#which i lowkey think it might given the upside down is stuck on the day will disappeared
pynkhues · 2 years
Can you imagine having such a big crush that you throw yourself onto the ground that is covered in leaves and sticks? That is insane. I love it.
It's so insane, and I love him for it, haha.
I really wish we'd gotten to see a little bit more of both Eddie and Chrissy before tragedy struck, because that first episode shows him to be such a performer, even outside of music. He was so into putting on a show, particularly during D&D, but that moment with Chrissy is just so magic in the way it veers between performance and bravado and honesty and this vulnerability that feels all teenage boy.
It just lights this match in the chemistry they share that makes it feel so real, and I love the way it opens something up in Chrissy. She has quite a few scenes in that episode, and it's so important she's so defensively closed given what she's going through, and it's what makes that contrast of the way he just opens her up as a character really special. He wants her attention, but he also wants her to know she has his, and there's something to that, I think, that sparks curiousity that seems to just briefly fuel them both, and ugh, I love them so much, and I wish we'd had so much more of them.
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