#wah. Margaret i love you
imeminemp3 · 2 years
episode of margaret going to deliver a korean lady's baby :)))
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FINAL FIRST THOUGHTS ON PERSONA 3: AMAZING. Uhhh some specific about January
-Nyx is still the best Persona boss imo. Her buildup was incredible. Izanami's was kinda lacking (wow it's the gas attendant how SHOCKING....... it should've ended at the giant eyeball I'm telling you) and Yalbadaoth was actually pretty cool but Nyx clears. And holy shit I should've used Surt with Ragnarok because it took me more than an hour to defeat her 😩
-Aigis' social link genuinely teared me up. She's such a wonderful character, trying to grasp what it feels to be human in spite of her programming. Absolutely beautiful
-I wish Jin and Takaya's story along with Nyx cult were explored more in December because oh my god that month literally has no significant story... Mitsuru didn't react much to the fact that Kirijo group was the one that created Strega. If it was revealed on December it would've been more satisfying
-Again, love how this game doesn't give you recap dump unlike P4 and P5. We already knew what happened Naoto STOP REPEATING THIS AGAIN I KNOW YOU'RE A DETECTIVE BUT STILL......
-Yes, the port isn't perfect, there are scenes that bothers me like AI background, how all cutscene screenshots looked so crispy, and RNG fusion. I guess if you already played P3P don't buy this. But as a first time P3 player I honestly didn't mind it for like 97% of the game. I usually look at the sprite in front of me and not the background :P
-I'd probably replay this once to defeat Margaret, Theodore, and meet my babe Shinjiro in the rooftop. Honestly this isn't really a replayable game because I know I just couldn't replicate how I feel when I first played the game. Which makes me sad :( I want to experience P3 for the first time again
-Glad this isn't Twitter because I don't fucking want to hear "wah wah FES better" argument. I have my preferences, which is being able to date Shinjiro and in general better social links in FEMC route. You can have your better 3D models and walkable environment. Shoo shoo let me kiss him
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master-tonberry · 1 year
Since the weekend is upon us, you probably won't hear from me as it's booked (as usual wah wah), so I'll try and make this ask good.
As soon as I read Alias Grace, I immediately reread it. Margaret Atwood, without exaggeration, changed my life. Now I will definitely try out Sheri S. Tepper!
Yes!!! Goonies never say diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie! I went to Astoria just to visit the filming locations and even got to touch the ORV (and the bullet holes haha). Your taste is immaculate, mbbdarling! The LOTR movies are my all-time favorites.
You don't have to say your age specifically, but are you also a child of the 80s or maybe the 90s?
You have really lived a lot! So super cool. My uncle was also a pilot, though he was always US-based. I have been to Germany a couple of times, too. We have family there, and I also majored in German in college. It holds the most special place in my heart.
I suspected you were a fantasy-lover, so maybe I was being rather sneaky there as all four of those genres are my faves. I couldn't lose! //evil laughter//
SORCHA. IS. LIFE. As we rewatched it this past weekend, it hit me--she's probably the reason why I'm obsessed with and drawn to curly redheads.
Speaking of hair, are you a long or short hair person? You have a fave hair color? (I've dyed my hair red for the last 20 years, and I'll probably dye it until I go gray--I also love all-gray hair.)
I can't talk about Lee Scoresby... </3 I am also a profound lover of Iorek Byrnison, though I revile that damn golden monkey. //clenches fist//
You like video games like my bestie does! I am not a gamer--I love watching others play--with two exceptions: Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. The only two video games I ever loved. :)
Those are SOLID tropes. I love those, too! Found family goes hand-in-hand with quests, which you already know I love. Nothing beats a good ensemble of characters.
I'd probably end up being the leader, I guess, so I'm coming to you, my consigliere, for all the plans and schematics. I will trust in your fastidious nature to lead us safely to the dragon's hoard!
Okay, more nosy questions time.
If you were an animal, what would you be:
Dream job:
House, apartment, cabin, or treehouse:
And back to MX--
Favorite MX photoshoot/aesthetic:
Favorite Hyungwon hairstyle:
Favorite Jooheon hairstyle:
(Examples are always appreciated *wink wink*)
Have the best weekend, mbbdarling! Take good care of yourself and smile lots!
NO. WAY. Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are my all time favorite games 😂 I'm starting to think we're the same person!! I almost cried when I found out that they had finally re-released Chrono Cross for the PS4, I'm just about to start getting relics from the dragons.
I was a short hair person all through high school and most of my early 20s but I have been a long hair person for years now. I had it down to my butt at one point but I recently gave myself a long wolfcut just before my partner and I went to see Ateez. I've had it so many colors (I was a punk back in the day, so I've always liked dying it) but it is currently fire engine red and I think I'll keep it that way for a while. I also recently did a blue to purple ombre, half neon green and half black, half pink and half blue (that was for Seventeen!), and all black.
Okay questions time!
What Animal Would You Be: Definitely some kind of corvid. I identify too strongly with bluejays, but crows are also excellent.
Dream Job: I actually love the job I have right now (which I won't be specific about for privacy reasons, but its an admin position) but I secretly always wanted to have a self-sufficient farm and a little shop where I could sell handmade candles and soaps and handspun and dyed yarn lol
House, Apartment, Cabin, or Treehouse: Okay it's not practical at all but I would absolutely love to live in a treehouse like the ones that they have in Hook. But since that would never ever happen in a million years, a cabin in the woods is the ideal.
Favorite MX Aesthetic: Okay look. I really really love the Shootout jumpsuits. Jooheon especially looks super hot in them.
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Favorite Jooheon Hair: I mean, he invented having blond hair soooooo...
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Look at this man, he's so gorgeous???? How???
I hope you have a great weekend!! 💗
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calderskillday · 2 years
a starstruck odyssey episode 7 liveblog!!!!!
right here we go, home from vacation, let's do this
seeing these goofs on my screen is a balm for my soul wah they're all so beautiful
axmurph makes me wanna cry..... "thankyousomuch"
caing lucienne margaret's "friend" being a running joke is everything to me
rootin tootin robots 😭😭 chester 😭😭
butch cowboy mechanic?? yeah !!!!
skip picking up new language lmaoooooo
brennan's robot voice and emily's absolute delight omg
"i don't wanna spend all my signing bonus on getting my signing bonus" oh NO LOUUU
AWWWW riva getting everyone breathing devices so they can hang out with them in their tank
aurora nebbins in a service dog vest.... my heart
skip saying Things will always make my heart warm
barry helping sid look for turtles 😭 i love the gunners
i simply LOVE the joy emily gets from the littlest things and the way she goes out of her way to make more of those things happen
is..... plug flirting with norm
i don't usually like listening/watching shopping bits but this crew makes it so fuckin fun
riva looking for drugs??? SIX DRUGS PLEASE SIFHKDF
zac's impression of drinking chili through a straWWWW
tug up on it once and then i'm dead
"i really need to meet loose duke, then i need to punch him in the face"
murph cannot stop saying "loose duke" and it is killing me
emily's characters encouraging animals to mate will never get old
BARRYS HAVE ADVANTAGE ON PERCEPTION CHECKS WITH SMELL (that's the second time murph has said this exact sentence so far in this series, i'm sure it won't be the last)
"there's gonna be worms out here aren't there" emily.... i love you
yikes to the nat 1s
emily with minor illusion is undefeatable
the COMBOS this team puts together.... this is everything
EVERYONE RELAX is such a classic murph meathead line
dirty sheriff... 👀👀
"loose duke put your tongue away"
oh god i can't wait to see what swallop's slop and gravy bucket looks like
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terrence-silver · 2 years
What other movies do you think Terry would enjoy watching?
Very complicated question to answer;
Why do I get the impression Terry, at any age, universally, likes retro films and is a huge cinephile of said genre? He just enjoys the Golden Era Old Hollywood ones? The classics - a good vintage. He appreciates vintage wine and he, in equal measure appreciates vintage kino, black and white or in color. Something he would've seen in his youth and something that harkens to a bygone nostalgia, also, a habit he might've picked up from his family too. That's an easy one. Or at least, that's what he says he has a penchant for, most frequently, as his go-to response whenever the topic comes up, even though it's technically not a lie, only a mask of classiness he's most willing to reveal as the 'safe', acceptable option. That includes flicks like Casablanca (1942), Rebel Without a Cause (1955), Streetcar Named Desire (1951), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), Sunset Boulevard (1950) - you name it. This list contains foreign classics too like the entire filmography of Akira Kurosawa respectively and 70's Korean cinema gems.
Post-war / Vietnam-era he and Johnny might've gotten ironically into the 70's martial arts Bruce Lee movie craze because it was in high fashion at the time and that's exactly where he picked up, the uh, whole mocking wah-wah thing directed at poor Mr. Miyagi. Then, a bit of karma hit him and Terry no doubt got non-ironically into said movies, but he'd never really admit to it, opting to instead, vehemently making fun of the whole line-up of flicks out of a certain bigotry of his own, unfortunately. His relationship with media is as complicated and as troubling as he himself is, at times.
Twig adored romance with every inch of his being since an early age - the more traditionally heart wrenching and sappy, the better, might've even went the tragic route of Romeo and Juliet (1968) or Bonnie and Clyde (1967) but he kept it strictly hidden, opting instead, to liking whatever all the other boys in the army liked too at the time in order to fit in and be see as a 'man' and avoid getting made fun of. Even more, that is. Could've loved 50's and 60's Disney animations too, like Lady and the Tramp (1955), but again, that's something he'd never tell.
For some reason I see him getting into cheesy, melodramatic American primetime daytime soaps about the excessively rich and famous (like himself) in the 80's and early 90's You know the ones. Dynasty (1981-1989). Dynasty II: The Colbys (1985-87). Dallas (1978-1991). The Falcon Crest (1981-1990). It simply entertained him to amazing degrees, because he saw himself in those storylines, characters and unimaginable wealth portrayed on screen to the point in became an odd point of self-parody to him. Where humor was concerned, he might've fancied or had tremendous amounts of laughing fits with Golden Girls (1985-1992), because it always reminded him of Margaret, and all the protagonists there did, one way or another and he's deeply fond of it to this day.
Things he doesn't like; Vietnam war movies. He just avoids them. Vehemently. Even if he saw them, he doesn't comment on them and his mind is pretty much shut down on the issue. There's a blank there, even if he references it or someone references it around him.
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ellitx · 3 years
himmel would 100% be the kind of husband that gushes about his wife and his kids to his friends. he would probably be part of the neighborhood association if he was a househusband and not a day goes by when he doesnt mention them at least once. their neighbors, margaret, sara, quinn, etc. would know about whatever new surprise he has in store for his wife when she gets home from work, or the new healthy snack he’s experimenting with for his kids to eat in school AJDHJSJDJS im just really soft househusband himmel is such a sweetheart 😭👉🏼👈🏼
- jeanon
Househusband himmel is making me all soft and warm ahhh 😭💕💕 he sometimes brings his kids with him whenever the association needs help and it’s really fun and enjoyable to see the little kids, the members and even adults approach him and greet his babies.
They’re all cooing and baby talking to them, and he joins in by moving their small hands and waving to them as a hi.
“Say hi to Aunt Sara and Aunt Eury~”
They just babbled and reached for their father’s hair instead. Everyone awed and was endeared by their own cuteness, god they want to pinch their round cheeks and nom their little fingers!!
I also imagine himmel asks sara if he can have a copy of her recipe. He wants to try creating new dishes to surprise you, as well as something to feed his babies. Too bad they’ve inherited his dislikes to veggies so he has to find an alternative.
Time skipping to where his babies are now in school and has to bring their own lunches, himmel LOVES to create those bentos. He puts a sticky notes on their lunchboxes, a message to take care and some few sweet messages that always brings a smile to their face.
And when they open the lid, it’s always a work of art and it’s almost a sin to ruin such masterpiece. Their friends and classmates are always amazed by their bentos and they’re really really smug about and even flexes that their father is the greatest cook in the world.
“Wah!! Fried radish balls! Ah, but yours is hash brown…”
“Did papa mixed up our bentos again?”
“Probably. Hey, can I have your octodogs?”
“Nu-uh! You already have your own octodogs! H-hey, that’s mine!!”
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richmond-rex · 4 years
⭐ for 'Dull Roots, Spring Rain' please? ⭐
Hi there, dear! Thanks for sending this ask 🌹🌹 send in a ⭐ to ask for the “director’s commentary”
I really need to say that this story was actually my first time not only writing Margaret of Anjou but also Jasper Tudor! Jasper had already featured in a number of my stories but always from his nephew Henry’s POV — Henry and Jasper’s relationship is an integral part of my modern AU, for example, but their relationship is the focus of my fic A Traitor’s Courage. In that story, Henry is reunited with his uncle after spending nine years with the Herberts as a ward, so when he is reunited with Jasper he doesn’t have many memories of him left. They have to restart their relationship as if from the beginning — which I think is pretty much what happened in real life, sadly. So in Dull Roots, Spring Rain Jasper is caught in between his relationship with his brother Henry, his crush on his sister-in-law Margaret, and his guardianship of his nephew Harry. One thing that I and @beardofkamenev have talked about recently is that irl Jasper’s journey went from the role of the younger brother — if we consider that Catherine of Valois never took Owen junior home, Jasper was the youngest boy she was raising (I like to think she called him ‘mon bébé’... wah) — to the role of the guardian/protector. 
This journey was really enhanced after the events of Tewkesbury that led to the death of his nephew Ned, the capture of his one true love Margaret, and the disposing of his brother Henry, not to mention the death of the Lancastrian cause for which Jasper had been ceaselessly campaigning in the previous ten years. His nephew Harry was literally all the family Jasper had left after 1471. In A Traitor’s Courage, Jasper says to his nephew Harry:
There's only you now." Henry heard him sniffling, felt him sighing against his hair. "Only you."
Jasper’s condition isn’t that critical in a 1461 scenario where the Lancastrians have won because he still has that side of his family with him — Henry, Margaret, Ned — but still, he has just lost his father in this story. Adding that to Edmund’s death, who most likely was the only one that went throught the same things as him (Welsh but not really, royalty but not really), Jasper has been thrown into the position of Harry’s guardian. There’s a tinge of desperation at not knowing what to do and the grief about his father, all of that while still trying to balance his loyalty to the brother the king and his feelings for the queen.
Those are a lot of things to deal with for the first time writing his POV, right? Weirdly, I felt like those two polarising tensions helped me shaping the character that I wanted to write, especially considering the Arthur x Guinevere x Lancelot implications of his relationship with Margaret that we have talked about before. I turned to T. H. White’s notes on the character of Malory’s Lancelot. Among those, I felt like Jasper could be characterised as:
1. Intensely sensitive to moral issues  4. Superstitious or totemistic or whatever the word is. He connects his martial luck with virginity, like the schoolboy who thinks he will only bowl well in the match tomorrow if he does not abuse himself today. 5. Fastidious, monogamous, serious. 6. Ferociously punitive to his own body. He denies it and slave-drives it. 11. Humble about his athleticism: not false modesty. 12. Self-critical. Aware of some big lack in himself. What was it? 4, 5 & 6 are traits that we can find in his nephew Harry, and, I believe, in his brother Henry as well. What was the link between them? Only one: Jasper. Jasper must have been 4, 5, and 6. 12 is something that I realised Jasper might have been too. According to White’s Lancelot:
“The boy thought there was something wrong with him. All through his life — even when he was a great man with the world at his feet — he was to feel this gap: something in the bottom of his heart of which he was aware, and ashamed, but which he did not understand.”
I think it’s very possible that Jasper (and Edmund) felt displaced at his brother’s court, at least for a time. Compared to the greatest nobles, his father was nothing but a Welsh squire in a time when the English hatred for the Welsh was very much alive and thriving — hell, his own brother Henry VI had passed on a series of severe punitive laws against the Welsh people. At the same time, Jasper was the son of a queen, nephew of the king of France, and uterine brother of the king of England. It must not have been easy to live between two worlds, not Welsh enough and not royal enough.
Adding to that guilt for not being enough there’s the guilt for ‘taking his brother’s place’, let’s say, in his nephew’s life. I think I told you this before, but Harry mistaking Jasper for his father absolutely crushes him and feeds that guilt inside his heart. Angsty enough? Well, there’s also the guilt for desiring his brother’s wife 💔 Poor Jasper just can’t win, can he? And the thing is, even if he feels guilty, his sense of loyalty transcends what his rational brain tells him is wrong: he’s not Harry’s father but he doesn’t want any other son but him, he’s not Margaret’s husband but he doesn’t want any other woman but her.
I realised even a 1461 victory wouldn’t be enough to wash that much angst away. I started writing Dull Roots, Spring Rain because I wanted to have little Harry meeting big Harry, and look at how that turned out! I’ve already spent entire nights crying over Jasper with @beardofkamenev but we can always add more people to the club *wink-wink*.
Sorry for rambling so much, and thank you for sending your ⭐ I appreciate it <3
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draggoreviews-blog · 6 years
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八十八ヶ所巡礼 - 八+八 (2010)
I firmly believe Japan creates some of the best music when it comes to it dabbling in western genres. This belief is not questioned at all with  八十八ヶ所巡礼 (88kasyo junrei) and their album “ 八+八” (88). 88kasyo junrei gives you a bang for your buck with this hour long journey; showing very few signs of slowing down, but in the best way imaginable. An album where the cover says everything you need to know about this album. The stuff of legends. 
This album really doesn't slow down in quality, which is extremely surprising considering the hour long length. This type of music usually gets tiresome at around 24 minutes, but they include so much goodness in the extra 36 that it just warrants a complete listen from me. The funky bass, the booming guitars, and the amazing vocals of Margaret Hiroi. This band is crazy, as is the album cover. Really just sounds like an entertaining musical ride. There is truly nothing I can compare this type of music too. It really stands on its own, which means it is definitely worth a listen to anyone who may be interested. Just kinda proves my point earlier that Japanese music just does western genres so much justice. They truly make it their own; from the weirdness, to the lovable charm that it always has.  
Right away this album starts off very strong. The first track starts off with a great drumline, and the vocals help to lead into the opening riff, and I immediately knew I was going to love this album. It is pretty easy to tell they love variation. Most of the first song seems to go seamlessly from riff to riff as they build on them. Sometimes using effects and syncopation to achieve different, unique effects. Almost gets noodly sometimes, but just in the best way. When the second song kicks in, I really started to love this album. Big scream and a silly guitar lead into a funky ass bassline. The riff that results from this has to be one of the best riffs I have heard. The post-hardcore elements really start to show here; kind of reminding me of The Fall of Troy in some sections. It’s just super fun hearing all the variations on riffs, but later in the track they just stop and do a really sick break. The break has to be one of the best parts of this song, just a really sick guitar tone and an odd, but easy to follow time signature. The rest of the songs following it just seem to keep up this insanely great sound. It is only until “親孝行” we see a true slowdown. Kind of a perfect time to slow down as you've sit through some really hectic stuff for about 24 minutes already. After it; the tracks seem to lead back into the sound from earlier. “愛ハ三文字” is another highlight for me. The riff that booms out of the intro is something that I wish I could hear more off. Starts out as a normal riff but then it starts to have a wah-wah effect that just sticks in my head. So many riffs that are catchy in this album. I realize I am just fangirling a lot over different sections of the music, I am sorry haha. 
So all in all, you get some insane value out of the hour long experience this album brings. Crazy riffs, loud vocals, and groovy basslines. I find it to slow down in the perfect spots, without really feeling like a forced slowdown. This is easily one of the best things I have listened to recently, and I find myself coming back to this in some capacity almost weekly. Just another amazing Japanese gem. 
Rating: 9/10
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jeonpalette-archive · 7 years
- ̗̀92 truths ̖́-
tagged by: anotherbtslaundry  thank you bub! you’re so precious ♡ anyway it’s cool that your name’s tj bec mine’s ej! that’s so cuuute! and why don’t you believe in angels? you are one : ) 
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!

[1] drink: coffee 
[2] phone call: my dad
[3] text message: my mom
[4] song you listened to: controlla bec i was watching tom holland dance : ( here’s the link if you want [x] jfc he’s so hot, did u know he dance ballet before
[5] time you cried: a while ago. i was reading a fic. sue me.
[6] dated someone twice: yes, i do admit i’m a v bad decision maker.
[7] been cheated on: no
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: no, why would i
[9] lost someone special: yes
[10] been depressed: what do u mean depressed? it’s just normal mood tbh
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, told u i was a bad decision maker
[12] black
[13] nude
[14] teal
[15] made new friends: yes
[16] fallen out of love: yes
[17] laughed until you cried: when i’m with my friends, always
[18] found out someone was talking about you: like bad things? no but i had this instance where the friend of my x answered an ask about me on ask.fm and shared it on twt. they prolly talked abt me tho, couldn’t care less
[19] met someone who changed you: yes, you guys know who you are : )
[20] found out who your true friends are: yes, i found a family and a support group in the group of friends i have now.
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: like know-know? first name basis and facial recognition is all, but i don’t rlly know their story or smth
[23] do you have any pets: a dog named kean and a fish named ‘pogi’ [that’s handsome in filipino]
[24] do you want to change your name: i do like the name margaret, but nah i like my name too so i wouldn’t change it
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: went swimming with fambam !!! 
[26] what time did you wake up: 5:35 am, school rockz /raises heavy metal hand sign/
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping (╥. ╥)
[28] name something you cannot wait for: the radical part of me screams a decent president but tbh i just really can’t wait of finally being able to decide for myself without my parents opinion.
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: n minutes ago
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i had more motivation instead of just being lackadaisical [WoW BiG wOrD]
[31] what are you listening to right now: stay with you - cheat codes
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: does tommy count? if yes, then yes
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: college applications
[34] most visited website: tumblr
[35] elementary: /insert sherlock’s voice/ my dear watson. omg that’s so lame. 
[36] high school: literally this gif
[37] college: idek if i still want to go to college lol
[38] hair colour: black
[39] long or short hair: i just had a haircut so it’s short, but not short-short. goodness, you guys know what i mean 
[40] do you have a crush on someone: crushes as in crushes-your-heart-bec-you-know-you-will-never-be-together? uhh no thank you. i have my fictional characters and bts, i’m fine.
[41] what do you like about yourself?: 
[42] piercings: one in both ears, i’m thinking of having helix piercings
[43] blood type: O
[44] nickname: ej 
[45] relationship status: single but not interested
[46] zodiac sign: aries
[47] pronouns: she/her
[48] fav tv show(s): himym, got, skins
[49] tattoos: i badly want one!!!
[50] right or left handed: right
[51] surgery: does tooth surgery counts? bec i had one 
[52] piercing: ears
[53] best friend: a girl named nica
[54] sport: volleyball, wAh i miss
[55] vacation: bohol, philippines
[56] pair of trainers: puma 
[57] eating: what do u mean? like breastfeed or what lmao AHAHAH
[58] drinking: how tf can i remember the date : (
[59] i’m about to: sleep
[60] listening to: survival - eminem, idek whose playlist this is i just searched for fireflies a while ago and the transition is so confusing
[61] waiting for: the classes to be suspended like give me some rest pls it’s only been three weeks and we’ve been doing a lot of performance tasks already
[62] want: to not fucked things up 
[63] get married: i do want to get married and have babies (that needs breastfeed)
[64] career: just shouting into the void, I REALLY WANT TO BECOME A DANCE MAJOR but like i want to be practical as well so i’ll choose engineering instead.
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs AND kisses
[66] lips or eyes: eyes 
[67] shorter or taller: taller
[68] older or younger: older
[69] romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: doesn’t matter
[71] sensitive or loud: sensitive AND loud 
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker so we can be fuck-ups together

[74] kissed a stranger?: no
[75] drank hard liquor?: yes, way more than necessary considering my age
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses?: never wore glasses nor contact lenses
[77] turned someone down: yes
[78] sex on first date?: no
[79] broken someone’s heart?: yes
[80] had your own heart broken?: yes, i think it’s vice versa because if you broke someone’s heart, you’ll be affected about it as well
[81] been arrested?: no
[82] cried when someone died?: yes
[83] fallen for a friend: no

[84] yourself?: no
[85] miracles?: yes
[86] love at first sight?: yes
[87] santa claus?: yes, up until now ♡
[88] kiss on the first date?: yes
[89] angels?: yes
[90] current best friend’s name: a girl named enya
[91] eye colour: dark brown
[92] favourite movies: kimi no na wa, ironman basically anything marvel, collateral beauty, i rly should update my recommendations bec i have a lot of faves wAh
i’m not following anyone at the moment bec i still have a goal to reach so, i’m tagging everyone! feel free to do it and just put that i tagged you okiz. thank you for tagging me really, i enjoyed answering!
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