#wandee goodday meta
doublel27 · 9 days
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This is the moment that broke me this episode.
Because the line he crossed isn’t the boundaries they’ve already been screwing with. The line is the fact that he’s told Kao and Grandma he’s going to protect his heart. That he isn’t going to develop real feelings for Yoryak.
But this moment, watching Yoryak sleep with the most tender look on Dee’s face while the room is bathed in the softest pink light. As @respectthepetty will tell you, pink = love.
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And this is when he chooses to walk into the living room, filled with the pink light of love, toward Yoryak. If not ready to admit it out loud, this is the moment that Wandee chooses Yoryak and his feelings for him and moves towards love.
He goes and just sits and watches Yoryak sleep with such affection
And then after the sweetest conversation about being unused to sleeping without Dee in his arms, the room flooded with pink and purple, Dee settles in as happy as ever.
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And so is Yak.
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Look at this man’s face. He’s so happy.
But then he seems to realize it. And we get this face.
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And I think about last week and him insisting to Cher that he’s not so fickle to change his affections so quickly. And about how Wandee has been clear he likes to win and set up this fake dating scenario for a scholarship. So Yoryak does the thing that broke both me and Dee and asks about Taem…
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Look how happy and content and at peace Dee is here…as he’s getting stabbed in the chest.
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And then the pink and purple dials down a little as Dee’s hand slips away along with his happiness and security. But the pink is still there around his eyes. Because he’s still in love with Yoryak and he chose it.
And he says “Of course..”
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Because Dee fell in love with Yoryak exactly how he is with neither of them trying. So how could Taem not also fall madly in love with an actively engaged in flirting Yoryak?
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heretherebedork · 27 days
I love how Plakao is just here to support Dee. You need bravery to ask out the guy who's been flirting with you? Go for it! You need a wingman when he turns out to be a manipulative little shit? I gotcha ya, let's go get drinks! You're competing against him for an international scholarship and popularity contest that's also symbolic of the inherent bias for heterosexuality in all of the systems of this world? Let's go get coffee at Cafe for All and cheer for you!
He's the best buddy who dropped explaining asexuality to his ex who broke up with him over it to support his bestie's breakdown and now he's here to fight systemic homophobia in a symbolic battle against queerbaiting. Love the man.
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pandasmagorica · 22 days
GMMTV has a new QL trope and I am not a happy camper
With the last few series I've watched or partly watched on GMMTV, it would seem there is a new trope. I'm not certain it's a new trope, but I searched @absolutebl for trope posts for at least half an hour and didn't find it, so I don't think I'm totally off about this.
I'm calling it emotional punching bag. Instead of seme/uke representing chaser/chased, it represents emotional aggressor/victim.
The general pattern is this:
Character A gets angry at character B over a real or imagined slight.
A claims to be the victim.
A is unaware (or pretends to be) of any contribution A made to this issue.
B apologizes, whether or not B contributed to the problem.
A never apologizes and never acknowledges their part in the problem.
The problem gets papered over (if they get back together) or never gets resolved (if they don't).
I think it started with Only Friends. Boston (B) gets set up by Atom (A) and is made to be the villian. The truth is revealed. Boston apologizes for his other behavior in the series but nobody apologizes to Boston for him having been set up. Never gets resolved.
Then there's Last Twilight. Mork (B) tries to engage in self-care and Day (A) makes it all about Day and breaks up with Mork. The problem gets papered over when, plot hole, Day wanders through a hotel lobby without the cane he got so he could be more independent and which we never see again, and Mork steps in and helps him, and then they get together and Day gets his eyesight back at the same time with no real narrative resolution. Mork gets back together with Day.
And now we have 23.5. Sun (A) outs Ongsa (B) to Ongsa's parents. Ongsa objects. Sun storms off. Ongsa seeks out Sun and apologizes. Sun breaks up with Ongsa. Ongsa again seeks out Sun and apologizes.
At this point (partway through episode 11, segment 2) I paused the series. I have not intention of going back unless I get word from you Tumblerites that Sun acknowledges her role in all the trouble and apologizes to Ongsa. If they get back together without Sun doing the emotional and reparation work I want no part of it.
And I'm worried. Do I need to wait and binge the rest of Wandee Goodday, which I, as of two episodes, absolutely adore? And this is a boxing series. Is Wandee going to become a literal punching bag?
Do I need to never watch another GMMTV QL series week by week again? Do I have to wait for an all-clear and then binge?
GMMTV, please get your ending act together, I beg of you.
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waitmyturtles · 12 days
Wandee Goodday: I'm caught up and I love this show and here are my thoughts AND! (aka, In Which I Partly Ruminate On Golf Tanwarin's Thematic Overlaps Between Wandee Goodday and The Eclipse)
(Thanks to the homegirls @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm for catching me up on @bengiyo's wonderful meta round-up here!)
Through @bengiyo's round-up linked above, I *think* I'm caught up on what was going around the Wandee Goodday fandom last week; I myself, because of LIFE. EVENTS. fell behind two episodes, and only caught up with this generally fabulous show last night, and I wanna bust a couple words on it.
I surprised myself a couple weeks ago by having a touch of Wandee brainrot at week TWO, which is generally absurd, but I'm still stuck on the theme of medical observation and how that theme has permeated this show so far. More on this in a second.
Out of transparency, I also want to note that I'm coming off a close rewatch of Golf Tanwarin's The Eclipse for my Old GMMTV Challenge project, and not just because of LIFE. EVENTS., but also because of some deep thoughtfulness that has surprised and delayed me in my review of The Eclipse, I can't help but recognize that there's some thematic overlap between The Eclipse and Wandee that Golf's getting into -- a coincidence that I'm absolutely loving and screaming internally over.
(As an aside, I've been working forever on my Eclipse piece because I'm struggling with the meaning of having a huge debut branded ship in FirstKhao helming that show, and what that meant for GMMTV in 2022 and its BL future. I'm not feeling that same branded ship pressure here in Wandee, especially as Inn Sarin and Great Sapol were both separately established actors who joined GMMTV for this project, and the future of this ship is unknown at the moment. That's a part of the reason why I love Wandee -- I don't feel fandom pressure about the ship, per se, at this moment, but I might be missing hype on the tag.)
While the stories between The Eclipse and Wandee are clearly different -- the ways in which Golf offers commentary about internal and external homophobia, ESPECIALLY vis à vis macro-level interactions of micro-level humans in systems like boarding schools and hospitals/medical systems, is deeply thrilling for me. I admire Golf as a former politician, Thailand's first transgender member of parliament who was unceremoniously kicked out for economic concerns (and likely their affiliation with the Future Forward/Move Forward parties). As someone who's been around the way with smart politicians, I'm not surprised that this is a space in which Golf lives -- the space in which they explore how homophobia is expressed at macrosystemic and micro-emotional levels.
In The Eclipse, Golf explores:
social pressures to conform to hetero-social standards
the internal destruction that those pressures cause to individuals
how that internal destruction impacts the ways in which young high-school men interact with each other, and develop social and/or romantic bonds, and
how that internal destruction also impacts general social group dynamics, and how individuals police themselves and each other into conforming to the hetero-social standards dictated by the environment around them.
There are many, many issues with The Eclipse, but generally speaking, Golf weaves between the internal and external, the micro and the macro, in that show, cyclically, to depict very messed-up young men fumbling through their experiences of social conformity and love.
As I've been writing my Eclipse piece for my OGMMTVC, I have referred often to @bengiyo's FABULOUS post from the Our Skyy 2 x The Eclipse days, about how some of The Eclipse fandom was concerned for the stability of AkkAyan vis à vis their romance in OS2. As Ben writes, these fictional boys were messed TF up. It was natural, in OS2, to witness their continued fumbles as they still confirmed their love for each other. The conflation for "real" affection between First and Khao aside, this demand for clean-cut romance dominated the fandom discourse at the time of OS2, and it wasn't aligned with what I think Golf's messaging about the emotional states of the boys actually were.
We're certainly NOT THERE (YET) in Wandee Goodday by way of romance. We're squarely in the midst of Wandee's, Yak's, and Ter's very clear emotional and competitive fumbles. We're only at episode 4, and what we've gotten is just a tremendous amount of information about the internal and external struggles these very messed-up dudes have (and to confirm here, we know Ter is Satan/Dr. 666 Devil, we are literally told that, and I'm so thrilled for Podd to finally get the role he deserves, amirite @lurkingshan).
We are seeing similar social conformity pressures from The Eclipse to Wandee by way of the hospital setting -- long a globally misogynistic and highly pressurized environment that humans have played destructively in. Ter being an absolute ROACH with Dee's feelings is so apropos. (Oh, and Ter clearly not being committed to Kwan? That girl's gonna go AWF, I swear.)
We're seeing the same pressure by way of boxer Yak going public with his bisexuality, and taking an ENORRRRRMOUS risk in faking a relationship with Wandee, in front of titchy hospital staff who will likely narc Yak out to the media.
[I think this is a slip of the show, by the way. I don't think Yak is dumb enough to not recognize this risk despite his empathy to Dee, and I really wish the show would spend more time on the risks that Yak takes in showing public affection to Dee at the hospital. I think the show can actually take some time to explore the risk that Yak is taking, because it would simply illuminate the continued themes of homophobia and its ever-presence in the sports AND medical settings that Golf is exploring. (And separately, the meaning of having Yei and Cher helm the boxing gym means so much to me -- literally as a sports fan!)]
@bengiyo's meta round-up also nicely covers the meta out there about Dee and his very conflicted and hypocritical behavior. It's no duh that Dee only has one friend. The guy is a fucking ant. A very cute and sympathetic ant! But he's cute (and hawt), sympathetic, an ant, AND a jerk, someone who is driven to "win," both against Ter and Yak. Dee might be an ant BECAUSE of the impact of what was likely an intense and complicated medical education, as many a former medical resident around the world may relate to! That's a macro-level systemic reference that I wouldn't be surprised Golf would be making intentionally.
Both Wandee and Yak could and should be more accountable to themselves and to each other vis à vis their feelings and the very complicated pressures they both operate under.
They haven't gotten there in their intimacy yet because -- like Akk, Ayan, Kan, and Thua, they're fucking messed-up dudes dealing with homophobia at internal and external emotional levels due to the pressures of their homophobic macrosystemic environments in which they operate!
The social conformity pressures of the worlds in which Dee and Yak live are messing them up so fucking much that they're both acting like bumbling dillholes.
Fucking Dee stringing Yak along? YAK GOING ALONG WITH IT? Kickass Taem sees the necklace around Dee's clavicle and KNOWS what Yak's heart is actually doing/saying. Yak may even be "making up" this whole Situation with Taem to jealously win Dee over, maybe?, but we also know Yak actually is attracted to Taem, and so, fuck, THAT'S MESSY AND COMPLICATED, and also, oh so real! Fuck Dee, man! We've ALL BEEN STRUNG ALONG, hello song break, Dee, get it together, you jackass m'fer:
In other words, ha! People act like jerks when their micro- and macro-levels, their internals and externals, are out of sync and whack, and they don't have the emotional toolboxes to deal with it. There is so much mess-mess-MESSY-mess-mess, escalandos, poopy-woopy-shit all over the place in this show, and at least for right now, it's just delightful to watch it happen and unwind (as opposed to The Eclipse, when Akk's repeated stalking of Ayan just got a little tired after episodes 4 and 5, it was like, dude, Akk, if you're saying you don't like him, just stay the fuck away, on GOD. ANYWAY).
Who has the emotional tools to deal with this complicated-ness? Dr. Kao, Drakey-poo, Drizzy!
Dr. Kao, our OBSERVATIONAL asexual BFFFFFFFF, is shown, literally, helping dyads through their issues. He's addressing binaries on binaries -- a couple coming at sex from two different perspectives, and creating compromise between them.
I love, love, love this inclusion of this observational commentary. Kao is depicted at creating communication and compromise against a topic (sex) that he himself has a complicated relationship with. He is shown, professionally, keeping his shit out of the needs of his patients in order to help them with their medical goals.
Kao is practicing, in essence, a transcendence of sorts -- transcending his micro-personal issues with sex in his practice to help his patients achieve at least happiness, if not at least compromise and satisfaction, in their lives.
I appreciated seeing that the client couple in the show wasn't necessarily trying to "win" against each other. They just had different issues about sex that they were working on -- TOGETHER.
The competitive triad of Dee, Yak, and Ter is certainly not there yet. 666 Devil Ter will likely shake up any delicate balance that Dee and Yak MIGHT achieve. But Dee and Yak, a hopeful binary dyad that we are cheering for, are caught in all of their personal and professional competitions themselves, and are nowhere near transcendence at this moment.
The mess, right now, is making sense, within the script. Things can certainly go awry via the script, as my elder friend @bengiyo has warned me regarding Thai BLs these days. But as of right now, I'm finding this mess delightful, because it's VERY real, to me, against a standard of people acting like bumbling, intentional, and unintentional assholes, and living in worlds of emotional complications that are very difficult, in real life, to unwind from by way of macro-social pressures -- except with time, grace, patience, and eventual maturity.
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bengiyo · 22 days
Wandee Goodday: They're Letting Men 69 Now
The third episode of Wandee Goodday opens with the leads engaged in mutual fellatio (commonly known as a 69), and I wanted to comment on how well I liked it being used here. I asked yesterday how many other instances we had of the position in prior shows, and got confirmation from @respectthepetty and @pharawee and others that as best we can recall right now only Destiny Seeker has shown or implied the position before. Because we are hundreds of shows deep into BL at this point, I wanted to follow up on my post about Patts Wanting to Blow Saengtai and talk about this scene a bit.
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One of the things I generally have to just ignore in BL is the alarming lack of lubricant usage in the genre even more than the lack of condom usage. BL boys must have self-lubricating organs with the way this genre behaves around it. It also doesn’t match the expected velocity of m/m physical intimacy that I’m used to in my own experience and the stories told by my homies. In fairness, in the couple dozen m/m romance novels I’ve read, I can only recall one 69 scene (shoutout to Ginn Hale for Lord of the White Hell, Book 1) In my experience, guys are way more likely to touch each other’s dicks before they kiss each other (something else Wandee Goodday is doing that I like).
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What makes this scene standout to me is that we ended the previous episode with the guys establishing the rules of their relationship, and Wandee telling Yoryak he wanted him to pay more attention to his dick during sex. I really love coming back to them literally giving each other head, having a good time doing it, and teasing each other about it. It’s important to me that gay sex in shows about gay characters look like it’s fun for the characters and not just as a completion of a big romantic moment. It’s also very cool that this show continues to tease and show the various ways men can have a good time with each other without all the effort that goes into preparing for anal sex.
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However, I will tease about the propriety rules and the usage of a blanket for modesty purposes. I completely accept this compromise for the safety of the actors and broadcast rules, but I know that I am not hotboxing myself when I’m trying to focus.
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That’s all I wanted to say. I’d love for the folks who saw Destiny Seeker to chime in again about the work that show did on the presentation of m/m intimacy in BL in light of the Wandee Goodday scene. Guys should suck dick more often in BL as a sufficient enough act for spontaneous sex without implying that somehow raw, unlubricated anal works in a bathroom.
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vegasandhishedgehog · 15 days
Okay here I come with thoughts that I'm not sure many people will be on board with, but I'm gonna share anyway because who cares! Wandee Goodday is doing a fantastic job selling characters who are ridiulous, and many of them are charming. I'm gonna talk about the guy who isn't. Charming that is.
I Think Ter Is In The Closet
And I'm only using bits from episode 4 to demonstrate this. Sorry if you need more to be convinced.
Ter is a strange character because we meet him through Wandee, when he's still up on a pedestal. That image almost immediately gets crumpled and tossed into oncoming traffic to be flattened in a rubbery, Bangkok traffic death. Dee confesses his feelings and Ter insists he's straight. He's straight. He's straight! He likes women, not men. Sorry. To make matters worse, he pulls the asshole move of just asking Dee to leave the scholarship to him.
These men have known each other for eight years. Eight fucking years and this is where things are going? If we know how much of a disaster Dee is, then it really makes me wonder what disaster side of himself Ter has (aside from what we know).
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(thinking them gaaayyy thoughts) (also this weirdo doesn't listen to music while working out? no wonder he's the devil)
Ter is recalling the moment when Yak came into the hospital with flowers for Dee, called him tee-rak, and the two of them are looking at each other like. Like That.
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Super normal for a hetero dude to focus on that part of his long-term colleague's life. And if he were a huge homophobe, I could understand it being a possible upset, but then he wouldn't be so close to Dee if that were the case. This is Golf Tanwarin we're being led by here.
Our Devil Doctor is pulled out of his train of thought by the appearance of a shirtless Plakao
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Guys, I won't lie to you, I yelled NO aloud because for a second I thought he was going to have his come to Jesus with our favorite asexual king, and as an asexual who worships Plakao and how amazing he is, I just wasn't gonna have it!
And the first thing Ter notices? Kao is alone - specifically, he isn't accompanied as usual by his bestie Wandee. So Ter immediately interrupts his workout to question him. Kao responds that Dee's with his boyfriend now, which prompts more questioning about their relationship from Ter.
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Yeah, Ter. What's it matter to you?
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You turned Wandee away because you're straight. So, obviously that's a no, right? Right?
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Not addressing that then. Okay. We'll just hit the skip button for that dialogue option, I guess.
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As a tenured colleague and friend, that would be the natural reaction to this. Kao is a wise, wise man, and like many an asexual, he has done the work of figuring himself out while living in an allonormative world (while also recognizing he likes men! I cannot stress enough how beautifully nuanced his okay). From what he understands (and is stating for Ter to ponder), is that this would make sense for someone who doesn't harbor any other kinds of feelings toward Dee and until recently, has been on good terms with him.
But Ter doesn't get to ponder because he gets called away and immediately forced to face Dee happily walking hand in hand with Yak. It's awkward. Dee excuses himself and Yak. And then Ter's eyes foooolloooww.....
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And later he gets back to his room with the number of the beast and fondly recalls when Dee used to leave snacks on his door....
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(crowd goes awww)
But this guy can't help but notice while he's doing an evening workout -
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Hey! There are Dee and Yak again! Being all cute in the pool! It's too coincidental! (He had not considered that his colleague works at the same place and has a similar schedule, therefore all this appropriately timed boyfriendism could only happen within that schedule)
So he has to conclude that it isn't real.
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Little does Ter know that it was originally intended for YakDee to be fake boyfriends; that he'd stumbled upon the truth immediately. What he wasn't expecting was for Dee to double down not only to not be caught plotting like that, but because he's way further into his feelings for Yak than he is fully aware of.
I cannot stress how interesting it is so see this man be so obsessed over their relationship. Anyone who would call themselves a close friend or colleague would simply be happy for Dee, maybe warn him about some people who are less accepting if that were an issue, and then continue focusing on whatever it is he's doing for the scholarship. And maybe he does focus on the scholarship - we aren't shown his side of it because it's not important - but if that's true and his secondary focus is theorizing that Dee's relationship is fake? TER? WORSTIE?????
And then this happens!
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Now I've seen a lot of people taking this as manipulation and I'm not going to call them wrong. It is exactly that. But I think he's also seeing if maybe he missed a chance? It wasn't that long ago that Dee was reminiscing about the past eight years together and Ter had decided the scholarship was more important than pursuing whatever thing they had between each other. Ter is realizing he doesn't want to throw either of them away, but still has his heart with the money. So he improvises a lame little plea, it's badly executed, and we get sad eyes watching Dee leave.
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I would've expected him to curse under his breath, or have some sort of small scale tantrum after that interaction if he was fully planning to manipulate Dee like that. His melancholy here is what has me thinking that it wasn't well thought out, and there's a part of him who cares about his relationship with Dee and wishes it could carry on as it used to.
Ter continues to obsess. We know he'd immediately seen the story Dee posted, and it seems he's returning to it again (knowing social media habits, he's likely checked it several times in between).
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Kwan, in contrast to Ter, is also Dee's colleague. She finds him and his boxer boyfriend just charming!
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This line kills the entire conversation. There's very obvious tension about this subject.
To me this is where Ter has kinda said the quiet part out loud. He's more concerned about his own image. To whom? His family? His patients? Future opportunities? To himself? Not that there's nothing for Dee to be worried about (this is in Thailand where gay marriage is not legal yet, after all), but he has had a good reception of being publicly queer so far. Is that due to his queerness being more pronounced? Has Ter ridden for most of his life on being able to pass as straight because he was afraid of the consequences?
I'm gonna take a hard left for a moment, and then redirect.
There's a scene in the film To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar where a sheriff (who has had an altercation with a drag queen and is looking for her for severely homophobic reasons) sits in a saloon and essentially narrates gay erotica aloud like he's trying to process the concept of homosexuality. He's disturbed about the idea. The people around him are also disturbed by his imaginings. It almost gives the sense that his thoughts come from desire, but he's been taught too much hate about that desire to recognize it.
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And this is the moment where I just felt sorry for Ter. It seems like he maybe has some deep-seated denial, and it's being overturned by everything Dee is doing. It doesn't excuse him, but shit's gotta suck. And it's clear his disturbance with the idea of Dee having gotten over any feelings for him will be hard to reckon with on top of deciding how he feels about Dee himself. P'Golf does their antagonistic and confused gays well.
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twig-tea · 23 days
Things from Wandee Goodday ep 3 I can't stop thinking about:
I love so much that we got some good friends with benefits tension around personal boundaries when Dee asked who Yei was and then backed off (but Yak told him anyway). And between the jokes about rimming, Dee demanding Yak pay more attention to his dick last episode, and starting this episode in the 69 position, I am very, very here for this show saying over and over that sex is not just one act.
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[ID: Gif of the beginning of episode 3, whichi is a pan-to-shot of Dee and Yak laying in 69 position on the floor under blankets]
i loved the different responses to hearing someone you love is in a "Friends with Benefits" situation; Kao warned Dee not to catch feelings or read too much into the situation and Cher/Yei teased Yak for lying to himself about what the situation is. Both are super valid and speak to who Dee and Yak are, who Kao and Cher/Yei are, and all of their experiences with love. And it speaks to the closeness of these relationships too, that Cher noticed Yak's necklace gone immediately and Kao similarly clocked its addition on Dee instantly.
Super here for Kao being the ultimate support bestie at work, equal parts haranguing and backing Dee up. Their relationship is perfection.
I really liked Yak peace-ing out of their agreement when Dee dropped a huge request with no context, that was so valid and in the spirit of FWB (he didn't actually owe him a bigger conversation).
I've already reblogged a couple of other people (@negrowhat and @lurkingshan) talking about this so I won't belabour it, but I am judging Dee for not only ignoring Yak's boundaries by going to his workplace and forcing him to train him and then flirting with him during training sessions after Yak both made clear he's worried about being out at work and had ended their agreement. I hope we get more of an explanation for Yak's reticence about dating a man while aiming for the championship as well as his change of mind.
The conversations with Cher and Oyei have me so curious about their history! Tell me everything, show. I put these questions in tags on a gifset (but to put them on main: Where is Oyei and Yak's father (who is also a former champ but apparently uninvolved with this family business, if he's still alive)? What happened to Yak's mother that he doesn't know if he takes after her? Why can they go to Cher's family for financial help but not Yei/Yak's (to the point where they had to take out what sounds like a predatory loan during COVID)? What is Cher afraid of re: being seen being affectionate to Oyei, and where does that come from? Is this history related to why Yak is so worried about his relationship to Dee getting in the way of his championship? All of this is seeded so organically and I'm so, so curious. It also has me even more in my feelings about Cher and Yei calling Yak their son.
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[ID: Gif of Yei saying to Cher: I own this place. What's there to be afraid of? From the set linked in the paragraph above]
[I have a clown theory that Cher and Oyei's relationship is why his dad is out of the picture and his gym is in financial trouble (because it prevented Yei from getting sponsorship despite being a champion), and why Yak is worried about being in a relationship with a man even though he knows his brother won't care...we'll see how much of this the show pulls together!]
The flash of trauma from Dee at the crosswalk was interesting too; where is that going? What happened in Dee's past and how is it going to affect the story in future?
[More clown speculation: Is it related to why Dee is so good with patients and passionate about ortho? Has he seen someone in his life become disabled due to physical injury?]
Speaking of, I really loved seeing Dee be good at his job and great with patients and their families. In addition to it being just nice to see and good for our understanding of his character, it sets him up to have a fighting chance in the contest too, since patients apparently get a vote.
I love love love the camaraderie and giggling between Dee and Yak around making Ter jealous and shoving their fake relationship in those gossiping nurses' faces. The way they are actually friends who like one another and enjoy spending time together is just really wonderful to watch.
My biggest question is: Will Dee get a chance in this narrative to show up for Yak the way Yak has been showing up for Dee? And how can that current imbalance be reconciled with this all leading towards Dee trying to get a placement to go abroad--and his self-stated toxic trait of always needing to win? [shoutout to @chicademartinica for laying that out succinctly in her post]
In the meantime, I'm having a blast.
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fallsouthwinter · 8 days
I definitely do not think Oyei is cheating. After four episodes of watching Oyei barely manage (and fail spectacularly at) keeping his hands to himself around Cher, I was just as confused as him when Cher asked if Oyei had someone else.
I also hope the show doesn't trend in that direction because a) do NOT give us an adorable established couple then ruin it with a cheating plotline, b) it wouldn't make sense given the cutesy ridiculous vibe that scene had, and c) we've been given a small plot point in an earlier episode about the gym's financial trouble, plus Oyei seemed to be very in his head like he's worrying about something. It would be a very pleasant surprise if others are right and Oyei is actually panicking a bit because he's planning on proposing to Cher.
Not that I don't see where Cher was coming from, in fact I was mostly wondering what was going on in Cher's head, and seeing how confused Oyei got, he's acting weird too. Considering it came right on the heels of seeing Yak and Dee being giant fucking "platonic" simps around each other, I'm a bit unsurprised he was wondering if Oyei had gotten bored, especially if he suddenly isn't being his usual handsy self.
Or, I wonder if this has literally never happened before and so now Cher is starting to think "the spark is gone! 😰" I kind of want it to keep happening for a bit just to see if maybe we get a bit of turned tables and Cher getting handsy - only for it to backfire a bit because Oyei is clearly down for anything anywhere. (Oyei: Here in the office? 👀 Cher: Wait- *door closes ominously*)
I do like the snapshot that argument gave us of their lives though, outside of what we see in the gym. Made it very clear that these two are very much gone on each other if the norm is Oyei and Cher wrapped around each other every night. And considering the only reason Cher really seems to rebuff Oyei's advances is because they're in public (or Oyei is sweaty but that feels more like an excuse at this point), they're probably even more nauseating to be around at home - no wonder Yoryak had taken to wandering the streets at night.
tl:dr - I think Oyei is up to something, and that something is likely due to the gym's financial issues already alluded to, not because his relationship with Cher is fading
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almayver · 3 days
Personally, the feedback I would give Kao is to make the headbands adjustable or something because they seem to slip off really easily
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manogirl · 18 days
This is not a fully fleshed out thought because I don't do meta (discovered it kinda took the enjoyment away for me) but something something characters throwing up red flags in shows that want you to read them that way vs shows that do not...
eg: Ming in My Stand-in vs. Wandee in Wandee Goodday
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doublel27 · 14 days
Okay, so fresh Wandee Goodday theory coming through.
I know we all thought Yak was going to be the one who knew he fell first, because he’s in so deep, but after Ep 4, I’m not so sure.
One, Dee has Plakao to be his voice of reason and is already admitting to Kao that he’s jealous of Yak’s crush and Kao is making observations like this.
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Conversely, when confronted by Cher about his feelings for Dee through the evidence of giving away his prized name necklace and effectively claiming Dee, Yak denies it by saying that Cher already knows who Yak has feelings for and when pushed says this:
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Which, the phrasing of “I’m not someone who changes his mind easily.” Is a really interesting denial. Because he’s affirming his commitment to his feelings for Taem. That just because he has Dee and they’re close doesn’t mean he’s going to change his mind or his feelings.
And it got me thinking of some other bits of nuggets we got about the Phadetseuk family.
His mom opened the gym and when asked about his parents Yak makes the saddest faces.
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We now know thanks to the cold shower that was this week’s cold open that their mother died. But that leaves us with the question of where is their dad. Because my sweetest boys were alone at the hospital.
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And their dad wasn’t there. Now maybe something happened to their dad, but there is an actor listed for Yei and Yak’s father and step mother.
Which made me speculate that perhaps there’s a reason that Yak is committed to not changing his feelings for Taem. Perhaps his determination to not be a person who changes his mind easily is tied to their father leaving their mother for their step-mother. And the concept of being like his father, someone whose feelings change easily, and can leave someone they care for, is not something Yak would want.
And I wonder, if this is true (and I could be wrong) how long Yak will hold on to his feelings for Taem even though she does not return them and how committed he will be to becoming a different person so that she might like him when Dee likes him exactly as he is.
Definitely curious if part of his feelings for Taem are tied to her helping him study and how his mom sat and encouraged him. Dee filled a bit of that function this week and it was a beautiful parallel but Taem has been doing it longer.
And don’t get me wrong, Dee is gonna have his own issues. He’s a hopeless romantic who definitely is not always the most reliable narrator, but he’s coming around. Still waiting to learn more about his parents car accident and how that’s left him desperately wanting someone to care for him.
These two are delightful and well fleshed out characters. I cannot wait to watch them continue to stumble through this fake dating disaster they’ve created.
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poomphuripan · 4 days
Thanks for all the updates about msi, it's good to see people like you so committed to a series, really, what a time to be alive!
hi nonnie (✿◕‿◕✿)
imma be totally honest with you, i did NOT expect myself to be this committed to my stand-in either. like i knew msi was one among my four most looked forward to series (the other three being spare me your mercy, wandee goodday and my golden blood) but i truly did not expect to find myself giffing 40% of each episodes, even extra content and behind the scenes for it...
but i just love reading the meta posts from fellow msi watchers so much, or even just the brilliant tags on my msi posts/edits, so much that i was absolutely down bad for this series before i even knew it.
confession time: i actually spent my weekend looking at old stills, rereading parts of the novel and relistening to the audiodrama just to figure out how future episodes of my stand in might end.... yea.... the msi brainrot is super real and lethal. yea completely unsolicited tmi from me (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤️~
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 4 months
I've been posting long enough, I'm thinking I should probably do a pinned post to start keeping track of things. Mostly for myself, but hopefully this is helpful for others as well.
Currently Watching: My Stand-In, Only Boo, Wandee Goodday, We Are
2024 Shows Finished: 1000 Years Old, Anti Reset, Bake Me Please, Cherry Magic (Thai), Dead Friend Forever, Deep Night, For Him, I Cannot Reach You, I Feel You Linger in the Air, Last Twilight, Living With Him, Love is Better the Second Time Around, Perfect Propose, Pit Babe, Playboyy, The Sign, Twins, Two Worlds, Unknown
Looking forward to (not a complete list, who can keep up with everything!): The Boy Next World, First Note of Love, Happy Ending, Jack & Joker, Kidnap, Love Sea, Love Upon a Time, Lover Merman, Monster Next Door, My Golden Blood, My Love Mix-Up (Thai), The Next Prince, Spare Me Your Mercy, The Rebound, and the tsunami of vampire projects coming out.
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For funsies
Top 10 Things I Love About the QL Tumblr Community 2023
2023: A Summary
Heist Series Pitch
15 Day BL Challenge: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14, Day 15
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Recent meta
Perfect Propose, Complicity in Toxic Systems, and Individual Choice
Pit Babe: Self-Worth & Characterization
Pit Babe: Self-Worth & Relationships
Pit Babe: Self-Worth & Self-Determination
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Final thoughts
1000 Years Old (aka Vampire Show #1)
Anti Reset
Bake Me Please
Cherry Magic
Dead Friend Forever
Deep Night
For Him
I Cannot Reach You/Kimi ni wa Todokanai
I Feel You Linger in the Air
Kiseki: Dear to Me/You Are Mine
Last Twilight
Living With Him/Kare no Iru Seikatsu
Love in Translation
Naughty Babe
Perfect Propose
Pit Babe
The Sign
Two Worlds
Unforgotten Night
Venus in the Sky
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Drama Accountability Pinned Post!
🏳️‍🌈 HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! 🏳️‍🌈 EDITED June 3, 2024: Hello! Thank you for landing here. This blog is devoted mostly to Asian drama and movie reviews and meta analyses, along with your random fashion post and maybe a floating meditation on parenting along the way. This pinned post will help me keep track of where my scattered brain is at with what I’m watching, what I want to watch, and what I have watched.
My major focus regarding dramas is in completing what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC), where I’m learning about the young history of Thai BLs through an expansive list of GMMTV and non-GMMTV dramas, to learn about the genre’s fumbles and improvements, as recommended by @absolutebl in their original post on the topic. I’m also inspired to learn about the development of Thai BL as an art form, complete with tropes, frameworks, and responsive commentaries, as described by @miscellar in an analysis post on Bad Buddy the Series. 
I’m also catching up in general with other classic and/or essential QLs of all other Asian countries, reviews of which you can check out on this tag. 
I tend to go down actor/actress rabbitholes when I’ve watched a drama of theirs that I have fallen in love with; I don’t always watch things chronologically; I LOVE SHOWS ABOUT FOOD AND/OR COCKTAILS, and I’m still new to Tumblr fandoms. But this is my space to absolutely just dump and analyze thoughts, so please, welcome, and thank you for reading!
What I’m watching!
Knock Knock Boys (T, BL, Thursdays) Wandee Goodday (T, BL, Saturdays) (my thoughts here) Cherry Magic (J, BL, anime), and fast-forward rewatches of Cherry Magic (J, BL) and Cherry Magic Thailand (T, BL) GAP The Series (T, GL) (2022) (The Old GMMTV Challenge) 23.5 (T, GL) (my thoughts here) (on pause to finish this until I get to 23.5 by way of OGMMTVC chronology because, bleh and I lost enthusiasm :( )
Past Big Meta
Pain, Suffering, and Narratives in Some Asian Dramas (Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy x A Tale of Thousand Stars, Our Dining Table, He’s Coming To Me, Double Savage, Dark Blue Kiss, and more)
Pain, Trust, and Separation in Some Asian Dramas (Bad Buddy, Still 2gether, A Tale of Thousand Stars, Until We Meet Again, I Promised You The Moon, and the movie version of Cherry Magic: 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!)
What’s on deck (generally speaking):
Make a Wish (T, BL)
What’s on deck (The OGMMTVC Project and historic/significant Thai BLs): 1) The Love of Siam (2007) (movie) (review here) 2) My Bromance (2014) (movie) (review here) 3) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 4) Gay OK Bangkok Season 1 (2016) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 5) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 6) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 7) Gay OK Bangkok Season 2 (2017) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 8) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 9) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 10) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 11) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 12) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 13) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 14) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 15) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 16) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (OffGun BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (no review) 17) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 18) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (a non-BL and an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 19) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 20) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) (and notes on my UWMA rewatch here) 21) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (review here) 22) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review here) 23) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (review here) 24) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (review here) 25) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 26) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (re-review here) 27) Lovely Writer (2021) (review here) 28) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) (review here) 29) I Promised You the Moon (2021) (review here) 30) Not Me (2021-2022) (review here) 31) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 32) 55:15 Never Too Late (2021-2022) (not a BL, but a GMMTV drama that features a macro BL storyline about shipper culture and the BL industry) (review here) 33) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch (Links to the BBS OGMMTVC Meta Series are here: preamble here, part 1, part 2, part 3a, part 3b, and part 4) 34) Secret Crush On You (2022) (review here) 35) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here)  36) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For the Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist (part 1 and part 2) 37) Honorable Mention: War of Y (2022) (for the sake of an attempt to provide meta BL commentary within a BL in the modern BL era), with a complementary watch of Aam Anusorn’s documentary, BL: Broken Fantasy (2020) (thoughts here) 38) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 39) The Eclipse OGMMTVC Rewatch to Reexamine “Genre BLs” and Internalized/Externalized Homophobia in GMMTV Shows (review coming) 40) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) (watching) 41) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 42) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 43) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) 44 La Pluie (2023) (review coming) 45) Be My Favorite (2023) (tag here) (I’m including this for BMF’s sophisticated commentary on Krist’s career past as a BL icon) 46) Wedding Plan (2023) (Recommended as an important trajectory in the course of MAME’s work and influence from TharnType) 47) Only Friends (2023) (tag here) (not technically a BL, but it certainly became one in the end) 48) Last Twilight (2023-24) (tag here) (on the list as Thailand’s first major BL to center disability, successfully or otherwise) 49) Cherry Magic Thailand (2023-24) (tag here) (on the list as the first major Japanese-to-Thai drama adaptation, featuring the comeback of TayNew) 50) Ossan’s Love Returns (2024) (adding for the EarthMix cameo and the eventual Thai remake) 51) Dead Friend Forever (2024) (thoughts here) 52) 23.5 (2024) (GMMTV’s first GL) (thoughts here) (There are many, many more on @absolutebl‘s wonderful compilation lists that I’ll want to check out eventually, and will adjust this list accordingly.)
What’s on deck (the Jojo Tichakorn/pre-Only Friends playlist):
Gay OK Bangkok (2016) (review here) Gay OK Bangkok 2 (2017) (review here) 3 Will Be Free (T, 2019) (review here) Mama Gogo (T, 2022) The Warp Effect (T, 2022) (review here) Dirty Laundry (T, 2023) (tag here)
What’s on deck (the Fluke Teerapat/Tanachot Prapasri playlist):
YYY (2020) (review here) My Ride (2022) (T, BL) La Pluie (2023) (T, BL)
What’s on deck (the JamFilm playlist):
Khun Chai (To Sir With Love) (2022) (T, lakorn) Laws of Attraction (2023) (T, BL)
What’s on deck (essential non-Thai BLs and other shows): The Gifted (T, 2018) Blacklist (T, 2019) Let’s Fight Ghost (T, 2019) The Gifted: Graduation (T, 2020) Takara to Amagi/Takara-kun to Amagi-kun (J, BL, essential BLs)  Seven Days (J, BL, essential BLs)  Ototo no Otto/Otouto no Otto (My Brother’s Husband) (J, 2018) Summerdaze (Singapore, BL) Guilty: Kono Koi wa Tsumi Desuka? (J) Nee Sensei Shiranai no (J) Kimi wa Petto (2017 version with Shison Jun (J)) Ingredients (T, BL)
What I have watched that I recommend you MUST MUST WATCH FOR YOUR SOUL:
Kinou Nani Tabeta (J, BL) (my writing on KNT) Old Fashion Cupcake (J, BL) (my writing on OFC) Cherry Magic Japan (J, BL) (my writing on CM) Cherry Magic Thailand (T, BL) (my thoughts) Bad Buddy (T, BL) (my mini-thesis on BBS, and my BBS tag) Moonlight Chicken (T, BL) (my writing on MC, my manifesto on khao man gai/Hainan chicken rice/nasi ayam, and my master list of MC Big Themes) A Tale of Thousand Stars (ATOTS) (T, BL) (review here) Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy x ATOTS (T, BL) (my OS2/BBS tag, my OS2/ATOTS tag, and my OS2/BBS/ATOTS tag) He’s Coming To Me (T, BL) (review here) Make It Right seasons 1 and 2 (T, BL) (review on season 1 here) (review on season 2 here) The Eighth Sense (K, BL) (my writing on T8S) Life as a Girl (Joshi Teki Seikatsu) (J) (my writing on LAAG) She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat (TsukuTabe) (J, GL, seasons 1 and 2) (thoughts here) The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House (J) (review here) Love For Love’s Sake (K, BL) Drive My Car (J, movie) His (J, BL, movie) Tonbi (2013 version with Uchino Seiyou) (J)
What I have watched that I highly recommend:
Unknown (TW, BL) (my thoughts) (final review coming) I Cannot Reach You (J, BL) (my thoughts) I Feel You Linger in the Air (T, BL) (my thoughts) Be My Favorite (T, BL) (my thoughts) Our Dining Table/Bokura no Shokutaku (J, BL) (my thoughts) The Eclipse (T, BL) (my writing on The Eclipse) KinnPorsche (T, BL) (my writing on KP) Semantic Error (K, BL) (review here) Minato Shouji’s Coin Laundry (J, BL) (review here) Utsukushii Kare/My Beautiful Man Season 1 (J, BL) (review here) Utsukushii Kare/My Beautiful Man Season 2 (J, BL) (my UKS2 tag) Kabe Koji/Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized (J, BL) (my writing on Kabe Koji) Eien No Kino (Eternal Yesterday) (J, BL) (my writing on EY) Kieta Hatsukoi (J, BL) (review here) Extraordinary Attorney Woo (K) (my writing on EAW) Silent (J)  Okaeri Mone (J, asadora) Life: Love on the Line (J, BL) Mozu (J) Wakako Zake (J) (seasons 1-4) XX: Blue Moon (K) Shinya Shokudo (Midnight Diner) (J) Crash Landing on You (K) Like Father, Like Son: Soshite Chichi ni Naru (J, movie) After Life (J, movie) What I really want to watch, but I’m in not a huge rush:
Unmet (J) Fermat’s Cuisine (J) Raise de Wa Chanto Shimasu (three seasons and SP) Kim Ji Young: 1982 (K, movie) It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (K) Again My Life (K) Run On (K) The Tale of Nokdu (K) Little Women (K) Thirty Nine (K) Nora From Queens (US) My Liberation Notes (K) Doom At Your Service (K) Ishiko to Haneo: Sonna Koto de Uttaemasu? (J)
What I have watched, in no particular order (besides the OGMMTVC shows above):
My Precious the Series (T) Living With Him (J, BL) (my thoughts here) Marry My Dead Body (TW, movie) Ossan’s Love Returns (J, BL) (my thoughts) Cooking Crush (T, BL) (my thoughts) Wednesday Club (T) (my thoughts) Double Savage (T) (my thoughts) Only Friends (T, ended up being BL-ish, BLOOP) (my thoughts) Cutie Pie (2022) and Cutie Pie 2 You (2023) (T, BL) The Promise (T, BL)  (my thoughts) SOTUS S (T, BL) Bed Friend (T, BL) (my review of the finale) (my Bed Friend tag) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (T, BL) (review here) Our Dating Sim (K, BL) A Shoulder To Cry On (K, BL) Jack O’Frost (J, BL) (thoughts!) The End of the World, With You (J, BL) (my writing on TEOTWWY) SOTUS (T, BL) (thoughts here) 10 Years Ticket (T) (review here) The Novelist: Playback (J, BL, movie) (review here, spoilers) Ameiro Paradox/Candy Color Paradox (J, BL) (review here)  Dirty Laundry (T) (my posts on DL here) Individual Circumstances (K, BL) (review here) The New Employee (K, BL) (review here) Three Star Bar in Nishi Ogikubo (J) (review here) Cafe Minamdang (K) (review here) Hiru (J) (review here) Ase to Sekken (Sweat and Soap) (J) (review here) Big Dragon (T, BL) (review here) Ichigeki (J) (review here) The Director Who Took Me to Dinner (K, BL) (thoughts here) Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous for One’s Eyes (Me No Doku Sugiru Shokuba No Futari) (J, BL kinda) BL Metamorphosis (J, quick review here) Why Her? (K) Let’s Eat (seasons 1, 2, and 3) (K) Where Your Eyes Linger (K, BL) Kodoku no Gurume (J) Chef wa Meitantei (J) Crisis: Special Security Squad (J) Meitantei Akechi Kogoro (J) Teppachi! (J) The Novelist (J, BL) Mood Indigo (J, BL) Izakaya Shinkansen (J) Sayonara Itsuka (J, movie) Fullmetal Alchemist: The Avenger Scar (J, movie) Hatsukoi (2020) (J, movie) Rinjo (J) To Heal Wounds of the Heart (Kokoro no Kizu to Iu Koto) (J) Hoshi to Lemon no Heya (J) My Husband Got a Family (K) Tony Takitani (J, movie) I'll Still Love You Ten Years From Now (Juunen Saki mo Kimi ni Koishite) (J)
What I tried to watch, but couldn’t finish:
Alice in Borderland (J) (I couldn’t do it, I can’t do violence, but Machida Keita’s Karube is really wonderful, and Yamazaki Kento was also fabulous of the bits I watched. Please don’t take my inability to watch this as a judgment of the show, it’s clearly a FANTASTIC show for people who can handle blood and games and killings and fights and stuff) (I will try this again considering so many people like it!) <3
On hold/dropped (permanent or otherwise)
Playboyy The Series (T, BL) (my thoughts) Bake Me Please (T, BL) The Sign (T, BL) Shadow (T) Gokushufudo (J) (on hold) Keishicho Outsider (J) (this is such a good show but I don’t have capacity to watch it, but Nishijima is FABULOUS IN IT, I will watch it at some point) A Boss and a Babe (T, BL)  All the Liquors (K, BL) UMG (T) Wakako Zake (season five) (J) Banshaku no Ryuugi (J) Tokyo In April Is... (J, BL) Minato’s Laundromat/Minato Shouji’s Coin Laundry, Season 2 (J, BL) (my thoughts so far) (on pause) Dangerous Romance (T, BL) Absolute Zero (T, BL)
What I’ve watched that I recommend you please do NOT watch, it’s not worth the expenditure of energy:  The Unusual Family (K) TharnType (T, BL) Step By Step (T, BL) (my thoughts) My Husband Won’t Fit (J) (I could go on and on and on about how I think this show was particularly irresponsible, but I might have a Western bias about my interpretation, sigh) Super Rich (J) (maybe this is necessary if you’re a total Cherry Magic/Akaso/Machida stan, but this show was unbelievably bad and a total waste of their talents -- if you really need some fan service, zoom through episodes three to five and SKIP THE REST)
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bengiyo · 19 days
Wandee Goodday: Act 1 Check In
I wanted to check in with this show at episode three for posterity. Coming out of the third episode, I was excited to talk about the inclusion of a 69 in a BL we all had pretty easy access to and what that meant for presentation of mutual pleasure between men in a genre that doesn’t often deal with that. I also had some thoughts about Wandee ignoring the significance of asking Yak to come out. I wasn’t alone, and eventually ran across @befuddledcinnamonroll ‘s post about where they stand with Dee at this time. I wanted to write some thoughts down about this character at episode 3 and save some other posts so I can see where we were a quarter of the way into the show for later.
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I’ve enjoyed Wandee as a character from the beginning. I like how much of a messy gay he is, and totally get why he’s a comfort character for @shortpplfedup. Still, Wandee is a legit mess. I noted back in episode 1 that he turned mean when he got rejected by Ter. We’ve had a great run with some classic tropes with his relationship with Yoryak (@troubled-mind), and we can tell that he takes his work as a doctor seriously ( @gaylittlepieceofsh1t). 
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It’s just that, even with as much fun as we’re having following this character ( @happypotato48), we can’t help but notice that he’s not great with Yak’s boundaries. We’ve talked about how special Yak’s bisexuality feels in this show ( @yankeebastard). We’ve seen that Yak is pretty good about establishing and respecting boundaries ( @becauseimanicequeen), but Dee’s competitiveness ( @chicademartinica) is going to be a real issue in this show ( @ajchayapol), because Dee was way out of line ( @lurkingshan ) this episode with the way he trampled over Yak about coming out in a sports environment ( @djeterg19 ) as his fake boyfriend with no regard for how that would impact Yak ( @negrowhat ).
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However, like @twig-tea, I remain interested in what we have in store, and am especially curious about Oyei and Cher. I thought this third episode tied all of its scenes together really well, and even think there’s potential in Ter seemingly being uninterested in the doctor played by Emi who has also expressed interest in him. I’m excited to see where Dee and  Yak go after this, because Wandee lied and cheated with all he had to get Yak to agree to help him beat Ter, and we’ve already noted how Dee behaves to get what he wants (@respectthepetty ).
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Still, I’m really enjoying this show, and wanted to take a quick snapshot right here of how we’re feeling about Dee and Yak at what felt like the end of the first act. We know that Yak and Dee are actually decent to each other when Dee isn’t breaking the rules he already set, and we can tell plainly that Yak perhaps desires more than just a friend with benefits from Wandee. I’ll probably do another one of these posts after episode 6 and see where we are, because I really believe in the experience of episodic storytelling. I think it’s good for us to be clear about where Dee is now so that we can observe his changes in real time as the consequences of his actions blow up in his face. I am so ready for Yak to snatch that necklace, you have no idea. 
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pandasmagorica · 1 year
Intro/tracking post
Last updated May 18, 2024.
Older queer white cis dude in California, pronoun he.
Love music.
Enjoy QL, mostly Thai, mostly series. Here to read and comment on posts.
If a series puts me off in the first episode, I will often abandon it, sometimes within the first few minutes. I'm less likely to abandon midway. If I'm considering abandoning a series I've otherwise liked up to that point, I'll often read the reviews on MDL or look up posts on the series, at risk of getting spoilers, to decide whether to go on with it (and it's gone both ways).
Not a fan of spoilers, but recognize it as a risk of engaging so I don't (usually) spoiler-shame. Please don't put them in comments to me, if you would be so kind.
Okay with sad endings if they're earned or otherwise inevitable.
Incomplete watchlist (which I will update from time to time):
Top Ten (in order as best I can, ask me on another day and stuff might move):
Not Me (best QL series ever for plot, acting, cinematography, and music, content warning for violence) (1 re-watch)
Bad Buddy (lots of fun, new discoveries on every re-watch) (3 re-watches)
He's Coming to Me (heartwarming, delightful coming-of-age work. I didn't care for the library raid part and skipped it once on rewatch and there seemed to me to be some inconsistencies with the ghost rules.) (3 re-watches)
Cherry Magic (Japanese version, delightful, looking forward to the Thai remake if they ever settle the rights issues)
To Sir With Love (could get me to try lakorns)
Semantic Error (enemies to lovers comedy that hits all the right notes)
A Tale of a Thousand Stars (fine series, not sure why I haven't rewatched it, need to rewatch after Our Skyy 2)
55:15 Never Too Late (not QL but has a QL subplot, notable for having an older semi-out gay character) (1 re-watch)
Gaya Sa Pelicula (Like in the Movies) (odd couple thrown together, fall in love, hit limits)
Eternal Yesterday (re-watch episode notes) (not usually into high school QL but the plot got me and it blew me away, achingly sad throughout) (1 re-watch)
Much as I love them, I don't automatically recommend every one of them to everyone. The right rec for the right person!
In progress
Wandee Goodday
The Eighth Sense (on possible hold as I consider a trope I don't love)
Cherry Magic (Thai) (on apparently long-term hold pending rights issues)
I Promised You the Moon (but not actively watching)
Okay, this is a really long list and I'm probably not going to watch all of them, but a fan's gotta dream, right?
Although I Love You, and You?
The Heart Killers
Leap Day
Mama Gogo
Midnight Motel
My Strawberry Film
Old Fashioned Cupcake
Oh! Boarding House
1000 Years Old
The Player
Shadow (although probably not)
Stay Still
The Spirealm (this ones an unlikely stretch - censored and 38 x 45 minutes equals over 28 hours)
Unknown (to binge)
First episode watched but not committed to
Our Dining Table
Also Completed:
A Cut Above (in alphabetical order):
Near misses for my top 10 - there can only be 10 - but bubbling under that line. Highly recommended.
Anti-Reset (episode notes) (speculative fiction on the future of AI, in a robot and a human who fall in love, quite emotional)
Formula 17 (campy and fun) (2 or 3 rewatches)
History 3: Trapped (very funny and enjoyable
I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama (feel-good comedy)
The Great Doctor (episode notes) (not QL) (medical/historical/time travel mashup, content warning for violence and gory medical stuff)
Kiseki: Dear to Me (watch notes) (top notch crime drama with a lot of humor - content warning for violence - includes an older gay couple) (1 rewatch)
Lovely Writer (very meta about the QL industry and quite funny)
Moonlight Chicken (touching and fun)
Once Again (touching time travel, sad throughout) (1 rewatch)
180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us (intelligent and a good watch, melancholy, feels very much like a stage play)
The Sign (deeply flawed but wild and enthralling deep dive into northeastern Thai mythology disguised as a cop series - content warning for violence - yeah, it's a mess but it's a glorious mess)
10 Years Ticket (episode notes) (crime drama about two warring families, bittersweet ending - not QL, but there's a QL subplot)
3 Will Be Free (review link) (wild ride with great twists, content warning for violence, yeah I'd call it QL)
Until We Meet Again (fine contrast between the ghosts of the past and the world of today, deep story, but has a few problematic scenes that I cringe at, theme music got repetitive; content warning for suicide) (1 or 2 re-watches)
The Warp Effect (not QL, but some queer characters)
and a fanfic:
What's in Your Head (Bad Buddy zombie fic) (content warning for violence, requires AO3 login)
Others I enjoyed (in alpha order):
I enjoyed these enough to be happy I watched them, but not enough to consider them classics and in no danger of breaching my top 10.
Be My Favorite (fun time-travel fantasy with a strong political viewpoint and good twists, one of the mains is a bit hard to take)
Bed Friend (not sure enjoyed is the right word, has some triggers, but worth seeing, loved the cat role-play)
The Boy Foretold By the Stars (fun, sweet comedy)
Choco Milkshake (fun, touching pet fantasy)
Cupid's Last Wish (fun body-swap plot, insane amount of food and landscape porn, rural settings, content warning for gross cow veterinary scene)
Dark Blue Kiss (pretty good, creepy interloper)
Dear Tenant (enjoyed isn't the right word, and had to pause and walk away from it partway for a major cry, but an excellent film)
DNA Says I Love You (review link) (sweet, sad, interesting gender minority rep)
The End of the World With You (mix of SF and fantasy, good story and relationships)
Eternal Summer (Taiwanese film about youth discovering their identity - bisexual love triangle - well done if a bit melancholy)
Ghost Host, Ghost House (nice supernatural treatment)
Gift Shop for People You Hate (not QL but has two minor gay characters making guest appearances, one evil and one harmless) (horror, with a very dark sense of humor) (this one doesn't show an English title on YouTube, but if you search YouTube under that name you'll find it) (1 rewatch)
Jack O'Frost (melancholy and sweet)
The Man Who Defies the World of BL (very funny after watching several series and becoming aware of the tropes)
The Man Who Defies the World of BL season 2 (okay, maybe a joke can go on long enough)
Me, My Husband and My Husband's Boyfriend (bittersweet poly-ish story)
Midnight Museum (not QL but has a major bromance that could go full QL if there's ever a sequel) (a mess, but a glorious mess)
Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss (quite enjoyable)
My Ride (enjoyable comedy with dramatic moments - includes an older gay couple)
Naked Dining (good fun, lots of misunderstandings and food porn)
Neverland (web series from India, well done and too brief)
Our Dating Sim (fun series about the courage to correct your mistakes from the past, set in the video game workplace - a few cringe moments, but generally a very kind series)
Rainbow Prince (campy and fun, not enough songs for something that's supposed to be a musical, you have to be okay with cheesy)
Rak Diao (funny, very silly, although the harassment jokes got old fast and didn't stop)
Sleep With Me (review link) (sweet lesbian romance, kinda slow for such short episodes, great disability rep)
Something in My Room (the abridged-episode version) (good, not great, ghost story)
Stay By My Side (review link) (fun ghost story version of Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss)
Tale of the Lost Boys (movie) (friendship story between a visiting straight Filipino and a gay Taiwanese aboriginal in Taiwan, heartwarming story)
Tinted with You (a way too short, fun time travel fantasy involving a painting and a mystical art lover that bring an art student together with an ancient deposed prince)
Twilight Kiss aka Suk Suk (fine, bittersweet Hong Kong film about an affair between two heterosexually married men who are actually closeted gay men)
Twins (Thai pulp, fun, not too deep)
Your Name Engraved Herein (not sure enjoyed is the right word but it's fine work)
Zero Photography (from Magic of Zero) (most entertaining product promotion vehicle I've seen in QL, even better than Pran & Pat's product placements in Bad Buddy)
Torn about:
These all had some kind of major issue that prevents me from recommending them.
Fish Upon the Sky (appalled at the racism/punch-down humor in episode 4, otherwise loved its play with form)
Last Twilight (entrancing series, but the characters didn't grow, the ending was poorly set up - needed a few more episodes - and it ultimately fumbled on disability rep)
Mr. Cinderella (nearly abandoned this one because of a supporting toxic character, but kept with it after reading a post about the traditional Vietnamese story it was tracking)
Secret Crush on You (cringed for the first half, considered dropping it, read the defense by trans reviewers, watched the rest, and suddenly it got really good)
Together With Me (mix of great content and really problematic content)
I'm more glad than not that I watched these but in retrospect would have been okay if I had missed them:
Bagan Beginning (Not-bad early Myanmar QL, lots of food and antiquity porn, content warning for violence in the last episode)
Color Rush (interesting concept, okay)
Enchanté (not as bad as people say it is, but also just okay)
Gay OK Bangkok and Gay OK Bangkok 2 (definitely gay and, er, okay)
Nitiman (okay enough)
Only Friends (episode notes) (a sex farce with too much toxic behavior for my taste and a last episode choice that left a bad taste in my mouth)
Our Skyy 2 Bad Buddy x Thousand Stars (counting the four episodes as one series even though they have different names, didn't love this but didn't hate it either, very pale compared to the original two separate series)
Our Skyy 2 Vice Versa (was just okay with a really bad idea at the base of its plot)
Star & Sky: Star in My Mind (not great, not bad)
The Tasty Florida (cute enough, just so-so)
Vice Versa (brief notes) (good concept, product placements became way too intrusive for my full enjoyment)
Ones I wish I could watch:
I only watch legit sources, both so the creators get money for it and to reduce the hacking risks that watching gray presents.
Triage (I don't have a Thai phone number to log in to AISPlay, and even if I did not sure if it would have English subtitles)
Manner of Death (I need a WeTV subscription and will check that out) (thank you to @lurkingteapot for this info)
I Feel You Linger in the Air
Peach of Time (supernatural plot) (supposedly I can watch this on WeTV using VPN but I'm not yet ready to make the leap to VPN)
Series I abandoned:
23.5, despite my pledge to watch it, very late (episode 11, mid-part-2/4) because of what I call the punching bag trope that just showed up
Accomplishment of Fundoshi Bartender (episode 2 when he screamed offstage about not dating married men - I know this series isn't intended to be realistic but I still need the other characters to react to his behavior - this series has gotten entirely too silly for me)
Candy Colored Paradox (bored by episode 2 or 3)
Cooking Crush (a few minutes into episode 1 [2/4] as it is getting way too silly for me, plus we're going to have to put up with hazing/bullying as comedy - at least they had some new sound effects)
Cutie Pie (hated the infantilizing, left by episode 3 or 4)
I Told Sunset About You (left in episode 1, not loving the high school content)
Love by Chance (had someone fall on top of someone else in the first 30 seconds, left immediately)
Love Stage (apparently without most of the music - I'm guessing there's rights issues - but I abandoned it after 2 episodes because one of the lead's acting felt flat and I didn't enjoy the humor)
Lucky My Love (first segment didn't engage me)
Meow Ears Up (lost interest in the first episode with the fangirls in the store incident)
My Secret Love (first segment didn't engage me)
One Room Angel (dropped after episode 3 because it's so depressing; open to returning if it cheers up)
Playboyy (a new record - I got scared away by the content warning before the episode even started - however, based on various posts I might reconsider in for a binge watch once it's over)
SOTUS (not a fan of hazing)
Star & Sky: Sky in Your Heart (abandoned around the time of the outhouse incident)
Theory of Love (abandoned when nearly at the beginning Gun's character was crying in the shower)
VIP Only (failed to engage me in the first episode)
Un-favorite tropes:
Falling on someone
Heavy seme/uke dynamic
Northern rural Thai loan sharks
Evil ex
Stuff that I've written as opposed to reblogged I've tagged #pandasmagorica so I can find them easier.
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