#was hoping the pain would dull over time but it hasnt
hearties-circus · 2 years
My thighs hurt like fuck for no reason
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Hey :) would it be possible to have a fluffy scene with Bakugo taking care of s/o reader who has bad period cramps and suffers panic attacks when they can't take the pain? (The suffering is real lol) Please and thank you 💛
Period Panic
A/N Thank you for being so patient bb. Here is your request and I hope it is fluffy enough and that you like it 😊😊
Your quirk was unique and tricky to get right at first.
You had the ability to make the smallest paper cut feel like a laceration that was bone deep.
Pain amplification is what they called it and for the most part there was no draw back to your quirk.
That was until you got your first period.
Any pain you had amplified was done unto you during those seven days while your uterus shed, angry that you would not be used as a vessel for new life.
Crippling, imobilizing pain that only heightened your anxiety.
Most men and even some women thought you were exaggerating. Brushing off your agony as mere teenage dramatics.
That was until you pushed through the horrific cramping to make it to school only to end up collapsing.
Doubled over, clutching at your gut as if your apendix had burst.
That or your uterus literally burst through your abdomen wall. At least thats what it honestly felt like.
So nothing was new this month, the usual heavy flow and cramping except this particular week your sweet boyfriend demanded he stay home.
It was something you hid from him for years, a mixture of embarrassment and fear of discredit causing you to shy away from his gruff helping hand.
He said he needed to see it all, especially if you were to ever bare his child, how would he know what to do to help you.
But sometimes you didn't even know how to help you. Sleeping most days, getting obscene amounts of overtime and using all of your PTO every month to get out of work since uterus go stabby stabby wasn't a valid enough excuse.
You're curled into his neck, breathing in his sweet caramel musk as he strokes your hair. While his free hand holds his phone watching videos with his wireless head phones.
So far so good. Your period has been mild, Bakugou has been attentive if not borderline smothering although you'll take it considering he is not normally so lovey dovey, and there hasnt been a bad cramp in sight.
Maybe you had grown out of it.
It feels as if a knife is suddenly plunged deep into your gut, before being removed to be swiftly plunged again only a few inches away.
Your bite your lip to keep in a groan, curling into him further. His hand goes from your hair to your back, bringing it up your spine slowly still beautifully ignorant to the intensity.
You needed to keep it this way. Bakugou did not take kindly to weakness and showing how pained you really were was the very definition.
The invisible knife takes a new route, plunging into your back before multiplying, twisting as it finds purchase before stabbing you between the legs.
That one makes you grunt and worry compels the hot head to move.
"Oi." He says voice husky with disuse, "Are you okay?"
You nod in way of answer as your heart rate increases, your skin becoming flush as you feel the rise of panic begin to take hold.
But nothing grips you tighter than the disembodied hands that hold fast onto your uterus, wringing it out as if it were a rag.
You push away from him quickly, between the panic and the pain you're about to empty the contains of your stomach.
You rush to the en suite bathroom in your small apartment sure to lock the door as you grip onto the cool porcielin. Inhaling the all too familiar oddly fresh smell considering the things done to this particular throne.
The scent alone earns a retch that encourages your stomach to heave and heave hard before an even more concerned ash blonde is at the door.
"Y/N." He snarls when he finds it locked.
"Go away Katsu I'll be nnngg." You cannot finish as another column of pain shoots right through you. Your breath hitches and you fight the bile rising up your throat trying hard to even your breathing.
But you lose, you flush as the last of your stomach empties itself into what was once clean porcielin.
"Like hell you were going to say okay. Open the door or I'll open it my God damn self." He growls and this is what you feared most.
Not of his aggression or his inability to take your word for it that you were fine but of him seeing you like this.
Hair damp, clinging to your forehead, cheeks flushed from panic and raise blood pressure. Splattered bile on your shirt and underwear that was now heavily bleed through from the exertion.
He would see you looking every bit repulsive and never want you again.
A loud bang takes place in the bedroom before the door falls off of its hinges landing with a harsh slap on the tile km the bathroom.
His scalding gaze turns tepid with worry when he sees you, going to gather you up but you push away.
"S...stop..." You gasp for breath with sharp inhales, spots begin to form in your peripheral as your body overheats. Useless sweat dripping down your brow.
This was it.
This was the pinnacle moment in time where Bakugou would see you for what you really were.
A fragile glass cup sitting on the edge of a high counter top.
Tears prick your eyes as you think of your uterus falling out of your fucking body with a wet thump.
And Bakugou was going to pack his shit and move out promptly.
The room spins.
He clutches onto your hand with his own strong palm, fingers lacing with yours.
"Copy me baby." He snarls, harshly contrasting his pained look. He holds your gaze as he breathes in through his nose deeply, holding it for a moment and letting the air naturally push out of his lungs through his mouth.
After a few tries you mimic him perfectly slowly regaining your thoughts.
He smooths your hair out of your face before picking you up and setting your on the cool counter.
He steps away to yank up the handle to the bath, steaming hot water pours out, filling the tub. He turns to the linen closet produces a fresh towel and two rags.
He dips one beneath the steaming water before setting the other two items on the vanity top.
"Bakugou..." You fight back tears as he wipes your mouth, folding the rag as he moved along your face. He places the dirty rag in the bowl of the sink before pulling at the hem of your shirt.
"Arms up." He hisses when you resist, you meet his gaze and obey. He pulls the dirty shirt over your head before pulling at your underwear.
"NO!" Embarrassment floods your cheeks and pain bites into your stomach again.
"Fine. I'll turn around but you better get in that bath." He sucks his teeth at the end. He listens as you finish undressing, waiting for the sounds of sloshing water as you adjust yourself.
You see now he has put Epsom salt to help ease your muscles.
Suddenly your chest is tight from a feeling other than panic, as you look at his strong back flexing as he reaches for something at the top shelf of the medicine cabinet.
He produces an orange bottle with white top that you hate. Shaking out two pills for you before wetting a rag in cold water.
"Here." He holds out his hand but you refuse the two white pills with a shake of your head, "Why not?"
"Makes me too numb." You admit and he gives you a look, slamming the pills on the counter before pressing the cold rag to your forehead.
He sits next to you on the floor, scarlet eyes roving over your body for any physical pain that he can see.
You watch it bother him that he cannot help but in these last few moments you've been more in love with him than you ever had.
"S..sorry I'm so weak." You whisper and the air becomes charged.
"When did I say you were weak? When did you need to apologize for something you cannot help?" Your cheeks burn when you realize he did not once look at you in such a way.
"Now focus we are going to do an exercise." He gets up enough to turn off the rushing water before returning to his sit by the tub.
"What do you do to amplify the pain in someone?" He asks and you think of how to word it, normally you just acted on instinct.
"I...I concentrate on their nervous system. I make their body panic and send distress to the brain."
"Can you see your own nervous system like that?" You blink at his question slowly before answering
"Yes. It's difficult but when I really close my eyes." Another sharp pain sinks into your abdomin causing you to wince.
Sharp eyes cut to your feminine pouch he loves so much, he notes that it is a little swollen and silently vows to look up diets better suited for less painful periods.
In his mind food fixed everything.
"So close your eyes." He says, sliding the cool rag over your eye lids. It some how soothes the second heartbeat there that you did not realize you had.
He begins to breathe deeply, like before and out of habit you follow suit until your nervous system stands before you.
A mess of angry nerve bundles through out your lower back and stomach constantly sending messages to your brain as your uterus contracts.
"I...I see it."
"Now do the opposite of activating the nerves. Slow them down or turn them off."
"Bakugou I can't." You go to move the rag, moments away from breaking what you can see before rough hand settles over your eyes.
Applying just the right amount of pressure as it rests there.
"I didn't ask you if you could or couldn't." He says flatly but you can imagine the harsh look in his eyes.
So you listen, you try as you focus, mentally stroking the nerves, begging them to become less hyperactive, one by one they begin to obey.
And your mind numbing pain begins to dull to a light ache.
For the first time since you were eleven you didn't feel as if you were Kane from that iconic scene in that 1980s movie.
You felt like a normal woman who had normal cramps.
You pull at his hand to make eye contact, gleaming with excitement.
"I did it!"
He just smiles in confirmation, as if he knew you could do it all along that is until your face twists and your uterus is being rung out again.
The pain comes flooding back and with it frustrated tears. A slam of a fist agaisnt tile as you let out an audible sob. Bakugou smooths back your hair before tilting your face towards his.
"I will be with you until you can ease your own pain." He kisses your lips gently before adding, "And if for whatever fucking reason you can't I will *always* be here."
He presses his forehead to yours gazing into your eyes and you had never realized how much you needed this.
That even his support was enough to ease your suffering. He stands, rewets your rag with cold water, places it gently onto your forehead as he returns to normal rough self.
"Now soak in this bath and don't fucking move while I make dinner." He plays soothing music on your phone before slamming the door to the bedroom shut.
Hastily opening google onto his own phone as he makes his way to the kitchen to prepare you a meal plan that will help strengthen the nervous system and dispel inflammation.
Thinking only of how he will always support you, even if it meant putting everything on hold once a month for the rest of his life.
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huphilpuffs · 5 years
chapter: 25/? summary: Dan’s body has been broken for as long as he can remember, and he’s long since learned to deal with it. Sort of. But when his symptoms force him to leave uni and move into a new flat with a stranger named Phil, he finds that ignoring the pain isn’t the way to make himself happy. word count: 3065 rating: mature warnings: chronic illness, chronic pain, medicine a/n: a huge thanks goes to @obsessivelymoody for beta reading this for me!
Ao3 link || read from beginning
Dan wakes up on Thursday to a heaviness in his chest.
He groans before he even opens his eyes. His face is squished against a pillow, his ribs pressed too harshly against the mattress. Stabs of pain burst between them, make his muscles spasm and send his breath escaping in a stutter. He has to count, one, two, three, four to keep it from happening a second time.
It eases some when he rolls onto his back.
And he tries to comfort himself further by counting out how long it’s been since he’s been able to sleep on his stomach. Too long, probably.
He’s been getting better, though. Even staring at the bedroom ceiling through his tears, Dan knows that. Knows the he’s helped Phil with dinner the last few nights, and managed to handle the curtains being open for a few hours yesterday.
His hand smoothes across his sternum, and he pokes at the painful spots in his sides until the sharpness dulls.
It’s enough to let Dan sit up, then stand on shaky knees. He tosses Phil’s pillow back to where it belongs and tucks the duvet into place to prove the voice in his head, wondering why he’s suddenly worse again, that he’s fine.
And to ignore the second voice, telling him it’s anxiety that causes your pain, over and over again.
His appointment is in a day.
Dan’s hardly slept for three.
He tries to swallow back a sigh. Whatever rush of adrenaline had dragged him out of bed has faded, left fatigue settling heavy in his bones again. He could drag himself to the lounge, curl up in his blankets and continue his new daily routine of watching people on YouTube for hours.
But his body aches and his eyes burn, and he crawls back into bed instead.
The voice in his head grows louder.
Dan grabs Phil’s pillow, clutches it ot his chest and presses his face against the fabric, breathing deeply.
It smells like Phil.
He holds it until he falls back asleep.
The afternoon drags.
It’s past two when Dan wakes up again. The flat is still empty, the bed unmade again. He crawls out without bothering to fix it, makes himself a sandwich, and settles back on the sofa, where he can rest his head against the cushions and ignore the tightness around his heart.
Every time he turns on his phone, it’s too a notification reminding him he has an appointment tomorrow that has his muscles seizing, making it ache to breathe.
And to a reminder he half regrets setting, since he’s ignored it for days.
Call mum.
There’s only a few hours to follow through with it now.
He glances back at the clock that tells him it’s just ticking past three. Twenty-five hours left, says the voice in his head. It sounds like the last GP he saw, who looked him in the eyes and told him to try acting like he had more energy, who told him it would help.
You should try it, his mum had said afterwards. You never know unless you do.
Dan’s thumb swipes across the screen. He finds her contact, sucks in a breath, and hits the call button.
He doesn’t breathe again until she picks up on the third ring.
“Hi, Dan,” she says.
He hasn’t heard her voice since he decided to stay here. It feels like a lifetime ago, suddenly.
“Hi, mum.”
There’s silence for a long moment. He can hear her breathing over the line, low and steady, and wonders if she can hear the shakiness in his.
“How are you?” she asks
“I’m okay,” he says. “I, uh, have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”
He swallows, nodding even though she can’t see him. “Just with my new GP, but I’m hoping he might be able to help me,” he says. “With, well, you know.”
“I hope he can.”
She sounds sad. It’s been a long time since Dan’s heard that.
“Me too,” he says. And then, because he can’t handle the silence: “But, uh, I was hoping you could maybe help me figure out my medical history, to prepare? I don’t remember all of it from when I first got sick.”
Back when she was responsible for it, he doesn’t say. Back when anyone could keep track of all of it.
“I’ll text it to you, okay?” she says. “I know your memory isn’t always the best, and your wrists tend to ache from writing.”
“Really?” He slams his mouth shut, the click of his teeth probably audible over the phone. “I mean, thanks.”
She chuckles, quiet, distant, like he can hear the miles between them. “I’m not always heartless, you know,” she says.
Dan’s breath comes out in a rush. Guilt bursts in its place, painful, bringing tears to his eyes. And he wants to tell her he never thought she was, but he can’t. She knows he can’t. He doesn’t even know what he thinks about her now, crying, hands shaking as he clutches his phone too tightly.
“Can I ask you something?” she says. “Without you getting mad?”
“How are you doing?” she says. “I know you don’t think your problems are with your mental health, and I’m not implying they are–” the not this time goes unspoken “–but I know you’ve had bad experiences with doctors and you’re my son.”
His breath catches. A tear rolls down his cheek, and he wipes it away with his hand.
This is his first appointment without her, he realizes. The first one in six years that she’s not driving him to, waiting outside or sitting next to him for the length of it. The first time she won’t smooth his hand over his knee in the waiting room, telling him it’ll be okay, that doctors can be trusted, even though they’d been proving otherwise for so long.
“I’m okay,” he says. “Phil’s coming with me.”
“That’s good,” she says, like she means it. “I am glad you have him, you know.”
He almost reminds her what she thought of him living with Phil last time they spoke, but his heart aches and his eyes are stinging and he doesn’t want to fight, not this time.
“Me too,” he says. “He’s the best, mum.”
She sounds like she’s smiling when she says: “I’d love to meet him, one day.”
Dan swallows. He can hardly picture it, bringing Phil back to a house filled with terrible memories and people he still doesn’t trust entirely. And yet there’s a tug in his chest, a bittersweet image forming in the back of his mind.
He doesn’t say anything.
Neither does she, for a while.
“I should get going,” is what she ends up saying. “As long as you’re okay? I’ll text you your medical information in a little bit.”
“Okay,” he says. “I’m okay. Thank you.”
She hums. “And Dan?”
“You should call your grandma. She misses her sofa buddy.”
He chuckles. It aches. Suddenly, he’s exhausted again. “Okay. I will,” he promises. “And mum?”
“No news is good news, okay? If I don’t call you after the appointment, I mean.”
“Okay,” she says. “Bye.”
The line goes dead.
His head falls back against the cushion and his phone drops onto the sofa. Tears are rolling down his cheeks, and he’s not entirely sure he knows why.
Or maybe he just can’t untangle all the many, many reasons.
Phil’s quiet when he gets home.
He takes the smoothie Dan didn’t touch and sets it on the coffee table before dropping onto the empty cushion. His arm is draped across the back of the cushion, his hip just inches from Dan’s, as he turns his gaze to the open laptop, lit up with another Smosh video.
Dan’s been watching them mindlessly since his tears dried on his cheeks.
“This is a good one,” says Phil.
It’s an older one, the production value a little cheaper and humour a tad outdated. Probably more similar to what Phil had watched back at uni, Dan thinks. He tries to imagine it, a younger version of Phil, one with longer hair and a slightly narrower frame, sitting in a uni room like the one Dan moved out of before coming here.
He hardly can. Maybe because his mind is still muddled, hanging onto words he said during the phone call, onto all the things he should have said but didn’t.
“It is,” he says, just as the video ends.
He doesn’t start a new one.
Phil’s fingers sweep across his shoulder. In Dan’s peripheral, he can see Phil turn to look at him, but he doesn’t look back.
“Are you okay?” asks Phil.
Dan swallows. There’s a lump in his throat, a pressure behind his eyes so harsh it aches.
“Didn’t sleep very well,” he says.
Phil squeezes his shoulder. “I know.”
That makes the corner of his mouth quirk up. Of course Phil knows. He was there, arms wrapped around Dan as he fidgeted, tossed, and turned. His hands had combed through Dan’s hair, and his quiet questions about if Dan was okay were mumbled against his shoulder, his reassurance felt in his touch.
Phil usually falls asleep pretty quickly, Dan’s learned. Last night, he didn’t.
The hand at his shoulder tightens. Dan finally turns to face Phil.
“Is that all that’s bothering you?”
His eyes are soft, almost sad, as his hand rubs gentle circles against Dan’s skin. He knows. He must know something’s up. Dan has to remind himself that Phil’s seen him after countless sleepless nights, curled up in soft blankets on the sofa and dozing when his mind gets too tired to keep racing.
Today isn’t like that.
Dan reaches out to rest a hand on Phil’s knee, needing to feel grounded, as the first tear rolls down his cheek. Phil draws him closer, so Dan’s head is by his shoulder, his tears dripping down onto the fabric of Phil’s shirt.
There’s no pressure, none but the weight of Phil’s hand on his shoulder, when Dan says:
“I called my mum.”
Phil goes tense. “Oh,” he say. “How did that go?”
Dan swallows. “I don’t know.”
He really doesn’t. His chest feels too full with contradictions, the weight of past accusations crashing up against her understanding tone and he doesn’t know what to think anymore. He’s never been sure how to exist around her, not since pain first settled in his bones and she told him it was growing pains, it would pass, it would get better.
And it never did.
“I haven’t talked to her since I told her I was staying in Manchester,” he says, maybe as an afterthought, maybe because it’s felt heavy on his shoulders since he answered the phone.
“Was she nicer this time?”
He nods. Another tear falls. “She’s texting me my medical history,” says Dan. “She offered, because she– she knew I had trouble writing and remembering.”
Phil hums. His breath has gone even again. His mouth is close to the top of Dan’s head. He sounds hesitant when he speaks. “It sounds like she cares.”
Dan feels that, sharp and painful in his gut. Another tear rolls down his cheek, and his breath catches, and Phil holds him tighter like he’s scared Dan will fall apart.
Maybe he will.
It’s been so long,
He’s been so that sure she doesn’t actually care.
Now, he doesn’t know what to think.
His mum texts him.
Dan almost cries. His teeth dig into his lip and his ribs ache and he stares, wide-eyed, at the list of diagnoses and unexplained symptoms he’s had over the years. There’s the migraines they never treated at the beginning, the lightheadedness it took them four years to explain, the instructions to do more exercise that dot the whole six years that he’s been ill.
The first time he went to therapy, and the antidepressants they put him on, and the second time he went to therapy.
And every time he told his doctor he was still sick after that.
Phil’s hand lands on his wrist, gently pushing the phone from Dan’s line of sight. His voice is barely a whisper when he says: “Are you okay?”
Dan swallows. His throat aches.
Laid out like this, it doesn’t look that bad, a distant voice in his head that’s haunted him for too long tries to remind him that maybe he’s just making it all up. Maybe it wasn’t that bad. But Dan can remember the A&E doctor who turned him away because it was growing pains. Can remember the so many times his blood pressure was low before anyone bothered to point it out.
The time his doctor looked at him and said–
“Can we do something?” says Dan. “I want to– I need a distraction.”
Phil nods. In Dan’s peripheral, his phone screen goes black. The knot in his chest loosens, just a bit.
“Wanna play video games?” says Phil.
He shakes his head. “Wanna go out. It’s been too long.”
Phil’s brows furrow, like he’s about to point out that there’s a reason it’s been so long, about to warn Dan that he doesn’t want to make himself sick before such an important day.
Except part of Dan does. He’s done it before, forced himself to be in pain because maybe that way the doctors would actually see that he wasn’t lying. Not that it’s ever worked.
“Please?” he says.
Phil squeezes his wrist. “Okay.” His thumb drifts across Dan’s, careful and comforting. “Where do you want to go?”
Dan squeezes into his skinny jeans, even though the fabric burns his legs. He pulls a shirt over his head for what feels like the first time in forever. Though his knees are shaky, he bends down to tie his own laces, as Phil watches from where he’s leaning against the door.
“Are you sure about this?”
He reaches out, without a word, to help Dan stand again.
“I’m sure,” says Dan. “And don’t worry, you won’t need to take me to A&E this time.”
The corner of Phil’s mouth quirks up, and Dan knows he’s forcing it. He can feel his worry in the too-tight clench of Phil’s hand around his, the way his gaze trips over Dan legs when he wobbles as he stands.
He squeezes Phil’s fingers, forcing a smile of his own, as he opens the door.
It’s warm outside. The sky’s going purple as the sun sinks below the city. Dan realizes, staring up at it, that he hasn’t left the flat since he trip to A&E, hasn’t enjoyed being outside in far too long.
If his joints would let him, he’d suggest they walk around a bit. Instead, he stares up at the clouds and reminds himself to spend more evenings, when the sun won’t burn his eyes, on their little balcony, just to feel the wind against his cheeks again.
Phil tugs on his hand when the cab pulls up in front of them. They pile in, side by side in the back seat. Dan doesn’t put on his seatbelt. He can’t be bothered to deal with the harsh rub of fabric against his ribs.
His chest is still tight, the quiet buzz of anxiety at the back of his mind growing louder. He can still feel his phone, heavy in his pocket, can still imagine the text he hasn’t yet responded to. He can remember their last movie night, laughing and gasping and falling asleep with Phil’s hands trying to massage the pain away.
They hadn’t even gone out last time.
Dan stares out the window and hopes he can keep his promise that it’ll be okay this time.
They slip out of the car at the cinema. Phil pays the driver. Dan leans against the wall as he waits, wondering if the lines inside are long. It’s been so long since he’s been to the cinema, he can hardly imagine it anymore. The screens usually hurt his eyes and the audio gives him a headache and he doesn’t care today.
“You okay?”
Phil’s smiling at him, standing by the door. He holds it open for Dan, and buys their tickets for a random comedy neither of them particularly wanted to see. He lets Dan go find a seat as he buys them popcorn, soda, and a chocolate bar to share. He hands it over, in the darkness of the theatre, with a smile.
Between them, their knees bump together as the film starts.
They’re holding hands when it ends.
Dan’s eyes are starting to burn and his chest aches from laughing, but the voices in his head have dulled just enough that he can breathe a little easier. He doesn’t think about the appointment he needs to show up to tomorrow, or the doctor he hasn’t met yet who might dash his hopes all over again.
He stares at their joined hands as the cinema empties, smiling.
“You ready to go home?” says Phil.
Dan shrugs. He probably should give his spine a break by sinking into the sofa again, close his eyes against the bright lights of the city before a headache wells in his temples. But he doesn’t want to sit in the dark and wait until tomorrow, letting his fears return.
“Can we get pizza?”
“You up to walk?”
He nods. Phil helps him to his feet and leads him out of the cinema. He knows Manchester better than Dan does, and tells a story about coming to watch movies with Ian when he was younger as they find the nearest pizza place. Dan listens, maybe more attentively than he needs to, to keep his mind from going hazy as the city moves around him.
There’s still a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Dan wonders if him of a few years ago would have believed that he’d end up here.
The restaurant they end up in is small and quiet, and they slide into a booth in the corner of the room. Dan sinks back against the cushion, realizing that Phil’s smiling, too.
His chest feels warm. His fingers twist in the tablecloth, because part of him misses holding Phil’s hand.
“Thanks for tonight,” says Dan. “I had fun.”
Under the table, Phil knocks their feet together.
“I did too,” he says.
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takingcourage · 5 years
The Start of Forever - Part 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Drake x MC
Word Count: 2,387
Series Summary: The wedding has passed and the Duke and Duchess of Valtoria are free to begin their lives together away from the constraints of court. While honeymooning in Texas, they’re confronted with questions from their past that raise implications about their future. (Slight AU)
Chapter Summary: Drake and Jena spend some time alone after a difficult conversation with his mother. 
Author’s Note: Whew! Apologies for the unexpected hiatus on this story. Now that I have some free time again, I should be able to finish posting this story. I appreciate your patience through the long delay!
Tagging: @andy-loves-corgis, @carabeth, @speedyoperarascalparty
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All things considered, Karen Walker had been rather more understanding than she’d expected. As Jena loaded her cereal bowl into the dishwasher, she thought back over the painstaking conversation that had ended less than an hour before.
Drake had not underestimated the effect that their news would have on his mother. On learning that her son had been given a duchy, color had drained slowly from the older woman’s face until a dull white shell was all that remained. In spite of her polite responses, the visceral reactions had been painful for all three of them.
Shortly after their previous discussion had finished, Karen had pulled Drake aside for a private word. After what she'd seen over the past eighteen hours, Jena could only hope that the woman was doing him no further damage.
She tried to convince herself that she’d done nothing but hurry along the inevitable, but guilt assailed her all the same. This certainly wasn’t the way she’d envisioned this day going. At this point, so much of their morning had been consumed by unpleasant conversation that she wondered if Drake would want to leave early for their night back in Dallas. She glanced a the stovetop clock, trying not to get her hopes up.
The quiet intonations from down the hall were at least somewhat reassuring. There had been no yelling -- of that was certain. If she was venturing to guess, she didn’t think she’d heard anything that sounded like crying either. Both seemed like signs in favor of productive conversation between mother and son.
Jena found a rag draped across the head of the faucet, dampened it, and set about clearing crumbs from the table. As she finished the final swipe across the width, she sensed a presence coming toward her.
“You don’t have to do that, Wittman.” The soft-spoken words startled out of her thoughts, despite her intuition.
“I know. But I needed something to do.” She cupped her hand underneath the cloth and shook the contents into a nearby trash can. “You doing okay?” Having rinsed the rag, she returned it to its former spot and rubbed her hands down the front of her jeans.
“Fine.” His brown eyes were trained on her, and she raised a quizzical brow as he opened and shut his mouth. Eventually, the words ventured forth. “Would you be interested in going riding? I was hoping to get the chance to show you around the ranch…”
“I’d like that a lot, actually,” she assured, still taking in his appearance.
Drake looked tired. It was evident in the exaggerated slackness of the skin around his eyes. A pang of guilt plagued her as she contrasted this with their time at the cabin. He’d been so peaceful there. After all of the stress she’d seen on that face in the past months, it sickened her to think that she’d been the cause of more.
“Good. We may as well get over to the stables. Have you ever actually saddled a horse, Wittman?” He raised his brow in challenge.
“No, but I think I’m about to learn how.” 
“Just as long as you don’t go scaring the horses. I don’t want to have to reenact that rescue from the derby.”
Jena scoffed at the slight, shaking her head in disbelief as she followed him out the front door. “You know that’s not how it happened, Walker.”
“Of course not,” he acquiesced, treating her to a half smile. She rolled her eyes and fell into step at his side, slipping her fingers into his. 
Jena had only ridden horses a few times during childhood, but she’d adjusted to the practice fairly quickly after coming to Cordonia. When she wasn’t taking day-long treks for foxhunting, she found that she actually enjoyed it very much -- especially when she was fortunate enough to have her husband’s company.
Riding around his family’s property spawned memories of exploring Valtoria with him on horseback, and she felt a pang of longing for their home. There was so much waiting for them when they returned. As much as she had enjoyed the honeymoon, some part of her was giddy at the thought of starting real life together.
Today, however, she was focused on Drake’s wellbeing. Other than the extremely thorough instructions as he’d guided her through the process of saddling the horses, he’d been fairly quiet since coming to find her in the kitchen. Jena's mind overflowed with words that could fill the silence, but nothing felt right. She breathed a grateful sigh when he chose to speak instead.
“I was pretty upset with you this morning, Wittman. I was sitting there drinking coffee and thinking that you were being unreasonable -- that you’d judged my mom too harshly. I’m not so sure anymore.”
The uncertainty in his voice halted her instinctive response. Jena breathed out slowly through her nose, biding her time in case there was more he wanted to say.
“I’ve never felt so angry with her before. She can doubt me all she wants, but doubting you -- I never thought she’d go that far. That’s a line she shouldn’t have crossed. I feel like I don’t even know her anymore...”
“For the record, I didn’t want to be right,” Jena admitted softly, grateful that they kept their horses at a relaxed pace so that she could meet his gaze. Her heart clenched at the distance in his deep brown eyes. “I just know what it’s like to defend someone who doesn’t deserve it. Finding out they’re not who you thought they were...it’s a hard pill to swallow.” She fiddled with the leather reins between her fingers, hoping that she was treading lightly enough to cause no offense.
“Your dad?” he asked simply.
Nodding, she met his eyes. The distant look gave way to a tenderness that mirrored her own worry for him, and she was struck by just how broken both of their families had been. “I wasted a lot of years making excuses for him, Drake. When I finally forgave him, it wasn’t because he’d done anything to deserve it. I just needed closure.” Drake stretched out a hand and she took it gratefully before continuing. “I don’t want you to have to go through all of that with your mom. I hope you’re able to figure things out and find a way to start over, but please don’t beat yourself up about it if you’re not.”
Her husband sighed, taking his time to respond as he turned his gaze to the horizon. “I sort of have to. I mean, dad’s not around any more. She doesn’t exactly have anyone else.”
Jena shook her head in an attempt to clear the conflicting emotions. She’d realized long ago that his protective instinct would have a propensity for getting them in trouble. She just hadn’t expected the trouble to take this form. “You always want to defend the people you care about, Drake. It’s one of the first things I noticed about you -- one of the things I love most about you too. But sometimes you have to think about protecting yourself. Sometimes that may even mean letting others protect you.”
“I don’t like to have people worrying about me.”
“We’ve been over this before…”
“I know. And sometimes having you around to worry about me is a good thing. I wouldn’t have come clean with my mom if it hadn’t been for you.”
“I hope it was the right decision.” She’d spent the past several hours second guessing her encouragement from the night before. “Did things...go okay?”
She waited several moments, but he elaborated no further. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she ventured finally.
“Just that I think it’s going to take some time for her to adjust to the idea that I’m a noble and that I’m staying in Cordonia for good. But I think some part of her is proud too. Maybe someday she’ll come around to the idea that I’m not just wasting my life over there.”
“Does she really think that?” The words felt strangled as Jena worked them out of her throat. So many of her early interactions with Drake became clearer as she considered Karen’s likely influence.
He clicked his tongue to encourage the horse, but her question remained unanswered. Several paces later, he came to a sudden stop. Jena pulled the reins gently and dismounted to stand beside him in the tall grass.
“We’ll let the horses graze for a bit.”
She stroked the mare’s bony cheek and dropped the reins, putting her hands in her pockets instead. Squinting against the mid-morning sun, she followed Drake to a line of fencing nearby. Green stretched before them on every side, the light wind stirring long blades of grass into mesmerizing waves. She wondered vaguely if this was the sight that had enticed Karen to come back from Cordonia. Out here, in the warmth of late spring, it wasn’t hard to imagine the appeal that this land must have held.
Drake leaned against the nearest post, a wrinkle forming between his brows. With ease, Jena mounted the fence beside him, steadying herself with a certain hand.
Did I cross a line? Why hasn’t he answered my question? Jena hated the thought that her carelessness might have caused such distress. A week ago, she wouldn’t have been so bothered by the thought. Now, as this man’s wife, she felt some measure of responsibility to read his mind. The notion was ridiculous, but present nonetheless. Just as she was clearing her throat, he spoke.
“I’m not sure what my mother thinks anymore. She didn’t take it very well when I moved back to Cordonia. Wanted me to forge my own path instead of running back to the palace.”
“Do you ever regret it?”
“Going back?” At her nod, he continued. “I had a lot of questions at the time, but in a way, mom’s right. I’d been following Liam around for so long that it was easier to just settle back into that when I came back from the States. It took me a while to find where I belonged in all of it.  But no, I don’t regret it. Cordonia is home.”
“You’ve found your way now. And with or without the courtly graces, you’re still Drake Walker,” she beamed encouragingly. “I just wish your mom had taken the chance to get to who that man is.” A fresh sting of remorse accompanied the words, and she looped her fingers around the hand that rested beside her on the fence.
Drake interlocked his fingers with her own and lifted his face tentatively. “I think I’d like for her to get the chance to.”
Her pulse quickened at the meaning that underpinned his words. Biting her tongue, she shifted her weight toward him and took in his pensive expression.
“I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” He hiked a hand through his hair. “But I’m not sure I’d ever forgive myself if I cut the relationship off completely. I’d always wonder if things could have been different. I’m not saying that I want to come out here for Christmases or anything, but--” preoccupied, he ceased speaking as she squeezed his hand. 
“I’ll support whatever you choose, Drake. I can’t say I have a very good first impression of her, but I respect how much she means to you. If I had any hope of my dad changing for the better, I’d probably make the same choice.” Her tone grew wistful at the impossible notion. “But I think we’re going to have to find a compromise. I don’t want you bending over backward to make her a part of our lives if she won’t even meet you halfway. You can’t do that to yourself, Drake.”
“So she’s going to have to understand that there are boundaries she can’t cross. It’s going to take some time for us to establish trust again.”
“Sounds fair to me,” he considered, stroking her knuckles with his thumb as he looked to her face. “She’s been through a lot, Jena. I don’t want to put her through more than she deserves.”
“I know,” she responded quickly to the flash of pain in his eyes. “But if she puts you through more than you deserve, she’ll have me to contend with.” Although her tone was light, they both knew that the threat was genuine.
He hoisted himself onto the fence beside her, dropping his hands to his sides. “I never thought I’d be so happy to get back to Valtoria, but I’m really looking forward to it.”
She offered a wry smile. “I am too. I know we’re going to try to work things out here, but I can’t wait to get back to Dallas and then home.”
“It’s the last night of our trip, Wittman. How do you want to spend it?”
“Seeing as it’s the last night of our honeymoon,” she emphasized, “I was thinking room service, hot tub, and…some drinks.”
“Now that’s a plan I can get behind.”
“I’m not going overboard though. We’ve got a day full of traveling tomorrow.”
“We’ll sleep it off on the plane.”
“Maybe you will," she joked, hopping down from the fence. “I’ll be awake for it all.”
“Even if I keep you up all night?”
Jena threw him a look over her shoulder. "That didn’t exactly work for the trip out here." He extended a hand toward her and she settled into the space between his legs, running her palms against toned thighs that were stretched taut from his heels pressing into the lower rail.
"I’ll take that as a challenge.” The glint in his eyes sent tendrils of heat through her core.
“Just keeping you on your toes, Walker.” 
Drake shook his head at her accompanying wink. 
“Ready when you are,” she announced, rising to the tips of her toes. Drake cradled her cheek in his hand and leaned into the kiss. His lips were soft and warm, heated by the morning sun. She snaked her arms around his waist and melted into him with pleasure. When she finally pulled away, it took several moments for her head to clear.
The kiss told her all she needed to know. They would make it through this.  Together. 
7 notes · View notes
kusnow · 3 years
20210117 U Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea
20201005 월요일 Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea I remeber everything from when we first went together.
His hope and his confidence had never gone.
He was too simple to wonder when he had atteined humility.
20201006 T Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. Once there had been a tinted photograph of his wife on the wall but he had taken it down because it made him too lonely to see it.
20201007 W Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. Why do old men wake so early? is it to have one longer day?
he was asleep in a short time and he dreamed of Africa when he wa sa bdoy and the long golden beaches and the white beaches, so white they hurt your eyes, and high capes and the great brown mountains. He lived along that coast now every night and in his dreams he heard the surf roar and saw the native boats come riding through it. He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning.
Usually when he smelled the land breeze he woke up and dressed to go and wkae the boy.
20201008 R Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. he was shivering with the morning cold 그는 아침 추위에 몸을 떨고 있었다.
But he knew he would shiver himself warm and that soon he would be rowing. 하지만 그는 노를 젓기 시작하면 따뜻해질걸 알았다.
He was sleepy and the old man pu his arm across his shoulders and said, I am sorry. 그는 졸렸고 노인은 소년 어깨에 팔을 두루고 말했다. 미안하구나
"Que va" the boy said. 전혀요 it is what a man must do. 이거는 남자가 해야되는 거에요.
20201009 F Ernest. Hemingway. The old man and the sea. The sun rose thinly from the sea and the old man could see the other boats, low on the water and well in toward the shore, spread out across the current. Then the sun was brighter and the glare came on the water and then, as it rose clear, the flat sea sent it back at his eyes so that it hurts sharply and he rowed without looking into it.
20201011 U Eenest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. He watched his lines to see them go steatight down out of sight into the water and he was happy to see so much plankton because it meant fish. The strange light the sun made in the water, now that the sun was higher, meant good weather and so did the shape of the clouds over the land.
20201012 M Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea IF the others heard me talking out loud they would think that I am crazy, he said aloud. But since I am not crazy, I do not care. And the rich have radios to talk to them in their baots and to bring them the baseball.
20201013 T Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea This will kimm him, the old man thought. He can't do this forever. But four hours later the fish was still swimming steadily out to sea, towing the skiff, and the old man wasstill braced solidly with the lion across his back.
20201014 W Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. That makes no difference, he thought. I can always come in on the glow from Havana. there ar ettwo more hours before teh sun sets and maybe he will come up before that . If he doesn't maybe hewil lcome up with hte moon. If he does not do that maybe he will come up with the sunrise. I have no cramps and I feel strong. It is he that has the hook in his mouth. But what a fish to pull like that. He must have his mouth shut tight on the wire.  Iwish I could see him.
20201015 R Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea When the sun had risen further the old man realized that the fish was not tiring. There was only one favorable sing. The slant of the line showed he was swimming at a lesser depth. That did not necessarily mean that he would jump. But he might
20201019 M Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea Fish he said. I love you and respect you very much,. But I will kill you dead before this day ends. Let us hope so, he thought
20201020 T Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. He straightened up, wiping his hand on his trousers. Now he said. You can let the cord go, hand, and I will handle him with the right arm alone until you stop that nonsense. He put his left foot on the heavy line that the left hand held and lay back against the pull against his back.
20201021 W Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. He is a great fish and I must convince him, he thought. I must never let him learn his strength nor what he could do if he mad his run. If i were him I would put in everything now and go until something broke. But thank God, they are not as intelligent as we who kill them; although they are more noble and more able.
20201025 U 4:53 PM Ernest Hemingweay. The old man and the sea. Once in the afternoon the line started to rise again. But the fish only continued to swim at a slightly higher level. The sun was on the old man's left arm and shoulder and on his back. So he knew the fish had turned east of north.
20201026 M 1:21 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. Then he bagan to pity the great fish that he had hooked. He is wonderful and strange and who knows how old he is he though. Never have I had such a strong fish nor one who acted so strangely. Perhaps he is too wise to jump. He culd ruin me by jumping or by a wild rush
20201108 U 5:03 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. He hasnt changed at all He said But waching the movement of the water against his hand he noted that it was perceptibly slower
20201110 T 3:12 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea He did not truly feel good because the pain from the cord across his back had almost passed pain and gone into a dullness that he mistrusted. But I have had worse thing sthan that, he thought. My hand is only cut a little and the cramp is gone from the other.
2020112 R 3:24 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. He held teh light tight in his right hand and then pushed his thigh against his right hand as he leaned all his weight against the wood of the bow. then he passed the line a little lower on his shoulders and braced his left hand on it.
20201115 U 11:29 AM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea He could not see the fish's jumps but only heard the breaking of the ocean. and the heavy splash as he fell. The speed of the line was cutting his hands badly but he had always known this would happend and he tried to keep the cutting across the calloused parts and not elt the line slip into the palm nor cute the fingers
20201116 M 5:16 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea Why was I not born with two good hands? he thought. Perhaps it was my fault in not training that one properly. But God knows he has had enough chance sto learn. He did not do so badly in the night though
20201117 T 10:42 AM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea
It was a great temtptation to rest in the bow and let the fish make one circle by himself without reoering any line. but when the strain showed the fish had truned to come toward the boat, the old man rose to his feet and strated the pivoting and the seaving pulling that brought in all the line he gained.
20201118 W 11:53 AM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea But I must ge him close, close, close, he thought. I mustnt try for the head. I must get the heart. Be calm and strong, old man, he said On the next circle the fish's back was out but he was a little too far from the boat. On the next circle he was still too far away but he was higher out of water and the old man was sure that by gaining some more line he could have him alongside
2020119 R 2:18 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea He looked up at the sky and then out to his fish. He looked at the sun carefully. It is not much more than noon, he thought. And the grade wind is rising. The lines all mean nothing now. The boy and I will splice them when we are home
20201123 M 8:29 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea He could see the fish and he had only to look at his hands and feel his back against the stern to know that this had truly happened and was not a dream. At one time when he was feeling so badly toward the end, he had thought perhaps it was dream. Then when he had seen the fish come out of the water and hang motionless in the sky before he fell, he wa ssure there was some great strangeness and he could not believe it
20201126 R 11:49 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old mand and the sea The old man's head was clear and good now and he was full of resolution but he had little hope. It was too good to last, he thought. He took one look at the great fish as he watched the shark close in. It might as weel has been a dream, he thought. I cannot keep him from hittingme butmaybe I can get him. Dentuso, he thought. Bacd luck to your mother.
20201128 S 12:14 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. He took about forty pounds. The old man said aloud. He took my harpoon too and all the rope, he thought, and now my fish bleeds again and there will be others
20201129 U 10:29 AM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea But he liked to think about all things that he was involved in and since there was nothing to read and he did not have a radio, he thought much and he kept on thinking about sin. You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to seel for food, he thought. You killed him for pride an dbecause you aare a fisherman. You loved him when he was avlie and you loved him after .If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. or is it more?
20201130 M 6:41 PM The old man withdrew the blade and puche the shark exactly in the same spot again. H still hung to the fish with his jaws hooked and the old man stabbed him in his left eye. The shark still hung there.
20201201 T 9:34 AM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea Now they have beaten me, he thought. I am too old to club sharks to death. But I will try it as long as I have the oars and the short club and the tiller.
20201202 W 1:27 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea He did not want to look at the fish. He knew that half of him had been destroyed. The sun had gone down while he had been in the fight with the sharks.
20201203 R 12:14 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea In the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might pick up crumbs from the table. The old man paid no attention to them and did not pay attention to anything except steering. He only noticed how lightly and how weel the skiff sailed now there was no great weight beside her
20201204 F 6:12 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea
it was then he knew the depth of his tiredness.
20201205 S 1:05 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea He was eighteen feet from nose to tail, the fisherman who was measuring called
20210117 U 4:04 PM Ernest Hemingway. The old man and the sea. He was still sleeping on his face and the boy was sitting by him watching him. The old man was dreaming about the lions
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
the rats have a new base, sturm goes to paris, and new students
[[cont from part 83]]
Adam: "That's the last of them..." yana:....*sigh*...what a pain... Ivan: *lying in a gurney* Q_____Q zoey: this is your fault..... Gogol: "...Which one?" zoey: *glares at ivan* you let this happen, and now my baby's gone..... Ivan: -____- "He wasn't your baby. He was some demonic hellspawn you adopted and brainwashed." Gogol: "Phew! I thought she was blaming me." ^_^ zoey: *punches ivan's leg* SHUT UP!......at least....i still have master's baby....inside me.....it feels....so good.... elizaveta: *frowns* Ivan: *screams* "Ow-ow-ow..." T~T "Young Master, help..." yana: zoey, stop being petty for a moment. Ivan: TwT -elsewhere- etta: we're heeeeere~ Walter: "..." *looks up, cups his hands* "Hello!!! Echo!!!" hans: wow, fancy. Kafka: -n- "I doubt the beds will be sanitary." Leroux: "..." etta: *looks out the window* wooooow! Leroux: *sees the city* "...” etta: so pretty. *shiny eyes* Kafka: "...Yes, I suppose it is." hans: *checking pamphlets* Walter: "Where to after we finish unpacking?" etta: let's check out the Eiffel tower! Leroux: "..." etta:.....roro? Leroux: "Yes~?" ^_^; etta: are you sure you're ok? Leroux: "J-Just fine. Why?" etta: you deserve to enjoy this trip as much of the rest of us. *smiles with concern* Leroux: "...Right. I will. Thank you." Kafka: "..." -elsewhere- Fyodor: "..." guard: ......... guard 2: call for you. Fyodor: "??? Me?" guard 2: *hands him the phone* Fyodor: *takes the phone* "..." yana: bad news boss.... *she explains what all happened* Fyodor: "...Disappointing." yana: when are you gonna get out of prison, morale hasnt been good here... Fyodor: "Wait." yana: hm.... Fyodor: "You know what is expected of you." yana:.....right... Fyodor: "So do it. I expect to hear good news." yana:...understood....*hangs up*..........(i feel i should be crying now.....but i dont feel anything.....) ...*leans back in her chair and sighs* Gogol: "..." *pokes in his head* yana: *leans her head back to look at him* <what?> Gogol: <Did he blame me?> yana: <no one's blaming you for anything, gogol.> Gogol: "..." *nods* <Good. Thank you, Boss.> yana:....<not to bother you with pointless bullshit but.....do you think there's a reason i exist?> Gogol: <Way beyond my paygrade. I don't entertain existentialist questions.> yana:....<forget i said anything then...> Gogol: <DONE!> ^w^ yana:..... -elsewhere- Magaki: "I'm done." *hands the book over* tsubaki: thank you. Magaki: *nods* "It was enjoyable. I liked the descriptions. Do you read a lot?" tsubaki: *she nods* sometimes. Magaki: "It's helping me with the language. What kind of stories do you read?" -elsewhere- Q: OwO kirako: ._.; aya: *opens arms* kirako:......*hugs Q and aya* Q: QWQ *squeeze* kirako: ^^; Dazai: "Just careful, given his ability--" Q: *HISS* kirako: ^^; noted. Dazai: ._____. Q: *nuzzle* -w- naomi:....no comment. Tanizaki: "Stay away from the child, Naomi." naomi: oh no need to tell me twice. sylvia: ..... Q: "??? Who's she?" sylvia: *hides behind kyouka* eep! >A< Kyoka: *intense stare at Q* "Stay away from Q, Sylvia." Q: ._. sylvia: o-o-okaaaay.... Q.Q;;;; Q: Q_Q *squeezes Aya and Kirako more tightly* atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku:...what did mori even _do_ to this kid? Q: "C-Can I stay here, with Aya and with, um, any parent?" yosano: for the time being. Q: QwQ atsushi: (never a dull moment with the agency...) Kunikida: "..." *rubs his eyes* aya:...kunkida? Kunikida: "...I'm sorry." aya: it's ok. im here, right? Kunikida: *nods* "And good for you to reach out to Shousaku." aya: .....right. Kunikida: "...We'll...have to find their new location." aya: *nods* Kunikida: "For now...let's get you a meal." kirako: what do you want, Q? Q: OwO "Cookies?" kirako: *pokes nose* after dinner. ^^ aya: pizza! Q: O\\\\\O -elsewhere- Anya: *tapping her foot* mio: ...? Anya: "They've been in there a long time..." ao: so.....t-tsugumi..is there someone you like? Tsugumi: OwO;;;; "...You'll have to be more specific." ao: do you...have romantic feelings for anyone? Tsugumi: O\\\\\w\\\\\O;;;; "...Specifically?" ao: y-yes. Tsugumi: "..." *covers her face* "I don't want to tell! I'm just someone who has a lot of love and don't know what it is that I want!" >\\\w\\\< ao:....do you think....you could love someone like me? Tsugumi: "...Wait...You..." ao: y...yes... *looks down, blushing* i've....liked you a long time now... Tsugumi: "O-Oh?" .\\\\\. "I-I'm sorry I didn't figure that out...I guess I sort of knew given how close we are..." ao: r-really? *blushing* Tsugumi: "I guess? I just didn't think to misread or anything in case it was just in my imagination that you liked me--you know how romantic and over-thinking I get reading into things too much when I start on a roll with my--" ao: tsugumi? Tsugumi: *blinks* "...Yes?" ao: you didnt answer. ^^; Tsugumi: .\\\\\\. "...I-I'd need some time to think about that one. It's a bit of a paradigm shift...But there's nothing about you that I couldn't see myself loving someone like you." ao: i see... im glad though. even if you didnt feel the same for me, i would still be glad to be with you, tsugumi. ^^ Tsugumi: ^\\\^ "I'm glad to be with you. Just...be patient while I try to figure this out? I'm sorry I don't have an answer yet." ao: i understand. mio:....*looks at anya* Anya: *has her ear pressed to the door* Q\\\\\\Q mio:...*pat pat* that's rough, buddy. Anya: T\\\T "Shut up, Mio..." mio: *pap pap* Anya: T________T -elsewhere- Lily: "YAY!" *tosses rose petals* misono: you seem happier than usual. Lily: "Spring will soon be upon us~ We'll be able to escape the chilly confines of this cramp estate and enjoy all of nature--" *throws open his coat* misono: just keep your pants on! Lily: *is standing with a pair of jeans and a sheer shirt* "??? Oh. Sure~" misono: *sigh* Lily: "Are you okay?" misono: yes. Lily: "...Okay." -elsewhere- Relan: *drenched in water* =_=; iris: *wraps him in a towel* Relan: T~T "Thank you...I didn't even see it coming..." iris: *pap pap* Arthur: *still holding the firehose* "Hang on, I see another fly--" maki: *chop* no. Arthur: >_< "You knew I couldn't be trusted!" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "FAAAAAAANG!" T~T "I need help..." fang-hua: whats up? Tsukiyo: "The invitation says 'Plus One.' I don't have one!" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: *sniffs* "How do I find one?!" fang-hua: im sure there's someone in the area. maybe go to a mixer? Tsukiyo: QwQ "Mixer?" fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: *takes her hand* "LET'S GO!" fang-hua: it's later in the week! Tsukiyo: "LET'S GO GET MY OUTFIT!!!" -elsewhere- rowena: *rings doorbell* lenore: *perched on rowena's shoulder* Blair: "???" *opens the door* "Hello~" rowena: hello, miss blair. hope you dont mind us dropping in. lenore: *nod* Blair: "Not at all! Come in!" *wiggles a finger to set up a chair* rowena: *sits down* thank you. Blair: *heats up some water* "Tea?" rowena: yes please. lenore: *POOF* *takes a seat* Blair: ^^ "Comfy?" *sets out tea cups* lenore: as comfy as i can be. you got any seed on ya? im starvin' Blair: *holds out a hand* *POOF* "Here you go~" lenore: *nom nom* rowena: so you two know each other, right? lenore: yeah, from back in the day. Blair: "..." *smiles* rowena: what was it like? Blair: "It was...an experience." lenore: we were familiars to an old witch. it was me, blair, and melas. Blair: *stares into her tea* rowena: i see. lenore: i remember our mistress was an old lady, a bit of a hermit, even by witch world standards. Blair: *nods* "She...seemed to appreciate the company." rowena: *listening* Blair: "She was far away from others, and I think she needed companionship." *sad smile* "For many people, having a cat around can make even the most un-homely place feel cozy." rowena: right...or in edgar's case, a raccoon. Blair: "Hee hee~ I suppose so. ... Lenore, do you think our mistress liked having us around?" lenore: i think so. i mean, she had to have liked us enough to grant us magic, right? Blair: "..." *nods* "...She gave us a bit..." -elsewhere- Dazai: -n- ("He's eating all the pizza...") Kunikida: "..." ("I'm going to be reprimanded for what happened to Aya...I'm just glad she's safe...") Q: ^w^ "Want my slice, Aya?" aya: *already eating her slice* yosano: kunikiiiidaaa~ ^^# may i have a word with you? Kunikida: ._______. "...In private?" yosano: *grabs him by the ponytail and drags him off* -too violent- Q: OwO;;;;; "...Are they doing adult things?" atsushi: .__________________________________. *shocked look at Q* aya: ........................ sylvia: like t-taxes? Q: OwO *stares at Atsushi* "...Very loud taxes." atsushi: ehehehe...yeah... ^^;;;; Q: "Huh..." *nom on pizza* Kunikida: X_____X -elsewhere- Rin: "How have your classes gone?" madoka: tiring *yaaaawn* Rin: "..." *pats her back* madoka: =///u///= Rin: "I could make some tea. And some cookies..." -elsewhere- Kid: "--and then we'll have to check on when your delivery arrives, re-do the drapes in our room, fix up Father's study, and--" *turns to look at Stocking--and just stares* stocking: *has her hair in a ponytail*...hm? Kid: "..." .\\\\\. "...Sorry. I just...haven't looked at you for so long..." stocking: kid... Kid: "...I like your hair like that." *smiles* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *reaches for her hand* stocking: *squeezes and kisses him* Kid: "Mmmm~" ^////^ stocking: hehe~ Kid: "...Even if I don't say it enough, please don't doubt that you are the most beautiful person." stocking: and you're the most handsome guy, kiddo~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ "D'aw..." *hug* stocking: hehehe~ i love you so much~<3 Kid: "I love you so much, too." stocking: *smooooch* mmmm~<3 Kid: "Mmm..." *pats her back* -elsewhere- soul: .......*tucks the kids in* Damon: "Zzz..." becky: zzzzz soul:....*closes the door*....*sigh*......*glances at maka's room*............*goes in and sits on the floor* .......... *There's a bit of dust on the desk* soul:.....(i've left your room untouched for so long.......) *There's a creaking sound* soul:......(yeah....you're right....ok. i'll get started first thing tomorrow...) *SLAM* soul: ?! *goes to check* *A book has fallen from the shelf* soul:....*picks it up, dusting it off* *It looks to be a children's book* soul:......*smiles* -elsewhere- hans: *looking at a tour guide pamphlet* Kafka: *reviewing a French phrase book* Walter: "How much further?" etta: it should be coming up soon, right roro? Leroux: *looking around* "Yes... hans:....i know, this is a big challenge for you to see it again after such a long time... Leroux: "...Yes." hans:..ah. there it is. Leroux: "..." *shakes* etta:....*pats his back* Leroux: "Th-Thanks..." hans: well then, shall we go in? Leroux: *whimpers* hans:....you can wait in the car if you want to.... Leroux: "I-I can do it...R-Right, Christine?" Kafka: -____- ("Can I stay in the car?") christine?: .... Leroux: "..." *steps forward* -inside- woman: <hello and welcom-...> !! Leroux: Q___Q Woman: <gaston! is that you?> Leroux: <...> *nods* woman: <it's me, meg giry! remember?> hans: <a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.> Leroux: *whimper* hans:... leroux, if you really are uncomfortable- Leroux: "I...can't back down." hans:....right. meg: <do you want to take the tour?> Walter: "Yes, please!" ^w^ Death the Kid: Kafka: -_____- ("Ruining a moment...") -and so- meg: <this room is the main theater, where all the shows took place.> etta: *shiny eyes* woooooah! Leroux: "..." Walter: "Etta's on stage a lot, too!" meg: <is that right?> etta: hehe~ <i am an actress back home after all~> *wink* meg: <i see.> ^^ {christine: *on stage, singing*} {Leroux: *staring* ._____. } {-she looks so lovely in the spotlight-} {Leroux: "..." *sighs, leans his hand on his chin*} Leroux: T~T etta:...*pap pap* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." Hemingway: *fishing at a stream* twain: =w= *also fishing* oscar: its so peaceful, right? Hemingway: "Hmm." dorothy:.....bored. =A= baum: we'll remedy that right away! Hemingway: "???" oscar: i have an idea, dearies~ why not play the~king's~game~? twain: ohohohohoho! sounds good! Hemingway: "How's that work?" oscar: well in this case, i do have popcicle sticks. one stick is marked with red, which represents the 'king'. and the other sticks all have numbers, for all the other players. everyone draws sticks, and the person with the red marked stick is the king. the king then chooses a number or numbers and gives the order for what that person has to do. Hemingway: "..." *shoves Steinbeck* Steinbeck: "Ha-Wha?" Hemingway: "We're playing a game." -and so- Steinbeck: "..." *takes a stick* emily: since we have two minors playing with us, lets keep the game wholesome, ok? Hemingway: "Agreed. No booze." ebie: ^^ dorothy: ... baum: =v= Lovecraft: .~. twain: alright. who's gonna be the kiiing~? ebie: ok! im king! hmmm.....3 has to pat 8 on the back. Hemingway: "..." *holds up 8* oscar: *pap pap* hmhm ^^ Hemingway: *sighs* *hops on* -who is the king this time?- Steinbeck: *holds up the stick* "I am the king. And...2 has to put make-up on 7." -ebie did lovecraft's face up, spiderman style- Lovecraft: ._____. Steinbeck: "D'aw..." ^^ -it was twain's turn next- twain: alright....4 and 2....have to hold haaands nyohoho` =v= emily: ... 4.... .///.; Steinbeck: *holds up 2* emily:....*hand hold* .////////////////. Steinbeck: "..." ("Huh. Soft.") oscar: my my, seem she's all red, hoho~ Steinbeck: "... ... ..." Hemingway: "Oscar, please." emily: .///////////. *steam coming off her head* Lovecraft: "...John? Are you--" Steinbeck: "... ... ... ..." ebie: O.O mr steinbeck? Steinbeck: *opens his mouth--and only a squeak escapes..." dorothy:....they're in heat, arent they? baum: D8 oscar: OvO twain: O_O ebie: ?? Hemingway: "Nah, they haven't engaged in the traditional mating rituals." emily: 0______________0 Steinbeck: "..." *lets go of Emily's hand, doesn't look at her, just stares forward* emily: ah- Steinbeck: *squeaks* "N-Next king?" -elsewhere- Shousaku: *chained to a floor* "..." zoey: you knoooow.....im pretty upset now....my baby's run away....we had to move base....all because of that little brat.....and you tried to help her.......you knocked me down....you almost hurt master's baby.... Shousaku: "..." zoey: fufufufu.....ahhhhh~ *pant pant* i wanna kill you so much~ Shousaku: "...Is that...what 'master' wants?" zoey: .......perhaps....i'd have to......ask him......*exits* Shousaku: *sighs* -elsewhere- Magaki: *lying awake* "..." otogiri:....cant sleep? Magaki: *shakes their head 'no'* otogiri:....is something bothering you? Magaki: "...Guilt." otogiri: how so? Magaki: "I didn't ask to desire human blood. It...almost feels like a natural urge to consume." otogiri: ....that's understandable... Magaki: "...Sorry. I know it's not like...I mean, I don't know why any of us are like this." otogiri:....in our case, it's easier to explain.....our master, tsubaki *whisper* his name is also tsubaki, so try not to get confused, *normal* saved us. Magaki: "...Why would he do that?" otogiri: he was lonely.....he wanted a family. Magaki: "...Makes sense. ...Did you want to be in his family?" otogiri:.....do you know how we differentiate from other vampires? Magaki: *shakes their head 'no'* -one session of long exposition later- Magaki: "...I'm sorry you lost him." otogiri: he is alive, somewhere. we're certain of that. Magaki: "Hmm. That's good." -elsewhere- etta: *nom* mmmm~ so yummy~ =w= meg: glad to hear that. this was actually the theater's concession stand long ago. Leroux: "..." *inhale* meg:...<can i talk to you a moment, gaston?> Leroux: <...Of course.> meg:.....<listen, im sorry for everything mama, papa, and big sister did to you. i wish i could have understood better, then maybe...> Leroux: <I don't blame you.> meg:...<i know coming back is....probably hard for you, given all that's happened.> Leroux: <...That's an understatement...> *looks at the walls* meg:......<even though most of the main theater and structure was damaged, there were some places that werent burned. like the basement.> Leroux: <...I could see it?> meg: <well, it's not open to the public....but this place was still your home so...i suppose i'll make an exception this time.> Leroux: *nods* <Thank you.> -downstairs- meg:....<if you wanted to gather any of your old belongings-> Leroux: <Hmm.> *walks to his previous home* -the room is virtually untouched...save for the dust- Leroux: "..." *looks at the lights* -several bulbs have burnt out- Leroux: *disappointed grunt...turns and looks at the wall* -the poster is still there, if a bit aged- Leroux: *sad smile* -upstairs- etta: *checking the gift shop*... ah! Kafka: *following* etta: *picks up a CD; 'Julia Leroux Vocal Collection Remastered Edition'* *shiny eyes* Kafka: "??? Something you're getting?" etta: mmhmm! it's gonna be a present! Kafka: "...Hm." *looks around* -there are two men talking- man 1: <yeah, i heard this place has ghosts residing in it.> Kafka: "???" Man 2: <You think ghosts are everywhere.> Kafka: *opens his phrase book* man: <it's true man! there's two ghosts in particular that stand out. 'the lady in green' and 'the lady in white'.> Kafka: *flips* (" 'Lady'?") Man 2: <'Green'? 'White'? What, plaid wasn't available?> man: <haha screw off. anyway, they were apparently singers that preformed here long ago, and supposedly died on the premises. the lady in green haunts the theater, while at night, the lady in white haunts the theater, calling out to someone, probably family.> Kafka: *trying to keep up* (" 'Singers'...'Family'...") "..." *looks at Etta--and the album* etta: <sir, is there a place i can listen to this?> Clerk: <We have a player over there.> etta: <thank you~> *listening* (pretty....) Kafka: *listening* "..." *looks up at the ceiling* -elsewhere- meg: <are you done yet?> Leroux: <May I take this?> meg: <the poster? no offense meant, but it seems kind of....old now. ^^; > Leroux: <Consider me nostalgic.> meg:....<right> Leroux: *carefully takes down the poster* "..." <Thank you.> meg: ..... Leroux: "..." *carefully rolls the poster...he's crying* meg:...... {madame giry: <this is that wretch's fault that this happened! his mother never should have given birth to him!>} meg:... (shut up...) Leroux: "???" meg: <j-just remembering something> Leroux: "..." *sad smile* <A lot of that going around.> meg:....<yeah...well, we shouldnt keep your friends waiting.> Leroux: *nods* <After you.> -upstairs- Kafka: *flipping through more pages* Walter: ^w^ "Good dancing, Harriet." harriet: *tapping on the table.....people are leaving money down* Bystander #1: <So cute~!> hans: i guess this place still attracts performances after all. Kafka: "...I'm not sure they ever stopped, Hans." meg: <we're back~> ^^ Leroux: "..." hans: how was it? Leroux: "...Bittersweet." hans:...i see. meg: <find anything you all liked?> Walter: "You got some good tunes here..." meg: <ah. well if there's anything you want, i'll tell the clerk to give you a 70% discount today> Walter: "Excellent!" <Thank you!> Kafka: "..." *sighs* ("Of course Walter speaks French...") -____- hans: ^^; Leroux: *listening* "...!" meg: ?? Leroux: "Th-That music..." meg: ??? Leroux: "..." ("Mother...") meg: <gaston?> Leroux: <What is that music?> meg: *listening* ?? Leroux: <It...sounds like mother.> meg:.... *glances at the cd* Leroux: "..." *shaking* "It's beautiful..." meg: ..... Leroux: "...W-Walter, could you put this away?" *hands him the rolled-up poster* Walter: "??? Sure." *takes off his poster canister from his back and slips the poster in carefully* etta: ?? roro? Leroux: *sniffs, wipes his eye* etta: roro? are you ok?? -in a mausoleum- ???: *listening to the CD* .....julia...............no...nononononono! *throws the CD against the wall* IT DOESNT SOUND THE SAME!! it doesnt have....your cadence.....fools....they cant match your perfection.... *a drip is heard in the room* ???:......*goes up to the body.....strokes its face* just a little while longer.......only a few more i need....then we can be together..... .........*kiss* *the body is stiff against the kiss* ???: soon we'll be together.....and the rest of them will pay....for what they have done to us.... -morning- Dazai: "Zzz..." kirako: zzzzzz Dazai: *turns* Q: zzzzz Dazai: -_____- *groans, gets out of bed* Q: *snuggles up to kirako* mommy.... uwu Dazai: *heats up coffee, waffles* Q: *sniff* O.O *gets up* Dazai: *pours some glasses of orange juice* Q: *peeeeeeek* Dazai: "??? ...Want cereal?" Q: sure. Dazai: *pours a bowl, passes it to him* Q:..... Dazai: "...Did you want yogurt or something on it?" Q: strawberries! Dazai: "I think we got some...Yes!" *grabs some and washes them before slicing them and dropping them onto the cereal* Q: thanks bi-....dazai. Dazai: "...Yeah, sure." *takes out the waffles* -elsewhere- Damon: "???" becky: mr spirit, why are we hanging out with you today? Spirit: "Because you kids deserve to have some fun!" ^^ becky:...ok? izumi: ^^ Spirit: "Where you want to go first? We could play games, check out the toy shop--" becky: *looks out the window* *The weather is warming up a bit* Spirit: "??? Becky?" becky: yeah? Spirit: "Did you want to go out for a walk? Maybe the park?" becky:...sure. Spirit: "..." *looks at Izumi with a face that screams 'HELP'* izumi: there's even a playground there too! Damon: "!!! Really?!" izumi: yep! mom took me to play there all the time when we moved to death city. ^^ Damon: "..." izumi:...it'll be ok. Damon: *sniff* becky:.... *pap pap* Damon: *hugs Becky* -elsewhere- Kafka: "Zzz..." hans: *making breakfast* *some dinosaur growls are heard with each footstep...* hans: ??? Walter: *steps out in dinosaur-foot slippers* "What's for breakfast?" owo hans: *sweatdrop* Kafka: *tosses in bed--then falls out* "...Ow." etta: *in bed, still asleep* Kafka: *crawls up* *looks into the kitchen* "Where's Leroux?" hans: still sleeping. Kafka: "...Hmph. Let him sleep, then. Is there any fruit?" hans: there should be. Kafka: *takes some from the basket, slices up an apple* "Where did the boss want us to visit next?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Update on the city?" nygus: security cameras have been upgraded with tech from manhasset. Yumi: "..." *sighs* "That's some relief. Did footage find anyone of interest?" -elsewhere- Justin: *washing dishes* oriko: *watering flowers* Justin: *turns off the sink, dries his hands* "...The flowers look like they're coming in nicely." oriko: *smiles* Justin: "Any plans for today?" -elsewhere- Hemingway: "...I'm worried. He just sat up straight all night." Steinbeck: O_____O "Zzzzz..." oscar: you dont think the poor dear's sick, do you? baum: *prods him with a stick* i just hope whatever is wrong with him isnt contagious. that would just suck for everyone. Steinbeck: O____________O ebie: *spider mode, sitting on his head* owo Steinbeck: O_________O "...Ebie, please get off." ebie: are you still alive, mr john? Steinbeck: "Yes. What time is it?" baum: around 11 am. Steinbeck: O_________o "Jeez, that's too late. I need coffee and a cold shower." oscar: on it~ Hemingway: "And some protein, too. I'll cook up a steak with eggs." -elsewhere- Black Star: "...You sure about this, Soul?" soul: *nods* it's about that time now....i'll keep her things somewhere safe. Black Star: "...She'd appreciate this." soul:...yeah.... Black Star: "...Are _you_ okay with it?" soul:.....*nod* Black Star: "..." *pat pat* soul: i think it'll help both parties... Black Star: "True." *packs some books into boxes* "What you going to do with the kids? Put them in school?" soul: guess so. Black Star: "..." *small laugh* "You at parent-teacher conferences, though." soul: *chuckle* yeah, who'da thought... Black Star: "...How the heck did we end up with 'kids'?" soul: life's unpredictable, i guess. Black Star: "True...When do the kids' beds arrive?" soul: soon i hope. Black Star: "And that still leaves whatever decorations you want up." soul: i should probably let the kids pick their own decorations out. Black Star: "What do they even like?" soul:..... ._.;;; i need to learn more about them, dont i? Black Star: "Yep, 'Dad.'" soul: *sweats* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: *reading* Chuuya: "..." *sets down some boxes* "Sonia? Is that for homework?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Did Kajii ask you to take notes?" sonia: i think so.... Chuuya: "...Could I help?" sonia: sure. Chuuya: *takes a sheet of notebook paper* "Let's see what to write down. What subject is this?" -elsewhere- Panda: *staring at the microwave* "Come on--hurry!" sasori: ........ {sasori: *strapped to a table, crying*} {???: "Stop that."} {sasori: <m-mama! papa! im scared!> *sob*} {???: "They are not here."} {sasori: *cries*} {???: "Relax. It'll end quickly."} sasori:.... Panda: "DING!" inka: awesome! popcorn's ready! Sancho: "What's the movie?" -elsewhere- Alone: "So what are we doing again?" shaula: hell if _i_ know. Alone: .w. "Well, you're the smart one. I mean, besides Grim." shaula: hmmm..... Kurogiri: "Ah, there you are. I had questions about why there are scorpions in tanks under the bar." shaula: they're my babies! Kurogiri: "...Your babies are too young for the bar." shaula:....har-de-fuckin-har. Alone: "Ha! Dad humor!" shaula:.....oh. 7_7 Kurogiri: "...Thank you. Now, onto other business--we have a meeting." shaula: cool. Kurogiri: "We will need the others-- ...Where are the others?" -a loud female moan sounds from one room- beatrice:....well we know where kinuta is. Kurogiri: "..." -______________- "Make it stop." shaula: so who's going in NOT IT himiko: not it! beatrice: not it. Alone: "Wait, I wasn't invited! Not it!" Kurogiri: "?!!! I-I didn't know we were doing that!" >_< twice: no-.....darn.....*opens door* O________O WOWZERS! kinuta: hm? oh, hey. Dabi: "...You mind?" twice:...meeting in a few minutes. see ya there. *closes door*.......excuse me, i need to wash my mask. *blood is leaking where his nostrils are* Kurogiri: "...Gross." himiko: *pouts* not enough for me to use. boo. Kurogiri: "Himiko, please." Alone: "...So she's a vampire?" himiko: soooorta but not really~ hehe~ Alone: "??? Vague, but not the weirdest thing I've heard." -elsewhere- Damon: *sits on the swing* ._. becky: *pushing him on the swing* Damon: "..." ^w^ becky:...*smiles and pushes* Spirit: "She seems to take good care of him." izumi: must be nice to have siblings. Spirit: "...I think it is...I wish that you had that chance." izumi: .... Spirit: "...Maka...would have liked you." izumi:...yeah... Spirit: "..." *wipes his eyes* izumi:... *pat pat* Spirit: *nods* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Kid: *lifts up Shiori* shiori: kid! Kid: "Hello! Ready to go?" shiori: ya! Kid: *sets her in her stroller* "Let's roll." shiori: ^u^ Kid: *opens the door, wheels out* "Really bright today, isn't it?" shiori: sunny! Kid: "Yep! No clouds...but the trees are budding." shiori: OuO Kid: "Soon there will be leaves, flowers growing again--it'll be warmer." shiori: fwower! Kid: "Yes! And flowers with butterflies." shiori: buffy! Kid: ^^ "You like butterflies, too?" shiori: *giggle* Kid: "I like them, too. So symmetrical..." =\\\= shiori: ^o^ Kid: " *ahem* Let's head to the park--you can go on the swings." shiori: ok! Kid: ^w^ "And you'll go high and high up on the swing...” izumi: ?? oh, hey mr kid! becky: ?? Kid: "Oh, Izumi, Spirit. Hello!" Damon: "..." *whispers* "His hair..." izumi: *covers his mouth* ^^;; becky: is that his daughter? shiori: ? Kid: ^^; "No, this is my baby sister, Shiori. Say 'Hi,' Shiori." shiori: hihi! Kid: "You're Becky and Damon, yes?" becky:...yes? Damon: "..." Kid: *holds out his hand* "I'm Kid." becky: arent you a bit old to be a kid? Kid: ^^; "It's short for 'Death the Kid.' My father is the previous Death." becky: ...oh... Damon: Q__Q "...You're a zombie?" Kid: ._.; "...No?" izumi: there is a zombie in town, but he's really nice. ^^; Spirit: "Kid is a shinigami--a death god, responsible for putting departed souls to rest." becky:.....oh.... Damon: "..." *crying* shiori: ?? baba? becky:..*hugs damon* Kid: "...I am sorry, to both of you, for your loss. I don't know what you feel...but I have known this loss as well." becky: ...... Kid: "My mother...passed away when I was very young." becky:....oh..... Kid: "I know it hurts. And I don't think the pain leaves. But you find ways to remember and honor those you lost--and share the love you had with your parents to others who are invested in your well-being." Damon: *crying* *sniff* becky:....right.... Damon: "I-I don't understand..." Kid: "..." becky:....mr soul...said he'd look after us, right? Damon: "Y-Yeah?" becky:....then we'll have to trust him a bit more... Kid: *smiles* "I have known Soul a long time. You can trust him." becky:.... -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *sighs* naho: *leaning against him, her back to his chest* lilac: zzzz *his chest to sakuya's back* Sakuya: =\\\= *hugs Naho* naho: ^w^ Sakuya: "Mmm..." *yawns* -elsewhere- Meme: "How are they all?" mio:....they seem to be ok... Meme: *sigh* "I hope so. Anya looked angry." mio: ..... Meme: "And Tsugumi has enough problems..." *smiles at Mio* "Maybe we can cheer them up." mio: hmmm.... Meme: "Maybe movie night?" mio: sounds good. Meme: "Let's find something for them." -elsewhere- yana: ..... Ivan: <Master~?> yana:...yeah? Ivan: "What's wrong?" yana:....just tired.... Ivan: "I'm sorry. Perhaps nap?" yana: just woke up from one... Ivan: "Oh...Tea?" yana:...sure. Ivan: ^w^ *heats water* yana:...... {yana: .......} {Fyodor: <Speaking yet?>} {yana:.....*looks at him*} {Fyodor: "..." <I am Fyodor.>} {yana:....*grunt of reply*} {Fyodor: <And I will guide you.>} yana:...... Ivan: *sets down some cups* yana: .....*stares out the window* Ivan: "It's not the worst view..." yana:....must look nice on a rainy day.... Ivan: "Mm! Wait for spring." yana: i guess...... Ivan: "We may even be able to plant things--if we can avoid being detected." yana: *nod* Ivan: "Maybe wind chimes~" -elsewhere- Mall Customer #1: *skating* erina: excuse me, you'll have to take that outside. Mall Customer #1: "Why? Nothing illegal to skate here." erina: it's more of a safety concern. Mall Customer #1: "I'm wearing a helmet! Get off my back, lady!" erina: sir, had someone fall into the fountain earlier in the week. Mall Customer #1: "...Okay, I don't think you're listening, bitch--" erina: sir, please calm down. Mall Customer #1: "No! I keep dealing with shit from people like you trying to keep me and my skateboard down--" ???: "Is there a problem, fellow young person?" Mall Customer #1: *spins, swings his fist* Jordan: .______. *barely ducks* "!!!" erina: *cuffs the guy* sir, im going to have to ask you to come with me? Mall Customer #1: "HE STARTED IT!" Jordan: "DUDE! RUDE!" erina: sir, he only just started talking after us. Jordan: Q_______Q "You almost made me drop my purchase. It makes soda and everything--" *finally recognizes Erina* "!!! Oh! Erina!" erina: *nods* hey. i'll talk to you later, im on shift right now. ^^; Jordan: OwO " 'K-Kay! Go reprimand that miscreant!" Mall Customer #1: "That's not my name, douche!" erina: come on. *drags him off* Mall Customer #1: "Maaaaaaaaan! Mom's gonna ground me..." T~T -elsewhere- Black Star: *asleep on Soul's couch* "Zzz..." soul: *checking his phone* Spirit: [ready for them to come home?] soul: [still setting up. maybe have them sleep over @ izumi's?] Spirit: [i think they'll be fine with that. i would talk with them on the phone though--kids like to know they can talk with their parents any time] soul: [right.] Spirit: *looks at the kids* becky: *playing* Damon: *picks up a doll* -elsewhere- Blair: "..." lenore: well, thanks for having us over. Blair: *smiles* "Of course! Come back any time!" rowena: *nods and exits, waving* Blair: "..." *shuts the door...lays a hand on it* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "How do you feel?" leo: well...*rubs her stomach* Motojiro: "...Upset tummy?" leo: *shakes head* just nervous. Motojiro: "...O-Oh! Right..." *rests a hand on her stomach* It'll be okay." leo: *nuzzle* Motojiro: =w= "Mmm." -elsewhere- Leroux: "..." hans: *knock* Leroux: "??? Come in." hans: how're you feeling? Leroux: "...I don't know. I feel sad..." hans: ....i understand it was hard for you today...*pat pat* Leroux: "Yes...I miss her." hans: she's still with you... Leroux: "...In my memories?" hans: *nods* and in your heart. Leroux: "..." *sad smile* hans: get some rest. we're going to be visiting the louvre tomorrow. Leroux: *nods* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *brings Shiori inside* shiori: hehe lord death: hey kiddos~ *hug* Kid: "..." *hug* "Hello, Father." lord death: you two have fun on your walk? shiori: babu! Kid: "..." *sad smile, nods* lord death: something on your mind, kiddo? Kid: "...I met the children Soul is taking care of." lord death: ah. i see. Kid: "It brought up some sadness, to lose a parent." lord death:....*pats his back* Kid: *nods* "Sorry..." lord death: it's ok shiori: bubu... Kid: "..." *strokes Shiori's hair* shiori: =w= Kid: "...I miss Mother. And...I want to do right for her." -elsewhere- Kuro: "..." mahiru: *pacing* Kuro: "??? What's with you?" mahiru: s-sorry....just a bit nervous because of this whole school thing....what's C3 planning? Kuro: "...Nothing good, I'm sure." *digs through a closet* mahiru:...... Kuro: *pulls out a mop* "...For real?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *blowing a bubble...and floating up with it* OoO;;; ryuuko: *shoots a feather bullet* *POP* Kishiri: *suspended in mid air* "..." *and falls like a lead balloon* *lands in a conveniently placed bush* "..." *coughs up leaves* ryuuko: *sigh* Kishiri: "I'm okay!" -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking through street, staring at a map...and lost* *grumble* ???: *walking* Kafka: "Grr...Um..." <Pardon me? I am lost.> ???: .... <i see...> -the man has long black hair and red eyes..- Kafka: ._______. "..." <Where is the metro?> man: <two blocks to the right.> Kafka: *stares* <...Thank you.> *turns* man:...... Kafka: ("Stay calm, keep walking, just your imagination...") *shudders* ("Creep.") man:....*skulks into the alley* *The alley is quiet* man:....<soon...my dearest...> -elsewhere- Dazai: *driving* atsushi: O_O;;;; Dazai: *grabs his Big Gulp, takes a sip, still driving with only one hand on the wheel* "SLUUUUUUURP. So...Excited?" atsushi: my adrenaline certainly is pumping... Dazai: "I know--errands do that for me, too. But keep your eye on the goal, and we'll be home in time for whatever Lucy cooks for you." *turns sharply* atsushi: *faceplants against the window* Dazai: "...HOLY SHIT!" *slams the brakes* atsushi: grk- Dazai: *kicks open the door, runs to the front of the car--and gets down to asphalt level* atsushi: dazai? what? *There are baby ducks and their mother walking right in front of the car* Dazai: Q____Q "I almost hit them..." atsushi: *phew* that was close.. *sits and waits for them to carry on safely* Dazai: *sits on the sidewalk, staring forward* Q______Q atsushi:.... Dazai: "The little baby quack-quacks...and their mama quack-quack..." atsushi: yeah... odasaku: ..... Dazai: "...I'm not cut out for this." atsushi:...*looks at dazai* Dazai: "Akutagawa...Q...Not exactly parental or brotherly material." atsushi:.....i think maybe you're doing better than you were. you've been takng care of me, right? kyouka too. Dazai: "..." *sighs* "You two would be fine without me." atsushi: *shakes head* if i hadnt met you, i'd probably be living on the street still. and besides....you're the one who helped me understand my ability. Dazai: "..." *nods* atsushi: *hugs* i think you're doing great. Dazai: "..." Q___Q *pat pat* odasaku:....*smiles* Dazai: "..." *looks up* atsushi: ..... Dazai: "...Is it going to rain?" atsushi: later this evening, i think... Dazai: "..." *sighs* "I guess we have our work remaining..." atsushi:...right. Dazai: "..." *stands up* "...Want to drive?" atsushi: i dont have a license... ^^; Dazai: "Then we'll practice!!!" atsushi: .-.;;; -elsewhere- Chuuya: *folding clothes* sonia: *sitting on her bed, with mito on her lap* Chuuya: "How's Mito?" sonia: she seems happy...*pet pet* mito: *meow* Chuuya: *smiles* "Good...I'll get food going in a bit." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Anything you're craving?" sonia: *shrug* Chuuya: "Maybe some pasta?" sonia:...ok. Chuuya: "..." *sits on the bed with her* sonia:...*leans against him* Chuuya: *pat pat* "I love you." sonia: i love you too, papa. Chuuya: "...You're such a perfect person...and a gift." sonia:....*hug* Chuuya: *hug* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Black Star still isn't home?" tsubaki: he's staying the night. soul told me he just crashed after working all day. ^^; Shamrock: "I've seen him practically lift buildings--and household moving tuckers him out?" *sets out tea and a slice of pie* -elsewhere- Gogol: *asleep on the floor* yana:.... -_-; Gogol: =w= *growls* yana:... lydia: *lifts him up and carries him to his room* Gogol: *sucks his thumb* lydia: -_-; <stop that.> Gogol: "Sing me a bedtime story~" lydia:....*sigh* -elsewhere- Crona: *shakes* mami: *holds them* Crona: "I-I'm sorry..." mami: its ok. *strokes their head* Crona: "J-Just bad dreams...So much blood..." mami: shhh, im here now… Crona: "..." *nods...inhales* -morning- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzz Kid: *hug* stocking: mmm~ =w= Kid: "Good morning." stocking: *snuggles* Kid: =w= *hugs, kisses her cheek* "Sleep well, then?" stocking: yeah. ^///^ Kid: *nods* "I feel better after... ..." *hug* stocking: glad to hear. *kiss* Kid: =\\\\= *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring, talking in his sleep* "No, Tsubaki...No, pecans are stealing my money..." -elsewhere- -seems to be raining now- Motojiro: *lying beside Leo, listening to the drops* leo: *sleeping* Motojiro: "..." *tucks her in* leo: *smile* Motojiro: <Warm enough?> leo: <yes.> Motojiro: *hug* <Any plans?> -elsewhere- Akitaru: *watches raindrops on the window, sips his coffee* -the firefly pulls up to the 8th's base- Akitaru: "???" *opens the door* miwa: *waves* heyyy~ hope you dont mind us dropping by! Akitaru: "Not at all! Come in, get dry..." -and so- sayu: *eating pancakes* Akitaru: "Eat up! We got more..." sayu: thaaanks~ nayumi: *nom nom* tamaki: =w= Arthur: *stacks pancakes into another castle tower* Akitaru: "What brings you over?" miwa: thought we'd pay a visit for a while. Akitaru: "Well, we could use the help. We're still recovering after Hoods and other work." padma: *nods* Akitaru: "I don't suppose you all have encountered any of them?" miwa: not that im aware, no. misora: i did, remember? and that creepy guy? *CRINGE* tamaki: oh right, she-....she was there... Arthur: "They could be following us, even to our frontsteps." tamaki: well we should be on our guard, just in case they sneak in our ranks... misora: ..... Victor: .w.;;; Akitaru: *nods* "I think we may go back to a buddy system." -elsewhere- Damon: "..." *picks up the spoon* sachiko: *making breakfast* Spirit: "Anything you're craving, kids?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawns* "...Looks good enough." soul: yeah. they're gonna love it. Black Star: "Heh...Look at you being all giddy." soul: ?? 7///7; Black Star: "You're going to be great dad material." soul: sure hope so... Black Star: *stretches* "Need anything else before I head home?" -elsewhere- Walter: *looking at the itinerary* etta: *shiny eyes* Kafka: "...Hm. Not that bad." hans: *looking around* Leroux: *points* "Then there is the cafe over there..." hans: *smiles* Leroux: "...Maybe some pastries..." etta: =w= Kafka: "..." *stomach growl* -elsewhere- Bon: "You found nothing?" konekomaru: *shakes head* Bon: "Damn it...Where could they be..." Rin: .___________.;;;;; *hiding* Bon: "I still can't get the smell of sawdust out of my nose..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Come on, let's head out." naho: yay! lilac: o-ok! >.< Sakuya: "We can even get you some hot chocolate!" -elsewhere- Dazai: *humming, chopping apples* Q: *staaaaare* Dazai: "...Want peanut butter?" Q: cant have peanuts. Dazai: "Oh...Good warning. How about yogurt?" Q: okaaay. Dazai: "Sleep okay?" Q: i guess. Dazai: "...You seemed quiet. Not kicking as much..." Q:....*looks down at his cereal* Dazai: "...Something's bothering you." Q:....just lonely.... Dazai: "...Aya or your new-mommy?" Q:....mama... Dazai: "Hmm...You know that wasn't your real mom." Q:....i know... Dazai: "...But you wanted her to be." Q:...*whimper* Dazai: "...Hey. Not everyone has parents...You can't just grab onto the first one who offers a hand. You got to pick better ones." Q:.........are you gonna send me back to the mafia? Dazai: "...Yes." Q:.......are they gonna lock me up again? Dazai: "...I'm going to talk to them." Q:..... Dazai: "Just...It has to get better." Q:........ Dazai: "..." *small smile* "Have a little faith in me." Q:.....*looks down at the floor* Dazai: "..." *pats his head* Q:.... Q~Q Dazai: "..." Q: uuuuuu...... Dazai: "..." *hug* Q:.....*awkward hug* Dazai: *pat pat* Q:...c-can i do one thing first? Dazai: "??? What's that?" Q: *KICK TO THE SHINS* THAT'S FOR HAVING ME LOCKED UP IN THE FIRST PLACE! Dazai: Q___Q "Ow ow ow! You little-!" Q: >XP atsushi: *sweatdrop* so much for a touching moment... Dazai: "Ow...Atsushi, finish his breakfast...I need to put ice on this..." -elsewhere- Hemingway: "At least he's talking again..." twain: hey buddy, you ok? Steinbeck: "F-Fine. Just dandy." oscar: you still look a bit red, johnny boy. Steinbeck: -\\\\\- "I'm. Fine." -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the door* "I'm home." tsubaki: welcome back. ^^ Black Star: ^^ "Miss me?" tsubaki: *hug* Black Star: ^\\\^ *pat pat* -elsewhere- Poe: O~O "The rain just keeps coming..." lana: yeah. spring will be here soon. Poe: "Hmm...Warmer weather, then." *holds up Karl* karl: ^o^ Poe: "..." *smiles* "At least you'll get to play outside more." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "And this is us on the Ferris wheel--" *swipes the phone screen* sylvia: w-wow...that's...p-pretty high up.. .~. Kyoka: "Hmm. It was worth it for the view." sylvia: .... Kyoka: "..." *flips to another screen* "There's a petting zoo in town." sylvia: hmmm... Kyoka: "...Do you like animals?" -elsewhere- Damon: "..." soul: got a surprise for you two. becky: ?? soul: *opens the door* you're own room. becky: *shiny eyes* Damon: "!!! F-For us?" soul: *smiles and nods* we can go out and buy decorations today if you want. Damon: "...A-Are you sure?" soul: *he nods* becky: thanks mr soul! Damon: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "I gave them some tasks to keep them busy..." ???: good. Kurogiri: "It's a rather odd group..." ???: sounds like it. Kurogiri: "They provide muscle, some new experiments..." ???: *listening* Kurogiri: "We could always release a few..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *nom nom nom nom nom--* Walter: o_o hans: .... etta: ._. Walter: "M-Maybe go slower on those macarons, buddy--or at least share--" *reaches for one* Kafka: *hiss* hans: 0-0; -elsewhere- Lily: "Welcome, Mahiru~" mahiru: hey. *wave* misono: so you're transfering to the DWMA next month? mahiru: im every bit as shocked as you are. Kuro: "It's a pain." -_- shinoa: that means we'll be seeing you more often. Lily: "You can have study groups!" mahiru: *smiles* Kuro: *grumbles* "The lessons can't be that fun..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *driving back home* -red light- Spirit: *comes to a stop* -someone is...climbing on top of the car?!- inka: >83 Spirit: "?!!! What the hell--" -light turns green- inka: YEEHAW! *The car drives forward* Spirit: .____. "..." *follows* inka: *hanging on* Spirit: *carefully pulls up to the side, signals to the driver to lower their window* driver: ?? Spirit: *shouts* "Pull over! You have someone on your roof!" driver: ?? *looks up* inka: hey. driver: HEY GET DOWN FROM THERE! Spirit: "PULL. OVER!" -the driver does so- inka: *pouts* awww... Spirit: *stamps forward* "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!" Inka: *sticks out tongue and runs* driver:...weird kid.... Spirit: "Oh, no, you don't!" *runs after her* -elsewhere- Patty: *holds up Takeru's jacket* "Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!" takeru: yeah... i-it is pretty big... ^^; hito: ... Patty: "Hee hee..." *puts on the jacket* "Hito! Look! I could fit another half of me in this!" hito: i suppose so. Patty: "Hey, how's training going?" *leans forward* -elsewhere- meg: *opens door* im home.... ???: <welcome home, young madame> meg: ?!?! <w-who are-> ???: <i have come to clean up some loose ends...> *twisted grin* -later- Leroux: "..." etta: today was a good day. ^^ Kafka: *holding a brown paper bag* =\\\\= hans: well, seems we all learned a few things today. Kafka: *hugs the paper bag* >\\\\\< "I don't have to share these..." hans: *chuckle* etta: hehehe~ Kafka: .\\\\~\\\\. "..." Walter: "Where next?" hans: maybe check out one of the parks? im sure they'll be lit up tonight. Leroux: "...Yes, they will be." hans:...it's already so late.... -singing can be heard in the distance.....a familiar voice...- Leroux: "...?!" etta: ?? roro? what is it? -it seems to be coming from the alley- Leroux: "..." *runs* hans: h-hey! wait! etta: *follows him* Leroux: ("It can't...It isn't...") *turns into the alley* -the voice seems to be coming from inside a graveyard- Leroux: *shaking...approaches* gravekeeper: ....?? <sir? why are you here so late-> Leroux: <D-Don't you hear it?> gravekeeper:.... <i dont hear anything...> -a scream is heard from one mausoleum- gravekeeper: ?! Leroux: <What the devil?!> gravekeeper: *takes out keys and heads over* hans:.....*uneasy* Leroux: *follows* Kafka: *panting* "Wh-What is he..." Walter: *wheezing, takes out inhaler* etta: roro! what's gotten into you!? Leroux: <How is this possible?! It can't be--> hans: leroux, what did you hear? Leroux: "Singing..." hans: ?? etta: well we did hear that scream... Leroux: "..." *approaches the entrance* gravekeeper: ...??! <it's unlocked?!> *opens the door* <HEY! Who's in here?!> meg: <PLEASE HELP!> ???:..............*glares* Kafka: "!!! You?!" ???: <how dare you....how dare you interrupt this....i was finally going to make them pay for all they have done...she was to be the last to bring her back....> Leroux: "..." <'Her'?> ???: <my beloved julia....she died because of this girl and her family! they tore us apart, and left her to die... i already eliminated them and their first daughter before....and now she will join them in hell...hehehe~ and soon, my darling julia will return to me~> Leroux: "..." meg:....<you.....you're erik destler....a former theater employee, right?> erik: ....<seems you have done your research...but it wont do you any good...> Leroux: <Step away.> erik: ?? meg: ?? <gaston?> Leroux: <Whatever you are planning, I cannot allow it.> erik: <i simply wish to be with my love again, how can you not understand that?> Leroux: <Believe me...I know.> erik: *putting on a claw glove* <then you would let me have this...> Leroux: "!!!" *looks around* meg: !!!! Leroux: *spots a sword* "..." *takes it from the wall* erik: <farewell-> Leroux: <Leave, scoundrel!> *swings his blade* erik: <you insufferable CUR!> *slashes* meg: *pulling off the other bindings and runs to the stairwell* Leroux: *blocks* <What did she mean to you?> erik: <she was an angel... her voice could move the heavens themselves. we were young, and so happy together. knowing she loved an insignificant man like myself, made me feel like my life was worth something.....> Kafka: *watching* "..." ("Move...Move, you idiot! Why won't you do something?!) etta: *helping meg upstairs* Leroux: *continues to slice, trying to keep Erik back* <How did you know her?> Walter: "Oh, man...What did we get ourselves into?" erik: <it is as the girl said, i was but a simple stage hand, who fell in love with an angel of music. my beloved Julia Leroux.> Leroux: <...What do you know about her family?> erik: ??? <she was pregnant with my child.....but the child is likely long dead...> Leroux: <No...That child is not.> erik:....<what do you mean?> Leroux: <I am her child!> erik:.....<you're lying.....you're lying you're lying YOU'RE LYING YOU'RE LYING!!!> *attacks* Leroux: "!!!" *dodges* erik: <i'll kill you, i'll kill you!> AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! -FWOOOM- erik: *dodges* hans: *had sent a fire blast* LEROUX! COME ON! Leroux: "..." *follows her* erik: *follows* gravekeeper: <you all go warn the police, i'll hold him off!> Walter: *already calling on his phone, trying to keep up* Kafka: "..." *not focused as he runs with them* -shrk- gravekeeper: !!! *claw through the gut* hans: !!!! erik:................*rips the soul out*....<you'll just have to do.....> *runs back downstairs* etta: !!!! meg: *shocked* Leroux: "!!!" <Monster!> *starts to run--* meg: <gaston dont! he's too dangerous!!> -halfway down the stairs, a loud screech is heard- Leroux: "!!! ..." *continues slowly down the stairs* -there is a female figure, crawling out of the casket, adorned in a green dress.....but her body has since mummified, leaving a bony withered corpse behind- 'julia': *lets out a dry groan* Leroux: "..." <No...> erik: *takes her bony hand* shhhh <there there, my love. i'm here now....> *he smiles* <absolutely beautiful...> Leroux: <What have you done...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!> erik: <my darling julia is alive again....and as beautiful as the day we met~> *strokes 'her' face* <soon, we will be wed, and we will be together for eternity....> hans: !!!!!!!!!!! meg: *SCREAMS* 'julia': *turns to look at them* *dry groan* erik: <that girl, she is the last of the damned giry family who tore us apart.....we will put an end to them here...> 'julia': *SCREEEEEEECH* Leroux: *points the blade at them...his hand shaking* <Don't do this.> erik: <i've already eliminated most of those fiends! i even set that accursed theater ablaze! all for her!> Leroux: "!!! You...You killed her..." meg: !!!!! hans: oh fuck. erik: ?? Leroux: "...YOU KILLED CHRISTINE!" erik: oh? hans: leroux now is not the time to fly off the handle- Leroux: "AND IF IT WAS SOMEONE YOU LOVED THAT HE KILLED?!" hans: .... 'julia': *lunges at them screaming* Leroux: "..." *tries to grab her* 'julia': *dry groan.....strokes his face*.... <y...o...u..r..........f..a...t..h..e...r..s........e...y...e...s.......> Leroux: "..." *tears up* erik: <YES! FINISH HIM OFF!> Leroux: <Mother...No...> 'julia': *SCREEECH* *holding 'her' head* Leroux: "..." *crying* <It hurts, doesn't it?> 'julia': *grooan* *shaking* erik: <julia? darling? what's wrong?> *going over to her* Leroux: *aims the sword at Erik* <STAY BACK!> erik: <GET AWAY FROM HER!!> Leroux: <YOU HAVE MADE HER SUFFER! YOU HAVE MADE ALL OF US SUFFER! MURDERER!> erik: <all i've done, i did for her! after what they did-> Leroux: <This was NEVER the way to fix any of this! There has been enough death! Now stay back!> erik: <i've worked so hard to be with her again! i wont let you take her away-> ?! *he cant move* Leroux: "?!!!" etta: *holding them in place* meg: <please, just stop this! i dont know what my parents did to upset you, mr destler! cant you at least explain it to us?!> Leroux: "..." erik: ..... meg: <i know, you're both hurting, but fighting isnt going to solve this!> erik:.....<as you know, julia was a songstress, and i, a simple stagehand. we were happy, but the madame didnt approve our relationship...eventually, she had me sent away. i was gone for years, and when i returned....my darling julia was dead...> Leroux: <...In childbirth.> erik:.....<what?> Leroux: <She died...giving birth to her son.> erik:....... {julia: <you have his eyes....you have your father's eyes...>} Leoux: "..." *looks up, tears coming from one eye...his hand reaches for his mask* erik: ?? Leroux: <I am Julia's son. And yours.> erik:......*too shocked to move* hans: !!! etta:...roro... Leroux: <...This is not fair to her...> erik: ........*tears falling* <i dont....want to lose her again....> Leroux: <We can't...bring them back.> erik: .................. Leroux: <Please...Let her rest.> erik:..............*shaking* <julia.....> hans:..... miss leroux? please hold still......*looks at leroux* Leroux: <She's suffered enough...> hans:....i'll make it quick.....*ignites her* 'julia':.......... *she doesnt even scream* erik: no- NO!! *sobbing* ???: "It's okay." erik: *looks up* *There is Julia, smiling* erik:.....*holds her tightly* Julia: <It's okay...I'm here.> erik: *whimpers* <please.....dont leave me....> Julia: <I won't...I promise.> erik: *holding her, stroking her hair* hans:..... Leroux: *watches* "..." -later- Leroux: *sitting on the steps* "..." meg: <well, he'll be sent to a psychiatric center to get help...> Leroux: *nods* meg:.....*covers her face* <i cant believe mother was so unfair to them....and to you....> Leroux: *shakes his head* <None of this that...that he did was ever justified. It is I who is sorry...> meg: ?? Leroux: <I am sorry for your loss...> meg:.... <same to you....> Leroux: "..." *wipes his eye* meg:...*hug* Leroux: "..." *pat pat* etta: *hug* you're not alone, roro. dont forget that, ok? hans: *hug* Walter: *hug* T~T Kafka: >_> "..." *pats Leroux's shoulder* Leroux: Q____Q hans: ...well, we should at least enjoy the rest of our trip, right? Leroux: "T-Tomorrow...We all need rest..." hans:...right. -elsewhere- goethe: *staring at the ceiling* ...... Jakob: -3- "I'm bored." wilhelm: im hungry =3= goethe: same. wilhelm: ...hey mr goethe, why do you hate that four-doors guy so much? [note; he means fyodor] goethe: cause he's a sack of shit. Jakob: ._. "...Oh. How is he a sack of shit?" goethe: lets say our goals contradict each other. Jakob: "...So he doesn't want to help ability users?" goethe: far from it kid. {goethe: 'eliminate the sin of ability users’, you say?} {Fyodor: "Of course."} {Ivan: "..."} {hans:...} {goethe:...*giggles....before he starts cackling*} {Fyodor: "???"} {Ivan: *head tilt*} {hans: johann?} {goethe: oh my god! HAHAHA! how ludicrous! how unthinkable! KAHAHAHAHA! i heard that russians had an odd sense of humor, but i didnt think it was this bad! HAHAHAHA!!!} {Fyodor: *smiles* "I was not joking."} {goethe: oh this has to be a joke, otherwise, i draw one of two conclusions. *holds up one finger* conclusion number 1, you're stupid. *holds up two fingers* conclusion 2, you're REALLY freaking stupid!} {Ivan: "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MASTER, YOU LAYABOUT!"} {goethe: seems i just did. do you have a problem with that?} {Ivan: "Let me hurt him, Master--"} {Fyodor: *holds up a hand to say 'no'*} {hans: *glares at them*} {goethe: it seems our goals are too different. an alliance between us is impossibly impossible!} {Fyodor: "Well, that's disappointing. And a bit of a stumbling block."} {goethe: not my problem. you may now kindly leave the premises, and throw yourself into a burning pile of shit on your way out.} {Fyodor: "You misunderstand. When I encounter a stumbling block--"} {*CRASH*} {*Ivan's Golem fist attacks*} {hans: !!! *fire blast*} {Fyodor: "I knock it down."} {Ivan: *tries to encase the fire in rock*} {hans: !!! *flame blast at ivan's feet*} {Ivan: "!!!" *leaps back* "Witch!"} {hans: no, just gifted is all.} {goethe: *grins*} {Fyodor: "..." *stares at Hans*} {hans: i believe he asked you to leave.} {Fyodor: "..." *smiles* "Tell me...Have you ever had a nosebleed?"} {hans: ?? what does that have to-} {*SLAM*} {hans: *knocked back*} {goethe: !!} {Fyodor: "Thank you, Ivan."} {Ivan: ~<3 *has a Golem that knocked Hans*} {Fyodor: *walks up to Hans, removes his glove*} {hans: !!! *FIRE BLAST*} {Ivan: <MASTER!>} {Fyodor: *stops just short of the flames...but his hat catches a small flame*} {hans: *smirks* i may be knocked down, but im not knocked out.} {Fyodor: "..." *smiles* "The next time I touch you, you'll be dead."} {goethe: then hopefully we never cross paths again.} {Fyodor: "...Hope as you wish. But I do not ignore the possibility." <Until we meet again.> *turns*} wilhelm: *gulp* ._.;;; miss hans is badass. Jakob: "Those men sound dangerous..." goethe: just keep an eye out for them, ok? wilhelm: will do. ._.;; -elsewhere- Relan: "It's a bit more crowded now." ^^; "How long are they visiting?" shinra: not sure. i think oubi mentioned something about another training camp? Relan: "Oh..." *rotates his shoulder* "Hope it's not as rough as it could be..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: -_____- "I don't wanna..." ryuuko: kishiri.... Kishiri: "It's dumb. More training and working together?" ryuuko: *hard glare* Kishiri: "..." Q____Q "Don't look at me like that. I'll do it." ryuuko: glad to hear that. -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking home* ochako: see you guys tomorrow!....hm? oh hey todoroki. *wave* Todoroki: "Oh. Hello." *smiles, waves* ochako: just got off shift for the night. *streeetch* Todoroki: "...Oh. How...did it go?" ochako: it went pretty good i think. ^^ Todoroki: "How far along are you with raising money?" ochako: i should have enough for a sleeping bag by april! Todoroki: "That's great. Will you continue after that point?" ochako: ....*sweats* Todoroki: "...Sorry, I said something wrong, didn't I?" ochako: oh no, you didnt do anything wrong! ^^; though it brings up a moral dilemma. it's a temporary job, but i dont want to feel like a quitter. =3= such is the struggle of life. Todoroki: "...People do move from job to job. You're just getting that experience sooner than most. And is this the kind of job you thought would lost longer than just a few months?" ochako:...that is a good point. Todoroki: "..." *nods* "I know you'll do what you need to." ochako: *smiles* thanks. Todoroki: "You're welcome. ... Heading home?" ochako: yeah. Todoroki: "Same..." -awkward silence- ochako: soooo... Todoroki: "...Which way is your home again?" ochako: this way. -morning- Shotaro: *hanging from the ceiling* "Zzz..." setsuna: showtaro, breakfast. ^^ Shotaro: *eyes open* OwO *has bat teeth, wings, and feet* "Coming!" *descends from the ceiling* mana: so kepuri, you used to be in the dokeshi federation too, right? Kepuri: "Um...Yeah?" mana: how did you first find out about being a dokeshi? Kepuri: "...When I stopped growing taller." T___T nea: well, at least its better than being locked in a freezer. Kepuri: "?! Seriously?" nea: by an enemy family. it was really cold in there, i begged for someone to save me...and thats when my abilities awakened. Kepuri: "...And I can imagine what happened to them?" saki: i see. *writing something down* Kepuri: "??? What's that?" saki: im just working on a little pet project. *shows the paper; it seems to be a note on all the dokeshi living in dokeshi house, their ability, condition, and some side notes* chie: wow. impressive. Kepuri: "That's...thorough. And kind of wiki-y." *looks over Saki's shoulder* -there are notes indicating if an ability was awakened by necessity or by chance- Kepuri: "Hmm...Could be useful for determining patterns as to how Dokeshi are awakened--" *stone face* -kepuri's height; 4'10" (sans heels)- Kepuri: "That...is off by a half-inch." saki: well i did double check medical records- Kepuri: "...Wait. HOW DO YOU HAVE MY MEDICAL RECORDS?" setsuna: ^^; saki:..... >w>;;;; io: bwah? Kepuri: "..." *cracks her knuckles* -elsewhere- Relan: "...Is she supposed to be an idol singer, or just a poser?" padma: well.... *looking around* she accidently burnt her parents when she was younger. badly, and she uses her 'idol persona' as a coping mechanism. Relan: "...Oh, God, I'm sorry..." padma: it's alright. you didnt know. *adjusts her glasses* Relan: "You've been in the squad long?" padma: yes. i was one of the founding members. Relan: "O-Oh? Were you in another brigade before?" padma: before founding squad 0, miwa and i used to be in the 3rd. Relan: "How was the commander?" padma:....miwa and the 3rd's commander....didnt see eye to eye. Relan: "...Oh. I...understand that." -elsewhere- meg: *holding a camera* <alright, all together now.> -they're all posed to spell out 'paris'- etta: ^u^ Leroux: TwT Walter: *holding his pose as "S"* "THANK YOU, YOGA!" Kafka: *just standing as the I* "..." -_- meg: say cheese! etta: cheeese~<3 -click- Kafka: -____- "We done?" Walter: *stretches* "How did it turn out?" meg: <looks great!> Leroux: *stares at the photograph* "..." ("Mother...I think I found...another family...") etta: ^^ hans: *smiles* Leroux: "..." *sniff* Kafka: "???" etta: roro? are you ok? Leroux: "I-I-I'm...fine. Just fine." Kafka: "..." *sighs* "Here." Leroux: "???" Kafka: *hug* etta: awww, hehe~ ^^ Kafka: "There. Just a hug. Completely normal hugging. Just...normal." Walter: "Forget that noise!" *group hug* etta: *HUUUG* hans: ^^; meg: ^^; Leroux: "P-Please...You're all squeezing Christine." *holds up the doll* "Isn't that right, Christine~?" hans: ...*sweatdrop* meg: .... Kafka: "..." *somehow facepalms inside the hug* Walter: ^^; "Same as it ever was..." etta: *sniff* true love as its finest. *wipes her eyes* Kafka: "..." ("What the *@%# kind of definition of 'love' is that?") hans: i guess the more things change, the more they stay the same. Leroux: ^w^ Kafka: "CAN WE GO HOME NOW?" hans: next stop, the new base in death city! Walter: "AMERICA!" Kafka: "...Let's not. It's full of weirdos." hans: boss' orders. Leroux: "BROADWAY! BRIGHT LIGHTS!" Kakfa: T_______T hans: it's in nevada. Leroux: "...RENO COMMUNITY THEATER!" -elsewhere- Lucy: *flipping through some photographs* "..." -some pictures of kirako during her high school years- Lucy: "...Did you like high school?" kirako: it was nice. Lucy: "...Did you like high school?" kirako: it was nice. Lucy: "...They have those in school? What do you do?" kirako: my job was to make sure all the books were in order. Lucy: "Ah. There's something like that at the Academy's library--Edgar told me about it." kirako: *smiles* {Lucy: "No! Give it back!" *she's at the river* "Give me back my book!"} {girl: aawww, you want _this_? *looks at them* its not even that good.} {Lucy: "Just because you can't read and need pictures isn't my problem! Please, it's all I have--"} {girl: how good are you at swimming, pipsqueak?} {Lucy: "...!!! No--!"} {girl: *toss* oopsie~} {Lucy: "..." *wheezing, huffing* "YOU JERK!" *rushes forward* } {girl: *shove* whoops~} {Lucy: !!! *SPLASH* "*gulb* H-Help!" *waves her arms* "Help--" ??:...cy? lucy? *shaking her* lucy are you ok? Lucy: *panting, shaking, struggling to breathe* "N-No!" kirako: lucy! please! Lucy: "..." *sobs* kirako:.....*hugs her* shhh, there there.... *head pet* Lucy: *shaking* "...I-I'm sorry..." kirako: it's ok... Lucy: "..." *sniff* "J-Just a bad memory..." kirako: you're here now. Lucy: *nods* "A-And I can swim like a dolphin!" kirako: should be useful when the pool opens up again. Lucy: *sniffles but looking proud* "I'll swim circles around the rest!" kirako: we believe in you. ^^ -elsewhere- Dazai: >_> yosano:...nervous? Dazai: "Not looking forward to...this. Shin-damage. Whatever Chuuya will do. And what they'll do to Q..." Q:....*shaking* Dazai: "!!! Th-That's just..." *sigh* "We'll see. If it's that bad, I'll pull you out." Q:..... Dazai: "Sure." yosano: we'll have to be careful. given the warrant on the mafia.... Dazai: "...Got any sunglasses?" yosano:...do you really think that's gonna help him? Q: *hugs his doll* Dazai: "Sure. Hat, sunglasses--maybe put him in a girl's dress--" Q: wouldnt be the first time i've done it. Dazai: "Perfect! Who has a little girl's dress?" yosano: ..... aya: noooope. atsushi:......... maybe just get him a coat? Dazai: *glares at Aya* "Oh, come on! You _are_ a little girl!" Kunikida: -_-# *hands Atsushi a coat* -rip dazai's shins. again- Dazai: Q_____Q atsushi: here you go, Q. Q: thank you mr tiger, i can see why akutagawa loves you so much. atsushi:...^^;;;;; riiiight..... Kunikida: "At least Lucy wasn't here to hear that..." atsushi:.... QwQ;;;; Q: ?? Dazai: "Just...help my poor legs get into the car..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and that's why the taste of pudding reminds me of head injuries!" katya:...thats.... pushkin: i dont even know how to feel about that. Motojiro: *holds up pudding cups* "Feel like vanilla or chocolate?" -elsewhere- Daisy: "..." *staring into her tea* louisa:....?? Daisy: "...What were you doing before you worked with Fitz?" louisa: i did attend school, even though i didnt have very many friends. Daisy: "Hmm...Bullied?" louisa: i just kept to myself. Daisy: "Never had to deck a girl in PE?" louisa: oh heavens no! Daisy: "Hmm. I had to put two in a locker..." louisa: ._.; Daisy: "...Although now that I think about it, maybe _I_ was the bully? ...Huh." louisa: *sweatdrop* Daisy: "Hmm. So, after school, you just jumped into the organization?" louisa: lord francis did see potential in my ability... Daisy: "What, he was checking out high schools or something?" louisa: n-no! he just heard about my ability through word of mouth! Daisy: "He must have some connections, then...Given how he was able to trick Tom, not too surprising, then." louisa: yeah.... Daisy: "I wonder how Tom is doing in prison..." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...You look like shit. Didn't you sleep?" yuuji: *groaning into his desk* Aizawa: "..." *puts a blanket over his shoulders, takes a travel pillow out of his drawer* yuuji: thanks. Aizawa: *pat pat* "Get some sleep...We'll catch up later." yuuji: will do, dad.... Aizawa: "..." *turns, goes back to his desk...small smile* yuuji:...zzzzz Aizawa: "..." *goes back to grading* -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." *picks up Toru* toru: baba! Yohei: "..." *smiles* {Mr. Nanami: "He's still locked in his room?"} {mrs nanami: he said he was working on something. *knock* yohei? sweetie?} {Yohei: "One second!" *turns one lock...then another, another, another, another--*} {mrs nanami: ._.; } {Yohei: *finishes unlocking the door, peeks out* "..." ^w^ "I made something!"} {mrs nanami: oh, how lovely. we thought you'd be hungry, so we made you a bento.} {Yohei: "??? Really?"} {mrs nanami: *hands it to him* ^^} {Yohei: "..." ^^; "I lost track of time...Thank you, Mom."} Yohei: "..." *holds Toru, takes his phone, taps 'Mom and Dad'* mr nanami: y'ello? Yohei: "Hey, Dad..." mr nanami: how's it going, yohei? Yohei: "Doing okay...Toru wants to say hi to Grandpa." toru: baapa! mr nanami: hey sport, how're ya doing? toru: *babble* ^o^ Yohei: *smiles* "How are you, Dad?" mr nanami: doing well, you're mother's doing good too. Yohei: "Glad to hear. Any plans this week?" -elsewhere- Damon: *sips fruit juice* =w= soul: *making lunch* Damon: "Mr. Soul? What are we doing this afternoon?" soul: we're gonna head to some stores for decorations for your room. becky: awesome. Damon: "Can we get stars?" soul: sure. like those glow in the dark ones, right? Damon: *nods* soul: sure. ^^ Damon: "..." ^_^ -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *thumbing through the atlas* "Hmm..." *marks a line* ebie: *peeeek* Steinbeck: *not even turning around* "Come in, Ebie." ebie: *takes a seat* whatcha doooin? Steinbeck: "I was thinking how to map our next trips...Maybe some interesting places to visit." ebie: like where? Steinbeck: "Might be some interesting spots in the Carolinas." ebie: *loooks* *Steinbeck marked one location: 'Moon Eyes'* ebie: ooooh. Steinbeck: *nods, not looking up* "Been rumors of different people we've never seen..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "So your parents run a business? But what do they do for fun?" ochako: well, we have gone on a few hikes in the past. and sometimes my mom and i do disc shooting. Hyde: "Oh--didn't think you were a disc shooting kind of person." ochako: you'd be surprised. pe-chew! Hyde: ^^; "Okay, Trigger. But you don't cheat with your Quirk on that, do you?" ochako: of course not! >3< Hyde: "A'ight, a'ight...But I think the judges better keep their eye on you out there." -elsewhere- Shima: "--and that's all I can report." illuminati higher up: hmm, i see. Shima: "Is there anything else?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "One kid's meal and one bacon burger." employee: coming right up. Q: *in big sunglasses, coat, and a wig* Dazai: "So, what kinds of toys does the kid's meal have this month?" -later- employee: here you go....sir...*notices Q* Q: *siiiip, wave* employee: ._.;;; Dazai: ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "Please don't stare at my little sibling. They're sensitive." employee: i...see....have a good day sir.........*looks at coworker* Employee #2: =____= "I don't get paid enough to question." employee: dude....i think that was an E.T. Employee #2: "I wouldn't know--I'm so high everyone looks like an alien." employee: dammit dude! -elsewhere- Lily: "Be still!" misono: >~~~~< Lily: "It'll just be to check your overall health. Unless you want my nurses and I to handle it~" misono: *whiine* Q~Q;;;; Lily: "...Maybe the doctor will give you a lollipop at the end~" Dr. John: *steps out* "Oh, there you are!" misono: ._.;;; Dr. John: "Your doctor asked me to bring you over--I didn't see that you had an appointment with an OB-GYN." misono: O_O LILY!! Lily: "That won't be necessary~ Misono has not gotten any girl pregnant yet." misono: *pierced with an arrow that reads 'ouch'* Dr. John: ^^; "I see...Well, bring along your, um...partner." misono: =~=;;;;;;;; Lily: "I'm his nanny!" misono: (kill me.) Dr. John: "...D'aaaaaaaaaaaw!" *shiny eyes* "So considerate! Right this way--the nurse will see you in a moment." misono: if it looks like im crying, im not. Dr. John: "Nervous?" misono: i need to pee. Dr. John: "...I think we have a bedpan over there--" misono: D8< Dr. John: "Kidding--kidding! The bathroom is next door on the right." -elsewhere- Magaki: "It's...still weird." tsubaki: ?? Magaki: "..." *inhales* "Okay. This house isn't as big as I've seen other ones, yet you can fit so many people in it. You two do missions, yet Black Star seems far behind so many other people. And I still don't understand so many arrangements, where people came from, how they got here, what is a 'Mahiru,' and--" tsubaki: easy now. one at a time. Magaki: *sighs* "Okay...Tell me about your missions with Black Star. What are your other ones like?" tsubaki: well, part of our job is to find monsters causing trouble and-....put them to rest.... ^^;;; Magaki: "...Yes. And you collect their souls." tsubaki:...thats right. Magaki: "And the souls...do something to your weapon form?" tsubaki: in a manner of speaking. Magaki: "...Is this like a video game?" tsubaki: eh? Magaki: "Sakuya was showing me one. Do you collect souls to level up and unlock some other feature?" tsubaki: i....guess so. ^^; Magaki: "And when you receive this upgrade, what will you do?" tsubaki:....not sure yet. -a few days later, it was march- Kuro: "...Well, this was fun. Let's go home now." *tugs his sleeve* mahiru: oh no you dont. *heads up the steps* Kuro: *whines* "There are too many steps..." -and so- mahiru: *pant* we....made it... TTuTT Kuro: Q________Q "That was the harshest ordeal...What monsters make this school? I don't even see a handicap ramp..." misono: there is. you just have to have the key for it. Kuro: "..." *climbs up, grabbing Misono by the collar, shaking* "You could have told us at any time..." misono: -__- lets just get you to your starting class, ok? Kuro: *grumbles* -there seem to be a few new faces at the school- Kuro: "I don't know who any of these people are." Lily: *in butterfly form on Misono's head* "New faces!" girl: *playing on a PSP* Kuro: "..." *looks at the PSP* girl:....*looks up* Kuro: "...Cool PSP." girl: <thanks> Kuro: "?? Um...Qué es ustedes jugando?" girl: <persona> Kuro: "Man...I wanted that--but he won't buy it..." girl: *glances at mahiru* mahiru: um... <hi> *wave* girl:...<your boyfriend?> Kuro: "...No." girl: <oh. ok> mahiru: kuro? your face looks red. Kuro: =\\\\\= "Just get me to class already so I can sleep." -elsewhere in school- sayaka: new students~! so hype! *Someone is holding an umbrella, walking through the outdoor hall* sayaka: hmm? well hello there, newcomer! Magaki: "!!! ..." *nods* sayaka: how do you like it here so far? Magaki: "...It's rather bright." *puts on sunglasses* sayaka: well it is springtime now. Magaki: "Yes...How long have you been here?" sayaka: i'v been here a long time, so im pretty experienced! *kung-fu chops and bumps into someone* oh shi- sorry about that! ???: its alright, sayaka. sayaka: wait.......*rubs eyes* HITOMI?!? hitomi: ^^ *wave* Magaki: "...???" sayaka: Owo; sorry kiddo, didnt mean to interrupt our chat there, just happy to see an old friend, haha. hitomi: ^^;; Magaki: "Oh." *small bow* -elsewhere- hans: *hugs goethe* we're here. wilhelm: *gag* grown up love, groooss. the cooties! Jakob: >_< hans: *sweatdrop* Goethe: *strokes her head* "Glad you're...*yawn*...here." hans: ^////^ etta: paris was a reeeeally eventful trip. Leroux: "..." *holds 'Christine' close* Goethe: "...Huh. What's up with Leroux?" etta: a really. eventful, week. Jakob: “....Ok?” wilhelm: ...where are our gifts?! hans: we have them right here. wilhelm: AAAWESOOOOOME! 8D Jakob: ^w^ Kafka: "Zzz..." =_= harriet: o)_(o Walter: *stretches* "I call dibs on my room!" *runs* hans: ^^; Goethe: "Zzz..." hans: *sweatdrop* Leroux: *looks around* "It's a sizable location..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: .... (will they be ok?) Black Star: *yawns* *opens his eyes* "...Hey." tsubaki: *smooch* *smiles* Black Star: ^\\\\\^ "...Where's everyone?" tsubaki: kids are at school, grownups are here Black Star: "...How you think the kids are?" tsubaki: well, i hope. -elsewhere- Q: ...... Motojiro: ^w^ "And that's how you do trig!" sonia: ah. Q: ...... Motojiro: "...Q? Is it okay?" Q:...y-yeah. sonia:...i think he's just sad about something. Motojiro: "Ah...Being away from here takes some re-adjustment..." leo: *concerned* Q: "..." *sniffle* leo: *hug* Q: .\\\\\\. "Wh-What?" leo: it's ok. Q: "B-But...I miss my mommy..." leo: *looks at motojiro* Motojiro: "...Then...perhaps seek family elsewhere?" Q: "???" leo: we can be your family. all of us. Q: Q_______Q "R-Really? B-But I thought...You're going to lock me away again..." higuchi: can you behave yourself, Q? Q: "Uh-huh...Unless it's Dazai. Then I want to kick him." higuchi: and mori. he is terrible. the worst kind of terrible there is. Q: "...Okay. I-I'll not hurt anyone else..." higuchi: *head pet* then thats all we need to know. ^^ Q: QwQ "..." *hugs Higuchi* higuchi:.... TwT kuniko: ._.; Gin: ._.; Motojiro: *sniff, wipes his eye, puts a hand around Leo* leo: *smiles* Q: >w< "And can I see Aya?" -mass sweatdrop- Q: OwO "...???" higuchi: i'll give you a soft 'maybe' on that. Q: "I'LL TAKE IT! Then we can make it a hard yes!" pushkin: *CHOKES* katya:.....<what the fuck....> Gin: *glares at Pushkin* "No." pushkin: I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING! D8> Q: *smiling, flowers of happiness practically blooming off of him* =w= -elsewhere- Sid: "Oh, Izumi--got a sec?" izumi: yeah? Sid: "Some of the new students are having difficulty getting around--can I have you guide one of them around?" izumi: sure thing, sir! Sid: "Great!" *looks behind him* "Hey, come on--stop hanging back and say 'hi' to Izumi." izumi: *wave* mahiru: hey. Kuro: "Zzz..." Magaki: ._.; izumi: ^^; right this way please. -elsewhere- Damon: "...Mr. Soul?" soul: yeah? Damon: "Why do you have a motorcycle?" soul: transportation. Damon: "...Without a helmet?" soul:...*puts on helmet.....gives helmets to the two of them* becky: ... Damon: "..." *looks around* "...Is there a sidecar?" -elsewhere- stocking: *snuggle* u///u Kid: ^\\\^ "Care for another treat~?" stocking: yes please~ Kid: *offers a blindfold* stocking: oh~ *puts it on* Kid: "Keep your eyes closed..." *reaches under the bed, removing a box of chocolates and some chocolate-dipped fruit* "Say 'ah'~" stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: *slips a small chocolate into her mouth, his finger just brushing along her lips* stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: *smirks* "Want to make it more delicious?" stocking: how so~? Kid: *brushes a cloth strap along her right wrist* stocking: ah~ Kid: "May I?" stocking: yes... Kid: *ties her wrists carefully to the bed...removes the blindfold...he's shirtless, holding a chocolate up to...his lips* stocking: o/////o i fucking love you, you know that? Kid: "Hee hee...I love you, too...But how badly do you want this chocolate~?" stocking: so fucking bad...*squirms, her tongue hanging out of her mouth* Kid: "Say it...again." *holds the chocolate at his teeth, as he leans to her face* stocking: kid, sweetie, please... Kid: *lets the chocolate rest on her lips--* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: *slips the chocolate onto her tongue, leans back, smiles at her* stocking: hehe~ ^///^ Kid: "Did the tantalizing influence make it tastier~?" stocking: you know it did... Kid: *strokes her cheek* "And there's more...because you deserve so much more." stocking: ahh...*looks down, licks her lips* Kid: "What do you want next? Perhaps the strawberry?" -elsewhere- Haumea: *tapping a finger on a radio* "...Nothing yet." guruna: kururu.... Haumea: "Guruna, anything you heard upstairs?" guruna: not that i heard, no. Haumea: "I keep asking around, someone to sense the Fifth--nothing. Nothing!" *holds her head* "AAAH! So annoying..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "I used to read this to my kid all the time..." sayu: *pats the sheep* fluffy. Akitaru: ^^ "Yep! Really good for learning the senses, words...It's cute." sayu: hehe. ^^ Akitaru: "Want to read a few of these?" sayu: can i? *shiny eyes* Akitaru: "Sure thing! Just stick to the appropriate books..." *takes out a manual* "Something like this may be a bit boring." -elsewhere- Kafka: "And how exactly did you afford this place?" goethe: you'd be surprised. Kafka: "I'm sure I would...I don't remember seeing it budgeted." goethe:...well, im gonna go for a walk now. Kafka: "Hmph. Meeting someone, I'm sure." goethe: maaaybe.... Kafka: "...I have work to finish here." *turns back to his files* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi:...dazai? Dazai: "Hmm? What's up?" atsushi: you ok? Dazai: "...Just thinking about Q." atsushi:...oh..... Dazai: "I mean, it's not like we can just walk into the Mafia and see how they are doing..." atsushi:....yeah....just how _did_ info on the mafia's actions get revealed? i know the rats have something to do with it... Dazai: "You'll have to ask Ranpo for that--seems someone started spreading intelligence...or that the intelligence just popped up." atsushi: ..something seems off with him, though....he seems sad about something... Dazai: "After this case especially...I think the disappearance of the suspect is part of it." atsushi: *concerned* Dazai: "..." *slides a newspaper to Atsushi* atsushi: *examines* *It shows an arrest the Agency helped make last week* Dazai: "Look at the fourth paragraph--how they refer to one of us..." atsushi: *squints* Newspaper: "--with some of its members having alleged to have involvement with organized crime--" atsushi: !!?? Dazai: "...Better keep an eye on Kyoka." atsushi:...right... *looks at the main article....a 2nd murder....* Dazai: "And other crimes..." atsushi: ..... newspaper: -a deputy commander of the coast guard was found with his head melted down to the bone by corrosive acid. cause of death was neurogenic shock. Dazai: "Not how I would've written the article. I think 'he has no head' is a clear enough cause of death." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "I know Kunikida is trying to get Ranpo to find a trend--but it's not easy." atsushi:...do you have any errands for me right now? Dazai: "Yes." *hands an envelope* "I need this deposited." *hands a key* atsushi: got it. *takes the items and heads out* Dazai: "..." *shakes slightly* -on the subway- atsushi: ...... -an individual with white hair is seated a few spots down from him- ???: .... atsushi:....?? ???:....*glances and smiles* atsushi:... ??? ???: you have a fascinating ability... atsushi: wait how do you- -the person is gone- atsushi:.... ._.;;;;; (that was weird...) .... (well, here's my stop.) *exits* *The stop looks rather busy* atsushi:.... (i was probably just seeing things....) *heads to his location...* *There's a bank on the corner* atsushi: *heads in* -elsewhere- child: *running, with a loaf of bread under their vest* *A hand reaches out of the alley* child: ?! *The child is grabbed and pulled in* child: ?!?! h-hey- Goethe: "Shh...They'll find you otherwise." child:......... Goethe: "Trying to hide?" child:....*looks away* Goethe: "Hey. I'm no snitch. It's too exhausting." child:...whats it to you? Goethe: "I'm a curious person. That's about the most busyness I can handle." child:.....maybe i sort of...'borrowed' some bread.... Goethe: "So, stole." child:.... *grumble* 7~7 Goethe: "No cash?" child: i...dont have much on me.... Goethe: "That sucks. And no parents?" child....i do have them, just not in the city… Goethe: "Then how did you end up here?" child:....left home. Goethe: "...Bad terms?" child: i just.....felt trapped. Goethe: "Ah...I know that pain." child: ? Goethe: "Just need a break from people...I had to get out from my, um, 'family' of sorts." child: ...... Goethe: "Just kind of cramped, so I figured I'd take a walk, see what's what." child:....what does that have to do with me, then? Goethe: *shrug* "Beats me. I'm the one making conversation while you hide from the fuzz." child: hmm.... Goethe: "Think you'll go back home?" child: doubt it. its too restricted, i just want to be free to live my life how i want to. Goethe: "...Need some help with that?" child: ?? Goethe: "Maybe just something so you're not scrounging around for food like a common thief." child:....like what? Goethe: "Tell me something--if you could have something to make things easier for you, what would it be?" child: .....i want freedom to go where i please. to be free like water, i guess. Goethe: "...What's your name?" child: uhh... george! george eliot. Goethe: "Well, George, I can help you. I am an ability user." george: ability user? Goethe: "Haven't heard of them?" george: vaguely, through word of mouth. Goethe: "Well, they're not like Dokeshi with any condition, and they aren't Quirks that can be genetic and bodily--it's like something you gain." george: ....alright, what are you able to do then? Goethe: "I can give abilities." george: .... Goethe: "I can give _you_ an ability." george: how is this gonna benefit me? Goethe: "You would be given freedom of movement..." george:... Goethe: "While not having to be without shelter." george:.....alright... Goethe: "All you need is to contract with me..." george:...ok, you have a deal... Goethe: "..." *holds out his hand* -elsewhere- Ivan: "...Quieter now." lydia: *she nods* Ivan: "Especially without that child." lydia: .......the medic locked herself in her room, i can hear her muttering in there.... Ivan: "...About Master or the child?" lydia:...both. Ivan: *sighs* "Who is speaking with her?" zoey: *mumbling, cutting at the walls with a scalpel* lydia:...she's muttering to herself... Ivan: "I mean, who _should_ speak with her?" *instantly raises his hand* "NOT IT!" lydia: ..*glances at gogol* Gogol: "..." OwO "Want to see me work? You got it!" *knocks on Zoey's door* zoey: *muttering incoherently* Gogol: "...Hmph." *uses his ability to have a hand reach for the doorknob inside* -click- Gogol: ^w^ *throws open the door* "Hello, nurse! What are you...up...to?" O_O -she has gouged at the walls with a knife, and is stabbing at the walls, kneeling on the floor- zoey: ...... Gogol: "...How's it going?" zoey: my baby's run away...*stab*...all because of that kid...*stab*...because of him....becauseofhimbecauseofhimbecauseofhimbecauseofhim...*stab stab stab stab stab* ahhhhhh~ i want to make him hurt... *drags the knife down* i want to stick pins in his fingertips....i want to burn his eyelids....i want to slice open his abdomen and fill it with salt.... Gogol: "..." *pulls up a chair* "...Go on." zoey: *rubs her stomach* i want my baby to be born...i want my baby to be born want my baby born want my baby born wantmybabywantmybaby.... hehehehehe....i want master to be here again.... Gogol: *eyeroll* "Yes, yes, your baby...But go back to the torture stuff. I mean, do you think Master would want that?" zoey: if he wished for it......i want to feel him again..... Gogol: "...Uuuuuuum...Well, he still has to finish his...life sentence..." zoey:.......*lunges at him* master...will return....he has to....he has to he has to he has to.... Gogol: "!!!" *grabs her by the shoulders* "O-Okay! I've heard enough! I assure you, he'll get out--" zoey: ........... Gogol: "..." *sigh* "You miss him, right?" zoey: of course.... Gogol: "...Then wait for him to get out already, and stop being a weirdo in your room alone! Jeez!" zoey: ............ Gogol: " 'Oh, when will Master come back?' 'Oh, my baby!' GROW UP! He'll be back when he's back! And you're pregnant, so worry about your child first!" zoey:........*lays on her bed, facing away from him* Gogol: "..." .________. "...Did I say the wrong thing?" zoey: just leave me alone.... Gogol: "..." *opens the door* lydia: <how did it go?> Gogol: "..." Q______Q <I made it worse.> lydia: ... elizaveta: *pap pap* Gogol: *sniff* <She's inconsolable, misses him, is obsessing over killing What's-His-Face and that kid...> yana: ..... Gogol: <Can't we, I don't know, kidnap a therapist or something?> yana:....i dont want to be _that_ person....but maybe we should put her out of her misery....? Gogol: "..." *blink* <What about the child--> Ivan: *already sharpening his knife* lydia: v-vanya.... *sweatdrop* let's not get ahead of ourselves.... yana:....i'll ask the boss about it... Gogol: <Maybe we need another doctor...So, kidnap one therapist, one physician, and a dentist--> yana: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Spirit: "That'll be it for today. Finish Chapter 1 tonight and the questions at the end. Tomorrow, I'll have a surprise for your lesson. Class dismissed." mahiru: *sits up* Kuro: *asleep at the desk* Spirit: "..." -____-# "Can you wake him up?" mahiru: kuro? *nudge* Kuro: "No...No, the aliens want the grilled cheese--but it's mine..." Spirit: *slams a book down* Kuro: *bounces up--and clings to the ceiling* .__________. -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Here, try it." *hands video game controller* sylvia: um..*looks at it* w-what do i do? Kyoka: "If you press that button, it makes the vehicle move forward." sylvia: *presses it* *The vehicle darts forward--into the wall* sylvia: D8> *Then the vehicle explodes, catching fire* Kyoka: "...Okay, now press the other button to reverse." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "--9, 10--Keep it going. Tamaki! Keep up with the jumping jacks." tamaki: *still at it* Takehisa: "Very good. Keep it up before switch to stretches--" *stares* "...Arthur." Arthur: *moving up and down* "Yes?" Takehisa: "...Why are you on a horse?" shinra:....where did he- Arthur: *on a horse that is imitating jumping jacks* "Because I am a knight." Relan: *struggling to keep up* T~T Takehisa: "..." *takes out a carrot* Horse: OvO *gallops up* Takehisa: *pets the horse* "...Arthur, get off and do your actual work." -elsewhere- Paku: "...You're going to try to see her?" izumo:...y-yeah....im really nervous.... Paku: "It makes sense you would be...but at least you can see her, right?" izumo...y-yeah....*takes the key and gulps* Paku: "..." *smiles* "You can do it..." izumo:....*puts in the key and opens the door* *Air blows through the door* izumo: *looks through* -there is a large, modern style mansion- izumo:....*glances to the back yard* *There is a child with a watering can, tending to the flowers* izumo:....*gingerly walks up to the fence* *The child fills up the can again, turns--* Tsukumo: "!!!!" izumo: hi tsukumo....*smiles* Tsukumo: ?? "Sorry, Mom told me not to talk to strangers..." izumo:....oh....*tosses a fox doll over the fence* you dropped that. i wanted to return it to you. Tsukumo: "!!! My doll!" *grabs it, hugs it* >w< "Where did you find it, ma'am?" izumo:...i guess i got lucky....*waves* bye....*leaves......closes the door* ..... Paku: "...Izumo...What--" izumo:.....*smiles, tears falling* she seems to be happy where she is.... Paku: "..." *hug* izumo: she doesnt remember me.....even if it hurts, i shouldnt be upset... she's alive, she's safe...thats all i need to know... Paku: *nods* "Right..." -elsewhere- Walter: *wipes his brow* "Okay! Ethernet cables now run through the place!" *flips open his 3DS* Leroux: ^w^ hans: goethe's back. and he brought a new member. Kafka: "?!!! Oh, for crying out loud..." Jakob: "???" wilhelm: woot! new kid! george:...hey. *wave* Goethe: "New kid, this is the team. Team, this is the new kid..." *lies down on the couch* george: 'names george eliot...and im new....and i have no idea what's even going on here. Walter: "MAGIC, NEW PERFECT CHILD!" Kafka: -__________- -after hans explained everything- george: i see.... my head's spinning... ._.; i dont even know what kind of ability i was given. like, how do i _know_?! Leroux: *brings out tea* "We all find out based on what we desire, or what Goethe--" Goethe: *asleep* "Zzz..." Leroux: "...said to us. For example, Kafka--" Kafka: *DEAD SERIOUS GLARE* Leroux: ._____. *hides behind Christine* george: .....um......o...k? Leroux: *sets out the tea* "Careful--it's hot." Walter: "...No cookies?" hans: i'll have to do some grocery shopping, it seems. Walter + Kafka + the Twins: T____T
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