#who are these people. idk them. i can't get attached to Characters without Meeting Them. in their natural habitat. thee original story
wizardnuke · 5 months
i truly don't understand how people can get really into a fandom without seeing all/most of the material involved. how are you doinf that
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t00nyah · 11 months
t00nyah explaining project moon without actually explaining project moon
after posting lcb trigger warning i wanted to do this
me explaining project moon in the shortest way possible except its goofy af bc im eepy and lazy but im in a desperately talkative mood (i post mostly about limbus company since it came out cmon)
what the fuck is projmoon:
project moon is the coolest ever indie game development team we love them; they've made three games so far, also have an unfinished novel, a...idk, just another novel that was initially a comic but im a hater (im sorry(not)), and another comic
they've been doing it for like 7 years almost and still have no idea what optimization is but its okay we love them
there's a lot of killing and just amoral guys in general who can and will kill thousands. its THE 'your meow meow killed thousands of people' 'and they looked good doing it!' universe. everyone is fucked up there guys. but UMMM thats kinda the appeal
so the games! we all here are gamerzzz!
it all started 6 years ago, when lobotomy corporation released in early access and my gf was like hey look what i found
lobotomy corp is a game where you're a manager in a big company, L corp, and you have to get your guys, employees(lucky ones who got the job) to work with abnormalities(fucked up creatures) so they would generate enkephalin, a big energy resource
except your guys will probably die when you're already so attached to them so you just restart the day each time this happens
theres like a maaassive plot, it is the beginning of literally everything, like some stuff still haunts us in limbus company (looking at a particular individual) and there are more characters that you'll fucking love(sephirahs) and then learn their fucked up story (and then learn your fucked up story and not be happy about it)
ah yes while im on it theres no actual self incert in project moon games im sorry but every character IS a character
gameplay-wise you just have to organize your guys, give them equipment, assign them to a job, make them suffer and struggle to suppress abnormalities if they try to make a mess(kill everyone) and do hard tasks your besties make you do
later, in like 2018 i think, they almost immediately after full release of LC announced a sequel, library of ruina
library of ruina is a game that continues the story(duh) and i can't tell you much about it without spoiling lob corp too, but in this one you have to USE BRAIN like A LOT because its a STRATEGY CARD GAME
in this one you dont even have a character you play as, you just follow the characters' on their journey. but dw! you'll get your own customizable guys to adore here too!
basically in this game the characters from LC and your guys are called librarians and you have to greet guests of the library, that were specifically invited there and /tp-ed, basically fighting them. every battle has its own story and eventually it branches off into four arcs and oh gott i love library of ruina a'right you meet characters for like one story and then have to fight them knowing their issues and how life fucked them over enough to get there</3
gameplay-wise you build cool decks from cards of those you've killed for your guys, pick guys for fight and then pick cards. simple. i think. not so simple in game but i simplified it
there's also a lot of amazing lore drops, bc in LC we were kinda isolated and focused on the corporation, but in LoR? we get to see all kinda of people of The City, we learn about The City, we learn about factions and all, we get all the lore we missed by being stuck in that manager chair
okay and now we're here. limbus my fucking company.
limbus company was, again, announced almost immediately after LoR's full release(PM are CRAZY), and released february 27 of this year, and already has more story in word count than lor does or so i've heard...
limbus company is pm's first mobile game(but dw there is a steam release if you're more of a pc person or your phone will explode if you try to install it(and it will)) and their first...(behold) gacha game. yep. but no dont get scared it actually has the best gacha system ever known to men
they've also tried to make it enjoyable without getting into previous games but to me it doesnt feel right i dunno i feel like it's just not that cool without knowing the context and going insane screaming at carmen or connecting the dots, also like the events of LCB are all connected to LC and LoR, so ummm if you try to get into limbus without at least learning what the other games contain be ready i'll personally explode you
in this game you basically play as dante(they/them for the sake of mysteriousness of 'who TF they are') and you have 12 deranged guys named the sinners who are ALL BASED OFF FUCKING CLASSIC LITERATURE did you fucking know pm are fucking literacy nerds and cant have a game without book references without exploding??? well they are.
so the characters (IN CASE YOU'RE INTERESTED) are:
1. gregor (metamorphosis, franz kafka)
2. rodion (crime and punishment, fyodor dostoyevsky)
3. (emil) sinclair (demian, hermann hesse)
4. yi sang (the wings, yi sang (kim hae-gyeong))
5. ishmael (moby dick, herman melville)
6. heathcliff (wuthering heights, emily bronte)
7. don quixote (don quixote, miguel de cervantes)
8. hong lu (dream of the red chamber, cao xueqin)
9. ryoshu (hell screen, ryunosuke akutagawa)
10. meursault (the stranger, albert camus)
11. outis (the odyssey, homer)
12. faust (faust, johann wolfgang von goethe)
also don't forget dante is based on the divine comedy by dante alighieri!
also dante DOESNT FUCKING KNOW SHIT. faust seems to know all shit and never tell dante.
i mentioned it being a gacha game. so like. you dont pull characters. instead you pull the initial deranged guys' alternative versions where they end up on another job like cult leader or a terrorist idk
the best part? you dont necessarily have to get them from gacha in most cases, you can get special currency, ego shards, to get whatever you want separately. also pm added ideality that you get from unfortunate pulls that you can spend on the special identity from the banner. but tbh i think its way easier to get the shards needed than pull that much, not really worth it
gameplay-wise? well. you have to basically just choose your guys' identities(those alt versions, they use them in fights to be stronger), choose their skills, a little similar to ruina (except TBH lcb lets you fuck around and put it on auto until it doesnt really work out (please dont autoplay with r corp ishmael or at least check what they're doing you silly goop they might do friendly fire if you're stupid enough)). the game consists of cantos, chapters that tell you a separate story of a sinner(in the order i gave earlier, not everyone knows that), that have story-episodes(cool ones), story-and-fight-then-episodes(epic ones), and sometimes just-fight-episodes(who the fuck thought those are a good idea?). and in the end of a canto there's always a dungeon. honestly, first two cantos are easy enough to just learn basics yourself, im rambling at this point
there's also hellish grind options and paid stuff like battle pass with the coolest perks ever
also LoR and LCB have mili songs, which is fucking cool, they're such bangers. no no projmoon games' ost in general. just fuckign bangers my guys and i mean it.
well that was fun and games. like i mentioned theres also:
Distortion Detective
im such a fucking fan of this unfinished novel, im so upset they abandoned it </3 pm did say they're probably going to rework it as a game or smth later but in my opinion it just loses its charm if its not a novel
distortion detective ... i cant explain it without spoilers to the games but its basically about moses, the distortion detective, who solves distortions which are like uhhmmm... people turning into some funky shit(that expresses their feelings). and she has a parthner named ezra. they're both poor traumatized women. and stuff happens. thats all i can say without spoiling everything. you learn a lot about the distortion phenomenon from moses' perspective.
wonderlab is a comic made by artist mimi, that follows taii, rose and catt. its about another lobotomy corp branch that actually introduces us to the concept of abnormality aberrations (slightly similar but different abnormalities like we have a little red riding hooded mercenary's(do you remember me mentioning pm being literacy nerds?) team fortress blue team version or whatever) that is used in limbus quite a lot so we old people from LC can be like 'heehehehe this is like like snow white's apple's aberration, so funny, reminds me of good ol' days...'
my main enemy. initially it was a comic, but i think they had to stop working with the artist for some reason and continue it as a novel instead.
i didnt read it. im so sorry i failed you. but i cant. first vergilius, main character, is ugly AS FUCK and he's STUPID i hate his guts. BUT OH DEAR LORD HE APPEARS IN LIMBUS COMPANY AND I HATE HIM EVEN MORE. AND NOT JUST APPEARS, HE'S THE GUIDE OF THE BUS, HE'S KINDA ALWAYS THERE. I HATE HIS GUTS. oh hey lap-- charon, no, you're good, you're amazing, vroom-vroom, yes, right, you're so right.
i'm pretty sure it has A LOT of important context for some stuff in LCB but i just CAN'T MAKE MYSELF TOUCH IT. please read leviathan for me.
i'm sorry it turned into a looong ramble but here's t00nyah's awful brief guide to project moon. in case you want to know about world-building or the story in particular...i'm always here to dm me. please do. i really love telling people about project moon. there's just a lot to unpack.
edit. okay apparently it was easy to misinterpret my leviathan commentary so im putting this here for the sake of clearing the confusions for future!! tl;dr: i know it wasn't continued as a comic for REASONS, it's OBVIOUS!! and yes, leviathan is important, i just can't make myself read it therefore don't have enough knowledge to write about it(cool idea: write your own post about leviathan if you're seeing this and are enthusiastic about it! i just won't.), i still don't like vergilius, it's just a me-thing. DO read leviathan if you're interested</3
edit2. after thinking for a while, decided to add this just in case: i was given a summary of leviathan! well. it IS something. (opinion on vergilius hasn't changed much sorry not sorry, still a me-thing.) but yeah 👍 all good 👍 still not liking it much, mayhaps because i couldn't read it myself, but. it can be found here in the comment section.
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
At this point I think as a fandom, we've lost some of the crackship charm we once had. I can look up Ashara Dayne and Ser Davos and find results, But Nettles and Helaena have nothing. It's time to rectify that for my favourite girl and try to inspire some fanfics. Feel free to add more.
1. Daeron and Nettles
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Think Enemies to Lovers, Captive of War drama like Jaime and Brienne or just some good old Gwen and Arthur-inspired love. Ivy by Taylor Swift coded, a She's all that inspired affair. I genuinely think that he's just trying to be there for her with this one. It happens and neither of them realise until You're in Love starts playing.
2. Baela and Nettles.
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They would give the pot calling the kettle black in every argument. The Princess Bride-esque dynamic between them. Very Graham and Megan from but I'm a Cheerleader. Sapphic Pinning and Resentment should be its own genre. Sir Chloe's Michelle is my vision. We can even make a throuple with them and Jace or Alyn. Truly, I think they but heads until they kiss, building on resentment. I also think they would be the coolest couple.
3. Addam and Nettles
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Kaz and Inej core.
But in all seriousness, I think Addam being loyal and Duty bound and Nettles challenging that idea is delicious. Solider of Duty x Solider for the People. A modern-day Persuasion story but gender-flipped if we put our minds to it. See you Again Kali Uchis and Tyler the Creator, that's all.
4. Nettles and Helaena
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They just deserve better. That's all. Give me cottagecore sapphic romance with my best girls involves. Like the young lesbians from Barbie and the Diamond Castle. Lesbians raising kids together. Sheepstealer and Dreamfyre hatching eggs for the nieces and nephews. I just-
It would be so cool, I will by Mitski sentiment is already attached.
5. Alyn and Nettles
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Now that we are here obviously she apologized for Sheepstealer, she doesn't need to but she did, He tries not to like her but can't help it. She wins him over and they hatch him an egg or something idk. Think The Princess Diaries: Royal Engagement, Mia and Nicholas, Flipped the movie if you will. Jealously plots would slay. For the song choice think Shameless Camila Cabello. Please remember that Alyn is younger than Netty by 3/4 years though.
6. Rhaena and Nettles
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See now this is classic Friends to Lovers, Emma and Harriet if gay, perhaps, Bend it Like Beckham core definitely. Sofia by Clario inspired. Nettles doesn't leave Rhaena out because she's without a dragon and the same happens inverse. Sapphic confusion however, like Rhaena doesn't understand at first why she feels that way.
7. Nettles and Jace.
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Now for the Mr Knightley and Emma Woodhouse of our time, the Kate and Anthony of Westeros. The potential for her just not listening to him when he tries to tell her how to ride a dragon. Or when she talks to him about the people he'll rule over eventually, Ygritte and Jon style. She's also the only bastard who doesn't look Targaryen, he can relate to that a bit. I think she's Fierce and he's Stubborn. Ungodly Hour by Chloe x Halle for them.
8. Nettles and Alys.
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The Fire Witches of Westeros. I think they will be perfect as a ship. American Horror Story-esque characters. The two Witches in the story are obviously my favourites. It would be Jennifer's Body meets, the craft meets, and Suspiria. Willow by Taylor Swift becomes them.
This one was also a bonus more or less.
Anyways I just need to start to get a baseline story for my girl by the time the show gives her to us. So we have a general sense of direction, I'm tired of the mischaracterization of my baby. She's smart, resourceful, Cunning, Fearless, and not entirely loyal. She also curses, enough for it to be a character trait. Please remember this for her, I'm tired. I also know that Daemon loved her but she's too much fun as a character to limit her to him romantically in all her fanfictions, it is an interesting narrative to explore while we don't have exact answers but he gets romantic ships with anyone. She deserves more.
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yorsgirl · 2 months
I just read through both chapters of your Gojo fic and I’m OBSESSED! So many thoughts right now, you’re so talented 😭
Y/N has given us a bit of insight as to why she dislikes Kazumi and I can honestly say that IF what she’s telling us is true (since we’re really only getting her perspective) then I don’t blame her for her feelings. Your rich friend that can accomplish anything they want because they were born into wealth constantly reminding you that YOU can’t always get what you want? Nah, I wouldn’t let a friend shit on my hopes and dreams whenever I spoke of them. Then continuing to call someone a nickname they’ve clearly said they didn’t like is also pretty disrespectful too, I wonder if there’s any more though because… Y/N GIRLIE why not just stop being friends with her if you didn’t like her 😭 she’s been inconsiderate of your feelings enough for you to just drop her but… None of this is an excuse to have an affair with the man your “best friend” loves though like??
I wonder if Y/N has actually developed feelings for Satoru. I’m sure their affair has started out of mutual attraction and revenge on Y/N’s part, but given her reaction when Satoru promptly reminded her of her place of not being on Kazumi’s level (which I wonder if he’s said because he most likely knows she’s insecure about it) then she might have without realizing it.
There’s so many questions racking through my brain, has Kazumi really not suspected a thing even through their blatant flirting in front of her on their first meeting? Why did Y/N stick with someone she clearly can’t stand? Is there more to Y/N and Kazumi’s relationship that we have yet to see or is Y/N just that awful of a person to Kazumi? As of right now my mind is just racing!
I can’t wait to see the aftermath of this situation, Y/N babe let’s get some therapy maybe 😌 Kazumi, I’m so sorry you were betrayed by the two people you probably loved most omg 😭 Satoru, you can go to hell (need you so bad tbh)
THANK YOU FOR THE CHAPTER and I’m so sorry for the essay message 😭 looking forward to part three! Have a good one ❤️
First, I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING ME THIS AND READING MY WORK!! ❤️ ✨️ and your character study is awesome dearie!!
Secondly, I love how you left messages for everyone, here's there answers for you:
Y/N: I am sure I can use a bit of therapy after all that, thank you.
Kazumi: I still can't... it's so hard to even believe but... I guess, I knew bits and pieces about it... Still it doesn't help but thank you for your concern.
Satoru: Would you accompany me on the road to hell, m'lady? *winks*
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Now, to answer your questions, I won't answer about Kazumi and y/n's relationship and why didn't Kazumi suspect much cause anything it'll spoil the next part.
As for, why Y/N didn't leave Kazumi:
Its kind of an attachment issues. I have incorporated this trait in y/n recalling my behaviour with some of my former(toxic) friends. Idk if anyone relates with it or not but in this issue, you can't just let go of people who have done wrong to you.
There's a tendency to just stay with them even though you absolutely hate them. But the reason for the stay is because you want to witness and revel whenever the other person's suffering. And as we saw, y/n is a two-faced bitch – she'd provide fake support while laughing internally.
But this attachment issue also makes her suffer as she is not really "leaving" even though she might say that she doesn't care for Kazumi, she is actively present in her life and in a way does care (for her suffering). It is making her suffer too which kind of gives the feel of an internal masochism.
This brings me to my second answer:
I guess I have mentioned it that y/n does harbour feelings for Satoru even though she knows he is an asshole. And yes, the affair was mainly a revenge but then think about it, you are actively flirting, sleeping, meeting someone but all in secret. It gives you the - Us against the world vibe which is thrilling in itself and you don't know when you overstep the threshold of love even after knowing that your partner is a Dick.
Y/n knows that her feelings can be one sided and its causing her to suffer (internal masochism), still she can't stop this affair (attachment issues at play again).
That's just it!! And thank you for reading and writing to me. It really means a lot !! 💗 😭
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ac-liveblogs · 10 months
i love lyney a lot but at the same time i can't help but be a little disappointed in how his character is executed bc he turned out differently from what i expected when i saw how he was first described. granted, this was during when i was going off of leaks so its my fault for getting attached this early on but when the only info i knew if him was he was a performer who only cared about his sister i expected he'd act colder or indifferent towards other ppl incl. MC during their arrival, or that he'd have a warmer facade around others which gave the illusion he was a trustworthy person to be around when in reality he acts that way for his own benefit- whether its to get info or plain amusement. his teaser didn't help much either since he messes with a drunk guy for laughs. but idk. i still like him a lot hes very charming but i wish the deception went beyond him hiding he's fatui
Interestingly, Lyney IS supposed to be a character that puts on a warmer facade around others - he says as much in his profile.
Actually, the real me is nowhere near as outgoing or chatty as I appear. More often than not, I only work my verbal "magic" as a means of getting closer to people. Sometimes I think people would feel sorry for the real me. Do you? sigh Or do you find my little games absurd?
Love when this stuff is in character profiles and not the main story.
Anyway, if he does act this way, it's just... not to us. By his Character Quest, which can theoretically be set at any point after you meet him, he is absolutely fine showing how manipulative he can be… to other people, not the player, who he trusts. Kind of skipped over the fun part there, huh. It even jumped right to the heavy implication (or just outright confirmation) that Lyney has feelings for the Traveller by the end of it. The rainbow rose bit, I mean.
Which, like. C'mon, I played this during Fontaine, we've known each other a hot week or something. I guess it's still not as bad as Ayaka.
But I guess that's kind of the point, right, these types of parasocial games really want you to feel special, like you're the exception to the rule, these characters are cold and closed off or manipulative to other people, but not to you, you're important to them. It's just that Genshin tends to shortcut their way right to the "you're special" part without really putting in the legwork to explain how you got there. (@xiao @albedo @ayaka, etc)
It's really unfortunate that following release order (Act I > Lyney Character Quest > rest of Fontaine) is probably going to really muddle the progression of his storyline, haha… Personally, I would've preferred he really was more deceptive to the player, I think that would've been a lot more fun. Well, there's still time for that to be the case, but given Genshin's writing patterns lowkey I kinda doubt it... and I really think given what we've learnt about Arlecchino so far and Childe's framing, the Fatui aren't going to be the villains this time. Or at least, not for most of it.
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lesbiankrem · 1 year
Watched Ep. 1 of Dragon Age Absolution
of course I'm generally excited to see something dragon age, to see different places and people
the animation style is usually pretty fun, especially the way they do magic effects, and there is a good amount of detail in the look of buildings, clothes, expressions. their intro sequence is nice.
i am not sure why they chose that blocky weirdly modern/characterless sans serif font for the location overlays. I liked the use of the inquisition map to show they were traveling... why not use that font?
i wish they drew some actual strap or other staff-holding mechanism for the mage characters. this isn't the damn video game you can make it make sense. if the mages really are doing some continual spell to float their staff an inch away from their backs, you would think they would talk about it sometimes, so I don't really accept that's the explanation. it would also be great characterization through costuming! have poorer mages using cumbersome, rough and ready straps and fancy mages having a whole garment with a click-in attachment for it that they can use magic to operate, but don't have to continually expend magic for.
i am usually someone who gets most irritated over time with plot that is written for the convenience of the writers and not with edits done to make sure it makes sense. like if you have your characters get into a fight with a mage and his crew in a bar that mage should use magic to fight!! You should have to deal with a fireball or telekinetic weapons or something. If you defeat him anyway it better be because you had some effective counter, not because he conveniently and inexplicably only uses magic for theatrics (burning the bartop to scare someone) and nothing else (idk fighting for real).
Also why bring the plans to a public place!?!?!?! Don't do it! Just say no to reading your heist plans at the bar in Tevinter as an elf who escaped slavery!!! the writers did not NEED to make her that dumb (and the rest of the team implicated too). They could have just had that guy recognize her or pick her out for harassment because of course you can harass any elf with the claim they "must be a runaway" in Tevinter.
on the positive note with Qwydion pretending to be a slave for a magister, it seems they are explaining how bull (as a qunari) got to walk around Tevinter without being attacked -- they have some qunari slaves and servants and possibly even other free travelers and citizens, which provides a cover. I can see why Tevene society/government would opt to not ban them, either because tbh the Qun can just send elven, human, or dwarven converts or pay off people to get spies. It's not like it would slow them down too much for Qunari/kossith to be banned from Tevinter. Meanwhile all the labor from captured or defected qunari would be valuable, and so is all the time and resources they save not trying to enforce a ban.
other plot & character thoughts....
I don't remember Fairbanks being that competent or confident in DA:I. Maybe they will explain that with what happened to him from when the Inquisitor first meets him until now.
I don' think we actually met a mage named Hira in DA:I -- which is fine it makes sense, no problem... just if someone wants to contradict that and say we did, I do want to know
as I suspected even in context the "people like us can't change the world!!!" "people like you never try" exchange just seems......... bad. though this may be showing a flaw in their dynamic together or like, character flaws on both parts, but wow what a both obviously false statement and horrible way to try to motivate someone. of course people from rough backgrounds try to make things better. of course lack of trying isn't the big, main reason why formerly enslaved elves and other people like that don't tend to effect lasting changes in society that everyone knows to credit them for. but to be fair the writers, it's believable to me that Hira might think and say that... and i can't say they meant for the line to be taken as truth.
i don't think people usually call it a "cheese farm".... there are dairy farms... and cheesemakers. may b wrong i'm not a cheese farm expert. very cute anyway for Hira and Miriam to want to farm cheese <3
they really are relying on Miriam having moodswings to explain her choices. not yet sure that is a problem, makes sense that she might have moodswings, but if they keep it up for when their plot asks for it even if she has Character Development to manage them I am going to complain about it
i kind of don't get why the mages couldn't bust down a grate or two or clear the rubble the "blocked" tunnels. i guess we can imagine they are REALLY filled in with rubble and the ones with metal grates are also enchanted and trapped to hell and back but if it were me i would have written that in with a line to make it clear
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msrandonstuff · 1 year
Can't concentrate because idk why but right now I feel VERY enthusiastic about helluva boss. So i decided to yeah, come here to maybe bother you in your askbox so I can get it all out.
But like.
Stolitz. The main ship.
You could say that Blitzø and Stolas are the two main characters and you wouldn't be quite wrong. Those two losers are the ones that have most of the fandom emotionally attached because. Because. Just. Imps, in the show, are hell's lowest class. Them there are the Sinners (people who died and now are in hell), then there are the Overlords (powerful Sinners because they either did something terribly bad on earth or I think some of them were born in hell?), then the nobility, like princes, dukes of hell. And then Lucifer who is the king. Ok so.
Blitzø is an imp. Hell's lowest. Stolas is a prince. Hell's nobility. They both met as kids because the day of his tenth birthday, Stolas' father told him about his arranged marriage, Stolas was sad and so his father "bought" Blitzø for an afternoon. Blitzø's father told him to steal anything valuable from Stolas' house because nobility. So Blitzø tricks Stolas into helping home steal. And they both enjoy themselves while doing it. When it's all done, Blitzø could have left, but he didn't because he had a good time.
It seems that from that moment, Stolas had some sort of crush on Blitzø.
Then, years later, Blitzø wants to make his own business: killing people that haven't died yet, being hired by hell's Sinners. But in order to go to Earth, he needs a portal, a spell. And, one of the places where he can find something to go to Earth is in a book Stolas owns.
So. Blitzø happens to decide to steal the book the same day of Stolas'wedding anniversary. His wife (who doesn't love him, and apparently is abusive towards him) is laughing at him, ridicules him in from of the guests. So Stolas drinks fucking absinthe, and while he's drinking, the guards bring Blitzø to him because he tried to break in.
Strong alcohol leads to bad decisions so somehow they end up in Stolas' room, Stolas flirting with Blitzø and Blitzø playing along because he wants the book that desperately. And kaboom they end up fucking. Next morning Blitzø leaves with the book, fucking crashes Stolas'wife with cake and so she knows of the infidelity.
So. After some time, Stolas'proposes that Blitzø can stay with the book on the condition that once a month he fucks him. But it's like nonsense because in the same book there's a spell that can grant free access to Earth without the necessity of the book so Stolas could have easily made that. But he didn't because apparently he enjoyed himself too much with Blitzø.
Their emotions to one another are a MESS. Specially considering both have daddy issues. Stolas sees Blitzø as an equal, but hell's social system is stuck into his head no matter how hard he tries. And Blitzø has severe inferiority complex, thinking of Stolas as very, very above him socially. And also, all previous romantic relationships Blitzø had were apparently a failure so he craves love but fears attachment.
So yeah. It's all a MESS. But it's a mess worth watching.
thank you for listening to my ted talk.
I have no idea of what that is, but trust be im loving to read all this my dearest
first i loved this universe???? ngl this whole thing rlly caught my attention wdym the nobility of hell??
omg them meeting each other #couplegoals
ngl you've basically converted me into wanting to watch it in the winter break from school like wtf it is just so good??? you've got me hooked up on this and i loved it
loved the ted talk btw. if ya ever need know that my inbox is always open :)
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
So, about this new Jeht quest...
Maybe you've figured it out, so pls enlighten me if you did.
1) Why did Jeht turn into this brutal berserker in the first place? She was taught to be a fighter, sure, but she kinda went from 0 to 100 real quick as if she gained some extra strength.
2) What did Fatui need Jeht for? For what kind of experiments exactly? At first, I thought she went berserk because of fatui's experimentation, but it seems like she was already like this before they kidnapped her?
3) Why did Traveler just let Jeht go without offering any help? Like introducing her to Dehya idk. Or is it for the sake of the potential future quests with her? For example, Liloupar did say that we'll meet again, so there's that.
On the other hand, Hoyo really turned Jeht into a rabid dog of sorts, I'm kinda still processing what it was for though. When we meet her for the first time, she is a kind and curious girl, and now she is basically a psychopath 😶
Hm... OK, to be honest, I'm not particularly good at meta analysis, especially as far as characterization goes, so there's likely things I missed.
I don't remember too well how Jeht was characterized during Golden Slumber, aside from her attachment to Jebrael and her ability to empathize with Benben well enough to understand it. You're right that, thinking back on it, her characterization is very different this time.
In regard to her being so extremely violent and dangerous in the final quest of 3.4, I do think it's in line with the rest of Dirge of Bilquis... for what that's worth.
The Tanit tribesmen calling her "wildcat" might sound cute and funny in another context, but think about what they're like. They're vicious murderers all the way through, so them going "she's so fiesty :)" carries a certain context. We also already knew that Jeht had killed multiple "traitors" on Babel's orders, and she turned on that one dude who wanted to marry her with basically no outward provocation. She suspected he was working with the Fatui and immediately went straight to murder. She might have also suggested violent solutions in passing during the rest of the journey..? tbh the dialogue was pretty... yeah, so I don't recall the details so much.
So her turning around and ripping apart the Fatui like that and needing to be fought before she calms down (though you don't have to deplete her health bar, it seems) is... consistent with this patch.
Very "violent savage" in a way I can't say I find appealing, but there you go.
As for whether this was always her character and we just didn't have opportunity to see it in Golden Slumber, whether her personality got retconned because they had a different kind of story to tell or the writer changed, or whether being treated as an attack dog by Babel twisted her, I really couldn't say.
(I do kind of think the writer change tho. It's just such a difference in tone and quality? Golden Slumber spent so much time on refuting that King Deshret was a vicious tyrant, that the desert people are brutish and vicious, and then we get this...? Weird to imagine it could have been done by the same person. )
I don't think the Fatui needed her for anything specific. They seem to just pick up people for experimentation in general. Manga, at minimum, directly said that Dottore kidnaps people for mad scientist stuff, and that might have come up in other quests, iirc. I don't think they did anything to her before we rescued her, regardless.
:) Because that would require the Traveler acting as a separate character and not just a viewpoint into the storyline.
It's because they were done with this quest and with Jeht. You can't take her with you, logistically, because she's an NPC and the game is structured around just Traveler and Paimon (the gacha is, as a reminder, entirely not canon). You can't take her to any of the archon quest characters, whether playable ones or NPCs, because you don't know whether players are doing this quest before or after the archon quest, since there is no prerequisite. You wanted to be dramatic and ruin her life, but picking up the pieces? Eh.
Just send her off into the desert, who cares, amirite.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal about Season 13!! 💪💪 (1/4)
Phew, I actually made it to the English release without spoilers! 🤩 I do know general things about little plots for the ninja, hopefully nothing major! Finally, the Cole season we've all been waiting for, with Rock Mom and possibly plenty of our Earth baby development! COLE IN THE SPOTLIGHT AT LAST!! 🖤🖤
Well, I know I'll be shooting rainbows from my eyeballs if I see even one Nexo Knights reference! For the rest I don't really know what will happen, I'm curious! 🤔
It's the 6th of July, and here we go!!
Is it just me or the dialogues sounds better? More built up, funnier, cohesive just like in the earliest seasons of Ninjago? Maybe it's just me but I'm really appreciating 🤷‍♀️
It also doesn't feel that rushed anymore! Which was my biggest problem in Prime Empire really. The episodes seem to me like fragments of a nice movie, not a too long story forced into 11 minutes. I'm very happy with the quality so far, I feel good about this for now! 👍
No matter what season it is, you can count on The Fold to make an AMAZING intro!! Freaking awesome, it was epic and very final battle like 👌👌 I WANT THE FULL VERSION ASAP!!!
I do appreciate we are not forgetting about the adventures we had until now, it feels like from season 11 forward we are building a new backstory of. But they still show stuff from the very first seasons so I'm happy anyway 😍
Pff, Cole plays Prime Empire right after being trapped in it. And Lloyd joins in! YES!! Maybe there is hope for a season without greenie being traumatized! 👍👍
Also he's doing laundry because I DON'T WANNA DO THE DISHES NO MORE~ 😎
The chicken is back 😂 The constant reference to the movie we are all kinda attached to a this point (well I am, LOOK AT THE LITTLE HAT 💕💕)
Is it me being a "I've rewatched this show way too much" type of fan to feel that Nya saying that Jay using Spinjitzu for chores will get Wu mad might be a reference to how the guys had cleaned the very first Destiny Bounty with that? You think that Wu found out and got crazy mad? That would be kinda cool 😂😂
Okay, poor sensei and all, but he's kinda right 😅 I like Wu, I really do, but Aspheera was a problem kinda because of him, they all going to another dangerous realm could have been dealt a lot better if he hadn't been so on edge and in Prime Empire he freaking got kidnapped by NORMAL PEOPLE. Maybe he is getting old 🤷‍♀️
At last, he has returned...
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THE ONE AND ONLY RULER OF NINJAGO, THE POSTMAN!!! 💜💜💜 Was he missing since March of the Oni? I can't remember if he was around for the Aspheera part 🤔
Soooo, not to be that person, but a secret group of royals asking the ninja to meet them in a place that was never open for outsiders before then? Kinda... feels familiar... *SoG flashbacks* 😰
Okay, not the biggest fan of Misako, but her scolding Wu was kinda fun 🤣 Needed to change the animation for her to get a bit of personality apparently 😉
Ah, you left Pixal behind to let her do... chores. Well, if you guys are happy 😒
Ninja babies all excited ❤💚💙🖤🤍💦 Also I'm excited because there is FINALLY a white heart between the emoji! I didn't notice it until now, I just need a gray/maroon heart now 😍
Jay screaming NOT MADE UP cracked me up so much 😂😂 Gosh I love my bluebell
A bit of action scene, nice, nice, also Cole going full buddy mode to save Jay gives me my beautiful Bruise vibes 💙🖤💙🖤
Well hello Brian
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Looking good 💕💕 The designs are rocking in season 12 and 13, I cannot tell it enough! Super super cool
Overall nice episode, seemed more nicely focused than usual, I don't know if it's just me. I'm happy anyway 😁
Ooohhhh, so the sails were ripped off by the bats, and they were flying thanks to the soldier guys with wings. It makes sense, I was confused by the trailer, now there's the answer!
Okay, Vania introduction, I wonder what kind of princess we will get after last ti-
Vania: I'm such a big fan of you, I was the one that insisted at having you here! 🤩
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... besides the fact that she sounds and looks absolutely ADORABLE, I'm kinda with Lloyd about feeling suspicious... because that's exactly how Harumi introduced herself back then 😅 And away it goes, the possibility of Lloyd spending a season without feeling disturbed or traumatized...
Ah, there we go, Cole and Vania. Soft looks, instant attention and... that's it? Idk, Jay and Nya's meeting had that one very awkward color question (💙❤💙❤), Kai literally heard romantic music while looking at Sky (❤🧡❤🧡), Lloyd was being mocked all the way by the guys as he looked at Harumi (💚😰💚😰). This one seems a bit weak? I don't mind it actually, I'm actually a bit curious about how it will develop since it started like this 🤷‍♀️
References to Hiroshi's Labyrinth and the Tournament of Elements, my fangirl heart is happy 😍 Is it too much thinking that the maze was a reference to Shadow of Ronin, since they all went there in the game while in the show only Lloyd was at the Labyrinth? Idk 🤷‍♀️
JAY SAYING COLE IS HIS BEST FRIEND, YES!! YES!! FINALLY, HAVEN'T HEARD IT SINCE SKYBOUND!!! BROTP IS BACK 🖤💙🖤💙 Also Jay confused that Vania is interested in Cole, pff, you clearly don't know the fandom 😂
But it is a bit fishy, does she knows stuff? Now I'm into it...
Lloyd sneaking in, that was creepy 🤣 And ninja like, of course
I kinda like how this is going, Cole straight up saying dude, I just met her, calm down. Like, I do understand green bean and I'm kinda on his side, but still 🤷‍♀️
Cole: I'm not just gonna jump on the lovesick wagon like you weirdos, geez
"It felt like a cloud of warm contentment." I'm gonna use this whenever someone asks me why have I been in my bed all day 😎
I know they all believed Cole was just dreaming the purple guy, but honestly they could have just said "Cole, we had flaming snakes raining on Ninjago a few weeks ago, what are you so worked up about?". But yeah, ROCK MOM FINALLY!!! I wanna know more!! 😍😍😍
Mr Sparkles 😂😂 So cute
Vania is cool for now, she is basically the innocent Harumi without a scarring tragedy from her past changing her into a vengeful villain... yeah 😅
Did Cole notice that she talks a lot and loud, kinda like Jay? Is that why he seemed a bit annoyed? 😂😂
For now they don't seem that annoyingly into each other, they look chill, no major lovesick moment or anything. I like it, I don't know if this ship will be super important or something, but at least I'm happy they are dealing with it in a different way 👍
With all these creatures chained up and a crazy dude making them work, Cole must have one HECK of a flashback from back in Chen's island 😵
Okay, I get the drama, I get the lair which is
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Legit cool, with that nice Underworld vibe, but really? A wood door with ropes behind a lava fall? Security measures who? 😂😂
So Skull dude is the bad guy, and has a mask. People with masks means big reveal at some point. I like dudes with masks 😗
Aaaahhh, figures it was too easy being in a literal mine with the power of Earth. They really can't keep their powers for more than five seconds now can they 😂😂
But this seems interesting, is it connected with the burst thing they said in the trailer? Or even Cole's mom? Is this Skull Sorcerer connected to her? I HAVE QUESTIONS PEOPLE!!!
I am legit enjoying this 👌 They are building up questions and I do hope we'll get a good flashback moment with Rock mom... or even finding out if something else happened to her... EXCITED 🤩🤩
So to be the main ninja of a season lately you have to be either without powers (Kai Fire Chapter) or trapped in an unknown place (Zane Ice Chapter and Jay Prime Empire). Cole got them both 😅
Mm, the king is being weird, what's up with this mountain thing? Does he know who the Skull Sorcerer is? QUESTIONS
So Vania keeps being extremely adorable, I think I really like her character 💕 We'll see what will happen with her, how she will interact with the others, especially Lloyd since he seems very suspicious... can't really blame him 😅
Kai ready to argue with a king because one of his friend is in danger, THAT'S MY FLAME BABE ❤❤❤
Okay, the conflict between the two tribes, I read about this in some plots of the season. Not sure how that will play, but
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I did laughed at this 😂 Sorry Mole
Okay, seriously, have we not learned anything from letting Kai come up with a plan? The notoriously bad planner Kai? The think before talking Kai? The let's follow the sun because yes Kai? I love him to dead but really, it was meant to go bad right away even if the title wasn't that 😅😅😅
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT EMOTIONAL AT COLE'S NINJA-GO WHILE DOING SPINJITZU?? 😭😭 They don't say it that much anymore before spinning, it kinda hit my tornado shaped heart 🖤🖤
I expected at least a comment about them being similar to the Skulkin, too bad. Not fundamental though, I'm really enjoying this so far 👍
Well, all of the ninja are trapped now 😅 Is Wu going to come for the rescue? Is Vania? I know they will be separated and will all go on separated quests, and I'm kinda more looking forward to it now. Let's see what happens!! 🤩
Considering how big of a fan Vania seems to be of the ninja, I bet she had those figures way before this moment 😂
Wooooo, hearing someone addressing Cole as the leader, does this count as a major throwback to pilots and season 1? I would make it count 😍
Okay here Vania does seem into Cole, we'll see how that plays out 🤷‍♀️
Ooooooooohhhhhh, vengestone! This actually make more sense than the last two times they were left without powers 😅 We never actually saw where that material came from, and here there's an actual mine full of it! Very cool, I like this! Big question is, what does Skull dude need all this vengestone for? 🤔🤔
Okay, the legends fits, sounds good enough but... she? SHE?!? WAS THAT ROCK MOM??? She was clearly a ninja and she did spinjitzu!! I didn't even considered the possibility, I only saw Misako, Doubloon and Aspheera knowing Spinjitzu before!! An actual mom?? THAT WOULD BE EPIC!! 🖤
Pff, these tribes are a bunch of idiots, I actually like them 😂 I like them better than the rats of Prime Empire that's for sure, but maybe that's just me 🤔
Aww, this Mino creature is cure! Cole did pretty good with him, does he remind him of Rocky? ☹
Nice, this I was waiting for! Cole and Lloyd together, leaders collaboration 💚🖤💚🖤 It didn't last much, but I think there will be more of it? I HOPE SO!!!
So the blades must be somewhere hidden, if they really have been taken by the Skull Sorcerer. I mean, even in Prime Empire they thought for sure Unagami was Dyer, so I wouldn't jump on it right away 🤔
There we go, the divided team! I knew about Kai and Zane stuck together, I remember stuff not too promising about Nya having to fight for Jay, but I'm honestly really enjoying the season so far! I like the pace and it doesn't seem as rushed as before! I hope we get to some good plot twists and backstories soon!! 🤩🤩
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ddaenghoney · 4 years
Hi! It's me again! Idk if this will be as long as the others but it'll be something! Jimin finally deciding to stick up for y/n right after she quit us like, its basically nothing like he stood up for her yeah but he didn't do it when it actually counted. Idk I just can't get behind Jimin, he emotionally manipulated y/n (from what I understood please correct me if I'm wrong) and lead her on while also keeping her at a distance 1/?
2/? Jimin and y/n no longer being fwb seems to be doing y/n good. She’s spending her time with people who are willing to invest in her and her life and from what I’ve seen she seems to be doing better. I know that she probably has stuff to work through both from being with Jimin and from the status of her role within the company but I think that with Namjoon and Jin and Yoongi and even Hoseok that she’ll be able to grow and become more confident and all that was to say Jimin what are you doing??
3/? Like I know that there was something between Jimin and y/n and I know that they were in love with each other but Jimin continuously pushed her away so it just doesn’t sit right with me that he’s now sort of showing the behavior that is expected between people who are real close to being a serious thing. Bndnsks I was going to make this ask about Yoongi and I ended up talking about Jimin wow but y/n deserves an award for not breaking down during that confrontation like I would have been gone
4/? Okay okay onto Yoongi now,,,, mans has feelings and doesn’t even realize it. Dang. Like, he’s increasingly gotten more and more comfortable around y/n and the same goes the other way around. They’re relaxing more into each other and into the relationship and it’s slowly edging it’s way past fake towards real. At the beginning, Yoongi protecting y/n and making sure she got out okay and then checking up on her both in the car and back at her apartment like he’s willingly showing his affection
5/ he’s showing his affection and showing that he cares for y/n and for Hoseok and Hoseok knows!!! He can tell that Yoongi is falling and falling hard and he’s the most supportive dude like ever. Also petition for y/n to work with Hoseok and his music be credited properly or or for Yoongi to just release some of what he did with y/n without telling anyone hahaha like yeah he’s get in trouble but y/n would be credited… Dilemma dilemma dilemma. But! Yeah Yoongi is really paying attention and
6/6 I cannot remember where I left off so like, Yoongi is taking care of y/n and y/n is starting to try to do the same so like it’s so soft and I cannot wait for them to get together and be in a healthy relationship and all of that good stuff. That is all!! I loved the new chapter!!! It really added a other later of realness to everyone’s character and it really showed a clear relationship between everyone. (Hello I have to go off anon to send this I’m sorry)
Omg you have no idea how happy these messages make me!!!🥺❤️ (bc of the way I format the asks I didn’t have to post your url, but if you’d like to remain anon or go by your url in the future that’s completely up to you!! nonetheless nice to meet you in a way! 🥰😚)
You’re absolutely right, that this singular moment of Jimin standing up for Y/N really isn’t anything outwardly significant! I think once more about Jimin’s perspective of everything is revealed, why he refrained so much and said nothing at all for Y/N will make more sense! I don’t necessarily think everyone will think his perspective will warrant complete change of opinion on his character, but it’s not as black and white as it can seem right now!! we saw a brief moment of him exiting Yerin’s office, hmmmmm.. 
As for the emotional manipulation aspect, I personally don’t believe nor did I intend for Jimin’s character to do this towards Y/N. (As far as the literal definition of emotional/psychological manipulation, this doesn’t seem to fit their relationship dynamic to me either, but in some respects I could be wrong!) Their relationship is a big mixture of a lot of different problems to me (it’s been touched on that Y/N is actually the one who instigated the FWB relationship between the two of them before the start of the story). While Jimin definitely should’ve put it on the table about his opinion on Y/N’s career in SoundWave, it actually didn’t take him years to admit this. They’ve been seeing each other for about two years, but only around a half a year before the start of the story has Y/N started showing noticeable animosity towards her contract. Like I said, Jimin should’ve verbalized his stance sooner, but in some ways because of their emotional attachment to one another I think it’s sort of reasonable that he put it off so long? Both of them avoided the communication that would’ve caused their relationship’s breaking point for a long time!
I leave the topic of Jimin by simply saying: that one moment wasn’t his redemption in the grand scheme of things, it, like his thoughts in chapter 11, are a show of more to come! : )
As for Min Softie himself… yes he’s our oblivious boy…. doesn’t even realize himself LOL Ahhhh the joys of fake relationship where characters blur the line of where fake stops and real begins…. These two people are easing into one other chapter by chapter, you’re right! They’re …..🥺Also best friend Hobi and duo-friends Joon and Jin are 🥺 just hoping for the best with their friends truly 🥺🥺 I’m really glad that you enjoyed this chapter, as it’s ending was definitely made with the intention to highlight the beginning of complication within the company now that news of Y/N’s soon-leave spreas, among Yoongi’s concerns of helping her out, and, for better or worse, Jimin has properly learned of Y/N quitting as well now so 🤩🤩 in the words of Guk “Let’s get it!!” 
Again thank you so much for sending such long comments about the chapter and your thoughts of the characters and things to come!! They make me so happy, you’re truly an angel🥺💘
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prince-peach-core · 6 years
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Here we go then.
1. Your first OC ever?
Oh boy. It's either an MLP oc or a Soul Eater one. I'm not gonna go into further detail.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
No! Hah!! Of course not! How could I favor one OC over another? I love Louis and all non-Louis' equally.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
No, I don't think so?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Ace. But I love him and need to work on him more.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Oh damn. Maybe Arista. I love her a lot. She's my token child genius.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Oh shit maybe Iseul and Basil? The hairstyle is similar and the face shape, from what I remember. Plus they're both close in personality.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Yeah!! If you check the tag #TimeStoppers, I have 10 OCs who are a part of a story with a few friends' OCs!! It's great, I love it a bunch.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
N...no? I don't believe I do.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
No I can't part with my babies. I'm too attached.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
Louis, definetely. It's more on the fact that his hair is all over the place and his sweater is multiple colored. Plus he wears a lot of pastels and complicated fashion.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Coriander, Rosemary, Deangelo, Gerrit, Randall, and Louis. All sunshine.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Ace is definitely one. And so is Eun, but she's more low-key.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Oh one of my worst one's would be Gerrit I'd say. He watched his wife pass away 5 years ago.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Arista. Child genius.
17. Any OC OTPs?
18. Any OC crackships?
Maybe Rosemary and Louis, but Rosemary and Eun would be good too.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why).
I would say the Time Stoppers OCs mean a lot to me. I made them with a bunch of friends and it's really nice. Everyone is so sweet about them and we can all laugh and cry about them. It's just nice.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
A lot of my OCs sing. I don't have voice claims on hand, or song favorites either. I'm too lazy to go through them all anyway.
21. Your most artistic OC.
Thomas. Literally an art major.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Nah. No one really does much on them, and the friends that partake in LouSeul fluff get them pretty spot on.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Uhh Thomas. He was originally just this quiet art kid who doesn't do much but he's grown a lot and is sort of a self-projection/ more artsy kid.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Oof fuck. Louis is closer in height, but Thomas is pretty much a projection so him.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Nope, and hopefully never.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Arista, again. She'll steal a cookie right before dinner.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Louis and/or Randy.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Secret, would be Basil. But like if it didn't have to be secret it'd be Louis.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Iseul. Sort of tan-grey and black layout. Aesthetics of leather jackets, ripped jeans, cigarettes, and just grungy type stuff in general. Occasional pictures of him with his family and/or Louis. Reblogs stupid love quotes and romcom gifs.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Oh Ace definitely. He's the kind of guy to get into a dangerous horror situation and have even the slightest possibility of escape.
33. Your shyest OC?
34. Do you have any twin characters?
No, but I used to.
35. Any sibling characters?
Iseul and Eun & Basil and Rosemary.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
I think so?
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Oh shoot I have Titan and Jeremiah. They're a demon and an angel, respectively.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Oh shoot Rosemary. Girl can boogie.
39. Introduce any character you want
All of them. Check out #ocs on this blog and look at them.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Uhh all the fluff of LouSeul has nice fuzzy feelings behind them.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
I have a picture of Kio from a contest I participated in, but I'm too lazy to get it and idk if it even counts for this.
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
Thomas probably.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
I favor this really nice green for eyes. But I try to restrain from it.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
All of them are kinda simple and sweet, and I love them.
45. A character you no longer use?
I don't use Rosemary, Basil, Coriander, Juniper, or Ace much. Kinda sad but I'll get back to them.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Well if you ask any of my TS friends, today they'd say yes for Louis, Iseul, Seong, Eun, and Qiana.
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
I don't remember.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
L 👏 O👏 U 👏 I 👏 S 👏
(I hit the limit so I gotta continue on another post rip)
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