#water is my favourite drink
theeretblr · 4 months
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I saw this at a club for a party I went to... should I be concerned???
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cinnamon-phrog · 3 months
Check out my brunch 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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wren-again · 28 days
Why do old people think I'm the person to complain about the youth to? Send help
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afunfunkytime · 2 years
fack you, go drink water- the northeast
so, my friends, i was given a request relating to the northeastern 'family' dynamics (@h4ndz4ey4z (: i hope this is what you wanted)
so the northeast fights. a lot. the longest time without a fight between them is under two hours.
they care about each other<3
they refuse to act like it but they notice little things about each other, picking up on each others moods and tells for what's going on. they usually never acknowledge this but they know the others know
maine has his life pulled together the most and as the leader of the northeast, he is unofficially dad and thus ensures everybody drinks water and eats food
definitely has a few sneaky lobster rolls hidden on his person just to ensure his definitely not friends consume food
connecticut is a little bit of a workaholic, he likes to pretend he's put together but this man chugs red bulls hunched over a desk at 4:38AM with no intention of going to sleep. whenever he's caught doing this he is DRAGGED into bed, usually by new york because he's also definitely awake- butthatsinsomniaandhesNOTahypocrite,cut
vermont and new hampshire like to just take care of each other. theyre either best friends or boyfriends but hold hands regardless. they notice when the other is stressed immediately. louis and florida wish they were this in sync. they go camping together and cuddle under the stars until the stress is gone. new hampshire is serious about living free or dying, he refuses to be anything but free. vermont is not so chill but that's okay, kissies fix everything.
new jersey and rhode are highkey lowkey besties. both have anger issues and take it out with baseball bats and old furniture in the middle of nowhere. talking about your feelings is overrated in their humble opinions, breaking shit is absolutely not. fuck up your enemies. theyre aggressive homies, refuse to hug but they are always there to work shit out with each other.
massachusetts will fucking make you drink water. he will. nobody kills you but him. he'll help with northeastern states paperwork when theyre stressed, hes a nerd and uses it well. also wont hug but he gives angry helpful advice. "if hes facking breaking your heart, facking break his kneecaps. or break up. i dont facking care, ill just facking dispose the body" definitely committed several crimes for the sake of his absolutely not friends
PA is like the only northeastern state who will hug the others. not often enough for it to be a thing, they all think each other are all sewer rats, but he'll do it if they need it. his pockets are filled with snacks because he knows these hoes don't eat, and chocolate makes massachusetts slightly more tolerable. florida doesnt call him papa just because of his abbreviation, PA has a habit of giving dad lectures to the rest of the northeast. has called rhode 'kiddo' more than once.
new york totally hates them. definitely. absolutely doesn't shove water bottles into their hands and go out of his way to get them pizza from their states. he'd never dream of buying mass dunks when he's hungover. would rather die than make new jersey go to sleep when he catches him up at 2am watching vampire diaries. he says as he does all of these things. big softie, they are his rats.
mary and delaware are honourary northeastern states (apparently they are in the south which is bullshit in my humble opinion). mary is that wine mom that straightens up their clothes and lets them angrily vent whilst he watches golden girls. goes fishing with maine whenever both feel cooped up in the statehouse. can pinch rhode islands cheeks without being bitten. delaware is less affectionate but as the oldest state he feels he should take a kind of responsibility over his horrible little 'children'. he checks in on them every day, kinda like the 'are ya winning son?' guy. particularly likes doing paperwork in silence with connecticut. appreciates presence, not words. words are for losers.
TLDR: rats with anger issues care about each other
mwah congrats if you read this whole thing
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inkykeiji · 3 months
do u have a fav song from hazbin hotel?
yES oh my gosh loser, baby is by far my fave tho tbh i love almost every song,,, close seconds include stayed gone (duh ofc), hell’s greatest dad, and finale ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) do u have a fave anon!?
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smellpelt · 8 months
Melon soda
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Spooky time it is boiz/galz/nonbinary palz
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gayslumber · 2 years
imagine loving your sword so much you have a built in sheath for it in your cool little coffin ship
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kuruvie · 1 year
✾ - Your tumblr is one of my favorites!
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i was reading the oao tags (amazing new chapter btw!!!!!) and saw ‘tuk tuk related injuries’ lol which made me so excited for the wedding in india! obvs i hope their injuries aren’t too severe, but they are silly lil idiots
thank you my fav frog! <33
HAHA omg yes. that tag! i can't say anything about it for reasons but it's one of the fics more unhinged moments for sure ;-o but the injuries are not severe! they're just silly x silly lil idiots indeed!
BUT THE WEDDING THE WEDDINGGGG AGHHGHHH can't wait for it!! jily get to have their lil dream wedding on lake pichola <3 i don't particularly want to get married, but if i did, it'd be there!
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I've drank like 1.5 litres of it today yes it is a problem.
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healthproduct95 · 28 days
NeuroActiv6 Supplements - Health
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#Focus and a Natural Energy Boost: My Experience with NeuroActiv6 SupplementsSharper#I've always been interested in natural ways to support my brain health and cognitive function. That's why I decided to try NeuroActiv6 supp#a natural berry-flavoured drink mix. After using it for a few months now#I'm impressed with the positive impact it's had on my focus#energy levels#and overall well-being.#Natural Ingredients for Brainpower#One of the things that drew me to NeuroActiv6 was its focus on natural ingredients. The formula includes a blend of powerful extracts like#Citicoline#and Coffee Fruit Extract. These ingredients are known for their potential benefits in improving memory#enhancing focus#and supporting brain health.#For example#Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Citicoli#on the other hand#contains natural antioxidants and may support cognitive function without the jitters associated with caffeine.#A Convenient and Delicious Way to Boost Brainpower#NeuroActiv6 comes in a powdered form that easily mixes into water or your favourite juice. The berry flavour is refreshing and pleasant#making it a joy to consume every day. The single-serving packets are also incredibly convenient#allowing me to easily take them with me on the go#whether I'm at work#the gym#or travelling.#Improved Focus and Mental Clarity#Since incorporating NeuroActiv6 into my daily routine#I've noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. I find it easier to concentrate on tasks for longer periods without#where I need to be able to process information quickly and efficiently.#Increased Energy Levels and Reduced Stress#Beyond the cognitive benefits#I've also experienced a boost in my energy levels. The natural ingredients in NeuroActiv6 seem to give me a sustained energy lift througho
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dalashas · 2 months
I've been chasing an obfuscated childhood yearning for a while now and I have just discovered it may have been the feeling of chugging cold milk
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fazcinatingblog · 3 months
Successful day: Cody six goals, Trent's team won, I saw Trent, and I didn't think about whatsherface once during the game. Footy is great.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Every time you mention rockstar Dabi a tear falls from down my thigh…😭😭😭 God hand him over..eeeee
HE'S COMING HE'S COMING I PROMISEEE i'm so sorry i've been away from this blog like all week waaah i've been doing landscaping every single day for hours upon hours hahaha but we just finished today (yay!) <3 anyway, he's super summery so i want to post him (ALL of him; three parts) throughout the summer <3 my bsd hyperfixation has been curbed and i am back on track to finish him + flawless part two!! <3
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floydsteeth · 3 months
Kill me I'm exhausted and cold wearing a crop top today was a mistake:(
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