#which was overall a much less taxing time school wise than now where I'm in my final year of highschool
ahlnandco ยท 5 years
Welcome to AHLN &Co
I am launching this blog AHLN&Co as a way to help myself brainstorm and navigate through these "muddy waters" we call life; as well as, to share personal Canadian experiences with an online community in hopes to create positivity and perspective on various aspects of living with a focus on health and wellness.
Although 2018 was a strangely unique and exciting year, first full year post graduation, first full year living on my own in a new town, single, with practically 1 or 2 friends and no family out here, there were a lot of highs and lows this year, and things I hope to change for next year!
Highlights for 2018:
-Started and ended my first ever 3 month online relationship
-Started and ended my first ever network marketing company while meeting multi-million dollar mentors in Memphis, Tennessee
-Successfully went to the gym almost daily and am finally able to 3 chin ups and 10 push ups and run for 10 minutes straight
-Went on my first full family vacation in the last five years to Dallas, Texas for my cousin's wedding
-Started in my first ever musical production of Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella
-Started Piano Lessons and had my first piano recital
-Went to Vancouver, British Columbia to celebrate one of my best friends wedding with a group of my besties
-Went to Winnipeg, Manitoba to run Mud Hero 2018
-Wrote the MCAT on my Birthday that I started to study 1.5 months before and epically failed (30th Percentile)
-Rode a Pontoon for the first time and got to go tubing for the first time and participated in my first ever boat parade
-Went to Niverville, Manitoba to celebrate another one of my best friend's wedding
-Visited home for many weekend trips and reconnected with friends and celebrated birthdays
My Top 2018 Moment
- was Vancouver, British Columbia- it was truly a relaxing Vacation with absolutely amazing company, started out with walking around downtown Vancouver, riding a ferry, eating food, hikes up through Lynn Canyon, Whitewater rafting in Squamish ,British Columbia, learning Black Pink's Boombyah Dance ,hitting The Red Room a nightclub in downtown Vancouver, making a day trip to Seattle and checking out the Public Market Centre, harbor and riding the Ferris wheel, then getting lost getting back to downtown Vancouver and just missing the Vancouver night market, but finding an amazing late night Asian food place that had super cheap food, having late night heart to hearts, then taking morning runs through Kitslano and up and down Jericho Beach, and experiencing the first of my immediate friends getting married with an amazing reception, with the drunk after effects of my friends as well, then spending an amazing day with friends exploring downtown Vancouver, and a day at the pool and an amazing night in where we got 100$ of free food due to an order mishap, honestly one of the best trips ever!
My Worst 2018 Moment
-was probably my Birthday, the day before I was a wreck stressed about the MCAT cause I still had 60 percent of materials to cover and failed a bunch of the practice questions, was scared I was going to be debilitated by the difficulty of the MCAT, so much so I could no longer study, then was stressed out visited my sister and played games and ate fried chicken all night, then MCAT day honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought, I just didn't know my stuff well enough, then after all the excitement of the test, the rest of the day felt mediocre but got to spend it with family so that was nice...to be honest it wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either it would have been really nice to go dancing or karaoke or even spend the night with friends, cause that night I realized my family had out grown me, being a single mid 20s new grad, I am extremely single and ready to mingle whilst being the youngest in my family, despite my niece and nephew, it is very easy to feel left out, but I was glad I had them at least!
Overall though, I don't want to seem ungrateful, but 2018 was a great year looking back, but as I lay here writing and reflecting about moving 6 hours away from home and making my first 6 figure salary, half which went away in taxes( fyi joys of being Canadian) and the other quarter went back to payoff my line of credit for school, which I am officially one paycheck away from paying off (another joy to being Canadian, living at home and going to school, lower student debt), then a chunk going to car payments, rent, and insurances, does leave a fair bit amount for travel and shopping compared to someone making less, by moving to a new town with less to do and eat, I should be able to save money, but with less than 700$ in the bank, and not enough days to visit family, travel, explore, experience and gain new skills, I really want to go back to school to become a doctor, the perks of being a doctor in Canada, their high fee for service pay, and the lack of physicians in rural areas, the diverse nature of the field with a lot of growing potential, and the flexibility of hours depending on the field of medicine, disadvantages to being a physician may be the hours, the patients that don't really care about themselves, you work alone, and you don't get paid vacations or benefits, or pension. Currently, I work a steady Monday to Friday job 8 am to 415pm, I get 4 weeks of vacation, 2 travel days, benefits and pension, and make a six figure salary but after taxes it definitely 5 figures, I live six hours away from home, and if I moved back home the job market is severely lacking, would be making less meanwhile going back to a higher stress and more competitive job market!
To someone that end up reading this, I apologized, as this post if it was visually perceived my life would seem interesting and great and to be honest, I think I would be okay if I wasn't single, possibly married and had kids, because my life right now has a sense of balance. But as I lay having only been kissed once, single af, in a rural community, that has limited opportunity for me to pursue my interests such as Kpop dance classes, or classes for haikaido, and limited opportunities to meet people, meanwhile being so far away from my close friends and not being able to implusively go on road trips for the long weekends with friends and family. I need to move back to the city, but logically I can't if the job market means me having to work harder for less, so switching careers is the way to go!
Being a student has its perks, yes school is hard and you are constantly stressed by studying, and life passes by, but with 3 months of summer to catch up on or work, I call that balance and you are working towards self improvement and a finite goal! Although being a physician in my opinion has one of the best payoffs as a degree, there is a downside to my dream, my grades are mediocre for medicine, so I have to almost perfect the MCAT in order to be eligible, if I'm serious about this career move I may need to go back to school to boost my gpa, which means more money!
But that is the reality, as a Pharmacist, yes I may be able to learn the stuff a physician knows and apply it to an extent, but I will never have the full rights to use my knowledge, and unless I own my own pharmacy I will never truly be able to dictate my own hours, that is why becoming a physician is my goal. Becoming a physician is such an challenging process as they work for the right to apply their knowledge and provide direct care for patients as primary providers, meanwhile until the public is aware of allied health and the other health care providers there will always be a shortage of physicians and a demand for them! Same thing to any profession though, you are vetted and tested, such that you may have the right to supply information knowledge or care, but physicians are one of the few that can be incorporated.
As I continue this post by airing out my thoughts, my goal for 2019:
-ace the MCAT
-lose weight and reach my goal of 180lbs (currently, 196lbs to 198)
-get abs and be able to do 10 chin ups, 20 push ups, and run for 20 minutes straight
-apply for medicine (goal is to get an interview)
-save at least 20-25% of my income (redirecting the money I would have spent paying student loans)
- consistent posting on this blog, if not daily, weekly, so by the end of 2019, I can see my year in review and track my progress!
When I think about it, people are going to hate me and hate this Tumblr cause it is literally first world problems, but when people say TIME IS MONEY it literally is! We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and it is up to you how you choose to spend it, and hopefully I spend mine wisely! #Self-Care #Self-Improvement
Ps. Physicians if they worked full time in a northern community they could make 3-6x more than a Pharmacist, just saying (perks of being Canadian) but the goal is work less get paid more so... Work one-third of the year for the same amount of pay! #TenYearGoal
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