panick · 2 years
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letrasmz · 1 month
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Dina Ayada - Way Up! https://letrasmz.com/dina-ayada/way-up-lyrics?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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snkrbonbon · 1 month
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suilinbride · 1 year
I Want to Talk with People About Deer Related Signs!
Good evening everybody, I want to talk to those of you who have interacted with Deer related spirits before, especially in regards to Deer Cultus. I know a lot of Polytheist and Pagan bloggers here on this site used to write about this subject, and I’d like to have a chat with any of you if at all possible. 
Deer symbols, images, and signs are popping up like crazy, especially during this last week. Starting on the Solstice, I was doing a bit of spirit journeying when I came across a Male being or deity who wore a helmet that appeared in the shape of a Deer’s head, complete with a large rack of antlers. And then yesterday I got a totally unrelated Tarot reading from a friend and the first card that popped up, which was the Magician, featured the Magician in question wearing a helmet or headdress carved or designed like a Deer’s head, also complete with a rack of antlers. 
Deer and Deer energy isn’t new to me at all. I’m a Bow Hunter for one thing, but even outside of being a Hunter, I’ve been around Deer all of my life. There’s been times where Deer would come into town and there is a clearing half wayup the mountain from where I can see from my front porch, or at least when I used to be able to see that far, Doe’s and their young would hang around undisturbed. 
Of course, the most powerful Deer related moment that happened to me took place back in 2010 or 2011 when I was working on immigrating to Canada at the time. We went on an eight hour roar trip to take care of some irritating paperwork and on the way saw a good fifty to a hundred Deer hanging out on either side of the road and watching us as we drove by.
There are deities that I worship that have various levels of connection to Deer, with Freyr probably being the one with the most concrete connection to Deer, but I’m not sure if whom I came across and met was Freyr. My fledgling relationship with Frey is such that I’m not entire sure, but it didn’t feel like Frey, or Pwyll, or any of the other deities with a some sort of connection to Deer in any kind of way. 
So yeah, I’d like to know your stories, experiences, and any advice you are able to share with me regarding this subject.  Thank you all in advance!
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marssnakess · 2 years
Fursona?? *Better*
Made my own sonic oc and I'm very proud,
*Name: Mahusset
Age: 15-16
Species: Mobian, Racoon
Pick up line: "Wayup !"
Occupation: Mecanic, (secretly a spy for the sonic team)
Personality: ENFP*
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purpleavenuesong · 2 months
How do I get a remote internship for digital marketing (PPC)?
Securing a remote internship in digital marketing, specifically focused on PPC (Pay-Per-Click), requires a proactive approach and strategic networking. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:
Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile: Ensure your resume and LinkedIn profile highlight your relevant skills, experience, and education related to digital marketing and PPC. Emphasize any coursework, projects, or certifications you have in these areas.
Identify Potential Companies: Research companies that offer remote internships in digital marketing, particularly those with a focus on PPC advertising. Look for startups, digital marketing agencies, or even larger corporations that have remote internship programs.
Utilize Online Job Platforms: Explore job platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and intern-specific websites like Internshala or WayUp. Use keywords like "remote digital marketing internship" or "remote PPC internship" to narrow down your search.
Networking: Leverage your existing network and connections in the digital marketing industry. Reach out to alumni, professors, professionals, and acquaintances who might have connections or insights into remote internship opportunities. Attend virtual networking events, webinars, and industry conferences to expand your network further.
Directly Contact Companies: Don't hesitate to reach out directly to companies you're interested in interning for. Visit their websites, find contact information for HR or hiring managers, and send a personalized email expressing your interest in a remote internship opportunity. Attach your resume and any relevant portfolio pieces.
Build a Strong Portfolio: If you don't have previous work experience, consider creating a portfolio showcasing your digital marketing skills. This could include sample PPC campaigns, Google Ads certifications, case studies, or blog posts demonstrating your understanding of PPC principles and best practices.
Customize Your Cover Letter: Tailor your cover letter for each internship application, highlighting why you're specifically interested in PPC and how your skills align with the company's needs. Demonstrate your enthusiasm and willingness to learn and contribute remotely.
Prepare for Interviews: Be prepared for remote interviews by practicing common digital marketing and PPC interview questions. Showcase your knowledge of PPC platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, or social media advertising platforms. Be ready to discuss your past experiences, projects, and how you've solved digital marketing challenges.
Follow Up: After applying or interviewing for a remote internship, send a thank-you email to express your gratitude and reiterate your interest in the position. Follow up politely if you haven't heard back within a reasonable timeframe.
Consider Freelancing Platforms: Explore freelance platforms like Upwork or Freelancer, where you can find short-term PPC projects or gigs. While not traditional internships, these opportunities can help you gain practical experience and build your portfolio.
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yourfavehasanosmia · 2 months
She had eyes like limpit poos, her legs wet alll the wayup, and he psy c flid sh e probjected scrombled hte brin or evy ret-blooted fella in thrs losy jont
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my poem, Tripping, is in the Winter Issue of the Bond Street Review. Here is the poem:Tripping Three stringed guitarand a cowboy hat for change,you made your wayup and down the New England coastsinging for sustenance.You coulda beena fine baritone. had you not likedthe high life more. Striding the sun-tingedclouds at the white water’s edge—no onewalked with you,fearing the things you saw when the…
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willamtomas · 2 months
The Future of Job Hunting: Top Job Search Tools 2024
In the ever-evolving landscape of job hunting, staying ahead of the curve means leveraging the latest technologies and tools available. As we step into 2024, job seekers are presented with a plethora of innovative resources designed to streamline the search process, connect with employers, and stand out in a competitive market. Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, here are some cutting-edge Job Search Tools 2024 that are shaping the future of employment:
AI-Powered Job Matching Platforms: AI-powered job matching platforms are revolutionizing the way candidates find opportunities. These platforms utilize sophisticated algorithms to analyze resumes, skills, and preferences, matching candidates with relevant job openings. Companies like SeekOut and Eightfold.ai use AI to provide personalized recommendations, making the job search process more efficient and effective.
Virtual Reality (VR) Job Interviews: Virtual reality technology is transforming the interview experience, allowing candidates to participate in immersive VR interviews from anywhere in the world. Platforms like HireVue and Pymetrics offer VR interview simulations that assess candidates' soft skills, communication abilities, and problem-solving capabilities. VR interviews provide a more engaging and realistic assessment experience for both candidates and employers.
Blockchain-Based Credential Verification: Blockchain technology is being used to verify candidates' credentials and qualifications securely. Platforms like SpringRole and Blockcerts allow job seekers to store their academic degrees, certifications, and work experience on a decentralized blockchain network. This ensures the authenticity and integrity of credentials, reducing the risk of fraud and streamlining the hiring process for employers.
Augmented Reality (AR) Job Search Apps: Augmented reality job search apps are enhancing the way candidates explore job opportunities and interact with employers. Apps like WayUp and JobLens overlay virtual job listings onto real-world environments, allowing users to visualize job openings in their vicinity. AR job search apps also provide additional information about companies, salaries, and employee reviews, empowering candidates to make informed decisions.
Gamified Recruitment Platforms: Gamified recruitment platforms are gamifying the hiring process to assess candidates' skills and cultural fit in a fun and interactive way. Platforms like TalentTribe and KnackApp use gamification techniques such as quizzes, puzzles, and simulations to evaluate candidates' abilities and traits. Gamified recruitment makes the hiring process more engaging and objective, providing a unique experience for candidates and employers alike.
Voice-Activated Job Search Assistants: Voice-activated job search assistants are transforming the way candidates search for jobs and access career-related information. Virtual assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant offer job search skills that enable users to search for job openings, receive personalized job recommendations, and get interview tips using voice commands. Voice-activated job search assistants provide a hands-free and convenient way to navigate the job market.
Predictive Analytics for Job Market Trends: Predictive analytics tools are helping job seekers anticipate market trends and make informed career decisions. Platforms like Burning Glass Technologies and LinkedIn Workforce Insights analyze vast amounts of job market data to identify emerging trends, in-demand skills, and salary benchmarks. Predictive analytics empower job seekers to align their skills and career paths with future market demands.
Remote Work Platforms and Coworking Communities: Remote work platforms and coworking communities are facilitating flexible work arrangements and remote job opportunities. Platforms like Remote.com and WeWork Remotely connect remote-ready candidates with remote-friendly companies across various industries. Coworking communities like WeWork and Spaces provide collaborative workspaces and networking opportunities for remote workers, freelancers, and digital nomads.
In conclusion, the job search landscape is characterized by innovation, technology, and adaptability. By embracing cutting-edge job search tools and platforms, candidates can gain a competitive edge, expand their opportunities, and navigate the evolving job market with confidence. Whether it's AI-powered job matching, virtual reality interviews, or blockchain-based credentials, the future of job hunting is filled with exciting possibilities.
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panick · 1 year
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ntgospel · 3 months
“The Chosen – Os Escolhidos” terá exibição de episódios novos no cinema
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/noticias/fe/the-chosen-os-escolhidos-tera-exibicao-de-episodios-novos-no-cinema
“The Chosen – Os Escolhidos” terá exibição de episódios novos no cinema
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A série “The Chosen – Os Escolhidos” (The Chosen) – drama histórico inovador com mais de 770 milhões de visualizações em seus episódios – chega a sua quarta temporada sob direção e roteiro de Dallas Jenkins. A produção, que acaba de ter cartaz e trailer divulgados, contará com exibição dos dois primeiros episódios da nova temporada em cinema, a partir de 21 de março. A distribuição será na Paris Filmes em parceria com a 360 WayUp.       
Confira o trailer da nova temporada de The Chosen:
Baseada na vida de Jesus Cristo, interpretado por Jonathan Roumie, a série tem sido bastante elogiada por sua alta qualidade técnica e pela adaptação da história bíblica. É uma das mais vistas nos streamings Prime Video, Peacock e Netflix e já acumula mais de 12 milhões de seguidores nas redes sociais oficiais da produção. Em dezembro de 2023, The Chosen também se classificou como o segundo drama mais assistido e a quarta série não-original mais assistida na Netflix Brasil.  
Distribuída globalmente pela Lionsgate, a história é vista através dos olhos daqueles que conheceram Jesus, tendo como pano de fundo a opressão romana em Israel do primeiro século. A produção retrata uma visão íntima da vida e dos ensinamentos de Jesus.
The Chosen – Quarta Temporada
Reinos em conflito. Governantes rivais. Os inimigos de Jesus se aproximam enquanto seus seguidores lutam para acompanhá-lo, deixando-o sozinho para carregar o fardo. A quarta temporada promete partir de onde terminou, com o final emocionante da caminhada sobre as águas na última temporada.
Os episódios de estreia também serão liberados nos cinemas da América Latina, Reino Unido, Polônia, Austrália e Nova Zelândia por meio de uma parceria entre os distribuidores. Após o término da temporada completa nos cinemas, The Chosen anunciará a estreia em plataformas de streaming, incluindo o aplicativo “The Chosen” e outros aplicativos móveis.
As três primeiras temporadas estão disponíveis gratuitamente no app e nas principais plataformas de streaming. Para assistir The Chosen, acesse: https://osescolhidos.tv/     
Sobre “The Chosen”
“The Chosen” é um drama histórico inovador baseado na vida de Jesus (Jonathan Roumie), visto pelos olhos daqueles que o conheceram. Tendo como pano de fundo da opressão romana em Israel do primeiro século, a série de sete temporadas oferece uma visão autêntica e íntima da vida e dos ensinamentos revolucionários de Jesus. A quarta temporada estreia nos cinemas brasileiros em 21 de março de 2024.
Com mais de 200 milhões de espectadores, “The Chosen” é um dos programas mais assistidos do mundo. A série se mantém como uma das mais populares nas plataformas de streaming Amazon Prime, Peacock e Netflix, além de ser uma das mais bem avaliadas semanalmente na The CW. O que começou como um projeto financiado por multidões, agora acumula mais de 770 milhões de visualizações de episódios e mais de 12 milhões de seguidores nas redes sociais. “The Chosen” é uma produção independente escrita, dirigida e produzida por Dallas Jenkins e distribuída globalmente pela Lionsgate.
Sobre a Paris Filmes
A Paris Filmes é a maior distribuidora brasileira independente e atua no mercado de distribuição de filmes no Brasil e na América Latina, destacando-se pela alta qualidade cinematográfica. Além de ter distribuído grandes sucessos mundiais como as sagas “Crepúsculo” e “Jogos Vorazes”, o premiado “O Lado Bom da Vida”, que rendeu o Globo de Ouro®️ e o Oscar®️ de Melhor Atriz a Jennifer Lawrence em 2013 e “Meia-Noite em Paris”, que fez no Brasil a maior bilheteria de um filme de Woody Allen, a distribuidora também possui em sua carteira os maiores sucessos do cinema nacional, como as franquias “De Pernas Pro Ar”, “Até Que a Sorte nos Separe”, “DPA – O Filme” e “Turma da Mônica”. Nos últimos anos a empresa esteve à frente de importantes lançamentos como “John Wick”, “La La Land – Cantando Estações”, “A Cabana”, “Extraordinário”, “Marighella”, “Meu Nome é Gal”, “Jogos Vorazes – A Cantiga dos Pássaros e das Serpentes”, “Jogos Mortais X” e “Minha Irmã e Eu” – primeiro filme nacional a bater a marca de 1 milhão de espectadores pós-pandemia.
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rebeleden · 4 months
Young Miami REVENGE| Diddy REALLY Misjudged Her|City Girls WAYUP|
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jahrude1 · 5 months
Just shouting out WayUp with AuntÿYee? I kould only wish 🌺
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gazeta24br · 5 months
A maior história de todos os tempos ganha vida Jornada Para Belém: esse é o filme que promete emocionar o público neste final de ano! Estrelado por Fiona Palomo, Milo Manhem, Joel Smallbone e o grande ator, indicado ao Oscar, Antonio Banderas, o longa metragem chega aos cinemas de todo o Brasil no próximo dia 07 de dezembro. De acordo com o influencer digital, Jaaziel Maia, representante da 360 Wayup na Bahia, JORNADA PARA BELÉM é uma obra cinematográfica para toda a família, que retrata de uma forma inovadora a maior história já contada: a do nascimento de JESUS. É uma aventura musical que mescla melodias clássicas de Natal com humor, fé e alegria. Além disso, é o único filme que conta a história do nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo nos cinemas brasileiros em dezembro. Ele ainda faz o convite: “Convido a todos para estarem nos cinemas aqui da Bahia assistindo ao filme e promovendo essa história de fé”, disse. Assista ao trailer www.jornadaparabelem.com Para outras informações, acesse: @jaazielmaia
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barzonlinemag · 7 months
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#NoteToSelf by @FlvmeSA is out now, an extended play with 7 six tracks currently making waves with singles such as #WishIKnew, #WayUp x #NoteToSelf plus many more
Streaming available:
So always remember to #GoHardOnline with @barzonlinemag
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blogoslibertarios · 7 months
Jair e Michelle Bolsonaro assistem ao Som da Liberdade
  Nesta quinta-feira (5), o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro e sua esposa, Michelle Bolsonaro, assistiram ao filme Som da Liberdade no Cinemark do Shopping Pier 21, em Brasília (DF). O convite para que o casal conhecesse a história que tem impactado a América Latina e outros países do mundo partiu da equipe de divulgação da 360 WayUp e Paris Filmes. Pelas redes sociais, Michelle comentou sobre o…
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