#where he's stuck in a hole and has to befriend a horse or something
sillyguy-supreme · 4 months
what i'm getting from the reactions to book 9.5 is that this is all of us right now
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queenof-literature · 4 years
Hey! Before anything I have to admit I found your stories and I LOVED them! And I just found out you were the author to those fantastic stories! I would love to read, from your perspective, how did our heroes met Wild! Or even better how all of them met! I’m sorry if this is a bother
Thank you that’s so kind! Not a bother at all! Sorry again about it taking some more time. I hope you enjoy!
Two months. It had been two months since a strange man introduced himself as Link and asked him to join him on an interdimensional quest. Because of course he did. The first few days it was just Link and him, and he realized he was the man that guided him on his quest to defeat Ganon, and therefore knew his secret. Link had jokingly taken to calling him ‘Pup’ so he growled and responded by calling him ‘Old  Man’. They stuck with those nicknames for a few days, until they were transported to another Hyrule. There they met the gentle Hero of Sky, as he introduced himself.
Twilight didn’t mention the way Time eyed the Master Sword. This new Link had called them the Hero of Time and The Hero of Twilight. Apparently the sword told him. At first, the newly deemed Hero of Twilight had no idea what he was talking about, then Sky had told them who had forged the Master Sword. Sky himself. And he had joined without a second thought, although he did seem sad when he mentioned leaving his Zelda. And now they were an official group of three, with official nicknames. The very night they found Sky, they were taken to another new Hyrule. Hylia wasn’t wasting any time, it seemed. 
Finding the next heroes was much easier. Apparently Time had had a hell of a time finding Twilight. Sky’s Master Sword seemed to whisper to him when they got too far off track, leading them through deadlands and tall trees. There they found the Hero of Hyrule. He was sweet and shy, not quite knowing what to do with his hands when he talked to them. It was obvious his Hyrule had suffered and he had grown up in the scars Ganon had left on the land. He joined, although he looked at all of them wearily. 
The next had been the Hero of Legend. Twilight thought he was an asshole. He was snarky and blunt and rude. Twilight had a hard time keeping his cool around him. Time had taken him aside and told him the Hero of Legend had been on more quests than all of them, and had most likely seen many horrible things. That made Twilight more forgiving. He still didn’t like him. 
Once again they were thrown into a different Hyrule. This time the Master Sword led them to a small blacksmith shop. There they met the smallest teenager they had ever seen. The Hero of Four Swords. They had no idea why the sword called him that, but they didn’t know the meaning behind each other's names at all really. Sky lived in the Sky, Legend had been on many quests, Hyrule saved Hyrule? Maybe Time saved a giant clock or something. 
An hour later they were in a new Hyrule. Hylia seemed to be getting more and more impatient. This time they found the Hero of Warriors, or as Legend called him, Pretty Boy. Twilight could see why. He seemed extremely popular with women in his Hyrule and he knew it. But he had a quiet power to him as well. Eyes that said he has seen war and triumphed. That explained the name. Hylia let them rest for a day this time, before tossing them somewhere else. How many Links were there going to be? Twilight didn’t know how much he could handle. 
They landed on a beach. More specifically an island, with a vast ocean that hit their noses with a salty smell. There they found the Hero of Wind. An enthusiastic and happy 14 year old boy. It sent a small stutter through his heart when he realized how young Wind was, but he seemed happy enough. Hopefully his adventure hadn’t scarred the boy too much. Warriors and Wind had gotten on like a wildfire, almost instantly gaining a bond that Twilight wouldn’t admit he was jealous of. Wind barley got to say goodbye to his family before they were thrown to another Hyrule. But this time, the sword didn’t speak. Finally they could focus on the mission Hylia was going to give them. They were a band of eight Links. 
It had taken two weeks to assemble all of the Links completely, and it had been six weeks since then. Over the few weeks they had managed to form some team dynamics. Time was the unanimous unofficial leader that no one really questioned, and that was fine with everybody. Twilight and Warriors would both try to assist him in leading when they split up or when Time was busy, which caused the two to butt heads on more than one occasion. No matter how annoying Warriors and the other boys got though, he still felt a strong kinship with them. Legend had taken a subtle shine to Hyrule, and Sky and Four had gotten close as well. Twilight shouldn’t be jealous, after all he has Time. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, something was missing. He never mentioned anything, he didn’t know if the others felt the empty hole in their dynamic, and there was no way he would be the first to mention it. Twilight knew Time was aware something was going on, but what was he supposed to say? Twilight himself didn’t understand what was wrong. 
It’s not that Twilight thought he didn’t belong, the others had included him in conversations and he has befriended all of them to an extent. There was just a missing piece that he couldn’t explain. 
“Pup. I’ve been trying to get your attention.” Time stated, not unkindly, causing Twilight to shake himself out of his thoughts. 
“Sorry, Time. I was just distracted. What’s up?” Time gave him an incredulous look, and Twilight noticed all of the other Links were looking at him as well. It was then Twilight saw a dark swirling mass ahead. Oh, a portal. When did that get there?
“Seriously Goat Boy? You missed an entire portal? You really must be out of it.” Warriors teased, but Twilight could see a hint of concern in his eyes. 
“Yeah.” Twilight scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know what’s going on. I’m just having trouble focusing today.”
“We’ll go through the portal and see what’s what.” Time thankfully changed the subject, though Twilight knew they were going to talk about this later. 
The group gave affirmative nods and began cautiously wandering into the portal two at a time. Six weeks together had given them plenty of time to practice ehat worked best when facing a new world. Going two people at a time allowed them to better defend against immediate threats if they were right past the portal. 
Twilight held his breath as he and Time went through the portal first, he always did. The portals all reeked of strange magic Twilight couldn’t place, yet still somehow reminded him of Midna. A lot of magic did... 
What greeted him on the other side of the portal was slightly surprising. When he emerged, Twilight was immediately met with trees full of beautiful leaves, each a different shade of red, orange and yellow. Looking up, he saw they were directly under a natural arch beginning a canyon behind them. Looking behind them, he could see a brightly glowing blue structure on top of a tall rock formation that seemed to be a tower. What in Hylia’s name was that? 
As the others emerged behind them, they were also slightly taken aback by the colors of this world, especially Hyrule. Twilight didn’t know much about his Hyrule, but he knew since he first visited that something bad had happened. Each of their Hyrules were beautiful in different ways, and this one was certainly no exception. 
“Is this anyone’s Hyrule? Or are we in another strange one?” Time questioned, only receiving negative responses. “Guess we’ll have to find the threat in this one too.” Time ordered, but his voice was slightly wary. None of them had seen their Hyrules in awhile, and it was starting to wear on them a little. Twilight knew why it did with Time, he had a wife waiting for him. Wind had his family. And some of the others just missed knowing where to go and places of comfort. 
They were all interrupted from their thoughts with a massive roar that echoed through the small canyon. Snapping their heads in the direction of the sound, they were met with a terrifying beast in the distance. He heard Legend shout something about a ‘Lynel’. It had the body of the horse, a huge face with beady eyes and two horns, and a long, proud mane. Before any of them could react, or ask Legend for advice on how to handle the creature, they heard the sound of an arrow being nocked, and a beam of light being launched at them.
“Move!” Time shouted, causing the boys to roll to the side just as multiple flames burst up right where they were standing, the portal disappearing now that they were all out. 
“Run! We don’t have the supplies to take it on!” Legend yelled. The rest of the boys listened instantly, since Legend seemed experienced on the matter. 
“They stop chasing eventually!” Hyrule yelled. Ah, seems he had them too. 
They ran in the direction of the glowing blue structure, feet beating on the ground and hearts thumping with adrenaline. They heard the Lynel scream again, but this time it seemed out of pain. Looking back slightly, Twilight could barely see a yellow field around the Lynel that was… shocking it? Twilight stopped and turned around, the Lynel wasn’t focused on them anymore, it was looking around trying to find something, probably whatever had hurt it. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Legend yelled as he stopped too, about to drag Twilight away. Twilight simply pointed at the Lynel. Right as the others looked at the beast, an arrow pierced its eye from the trees. Whoever was helping them was apparently a skilled archer. 
“Do we help? What if they get hurt?” Sky asked, looking on with worry. Before anyone could answer, a lean figure launched out of the trees with a gust of wind out of nowhere, using an odd cloth to glide down. In a blink of an eye, the figure shot one arrow, then two, then three into the Lynel’s shoulders and legs. The Lynel roared in pain and shot a flaming arrow right at the figure. 
“Look out!” Cried Wind. The stranger simply dissipated the cloth in a ripple of blue before landing directly onto the Lynels back. 
The group looked on in awe and horror as their savior summoned a weapon twice the size of him from the odd slate on his hip, and began cutting into the back of Lynel, avoiding being bucked off. The Lynel charged forward and the stranger gracefully flipped off its back and summoned a small colorful shield encrusted with bright jewels.  The group could now see him a little more clearly. He was relatively small and covered in a large cloak, hood drawn. His tunic was sky blue, a bit lighter than Wind’s shirt, and he wore simple brown pants and boots. His posture was powerful and elegant. None of them knew this man, but they could see he was in his element. This was a battle fought many times. At the moment he was just standing in a loose defensive stance. 
“What is he doing?” Sky whispered fearfully. He wanted to thank the man properly, but he didn’t want to jump in the fight and get in his way when he had no knowledge of the creature's weak spots. The rest of the heroes all looked on nervously as the Lynel raised slightly on its hind legs… a threw a ball of fire from its mouth?
“Holy shit!” Twilight yelled as he ran forward trying to get there in time. There was no way he would make it in time, but the stranger was just standing there! Did he give into fear and freeze? Before Twilight could make it even 10 steps, he froze in astonishment as the man parried the fireball at the exact moment of impact, launching it back into the face of Lynel, who screeched in rage and anguish. Whoever this man was, was absolutely terrifying. Wreaking elegant havoc on the battlefield without batting an eye. 
“Twilight!” Sky whisper-shouted, gesturing madly to the now unwrapped sword on his back. Twilight recognized the faint glow and looked on in shock.
“He could just be vital to our quest. We haven't met another Link for six weeks, I doubt we’ll meet one now. Wrap the sword back up though. We don’t want him freaking out if he has a connection to it and he sees you holding it.” Warriors told Sky, who nodded and wrapped the sword back in its cloth. They had found it was better to explain first, then show the sword. 
The stranger ran forward again, sending arrows forward ahead of him that exploded on impact, fire rushing all around him and the beast. The beast charged forward and swung its massive sword, which the man dodged at the last moment, sending an impossibly swift attack to the Lynel’s legs. The Lynel was only just beginning to weaken, and Twilight can’t help but imagine how it would have gone if this stranger hadn’t shown up. Once again the Lynel spit fire from its mouth. The man’s stance grew sturdier and he readied himself for another parry. Only this time, the shield shattered on impact, still launching back the blast to the Lynel, but burning the strangers arm in the process, pieces of metal sticking in his lower arm. The group shouted in worry, but the man didn’t even hesitate, pulling another shield from his odd device, and launching himself at the Lynel again. He shot a final arrow into the Lynel’s other eye, and swept himself onto it’s back to deliver the final blow. The Lynel disappeared with a final roar, and the stranger began casually collecting parts left behind. It took the group a couple of moments to process what in Hylia just happened.
An insane hooded stranger just rushed into danger, jumped on a Lynel, rode it while hitting it, burned all the area around them, and defeated the beast single handed. And destroyed his arm! Oh wait. He destroyed his arm!
“That was amazing but are you okay!” Sky yelled rushing forward. The stranger whipped around as Sky ran towards him, the rest of the group following him. The man whipped out a sword, and pointed it in front of him, causing Sky to skid to a halt a couple of feet in front of him. 
“Put the sword down. We’re just trying to see if you’re okay.” Legend huffed only to receive a slap upside the head from Hyrule.
“I’m sorry, sir. We didn’t mean to scare you. We are very thankful for you saving us, we just want to make sure your arm is okay.” Four placated. The stranger had a white knuckled grip on his sword. While he seemed confident in taking the Lynel down, this was a different stance. This was a stance that showed he was more scared of people than he was of a terrifying fire breathing monster ten times his size. The man simply gave a thumbs up and stepped back slightly. 
“Wait.” Time stepped forward from the huddled Links, but not close enough to cause any more aggression with the stranger. “We apologize for running to you so suddenly. Thank you for saving us. We grew up sheltered and are very new to this part of Hyrule.” The lie they used to not alert anyone of their unnatural presence in new worlds slipped off Time’s tongue easily now. “I’m sorry to ask this of you after you saved us, but is there a place to rest around here? Perhaps we could buy you a warm meal as payment, and help you with your arm if you would allow us.” Time had a talent of calming a tense environment, like a true leader, Twilight mused. To their shock, the man didn’t speak, only lifting the hand not holding the sword, now bloodied and burned from the fight.
‘I can take you to the nearest stable. I don’t need payment.’ The stranger signed simply, trying desperately to keep the shakiness of his hand at bay. 
“Thank you!” Wind called out, a beaming smile on his face at the idea of a place with a roof. Wind certainly didn’t mind being out in nature, but it had been awhile since they got to stay in a building. Maybe this stable had a place to stay along the road next to it! Maybe it was in a large town he could explore!
The stranger simply nodded and walked ahead. The Links sent questioning looks to each other and followed behind. Wind ran ahead to be next to the stranger to see his hands, but kept a respectful distance. “What’s your name?” Wind asked enthusiastically. Warriors smirked. That little shit was gathering intel. 
‘Link.’ The stranger fingerspelled shortly. Wind glanced back at Time to confirm he saw correctly. They all could understand some sign, but some were far more rusty than others, and only Time and Sky to an extent could physically do sign. 
“Hi Link! My name is Wind!” If the stranger saw the name as odd, he didn’t show it. Only nodding politely. He kept a brisk pace, still having a tense hold on his sword in his non-injured hand. 
“Um. Maybe we should stop and take care of your hand? If you leave those shards in, it could get infected.” Four reasoned. Link simply kept walking forward. 
“Just because you saved us doesn’t mean you can be rude.” Legend snapped. Twilight attempted to put a calming hand on his shoulder, only to have it brushed off. “Why don’t you talk to us? We’re not going to hurt you.” Legend knew it wasn’t that simple. To just reassure the stranger they wouldn’t hurt him wasn't exactly an airtight plan. But past experience made being ignored absolutely infuriating. The stranger’s grip on his sword only grew tighter as he continued to move forward. No matter how much the group tried to talk to him, the stranger wouldn’t respond unless absolutely necessary, and never verbally. 
After about two hours of walking at a brisk pace, they had emerged from the small cliffs surrounding them and were approaching an oddly shaped building. Along the way, Link collected any mushroom or plant that crossed his path. He was certainly an odd man. He seemed constantly on edge with the eight of them there, but had no qualms about gathering strange and brightly colored mushrooms and shoving them into his odd looking slate.
The building they were approaching had a large head that looked to be a horse, and had the structure of a large tent. It looked strange, but also very homey. As they grew closer, they saw some Hylians for the first time in this gigantic world. There was what looked to be a guard of some sort pacing in front of a man at a counter. He must have been the owner. Some other men and women were heading inside. Along with the Hylians was a soft brown dog trotting around some goats and horses. With the small gasp Twilight gave, the group of heroes knew they would have a hell of a time getting Twilight away from this place. Sky’s eyes lit up as he spotted two cuccos among the goats, dashing off to hold them as Legend retched in disgust. The rest of the group laughed at his excitement, but Time could see twilight barely restraining himself from rushing off to pet the horses and goats and hold the dog in his lap. 
The new Link pointed at the man at the counter, most likely gesturing to speak to him as he made his way to the fire with a pot placed above it. Time nodded and went to discuss sleeping arrangements with the excitable owner. Having no other job to do, Twilight calmly made his way to the small corral of animals, before losing all composure and sitting amongst the odd-looking goats and cooing at how soft they were. Looking back at the new Link, he was throwing something in the cooking pot, before making his way over to Twilight. Twilight felt excitement grow in his chest. Now that they were in a safe place, would this new Link finally talk?
But Link simply sat down in the animal pen a good six feet from Twilight, placing his sword on the ground next to him, and reached out to pet the excited dog who had all but tackled him as soon as he sat down. Once the dog calmed down slightly, Link began to remove shield shards from his arm, not even flinching at the pain of removing metal from his skin. Twilight was surprised, but figured he should be the one to start the conversion. 
“We have goats like this in my H- where I come from.” Hopefully Link wouldn’t pick up on Twilight’s mistake. “I helped raise and herd them.” Twilight finished, looking up at the new Link. Link shook his head, then signed something Twilight didn’t understand. “I’m sorry, I know sign but I don’t know what you just said.” Twilight apologized. Link froze in surprise for a second, perhaps not expecting Twilight to know any sign at all. Then pointed to the sheep Twilight was petting and fingerspelling what he wanted to say.
‘Sheep.’ The word spelled out. Twilight’s eyes widened in realization. 
“Oh! Are these sheep?” Twilight asked, continuing to pet the creature beside him. Link nodded. Twilight wished he could see Links face, the hood did a great job of obscuring it completely. He didn’t think asking Link to take the hood off would go very well, so he just paid close attention to the little head movements he could see. Link abruptly stood, seemingly finished with taking the shield shards out of his arm, and summoned a pink liquid from his slate thing, and drank barely enough to heal his arm. Twilight was surprised and slightly worried with how little he seemed to care about his own injuries, musing on this as Link made his way back to the cooking pot to stir whatever he was cooking for himself, perhaps a meal to further help his arm?
The group could finally relax slightly. Sky loving on the cuccos, Time and Twilight paying attention to the horses and sheep, Legend and Warriors quietly chatting and bickering under a tree, Hyrule and Wind off running around and exploring, and Four reading one of his books, evening descended upon them peacefully. Twilight noticed a movement in the corner of his eye, Link seemed to be waving slightly to gain his attention. Twilight nudged Time and began walking over there.
“You okay, Link?” Twilight asked once he was next to the man. The man scooted away from Twilight, apparently deeming him too close, before signing a short ‘dinner’. That one took Twilight by surprise. 
“For us?” Time asked gently. Link nodded his head. ‘Rice.’ He finger spelled. “That’s very kind, thank you Link.” Time said with a smile. “Boys!” Time called, causing all of the Links to look up and Hyrule and Wind to come running back from the treeline. “Link was kind enough to make us rice for dinner.” Causing Link to sink deeper into his hood at the attention and thanks he received from the group.
“Wait.” Legend said, stepping forward.
“Legend.” Hyrule warned, but Legend ignored him.
“No, Hyrule. We don’t know who he is. We haven’t seen his face. He could be a sorcerer trying to trick us.” Although it seemed ridiculous for some of them, they could see where Legend was worried. Link’s hands twitched. He didn’t know why he wanted these men to trust him, but he did. So without letting himself think about it too much, he yanked his hood down and glared at Legend with as much force as he could muster. 
The first thing they saw were the scars. Twisting and webbing from his ear to across some of the right side of his face, before disappearing under his tunic, where the group could only imagine how horrible it was under there. The second thing they noticed was how young he was. Only a year or two older than Wind, far too young to have those scars. They had been calling him a man, but he was only a boy. Something seemed to click for them. This only confirmed it, this was another hero. Another hero they had not known existed. Why had Hylia waited so long? The sword singing in his head only grew louder,and without thinking, Sky unwrapped the sword from its cloth, and Link freaked out. Picking up his sword and backing away slightly, a hard look in his eyes.
“Wait! Don’t panic I can explain!” Sky rushed. Wild froze, but still kept his defensive stance.
“We are Heroes of Courage, just like you. We come from different worlds and different timelines. Hylia has sent us here to ask for your help. There is an unknown threat, strong enough to require multiple heroes. It’s an infection, spreading across timelines and Hyrules. I’m sure it will infect yours too. Please, join us.” Time figured that with this hero, short and to the point would be the best way of going about this, just like Legend. The boy looked skeptical, and didn’t put down the sword.
“I know you know this is the truth.” Sky said gently. “The Master Sword tells you it is.” Link froze. This man could hear the Master Sword? He had to be a hero of courage, no one else could feel it. Link lowered his sword, but kept his guard up. 
‘Can I touch it?’ Link signed. Sky nodded and reached the sword out, not letting go, but allowing Link to touch a hand to its blade. Instantly Link knew it was true. The sword spoke no words to him, but he could feel with all of his being that this was a part of his destiny. 
‘Okay.’ Link signed simply. 
“Okay you’ll join us?” Wind asked carefully, cheering loudly when Link nodded his head. The others smiled at him, although Legend looked slightly guilty. He could see the scars on the kid’s neck. Maybe that’s why he didn’t talk…
Time tried to put a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder, only to have him jump back as if he had been burned, and pull his hood up once again. Time looked upon the boy with sad eyes. This confirmed Link didn’t just not trust strangers. He didn’t trust anyone. After Link handed out the food, the group sat around the fire, Link staying far away. 
“Holy shit! He can cook!” Warriors cheered.
“Tbish ish amashbing!” Wild yelled with his mouth full, getting a smack on the head from Legend. 
“We’re keeping him.” Four stated simply. 
“Four, you can’t just claim someone.” Hyrule stated.
“I just did.”
“Guys. He’s trying to ask a question.” Twilight chided. Immediately the group swerved around to see Link with his hands up. 
‘Are you all named Link?’ He asked. 
“Yes. We all have nicknames based on our hero titles. The sword gives them to us.” Time answered. 
“Speaking of.” Sky held up the Master Sword as if preparing for a ceremony. The group of Links all leaned forward eagerly awaiting their new friend’s name. Even Legend perked up.
“Welcome, Hero of Wild.”
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aletaevers · 5 years
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( cisfemale ) haven’t seen ALETA 'PIXIE' EVERS around in a while. the FREYA MAVOR lookalike has been known to be (+) DRIVEN & (+) RESILIENT, but SHE can also be (-) VAIN & (-) UNRELENTING. The 22 year old is a JUNIOR majoring in NURSING. I believe they’re living in TERRA FIRMA, but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. ( james. 20. EST. she/they. )
i’m......so excited......................like i LOVE aleta and im so iskdjfg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pleathe give this a like if u’d like to plot w/ her !!! esp if u have a hendrix bb as they’d know her more ... obv
TW: child abuse, alcoholism, death, violence, grief. just some really tragic shit, man. self loathing.
a e s t h e t i c s
french-pane windows and ivy-coated bricks, silk pajama sets and champagne bubbles, wind through hair and constant, constant running; red cards and penalties, explosive words and hair-tugging, tear-soaked pillows and red eyes in empty bathrooms, the smell of roses and death, loose curls and sharp scissors, fairy tales and their endings -- how bittersweet, nails against desks, against backs, nails down a chalkboard, nails breaking skin. thrown fists and bruised knuckles, late night cereal-runs, getting lost in the woods, sleeping in fields. choking down insults, forced smiles, a wish for comfort.
general information !!
full name: aleta marit evers
nickname(s): pixie, tbd
b.o.d. - june 17th, grand ol’ gemini
label(s): the vixen, the amaranth, the hellcat, etc. etc.
height: 5′8″ tbh
hometown: giethoorn, netherlands
sexuality: bi as hell
biography !!
all aleta has ever wanted was to be happy. to just, for once--be content.
born to anton evers, a well-known neurosurgeon and eleanor evers (nee du pont), a talented actress appearing on several tv shows in her youth -- privilege is, essentially, her middle name
her parents met on the set of a hospital show, anton a consultant and eleanor a ‘patient’; it was the kind of love that was volatile and loud and known -- dangerous, in the end, maybe.
this was only possible because eleanor had always dreamed of being a star, instead of inheriting her families’ horse racing business; which thus resulted in her traveling across an entire ocean to pursue her dreams where there wasn’t already a name made for her.
lil fun facts about the evers: anton’s older brother is a partner with their father at evers & evers, and his younger brother is koninklijke marechaussee.
life was normal in the beginning; eleanor had her firstborn, rhys -- a son, which made anton happy. then, her second born, aleta -- a daughter, which made anton less happy. a few years after aleta came laurel, another daughter. and that was that.
it was supposed to be the three of them.
anton evers, in all his glory -- was nothing more than a no-good cheater with a bad temper and a lack of empathy. which, of course, led to his numerous affairs with one of his nurses. which -- in turn, led to the birth of one ramona evers, only to be discovered six years later. 
pre-ramona: when the kids got too much for eleanor, she’d let them fall into the hands of the nannies. plural, as there were many; not all willing to deal with three spoiled devils from the deepest pits of hell. she loved her children, but god, was she not built for motherhood. eleanor spent her days drinking wine and champagne, excessively, while the nannies chased after mud-coated children and faced their tantrums head-first.
their house was old and ~vintage~ and more like a mansion than anything else, a backyard leading into woods--countless woods. this is where aleta spent most of her time, when she got sick of rhys pulling her pigtails and him refusing to play knights and princes with her.
after a severe accident, ramona was suddenly left motherless and thus: custody went to anton. it came to a shock to the entire family, but eleanor the most -- she’d gone six years unknowing of the fact that her husband had another child.
it was like watching their mother turn into a completely different person overnight -- while never cruel to her own children, eleanor was relentless towards ramona. whether it were insults or nails dug into arms; more often than not a martini glass in her hand.
aleta had always loved her mother -- even with nannies looking after her more often than not. in her eyes, her mother and father had a marriage that fairy tales were based off of. anton worked often, but everyday he’d bring home flowers for eleanor; their home was essentially a garden; vases and vases of roses.
if her mother hated ramona then aleta hated ramona. rhys had begun closing up and laurel, out of fear than anything else, stayed clear of the soap opera that was now their life.
these were aleta’s nightmare child gone extreme years. unapologetically violent towards any other student who dared step in her way, she took what she wanted and was a typical bully throughout her school years. she was essentially just. a really angry brat. with dyslexia, which also made school Hard which in turn made her Hate School. 
more often than not, she was alone at home. more often than not, she was in the woods. they were her only source of peace. it was in the woods that she met vos. whether that was his real name, she didn’t know. she didn’t care. he’d gotten his foot stuck in a rabbit hole, and she’d gotten it out. and from that point, they were friends. it was like a fairy tale, which aleta had always been big on. she went by duif, going along with his shenanigans.
together they played knights and princes (aleta, always the knight. always. vos, the prince. always.) practically everyday until sundown, where they’d part ways.
throughout this all, eleanor had been getting worse. her alcoholism had taken an extreme turn for the worst.
when aleta was 12, she found her mother dead. she doesn’t remember much, just red wine mimicking blood and pearls strewn across the room, shattered glass and her own screaming sobs.
the day after the funeral, they moved.
aleta was, essentially, alone in the world after that. rhys had gone off with the bad sort of crowd and had no time for his mourning sister; he was grieving in his own way. laurel had befriended their neighbor, eva, and aleta had immediately taken a dislike towards her. she thought she looked like a rat. aleta told eva that much. and ramona was...off doing ramona things, avoiding her family by any means necessary.
time sort of...flew, after that. aleta channeled her anger through sports--and as she got older, into parties and general reckless activity involving alcohol and whatnot. grief still hung heavy in her throat, but she put on a mask of cynical coldness and became known as the resident bitch. it fit her. she didn’t care.
her moods calmed a bit as she entered university, but not by much tbh.
uuhhh hmmm. met tiago through her brother, and only pursued him because she had overheard ramona gushing to either laurel or eva or whomever the fuck about her little ~faraway crush~. so, like, obviously aleta fucked him? and somehow! they wound up dating! she’s very much in love with him, which terrifies her because she’s very scared of loving someone.
also...........uh......................may have gotten ramona expelled out of sheer pettiness. more on that later. :~)
personality !!
frank, rude, and spiteful -- at least she’s honest. even if her comments are riddled in backhanded compliments and eye-rolling. 
she’s not the....easiest person to befriend. has a habit of really only paying much attention to people she finds interesting; if you bore her then you’re out! thanks for playing!
despite how off-putting she can be, she’s pretty well-known. whether its because of her viciousness on the field in the many, many sports she has played for hendrix, or her presence at parties, or ‘cos she made your cousin or best friend or whomever cry in the bathroom, or y’know. her famous, dead mom.
doesn’t...seem to have a problem with her reputation? likes being seen as this tough, untouchable person.
is soft with very very few people, like, maybe three at the max? and she’s not even soft towards her siblings so difjgkh. one of these people is obv tiago.
she’s endlessly loyal, even if she does flirt with other people to make her bf jealous ?? like, she’d never actually cheat. not after what her father did to her mother. does it excuse her actions ?? fuck no. she’s still a bad person
hates her dad so yay !! daddy issues. p sure papa evers is part of a secret society but, y’know. just dad things.
she’s....very emotional. very prone to sudden spouts of just, anger. it doesn’t take a lot to piss her off, and she’s not a particularly friendly whirlpool.
cries a lot tbh. usually before she sleeps, or in the shower, or in one of the campus bathrooms. doesn’t let people see her cry but like...it’s also not surprising to catch her fixing her eyeliner in the bathroom after an episode.
she’s just in general p moody ?? petty ?? will talk shit to you in dutch, even if u fucking speak it. she doesn’t care. would probably spread a rumor about u just for funsies.
she’s gr8 at parties, usually ‘cos shes too crossed to be actively mean.
like, okay, i’ve made her out to be pretty Horrible but hbjnfdmgh she isn’t going to look at your character and just. start beating them down with words n fists and shit, y’know ?? she might be thinking it, but she’s not That impulsive
is apathetic at best towards most people otherwise, like, idk -- if she doesn’t have a reason, even if its a very small reason, she won’t bother with you. 
this VIDEO right fucking here. GOD. that’s an aleta vibe. it’s probably not something she’d say but just. the tone ?? awful. it gave me flashbacks to middle school when i watched that video.
has a sketchbook which is essentially anatomy notes and like, lil doodles n shit of fantasy scenery n shit
kinda...escapes into her mind sometimes ?? is still in love w the concept of fairy tales and perfect love and just. happiness. like she’s kind of obsessed with it ?? with the perfect image ?? which, hence, leads to her illustrating it. hence why she’s just so. in love. hence why she sabotages everything for herself too ‘cos ! she just sort of hates herself and knows nothing will ever be magical and perfect and shit.
so like, big secret fantasy nerd. probably has tried to sing with birds once when nobody was looking. she cant even sing. she shower sings and like maybe the bathroom acoustics make her sound not horrible but ?? she’s mediocre at best. it’s tragic, really.
there’s sm more, like, she’s just got a lot of feelings and contradicting personality points and she’s udfjighk she’s annoying. that’s what she is. aleta is CANCELED
ok ok ok but GOD is she good at sports ?? like genuinely just. she does like, track, hockey, lacrosse, tennis prolly idk, maybe other shit. and like granted she gets angry n then gets penalized for almost beating a girl down but isjkdfg she’s good at sports 
got the nickname ‘pixie’ on the field ‘cos shes fast and also has bitten a few people and is just very aggressive
EDIT: i forgot to mention that she !! stopped relying on her father for money (this does not include....stealing from him, which she most definitely does!!) and she’s kinda paying for things w/ savings and like...soon, she’ll get a job, i promise uhdfijfkg 
wanted connections !!
like...two close friends. pleathe, for her sanity.
uuuuuHHH god, just enemies of all sorts. ex-friends or never-friends or exes before tiago. people she’s talked shit about, or spread shit about
maybe she fucking poured her alcohol on ur muses’ head during a party
GOD i don’t know she drops people so much !!
other....friends, y’know, that she isn’t ~close~ to, but she gets along with fairly well
people she flirts with to make her bf jealous !! because she’s awful !!
temptations...b/c commitment is difficult for her b/c of y’know. her parents. not an actual affair but just...y’know. checking each other out, flirtatious banter, the whole ‘no i can’t ive got a boyfriend’ and shit like that.
teammates !!
dead parents club.
somebody who caught her crying in the bathroom hfdjgkh whether theyre concerned for some fucking reason or r straight up like ‘lmao...u deserve it’
ummm give me rhys ?? and laurel ?? or people who know them
rhys is a drug dealer so like.............she prolly knows a few ppl who get their drugs from him
friends of ramona’s before she uh . . . disappeared / got expelled
good influences who r like ‘stop being such a fucking dick aleta get ur shit together’
cousins !! she prolly has a ton
maybe......an online friend ?? who shes known for a while ??
bad influences who r like >:3 yes stay angry. stay bad. here, break this fucking window with this bat. yes, good.
literally i will take anything sjkfdg
people she’s tormented ??? has bullied ?? has embarrassed ???
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #300
"Book Of NOTCH, The Temple Thief, The Traveler Has Come”
[Zeke and Arden] Are sitting on the side stairs by the shrine, talking quietly-
[CN] See's them and hides behind Firebird a bit-
[Firebird] -Looks down at the hiding CN- What, not gonna say hello?
-The two look up suddenly, like they were caught red-handed-
[Zeke] Hello Firebird, it's a nice day, isn't it?
[CN] Whispers- I don't want them to see my tail...
[Firebird] -Softly to CN- And why not, hmmm? -To Arden and Zeke- A nice day indeed!
[Zeke] His arms are covered with heart designs and weird shadowy shapes, it's obvious hes been touching Arden
[Arden] I didn't know you had a kid.
[Firebird] -Choked laughter-
[Arden] Looks embarassed- I'm sorry. Are you babysitting?
[CN] Scoots a little bit farther behind Firebird-
[Firebird] I was watching CN since he was stuck as a bird.
[CN] Little embarrassed noise-
[Zeke] Oh! He's the little NOTCH isn't he! Lie's tiny knight.
[CN] - Knight?
[Firebird] -Scoots CN infront so he can talk to them-
[Arden] Smiles- Someone who protects princesses and Queens
[CN] - But she's a brine...- Is scooted back in front
[Zeke] But she had a coronation with her husband. She's kind of a queen.
[CN] - What's a coronation?
[Firebird] A fancy version of a wedding.
[Arden] You present someone who's in charge of things and put a crown on them so everybody else knows they're to be respected.
[CN] - But what is she in charge of?  I thought everything was equal here?
[Zeke] I was told Cp has an army of mobs on his home seed.
[CN] - But mobs would hurt her!
[Firebird] That's the purpose of the coronation. So they don't.
[Zeke] Yeah. She's second in command.
[CN] - So why doesn't she take control of the ones here so they won't hurt people?
[Firebird] Doesn't work that way.
[Zeke] Because they're not her mobs to do that. They're TLOT's mobs and he likes them wild and free. Apart from the skeletons his husband personally befriended, and Karen.
[CN] - Oh...
[Zeke] So were you guys coming over for a visit?
[Firebird] CN was hungry and sick of seeds.
[CN] - Blech
[Zeke] Well everything's been super quiet but I doubt anyone minds if you raid the kitchen. As long as you don't leave a mess of course.
[CN] - I want steak!
[Arden] moves over and opens the door without getting up-
[CN] Rushes inside-
[Firebird] -Walks in with CN- Have a nice day you two.
[Zeke] You as well.
- there's aggressive crunching noises coming from the kitchen-
[CN] Heads for the noise-
[Firebird] -Raises eyebrow as he follows-
[Buff] Is basically punching something inside a cauldron-
[CN] Hesitates in the dorrway-
[Firebird] Is that a person? Or food? -Steps in-
[Firebird] Or both?
[Buff] Stops- Oh hey! No, it's food. Seems like nobody likes to eat it but me though.
[CN] - What is it?
[Buff] Holds up his fists and a few pixels sprinkle off. - Pokemon berries, cocao beans, coffee beans, wheat and some seeds for extra texture.
[CN] - NO!
[Firebird] I heard seeds, let me try some. -Scoots over-
[Buff] Gestures graciously- the cauldron is full of what looks like broken up granola bars with chocolate bits-
[Firebird] -Takes a fistful and tries-
[CN] - I want steak!
[Buff] Um, trunk by the furnace - points- So what are you guys up too. Fellow NOTCHs?
[Firebird] -Thoughtful chewing-
[CN] Heads right for the trunk and opens it, pulling out a steak and tearing into it-
[Buff] Well?
[Firebird] Could use more seeds... Hm? Oh, i was making CN go through his molt
[CN] With a full mouth- I have more feathers to add to my belt!
[Firebird] Also why he has a tail.
[Buff] Um, molt?
[Firebird] Bird thing? We shed our feathers for new, healthier ones.
[Buff] Since when is Cn a bird?
[Firebird] Since he got punished for hurting his pet. -Cold voice-
[CN] Ducks his head in shame, he's made a mess of himself-
[Buff] Yeah that's bad. It's certainly against the rules.
[CN] Quietly- I wanted feathers...
[Buff] Yeah... I'm sure there will always be a few renegades who don't do what they're supposed too. But the book is also pretty adamant about what can happen to bad NOTCHs.
[CN] - Book?
[Buff] You got a book right? I mean we're not supposed to let anyone see, but we're all NOTCHs right? It should be okay.
[CN] - Oh... Um...
[TLOT] Is headed back towards Lie's house with Steve in tow-
[Steve] I don't like this.
[TLOT] I don't either, we'll make it quick.
[CP] Is grumbling and punching things behind the horse pens, making the horses a bit agitated-
[TLOT] Um... - He veers over to check on Cp- Something the matter?
[CP] - Fuck off!
[Steve] You're kinda making Lie's horses upset.
[CP] - I don't care right now
[TLOT] Do you want to talk about it?
[CP] Glares-
[TLOT] Touches his mind ever so slightly- Oh... the mobs...
[CP] - Get out of my head!
[TLOT] I'm sorry... Your pain is a bit obvious.
[Steve] When was the last time you saw them?
[CP] - right before I was fucking deleted
[TLOT] ...
[Steve] little tears-
[CP] - Now fuck off
[TLOT] Looks down sadly- Okay... I have to go to my own seed anyway...
[CP] - Bout time you did something
[TLOT] That was mean. I'm just going to give Nessie another star to replace the one that got stolen.
[CP] - Too terrified to stay long?
[TLOT] Bristles- You don't care either way. I'm not letting you make me mad.
[CP] - Your seed is not that different from mine TLOT, with those that depend on us, yet you won't go there without reason, and I can't return to mine at all
[TLOT] I have fewer responsibilities then you do Cp. I didn't decide to tame the whole world.
[CP] - That doesn't matter
[Steve] his voice shakes a little- Unless you're volunteering to help Cp, I think you need to just stop.
[CP] - Make me
[Steve] Small pouty face. - Come on, let's go. She's waiting for us-
[TLOT] I don't care what you think of me. But if you see a problem and walk away, you're part of the problem. I'd help you if I could.
[CP] Growls at them-
[TLOT] Same to you. - Turns on his heel-
[CP] - Fucking asshole won't even take care of his seed properly
[Steve] Buzz off Cp. - Puts his hand on TLOT's shoulder-
[CP] - Oh just get eaten by a lizard why don't you!
[TLOT] Is stomping away from him- Get bent
[CP] Starts stalking after them- Or what!?
[Steve] Don't listen to him-
[TLOT] I'm not.
[CP] - You coward!
[TLOT] Growls- At least I'm not afraid to ask for help! Or show the important people in my life that I care for them!
[CP] - I don't need help!  And I show Lie that I care!...  Even though we can't seem to fuck lately...
[Steve] Fucking is not the same as showing love!
[TLOT] You need more help then you'd ever admit
[CP] - I do not!
[TLOT] Is already heading down into the cave- Bullshit
[CP] - Prove it!
[Steve] Lay off Cp, we have more important things to do then bicker with you-
[TLOT] Opens the cage and goes right to the consoles.
[CP] - Oh yes, a brief visit to appease a bitch who swore fealty to your NOTCH instead of hunting down the problem itself
[TLOT] She swore her alligance to your father, and you know it. She's also a glitch finder and could probably delete both of us you massive twit!
[CP] - She can't delete me
[TLOT] You do not know that. She can reset people and resetting a brine can eliminate their glitch and possible destroy them.
[CP] - Not with the piece Lie has
[TLOT] Opens the hole and steps out into the snow- I have no desire to know one way or the other.
[Steve] Follows him, giving Cp a look
[CP] Angrily follows, erupting into a cloud of steam- You're still being a coward TLOT!
[TLOT] Stomps towards the temple, ignoring him-
[Steve] Go away Cp!
[CP] - And why should I?
[TLOT] Because you obviously don't want to help and your only embarassing yourself.
[CP] - And you're being an idiot!
-They're approaching the walls and the guards look rather concerned by the two bickering brines-
[Steve] Runs ahead- Just tell Nessie we're here-
[CP] Is still hurling insults at TLOT-
[TLOT] Is livid and the snow is melting around his boots-
-there's some commotion inside the walls and Nessie comes out in time to see TLOT tell Cp to go fuck himself. She looks rather unimpressed-
[CP] - Not happening Dip shit!
[TLOT] Growls- I'm not going to fight you Cp. Just get that out of your head.
[Steve] Sorry... He's really upset about a problem on his home seed.
[Nessie] I see.
[CP] - And you once again show your cowardice!
[TLOT] You act like I haven't bested you before!
[CP] Growls-
[TLOT] I'm not going to fight you because it's a waste of time.
[CP] - Fucker!
[TLOT] Turns to face Nessie instead. - I brought you your star my lady- He takes out the nether star, it's been threaded with a bit of chain-
[Nessie] Thank you.
[CP] - You're still being stupid TLOT!
[TLOT] Puts his hand behind his back where Cp can see it and flips him off-
[CP] - Oh bite me!
[Nessie] I might have information for you both. A nearby village spotted a strange person passing through that they're pretty sure wasn't a Testificate.
[TLOT] What?
[CP] His eyes narrow a bit-
[Steve] There shouldn't be any other humans here...
[Nessie] Agreed. The world scroll declaimed you as the only survivor of your mates... experiments...
[TLOT] Neutral expression-
[Steve] Wait? You have a copy of that?
[Nessie] Yes. It was written from memory by a monk who had seen it in times long past-
[CP] - Lame
[TLOT] Shut. Up.
[CP] - Make me
[Steve] Just go home Cp, you're not helping.
[CP] - No
[Nessie] Does the god of war have nothing to do in this peaceful countryside? Perhaps he would prefer to spar with my monks?
[CP] - Fuck off, I'm pissed at that one- He thumbs at TLOT
[Nessie] I see... - She takes out a bit of paper and scribbles a map with a quill - here's the area where they were seen. I suspect it may be our thief. I doubt a Testificate would be bold enough to commit such a sacrilege.
[Steve] takes it gratefully-
[CP] - Don't bother, they'll just run and hide like cowards
[Nessie] You have a lot of anger in you. I wonder if it is warranted.
[Steve] He's dealing with some personal loss.
[Nessie] My condolences then
[CP] - You can shut the fuck up
[Nessie] Folds her hands into her sleeves. - Very well then... Herobrine.  I'll bid you all a good day. - Turns to leave.
[TLOT] Looks exasperated-
[CP] - Well what are you going to do coward?
[TLOT] Investigate. Not that you give a shit-
[Steve] Shows him the map- This isn't far from here.
[CP] - And then you'll run and hide when you get scared
[TLOT] I want so badly to hit you right now-
[Steve] Come on, lets go. It's cold as cubes out here-
[CP] - You wouldn't even leave a mark
[TLOT] You're right my lamb - He's pointedly ignoring Cp-
[Steve] Starts to head off in the direction the map indicates-
[CP] Continues to follow them-
-The snow trickles away into a small slice of swamp and they travel along the coastline-
[CP] - Oh joy, you two had better not start fucking
[TLOT] Oh, are you still here?
[CP] - Just to watch you piss yourself in fear
[TLOT] Do I need to tell your wife you're ticking me off?
[CP] - She already knows I'm pissed
[Steve] Oh, so she got sick of your tantrum and told you to go outside?
[CP] - No, I left before I could cause her harm
[TLOT] Probably the first good idea you've had all day.
-A small village comes into view, there's only five houses and a well.
[CP] Is about ready to attack them-
[TLOT] Strides into town and thre's a little bit of commotion before the Testifcates are gathered in a group.
[Leader] My leige... we weren't expecting a visit...
[Steve] It's okay, we're just tracking someone. We were told they came this way. Someone who might be... human?
[CP] Watches from the shadows-
-They motion for a fem Testificate to come forward. She speaks haltingly, from nervousness- I was a bit late getting inside at night and I saw a figure pass by that didn't look like any mob I'd ever seen. They were wearing a white garment of some type. It looked like a ghost-
[CP] - Oooh, spooooky
[Steve] Can you tell us which way they were headed?
-She points down the coast- That was the day before yesterday though-
[TLOT] It may help us all the same. Thank you for being vigilant.
[CP] Rolls his eyes-
[TLOT] He fusses around in his inventory and gives her several oonions. - Something for your soups, your garden and your trouble.
-She takes the vegetables gingerly and bows before stepping back-
[Steve] We'll be off then.
[CP] Slips through the shadows to beat TLOT and Steve to the exit of the village-
[TLOT] Bumps into him intentionally and keeps walking-
[CP] Growls-
[TLOT] Is walking quicker now, looking for any signs that someone passed through-
[CP] - So what is your plan?
[TLOT] I don't have one. Maybe I'll just do what you do and rush in screaming with a weapon in each hand.
[CP] - You can't, you only have one
[Steve] He has my blade as well. I'm not standing by while my mate goes into danger.
[CP] - Oh this should be fun to watch
[TLOT] That's exactly what I would expect from you Cp. Just watch people struggle and do nothing. Go away.
[CP] - Nah, this might lighten my mood
[Steve] You make me sick to my stomach sometimes.
[CP] - Not sick enough for you to leave me alone apparently
[Steve] shouts in frustration- You're the one following us!
[CP] - BECAUSE YOU PISSED ME OFF!- CP lights himself on fire
[Steve] Skitters closer to TLOT, who is pointedly walking away from Cp-
[CP] - I'm not sure why you chose a coward as a mate
[Steve] Unlike you, I respect people who sacrifice for others.
[TLOT] My lamb...
[CP] - And often times sacrifices are pointless
[Steve] You only feel that way because you're selfish and mean.
[CP] - It's kept me alive
[Steve] I'm not dead yet either.
[CP] Growls-
[TLOT] Stops cold and quivers a little - Someone is watching us....
-The biome along the shore has given way to a little bit of jungle.
[CP] - No shit, they have been for awhile
[TLOT] Says nothing and scans around, he hasn't been able to focus properly with Cp berating him-
[Steve] Is peering into the trees-
-The sudden stillness is unnerving, it seems like even the few parrots hopping about have gone silent.
[CP] Floats upwards to watch the scene unfold-
[TLOT] Calls his scythe to hand and stands with his back to Steve.
[Steve] Pulls out his own Enderpearl sword and takes a ready stance-
[CP] - This should be entertaining
[TLOT] I know you're there. Come out!
-The sense of being watched is stronger now and there's some bare movement from high in the trees-
[CP] - Let's speed this up- He tosses a fire ball at the trees
-There's a shriek of irritation and an ender pearl goes flying out of one of the trees. As it lands there's a flash of something white too close to the pair on the ground-
[TLOT] Strikes out blindly at the shape and Steve goes for the stab as well-
-There's a splash of blood, the sound of ripping fabric and the sword is almost torn out of Steve's hands as it sticks to what it's cut into. -
-The figure whips around and it pulls Steve with the sword flat onto the ground-
[TLOT] Instantly goes berzerk, swelling into his monstrous form with a groan of tortured golden armor-
-The figure darts nimbly away from his claws but the third blow catches them square. It also embeds the dagger they were holding into his palm-
[TLOT] Gives an angry roar and the ground under their attacker turns to lava.
[Steve] Gets kicked by the figure as he tries to get out of the way and falls in the lava. He screams reflexively even though it won't kill him and both the others react viscerally to his yell, one freezing in place to stare at the apparently unhurt Steve and the other to headbutt their attacker with his helmet while they're distracted. The white clad figure flies backwards into some bushes with a thump as they hit a stone outcrop.
[???] Gets up with a snarl and there's a flash of black eyes on pale skin as they look out from under their hood-
[TLOT] Pulls the dagger out of his hand and catches the gaze. He freezes in fear for a moment and they're on him again, stabbing at his bulky shape as he claws at them and slices with the now petite looking scythe. There's bits of blood and pixels flying everywhere.
[???] Freezes as a sword stabs them from behind and the blood spatters Steve's grimacing face.
[TLOT] Grabs them and throws them down, as they bang against the ground he hisses suddenly and his eyes go wide-
[???] It's just enough of a distraction for them to stab his other hand-
[TLOT] Kicks the person and they roll a few blocks away, curled up in pain.
[CP] - I taste your fear TLOT~
[TLOT] Screams- What do you want from me?! Why can't you just die?!
[???] You're the one who came looking for me...
[Steve] Because you stole from our friend, you... bitch!
[CP] Sputters out a little laugh at Steve's attempt to call him a cruel name-
[???] She still honored the dead one! It had to be set right!
[TLOT] Sneers - Do you think they should worship you instead? You NOTCH?!
[???] No, but she had things I wanted. That she had no use for-
[Steve] What are your intentions here?
[???] Same as you. Survival.
[CP] - By scaring the crap or angering everyone here?  Real good plan there asshole- He brings himself back down to the ground
[???] Do I need to fight you too? - they look up and the shreds of their hood falls away, the reason for TLOT's suddenly backing off is obvious. They are a NOTCH, but instead of the bald head there is a single ruff of hair down the middle like a mohawk and the swell of blocky breasts is plainly visible through their torn and bloodied poncho. She pulls the bits of spiderweb cloth closer with the arm that's less injured and glares at him with her beady black eyes-
[CP] - Oh for fucks sake!
[TLOT] Is still huffing a bit and takes a scoop of the errant lava to heal his hands- Do you have a name... NOTCH?
[???] Traveler.
[CP] - Laaaaaaaaaaaaaame
-There's a fast motion and an enderpearl bounces off Cp's chest, there's a flash of motion too fast to follow and she viciously slices both his cheeks with a dagger made from a broken off sword-
[CP] Immediately moves to stab her- Fuck off you gnat!
[Traveler] Ducks backward and knees him squarely in the nuts, as he tips forward she uppercuts his jaw and falls back to a safer distance-
[CP] Burst into flames-
[Traveler] Watches him burn. She's still pretty injured, but as an AI it's not hindering her too much.
[CP] Is just cursing nearly non stop-
[TLOT] Tends to Steve and then checks on them. - Are we done?
[CP] - Oh fuck off asshole
[Traveler] Falters and leans against a tree. - I don't know. Who is this alien brine?
[CP] - None of your damn business
[TLOT] His wife is an ally of ours.
[Traveler] And where have you gone Herobrine? I've been trying to get a bead on you since I arrived, but you seem able to vanish from this plane of existence.
[CP] - He's a coward who has left this seed instead of tending to it
[Traveler] I have been all over this world. It doesn't need much tending. It seems his name is on everyone's lips and the people are prosperous and happy.
[TLOT] Bit o pride-
[CP] Scowls-
[CP] - Fucking whatever, let's just go home
[Traveler] Where is home?
[TLOT] Unnerved-
[CP] - Not here
[Traveler] I gleaned as much. How are you leaving and entering the world? Is home in the nether?
[TLOT] Absolutely not.
[CP] Starts laughing at the thought-
[Steve] It's another server, that this world is contained within.
[CP] Mentally to TLOT- We can always ditch her with the other NOTCH's
[TLOT] Mentally back- I'm shocked at you. After you yelled at me all damn day for neglecting my responsibilities-
[Traveler] Eyes narrow- Stop doing that. I can tell by your faces you're communicating somehow.
[TLOT] Blanches-
[CP] - So why wouldn't I expect you to abandon more?
[TLOT] Is dead silent for a long moment and then suddenly hauls off and punches Cp as hard as he can in the face with his overlarge fist-
[CP] Is thrown backwards a bit before regaining his footing and lunging at TLOT-
[TLOT] Clads himself in Netherweight and is unmovable. Cp basically just bashes into him like he hit a bedrock wall and TLOT doesn't move an inch.
[CP] Is growling and the heat of his flames is growing much more intense-
[Traveler] Watches them impassively.
[Steve] Please stop.
[CP] - Stay the fuck out of this!
[Traveler] To Steve - Should I kick him again?
[Steve] Is clearly nervous talking to her - It's okay, they're pretty evenly matched....
[CP] - I will fucking trap you in a dream!
[TLOT] He's using his own version of the 'dad voice' - I'm so sick of your shit Cp. I'm not playing with you any more today. - He waves a hand and makes an opening back into the cage before giving Cp an open-handed slap that sends him stumbling through the hole.
[Lie] Is standing on the other side in the cage, her arms crossed and a not so pleased expression on her face- CP...
[Traveler] Follows Cp through the hole before anyone can say anything- How interesting....
[TLOT] Fuck...
-The offensive pod is immediately on alert and hisses at Traveler-
[CP] Is up and about to go back through to try and attack TLOT again-
[Traveler] Hisses right back and brings a dagger to hand-
[Lie] Notices TLOT's form and with an aggravated sigh she flicks her hand forwards, attaching the collar to her husbands neck before focusing on her pod- Shhhh, easy now, it's alright
[CP] Let's out a strangled noise as he's shrunk down into a cat-
[Traveler] Barks out a small nervous laugh and locks eyes with Lie- Nice trick.... Herobrine.
[Lie] - I apologize for my husbands actions if he attacked you.  My name is Lie
[Traveler] It was a scuffle, nothing more. My fight with my brine and his Steve was more... involved. I am the Traveler.
[TLOT] shuffles through giving her a suspicious look, he waits for Steve to exit and closes the portal.
-The offensive pod lowers itself close to Lie-
[Lie] - Somehow I suspect my husband was still the instigator...
[CP] Yowls and fire balls TLOT-
[TLOT] Just tanks the fireball and gives him an angry look- Stop that.
[Steve] Yeeeaaah.
[Lie] Just groans a little- CP come here...
[CP] Ignores his wife-
[Traveler] Indicates the pod with the dagger in her hand- What is that?
[Lie] - My defense, the first of it's kind as well
[Traveler] Curious. Though not as unusual as the world being contained in a room.
[Lie] - There's a second one too- Motions towards the other command block
[Traveler] What wonders and treasures does it contain?
[Steve] Other NOTCH AI's and a multitude of dragons.
[TLOT] Shucks off his chestplate and stows the streched out metal before shrinking back to his normal size.
[Lie] - Should I let Tungsten know you'll be stopping by soon?
[Traveler] Tungsten?
[TLOT] Our village blacksmith.
[Traveler] Ah... the lost village persists? One of them at least?
[CP] Goes to piss on Steve-
[Steve] Scoots out of the way-
[CP] Persists-
[Lie] Starts summoning vines to grab CP-
[Steve] Kicks Cp lightly in the butt since it's facing him-
[Lie] Grabs CP with the vines and brings him over and into her arms- I think we need to find someplace quiet to properly calm down-
[Traveler] Motions for her to lead.
[TLOT] Looks resigned-
[Steve] I think we all need a break...
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