#well he's always spending more time with garak or miles anyway
kiranerysismyhero · 6 months
what if how we could have both ezri and jadzia in s7 went like this:
jadzia is mortally injured, and the destiny is trying to get her/dax back to trill while she's still on life support. ben comes along bc jadzia is not actually dead yet and he has good reason to distrust the symbiosis commission.
things take a turn and it's looking even more urgent for the symbiont. ben doesn't want to let anyone remove dax from jadzia (again) while she's still alive but is overruled by starfleet brass at the behest of the commission. the ship's surgeon joins dax to ezri, who in this version is still just as reluctant but now at least the 15 minutes of improvised lecture substituting for years of preparation comes from ben. like how would he approach that conversation?
ezri wakes up and meets ben this time as dax... but in the next bed over jadzia is still hanging on. an hour, then two pass and the symbiont's vitals are a lot more stable now in ezri while jadzia is not doing well but is still fighting for her life. the destiny's doctor is kind of lost because they tried to contact trill about how they should care for jadzia but all the symbiosis commission wanted to talk about was dax and how soon could they get their hands on ezri
and ben is like 'okay i know you just met me but also you've known me for lifetimes now... hear me out...' and ezri's like 'yup solid plan let's do it but also what if we took even more risk bc dax's got a bit of starfleet medical now too' and ben's gotta be 'oh i had more appeals ready that you didn't even wait to hear, okay'
basically action sequence now– the destiny had slowed down to respond to an emergency signal and pick up some escape pods bc y'know dominion war, and ben and ezri work together to sneak jadzia into a biobed and off the ship in a runabout. and we see some of ezri accessing previous hosts as they hide the runabout in the debris field and get some distance before the destiny realizes they're missing
and just when it seems like the destiny is going to find them as ezri's breaking down a little bit about 'i'm a counselor and i'm still in training and out of all these lifetimes i'm still the one with the most medical knowledge in here??' as she tries to keep this woman that she remembers being stable-ish in stasis... the defiant decloaks! grabs them! re-cloaks! outta there!
julian checks that ezri is really really sure and then does what the symbiosis commission was never going to consider as an option: rejoining dax to jadzia now that the symbiont has been rehabbed/bolstered by ezri
jadzia is able to recover, if slowly. ezri is physically relatively unharmed by the ordeal, but a whole lot of psychological upheaval just happened and this woman is sat here making jokes about remembering being ezri for a hot minute and while ezri no longer remembers being jadzia, she does remember remembering being jadzia... it makes her head hurt. and jadzia's just like 'nah it was still less traumatic than last time when i had to be awake for more of it' and ezri just desperately wishes she could remember what the hell she means by last time
the symbiosis commission is piiiissed. they reallly want to excommunicate dax, jadzia, and/or ezri for all this but ben's like 'i'm adding the viability of respite care for symbionts to the list of info that you don't want me to share with your whole society' aand the symbiosis commission concedes under the condition that ezri is now GOING to be the next dax, WHENEVER that may be, there has been eNOUGH hot potato with this worm already, you two are going to STAY CLOSE so you don't end up pulling anyone else into dax's chaos being another intermediary when the time comes
so now jadzia and ezri are bureaucratically handcuffed to each other and both alive and have fascinating things to talk about :)
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spocks-husband · 4 months
wordless, wordless.
This is my Star Trek Gift Exchange piece for @idealisticcatastasis!! I really hope you enjoy :")
Words: 1,142
Pairing: Garak/Bashir
Genre/Tropes: Fluff, Slow Dancing, Late-Night Conversations
Summary: Garak has some... interesting dreams.
@startrekwintergiftexchange (am i supposed to tag you guys?? i don't remember lmao)
The Promenade's humming evening silence was closer to eerie than soothing, but Julian paid it little mind as he walked, his hands clasped tightly behind his back and his eyes firmly fixed upon the windows of the station. Logically speaking, Julian knew that the vacuum of Bajoran space was just the same as it always was, that their system of station time was merely devised to give species in need of a consistent sleep schedule some semblance of normalcy-- but quietly, he liked to think that it grew darker this time of 'night', that the stars were just a bit brighter against a contrasting black abyss. 
Since the war had ended the station itself had begun to feel... smaller. There was nothing to do anymore. One would think that being the center of some of the most significant events of this century would make Deep Space Nine a rather popular place to visit, but at least to Julian, it seemed like there were less people every day. 
Miles had gone back to Earth for his academy job and taken his family with him, Captain Sisko was... somewhere with the wormhole aliens, Kira was spending more and more time on her home planet and away from her command post (and when she was back with them there was always a vague sadness in her eyes that Julian fought the urge to ask about. He knew she didn't really want to talk about Odo)-- everything felt... empty, somehow. 
"Doctor? You're up rather late."
Almost everything. 
Julian smiled softly as he turned around to see that familiar smirk standing several meters away. 
"I could say the same thing about you, Garak," the doctor retorted, taking a few steps until he was close enough to see the way the starlight was glimmering in the Cardassian's blue eyes. There was a moment of stillness that sat between them, a stillness that the two of them often found to linger in their company, but it wasn't paid any mind. If anything, it was welcome. 
"You should know by now that Cardassian sleep schedules are far from identical to those of humans, Doctor" the older man chuckled, his steps falling in a natural sync with Julian's as they began to walk. 
"Then maybe I have you to blame for my current bout of insomnia," Julian joked accusingly. "You're rubbing off on me." 
"Perhaps I am," Garak mused with a slight smile, glancing out the windows for a brief moment. "... Perhaps I could say the same about you." 
"Oh, really?" Julan smirked. 
"Oh, yes, indeed," Garak hummed. "In fact... I've begun dreaming." 
"It's not typical for Cardassians to dream. Not consistently, anyway. Once in a while, sure, but not every night." There was a glimmer of regret shining in his eyes, suddenly, as if he were almost... embarrassed... that he'd brought it up. 
"And what might you be dreaming about?" The doctor asked slowly, his grin widening just slightly. 
"Oh, I can't tell you-- that's highly classified information, my dear doctor," Garak smirked. 
"Oh, of course," Julian nodded in mock seriousness. "I understand completely." 
For a while, there was a silence that returned between the two of them, and Julian couldn't help but consider how... nice... it was. Pleasant, even. 
"Though, there has been a recurring figure in these... dreams of mine," Garak added suddenly, his gaze fixed on everything except for the man at his side. Julian quirked a brow. 
"Oh?" The doctor couldn't help but chuckle. "And... who might this person be?" 
Garak fought the urge to smile. "Oh, I'm not certain," he lied. "I can't ever see him very well, the lights are too dim."
"Then how can you know it's the same man?"
"I just know." 
The silence returned, temporarily. It didn't stay, though-- it never did. 
"Well, what has this man been doing?" Julian snorted, looking up at Garak with a curious smirk. Garak smiled back. 
Julian laughed. "Really? Dancing?"  
"Oh, yes," Garak nodded, crossing his arms. "You don't have to believe me if you don't want to." 
"Hm," Julian chuckled. "Well... why don't you show me?" 
Garak raised an eyebrow slowly, his eyes locking with Julian's in a way that made the doctor's heart skip a beat as a smirk rose to his face. Without a word, the Cardassian extended a clawed hand toward Julian, a silent invitation that spoke entirely for itself. The doctor hesitated for just a moment, a playful glint in his eyes, before finally placing his hand in Garak's.
The Promenade's ambient lighting seemed to dim ever so slightly as Garak led Julian to a more open area, away from the occasional midnight passersby and their prying eyes. Garak placed his other hand firmly on Julian's waist, and the doctor's breath caught at the unexpected warmth of the touch. Garak's hands had always seemed so cold to him, but... not tonight. 
"There's no music here, you know," Julian spoke softly, his eyes remaining low as he tried to hide how flushed his cheeks had become. "I didn't necessarily mean... here... and now..." Garak only chuckled. 
"I'm sorry, Doctor, would you like me to stop?"
There was a pause. 
"... No," Julian said finally. "I... don't believe I would."
They began to sway gently, the dance unfolding organically between them. Julian felt a mixture of exhilaration and contentment, realizing that this was a moment he had secretly yearned for. As they moved gracefully together, the silence spoke volumes, filling the empty spaces that the war had left behind.
"You know, Doctor," Garak began, his voice low and intimate, almost careful. "I must confess that dancing was never my forte back on Cardassia. But there's something about this place, this station, that makes everything different."
Julian chuckled, his eyes locked with Garak's. "Maybe it's the stars. Or maybe it's the company."
Garak's gaze softened, and a warmth spread across his features. "Perhaps it's a bit of both," he admitted.
The two continued their dance, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. In the quiet intimacy of the Promenade, surrounded by the hum of the station and the distant twinkling of stars, the boundaries between them blurred. It wasn't just a dance; it was a moment of connection, a shared understanding that went beyond words. There were no more games of riddles and teasing, no subtleties or avoidance. Whatever it was that they were, something they'd always struggled to name... they were here. They were together. Perhaps that was enough. 
As they twirled gracefully, Julian couldn't help but feel a sense of completion. The emptiness that had lingered since the war's end seemed to dissipate with every step. It was warmer here, somehow. 
The Cardassian shook his head slowly. 
"Just let it be, Doctor. I think that might be the best thing to do." 
Julian smiled softly. 
"... If you say so."
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obviouslyelementary · 4 years
Heyyy bc of your offer to write prompts: how did Miles react when he found out about Julian and Garak? And how did he find out in the first place?
This isn’t exactly what you wanted but this prompt gave me too many ideas and I had to go with one. 
It was one of those very rare, calm days in DS9. Miles had just finished his shift, right on time for his usual recreation of some historic event on Ireland, when he finally checked his padd to see Julian's message from three hours ago, saying he wouldn't be able to attend.
In all honesty, that frustrated Miles to no end. In the beginning of their friendship, he would have thought of it as a relief, since Julian could be extremely annoying and talkative sometimes. But now that they liked each other, he didn't like when Julian cancelled their plans for something else, unless it was important. Considering he hadn't explained anything in the message, either it wasn't something important, or it was too important that he couldn't even write down the reason why when he sent the message.
Nevertheless, Miles decided to grab his costume and go. Maybe he would be late, or show up anyway. The message was from three hours ago, it was likely that Julian's schedule could have changed during that time.
Besides, Miles could have fun, even without his best friend.
 Indeed, once he got to the Promenade, Miles found down that a medical emergency had indeed happened in the last three hours. One ship had docked with several wounded, and Julian had his hands busy with the injured. Deciding against complaining about his friend doing a good job, Miles left to the mission in Ireland by himself, deciding to go to the infirmary once he was done and maybe pay Julian a drink for his troubles. He liked the guy, and he liked how good he was to his patients, even if they disagreed sometimes.
So, after he saved Ireland again for the tenth time that month, he walked down to Quark's and made his way to the infirmary. He checked with Odo to make sure he wouldn’t impose, and when he assured all the injured had already been cared for, Miles made his way into the infirmary to greet his friend.
Once inside, he found the place strangely quiet. He looked around the beds, and even the surgery room, and found no one around aside from the usual nurse that would accompany Julian anywhere. Then, he decided to check on the office, hoping to find Julian somewhere without having to ask for the computer. He opened the doors to the small room, peaking inside, only to find it empty as well.
Miles frowned, and looked around once again, before he stepped inside.
"Computer, where is Julian Bashir?" he asked, and the computer scanned the station in a blink of an eye.
"Doctor Bashir is at Garak's Clothiers" the computer responded, and Miles hummed to himself. Yes of course, probably talking to that strange cardassian as he usually did. Thanking the computer, he made his way out, heading towards the shop with quick steps before stopping and looking at it from the distance. He remembered Dax saying a few weeks ago that Julian and Garak had been spending quite a lot of time together in the last few months, and how they were always glued to the hip, implying that something was happening between them.
Miles was never one to believe in Dax's gossiping, but the fact was that Julian had been spending more time with the tailor than with Miles in the last weeks, and he wasn't sure if it was a good thing. So, he made his way to the shop again, this time without so much hurry, getting inside slowly just to find the shop completely empty. He looked around, once or twice, before he heard someone talking in the back, and walked over, finding the door that took to Garak's deposit.
"I know it's not my fault but... I could have done more for them Elim... I really could."
"Even if you could, my dear, you couldn't take care of three patients at the same time. You saved all of them, some minor casualties are bound to happen."
"He will never walk again, Garak! I could have-"
"Julian... please. Stop blaming yourself for something you couldn’t have helped."
Miles blinked slowly as the talk stopped, and he only heard some shifting behind the door. He stepped away, cheeks burning, and wondered if Dax was actually right, if the two of them were actually...
The thought didn't settle well with him, but oh well. It was Julian's choice, not his own, and besides Garak wasn't the worst Cardassian Miles had ever met. It could be worst.
Julian could have fallen in love with Gul Dukat.
The thought made Miles gag as he walked out of the store. It took him weeks to actually find out if they were dating or not, but by that time his mind was already set in making Julian happy, no matter what.
And sure, he found out by walking inside the infirmary while they were making out, and it was awkward and maybe a little bit disgusting, but who was he to judge? If Julian was happy and aware that he was dating a killer spy that had tried to destroy many people before, that was his problem, not Miles'.
Besides, he had never seen Julian smile so much before, and it truly suited him.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Julian Bashir & Molly O'Brien Characters: Julian Bashir, Elim Garak, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax, Jake Sisko, Nog (Star Trek), Rom (Star Trek), Leeta (Star Trek), Molly O'Brien (Star Trek) Summary: Molly doesn't want to spend Halloween on the station with no human kids, so Julian offers to take her to Earth for the last week of October. Taking others with him to experience the holiday, he could probably relax and lean on them as fellow chaperones. But he has a full itinerary for Molly, with no idea she would have any plans of her own for him.
Note: Apologies for any mistakes, I wanted to get this up by the end of the month. Also, I took some liberties with Molly's personality, and by that I mean I gave her one. But hey, my mom thinks it's accurate to 8, so... 😃Oh, and I'm planning on this story remaining rather wholesome, but since there is a ship I've rated it teen just to be safe until it's all up and I have a better idea.
Quark shuffled over as Chief O’Brien and Dr. Bashir sat down at the bar a few seats away from Morn.
“Hello, boys!” he said, “Care to try our new drink for the hu-mon season? It’s called a Jack-o-lantern!”
Miles groaned and put his head on the bar. He was ignored for a moment while Bashir asked what was in a Jack-o-lantern.
“It’s a spiced rum drink, with pumpkin and carrot juice. Sure to remind you two of home! Plus it comes in these cute little face glasses,” Quark said pulling out a short glass with the black triangular eyes and a toothy grin of a carved pumpkin.
“Wow, you really went all in on the theme if you bought glasses, Quark,” said Bashir.
“Actually they’re sonic-dishwasher safe stickers. Leeta says she can get them off with her long fingernails when your creepy season is over… What’s wrong with him?” Quark pointed a thumb toward O’Brien who had lifted his head to listen to the drink ingredients, but still looked out of sorts.
“What’sa matter, Chief?” asked Bashir.
“Oh, I’m just stressing out about something that probably won’t end up mattering that much.”
“So the usual?” Quark said walking away and returning with two beers. They weren’t sure if Quark was saying Miles always worried about things that didn’t matter or just talking about their drink order, but he disappeared to help another customer immediately after, so they would never know.
“What’s the trouble?” asked Bashir.
“Keiko is really busy on Bajor and can’t take time off for Halloween.”
“Sort of an unusual Holiday to take time off for anyhow.”
“Sure, but now I have Molly because Keiko is so busy, and there definitely wouldn’t be any Halloween business on Bajor anyway.”
“That important, is it?”
“It’s Molly’s favorite Holiday. Last year Keiko took her to my parents’ house on Earth for the week. But I just can’t get away, not with the lifts acting up, and the power cells that went missing—”
“And no one else can do those things? Rom?”
“Oh… It’s not that Rom isn’t capable of being in charge, but he does get, you know, nervous when he thinks people have high expectations and… to be honest he’s been getting on my nerves lately. It’s not him. It’s all the things around here going wrong making me irritated with everything.”
“Do you have any plans?”
“Ugh, I think Keiko thinks I’ll try to make it special here. But Molly knows that’s a bust and isn’t being shy about it. There’s no other human kids here, Daddy. I’m gonna feel silly dressing up. She never used to feel silly being the only one doing something.”
“Well, she’s getting older.”
“Yeah but still so little. If she was older and making a fuss, I’d just send her on a shuttle by herself and have her Gran pick her up on the other side. Used to do that sort of thing when I was a kid, but not ‘til I was a little older than her.”
“Hmm… Well… Miles… I could take her.”
“I have some leave. And unlike you I think my staff can handle things while I’m gone. I mean if some horrible disease breaks out, I’ll come rushing back. But it’s just a little trick or treating, right? I could handle it.”
“I… I guess you could. It’s just, there’s a lot of kids and a lot going on—”
“I did in fact trick or treat as a child, Miles; you’re not explaining it to a Vulcan.”
“Well I—”
“Oh! But I could take Garak with me!”
“Oh, he loves Molly, and he rarely gets to leave the station. I could show him a piece of human culture.”
“I wouldn’t say he loves Molly. He makes her clothes—”
“He adores her, and would sooner kill someone than let something happen to her. Hmm, I wonder if any other non-humans would like to come learn about Halloween? Kira would probably think it was a waste of time… Dax is probably quite familiar with it, but I’m sure she’d have fun. Oh! I bet Jake hasn’t had an authentic Halloween in years.”
“If you’re going to bring a huge party with you, it’s not really about Molly anymore, is it?”
“Nonsense, the more people I bring the more chaperones for Molly. Besides, I don’t know if any of these people will say yes. Maybe it would just be me and Dax or something. That would be very relaxed. I could do this, Chief, but if you’d rather Molly stuck around here and complained…”
O’Brien gave a hmf that could rival Odo’s. But he nodded, taking a sip of his beer.
“Alright. Not too much sugar, nothing too scary, bed by 9, 10 on Halloween if she twists your arm. Don’t let her wander off on her own, and keep track of her please and thank yous. I don’t want her getting used to being rude because she thinks she can get away with it with you. Call me if there are any problems, and, Doctor… Bring her back in one piece.”
“Can do, Chief. I’ll start asking who wants to come along, and you can lecture all of them too.”
“I will.”
 The next evening, Chief O’Brien ran into Worf on the promenade and stopped him.
“Worf, I was glad to hear you’re going on this trip with Julian to take Molly. I really appreciate—”
“Alas, I am not. Only Jadzia is going.”
“You don’t want to go with her?”
“I have duties here. And I’m afraid I will not get the same things out of the trip that the others will. I did celebrate Halloween as a child, if only because my brother did, and because… when in Rome as the humans say.”
“Right… Well… It’s just… I had hoped, because you’re good with kids…”
“Chief… I’m flattered to hear you say that. While I will not argue, I’m not sure that Molly is particularly enthused with me.”
“Perhaps, but you’re— responsible.”
“Ah, I see. Though I am not often one to praise the doctor, I do think he is up to the task.”
“I’m sure he is. I just thought you’d want to spend some time with Jadzia, and then you’d be extra help.”
“Admittedly, there may be another reason I have decided not to go.”
“Major Kira has agreed to go.”
“You… you get along with her fine, don’t you?”
“Yes, of course, but with her, and Jadzia, and the chief medical officer gone, I believe someone should remain here. But additionally, when I met Jadzia, she was wearing some sort of fairy tale costume, as was Kira, I believe to play in a holosuit program. I got the impression that they had a friendship in which they embraced their femineity together, as well as other aspects of their personalities which they share. But they have done this very little since Jadzia and I married.”
“Oh! You just want to give her some space to spend time with her friend? That’s so sweet, Worf.” Worf stifled a groan. “And if Kira’s going, that’s a load off. But how in the quadrant did they get Kira to agree to come?”
“Your daughter. She was with the doctor when he mentioned it to us this morning. Kira did not seem interested when the doctor and Jadzia explained it, but Molly said please, and called her aunty and the major agreed immediately.”
O’Brien burst out laughing and said, “I swear she’s learning how to play people.”
  “Are you sure just you and Yoshi will be okay without me or Mommy around for a whole week?” Molly asked as Miles walked her to the docking ring.
“Molly, it’s been just me and Yoshi before. I think I can handle it,” he said with a smirk. “Are you going to be okay without Mommy or Daddy around for a whole week?”
“I’ve been by myself with Grandma and Grandpa before, I think I can handle it.”
“Good. You’ve got everything? You’re sure you don’t want to take an old costume with you?”
“I told you, Mr. Garak has my costume for this yeeaaaar.”
“Alright, alright.”
Waiting for them at the shuttle were Garak and Julian both holding duffle bags.
“Kira, Dax, and Jake are already aboard saving seats,” said Julian. “Ready to go, Molly?”
Molly nodded, but she didn’t let go of her father’s hand.
“Oh, good! We’re not too late!” they heard Rom’s voice from the hall as he, Leeta, and Nog approached.
“I told you the shuttle left at 1300 hours, Father. We’re right on time,” said Nog.
“Well, I still don’t want to be rude,” Rom said shyly.
“You’re going too, eh?” asked Miles.
“I hope you don’t mind,” said Leeta. Julian and Jake said they would show us a little bit of human culture. But we’re happy to be extra eyes too.” She glanced down at Molly.
“Yeah! Hey there-er-uh, Molly,” Rom said as if he’d never spoken to a child before. “I know you probably know the others better but if you need anything, Leeta and I are here for you too.”
If Rom was weird, Molly didn’t notice. “Thanks, Mr. Rom.”
“I want to see what else there is to Halloween beside academy parties,” said Nog.
“Are they still, a hundred people crammed into someone’s aunt’s house drinking cheep replicator beer?” asked Miles.
“Sounds about right,” said Nog.
“You… drank… at parties… at the academy?” asked Rom.
“Sometimes,” Nog admitted. “But, no offense to your people, Chief, but I don’t like beer.”
“Nog, if anyone tells you they genuinely like the flavor of barley beer, and drink it for no other reasons, they’re either lying to you, or to themselves.”
Nog threw his head back and laughed. “Well we better get going. I’ll get this,” Nog said with an air of sarcasm which didn’t make sense until they all realized what this was. He scooped up Molly and put her on his hip.
“Nog, she’s not a baby, you’re gonna hurt your back,” said Julian from the entrance to the shuttle.
“Nonsense. She’s not so big.”
“I’ve never been up, but still so low before,” said Molly, looking up at her father.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Nog chided with a smile.
“Alright, give Daddy a kiss and then you all better get to your seats.”
He leaned over and Molly kissed him on the cheek. “Bye, Daddy!” she said.
“Have fun, sweetheart.”
Rom grabbed Molly’s bag, and they all turned and shuffled onto the shuttle. The last thing the chief heard before the doors slid closed, was Molly saying, “I want to sit with Mr. Garak!”
“Why…” he whispered to himself.
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