#when this movie is so full of the most specific triggers. colors. clothes. yet i push thru it every time
makeste · 4 years
Are there any headcanons that you would like to share? About anything you want.
anon in the absence of specific guidelines I have managed to make this post pretty much entirely about Bakugou. I apologize if you really wanted to know all of my headcanons about Kouda or something lol. but all joking aside he really is the character I think about the most and so probably like 80% of my headcanons are about him, including close to 100% of the headcanons I actually have a solid enough grip on to put into words. anyway here goes.
he does not know how to tie a tie. he was a rowdy little free range knee-scraping grass-staining run-don’t-walk child whose parents only ever managed to wrestle him into formal attire a handful of times for special occasions when he was younger, and then he went to a middle school that used gakuran-style uniforms so he never learned then, either. his dad offered to teach him when U.A. rolled around, but he was all, “fuck off dad, I know how to tie a stupid tie,” because by that time he had grown into a cocky little brat confident in his own skill and naive as to the reality checks of the world, and he genuinely believed with the conviction that only a fifteen-year-old can muster that when the time came he would just magically know how to do it. on the first day of school he got as far as draping the loose tie over his neck and holding one end in each hand before staring at the mirror and abruptly realizing the hole he’d dug himself into. and so rather than admit defeat, he just straight up decided not to wear it. which became a permanent life choice once he got to school and saw how badly Deku’s tie was tied and realized there was no way he could ever risk that kind of humiliation.
in a similar vein, I know there’s a popular fanon that because of his parents’ influence Katsuki has a good sense of fashion, but my own personal headcanon is that this could not be further from the truth lol. it’s not that he has a terrible sense of style, mind you; it’s just that he doesn’t care about it at all. he’s a nerdy jock who spends all his free time studying and lifting weights. this kid literally only wears one color, and that color just so happens to be the easiest possible color to coordinate. he owns like three pairs of shoes max. he wears his pants three sizes up and they drag so much that the hems are all frayed from him constantly stepping on them (literally canon, and one of my favorite details from chapter 218). he just doesn’t give a fuck, so long as the clothes are comfortable and don’t look stupid. he has about a million things he’s more concerned about than what he or anyone else is wearing. in fact I’m 90% sure that his mom still buys most of his clothes, and about 70% convinced he does not even know what size he is.
he’s good at household chores (because he’s good at everything), but hates doing them. aside from cooking, which he enjoys, he will bitch and whine nonstop if forced to do tedious-yet-necessary things like washing dishes and folding laundry. that said, he is a perfectionist, and he also has a lot of experience because his mom made him do chores all the time during the seven trillion times he was grounded while growing up (that’s his estimate, btw, so it may be slightly exaggerated. he was not an easy kid to raise. when your kid’s fuse is about a millimeter long and he has a tendency to literally blow up whenever he throws a fit, you end up with a lot of objects in your house that have been replaced at some point), so if you do actually manage to get him to do the chore, rest assured that chore is getting fucking DONE.
when he was very little he watched an Avengers Endgame-style All Might film where a bunch of bad guys attacked earth and various assorted heroes tried and failed to stop them. then at the climax of the film, All Might showed up and said “I am here”, and everyone got super pumped up and excited because they knew the heroes were going to win with All Might on their side. this scene remains Katsuki’s favorite scene in anything. not the fight -- just the moment where All Might shows up and grins and the audience knows right there and then that he’s going to win. this is the feeling that inspired his dream. he wants to be the one who shows up and everyone is like, “we’re good now; Katsuki is here.”
when he was six or seven he got into a big fight with an older boy over that scene because he said it was fake and that there was no way All Might could have beaten those guys in real life. Katsuki insisted he definitely would have because All Might never loses. the other boy replied that everyone loses sometimes. Katsuki kicked his ass and got suspended for a week.
ten years later, Katsuki watched All Might battle All for One at Kamino and realized two things. one, that the other boy was right and that anyone can lose. and two, that he, the one who had so proudly defended All Might back then, was going to end up being the reason why he finally lost.
for a long time afterwards, he couldn’t bring himself to watch that movie again.
when he and Izuku were three years old their moms sent them out on a first errand (google Hajimete no Otsukai if you’re unfamiliar with this tradition, I promise you it is the cutest fucking thing you’ll ever see) to buy ingredients for katsudon. Izuku was full of bouncy childish enthusiasm and could rattle off the full shopping list of ingredients front to back, but when the moment finally came his confidence wilted as soon as their parents were out of sight. Katsuki also had a moment of panic when they first rounded the corner and he couldn’t see his house anymore, but rallied once Izuku burst into tears and he realized that he had to be the one to take charge. he proceeded to morph into an absurdly over-the-top caricature of his own mother for the duration of the errand, to the point where in addition to telling Izuku to stop crying he also ordered him to stand up straight and tuck in his shirt. the two of them went on to complete the errand flawlessly and their moms were PROUD AS FUCK and took a billion pictures. Izuku and Katsuki have only a few scattered memories of this milestone in the present day but it’s enough to send both of them absolutely reeling with embarrassment whenever they’re reminded of it.
he and his mom don’t often get along but sometimes they’ll bond over roasting a mutual target. they have watched many a trashy reality TV show together for this purpose. Masaru lives for these moments but never comments on them lest he spoil the rare moments of peace.
Katsuki is perfectly capable of using keigo (i.e. normal polite Japanese with no rude language/cursing), otherwise he would not be one of the top students in his ivy-league high school. code-switching is a thing guys! anyways his teachers are aware of this, because all of his essays and homework assignments are written normally. he merely chooses to go about his daily business acting like a wannabe yakuza stereotype because that’s just his personality, and he’s not about to start censoring himself and acting like some weird little goody two shoes robot person just to please people he mostly doesn’t give two shits about. but if you put a gun to his head and told him you’d pull the trigger if he said “fuck”, he would probably be all right; he’d just have to concentrate.
when he was little he went through a phase of collecting cicada shells and leaving them EVERYWHERE -- in the bathroom sink, on his mom’s pillow, you name it. Mitsuki often tells people this is when she started getting gray hairs. one time she opened a box of cereal and there was one in there and a little bit of her soul died that day.
he generally doesn’t care who calls him Kacchan. it doesn’t particularly bother him and it never occurred to him to pretend like it did just for appearance’s sake. also secretly for some reason the thought of Deku ever calling him anything else really bothers him. he’s not sure what it would mean if that ever happened, or what he would do.
all of his workouts are designed to strengthen his arms and back and shoulders because those are the parts of his body that take the most abuse from his quirk. other than that he avoids building up excess muscle anywhere else because the more weight he puts on the harder it is to fly around. for this reason he is never going to end up being a big bulky guy like All Might. one day Deku is going to surpass him in muscle, but he doesn’t care because he’ll still be a match for him in firepower and speed.
he’s one of those kids who will not so much as take a sip of alcohol until he’s twenty-five. partly because he’s experienced enough concussions that he doesn’t particularly want to give hangovers a try, and partly because he’s a control freak and honestly afraid of getting drunk and making an idiot of himself somehow. the rowdier members of class A try virtually every trick in their wheelhouse and then some to try and persuade him over the years, but not even the reverse psychology “aw, don’t worry, it’s okay if you’re... scared :)” thing works, because that’s only actually effective when he secretly wants to do the thing.
then one day he just wakes up and is all “you know what, I’m gonna try it”, and for the next few days his google history is basically just “how many drinks does it take to get drunk” and “how to avoid getting drunk” and “how to prevent hangovers.” somehow word gets out through the grapevine (he probably told Todoroki, who is the one person in class A you’d think wouldn’t be a big ol’ gossip but in fact IS) that Bakugou is finally going to get his drink on that weekend, and pretty much EVERYONE shows up at the izakaya that Friday night excited as FUCK.
Katsuki proceeds to drink a grand total of two beers over the span of several hours, and drinks like five glasses of water in between, and literally nothing happens to him at all except that Kaminari almost fights him out of frustration. the rest of class A never fully gets over their disappointment.
he actually knows like 90% of class 1-A’s names by this point. there are still a few people he doesn’t and will never know, though. twenty years from now Aoyama will still be “that weird fucking french kid” in his mind.
he had no idea who Eri was until the Christmas party. sometimes he’d hear the other kids talking about someone named Eri, and from context clues he somehow ended up thinking it was one of Aizawa’s cats. when Eri came to the party he had a brief moment of curiosity wondering if she was Sensei’s niece or something, and then he heard someone say her name and he was all “THAT’S ERI?!” and his entire worldview was briefly shaken up.
he pulled Kirishima aside to ask him and Kirishima basically gave him Eri’s whole entire life story which was way more than he actually wanted to know. he’s now kind of terrified of ever being in the same room as her for fear of having to interact with her because he’s pretty sure he’d do or say the wrong thing. most of the time being intimidating is something he strives for and puts a lot of effort into, including when he’s around kids (who are basically just smaller, sloppier adults in his mind), but he doesn’t want to be the guy who scared an abused kid, so he basically just hopes the others will have enough common sense not to ever go “oh hey you know who should totally interact with each other?? Eri and Bakugou!”
that being said, if circumstances ever arose which forced Katsuki to protect Eri, the two of them would totally bond and they would have a really sweet relationship in which Eri looked up to him just like she looks up to Deku and Mirio and the rest, and where Katsuki was constantly trying to be on his best behavior around her, like genuinely, sincerely trying, and kind of failing at it a lot but still being sweet in a gruff sort of restrained-disaster way.
...and after sitting there for a while trying to think of more I couldn’t come up with any so I guess that’s it! basically most of my headcanons are about how secretly boring Katsuki is. honestly if it weren’t for him having the vocabulary of a 52-year-old sailor whose foot was caught in a bear trap, he and Iida would probably be best friends.
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aeipcthys · 3 years
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╰ ❛   💉 — › samantha logan. cis-female. she/her.  ╯ have  you  met  victoria ‘vic’ dawson  yet  ?  this twenty six year old  aries  has  been  living  in the seattle  area  for  three years.  she  makes  a  living  as  media relations coordinator, which  is best suited for their adventurous,  independent,  reckless,  and resentful personality. someone to you by banners  is  one of  their  favorite  songs.
trigger warnings: depression, drugs, illness, cancer, death
full character page here
Full Name: victoria rae dawson
Nickname(s): vic
Age: 26
Date of Birth: april 1, 1994
Hometown: tacoma, washington
Current Location: seattle, washington
Ethnicity: irish, trinidadian 
Nationality: american 
Gender: cisgender female
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Orientation: this is me we’re talking about what do you think
Status: single, dating
Religion: used to believe in god, has since abandoned religion
Political Affiliation: liberal
Occupation: a media relations coordinator in the pr department at seattle grace mercy west
Living Arrangements: shares an apartment with rebecca goldmann and stephanie edwards
Language(s) Spoken: english, american sign language
Accent: american
Face Claim: samantha logan
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: dark brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 127 lbs
Build: fit
Tattoos: yes, idk what they are yet but they’re there
Piercings: ears/cartilage, got a nose ring in college because she thought it would be rebellious but really it was just uncomfortable
Clothing Style: either looks really put together or is wearing leggings and a large tshirt there is no in between
Usual Expression: a furrowed brow
Distinguishing Characteristics: 
Physical Ailments: none.
Neurological Conditions: depression
Allergies: penicillin 
Sleeping Habits: wacky
Eating Habits: she’s a snacker of all things, she used to really hate vegetables, still kind of does 
Exercise Habits: she likes those fun workout classes, zumba or dancing or something, also rock climbing for some reason
Emotional Stability: once again, this is me we’re talking about what do you think
Sociability: a mostly friendly person 
Body Temperature: i never know what to say for this she’s like average
Addictions: none.
Drug Use: yes
Alcohol Use: oh yes
Label: tbd
Positive Traits: adventurous, independent, honest, driven, confident, supportive
Negative Traits: reckless, competitive, tactless, moody, messy, resentful
Fears: being stereotypical, missing out
Hobbies: rock climbing
Habits: smoking, tbd
Weather: warmth, sun, sunshine!!! why she leaves in seattle we can’t say
Colour: shades of green
Music: anything, loves some bops
Movies: action/adventure
Sport: for watching, wrestling or hockey 
Beverage: the teas - sweet tea, long island iced tea
Food: cuban
Animal: she likes raccoons, they’re really cute just misunderstood 
Father: marcus dawson
Mother: colleen dawson
Sibling(s): abigail hayes (neé dawson), cormac hayes (brother-in-law)
Children: none.
Pet(s): none.
Family’s Financial Status: middle class
Zodiac Sign: aries (happy aries szn) 
MBTI: estj
Anything Else:
Victoria Dawson was born to Marcus and Colleen Dawson in Tacoma, Washington. She was the younger sister of Abigail Dawson (later known as Abigail Hayes). Abigail was about seven years older than Victoria, which set them up for an interesting relationship from the start. 
The girls’ parents had a great experience raising Abigail. She was easy-going, self-sufficient, kind, energetic, beautiful, and intelligent. She was everything you could hope for from a first child. The Dawsons thought Abigail deserved a sibling to go through life with, so they began trying for a second child. It took a few years, but eventually, along came Victoria, and she was far from what they bargained for. 
Growing up, Abigail was constantly looking over Victoria, being kinder and more accommodating than might be typical of a big sister. But Victoria needed it. From the beginning, Victoria had a clearly adventurous soul, and it made her parents and sister constantly fearful. 
Victoria was the type of kid to be at the playground and jump off the top of the slide instead of going down it. She would reach out to touch the flame on a candle just to see what it felt like. And that was the kind of spirit that drove her life. She always wanted to see what it felt like. It drove Abigail insane, and she constantly joked about wrapping Victoria up in bubble wrap and a helmet for the rest of her life. That probably would have done her some good. 
Although Victoria loved Abigail, she always wished Abigail didn’t always have to be so perfect. Everyone commented on it, including their parents. They would ask Vic ‘why don’t you try being more like your sister?’ Just once, she wanted Abigail to be the one to screw up or do something reckless, but that day never seemed to come. Even as they grew up and Abigail went off to school, she only seemed to climb higher and higher up on her pedestal. At least, through Vic’s eyes. 
It wasn’t until college that Vic really found the freedom she had always longed for. She specifically looked for a school far away from home, opting to attend University of North Carolina just to put some space between her and her overbearing family. Her freshman year, Vic really took that opportunity to try new things, which meant she was in and out of the student conduct office within her first year. But she just saw it as she always did--having fun, living a little, and trying new things. 
Her sophomore year, Vic decided to move off campus, putting up a random posting looking for a roommate. This is how she met Rebecca Goldmann. Although they were not exactly alike, Rebecca seemed to be the perfect fit to balance Victoria out a bit. They ended up becoming extremely close throughout college, despite the fact that they were clearly moving down completely different career paths. 
Throughout college, Abigail always made an effort to reach out and keep in touch with her sister, despite the fact that Victoria was extremely inconsistent in returning her calls and outreach. Abigail had been developing this entirely different life, falling and love with Cormac Hayes and having a couple of children. Vic wanted to be apart of their life more, and Abigail always kept the door open, but she always struggled with feeling like her “crazy little sister.” It wasn’t until she found out Abigail got sick that the floor dropped out from under her. 
Her sister’s illness hit Vic hard. Seeing the cancer slowly eat away at her made Victoria feel like it was eating away at her too. She was constantly angry, at Cormac, at the cancer, even at Abigail. It wasn’t fair, but she didn’t know how to process it. Even though there was resentment there, Victoria loved Abigail with all of her heart and soul. Abigail was her protector. Her guardian. Everything good about Victoria was because of Abigail’s influence. Losing her was the most devastated she had ever felt. 
The time after Abigail’s death was hard. Vic moved home, but even being around her family was difficult. Her parents were never the same. There was this huge whole in their lives, and it was one Victoria knew she could never fill. She also had a hard time looking at Cormac after. Being a doctor, Victoria always secretly wished that he would have saved her. That he could have protected Abigail from it all. But really, Victoria hated herself the most. When her nephews moved to Seattle with Cormac, Vic vowed that she would be a part of their lives, however hard it might be.
Victoria has been in Seattle for years, but she only recently started working at the hospital, putting her media relations degree to good use. 
She is finding it very hard to accept that Cormac has already moved on with a new relationship. Finding out about their new baby certainly won’t be easy. 
If it wasn’t for being with her best friend, Vic would probably go crazy. Rebecca helps ground her and is always there when she needs to have some fun, cry, or blow off some steam. 
Despite what some might assume, Victoria has always been a bit of a romantic. Falling in love, after all, is the greatest adventure to her, and she is always searching for the right person to take it with. 
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labyrinth-archive · 4 years
The Doctor and Mrs. Smith Fandom: Doctor Who Pairing: Eleven x Clara Length: 6,000 words Warnings: None     Also on Ao3 Summary:
“So, what do you say, Miss Oswald?” the Doctor asks, and he’s got that look in his eyes again, half-mischief, half-madness, all magic. “Fancy becoming Mrs. Smith?”
“Is this a proposal, Doctor?”
“’Course it is. That’s why I’ve got a ring.”
Filler scenes for the The Crimson Horror, the episode where the Doctor and Clara pretend to be married, because it’s a crying shame we only got five minutes of those two being giddy, fake-married idiots.
There were things in space that were magnetic, the Doctor told Clara once, as he wrapped one arm around her shoulders and pointed upward with his other, toward a delicate cluster of silver stars that shone in a scarlet sky. Certain celestial things had this force around them, he’d explained, that couldn’t help but draw everything else to them.
The Doctor, Clara thinks, is the same way. He’s like something luminous that belongs up in the sky, and every Wednesday she steps onto the TARDIS and gets caught in his orbit as he whisks her away to anyplace on Earth or anywhere ethereal. And maybe he feels as much of a pull toward her as she feels toward him, Clara thinks, as she stands on the steps of the Maitland’s and waits for the TARDIS.
After all, this man has all of time at the tips of his fingers and all of space as his backyard and yet every week he comes back to her, like he feels there’s something magnetic about her too.
The TARDIS appears then, flickering in and out like an old movie screen until it grows solid and steady, and when Clara opens the door and steps inside, she sees the Doctor’s bent over the TARDIS console, the glow from it shimmering across his face like a nebula.
“London,” he says, without looking up.
One word. Two syllables.
Clara has no idea how he can take those simple things and make it sound like he’s promising her something dazzling.
Not that she’d ever let him know that.
“London?” she questions, overly casual, as she steps toward the thrumming TARDIS console.
“London in 1893,” he adds with a flourish, and then he finally does look up at her, and she can tell he’s wearing that look, the one where he’s grinning and there’s stardust in his eyes and the promise of adventure on his lips.
Clara tries to keep the smile that’s threatening to spill across her face under control as she says, “That’s a very specific year.”
“Nah, not really, just made it up on the spot. We could go to 1891, if you’d like.”
And this time Clara really can’t contain her smile. She can feel it spread across her face, unbidden and giddy and bright. This is the effect he has on her, the effect he always has on her.
Clara feels like she should probably mind.
(She doesn’t.)
“Alright, then,” she says. “Show me Victorian London.”
“Okay,” the Doctor says as he steps out of the blue TARDIS doors and peers around at the mist filled sky and cobblestone roads and quaint little town signs. “Not London 1893. Yorkshire 1893. Near enough.”
Clara is both unsurprised and unbothered by this. At least it’s not like the time he promised her a San Francisco pier and then landed them squarely inside Alcatraz when it was still a functioning prison.
“You’re making a habit of this, getting us lost,” she says as she comes up next to him. Despite him insisting that he’s flying toward someplace specific, Clara’s still not entirely sure he’s really, actually picking a place to land and not just blindly flicking a switch and pulling a lever and flinging them around just for the fun of it.
“Sorry,” he says blithely, not sounding sorry at all. “Hmm,” she hums, and almost absent-mindedly, the Doctor reaches out for her. Clara feels his arm wrapping around her, the weight of it warm and comforting as it comes to rest along her shoulders, and then he pulls her close to his side, tucking her under his arm as they walk.
There he is, doing it again, Clara thinks, drawing her into him like he has some sort of gravitational pull. And perhaps this is why Clara doesn’t care that he hurls them blindly into the unknown. Because whether they stand in Venice or on Venus or anyplace else, he’s always there, right by her side, and 101 Places to See are only as good as the person you see them with.
Besides, as long as the two of them were together, what could go wrong?
It’s as Clara’s thinking this, ironically, that there’s a blood-curling scream, echoing off the cobblestones and slicing through the fog.
The Doctor turns toward her, smiling widely, “Brave heart, Clara.”
# They’re in a morgue. There are cold, crimson colored bodies on slabs and pictures in the eyes of dead men and a man called Edmund who led them there, spinning them a tale of something sinister.
(“They call it The Crimson Horror,” Edmund tells them gravely, pointing to the dead, red body found in the canal that triggered the scream they’d heard. “You’ll never look at that shade of red the same way again.”)
According to this Edmund, these bodies have started to regularly appear in the Yorkshire canal overnight, and though no one else believes him, he thinks the person dumping the bodies is from a community called Sweetville, owned by a woman named Mrs. Gillyflower.
The Doctor, it seems, is absolutely delighted by this. Sweetly named towns that hide something sinister and cadavers that glow red in the dark are apparently all hallmarks of a great trip, because the Doctor’s enthusiastically babbling a mile a minute as he peers through monocles and swipes off samples and starts mixing substances in a makeshift chemistry lab he’s found on a table. Clara, Edmund, and the mortician are all temporarily forgotten as the Doctor conducts his experiments and comes to conclusions.
The red, the Doctor finally decides (if Clara’s deciphering his half-unintelligible, half-overly excited muttering correctly) is some kind of chemically created poison, and it’s only when he’s pouring a beaker full of ruby liquid into a cup with smoke curling out of it that he pauses to look up at Clara for the first time since they got there.
“We’re in a morgue,” he says.
“I noticed,” Clara replies, studying a dead man’s red fingers through the silver monocle the mortician handed her. “A bit hard to miss, what with the corpses and all.”
“No, I mean,” the Doctor jerks his arms about in the way he does when he’s trying to explain something, and the liquid in the beaker he holds bubbles ominously at the movement, “we’re in a morgue. Highly doubt you wanted to spend your day in Victorian Yorkshire here.”
Clara shrugs, “I’ve been on worse dates.”
The Doctor blinks, mouth coming open before snapping shut again. He looks to Clara like he’s torn between wanting to fluster and sputter about how this is not a date, and being morbidly fascinated with finding out that a visit to the morgue’s not the worst date she’s ever been on.
He chooses the latter option.
“So,” he says, putting a drop of something that smokes and fizzes into the beaker, “what was the worst one?”
“Tommy Johnson. Drank too much. Hit on the waitress. Threw up on my brand new boots,” Clara says, shuddering at the memory. “This is definitely only the second worst date.”
The Doctor hums, staring at the bubbling beaker in front of him, and then, quite unexpectedly, he goes, “Want to make it the third worst?”
Clara tilts her head, raises an eyebrow, “What’d you have in mind?”
“Fancy a trip to Sweetville?”
“Sweetville?“ Clara repeats flatly. ”The sinister little village all these red corpses supposedly come from? That will most likely want to turn us into red corpses as well?”
“That’s the one,” the Doctor confirms, and with that he looks up from the beaker and at her. He leans forward toward Clara, crossing his arms on the table, his grin widening as his eyes lock into hers, and it feels a little like a dare. And it’s not in Clara Oswald’s nature to back down from a dare like that.
Clara mimics him, placing her elbows on the table, leaning in closer to him just like he’d leaned toward her, and then she gives him a daring smile of her own. “Let’s do it.”
The mortician in the background mutters something under his breath, and it’s hard to tell from his thick accent, but Clara thinks it sounds suspiciously like, “Stop flirting over the corpses!”
(He is ignored.)
# “Wait,” Edmund says, “there’s a problem.”
“Isn’t there always?” the Doctor replies quickly, and Clara can’t tell whether he’s being serious or sarcastic.
“Mrs. Gillyflower just recruited a good number of people to live in Sweetville. She’s no longer accepting applicants, especially not from single folk,” Edmund explains. “Rumor has it, though, that if one of her people spot a married couple, and they deem them worthy, they’ll occasionally offer them a spot.”
There’s silence for a minute as they all mull this over, and then the Doctor turns to look at Clara, and when he does, Clara can already tell that he’s about to suggest something completely, totally, utterly mad.
“What do you say, Miss Oswald?” the Doctors asks as he grins at her, and he’s got that look in his eyes again, half-mischief, half-madness, all magic. “Fancy becoming Mrs. Smith?”
Clara smirks, raises an eyebrow, “Is this a proposal, Doctor?”
“’Course it is,” he says, holding up a silver band in his hand that he’s somehow procured out of thin air. “That’s why I’ve got a ring.”
Clara, the Doctor, and Edmund are in the process of discussing plans and pointing out potential problems, when Clara turns her head to look at a map of the town and feels one of the buttons on her high velvet collar come undone in the back.
Victorian clothes, Clara decides, are as nonsensical as they are pretty. She doesn’t think she could ever live out her life in the Victorian era.
“Top button,” Clara commands, turning her back toward the Doctor, and dutifully his hands come up, and she feels his fingers brush against the back of her neck as her finishes buttoning up her collar.
Button done, Clara turns back around to find Edmund staring at them.
“You sure you two aren’t really married?” he asks.
“Positive,” Clara says, at the same time she hears the Doctor say, “Absolutely not, no.”
Edmund stares at them in utter disbelief, as if the idea of The Crimson Horror’s more believable than their protests.
(Clara tries not to think about that too much.)
“Anyway, the plan,” she says, putting them back on track, “is to attract the attention of one of Mrs. Gillyflower’s recruiters in town and secure an invite, yeah? So, how do we do that? Where do we find them?”
“I don’t think we’re going to find them, Mrs. Smith,” the Doctor says, bending his elbow and offering her his arm, “I think we’re going to let them find us.”
# “So,” Clara says, as she walks down the quaint Victorian street, her hand nestled in the crook of the Doctor’s elbow, “this plan…” “Yeah?”
“If you can even call it a plan -“ “Oh, it’s definitely a plan. You want to hear about plans? I once went onboard a cyber ship with nothing more than a hunch and a licorice twist, so trust me, Clara, when I say I’ve had plans much, much less pulled together than this.”
“Now that I believe.”
“Oi! Watch it!” “So, this plan,” Clara continues, completely ignoring the indignant look the Doctor sends her way, “is just to walk through town and hope to get recruited?” ”Edmund said the past three couples to move to Sweetville were reportedly found and recruited on Main Street, and so here we are. And look at us! New, fresh, walking slabs of flesh, ripe for the picking, or killing, as it were - “
“Really not making me feel good about this - “ “How can they resist us? Trust me, Clara, they’ll find us. When have I ever been wrong before?” And before Clara can answer with an itemized list, the Doctor says, “Oh, here we go.”
Clara blinks, nearly getting whiplash from the sudden change in his tone, but she notices that, up ahead, there’s a lady walking down the street. “No idea if she’s one of Mrs. Gillyflower’s or not, but we’ll pass her by and say a few words,” the Doctor whispers. “Get ready to look married and willing to move to a sinisterly sweet looking community, Mrs. Smith.”
Before Clara can ask exactly what a happily married, eager-to-move-to-a-horror-town woman looks like, the lady gets closer, and the Doctor pastes on his biggest, brightest smile, and moves his hand to wrap around Clara’s waist, pulling her ever so slightly closer to him.
“Hello, there,” the lady says, smiling at them as she approaches. “Are you two new in town?”
Clara‘s completely, utterly, and totally unprepared for what happens next.
“Eh oh, we definitely are,” the Doctor says, in what perhaps is the fakest, most outrageous Yorkshire accent Clara’s ever heard in her life. It’s half over-excited, half over-exaggerated, and all together hilarious. “And we’re enjoying this cozy little town, aren’t we, love?”
Clara nods, desperately trying to keep a traitorous, treacherous bout of laughter down.
She’s failing.
The Doctor must sense her losing it, because Clara sees him raise his eyebrows at her, and she can feel his fingers tighten around her waist in warning.
“Aw, how lovely,” the lady coos, thankfully not noticing that Clara’s half a heartbeat away from dying from laughter. “You two haven’t been married long, have you?”
“Nah, not long now,” the Doctor replies, plowing on in his heavy accent. “Feels as though we’ve only been married minutes though, doesn’t it, Mrs. Smith?”
Clara makes a garbled, choking noise, a pearl of laughter escaping her lips in the process, and she hurriedly and hopelessly tries to turn it into a cough.
(She can’t help it, his accent sounds absolutely ridiculous.) “Ah, right then, better get the missus indoors,” the Doctor says, “sounds like she’s coming down with a bit of a cold.”
Hand still on her waist, the Doctor half-drags Clara down the street, away from the lady, and they don’t even make it half a block before Clara loses all self-control and nearly doubles over with laughter, clutching onto his arm to keep herself upright. “What was that accent? Was it even an accent?” “It’s a Yorkshire accent.”
“That’s an insult to everyone with an actual Yorkshire accent. You sound like you’re talking with a jammie dodger stuffed in your mouth.” “Clara,” he reprimands, still using that terrible accent he seems terribly proud of, “I’ll have you know that my accent is flawless.”
“Cheekfulls of jammie dodgers, actually, like a chipmunk.” ”Oi, is that any way to talk to your new husband and apparent the love of your life?”
“It is when he sounds like that.” He glares at her, she grins.
“You can’t be very mad at me,” she informs him. “Your arm’s still around me.”
He blinks, like he’s forgotten. “Cover story,” he says primly. “Right.”
“Shut up.”
(He still doesn’t move his arm.)
# “You’ve got to do the Yorkshire accent too, you know,” he whispers to her as he pulls out her chair in the tea room on Main Street, where they’ve decided to see if they can attract a Sweetville resident’s attention. “No,” Clara says, taking a seat. “Absolutely not.”
The Doctor scoots her in closer to the table, his hands curled around the back of her chair, and then he bends forward, and she can feel his lips close to her ear and his breath hot on her cheek as he whispers, “It’ll be fun.” Clara turns her head, nearly bumping her nose into his chin, “I think you and I have different definitions of fun.”
“Come on, Clara,” he pleads, as he moves away from her, walking around to the other side of the tea table and plopping down in the chair there, a tangled blur of limbs and hand motions. “You’re my Yorkshire wife, from Yorkshire! We both have to be Yorkshire. The key word here being Yorkshire.” “Are you sure you said the word Yorkshire enough times there, Doctor?”
He waves his finger around the tea room in a circle, like his hand’s imitating the kind you’d find on a clock, “Any single one of these people could be from Sweetville. So you’ve got to do an accent, and you’ve got to start it now. When the waitress comes, give it a go, eh?” “I’m not doing an accent.”
(She does an accent. It actually is quite fun. She’s never admitting it.)
# They’re being watched. Clara can feel it. She just can’t tell who by. But there’s a distinct shiver down her spine that has nothing to do with the autumn wind, and a deep, instinctive urge to stop and turn and look. This was the plan, after all: Get watched, get followed, get invited. Clara’s certainly not getting cold feet, not when they’ve gotten this far, but there’s a distinctively uncomfortable feeling to being watched like you’re the little rabbit in a nature documentary, and there’s a great big fox around the corner. The Doctor must feel it too.
“You know what the best thing about a plan is?” he asks her. “What’s that?”
“It working,” he answers. “And do you know what the worst thing about a plan is?”
Clara huffs out a quiet laugh, watching as a puff of pale fog escape her lips, “Let me guess, it working?”
“Bingo,” he says, and then he pauses, sniffs, licks his finger, sticks it in the air, and says, “Ah, looks like rain.”
And with that announcement, he opens up the umbrella he’s brought with him from the TARDIS, and no sooner than he has, does rain start to fall, glittering in the glow of the streetlights and dusting the pavement around them with raindrops.
Clara has no idea how he does that.
“Funny story about this umbrella,” the Doctor says, and she has a feeling he’s trying to distract her from focusing on being watched, “well, when I say funny story, I mean funny story if you’re not a tremendously grouchy actor. I borrowed it from Gene, when he was on one of his movie sets. Bit temperamental, that man, but a superb dancer.”
“Doctor, are you telling me you stole this umbrella off Gene Kelly while he was filming Singin’ in the Rain?”
“I had to, there was a misplaced alien Slider cat loose there, trying to soak up the warmth from the set lights. If you watch the movie closely, you may still be able to spot it,” he tells her. “Anyway, yeah, kept the umbrella, I was going to give it back, but not with Gene yelling at me like that. Figured I’d return it later after he’d had some time to calm down. We can take it back to him, if you’d like, after we’re done here. You might like him, Clara. Just don’t try to take any of the movie props while you’re there. He’s rather touchy about that.”
Clara laughs and intwines her arm with his, leaning in close to him under the shelter of the umbrella. It’s then that she catches their reflection in the rain-dotted shop window they’re passing. There they are, reflected in glass, the Doctor and his Mrs. Smith, her in velvet and him in tweed, walking a little too close to each other, her arm wound around his. It strikes her then, how much they look like an actual couple. Clara had wondered, honestly, if she was going to feel uncomfortable with pretending to be married, or nervous. And she probably would be, if it was any other guy, but it’s not any other guy, it’s him. It’s him and it’s her and it just somehow feels right.
(This idea that they’re this comfortable together pretending to be a couple should probably surprise her more.
It doesn’t.)
# They’re still being watched, and possibly followed, but when they duck into a bookshop, Clara completely forgets about who’s following her. Or why she’s even in Victorian Yorkshire in the first place. And how can she remember silly things as insignificant as that? It seems impossible when she’s surrounded by so many books. Clara closes her eyes and inhales deeply, enjoying the comforting scent of fresh paper and ink and leather bound covers, and then she’s moving down the aisles, getting lost in a maze of books, and dragging the Doctor behind her, one hand clasped in his as she pulls him along, and her other hand reaching out to the shelves as she runs the tips of her fingers down the book spines as she goes.
She finally stops in one aisle and spins around in a half circle, soaking it all in.
“I don’t even know what to look for,” Clara suddenly admits as she spots a card advertising the ’brand new’ book, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. “What was going on in the world of literature in 1893?” “Ah, 1893. A good year,” the Doctor says, pulling a book out from the shelf, lifting it up to his nose, and inhaling, like he’s at a wine tasting instead of a book store. “Somewhere out there, writers of the golden age of detective literature are being born, and Arthur Conan Doyle is getting ready to surprise fans by resurrecting Sherlock Holmes, and Oscar Wilde’s new play is premiering.”
Clara listens to him, a small smile on her lips as her eyes browse the shelves, and then she sees it, right up there, toward the top. Could it be?
Clara reaches for the book that’s caught her eye, but she’s far too short, the tips of her fingers not even coming close to reaching it, and she harrumphs in annoyance.
It’s then that she feels the Doctor take a step closer, the warmth from his proximity seeping into her clothes and onto her skin as he comes to stand behind her. He stretches his arm up and easily grabs the book she was reaching towards before depositing it into her waiting hands. Clara looks up to thank him, but he’s distracted, watching something else by the counter, and Clara knows she should be paying attention too, but she just can’t, because she’s holding a vintage copy of one of her favorite books in the world.
It’s an 1893 copy of Pride and Prejudice. The cover is a pale, robin’s egg blue, embossed with a bright gold that glints off the bookshop’s lighting and makes Clara’s breath catch beneath her collarbone. She runs the pads of her fingers over the cover, nearly afraid to touch it. If she were back home in her proper time, she’d never, ever be able to afford it or even hold it in her hands. And it’d be old and weathered, if she got it the long way around, but here it is fresh off the printing press, new and pristine, and absolutely beautiful.
Clara’s not sure she can let it go. “Doctor,” she whispers, eyes still on the book, completely absorbed, “can I -“ But she’s interrupted.
“Hello,” someone says suddenly from somewhere behind her, and Clara jumps, hastily placing the book back on the shelf before turning around to see a woman standing close to her. The woman must’ve been who the Doctor had been watching, and Clara can see why. There’s something eerie about her, almost as if she’s a wax figure come to life. Her skin’s a little too glossy, her eyes a little too blue.
“Pardon me,” the woman says, “but I have an invitation to offer you on behalf of my employer, Mrs. Gillyflower.” # “Oh, yes, Doctor and Mrs. Smith,” Mrs. Gillyflower tells them as they stand in her Sweetville office, being interviewed. “I think you’ll do nicely.” “Grand! Smashing,” the Doctor exclaims happily, in that terrible, no good, very bad accent of his. “Eh, the missus and I couldn’t be more chuffed, could we love?”
At this, he brings his arm up and slides it around Clara’s shoulders, half-hugging her close to him, as if he can create a cocoon around her with his arms if he tries hard enough. Clara turns to look up at him, raising an eyebrow. She hasn’t, in all honesty, seen this much hammy overacting since Artie’s disastrous performance as Peter Pan in his school play when he was seven. The play had been tedious, and the urge to groan nearly unbearable, but she’d loved Artie anyway.
(She thinks she loves her idiot, fake husband too.)
# The sky looks like it’s a breath away from pouring down rain, and Mrs. Gillyflower’s leading them through Sweetville. There’s something disturbingly perfect about it, Clara thinks, as she walks past it’s garden and mill that both look a little too flawless. It all reminds Clara of a plastic dollhouse she once had when she was a little girl, where everything was plastic and perfect and pink, unlived in and unreal.
Her grip tightens around the Doctor’s arm as her eyes get drawn up toward the brick chimney on top of the community mill. There was something very wrong about the chimney, something Clara couldn’t quite put her finger on. Clara didn’t even know a chimney could look wrong until she saw that one. “The name,” Clara says suddenly, “Sweetville.”
Mrs. Gillyflower glances at her, “Yes?”
“Why not name it after yourself? After all, it’s your creation.”
“Gillyflowertown, no, Gillyflowerland,” the Doctor says, his accent getting lost a bit in his excited ad-libbing. “You could have rollercoasters!”
“It’s named after my silent partner, Mr. Sweet,” Mrs. Gillyflower says cagily, ignoring the Doctor’s roller coaster comment altogether. “But you needn’t worry about that. All you need to know is that we only recruit the brightest and the best.”
As Mrs. Gillyflower says this, she reaches out to pat Clara’s cheek, and the gesture somehow feels sinister. Clara’s breath catches, her posture stiffens, and then she senses the Doctor protectively taking a step closer to her.
Magnetic, she reminded herself, they were magnetic, him and her. And as long as he was there by her side, she’d be okay.
It’s only when Clara turns to see men with gloves coming toward her, and feels hands on her shoulders ripping her away from the Doctor that she remembers that not everything magnetic can’t be pulled apart.
Clara’s screaming and screaming and screaming, and all she sees is crimson.
And then all she sees is black.
# The world is dark and dizzying and Clara is falling. The last thing she remembers is being frozen, of her world turning black, but now she’s thawing, and she feels like she’s made out of ice and wax. She’s barely awake, darkness and sleep still wrapped around her mind, but she feels herself tipping forward, her legs coming out from under her. Clara tenses, bracing herself for impact, but before she can hit the floor, she feels strong hands catch her around her waist and pull her into a warm embrace. There’s the feeling of tweed under the tips of her fingers and the sense somewhere in the back of her mind that she is somewhere safe, so it’s really no surprise when she opens her eyes and sees she’s in the Doctor’s arms.
Clara thinks that she’s never laid eyes on anything better.
He smiles, “Hello, stranger.”
Clara smiles back, and it’s like it’s automatic, her lips curving upward even before her brain can catch up with what’s happening. She doesn’t even feel fully awake yet, like she’s still in that soft, hazy place between waking and dreaming, but she’s dimly aware of the warmth of his hand on her face, the way the tips of his fingers rest in her hair, and the feel of his thumb brushing gently against the edge of her cheekbone, over and over again.
“Doctor,” Clara says happily, and before she can fully wake up out of this post-unfrozen haze and change her mind (because, really, Fully Awake Clara would probably reprimand her later,) Sleepy Clara reaches a hand up and taps him on the nose with her forefinger, a giddy smile coming across her face when she does.
“Mmhmm,” the Doctor hums in apparent amusement, mirroring her own smile as he stares down at her. She still feels somewhat unsteady from being frozen, and he must be able to sense it because he’s still holding her up, and he shifts to slide his hand from her side to the curve of her spine.
They stand there for a moment, grinning at each other like idiots, like the universe has narrowed down to them, just them, but then something catches Clara’s attention out of the corner of her eye, and it’s enough to make her realize three things at once:
One - They were still in Sweetville.
Two - They were still in danger and her and the Doctor (probably, maybe, very likely) shouldn’t be standing there as if they had all the time in the world.
Three -  There was a lizard woman in a dress standing there too.
“What’s going on?” Clara whispers.
The Doctor smiles, and Clara notices he still hasn’t bothered letting go of her.
“Oh, haven’t you heard, love?“ he asks in that terrible, terrible phoney accent of his that she’s secretly missed. “There’s trouble at the mill.”
The Doctor’s talking a mile a minute and he’s got that look on his face again, where Clara can practically see the cogs turning like clockwork in his mind as he tries to figure things out. He’s frowning now, and pacing back and forth and back and forth.
“A parasite’s created this red poison, and it’s been hanging around, lurking in the shadows of Sweetville,” he says, still pacing, a dizzying blur of flapping hands and long legs. “As has Mrs. Gillyflower.”
“Doctor,” Clara says slowly, her thoughts coming together bit by bit, like a constellation connecting, “I’ve been thinking. The chimney I saw - “
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” he says repeating the word like it’s some sort of touchstone as he continues pacing and Clara hums in annoyance. “We’re way past that now. Yucky red parasite from the time of the dinosaurs pitches up in Victorian Yorkshire.” He makes a face, “Didn’t see that one coming.”
“Yeah,” Clara agrees, “but the chimney -“
“But what’s the connection to Mrs. Gillyflower?“ He asks, still not stopping in his movement. “Where’s she keeping it? What’s the -“
“Doctor,” Clara says, and this time she reaches up (and up, because no matter how high her heels are, he still towers over her), and firmly places her hands on his shoulders.
The Doctor stills under her touch, like he’s a runaway ship and she’s his anchor, settling him in place.
“An empty mill,” Clara says, hands still on his shoulders, holding him there with her. “A chimney that doesn’t blow smoke.”
She watches as her words sink in and his eyes travel up to the ceiling, where they stare for a moment in thought, before coming back down to her.
“Clever clogs,” he decrees.
Clara tilts her head back, grinning up at him, “Miss me?”
In reply, the Doctor reaches for her, cupping her face in his hands, and she can feel the warmth of his palms against her cheeks, the tips of his long fingers brushing against the tender skin behind her ear. And Clara can’t help but smile as he leans in to press a kiss to her forehead.
“Yeah,” he says. “Lots.”
The poison’s found in the mill, Mrs. Gillyflower falls to her death, and the inappropriately named poison-creating parasite Mr. Sweet ends up smashed and scattered into a hundred tiny little pieces all over the floor.
Clara can’t bring herself to feel very sorry about that fact.
Now Clara’s back in the TARDIS, sitting in front of the vanity in the wardrobe and undoing her bun, her hair spilling across her shoulders as she does. It’s then that she hears footsteps approaching, and when she puts down her hairpin and glances back up in the mirror, Clara sees the reflection of the Doctor entering the doorway.
“You’ve been gone a bit,” Clara tells his reflection, not bothering to turn around. “You get things sorted?” “Yeah, and then some,” he says, and then, completely unexpectedly, he adds, “Now, hold out your hands.”
Clara’s guard goes up, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. The last time he’d told her that, he’d dumped a handful of murky teal water and a sticky alien octopus in her cupped hands.
Clara hadn’t cared much for the surprise.
She swivels in her chair, the fabric of her dress twisting around her legs as she turns toward him. “Why?”
”Got you something to make up for the, you know,” he flaps his hand as if he can wave the whole situation away with a flick of his wrist, “almost dying thing.”
“Doctor, if you got me a present every time I almost died, you’d have to buy me something every Wednesday,” Clara chides lightly. “Besides, I wasn’t really scared. I knew you wouldn’t let me die here in Victorian times.”
At her words, his face goes pale and his posture turns stiff, and he stares at her both in a way that’s sharp as if he’s trying to spot something in her eyes, and in a way that’s hazy, as if he’s not really seeing her at all. Her words must’ve meant something, Clara realizes, she just doesn’t know what, but that look on his face that’s halfway between anger and heartbreak scares her in a way she doesn’t like, so she tries to pull him out of it.
“Doctor,” Clara says, trying to snap him out of whatever mood he’s in or flashback he’s having, “you going to give me my present now? Or are you going to keep me waiting?”
The Doctor blinks, shakes his head.
“Right,” he says. “Hold out your hands.”
Clara complies, and then the Doctor places her present in her hands, and Clara finds herself holding a book.
No, Clara corrects herself, not just a book, the book, the edition of Pride and Prejudice she’d admired in the bookshop. She blinks for a moment, shocked into silence and not quite believing what she’s holding.
“Uh,” the Doctor says, twitching nervously when she doesn’t say anything, those ridiculously long arms spasming awkwardly at his side. Somewhere in the back of Clara’s mind, it registers that he’s waiting for her reply, that she should be thanking him, but all her words get jumbled up before they can even reach the tip of her tongue because her brain is still catching up to the fact that this is really, truly, actually happening.
“Was that the wrong book?” the Doctor asks, “I’ll admit, I was a bit distracted by the nutty agent of the even nuttier Mrs. Gillyflower, but I thought that - “ Clara doesn’t let him finish his sentence, instead she leaps out of her chair and up in the air to fling her arms around his neck. She collides with him, and he nearly tumbles over at the force of her hug, but he rights himself, catching her around her waist as he laughs, and she‘s close enough to him that can feel his laughter vibrate through her body, and it feels safe and warm and happy like nothing else she knows.
“So,” he says, “right one, then?”
“Definitely, definitely the right one,” she confirms.
She tucks her face into the crook of his neck for a moment, her cheek brushing against the soft tweed of his coat, and then she pulls away, her arms unwinding and sliding down his shoulders. The movement causes something to catch the light, sending a shimmer around them, lighting up the wardrobe before disappearing, and Clara’s confused for a moment, before her eyes land on the ring on her finger.
“Ah,” she says, her right hand reaching toward the ring on her left one. “Guess I’d better give this back to you then.”
“Yeah, you’d better,” he hums in agreement, before adding, “Unless…”
She cocks an eyebrow, “Unless?”
“The 1920s.”
“The 1920s?”
“The roaring 20s in Los Angeles,” he elaborates, and she can already hear the excitement bleeding into his words, feel the energy radiating off him like a fire-cracker, lighting up the night. “1927 specifically. Prohibition, speakeasies, and…a hotel that’s rumored to have many guests check in but only half check out.”
He pauses there, and his words hang in the air, both an invitation and a challenge, an adventure and a dare, and there’s also the promise of both something dazzling and something dangerous.
“So,” the Doctor says, flashing her a smile, “fancy being Mrs. Smith again?”
He holds his hand out to her, waiting for her to take it, and somewhere in the back of her mind, Clara thinks she should probably feel wary of the danger. She doesn’t, though. She feels like she’s coming alive. This pull he has towards her is something magnetic, something electric, and Clara knows she can’t resist, so she reaches out and takes his hand.
“Go on, Doctor,” she says, grinning as she feels his fingers closing around her own. “Give me another adventure.”
And so he does.
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starlingsrps · 3 years
poppy allen character development.
FULL NAME:  poppy lieke allen
NICKNAME(S): nope.
BIRTH DATE: october 25
AGE: twenty seven
GENDER: cis female
PRONOUNS: feminine
ETHNICITY: american-dutch
CURRENT LOCATION: los angeles, ca
LIVING CONDITIONS: neat and tidy, well decorated. she's definitely in laurel canyon, purposefully kind of a bitch to drive to.
BIRTH PLACE: santa barbara, ca
HOMETOWN: montecito, ca
PLACES LIVED: montecito, new york, london - wherever the hell she's filming tbh. los angeles is home.
SOCIAL CLASS: upper upper. when your eighteenth birthday is a people magazine cover, you don't pretend.
EDUCATION LEVEL: high school
FATHER: bryce hawthorne, 57, movie star
MOTHER: saskia werhoff, 52, model turned lifestyle guru
SIBLING(S): marieke allen, 25; matthias allen, 20
BIRTH ORDER: poppy, marieke, matthias
CHILDREN: absolutely no.
PET(S): nope; allergic to most things with fur.
OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: her mother's family in the netherlands, her father's in nebraska.
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: legion and documented online.
ARRESTS?: nope.
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: like why wouldn't she be
PAST JOB(S): does she look like she's ever done intensive work?
SPENDING HABITS: poppy's version of reasonable is absolutely not the same as a normal persons. she thinks she's reasonable but that's just because she doesn't own a diamond encrusted birkin. she buys things that are high quality and doesn't really have experience with things that aren't.
MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: real estate portfolio. she owns her house and a condo in new york. both are points of pride for her.
TALENTS: poppy has an incredible work ethic and sense of loyalty. she knows she's lucky to be where she is in life but she's going to show up the same as anyone else on set and give her best every time. she knows her self worth and she does not compromise on it one single bit.
SHORTCOMINGS: that can come off as.....abrasive.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english and dutch
DRIVE?: yes
JUMP-STAR A CAR?: she was definitely taught by her father but it did not stick.
CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: see above.
SWIM?: yes
TIE A TIE?: yes
FACE CLAIM: abigail cowen
HAIR COLOR: red; boosted from strawberry blonde to red-red.
HAIR TYPE/STYLE: long and swishy. it's a signature at this point. that pantene hair deal did not just materialize on it's own.
GLASSES/CONTACTS?: both - a bitch is Nearsighted.
BUILD: willowy and toned, great ass.
EXERCISE HABITS: daily - she looks at it as part of her job description and between her father's biceps and her mother's devotion to yoga, she wasn't really raised with much of a choice but to use the gym.
SKIN TONE: fair, little freckled. a lot freckled if the sun has gotten to her.
NOTABLE FEATURES: the Hair, upturned nose
CLOTHING STYLE: carefully curated. god i miss polyvore this would be so much easier. hold for pinterest board.
JEWELRY: whatever suits/is loaned for the occasion. she has a lot of small pieces that she owns for daily wear and a few really nice bits that she got from her parents as gifts.
ALLERGIES: dander, almonds.
DIET: nothing super weird/out of the ordinary, definitely erring on the trendy and consciously healthy end of things.
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: type eight
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
ELEMENT: water
SOCIABILITY: A - poppy is incredibly charming and social.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: ehhhh i'll give her a B-. like she's not bad but when her temper gets triggered, hell will reign.
PHOBIA(S): failure
DRUG USE: she does smoke, she does know, she doesn't care.
ALCOHOL USE: social drinker.
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: no (yet i think a certain someone might get something thrown at him)
SPEECH STYLE: even and cultivated. she has a pretty feminine voice and has done a little voiceover work.
ACCENT: nope.
QUIRKS: she squints a lot, even if she does have her glasses on or contacts in. this bitch is Blind.
HOBBIES: she does read a lot and she does enjoy trying new things. nothing crafty but she's pretty down for new activities.
HABITS: daily workout, twice weekly call with her Team, grooming, work. she likes to stay busy and likes to stay organized - her planner is sacred.
NERVOUS TICKS: don't fucking touch her planner.
DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: personal success. she was well known before she jumped into acting and modeling on her own by virtue of her parents but she absolutely wants to be her own person. she doesn't use her father's SAG name (legally, they're all allens rather than hawthorne but SAG), she doesn't do any mommy and me/daddy and me projects and she steers any interviews away from heavy talk about her family.
FEARS: personal failure. she knows she'll be okay no matter what - she's got the cushion of wealth and privilege - but she does not want to ever fail on her own merits.
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, generous, hard working, passionate, driven, fearless.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: bossy, stubborn, abrasive, no sense of limitations, single minded.
SENSE OF HUMOR: good! kind of dorky, prone to dragging the shit out of people.
DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: ehhhhh what is often
ACTIVITY: sex working, being alone. she spends so much time surrounded by people that being alone to relax is a luxury.
ANIMAL: she thinks dogs are awesome but she can't be around them without a shitload of benadryl so like, bears?
BEVERAGE: the iced coffee IS surgically attached to her hand, thanks!
CELEBRITY: her parents, corny as that is. least favorite is her brother, who's big on tiktok and habitually trying to use her pool for shenanigans.
COLOR: red
DESIGNER: she's a valentino bitch.
FOOD: a really, really good steak.
FLOWER: gardenias
GEM: pearls
HOLIDAY: christmas
MOVIE: father of the bride
MUSICAL ARTIST: kacey musgraves
SCENERY: the ocean. she's a coastal california girl and she does not like to be far from the water.
SCENT: ocean, gardenias, coffee.
SPORT: baseball
SPORTS TEAM: dodgers
TELEVISION SHOW: nothing specific but she will watch food network competition shows for hours.
WEATHER: bright and sunny
VACATION DESTINATION: exotic and warm.
GREATEST DREAM: having her career measured on its own merits; oscar. she doesn't not want a family and such outside of that but her career is her focus. she's in a good place and she doesn't want to put anything on pause.
GREATEST FEAR: poppy is alarmingly fearless. the only thing she truly fears is failing herself. nothing else really matters.
MOST AT EASE WHEN: with her family on the ranch in montecito to hang out and relax. she likes being around her sister - marieke is a classics student and has been bouncing about europe for the past seven years and they don't get to see each other very often. marieke is calm and completely removed from hollywood and she's basically the human equivelent of going to a spa.
LEAST AT EASE WHEN: not....no. poppy may be slightly uncomfortable but she is never going to let that show or acknowledge it.
WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: a scandal she can't recover from.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: her career, the first time she wasn't mentioned in conjuction with her parents in a magazine article in the first paragraph.
MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: she's sure there have been but they're all pretty buried.
BIGGEST SECRET: keiran, 100%.
TOP PRIORITIES: her career. it's a thing she can control.
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mannatea · 5 years
Not That Deep: A Psycho Pass Critique
This post is not spoiler-free, and is the result of multiple rewatches over the span of five years. If you remember any of my old Psycho Pass meta, please toss it straight into the garbage. I swear I’m better at conveying my thoughts now. (Joke’s on you if you think I’ve learned to condense my posts, though.)
Disclaimer: all opinions expressed within this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of my followers or friends. I welcome discussion/debate.
Psycho Pass (abbreviated to PP for simplicity’s sake from this point forward) is an anime in that very specific genre that belongs to societies that are portrayed as Utopian but aren’t. For the record, the setting can’t really be described as ‘dystopian’ or ‘futuristic hellscape’ either. The series calls itself “cyberpunk.”
In the year 2112, Japan has closed itself off from the world and implemented the Sibyl System: a judgment oracle. Citizens of the country are monitored by the system and have a “psycho-pass” assigned to them. This “psycho-pass” measures their stress levels, brain activity, and potential to commit a crime. When a person’s crime coefficient (CC) exceeds 100, they are considered a latent criminal and put into isolation to receive mandatory therapy. If they do not recover, they remain in isolation. The story follows the main character, Tsunemori Akane, as she joins the series’ version of a police force.
Trigger warnings for this series include gore, violence (sexual, emotional, physical), and an obscene amount of philosophy.
Again, below the readmore/cut will be spoilers.
I feel like it’s important to get into the meat of the discussion as quickly as possible with this series, especially considering the title of this post: Not That Deep.
I’m not going to bother ‘rating’ the different facets/aspects of the show because I don’t think it’s necessary, and this isn’t really a review so much as a discussion/critique. Either you liked the series or you didn’t. If you’re reading this you either have an open mind or you want to get angry, and both reasons are at least a little valid.
PP is a series that REALLY wants to be deep, but falls flat in almost every conceivable way. I’m saying this as someone who enjoyed it enough to write fanfiction about it the last time I watched it, and who not only recommended it to multiple friends, but screenshared the entire series with one recently so that she could see it.
I think the general concept of Sibyl and Akane’s futuristic society is presented in a digestible way. I appreciate the attempts to integrate cool future tech into the show, but I’m especially impressed by the way they go about it. It’s all stuff that your average person living right now would adopt and use regularly if given a chance (auto driven cars, drones, AI secretaries, holo clothes/outfits). Without those specific scenes, I feel like the worldbuilding would almost collapse in on itself; these little details made it easy to imagine living in the world, and gave a little personality to the characters as they made use of them—like little glimpses into their personal taste.
It also helped to take the focus and pressure off of the less-nice aspects of the Sibyl System. No wonder people are generally pretty happy/content in this world: they can wear sweatpants and just holo something else over it! (Sign me up!)
Unfortunately the worldbuilding beyond that isn’t great, but I also don’t think it’s fair to say that it’s bad. It’s just...kind of mediocre...while still managing, at least for the first season, to feel coherent.
We have hues and crime-coefficients. They are not the same thing, but they might as well be because one isn’t bad without the other being bad: EVER. Ginoza’s CC rises as his hue darkens throughout S1. Togane’s hue is black and he has the highest CC on record. Makishima’s hue is clear and his CC is 0 (when he wills it to be). What’s the point of having both, then? Is it just for a fun color-coding system? It’s never explained in any way that makes sense. The one character likely to have a high CC and a clear hue is Makishima (a sociopath), but he has both a clear hue and a low CC. (Kamui is another anomaly, but he can’t be measured at all, so he doesn’t really fit into this specific discussion.) Basically, having hues and CCs both exist just feels a little bit too much like “it sounded cool so we included it” instead of: “These both serve serious purposes in the world.” They want really bad to fling philosophy at the viewers, but seem to neglect this really large aspect of the world where it would be perfect to latch on.
Technology is advanced to the point of having cybernetic arms that function effortlessly and people can almost achieve full cybernization if they have the money/will to. Kamui was 184 people stitched together lol... And yet Akane has just one living grandparent (who apparently can’t even move on her own). I’m not really put off by this, but you’d think the technology/health debate would be a much bigger part of the story beyond the news broadcast that was shown.
I think the biggest niggling little worldbuilding issue is the fact that the implementation of Sibyl happened ~20 years ago. I like the detail for what it gives us for some characters (Masaoka and Ginoza specifically), but I find it mostly implausible. Maybe it was fully implemented 20 years ago, but the framework was another 20 years in the making. It just doesn’t work otherwise. The second it was implemented families would have been shattered and that shattering would have put even more people into isolation due to their CC rising. I mean, if someone took my 5-year-old away from me, I’d be in isolation REAL QUICK, ‘cause that’s the kind of trauma you don’t just Get Over or Move Past.
Speaking of five-year-olds, in the boarding school episodes, they mention a law that protected minors, which feels out of place because Kagari was not protected by that law...which means it couldn’t have been around very long in the first place. If the scanners can flag a 5-year-old child and take him away from his parents, high school students aren’t exempt either. The mention of the law would have been a nice touch if it had only recently been appealed/removed, but it was only around for a few years ~20 years ago, so it feels awkwardly placed/silly.
Again, not everything worldbuilding/craft-related is bad. Like I said earlier, the world in general feels pretty cohesive and the characters belong there. The issues mostly sit with the fact that they tried to include a lot of ‘neat’ or ‘dramatic’ (or even ‘dark’) things...without stopping to consider if they actually fit within the narrative they were trying to construct.
This is where the series shines. Or at least, this is probably the strongest point in PP’s favor.
The biggest criticism I have: it doesn’t actually do anything new and exciting.
That said, I don’t think every bit of media out there needs to flip the script to be enjoyed, and I liked PP just fine for what it was.
Season One was definitely stronger in this department than later material.  What made S1 feel strong was having enough time to actually move the plot along while also developing the characters. S2 was comparatively rushed and had a lot of really unnecessary plotlines and gore. The movie was...eh, but I think it was an improvement over S2. (I haven’t seen Sinners of the System yet, so I can’t comment on those installments.)
I can find fault with a lot of S1 stuff, but for the most part I think it did a pretty good job and any faults I’d bother to point out would just be me nitpicking. The storylines melded into one another, everything was connected, et cetera. Unfortunately this comes at the cost of character relationships/development, but I’ll talk about that later. Besides, I’d rather have a cohesive series than not, so this isn’t exactly a criticism so much as an observation. The production team(s) did an excellent job of making the most of the screentime they had to work with.
S2 feels flawed almost from the start. Rather than build off of what we already learned in S1 and further develop the characters, it chose to rush headlong into a half-assed plot featuring an unbelievable antagonist. Yikes. I think it brought up an interesting question in “WC?” but instead of striking a believable balance they really just made an antagonist who was 184 people’s bodies stitched together. I can’t get over how stupid that was. Honestly, it was straight-up foolish of the writers to go through with that concept. Makishima might have been a pretentious pile of shit, but at least he felt like a human being. Kamui as a concept was just too overblown to work.
Also working against S2 was Togane. That whole plotline was completely unnecessary and throwing Akane’s grandmother under a bus on top of that was just the icing on the idiot cake. S2 was the Break the Cutie trope tenfold, but there was no danger and therefore no sense of urgency or fear. It was just gross for the sake of being gross, which was disappointing. I’m not saying that Togane isn’t the type of person to beat a crippled old lady to death, because he is, but I also never thought he was an idiot, and the progression of his attempts to blacken her hue jumped straight to the moon instead of progressing at a pace that felt more natural/reasonable. If the guy hasn’t been eliminated by an inspector after blackening many of their hues, he’s not the kind of dope to take silly risks. He could have tried any number of things to ruin Akane that didn’t involve her poor old granny (who had no real screentime and whom the audience had no connection with anyway).
S2 also gave us Ginoza doubting Akane’s sanity early on (acting like she might have written WC on her own wall), which not only feels incredibly out of character for S2 Ginoza, but never amounts to anything/goes anywhere anyway.
Hungry Chicken was an interesting touch, but SO MANY PEOPLE DIED that its impact was diminished. Division 3 had such a non-appearance in the series anyway that them being there at all just felt stupid without more lead-up.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think S2 is irredeemable, but I feel like it missed the mark consistently from start to finish. A shame, because the concept of a ‘plural’ psycho-pass might have been nifty if, say, Kamui was made up of 5 or 6 people’s bodies. Then the holos would feel meaningful. Then each ‘part’ of him would feel like a different person with different feelings and motives and skills. 
Anyway, I think S2 muddied the waters too much with Kamui and the body doubles and Shisui all that nonsense, too. At a certain point if your plot gets too complex, especially with overblown concepts thrown into the mix, it just feels silly. That’s basically what happened to S2.
Again, S1 wasn’t perfect. Makishima was exhaustingly boring. Cool, so you can quote a bunch of crap you’ve read. Great. So can I. Who are you as a person, though? That Guy in my Philosophy 101 class who argued with the professor? Yeah, I could picture that! 
People love waxing poetic about how amazing an antagonist Makishima was, but the dude was a hollow shell quoting things other people said 100+ years ago. It felt like he didn’t even have his own thoughts, and as far as I saw, there weren’t even any fake philosophers mixed in with the rest to make us feel a little extra immersed in the world (and/or give us another philosophical spin on the situation).
Hey, maybe that was the point, but I’ve never seen that criticism leveled fully at the character/plot in general, so here we are.
It was just too heavy-handed. By the end of the series I wanted him dead just so I could stop listening to his mini-lectures.
Still, it may as well have been amazing compared to 184-People-Stitched-Together being the main antagonist. 
I think the movie jumped in face-first and was perhaps a little too...all over the place? But I didn’t have to endure 184 people as a single person, or ears in boxes, so... I consider it a win.
The bitter reality when it comes to Psycho Pass and the plot is that...the plot is its greatest strength, but it’s Not That Deep...even though you can tell that it’s consistently trying to be. Oof.
I think if they’d shot for something less complex, especially in S2, they’d have at least met their goals of depth/consistency. Instead what we ended up with was having a fairly decent plot devolve into one of the worst second seasons I’ve seen.
Characters & Character Development
For such a small cast, I think PP did a pretty piss-poor job with most of their characters, but the series as a general rule is so plot-heavy that it’s not really surprising.
I can’t help but expect a lot from a series that only has a few ‘main’ characters. In this case, Akane is the Big Main Character, and is flanked by Kogami and Ginoza. In S1, there was a decent balance (with Masaoka and Kagari thrown in). In S2, it was mostly just Akane and The Bad Guys, which would be fine if the plot was incredible, or The Bad Guys were super duper interesting, but as discussed previously, the plot was akin to liquid cat barf and the characters weren’t treated much better. It was a little insulting to be handed characters who could be really fun in the right hands (literally everyone) only to see them used as plot vehicles/hallucinations/memory thoughts. Kogami randomly appearing for long boring scenes wasn’t fun or cool; it was uninspired. It’d be way cooler if it was for five seconds and felt like a...memory, almost...a passing thought. For more screentime, it could even happen more often. But no, it’s gotta be like two minutes long. 
How about the scene where Saiga talks to Koichi who just keeps turning into Kamui and he talks for like five straight minutes? UGH. Is this supposed to feel deep and meaningful? It doesn’t.
Shion sleeps with Yayoi so she can monologue plot things while Yayoi is getting dressed. Can I add that Yayoi doesn’t matter at all at any point, and Shion conveniently can do anything that needs to be done because Reasons?
Togane isn’t around long enough to feel like a worthwhile villain. Nobody cares about Shisui because we honestly don’t even know who she is! Oh, were we supposed to feel bad for Division 3? We’re supposed to feel gross about Akane’s grandmother but the writers took one line in S1 and used that to try and break the character (while also knowing full well it wouldn’t have any effect on her). Let’s not forget Mika, who is remembered as being incredibly annoying...while everyone forgets/doesn’t notice that she’s the student from the boarding school who didn’t die (and we never see her outside of work doing her own thing, which adds to her just being a pain).
Ginoza seems a little like he’s supposed to fill a spot his father left, but he doesn’t, and he’s pushed to the background to...not really do anything of import. Hinakawa is a worthless character who exists just for one plot-specific purpose. Saiga exists so that more dialogue can happen and not seem too out of place.
I’m not saying the character writing overall is trash, but it definitely ain’t good, and I think S2 is where it really struggled. S1 gave us a really interesting character in Kogami. Akane was learning and struggling to fit in at work and do things well, which was somewhat relatable. Ginoza was struggling with his mental health throughout the entire first season and had a lot of character development. But then S2 happens and the development kind of...stopped? Akane didn’t seem to really learn much because she was too busy always being right? Kogami noped out of Japan so I didn’t expect anything with him specifically, but why couldn’t Yayoi have moved into the limelight? Shion? One of the new guys? ANYONE?
Don’t get me wrong. I still have characters I like, and I can see potential in the others. I just wish I was seeing more than potential is all, especially with characters like Yayoi that have been around from Day1 and still haven’t really done anything noteworthy.
General Criticisms/Other Thoughts
There’s a lot of shock-value violence (SVV). I guess you could say I ‘get’ the purpose of it, but there’s literally no reason that helmeted person couldn’t have beat a man to death with a hammer instead of a woman, especially considering that we have to see Spooky Boogie’s corpse looking grotesque and plenty of other crimes against women.
I feel like S2 was especially guilty of SVV, but it existed in S1, too, pretty much to the point that it started to anger me. It might not have bothered me as much if some of the violent acts were cases that stood alone, but they were all linked to the main plot and that somehow seemed to make it worse.
I also wasn’t a fan of Akane constantly being naked/near naked, of Yuki being in her underwear/negligée, of every crime against a woman ending up with a woman’s clothes being removed, and (the list goes on). One of these things? I might be able to overlook. All of them? Come on. Don’t pretend these creators weren’t doing this for their own purpose.
(I know the scene with Aoyanagi gave us the men getting undressed too [This is your natural self!], but then they showed her with all these action scenes, legs spread wide open, coordinated lacy undies/bra... C’MON. All the butt-shots of Professor Saiga and Kogami don’t make up for this or cancel it out. I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING AND I DO NOT LIKE IT.)
The music was mediocre but acceptable/fitting. 
The animation is nice. 
This isn’t a series I’d recommend to just anyone. It has a lot of issues, and they range from being petty annoyances to straight up offensive. If you can ignore the misogynistic undertones and general lack of consistent attention to the characters, there’s a decently interesting plot waiting for you.
Unfortunately the series just feels...lacking, in the end. There is a S3 coming out (apparently featuring other characters), so the creators aren’t done playing in this world. Maybe S3 will fix some of the consistency issues?
I’ve seen a lot of people make comments about Psycho Pass being a ‘genius’ work, ignored by the general public despite its godliness. I agree that it doesn’t get the attention you’d expect a series of this caliber (nice animation, decent soundtrack, likable main female character who isn’t some moeblob) to have, but I think I hit upon all the reasons it’s not everyone’s cuppa in the first place...and while it is open for fanfiction and so on, the lack of attention to the characters by the series itself makes it less likely to appeal to the sort of people who write fanfiction. So there you have it: a pretty decent, mostly coherent series that’s terribly violent and misogynistic. Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but worth a watch if you can get past those pesky negatives.
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ripleyvansant · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Ripley Daniel Van Sant NICKNAME: Rip (No one calls him that, except his dad and Pip on occasion)  BIRTHDAY: April 1st GENDER: CIS Male SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual Panromantic  ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English BIRTHPLACE: Asheville, NC RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single
HAIR COLOR/STYLE: Brown, long EYE COLOR: Brown FACE CLAIM: Joe Keery HEIGHT: 5′9″ TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS: He has his ears pierced but never wears earrings. UNIQUE ATTRIBUTES: Scars
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charismatic, Flexible, Independent, Peaceful, Relaxed, Sociable, Youthful NEGATIVE TRAITS: Aimless, Artificial, Casual, Cowardly, Escapist, Narcissistic, Scatterbrained, Selfish HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Looking up conspiracy theories, weird lore, video games, going to parties, pressing wildflowers INSECURITIES: Regression in his healing, people calling him out on his bullshit, being called “a sissy”/any derogatory names for boys who are more feminine, his father, non-consent culture QUIRKS/ECCENTRICITIES: Never stops talking about bullshit MBTI TYPE: ENFP (The Campaigner) ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 4 (The Enthusiast) MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine
IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Marshall (Father), Elisabeth (Mother), Leslie (Mother), Pip (Older Brother), Etta (Older Sister), Hedwig (Younger Brother), Kora (Younger Sister) HOW DO THEY FEEL ABOUT THEIR FAMILY?: With the exception of his father, Ripley is close with all of his family members. He loves his mothers with a passion because they’ve always been there for him. All of his siblings were also supportive of him as well, which makes him love every single one of them. As for his father, if Ripley sees the man again, he’s probably going to have a few choice words for the man. Ripley hates his father. The man promised to come back and didn’t come back. He doesn’t think he can forgive him for that. 
Betrayal. He never thought that Pip would do anything like that to hurt him. Ripley doesn’t know what possessed his brother to not even give Ripley’s opinions on the matter a thought. He feels betrayed by his moms too because they also were part of this too. Part of him feels bad that he has to throw Etta, Hedwig and Kora into the fray of all the drama, but he can’t bring himself to forgive any of them. His father is a trigger for him and the man just makes his blood boil and make him feel almost insecure about himself. He hasn’t figured out what it is about Marshall that causes the trigger yet. 
HOW DOES THEIR FAMILY FEEL ABOUT THEM?: Ripley’s mothers are both really worried about him. They know he tends to be self destructive and try to curb that as much as they can, but they know they can only do so much when they live three hours from him. They’ve always been supportive of him and will do anything he needs to help heal more quickly. Ripley’s father doesn’t give a shit about any of them, including his son. As for his siblings, Kora is annoyed that Ripley is the reason they had to move her freshman year of high school to a new school. However, they all are concerned for him and want him to be both happy and healthy. There’s just been some tension with his younger siblings because they don’t entirely know how to handle Ripley getting attention like he does. Etta and Pip on the other hand, want to do everything they can for their brother.  PETS: The Van Sant’s have a dog named Scoot and feed a two stray cats which they’ve named Buttercup and Westley. WHERE DO THEY LIVE?: Blowing Rock, NC DESCRIPTION OF THEIR HOME: Ripley’s home is a SMALL CABIN in Blowing Rock. There are four bedrooms. Kora has her own room that she only shares with Etta when she’s in town, Hedwig has his own room. Ripley has his own room in the attic that he shares with Pip during the holidays. The cabin itself is very open, yet still cozy feeling. DESCRIPTION OF THEIR BEDROOM: Ripley’s room at home is covered in posters of his favorite bands and pictures of his families. He has an I Want To Believe poster above his bed that’s very faded and old, but it’s his favorite. He has a bookshelf with a bunch of conspiracy theory books. He’s got a few movies as well that are mostly popular movies and small collection of Land Before Time films because those are his favorite movies. Ripley has pressed flowers in frames on his walls. He also collects rocks. 
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT? Extrovert. OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST? Pessimist. LEADER OR FOLLOWER? Follower. CONFIDENT OR SELF-CONSCIOUS? Self-Conscious, though people see him as confident. CAUTIOUS OR CARELESS? Careless. Cautious. PASSIONATE OR APATHETIC? Passionate. BOOK SMARTS OR STREET SMARTS? Book Smart. He skipped 4th Grade. COMPLIMENTS OR INSULTS? Compliments.
FAVORITE COLOR: Green. FAVORITE CLOTHING STYLE/OUTFIT: He wears whatever looks good on him. Usually that consists of Converse, paired with a plain colored shirt (usually blue, yellow, or green), jeans, and his bomber jacket. He likes feeling comfortable, but he also likes to look good. It also depends on who he’s with as to what he’s wearing because he has outfits to fit all sorts of groups, including some very goth-like outfits. FAVORITE BANDS/SONGS/TYPE OF MUSIC: He’s not picky about his music. As long as it’s got a good beat and doesn’t have terrible lyrics he likes it. Ripley loves supporting artists that specifically write songs about the LGBT+ community. He tries not to support problematic artists as much as possible. Africa by Toto on repeat. FAVORITE MOVIES: The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Land Before Time, Scooby Doo, National Lampoon movies, not a movie but Bill Nye videos. FAVORITE BOOKS: Everything You Know is Wrong, 100 of the Top Conspiracy Theories, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Alex Rider, Lord of the Rings, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. FAVORITE FOODS/DRINKS: He’ll try anything, he’s not picky about what he eats, but he doesn’t eat a lot of red meat and hates the taste of most birds. Water is his favorite thing to drink. FAVORITE SPORTS/SPORTS TEAMS: Sports were never his thing. Carolina Hurricanes (he doesn’t like hockey, but he’ll watch it if someone else likes it), Asheville Tourists, Appalachian State Mountaineers. FAVORITE TIME OF DAY: Evening. FAVORITE WEATHER/SEASON: Summer. FAVORITE ANIMAL: Dogs.
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dykedykegooses · 6 years
i'm askin u every single even numbered question for the lesbian ask game
at least you didnt bother with the algebra this time, for which i am thankful
Femme or butch?
i’m more femme but i try to act butch sometimes and i just end up failing hopelessly. ‘look mom i know how to put air in a tire!!’ ‘peyton thats like… not even right’ or ‘oh SHIT look at that blitz!! that was cool’ ‘peyton that was a sack’ ‘oh’
Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it
not really, mostly just like… humor. if u funny we click
Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
why not both?
no but seriously plaid tbh
Describe your style
um yes
converse, (ripped? sometimes) jeans, and whatever top i feel is appropriate for the Big Aesthetic today
Describe your aesthetic
ive tried going more punk but its just kinda , not worked
my physical aesthetic is very adultolescent. i got chub and look like a freshman but ive been told i pass as a college senior so like
my Big Mood aesthetic is yes
Favorite article of clothing?
either my converse or my “”combat boots”” (theyre not and it makes me sound like an edgelord just saying that) (can you tell im gay)
OH WAIT I FORGOT ABOUT MY JEAN JACKET its like baggy and light and ive started sewing patches from my favorite bands on it (super punk right)
Favorite pair of shoes?
oh my black strappy heels, theyre surprisingly comfortable
Current haircut?
ive got a bleached bob rn
Any haircut goals for the future?
i kinda want a pixie cut bc i cant handle long hair however long hair is so PRETTY and wow
Describe the best date you’ve been on
iiiiiiiiii dont really know. ive been on very few. i have a Perfect Date in mind, and i guess my favorite was my first date with my ex. we had gotten back from a successful science competition (HAVE I MADE IT OBVIOUS IM A NERD YET IM A BIG OL NERD) and it was like midnight by the time we got back and we were both starving so we went to taco bell and just sat there talking and laughing and i know we were pissing off the staff, but we stayed til like two in the morning and we went home and honestly we both considered it a date but we didnt like… tell each other it was a date? if that makes sense? idk honestly im triggered
Describe the worst date you’ve been on
ugh oh god i went on a tinder date and this girl like in the DMs was like ‘hey do u smoke weed’ and im like ‘lol no’ and then like we made plans to meet up at a coffee shop and she asks me AGAIN if i smoke weed and im like……………. no and shes like ‘oh right lol’ well THIS BITCH sleeps through the time we were supposed to meet, completely stands me up, and then texts me back like an hour later and was like ‘omg im sorry i overslept!!!’ and it was like….. noon but ok so we meet up after my class and we just sit there really awkwardly trying to make conversation and she asks me AGAIN if i smoke weed im like ‘honey no i dont’ and we just talked about drugs for a while and when i left because i had to gtfo she like gave me an awkward hug and like i sent a text later that night bc im courteous and im like ‘hey i had a great time today’ (i didnt) ‘lmk if you ever want to meet up again!!’ and she just. ignored me lol.
Single? Taken?
im currently in a polyamorous relationship with myself and my anxiety
If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?
someone who’s able to make me laugh and deal with my bad ideas and will let me cook for her and wants to travel the world with me
Describe your dream wedding
its small. outside. maybe in a field or in front of a lake. i dont personally want a big ballgown, just a short white dress will do. lavenders everywhere. R A I N B O W  C A K E. reception where we slow dance to all the sappy romance songs. its great.
Do you want kids?
not really, but ive considered being a foster parent. i feel like im here to do good; i don’t want to have my own biological children, and im not sure i want to have the permanent responsibility of adopting a kid, but i feel i could handle fostering once we’re financially stable and have the room to accept children into our home.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
spain, definitely. somewhere in the north. i want to have a small farm with goats and chickens and vegetables and i want to be away from this american mess.
Favorite lesbian movie?
well ysee…………. the only two explicitly lesbian movies ive seen have been ‘all about E’ and ‘blue is the warmest color’ and i didnt like either of the lmfaoooo i prefer watching lesbian television shows tbqh (or, most commonly, just rewriting all the female characters in my head to be sapphic sooooooo dont @ me)
Favorite lesbian novel/story?
i mean same as above, i dont read as much as i like to. however, i did read “georgia peaches and other forbidden fruit” and that was Really Good and i did read another that was slightly better, but i forget the name but it was about a pakistani (?) girl who was struggling to come out to her parents bc they were very traditionalist but she joins the theater and her like really elite school and the girl she had a crush on basically outs her and is a bitch about it and GOD i wish i could remember it because it was really good
Favorite lesbian song?
ummmmmmmmmmmm i just recently listened to ‘honey’ by kehlani and that was pretty good and pretty gay, but my personal favorite is ‘girls’ by beatrice eli bc holy shit what a Mood
Favorite lesbian musician?
i love mary lambert and beatrice eli.
What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
ummmmm now that im thinking of them i cant think of any. i used to play softball and soccer? i love cats. i immediately start planning out the next five years of our lives together anytime im remotely interested in a girl?
Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
i mean………………. no
If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?
well bake cookies w me and lets go for a walk & go out and watch the stars at night in the bed of a truck
Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
why not both
idk ive never had a cat but i know i lov them
Turn ons?
i.......... dont know
im gay
Turn offs?
long nails youch theyre pretty to look at but i mean at what price
not having anything to talk about
putting yourself down like a lot (i went on a date w this one girl and that was all she did like the entire date like......... im sorry ? :(???)
Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
if im being honest i would love for someone to ask me out but since that is Very Unlikely, i tend to be the one to message first and initiate dates and stuff
What is your dream career?
i want to be a psychological researcher in the field of social comparative psychology how sick is that!!!!! just play with dogs all day and record whether or not they boop their noses on a screen
also i wanna be a farmer and a bookstore owner but thats Farther down the line like , when im 50
Talk about your interests or hobbies!
im honestly such a psych nerd i love psychology what the fuck!! its so interesting like ppl are weird man idk brains are weird
im also having a really big green day phase like billie .. he so smol... and also anyone who wants to bash warning or the trilogy can fight me ok those are like My Favorite Albums
im going to a concert in february to see declan mckenna, a Giant Meme
im getting a tattoo w some lyrics of declan’s actually its gonna be sick
What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
idk for me its being able to have quick, witty, skillful jokes i just love listening to girls talk and tell stories and jokes like wow im gay
also long curly hair? thats always a Solid Look
Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
i mean. do we really wanna open this can of worms rn
too late, its open
i get those microcrushes where you like see a girl and youre like ‘WOW IM GAY DATE ME’ however once it comes to actually being in a relationship i throw my full weight behind it and worry that im being too suffocating or that im pushing my boundaries etc and ive been told that makes me come off really cold and uncaring so lol choose ur own adventure, you decide
Ever fallen for your best-friend?
Ever fallen for a straight girl?
can you even call yourself a lesbian if you havent
The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)
i havent seen it, im such a fake lesbian
Favorite comfort food?
mac n cheese
or pizza
or cheesy potatos
scientific conclusion: im a fatass
Coffee or tea?
Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?
im vegetarian!! have been on and off for like two years now
Do you have any pets?
i have one pup sittin right next to me and shes the prettiest girl in the world
Early-riser or night-owl?
idk i get up at like 9 which is early for me but not as early as like. 5. so
more like night-owl. thanks teenage hormones!
What is your sign?
Can you drive?
can i drive well?
but i do have a sense of direction so thats cool
Who was your first lesbian crush?
tbh.................... my best friend, but i didnt realize it was a crush at the time
the first Gay Crush i had that i knew was a crush was on my close friend at the time, now my ex girlfriend
At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
uhhhhhhhhhh lesbian specifically, like 15-16. queer, i knew in like fall semester freshman year (so like 13??)
At what age did you come out (if you have)?
i mean, i come out to people all the time. first time i came out explicitly as a lesbian was when i was like 15 or 16 (actually i came out to a close straight friend and my ex and they both said ‘congrats’ like it was weird but very nice) and the first time i came out as queer/questioning was to my then-best friend at like 13 and i came out to my mom (involuntarily) at like 17? ish?
Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
yes im crushing on every girl simultaneously at all times
just kidding
(not really)
i dont really have any explicit crushes that i can think of im just really gay
Talk about how your day went
it was fine. got free froyo so that was cool. found out i made an A on my bio practical, so that was cool too. however, i wore a crop top and it was like 55 degrees out and raining so i looked like a total Idiot but yk follow ur slutty gay dreams amiright ladies
Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
most of mine are career-centric, but a few are personal.
i wanna go to costa rica in may, i wanna go to yale over the summer, i wanna go to NYC pride in june, i wanna go to spain after i graduate, i wanna go to grad school, i wanna be a psychological researcher, i wanna move to spain or england or hell even france, i wanna have my own farm with the woman i love, i wanna own an LGBT bookstore/library, i wanna just live a quiet life near the sea and not have to worry so much after a while.
Least favorite gay celebrity?
this is a weird one to end on, but iiiiiiim not sure i have one? i can tell you ellen page is probably my favorite, but i cant think of many i dislike so
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dawnsfeathers-blog · 7 years
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Freckles the Killer Klown. Okay, so, I watched Killer Klowns From Outer Space a while ago when one of my friends was visiting. She brought it along to watch. Sadly I only made it through about half of the movie because I fell asleep from lack of sleep. haha. But with my recent clown/klown obsession, It was brought back up during a tumblr post that I scrolled past several times. Funny how that works. Anyhoo, I decided to make one. C:>
Freckles is a silly, outgoing yet anxious klown. She is usually harassing anybody who looks anything like or near a cowboy cus that’s just her obsession. When I say she’s obsessed, it’s clearly an understatement. Freckles is one to stray from important matters that deal with abduction or killing because she can be that air-headed at times. When her mind is onto something, her stubbornness keeps her from following orders. She hates being confronted with things because that’s when her anxiety really kicks in. She’s fiercely protective of her klown buddy, Dolly, and if she hears her cry, there will be hell to pay.
Art by ME. and @galrachewtoy DO NOT REPOST.
Freckles belongs to me.
Name:  Freckles Nickname(s) : Frix Title: Freckles the Klown Species: Klown Home/Current Residence: Earth Gender: Female Age: Young Adult; Unknown Specifically Height: 5'10" Weight: 200+ LBS Accessories: Hoop earring, right ear. Fanny pack full of popcorn. Weapon Of Choice: Sawed-Off Popcorn ShotGun
(Playlist) Theme Song(s): - (Main THeme) Britney Spears - Circus - (or) Skillet - Freakshow -Dustin Lynch - Seein' Red (Toward Her) -Lady GaGa - The Cure - Brothers Osborne - It Ain't My Fault - Shania Twain - Man, I Feel Like A Woman - Florence And The Machine - Howl - Taron Egerton - I'm Still STanding - The Dickies - Killer Klowns From Outer Space (A Given...) - Halsey - Now Or NEver
Likes: Anything sweet, Cotton Candy, Human Flesh (except when she's 'playing' with her victims), Sweet Tea, Coffee (Especially Green Tea Frappe), Cowboys and Country Western THemes, Popcorn, Eating, Cooking up strange-yet-edible concoctions, The Color Green, Hearts, Soda, Rudy (Potential love interest), Kinky stuff, Loud Music, Rock Music, COUNTRY Music
Dislikes: Chocolate, Loud noises, bright lights, neck and back pain, Oranges, Fruits and Veggies, being embarrassed, being ignored, fat jokes, anyone threatening Dolly, Rap Music, Vulgarity at the wrong time, Stupid Jokes (except her own, haha), Anyone she considers prettier than herself, People who fear her or are disrespectful toward herself or her family,
Emotional/Mental Ailments: Anxiety, some mood disorder, Physical Ailments: Chronic back pain/neck pain, Out of shape/Overweight,
Fears: Fire, Being Alone, Spiders
Preferred Clothing: Freckles has a "wonderful" fashion sense, but she prefers to stick to her green-heart themed jumper. She stitched a red heart to her suit in memory of a fallen friend. She cut a snippet of their clothing and had sewn it to her own.
Personality: Beng a natural trickster and sadistic being, she is easily aggitated and is usually triggered by sudden offensive or authoritative commands. With the bipolar and mania comes some eratic behaviors such as sudden anger or depression. She is usually calm, but when she's excitable or very happy, she can get very hyperactive and laughable. She loves to laugh more than anything. She can be very lazy on most days, especially rainy ones, and she loves to spend time with and cuddles with friends and family if ever given the chance, even if the day is a rainy one.
Extra Info: -Freckles has an unhealthy obsession with human men, especially southerners with the Cowboy vibes. She usually finds one and spends more than enough time with them...haha...in the end she collects their hats as trophies. -
Motto/Quotes: FUN FACT: The quotes below are vocals she mimics around others or humans. She cannot verbally speak English unless listed otherwise. --"I'm Only Guilty Of A Damn Good Time" --"It's The Little Things" --"If our love was just a circus, you'd be a "Klown" by now" --"Pretty is what's on the inside," --"I love popcorn!"
Backstory: (Coming Soon...)
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ripleyvansant · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Ripley Daniel Van Sant NICKNAME: Rip (Only Pip and their dad ever called them that)  BIRTHDAY: April 1st GENDER: Agender  SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual Panromantic ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English BIRTHPLACE: Asheville, NC RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single Still pining over Cade 
HAIR COLOR/STYLE: Cotton Candy (purple, blue, and pink); shaggy  EYE COLOR: Brown FACE CLAIM: Joe Keery HEIGHT: 5′9″ TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS: Ripley has their ears pierced, but rarely wears earrings UNIQUE ATTRIBUTES: Scars
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charismatic, Flexible, Independent, Peaceful, Relaxed, Sociable, Youthful NEGATIVE TRAITS: Aimless, Artificial, Casual, Cowardly, Escapist, Narcissistic, Scatterbrained, Selfish HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Looking up conspiracy theories, weird lore, video games, going to parties, pressing wildflowers INSECURITIES: Regression in their healing, people calling them out on their bullshit, being called “a sissy”/any derogatory names for being feminine, their father and Pip, non-consent culture QUIRKS/ECCENTRICITIES: Never stops talking about bullshit MBTI TYPE: ENFP (The Campaigner) ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 4 (The Enthusiast) MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine
IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Marshall (Father), Elisabeth (Mother), Leslie (Mother), Pip (Older Brother), Etta (Older Sister), Hedwig (Younger Brother), Kora (Younger Sister) HOW DO THEY FEEL ABOUT THEIR FAMILY?: With the exception of their father, Ripley is close with all of their family members. They loves their mothers with a passion because they’ve always been there for them. All of their siblings were also supportive of them as well, which makes them love every single one of them. As for their father, if Ripley sees the man again, they’re probably going to have a few choice words for the man. Ripley hates their father. The man promised to come back and didn’t come back. Ripley doesn’t think they can forgive Marshall for that.
Betrayal. They never thought that Pip would do anything like that to hurt them. Ripley doesn’t know what possessed their brother to not even give Ripley’s opinions on the matter a thought. They feel betrayed by their moms too because they also were part of this too. Part of them feels bad that he has to throw Etta, Hedwig and Kora into the fray of all the drama, but they can’t bring themself to forgive any of them. Their father is a trigger for them and the man just makes their blood boil and make them feel almost insecure about themself. They haven’t figured out what it is about Marshall that causes the trigger yet.
Ripley’s family has always meant a lot to them. Knowing that their family would much rather spend time with them rather than let Marshall back into their lives means a lot. They’ve started leaning more on Etta. Their moms are being very supportive of them too, which means a lot. Ripley knows that they’d do anything for their children. Seeing the way that both of them have supported Ripley through their most recent crisis really put it into perspective just how much they love their children. Hearing from Etta that Kora and Hedwig spent most of Thanksgiving defending their family members helped Ripley remember that at least majority of their family does care. Their relationship with Pip might be changed for good, it might be damaged beyond repair now. 
HOW DOES THEIR FAMILY FEEL ABOUT THEM?: Ripley’s mothers are both really worried about them. They know Ripley tends to be self destructive and try to curb that as much as they can, but they know they can only do so much when they live three hours from them. They’ve always been supportive of them and will do anything to help heal them more quickly. Ripley’s father doesn’t give a shit about any of his children, including Ripley. As for their siblings, Kora is annoyed that Ripley is the reason they had to move midway through high school to a new school, but she’d defend her older sibling with her life. Tthey all are concerned for Ripley and want them to be both happy and healthy. There’s just been some tension with their younger siblings because they don’t entirely know how to handle Ripley getting attention like they do. Etta on the other hand, wants to do everything she can for her little sibling. Pip’s always been selfish. When he was a kid, he always liked that Ripley looked up to them, rather than the more responsible Etta - and it was always a point of tension between Etta and Pip. Etta always thought that Pip needed to be more responsible with Ripley, and she blames Pip for Ripley’s addictions. Pip never saw it that way, but he’s so selfish that he’ll do anything for himself, not caring about what everyone else in the family wants, including Ripley. He does love his family, Pip just loves himself more.  PETS: The Van Sant’s had a dog named Scoot when Ripley was younger, but they don’t remember that.  They also feed a two stray cats which they’ve named Buttercup and Westley. WHERE DO THEY LIVE?: Blowing Rock, NC DESCRIPTION OF THEIR HOME: Ripley’s home is a SMALL CABIN in Blowing Rock. There are four bedrooms. Kora has her own room that she only shares with Etta when she’s in town, Hedwig has his own room. Ripley has their own room in the attic that they only share with Pip during the holidays. The cabin itself is very open, yet still cozy feeling. DESCRIPTION OF THEIR BEDROOM: Ripley’s room at home is covered in posters of their favorite bands and pictures of their family. They has an I Want To Believe poster above their bed that’s very faded and old, but it’s their favorite. Ripley has a bookshelf with a bunch of conspiracy theory books. They’ve got a few movies as well that are mostly popular movies and small collection of Land Before Time films because those are their favorite movies. Ripley has pressed flowers in frames on their walls. Ripley also collects rocks and shells, though they’ve never been to the beach before.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT? Extrovert. OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST? Optimistic Pessimist. LEADER OR FOLLOWER? Follower. CONFIDENT OR SELF-CONSCIOUS? Self-Conscious, though people see them as confident. CAUTIOUS OR CARELESS? Careless. Cautious. PASSIONATE OR APATHETIC? Passionate. BOOK SMARTS OR STREET SMARTS? Book Smart. They skipped 4th Grade. COMPLIMENTS OR INSULTS? Compliments.
FAVORITE COLOR: Green. FAVORITE CLOTHING STYLE/OUTFIT: They wear whatever looks good on them. Usually that consists of Converse, paired with a plain colored shirt (usually blue, yellow, or green), jeans, and their bomber jacket. They like feeling comfortable, but they also like to look good. It also depends on who their with as to what they’re wearing because Ripley has outfits to fit all sorts of groups, including some very goth-like outfits. FAVORITE BANDS/SONGS/TYPE OF MUSIC: They’re not picky about their music. As long as it’s got a good beat and doesn’t have terrible lyrics they like it. Ripley loves supporting artists that specifically write songs about the LGBT+ community. They trie not to support problematic artists as much as possible. Africa by Toto on repeat to annoy Cade. FAVORITE MOVIES: The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Land Before Time, Scooby Doo, National Lampoon movies, not a movie but Bill Nye videos. FAVORITE BOOKS: Everything You Know is Wrong, 100 of the Top Conspiracy Theories, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Alex Rider, Lord of the Rings, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. FAVORITE FOODS/DRINKS: They’ll try anything, they’re not picky about what they eat, but Ripley doesn’t eat meat and not a lot animal products. Water is their favorite drink. FAVORITE SPORTS/SPORTS TEAMS: Sports were never their thing. Carolina Hurricanes (they doesn’t like hockey, but will watch it if someone else likes it), Asheville Tourists, Appalachian State Mountaineers. FAVORITE TIME OF DAY: Evening. FAVORITE WEATHER/SEASON: Summer. FAVORITE ANIMAL: Dogs.
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