m-a-e-x · 5 years
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#mercuryretrograde #theendofthefuckingworld #all I #managed was to #breathe #sendhelp #crymeariver #fuck #astrology #emotional #stability #wherethefuckareyou #haltetdieweltanichsteigaus https://www.instagram.com/p/B4dXEJhox-u/?igshid=4s125xhhf2pw
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lilmike · 7 years
#wherethefuckareyou #Yougoddamnjunkie #Mutants ##BuriedInTheMix #BrendenEarly #ArmoryBar #SFPunk (at Armory Events)
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super-catmeow · 7 years
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My cat is fucking missing and im gonna die
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"Tis hatched and shall be so." /// Happy Easter, folks! I hope you all have an eggcellent day! The Easter Bunny did not bring me these eggs (nor anything for that matter, how rude), but our chickens did! Our chickens who are constantly clucky about being in their coop 24/7, but who don't seem to realize they have two choices: stay cooped up in the coop, or get cooped up in a coyote's belly. /// So, all I want to read is books with CoHo's name on them, BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY. And so, despite not being in the mood for it specifically, last night I finally picked up THE SEA OF TRANQUILITY, which is BLURBED by CoHo. The only other unread NA I think I have is AFTER, but I'm not reading that right now because it's huge and I only have one of the sequels and don't know when I'll be able to get the others. I'm not very far into SEA yet (maybe fifty pages), and though a part of me actually wants to read it, I'm having a super hard time understanding all the love surrounding it. THE WRITING, YOU GUYS. I'm clashing with it. Buuut I also clashed with ME BEFORE YOU's writing when I read it (kinda hated it, actually), and then I ended up loving it. Therefore I shall persist! But please help me get over this writing soon PLEASE. (And for the love of everything, NO SPOILERS. Don't even tell me if it made you cry!) #bookstagram #bookgram #booknerdigans #booknerd #bookish #instabook #igreads #epicreads #bookstagramfeature #bookishfeatures #bookishglee #violetfeatures #booksandnature #booksoutofdoors #libraryofinstagram #libraryofbookstagram #pnw #booksinbaskets #happyeaster #easter #easterbunny #wherethefuckareyou #iwantsomechocolate #orlotsofchocolate #hoponoverhere #eggcellent #howmanyfuckingchickenswerehere #chickeneggs #peasantfeathers #andabunny #whatthehellhappenedhere (at Eggslut)
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doll-on-a-music-box · 6 years
On a Long Journey Even a Straw Weighs Heavy
...On a short one too.
Three weeks ago I took a two day trip to Los Angeles. For me, that equals a change of underwear, a toothbrush, and maybe a second shirt. Maybe. I like to travel light and was enjoying the thought of not needing to pack even a bag for such a quickie. I am easily amused. And a little bit stupid.
Had I not noticed my recent switch to a larger handbag to accommodate all those tchotchkes I now bring with me when I step away from the house? Because there’s a beautiful simplicity in Zero Waste, but it has a tare weight and can get fucking bulky, damn it.
If you’re reading this and asking, “why,” it’s because I saw that photo of the turtle living with a plastic straw up its nose and was horrified enough to to decide that I can do without a few first world conveniences to keep my share of schlock out of landfills and animals.
And yes, I’m aware of the un-eco friendliness of flying. C’est la vie. Jeremy Irons in A Long Day’s Journey into Night had no plans on coming to me, so suck it. Muhammad must go to the mountain.
As suspected, my essentials fit in my purse -
2 pairs of underwear
Toothbrush & jar of toothpaste
Second shirt and pants
Injection bag containing shots, ice pack, & travel sharps container
Pill case with 40 pills
Wallet & keys
Phone with earbuds & charger
Journal. This beast is a bit heavy, but I never go anywhere without it. One should always have something sensational to read on the plane, right, Mr. Wilde?
Then I looked at my M*A*S*H* unit of eco-friendly supplies, glanced at my bag, and cursed like a motherfucker. The first of two problems was now obvious - my days of traveling light are over. Zero waste items take up space, and I use a lot of ‘em. I swapped out the purse for my backpack.
I haven’t traveled since I began trying to decrease the amount of garbage I create, so I visited Zero Waste blogs with travel tips and can now confidently tell you that either the writers don’t leave home for very long or I am totally doing this wrong. It’s fine - I throw away very little these days and am happy about that, but someday, I’m going to want to leave the house again, so the cities, countries, or even just restaurants I visit are going to have to meet me halfway and start making some major policy changes.
Over the course of 48 hours, I’m fortunate enough to be in the habit of eating regularly and planned to continue the tradition in LA., so I grabbed my fabric napkins, bamboo cutlery, drinking glass with glass straw, and coffee mug. As instructed by the travel tip blogs, I packed food for the flight because saying No to the plane’s peanuts and meal means you say no to the plastic they come with. Great idea. Out comes my much loved tiffin container, and I happily fill it with charcuterie, cheese, and crackers, because I like to be fancy and shit.
On top of my own food, I grab the two gifts for the two different households where I’d be staying each night - mason jars filled with candy made at a local shop. Yes, I could have bought gifts in LA, but I like this shop’s chocolates, and I could control the packaging at home by composting the bag so all my recipients would be left with was a glass jar and metal lid.
The backpack was now full of my essentials and the additions -
mason jar with glass straw
Coffee mug
2 mason jars with candy
3 tiered tiffin container full of snacks. The assumption that this would get lighter was not only wrong, it was the second problem, and a far greater issue than my desire to travel light.
Let’s just get this out of the way - in an effort to make up for all the tree deaths I’ve personally been responsible for due to my love of ultra soft, mega rolls of toilet paper - and to avoid the plastic wrap that comes around them - I tried bamboo toilet paper and never felt so dirty in my fucking life. Even if I liked it, and holy shit I did not like it, I’d have to carry a roll with me whenever I left the house. My solution is a portable bidet, and I take it with me everywhere. How I lived so long without one, I will never fucking know. For those of you wincing, you can fuck the fuck right off. Unless you are reading this from the shower where you’ve just washed your ass, mine is assuredly cleaner than yours. You could eat off of it.
The bidet is neither big nor heavy but does require some accoutrements, and they come with weight and bulk. I now needed to put them in a second fucking bag.
A small container of Dr. Bronner’s castile Soap
A container for water in case the toilet is not right next to a sink
15 small towels
I generally bring two towels with me for nether region-drying purposes when I run errands, but a two day trip needs more than that. I have Multiple Sclerosis and pee all the goddamned fucking time, so I grabbed enough to be safe. Et j'en passe. My water pik was staring at me.
My teeth have some crowns and dental work so not all of them can be flossed without plastic threaders to get the floss through. As a result, the pik is not just for the purpose of avoiding the plastic, but it’s really the best way for me to clean my teeth. The thought of leaving it home crossed my mind, but having food trapped in my teeth for two days would make me almost as ornery than all those times I quit smoking, and when I say ornery, I mean I’m a downright Cunt when I’m uncomfortable. As long as I’m already using a second fucking bag, may as well bring it.
A second fucking bag for a two day fucking trip -
Water Pik
A pouch with my Diva Cup and Thinx underwear because you never fucking know, #wherethefuckareyou,menopause?
As for my hair, I have a bonafide jewfro and never carry product or brushes with me because they don’t. fucking. help.
Two bags. Not none.
Am I doing things that differently than the bloggers with their pretty, pretty pictures of shopping baskets filled with mason jars for buying food in bulk? What, Dear Reader, is in your luggage? I’m not judging, I genuinely want to know. I can stop what I’m doing when I travel, but that feels like the wrong decision.
I looked at all my shit, recognized that it wasn’t going to decrease in size except by two mason jars, and thought of that turtle. At least the weight wouldn’t get heavier, n'est-ce pas? Right? The bigger problem became obvious not long after arriving at the airport, but I’ll have to deal with that on a day when I’m not lamenting then end of the World Cup for another 47 months.
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missrubyrad-blog · 6 years
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Lola showed up to keep me company today, so where are you?! #hawthornestriponpowell #pdx #wherethefuckareyou (at Hawthorne Strip)
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nxhkd-blog · 9 years
I need a boyfriend 😒
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wizardwithatophat · 9 years
When you lose your favorite t-shirt.... it sucks :'(
Especially when it's a jurassic park shirt. Seriously I didn't know we where playing hide-n-go-seek. Which come to find out you're really good at it.
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emberdear-blog · 9 years
I would like friends with beautiful personalities please.
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rainbowsrawk · 9 years
I MISS THIS I WANT ZAYN RIGHT NOW #ZAYN #WHERETHEFUCKAREYOU "The boys have been killing Zayn's solos in each song but I will always miss this 😭"
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thejesguy · 10 years
I put together cards last night to sleeve for my Narset deck...
And all of my Swords of X and Y are missing. I'm kinda sandy right about now. 
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