libraryknight · 1 year
One of my sideblogs is gaining a very large number of new followers today…
and I can’t figure out why.
Best guess is that someone with a large platform reblogged something I’d commented on, but it’s far enough down the reblog chain that I didn’t get a notification.
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we-are-ringmaster · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @wearelibrarian!  *✧・゚:*
Favorite Color: Dark red, dark green, and black - I adore jewel-tones! <3
Currently Reading: Unfortunately I haven’t really had much time to read for fun lately. The boring answer is The Grey House Performing Arts Industry Guide as part of my prep for my post-college job hunt. The fun answer is The Devil in the Marshalsea by Antonia Hodgson, a charmingly overdramatic historical fiction. It was a Christmas gift from our party’s wizard and I’m still working my way through it like 2 years later, not for lack of enjoying it.
Last TV Show: My roommate recently showed me the first two episodes of Spy Family and I need to watch more! Though, I'm more of a podcast person because it’s easier to work on projects that require my hands and eyes.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweet but partial to all three of them. Honestly I’ll eat about anything!  Gosh I love food, as evidenced by my extensive circus snack tag
Currently Working On: Current major project is getting my ducks into rows to send out applications and cold calls to jobs, along with the various side quests that has inevitably led to. If anyone needs to hire a seamstress/dyeworker please drop me a message!
@amstelhavian-nights ,  @wearesorcerer , @wearewarpriest , @we-are-warshaper , @we-are-astronomer , @we-are-spore-druid  - tag, you’re it! *✧・゚:*
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we-are-knight · 4 months
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Recent Old World acquisitions.
Fancy new book, and Bretonnian Standard Bearer.
@we-are-scribe @wearelibrarian
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wearesorcerer · 7 months
Le sigh.
I must lament something: I've wanted to make this blog better, but by "better" I keep thinking "more like Rogue's" and there really isn't much I can do to accomplish that.
Tumblr has a Wizard...thing. Everything's wizards. That's @wearemage , as are anything related to books (+ @wearelibrarian ), rituals, magic circles, runes/sigils, and such.
Warlocks are popular; discussing lineages is like discussing patrons, except a Warlock continues a relationship with their patron, whereas a Sorcerer has no need to.
Beyond D&D, my options are limited, especially if I don't want to step on the toes of blogs covering sub-themes (favored soul, psion, etc.). You could say I could do metamagic ideas, but 1.) 5e is intentionally limited in that regard because 2.) metamagic was something sorcerers sucked at in 3.x (their original edition) and classes that were great at it (Wizards, Clerics with Divine Metamagic, other prepared casters) were so overpowered as to break the game (supposedly; I thought the hubbub was a bit much, tbqh).
That really leaves superpower origin stories, wild magic/power incontinence, gifted education and its analogs, and maybe prejudice du jour as covered by X-Men. And I'm 99% sure no one wants to hear about giftedness, as 90% of the posts I see about it claim that it doesn't exist and the remaining 10% talk about being a former gifted kid (as though you stop being gifted as an adult). I mean, yeah, I could give a lot of ideas for playing characters with that, but there's only so much to be said about jealousy and resulting ostracism and it's nowhere near as applicable as the sociology and history of class, money, markets, and crime (Rogue) or ethics in general (Paladin).
Anyone have ideas, let me know.
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we-are-scribe · 1 year
What's your favorite quote you've scribed so far?
Oh, to pick just one… oh dear.
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This one, honestly.
Wait no, I lied. Also this one. @wearelibrarian
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weareadventurers · 2 years
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For ages, people have looked to the stars with wonder. Since we first began telling stories, we have told stories of the stars and their magic. But to some, those stories are very real. Whether through constant study or through revelation, they have learned the names of the stars and of the power that comes from them. The greatest among these scholars have even found ways to sail the stars as one does the sea! With such skill and knowledge, sure they would be welcome on any adventure! Everyone, please welcome @we-are-astronomer to the Collective!
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Knowledge is power, this we know. And so who is more powerful than the one who keeps knowledge? Have you ever wondered who collects and catalogues all the ancient and forgotten (even forbidden!) lore you find on your adventures? Have you ever wondered who to go to when you need that lore most? Wonder no more!
Everyone, please welcome @wearelibrarian​ to the Collective!
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libraryknight · 2 years
Why did you receive a poster from someone?
I received a poster because a good friend sent it to me as a joke.
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we-are-knight · 2 years
Facsimiles of historical fencing manuscripts, including the stunning art of the Getty manuscript by Fiore dei Liberi.
@wearelibrarian @we-are-scribe for the books themselves.
@we-are-fighter @we-are-swashbuckler for the sword fighting.
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we-are-knight · 1 year
Chivalric romance book recs? From you mentioning reading them in a previous post
Many, what sort of flavour of text are you interested in?
Also tagging @we-are-scribe and @wearelibrarian for this.
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we-are-knight · 1 year
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An antique copy of Ivanhoe, from 1863, that @wearebeguiler and I picked up today.
@wearelibrarian @we-are-scribe
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we-are-knight · 2 years
Having now been tagged for this by both @wearelibrarian and @wearesorcerer, I feel obligated to complete this. Long post coming:
Favourite Colour:
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Currently Reading: The Count of Monte Cristo / Parzival / MS 44.A.8
Last TV show: Over The Garden Wall
Currently Working On: Two f@#£ing assignments for my Museum Studies MA course, lesson plans for my next IRL fencing lessons.
Tagging @we-are-scribe and @wearebeguiler
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libraryknight · 2 years
Everything left divisible by three and your favorite questions. Please.
C'mon, anon, making me do math? (jk)
Already answered question 3.
6. what is your ideal reading atmosphere? background noise or silent? alone or with others?
I prefer to read alone, just vibing in my bedroom with a book. Depends on the day where I'm sitting - sometimes on my bed, sometimes at my desk, sometimes on the floor.
9. what was the first book you read on your own?
Not sure, but an early one was Chika Chika Boom Boom.
12. what are your favourite genres?
Fantasy and science fiction, I'm a creature of habit.
15. can you read anywhere? moving vehicle? rollercoaster?
Alas, no. I get headaches if I try to read in a moving vehicle for an extended time.
18. do people know you’re a bookworm?
I would certainly hope so, since my sideblogs @makeitdewey and @wearelibrarian are both library-focused.
21. what is a total book turn-off for you?
If the author clearly doesn't know what they're talking about, and is confidently wrong about something I have experience with, I struggle to continue reading.
24. do you read non-fiction?
27. do you read cover to cover or sometimes skim parts?
Depends on the book, but I'll frequently skim sections especially for denser things I'm reading as part of grad school.
30. favourite book this year?
On the Spectrum by Daniel Bowman, Jr.
For favorite questions, since I'm already answering a ton here including some I really like, I'll just toss in one more.
29. how do you organise your books?
Size and vibes, with a tiny amount of subject organization. All my D&D books are together, and I have a TBR shelf... but other than that I organize my books by what feels like it should go together, with some vague subject regions of the shelves and small paperbacks on shorter shelves.
(Yes, I'm in library school and I have a system that could be viewed as disorganized. Deal with it. My shelves at work are very organized, my shelves at home are organized in the way that makes my heart happy.)
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