/vecna, who is in control of Will and are trying to bring him back.
Everything mentioned as a "good memory" that they are hoping brings him back is later in the series connecting to something bad.
Joyce mentions Will's birthday. In season 4, we see everyone forget his birthday. This can cause him to associate his birthday with the bad memory.
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Jonathan mentions the day they built Castle Byers. Then, the next season in a moment of anger, Will destroys Castle Byers.
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And finally, Mike mentions the first day of kindergarten and describes that becoming friends with Will was "the best thing (he's) ever done". Then, in season 4, Mike says that he feels his life started the day he found her in the woods. (a time when Will was missing)
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When each of the characters said these things in season 2, remember that it was being said to both Will AND Vecna, who was possessing him at this time.
Now, we know that memories play a big role in the show. Specifically, happy memories. We first see them used here, in season two, then again in season three when Eleven went into Billy's mind, he was in a happy memory with his mother and in season 4, Max hides in good memories in order to hide from Vecna. Also in season 4, we learn that El can't remember Henry or what all happened at the lab. Her journey is over her remembering such. *these will all be further touched on*
Each of these instances are telling us that memories ARE an important part of the story.
In season 2, the telling of the memories helps part of Will come back. When they begin reminding him of his good memories, he starts to tap morse code. Part of Will escaped Vecna's control. This is how they helped him eventually escape his possession.
Let's go back to season 3 and Billy being controlled by Vecna.
Eleven piggybacks into Billy's mind in the show and during this, we see him in a good memory with his mother, at the beach.
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Then, as El is watching the scene in front of her, the memory changes into a bad one where Billy's dad is yelling at him.
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The normal sky that we see before turns dark and red, similar to the clouds in the upside down in season 4. So, you could say that this is Billy running away from a bad memory towards the Upside Down.
Unlike Will, Billy didn't have people reminding him of the good memories to keep him going. And all of the good memories he was trying to use to escape, like the beach one with his mom, led to him remembering bad ones with his dad.
Now, lets go to season 4, specifically with Max in season 4. When Max almost dies during the Running Up The Hill scene, she uses good memories to get out of the UD.
Those good memories AND the song helped her escape him the first time.
The second time, in the Creel House, when El piggybacks into Max’s mind, she’s in a memory from when she was younger.
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El is standing on a bridge, watching. We see her turn around and this is what we see.
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The same red look we see with Billy when his memories went bad. And now, we see what happened to both of them when the red cloud appeared in their memories.
Both of them have now been attacked and harmed by Vecna, one is dead and the other is so badly injured, we don't know what will happen to her.
Now let’s talk about Eleven and her memories before we conclude and talk about how this connects to Will and the possibility of what will happen in season 5.
We know that a big part of El’s plot line in Season 4 was Papa getting her to remember everything that happened in order for her to get her powers again.
Papa knows that Vecna is the cause of all of this. When he is explaining this to Eleven, he says this.
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Vecna took El’s memories and abilities. When she grained those memories back, she gained her powers back.
But how does this connect to Will?
Well, we now know that Will’s memories have negative memories attached to them. These memories were the ones that helped part of him escape possession in season 2 but now, they may not be good enough to do it again.
If Will gets possessed or trapped again with Vecna, he may not be able to use his good memories to escape anymore. He may be stuck and Vecna knows this.
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willthewise7 · 2 years
Will Byers Potential Powers:
There is something more to the vanishing of Will Byers on the night of the 6th of November, 1983. The first image shows what is a clear image of a demogorgon, which could be seen as Vecna. What I want to note however is how demogorgons hunt prey by smelling blood, yet Will wasn’t shown to be bleeding. So how did it hunt him and why did it pursue him so desperately? Once Will runs into the house you can see the figure lurking beyond his front garden. As it approaches the door the latch unlocks itself, yet we know they haven’t been shown to have telekinesis powers. So how did it do this? One answer: Vecna. Additionally, demogorgons often brutally assault their victims and so why did it just not kill Will right there? He may have shot it but we know that doesn’t really work, mainly heat works. Unless it was told to keep him alive? We did see him being hooked up like he was being harvested by the Upside Down. So maybe he’s just a vessel ready for them to utilise?
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At this point I think it’s plausible to theorise how Vecna is probably a “general”, as Dustin says, to the mindflayer and therefore is in control of the creatures of the Upside Down. So if Vecna was invovled in Will Byers going missing, why is he targeting Will so prominently? Why was the mindflayer instructing this to happen? The answer is Will has immensely hidden powers that can either be used for good or bad. If the mindflayer and Vecna can capitalise on this power and use Will as a vessel for Vecna to enter the real world, they can cause havoc.
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Another solid point pointing towards the importance of Will is the date the Upside Down froze on, the day Will went missing. Whilst this is still hard to work out, the date links back to Will and this just hints further at his importance and potential powers. Additionally, if the Upside Down is frozen on the 6th of November, how did Will see which letters to light up? Joyce put the lights up to try to speak to Will after the 6th. What about the portal opening up in the wall near the front door? I’ll explain the portals later.
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Now I’ve explained the backstory behind the origins of Wills potential powers, season 4 gives some really interesting subtle clues. In the roller rink Will is seen carrying two skates, both a size 10. What is interesting to note is 10 plus 10 equals 20. At this point you’re probably asking, why is this important?
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I’ve included images of both of the rolls landed in the Hellfire Club campaign scene. A roll of 11 was not good enough to beat Vecna, which potentially foreshadows that El is not enough by herself and needs assistance. What roll did beat Vecna though? A number 20. Will is number 020? You may think this is a stretch but remember everything in the show is intentional. Or perhaps simply it’s used to show in the skate scene and to foreshadow Will is instrumental in beating Vecna with his potential powers, not necessarily a number 020. Although, I’ll explain close parallels with Henry Creel next.
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This part will analyse how closely linked Will is to Henry/001/Vecna. Henry was described as a sensitive child the same as Will, drew like Will did and just generally seemed different. Note how flashing lights have been used to symbolise both Henry and Will? No coincidence there I don’t think. Whilst Vecna is a dark wizard, I see Will as being the light wizard and the one that fights the dark. Which is why Vecna wants to use Will and to corrupt him into joining him. They would be unstoppable.
Linking back to portals, Vecna is able to make portals once he has claimed a victim. He feeds on a life force and uses that energy to open portals. Interestingly in season 1 a portal opens up with Will trying to get through, when Joyce tries to break through it. Does this subtly hint Will can do the same as Vecna but almost has no clue about it? Remember 001 had a chip in his neck preventing his abilities? Will always touches the back of his neck? Maybe that’s a stretch but again, everything is intentional. I don’t think it would be as obvious as 001 either, it would be buried deeper so it was not visible. I know he touches it with the mindflayer but maybe that’s his link with 001 and the Upside Down? Time will tell on this one. Additionally, remember Joyce saying about Will having a birthmark on his arm? Imagine if it was on his wrist. Because don’t you find it odd that even the government and the lab knew how to replicate Wills body in every exact detail? Including a birthmark? Maybe, just maybe, he was a number after all but got his mind wiped in the fear he could use his powers for the worst.
It seems like Will could be the extra link needed, alongside El, to defeat Vecna and the Upside Down. Remember, El is labelled as a mage in the party, alongside Will The Wise could defeat the dark wizard (Vecna). Sounds like the game of Dungeons and Dragons really has come to life, linking with my Neverending Story theory. Will is the answer to the Neverending Story. Perhaps Mikes love is enough for Will to unlock his true powers and put an end to this story, alongside El. Vecna was defeated with love before, so it’ll take even more next time. That’s why 011 and 020 (or just Will) are needed. Note that I’m not saying love is simply enough needed to end this, it needs El and Will with their powers (a roll of 11 and 20) to beat Vecna, mindflayer and the Upside Down. But Mike could have an equally as important part in unlocking Wills powers, so maybe Byler does play a part in the main storyline potentially? Time will tell.
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bylertruther · 1 year
The scales fall from fans’ eyes (and Eleven’s) as the Volume 1 finale reaches its crescendo. Bower’s orderly commits the episode’s titular massacre, revealing himself to be powered just like Eleven. That’s because he came to the lab as young Henry, following the murders in the Creel family home, which he carried out. Upon realizing Henry’s bloodthirsty villainy, Eleven accidentally banishes him to the Upside Down, creating Vecna. 
“There was always this idea of stillness with Henry and a methodical nature to how he was and is. That was very much in there with Vecna as well,” says Bower, who has been a Stranger Things fan since its debut. “Then when everything kicks off in [Episode] 7 and obviously he is Vecna, there’s more freedom to it. But he’s still very concise in his choices of how he chooses to move.” 
When did you learn you’d be playing three different characters?
It happened pretty quickly. [Co-creators] Matt and Ross [Duffer] and Carmen [Cuba] from the casting team sent me two sets of sides, one from Hellraiser and one from Primal Fear. Knowing Primal Fear and the way in which one character presents themselves in that, I was like, “Okay, well there’s obviously some sort of masking going on here.” And then I was sent some dummy sides as well for Vecna. So I figured it out pretty quickly. 
Were there any acting choices you made to connect Henry and Vecna?
Little things that are slightly more animalistic, [with his] head tilts. Also, I’m a really big fan of the [Stanley] Kubrickian stare. So anything where the chin is down and the eyes are up, I would say it is just nice and naughty and dark, and it feels really great. 
The way that you talk about the physicality of Henry is very animal kingdom predator. Do you purposefully bring that to him? 
It was more that I had to mask this rage and this belief system with something [that helped him] survive within the environment that he was in. Really, the survival is him presenting like, “Yeah. Everything’s fine. But actually I want to fuck you up.”
Did you meet the actor who plays young Henry?
No. I never had the opportunity to meet him. But what I found really fascinating about this show is how things just line up. The way I was holding my forehead, particularly above the eyes, my eyebrows were always just slightly more up. And I saw a picture of him in the head of the hair department’s chair as I was sitting in there with her, and I was like, “We are holding our brows in the same way.”
Why do you think he picks Eleven specifically to, say, mentor?
Given the way she’s treated in the institute and the way the other children are treating her, he sees a lot of himself in her. She’s the underdog, she’s quiet. You know when you see somebody and you just go, “That person’s got potential. That person’s got something. They’re not shouting about it. They’re not raving about it, but there’s something going on in there”? That’s what he sees in her. 
Particularly for that scene with Eleven and with Henry, when they get accosted by the guards and Henry’s allowed to use his powers, I felt like there was a real bond between the two of them. Then, obviously, with everything that happens subsequently and afterwards, that bond is still there. But the rage that he has within him for these other kids and the way in which the world has treated him is much more at the surface now. 
Going into Volume 2, there’s the fight for Hawkins on the horizon. Do you think Vecna sees himself as the villain here going forward?
Absolutely not. No way. God no. He’s the savior. He’s what’s good and right in the world.
How do you bring that and ground that perspective? Because our heroes would much rather enjoy their reality, free of Upside Down villains. 
But you don’t need a house where I’m taking you all. It’s fine. We can all live in the mind lair together. I think that ultimately his goal is to live in a world of truth.
Our beloved group of Stranger Things individuals have their saying, “friends don’t lie.” [Vecna’s plan] is another layer to that. It’s this idea, again, of righteous justice. Where the facade and the rug [are] pulled out from under the feet of institutions. It’s like, “We all float down here.”
So when he approaches his victims, he thinks he’s helping? 
Absolutely. 100%. And I think he takes great relish in that as well. I think he takes great pleasure in being able to free people from their guilt constraint.
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nances · 2 years
So why Will?
Writing out some thoughts and analysis on this matter, if you can call it that. This turned out way longer than intended, and it was supposed to be solely about Vecna, but I’m putting this out there nevertheless.
Starting out
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I just want to know how tf is Vecna able to appear in this shot? Does this mean he’s always been able to shift between realities, it’s just that he wanted to open a gate solely for the upside down & the Mind Flayer to seep through into the real hawkins?
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We can see here that he’s followed Will through the forest, instead of taking a head start through the Upside Down
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Seems to be utilizing telekinetic powers here
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Yet, in this shot, the background noises sound like those of the Demogorgan’s rather than the growl more characteristic to Vecna. We do see a dark figure looming right behind Will prior to this shot
Why couldn’t he take Will right then and there on the road? Was fear a factor? Will initially appears startled, but as he runs home and dials 911, he grows more afraid as the scene progresses. Perhaps, in order to form a “powerful psychic connection” he needed the boy to be scared out of his mind
Will is taken to the other side in a blip. The lightbulb showcases a spike of energy, in a similar fashion to the way the party’s flashlights bursted when Patrick was killed.
Later, when Hopper and then the laboratory men investigate this shed, it appears as though a portal has been opened here. Yet, season 4 demonstrates Vecna psychologically torturing and killing his victims brutally before ripping a hole in the fabric of time and space.
As far as we know, in season two the mothergate remains open. This means the portal that opened in the shed has remained there ever since. There’s no mention of this, however, when Will’s loved ones tie him up to a chair in order to reach him. Is this a plot hole? Or does this mean that when the Mind Flayer summons the demodogs, this is the gate they run through? The gang swiftly barricades itself in Joyce’s house, so this essentially happens off-screen.
So what exactly happens in season 1?
I think at this point, in the year of 1983, Vecna hasn’t yet fully tapped into his potential. He’s been recovering from the fallout of his and Eleven’s stand off for four years. He might have been probing for a way to reach our world for a while, without success. November 6th is the day Eleven unintentionally opens the mothergate.
Later that day, Will is taken.
So what is the takeaway?
Perhaps here Vecna realized that there’s a gate now. Perhaps the reason why the Upside Down looks like Hawkins is because that is where the gate was opened. The russians arrive in Hawkins because they’re unable to open a proper gate in their home country. Perhaps this factors into it in one way or another? Up until this point, the upside down was this sort of a vacuum, and unspoiled realm that existed in Henry’s mind. The second that the gate opened, Hawkins’ layout was replicated. We know for a fact one person alone wouldn’t be able to get every single detail down to Nancy’s shoebox and study cards right, so this must have been happening on some sort of transcendental level. We know there’s the multiverse theory, according to which there are countless replicas of our own universe, and perhaps we saw one of those created from scratch, except it’s rotten and spoiled by the twisted mindspace of Henry Creel. Perhaps the Upside down is still a vacuum, everywhere but Hawkins though. Perhaps this is the reason why a connection couldn’t be made in Russia. There was no child with psychokinetic powers to make tangible contact with the other side, they were solely operating by generating massive amounts of energy.
I’m going to be frank, I don’t believe Will has ever been involved with the laboratory, nor have his parents. That’d be one massive plot hole. Everything that is happening with the lab seems new, alien to Joyce. Lonnie never brings up anything pertaining to such a thing. Will isn’t a number.
Will is a traumatized little boy, that grew up in a broken family, is dealing with the scary realization, and i quote “that he doesn’t fit into the 1980s definition of normal” and he’s gotten his fair share of abuse from his father, presumably both psychological and physical.
We know that he is also “sweet” and “sensitive” and based on what Joyce tells us in season 2, he’s demonstrated complete and utmost selflessness throughout his life.
He is the complete opposite of Henry Creel, who’s been apathetic, sadistic and demonstrated borderline psychopathic behavior ever since he was a little child.
It must have made sense for Vecna to use his little Charles Xavier ability and latch onto this pure, innocent little child that has had so much trauma on his plate already. He must have been looking for someone whose psyche was already wavering, and by coupling that with the fear of a scary boogie man that’s out to get you, he was successfully able to claim his first “victim”.
He must have figured out that by establishing contact with the real Hawkins, this way he’d be able to inch closer to Eleven, and a way to unleash his vengeful sentiments.
Either that, or perhaps he conflated Will with Eleven. He’s not omniscient. He operates through people’s minds. Perhaps it appeared that Will was broken on a level that resembled Eleven’s psyche in a lot of ways. Perhaps he meant to take Eleven all along, but this “powerful psychic connection” that made it possible for him to take Will weakened him to the point that he had to retreat for a while, which in turn allowed Will to hide.
He then must have realized that he got the wrong kid, and perhaps that’s when he decided he’d use Will as a vessel, as the first flayed one. It makes a lot of sense; who would be able to suspect that this sweet, timid little child is actually a spy for this hellsent entity? Hopper and Joyce essentially hinder this plan, and it seems to take Vecna a year to figure out how to start implementing it again. Will is already “contaminated” by the Upside Down, Vecna’s already got a connection to him, so it’s easier to try and arrange a full scale possession this time.
Look, I really doubt that Will has powers. Because at this point, this deep into the series, we probably should have gotten some subtle indication of that. His nape tingles seem to be more of an imprint that this vile entity left on him, even after exiting his body. Sort of like Harry Potter being the last horcrux. It’s entirely possible that he has gained some sort of abilities, “true sight” as Mike puts, as a result of this altercation.
There is the possibility of him being an indigo-child type of case in a similar fashion to Henry Creel. We know that Henry started using his powers as a tool for his sadistic behavior very early on. It seems like these powers have an element of evil to them, as they’ve been weaponised in every instance in this show. The other numbered children are programmed to be killing machines. Had Will had these sort of abilities, he probably wouldn’t have been able to tap into them, since we never see him act with any malice. It would have made sense for him to be able to use this to his defense whenever he’d been picked on by bullies or abused by his father, but at this point, introducing an element like this whether it be in the form of flashbacks or something else, would feel forced and glued on, and it would frankly feel like riverdale.
Now I really hope that they handle the actual reveal, whatever it ends up being, in a clever way, instead of having Vecna growl out another cliché, bad guy monologue for Will as a means of exposition for the audience.
These are just some thoughts I’ve been having, I could be 100% wrong about all of this but this is just a take on what makes the most sense to me within both the context of the story and a narrative standpoint. Apologies if this is incoherent, I’m typing this on my phone and frankly, am too lazy to proofread everything
Edit: I want to add that there’s a possibility there was no conflation to begin with. Perhaps finding a vessel was his plan all along. And for the reasons I’ve listed above, he chose Will.
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sattlersquarry · 1 year
libby's review of the official "stranger things" choose-your-own-adventure novel, heroes and monsters (+ a relevant fic rec)
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before i get into my thoughts, here's an overview of the book:
you are a high schooler at lenora hills high school and an aspiring journalist. for spring break 1986, you're headed to hawkins, indiana for a student journalism conference hosted by hawkins high schooler fred benson. unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse and you might just have to help save the world.
onto the pros/cons! spoilers ahead!
in one of the story options, the reader actually figures out that henry creel and vecna are one and the same before nancy's vision. i like that the journalism subplot makes the reader smart and observant in that way.
it's fun seeing the reader interact with the characters. in one of the stories, robin takes them to the empty base under starcourt mall. in another, they bond with steve over the fact that they don't have flashlights at the creel house. it's a small moment but it's cute!
so far, there have been two endings that i've liked: one that follows season 4's ending exactly and one that is a happier au of the season 4 ending.
i knew that the book is targeted toward younger audiences before buying it, but i was still surprised at how the tone reads like a book for elementary-aged readers. (also there are rarely any contractions in the descriptions which is very weird to me personally.)
some of the characterization is just...bad. robin is very mean to the reader in the library scene which is just SO unlike her it's not even funny!!!
i haven't read all the endings yet, but the majority of them are bad endings. :/ i get that that's classic for a choose your own adventure, and that season 4 has a pretty sad ending anyway, but it still sucks when you make all the "right" choices and do the smart things and still fail.
it seems impossible to get a good ending if you stay in california instead of going to hawkins, but i haven't done all the endings yet so maybe there is a way...
there are also some choices that just infuriate me. e.g. in one, you can choose to snitch to jason that lucas is lying about eddie's whereabouts (which ew, why would anyone do that), and THEN LUCAS GETS BEAT UP BY THE TIGERS AND THE READER CAN'T STOP IT. it's just horrendous! i refuse to read any more of that plot, that's just terrible.
i'm going to keep reading to try and discover all the endings, but so far, it's not as fun as i thought it would be. :( i'm tired of dreading every choice, knowing that one misstep and every character i love is killed OR i'm 1. killed horribly or 2. hated by the characters because of a dumb choice.
i'm honestly tempted to rewrite this book myself, which would be a HUGE undertaking and would take a lot of planning and brainstorming to get it right, but i might just do it. i think there's a lot of potential to make a choose your own adventure that follows the plot of the show really fun, despite the dark subject matter!
also! if we're talking choose your own adventure and stranger things, and if you're looking for something less stressful and more fun, @upsidedownwithsteve has a choose your own adventure type steve x reader fic that gets updated weekly on mondays. at the end of each chapter, you vote on the choice you want to see next week and the choice with the most votes is incorporated into the story. it's an enemies-to-lovers au about arcade workers and is very good and a fun read!
okay brb, gotta keep reading this book and try not to die. again. 🫡 if i can't find any more good endings i am rewriting this and sending my draft to penguin random house, wish me luck team!
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aemiron-main · 3 months
why don’t u ever post about patty
Hey, anon!
So, I a.) have already posted analyses heavily involving Patty and b.) i have a bunch of drafts about her and i am slow to finish my drafts LMAO like i have. 600 analysis drafts on tumblr total right now (not including stuff thats in my google docs) and lots of them involve Patty/are focused on her.
I post about stuff when I have time- I'm generally a busy guy, I'm currently trying to get two huge ST youtube videos finished while also juggling art stuff, work stuff and other IRL stuff.
But anyway, here's a list of my current Patty-centric drafts:
1.) Patty Newby vs Patricia Pulling
2.) Miss Mystery vs Mystra from DND
3.) In-Depth Analysis of The Catwalk Scene in TFS
4.) The Anomaly: What's Up With Patty? Why Is Patty The Anomaly? (ft Star Trek and The Matrix)
5.) TFS vs The Matrix and Patty Newby's Parallels to Both Neo and The Oracle
6.) The Resemblance is Uncanny: Patty Newby vs The Uncanny Valley
7.) His Great Shame, The Girl He Stole: Patty Newby, Changelings, Foundlings, and Stolen Children in ST
8.) A Few Steps From The Unexpected Edge: Edges, Mothers in ST, TFS and Patty Newby
9.) The Nurses Are Prisoners Too: S1 Newspapers, Donna Lass, TFS, Patty Newby and Henry's Cipher
10.) Doomed From The Start: Henry and Patty, Cujo, Hal 9000, and The Dark Of The Moon
11.) Then, Out Of Nowhere, He Walked In and It Was Like Something Had Changed (ft The Girl From Nowhere)
12.) Orphans and Small Women: Patty Vs Suzie, Orphan (2009), and NINA Being A Small Woman
13.) Mystery Meat vs Virginia's Meatloaf
14.) Magic Meatball vs Magic 8 Ball
15.) Three To The Right, Four To The Left: Patty vs Terry, Keys and Locks
16.) The World Is Full of Obvious Things Which Nobody By Any Chance Ever Observes: Patty's Sherlock Holmes Coat And Her Weird Connections To The Creel House
17.) It Wouldn't Be Make Believe If You Believe In Me: Believing in ST
18.) Patty vs The Wasp Woman
And im sure there's other drafts in my huge pile that I'm forgetting about right now because there always is! Not to mention all the notes I have re: Patty that I just haven't turned into actual drafts yet (see: TFS vs Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and Patty's parallels there) So, yeah! Those'll be up once they're done, anon!
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dinitride-art · 1 year
Lighting and Mike and Will - Full Analysis (pt.54)
Welp. Let’s just dive on into the rest of this scene then. Mike might actually be possessed or being used as a spy. Will might be getting targeted by Vecna. There’s weird shit happening in the background. But I said I’d get this done. 
S4:E9 - The Cabin Scene (#3) AKA Possessiongate pt.2 Electric Boogaloo
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So, these aren’t OTS shots anymore and that means that Mike and Will’s conversation has evolved to a point of mutual understanding. They do in fact both agree that this man has to die. Now that it looks like Vecna is targeting Mike and Will can tell, maybe that’s why Will’s kind of freaking out a little bit here. Like saying Vecna/One/Henry needs to die isn’t that shocking. But usually Will is nicer about it. 
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Why. Why is that thing in the doorway changing shape? At least Will’s kinda half glowing. But that doesn’t make up for the harsh white light on his back. Or whatever’s in the window in the background. It looks a little bit like the piano in the attic at the Creel’s house. Just a bit. 
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Yeah this is fucking horrifying thanks. (the way the pattern is on the blanket reminds me of Vecna’s face and I hate it). But there’s a yellow shower curtain behind Mike and he’s once again lit by having the light behind him. But not on him. 
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Y’know? There is absolutely no fucking reason (there very much is- it’s Vecna and foreshadowing and suspense and it’s done in a very cool way) that THIS BULLSHIT HAS TO HAPPEN with that door. 
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Maybe Mike’s holding onto Will so tightly because something is very wrong- with the both of them- and he’s trying to keep Will safe and tether himself back to reality as well. Mike’s hand is in the light- nevermind. That’s Mike’s left hand. The Vecna associated hand. And it’s in harsh white light. Also- why does it look like there's a white curtain by the ‘no longer a room’ room? There’s a broom by that room as well. And Mike had a broom by the couch. Hm.
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Then they get broken out of whatever’s happening here. And we can see Mike’s heart pocket again. And the light comes back. 
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It’s still a bit iffy, because we only have on point of light in frame now. The side ones have been cropped out. But Mike and Will are both in the light. And I think that’s a good thing.
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Mike’s almost fully in the dark, and Will’s the one who has light behind him now, but the fact that we can see Mike’s heart pocket again, when we couldn’t before, makes it seem like we’re okay now. 
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They look very alarmed at this moment. But that could just be related to the noise outside- the last time they heard cars pull up somewhere they though they were safe they got shot at. So. This would be a warranted reaction to such a noise. But something very bad almost might’ve just happened in this cabin. So that’s also a reason to be alarmed. 
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Will’s quicker to get moving while Mike sits there for a second. Just staring at Will. If Mike did have an evil evil man with evil evil plans try and take over his mind and use him as a vessel to get to Will, then momentary confusion and shock would be an expected response to that situation. Mike usually moves first, now that I’m thinking about it. So this is a little odd for him.
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There’s a square on that blanket. And Max’s hospital gown also has squares on it. 
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Mike, who really usually is the first person to say something or do something, is trailing behind Will. 
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And then we don’t see Mike come up and look With him. But we do get this creepy stalker shot of Will. So, Vecna’s definitely aware he’s here.
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And then just the contrast between how Nancy and Jonathan are lit, and how Will is lit. Will looks like he’s hiding from something that’s trying to kill him (very real possibility) and Jonathan and Nancy just look normal. 
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Sure, they’re concerned. But they aren’t ‘stalker shot, something is very wrong with my best friend who I love very much, harsh lighting, I look like I belong in a horror movie’ concerned. And Will’s known Vecna has been alive at least since the hospital, so what ever freaked him out was in the cabin. 
And Nancy and Jonathan just finished boarding up one of the windows. 
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shieldofiron · 10 months
BTS: for Vecna Vision 3D?
Oh Maan... So many scenes are my favorite but the Joyride chapter going into Steve's Vecnavision is so actually my fave.
This whole sequence was in Steve's perspective and he's not exactly the most observant of guys so there's several layers of dramatic irony in him agonizing over Billy and coming to a realization about his sexuality at the worst possible time, aka in the middle of the upside down trying to get out. Meanwhile Billy's clearly having his heart broken by how well Nancy and Steve work as a team, and do things without thinking for each other. Poor Billy thinks its a failure of communication that he has to voice his needs (it's actually good communication.)
This sequence's got everything I want: Steve realizing he's bisexual, sexy wound tending, Billy ripping out a demodog's heart or something, car chases, Robin with a makeshift flamethrower, tender homoeroticism, and Vecna being THE drama.
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Eddie and Billy flirt so much in this scene my beta converted to a full on metalsandwich reader mid-fic. Not a joke, she ONLY ships them as a triad because Eddie's SUCH a flirt. He really is just like that.
I wrote it on a plane to Austin, TX and didn't have wifi access but I mostly accurately got the town layout.
The cyclone of demobats is my favorite part, it took me a while to figure out where I wanted the sequence to go, but I love the idea of swarms and swarms of them attacking, like in The Birds. Side note, is the Creel house meant to look like this or like Bates motel?
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They do show that electricity kind of does exist in the upside down, and that objects there are from a particular time, so Billy figures out pretty quickly that hotwiring a car might be a possibility. One thing I wanted to play with is that from the moment Billy figures out that the lake gate is a no go, he is not stopping until he gets them home, he can't even stand still for one moment. While Nancy is gathering clues, he's scavenging as quickly as possible. That's part of what makes him a good team member- he takes risks and works fast, because he's used to obstacles making things harder.
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And can we talk about Billy's healing factor? I'm dying to talk about his healing factor. This is the first time we actually get to see him really use it, he grabs things with his bare hands that would make the rest of them shrink back in fear, like crushing demobat skulls with his bare hands. I particularly love the part where Robin asks about upside down rabies, and Billy says he's pre-infected. I wanted him to have that sort of careless dark humor about his powers, like a certain someone who shares a lot with Billy.
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And finally, Steve's VecnaVision. While I appreciate Nancy's in canon, it doesn't reveal a whole lot, actually it seems to step her back in character development all the way to season 1. I understand Barb dying is her thing but it seemed a little less evolved. So I had to imagine what Steve's biggest fear would be. First, Vecna plays heavily on his intelligence, which is an obvious pain point, but then goes further. Steve is a really protective person, which of course Vecna sees as a weakness. I really wanted to show that Vecna is most powerful here, and that he can cause physical sensation, completely warping a person's sense. Why show someone a vision limited by the powers of boring physics when you can do anything. Steve's Vision includes a lot of earthly references, he's thrown through the ground, digging into dirt. He's very solid and defined, ans his sense of self is the same way.
Later when Billy goes into his vision, everything is liquidy, scenes dripping and swirling and drifting, because I wanted to show that Vecna tailors his vision not only to the person but the way the person views the world. Billy's in a moment of transition, and he feels sort of insolid and unsure about so many things. He loves the ocean, but there's a fear there too, because the ocean can also be loss.
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Maybe when I write the sequel we'll get to see what Vecna would do for everyone else.
Unusual asks
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demadogs · 2 years
Honestly I love the way Will is just bathed in golden beams of light at least twice during volume 2 (especially during that scene in the cabin) because there are like four explanations I can think of for why they did that from a character perspective. 1. Hinting that Will dies in season five, 2. Hinting that Will is a Messiah figure and saves everyone next season, 3. Is symbolic of Will being true to himself while Mike is still in the shadows because he is still in denial, and 4. That's just what Will always looks like in Mike's brain
i think out of all of those, 3 is most likely. in the cabin scene especially, will is so obviously in the light and mike in the dark and if that does represent how honest theyre being with themselves, mike reaching out to will in the light could foreshadow him coming out to himself and accepting himself.
HOWEVER theres another much darker theory that i saw a while ago that i think is VERY probable for what that lighting in the cabin scene actually means. i’ve been trying to find the original post that brought this up for days and i think i finally did. it was this post by @chartreuse-goose
they pointed out that there are always light beams in the creel house
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this isnt even all of them. theres so many examples of these beams in the creel house both in real hawkins and in the upside down. both max and chrissy see these beams too when theyre tranced.
the only time we see light beams this dramatic that isnt related to the creel house or vecna in anyway is in the cabin. i think this by far is what the lighting in the cabin is intended to foreshadow. ever since i saw this scene ive been suspicious of this lighting. its so specific and interesting that its only on will. but ever since i saw @chartreuse-goose post ive believed this means that will is going to be in the most danger with vecna next season and/or he’s connected to vecna or the creel house in a way. i think he’ll be much more than just vecna’d the way max was tho. theres a reason he was the first victim and theres a reason the upside down is frozen on the day he went missing and theres a reason he can still feel him in the back of his neck three years later. i think the lighting here could also be symbolic of how huge of a role he plays in the entire upside down/vecna lore.
they also pointed out that mike reaching out to will in the light could foreshadow him being vecna’d too? maybe while trying to help will? could be something like what happened to nancy.
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i’d love to just associate this as byler foreshadow but i think its much darker than that.
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stranger-chichka · 2 years
The Wheelers and the Creels parallels: are they connected or not?
Having read @doriandrifting 's post on Karen/Alice and having in mind some of my own speculations and observations I just want to share some more interesting details + I wrote this one a while ago.
1. Surnames
Creel and Wheeler. A creel - a cylinder on which film, wire, thread, or other flexible materials can be wound and a wheel - a circular object connected at the centre to a bar, used for making vehicles or parts of machines move. Both a creel and a wheel have similar forms. In s4 we see 1) a wheelchair in Creel's house when Victor tells Nancy his story; 2) a wooden wheel behind Jonathan behind his back while he's talking about Nancy with Argyle; 3) Jonathan & Argyle are speaking about wheels after Rink o Mania fight and Mike is also there (read about it here). We also see reels in the library when Nancy is looking for the info on Creels (I've mentioned it here). They are shown to us a few times, so the Duffers clearly wanted us to notice them. We see the reel 5 times to be exact. And @madwheelerz already wrote that Karen Wheeler and the Wheeler women (Karen, Nancy, Holly) all have five-letter names. The Creel children (Henry, Alice) both have five-letter names.
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We also see reels in 2x04 while the chief talks about Crissy's death (the day Mike left Hawkins) and the next thing we see - the wheel of a landing plane (the one Mike was flying on). GOD, THEY'RE SO RELATED.
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Also, I don't know if it means something but Creel sounds like "кріль" which is a rabbit in Ukrainian and Wheel sounds like "віл" which is an ox in Ukrainian (I don't know if the Duffers may have some connection to Ukraine, but I know Finn played that character Boris in "Goldfinch" who was Ukrainian). Rabbits are associated with both Creels and Wheelers while oxen are castrated bulls and Robin says that Nancy's "shot in the dark is a bull's eye" (again, look for photo references here).
Then I decided to be even more delusional and google the difference between ox vs bull and the main difference is what? Their gender. Ox can be either male or female, though they are often only male, while a bull refers to strictly male cattle. Bisexual Wheeler siblings???
Talking about Nancy's & Robin's visit to the library. The very first thing we see is the clocktower, then the girls. We can see a keyhole on Robin's back, which should tell us something, right? There are no coincidences in Stranger Things, remember that.
They're talking about Victor, of course, and Robin calls him "a grandpa murderer." Is it possible for him to have grandchildren? Well, theoretically speaking - yes, and we may even know them.
Henry can be El's biological father (it would explain her powers and his attitude toward her in the lab);
Alice can be alive and there's a theory that Karen might be her (it would explain why she has her own poster, why Henry showed Nancy the future and why El is referred to as a cousin to Mike in s1);
Two more interesting notices:
they need basement archives, and the basement is mostly associated with Mike and Wheelers while the attic - with Vecna and Creels;
after they succeeded in finding what they needed they call Dustin and Robin says Nancy's "shot in the dark was a bull's eye" while literally having a bull on her jacket (just a cool detail).
2. Rabbits
What's with rabbits? Of course, the reference to "Alice in Wonderland", but you better read @paladin-n-cleric 's whiterabbitgatetheory, my focus - Creeld and Wheelers. We see Alice sliding, having fun on a rocketship slide in a yellow dress and seeing the dead rabbit. We see her scared face and suddenly it's all in yellow light. Rocketship. Yellow light. Will. Both are GOOD while Henry/001/Vecna - EVIL.
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At the end of s4 we also have this scene with Karen, who took some toys from the attic (this is the place where Vecna regain his strength) and one of the toys is Nancy's Mr Rabbit. I feel this scene somehow parallels the one from s2, when Karen forces Mike to give his toys for the yard sale, even the ones that "have way too much emotional value." On the contrary, she lets Nancy save Mr Rabbit if she wants. I think by such a contrast the Duffers wanted us to see how Karan changes throughout the show in a good way.
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Talking about toys, we have one more scene in s4 with Mike where the word "toys" is used. In Suzie's house. Where almost everything is from Mike's POV. I also found a subtle parallel to this scene from s1, but let's talk about s4 first.
After the scene on the kitchen with "Father's kidneys! Father's kidneys!" (somebody wrote a brilliant post about that moment but I can't find it to give credit :c it seems to me @doriandrifting was analysing these moments in Bingham’s house but I can’t find the post) Cornelius turns off the electricity and we see Mike's reaction. Eden says: "How many times do I have to tell you? That (=electricity=love) is not a toy!" Then she leads him past the boys (we can see Jonathan, Argyle, Mike and the grandpa's clock but we can't see Will) and sits him under the "TIME OUT!" poster with the words: "You make another escape, I'm getting Father."
Why do I have the feeling these words apply to Will? He escaped from the Upside Down in s1 and s2, and now Vecna threatens him with Lonnie? We'll see Lonnie in s5, mark my words.
Now, the parallel. I would never notice it if it weren't for the timer. Karen is the one who visits Joyce in s1 and sees the lights in her house. She knocks 7 times and brings a casserole with her. Casse (from french) - means "breakage", "heist", "damage", "wrecker" and rôle (from french) - means "role", "part". Someone related to Karen played a part in what happened to Will? Also, the light in the window behind Joyce is yellow (yellow=Will=good) while it's blue behind Karen and blue light = Vecna = evil. I'm not saying she's evil, no, but she's connected to Vecna. As well las Mike. He's definitely not evil, but he's associated with blue and blue light is associated with Vecna (I'm also working on a post connected to it).
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So, Holly is the one who notices the blinking of the lights (while Karen says to Joyce: "If you need anything, anything at all... Ted and I are here for you" and then they're talking about Mike) and she follows them. I wonder if she told something about what she saw Karen or not...
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In s4 Holly has Lite Brite where we can see a rabbit. And she wears the bracelet on her right hand (the same hand Mike wears his watch on).
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3. Running
Alice is running on stairs and we have these numerous shots of Karen on the stairs (she's running on some of them) + Mike's Spotify playlist has a lot of songs the key theme of which is running.
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4. Time & weather
I want to talk about this moment in Creel’s house. Time. Weather.
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The first time we see Karen in s1 she and Mike have a time-related conversation. She says “15 after” meaning it’s 20:15 and Mike’s running up the stairs to ask for 20 more minutes for them to finish the game, but Karen insists on finishing it the next weekend. The campaign took 2 weeks to plan. It took 10 hours to play (here is a great theory by @willthewise7 and @doriandrifting about these numbers). Then Mike asks his dad for 20 more minutes while he’s trying to fix the TV (=electricity problems). And more moments with "time" from s1 below.
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In s2 we see the parents taking photos of their children before Halloween and Snow Ball. Both times Karen says: "One more". 001 = Hanry = Vecna.
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I don't have much time to think about the weather, but what caught my attention was Alice's dress when Vecna killed his mother. It has umbrellas all over it. Umbrellas=rainy weather=water. Water is bad. It leads to the post I'm working on- about IT/Stranger Things parallels I hope I will have finished it by Saturday.
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One more observation. It's connected to russian code. A trip to China sounds nice. Maybe a trip to China foreshadows our journey through the Creel family? Something like that, don't know how to formulate it correctly.
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+ the flowers on the pillow and on the door in Creel’s house look similar 👀
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Bonus from s4.
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