#wesley wizard bapc
quadrupleangst · 8 months
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Wesley sketch
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puppycats-tummy · 2 years
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got my gender directly from crispin tbh
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cleanestkitty · 10 months
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sailormiraii · 2 years
Today's mood :
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He's such good brother and human being all my love to Wesley ♡
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caswizard · 8 months
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i've kinda been thinking about them
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kailixart · 1 year
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screenshot redraw from episode 4 (featuring the space man himself)
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kalforhelp · 10 months
rewatching bee and puppycat hits different ever since i started watching game grumps
arin as wesley is so surreal because wesley is the chillest person on earth and arin is Very Much Not
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mosspixiecat · 2 years
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i love this show, but why did wesley date a fish
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cosmicladyy · 2 years
low tide
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dating wesley wizard
your first date was literally just a fishing trip
but you actually had a great time, wesley would tell you interesting facts about each fish he’d catch and what lure was best to use
you caught a big ass fish on your first throw and couldn’t stop bragging
he thought it was cute
(howell was horrifed when he found out and made him take you to this rlly fancy restaurant he had reservations for) “ON WHAT PLANET DOES FISHING QUALIFY AS A DATE???”
on the off chance you don’t go fishing with him, he’d send you pics of some of the fish he’d catch
‘took 4evr, but i finally caught him’
‘he kinda looks like u :)’
hc that he likes to bring home pretty shells he finds on the beach for you
you have a shelf dedicated to all the gifts he brings you
when ya’ll finally move in, he brings all his fish buddies with him
congrats! you now have your very own aquarium !!
love the man to bits, but i feel that bc he spends so much time in the ocean, he’s used to the smell and doesn’t realize a majority of his clothes stinks
which is bad news for you bc he likes to be held after a long day of fishing and you don’t wanna be near a smelly fish man
“Wes, I’ll hold you after you shower.”
“so you’re saying you don’t love me anymore?”
when ya’ll first started dating, he was a little hesitant on officially introducing you to his sibs
he knows his family does it to protect him, but they can be a bit much at times
but after much convincing, you both arranged a small dinner to get to know them
you kinda already knew Crispin, considering he’s the only mechanic on the island
it started off with you getting back to back ‘interviews’ from each sibling but at the end they all came to the realization that you’re actually pretty cool
he thought that was goods news, but it backfired tremendously
prepare to never have any alone time 
bc you’ll always have a wizard sibling glomming onto you
you don’t mind, but wesley gets tired of it quick
“I wanted them to help me with this new recipe I found.”
“Yea right, they clearly want to check out this new computer game I found.”
“Dream on! They obviously want to sculpt with me, let’s get outta here (y/n)!”
*cue tug of war*
he’s not really into pda
instead of holding hands, he likes to link pinkies
when ya’ll are alone however..
you like when he kisses your cheeks bc his stubble tickles in a good way
before he heads off for the day, he waits for you to brush his bangs to the side and give him a smooch on his forehead
he refuses to leave without one
he’s actually really clingy behind closed doors
you absolutely love it, but it definitely has it moments
“this is really nice, but i need to use the bathroom.”
“I’m like three seconds away from pissing my pants pls let go.”
“I have a bucket you can use.”
after his clothes have been thoroughly washed, you like to steal his sweaters
“Are any of the clothes dry yet?”
“is that my favorite shirt?”
you buying him those dorky dad hats that read somethin’ like “women want me, fish fear me” as a joke but they become a major part of his wardrobe 
sometimes when wesley gets tired of talking, he’ll slowly go from one worded responses to low grunts
when you pick up on this, you just hold his hand and sit with him in silence
he appreciates it and squeezes your hand to let you know
he’s really glad he met you, it makes him feel like you’re the only person who really gets him
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
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red-panda-agere · 7 months
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Little! Howell
Babyspace - Toddlerspace, he likes being baby because they get all the attention (actual headspace ranges from about 1-4, but typically closer to 3-4)
Regressed pretty often with how stressed he gets with running the cafe
Tends to run to his big bothers for comfort, feeling bad if he has to run to Cas or even Tim. He even prefers running to Wesley rather than Merlin because he doesn’t like the idea of Toast possibly seeing him.
He demands all the attention from Wesley, and will cuddle for hours
Is extra clingy when Crispin is little too, not wanting to share with his little brother
Doesn’t like loud games or any loud noise really. He has a meltdown just about every time Toast runs through the house, and it only intensifies when he’s little.
Is embarrassed about it, but he really likes pink and flowery things when he’s little. He even likes the nickname ‘little princess’ even if he 100% identifies as a boy.
Refuses to eat a lot when he’s little, but will shovel crackers, waffles, or thinks like pumpkin and banana bread without hesitation. It’s sometimes the only foods he will eat, and Wesley, on rare occasions, gives him special treatments for dinner/lunch, letting him eat some of his comfort foods.
Carries around a special kitty stuffed animal with him that’s named after him, “Howell-y Kitty” as well as his comfort pink blankie
Even when big, but especially when little, he’ll walk around the house with a blankie around his shoulders like a cape. He tends to get cold really easy, so he he always has a blankie nearby.
Gets fussy very easy, very fast if he doesn’t get enough sleep or a nap of some sort. He takes a lot of naps, especially when little.
Holds the sleeves of his big brother for comfort.
Being a pretty fussy little one a lot of the time, he will whine and cry for everything. He will whine for bedtime stories, even already knowing he’ll get one; he will cry when Wes just so much as goes to the bathroom, even knowing he’ll come back; he will fuss at Wes to grab him something even if he’s already in the process of doing so; etc
He REALLY likes bedtime stories and will ask for hundreds, holding his arms out to exaggerate how many he needs. “Thiiis much!” But if he really has to settle on one, he’ll always pick “The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn
Palace Pets, Littlest Pet Shops, Squishmallows, Shopkins, and other small little tools like that. He really likes the playsets, and will play restaurant/cafe with them
Actually pretty nonverbal a lot. Very rarely, he will just do little baby babbles, but he’s either a spoiled little princess/prince or a clingy little koala
Gets really excited at little nicknames like “little treasure” “little flower” “little prince/princess” “little star” “little gem” anything of that sort
Likes being bottlefed as it requires all/most of the attention from Wes
T-shirts and/or tanks tops with pajama shorts/pants and knee high socks. He will not wear long sleeved shirts or sleeper onsies.
Really likes when Wes brushes his hair for him, or even just plays with it
Terrified of storms to that point that not even pillow forts will calm him.
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Little! Crispin
(!¡!Pull-up/accident mention!¡!)
Toddler - Kiddo regressor (very rarely is he in Babyspace) 3-6 (rarely around 1-2)
Regressed a lot because of his childhood/the birthday incident, and he just enjoys feeling like a little kiddo
For around the same reasons as Howell, he will also go to Wesley for comfort, and when he first started doing it with Wesley, he’d throw a FIT if Howell was in there with him. They fight over who gets to sit in his lap a lot.
Very excited and enthusiastic when it comes to brightly colored toys of any kind. Wholeheartedly believe he likes playing with those foam alphabet mat play-set things
Will cover his face in stickers.
Really likes little nicknames like “sunshine” “squirt” “silly billy” and “little buddy”
Probably the most well behaved of the two regressors, but doesn’t understand why Howell seems to get a bit more special treatment than he does. Wesley has explained multiple times that Howell feels smaller and needs a bit more help and reassurance. This usually results in Crispin being extra clingy, now joining in on the cuddling with Wesley, even willing to push Howell a bit to get more attention.
Prefers sippy cups and more “big boy stuff” because he likes to show Howell how much more of a big boy he is. Despite this, he relies on his pacis much more than Howell relies on his
On days when Wesley is busy or if he’s suddenly called out to go help with something, sometimes, very rarely, Crispin will go to Howell for comfort. If it comes down to this, Crispin usually walks in, in tears, much smaller mentally than he would be when he usually regressed
“I’m sorry, please don’t be mad at me.” He sniffled to his big brother, fisting hastily at his eyes with one hand, a plushie cat in his other hand. Howell opened his arms immediately, pulling him close. These two didn’t always get along, but Howell still loved his little brother dearly. Wesley would come in later and take over if Howell felt he couldn’t help or if he needed to be little as well. “Alright, come here squirt.” Wesley climbs into bed with the two of them, Crispin the center of a cuddle pile. He snuggled into the both of them.
His favorite safe/little foods are any sort of “finger foods.” Popcorn, Dino nuggets, and sliced apples especially
Tries to share toys and get along with little Howell sometimes and gets really upset when Howell fusses and pushes him away anyways
Really likes any kind of pajamas/onsies. Footed sleeper onsies or the ones with the buttons and no leg coverings. They’re all comfy.
Sometimes Crispin just gets a little too into his crafts/games, and he forgets to take care of his body and go potty. So, Wesley convinced him to wear pull-ups sometimes, at least when he’s little, so they don’t have a mess to clean up. Crispin was almost inconsolable the first time he had an accident around Wesley.
Really embarrassed about it, but he needs a nightlight to sleep. He also really likes when one of his big brothers reads Goodnight Moon
Gets really excited about the show “Baby Einstein” with the puppets. For Christmas, he got a plushie of Bard the dragon and brought it with him absolute everywhere.
On birthdays, he always has an extra mini birthday that he spends with Howell and Wesley, that he actually looks forward to. They get him little stuff and toys, and even make cupcakes usually.
All around just a little goofball
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poopycat · 1 year
puppycat learns about valentine’s day from bee and at some point of the day, wesley receives a card in pretty hand writing paired with a stuffed animal from a secret admirer
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danelloevee · 2 years
Wesley: wait that was a date?
Me: I diagnose you with aroace
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macaro-mochi · 2 years
I relate to puppycat because I too lost my shit when I saw Wesley
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puppycattarot · 2 years
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The time has come! The interest check for Beyond the Stars! Please give us your thoughts and help shape the project!
Fill out our interest check here
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@all-zine-apps @zinefeed @zine-scene
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umiokami · 2 years
I still cant beleive we got a whole episode where Wesley is shirtless for the entire thing for literally no reason
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