zef-zef · 2 years
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music for the adventurous listener 
Great collaboration  between Saint Abdullah and Eomac
Saint Abdullah & Eomac - In One Corner the Male Relatives from: Saint Abdullah & Eomac - Patience Of A Traitor (Other People, 2022)
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this-week-in-rust · 2 years
This Week in Rust 464
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at @ThisWeekInRust or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Project/Tooling Updates
rust-analyzer changelog #150
IntelliJ Rust Changelog #180
This Month in hyper: September 2022
Fornjot - Weekly Release - 2022-W41
This Month in Rust OSDev: September 2022
rustc_codegen_gcc: Progress Report #16
Fyrox 0.28 Feature Highlights
zerocal - A Serverless Calendar App in Rust Running on shuttle.rs
Announcing error-stack v0.2
When to vendor (or not) your dependencies in Rust
RAII: Compile-Time Memory Management in C++ and Rust
Hard Mode Rust
Single Pass Recursion in Rust
Platform Agnostic Drivers in Rust: The MAX7219 Driver
Different test scopes in Rust
Rust Walkthroughs
Avoiding allocations in Rust to shrink Wasm modules
Building a JobSystem
[video] Fast Rest API - Rust + Actix Web (2022)
Using C libraries in your Rust project
Call for Papers: Rust Nation UK Conference 2023 (Deadline 2022-10-31)
[audio] What's New in Rust 1.62, 1.63, and 1.64 :: Rustacean Station
[audio] Veloren with Forest Anderson :: Rustacean Station
[video] Day in the Life of Open Source Maintenance: 2022-10-08
[video] Static Async Concurrency in Rust
[video] Rust makes cents (Speed is a FEATURE)
[video] Rust Wrocław Meetup 29 - Live stream, 6.10.2022
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is pci-driver, a crate to develop user-space PCI(e) linux drivers.
Thanks to Alberto Faria for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but didn't know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
zerocopy - Miri can't run tests for wasm32-wasi target
zerocopy - Test in CI that we have the same MSRV in all source files
zerocopy - Add comment to README.md stating that it's auto-generated and shouldn't be edited directly
zerocopy - Test Clippy in CI
Ockam - Partition rust test jobs with nextest
Ockam - Refactor ockam identity show command to use rpc abstraction
Ockam - Refactor tcp connection list command to use rpc abstraction
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
388 pull requests were merged in the last week
use BOLT in CI to optimize LLVM
stabilize half_open_range_patterns
check WhereClauseReferencesSelf after all other object safety checks
check generic argument compatibility when projecting assoc ty
delay evaluating lint primary message until after it would be suppressed
disable compressed debug sections on i586-gnu
don't ICE when trying to copy unsized value in const prop
enable inline stack probes on X86 with LLVM 16
suggest .into() when all other coercion suggestions fail
suggest == to wrong assign expr
suggest calling method if fn does not exist
suggest unwrap_or_else when a closure is given
fix MIR inlining of asm_unwind
fix #[derive(Default)] on a generic #[default] enum adding unnecessary Default bounds
fix unwind drop glue for if-then scopes
lint against nested opaque types that don't satisfy associated type bounds
make tests capture the error printed by a Result return
only allow ~const bounds for traits with #[const_trait]
recover from impl Trait in type param bound
remove TypeckResults from InferCtxt
show let-else suggestion on stable
skip chained OpaqueCast when building captures
trying to suggest additional lifetime parameter
uplift clippy::for_loops_over_fallibles lint into rustc
don't ICE when normalizing closure input tys
make const_err a hard error
panic-on-uninit: adjust checks to 0x01-filling
introduce {char, u8}::is_ascii_octdigit
std: use futex in Once
EscapeAscii is not an ExactSizeIterator
slice: #[inline] a couple iterator methods
add Vec::push_within_capacity - fallible, does not allocate
add T to impl Debug for PhantomData
only export __tls_* on wasm32-unknown-unknown
add AsFd implementations for stdio lock types on WASI
add ptr::Alignment type
reduce CString allocations in std as much as possible
avoid repeated re-initialization of the BufReader buffer
do the calloc optimization for Option<bool>
From<Alignment> for {usize, NonZeroUsize}
Make Hash{Set, Map}::with_hasher unstably const
implement Ready::into_inner()
futures: implement Clone for Drain
codegen_gcc: fix fmaddsub
codegen_gcc: fix simd bitmask
codegen_gcc: fix simd select bitmask
codegen_gcc: simd: enable simd_as intrinsic
cargo: import cargo remove into cargo
cargo: add completions for cargo remove
cargo: add retry support to sparse registries
cargo: config file loaded via CLI takes priority over env vars
cargo: fix sparse registry lockfile urls containing 'registry+sparse+'
cargo: source replacement ambiguity (RFC #3289)
rustdoc: render more cross-crate HRTBs properly
bindgen: generated name override
bindgen: context: fix tokenization of C++20 inline namespace
clippy: add disallowed_macros lint
clippy: add manual_filter lint for Option
clippy: new implicit_saturating_add lint
clippy: add a temporary workaround for multiline formart arg inlining
clippy: don't suggest moving tuple structs with a significant drop to late evaluation
clippy: fix arithmetic_side_effects false negative
clippy: don't ignore literal references on arithmetic-side-effects
clippy: FormatArgsExpn: find comma spans and ignore weird proc macro spans
clippy: further enhance needless_borrow, mildly refactor redundant_clone
clippy: match_single_binding add curlies for more cases to fix suggestion
clippy: suboptimal_flops lint for multiply and subtract
clippy: extend box-default lint, add suggestion
clippy: let upper_case_acronyms check the enum name
clippy: unsafe_removed_from_name: fix false positive when #[allow]ed
rust-analyzer: add convert_named_struct_to_tuple_struct assist
rust-analyzer: prefer similar tokens when expanding macros speculatively
rust-analyzer: fix generate_method: correct method indentation inside generated impl and change gen loc
rust-analyzer: expand unmatched mbe fragments to reasonable default token trees
rust-analyzer: honor cfg attributes on params when lowering their patterns
rust-analyzer: make go-to-def work for #[doc = include_str!("path")]
rust-analyzer: in VSCode, correctly resolve relative paths to errors
rust-analyzer: treat enum variants as generic item on their own
rust-analyzer: use BoundVars from current generic scope
perf: add basic runtime benchmark infrastructure
add n-body simulation runtime benchmark
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Overall, a fairly quiet week where the change to primary benchmarks ended up breaking exactly even. Secondary benchmarks saw improvements but not in large enough numbers for it to be particularly noteworthy.
Triage done by @rylev. Revision range: 02cd79a..1e926f0
(instructions:u) mean range count Regressions ❌ (primary) 0.8% [0.2%, 1.4%] 19 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 1.0% [0.3%, 1.8%] 9 Improvements ✅ (primary) -0.6% [-1.8%, -0.3%] 29 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -1.0% [-6.4%, -0.2%] 39 All ❌✅ (primary) -0.0% [-1.8%, 1.4%] 48
3 Regressions, 1 Improvements, 6 Mixed; 4 of them in rollups 41 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] make unaligned_reference a hard error
[disposition: merge] Stabilize raw-dylib for non-x86
[disposition: merge] Only apply ProceduralMasquerade hack to older versions of rental
[disposition: merge] Remove save-analysis.
[disposition: merge] make order_dependent_trait_objects show up in future-breakage reports
[disposition: merge] merge functionality of io::Sink into io::Empty
[disposition: merge] Stabilize duration_checked_float
[disposition: merge] Change process spawning to inherit the parent's signal mask by default
New and Updated RFCs
[new] unsafe attributes
[new] Support upcasting of dyn Trait values
[new] Restrictions
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2022-10-12 - 2022-11-09 🦀
2022-10-12 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust and C++ Cardiff Virtual Meet
2022-10-12 | Virtual (Erlangen, DE) | Rust Franken
Rust Franken Meetup #4
2022-10-12 | Virtual (San Francisco, CA, US / Redmond, WA, US / New York, NY, US / Toronto, CA / London, UK) | Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Getting Started with Rust: Building Rust Projects | Redmond Mirror | New York Mirror | Toronto Mirror | London Mirror
2022-10-13 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | EuroRust
EuroRust (Oct 13-14)
2022-10-15 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Deep Dive Session 2 (CuteCopter): Reverse Engineering a tiny drone
2022-10-18 | Virtual (Myrtle Point, OR, US) | #EveryoneCanContribute Cafe
Cloud Native: KubeCon NA - expectations, learnings, etc. -- incl. WebAssembly and Containers -- OpenTelemetry + Rust
2022-10-18 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful—Impractical Rust: The HATETRIS World Record
2022-10-19 | Virtual (Boulder, CO, US) | Boulder Elixir and Rust
Monthly Meetup
2022-10-19 | Virtual (Chennai, IN) | Techceleration at Toyota Connected
Techceleration's! Let's Talk Tech! Rust | BreakTheCode Contest - 14th Edition
2022-10-19 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rapid Prototyping in Rust: Write fast like Python; Run fast like C
2022-10-19 | Virtual | Boston NoSQL Database Group (ScyllaDB)
p99 Conf: All Things Performance (including talks on Rust) - Free | Official conference page
2022-10-20 | Virtual (México City, MX) | Rust MX
Graphul, un web framework escrito en Rust
2022-10-20 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2022-10-25 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2022-10-25 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2022-10-26 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US / New York, NY, US / Toronto, CA / Stockholm, SE) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond
Your First Rust Project: Rust Basics | New York Mirror | Toronto Mirror | Stockholm Mirror
2022-10-27 | Virtual (Charlottesville, VA, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Using Applicative Functors to parse command line options
2022-10-27 | Karlsruhe, DE | The Karlsruhe Functional Programmers Meetup Group
Stammtisch (gemeinsam mit der C++ UG KA) (various topics, from C++ to Rust...)
2022-11-01 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2022-11-02 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2022-11-02 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US / San Francisco, SF, US / New York, NY, US / Toronto, CA / London, UK) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond
Getting Started with Rust: From Java Dev to Rust Developer | San Francisco Mirror | New York Mirror | Toronto Mirror | London Mirror
2022-11-02 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust and C++ Cardiff Virtual Meet
2022-11-08 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2022-11-08 | Virtual (Stockholm, SE) | Func Prog Sweden
Tenth Func Prog Sweden MeetUp 2022 – Online (with "Ready for Rust" by Erik Dörnenburg)
2022-10-12 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust and Tell - EuroRust B-Sides
2022-10-12 | Cologne, DE | Rust Cologne
Iterators in Rust
2022-10-13 | Berlin, DE + Virtual | EuroRust
EuroRust (Oct 13-14)
2022-10-13 | Roma, IT | Rust Roma
GraphQL server with Rust #Aperitech
2022-10-20 | London, UK | Rust London User Group
Rust London x JFrog SwampUP After Party
2022-10-25 | Paris, FR | Rust Paris
Rust Paris meetup #53
2022-10-26 | London, UK | Rust London User Group
LDN Talks October 2022: Host by Amazon Prime Video
2022-10-27 | København, DK | Copenhagen Rust Group
Hack Night #30
North America
2022-10-13 | Columbus, OH, US | Columbus Rust Society
Monthly Meeting
2022-10-18 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2022-10-20 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Anyhow ? Turbofish ::<> / HTTP calls and errors in Rust.
2022-10-20 | New York, NY, US | Cloud Native New York
Cloud-native Search Engine for Log Management and Analytics.
2022-10-25 | Toronto, ON, CA | Rust Toronto
2022-10-27 | Lehi, UT, US | Utah Rust
Bevy Crash Course with Nathan and Food!
2022-10-20 | Brisbane, QLD, AU | Rust Brisbane
October Meetup
2022-10-20 | Wellington, NZ | Rust Wellington
Tune Up Edition: software engineering management
2022-11-09 | Sydney, NSW, AU | Rust Sydney
RustAU Sydney - Last physical for 2022 !
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
There's a lot of weird debate about whether Rust in the kernel is useful or not... in my experience, it's way more useful than I could've ever imagined!
I went from 1st render to a stable desktop that can run run games, browsers, etc. in about two days of work on my driver (!!!)
All the concurrency bugs just vanish with Rust! Memory gets freed when it needs to be freed! Once you learn to make Rust work with you, I feel like it guides you into writing correct code, even beyond the language's safety promises. It's seriously magic! ✨
There is absolutely no way I wouldn't have run into race conditions, UAFs, memory leaks, and all kinds of badness if I'd been writing this in C.
In Rust? Just some logic bugs and some core memory management issues. Once those were fixed, the rest of the driver just worked!!
– Asahi Lina on twitter
llogiq is mightily pleased with his suggestion.
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
0 notes
kapkunkap12 · 2 years
Jawatan Terkini FRIM 2022
Jawatan Terkini FRIM 2022
Jawatan Terkini FRIM 2022 | Pengambilan terkini jawatan kosong di Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM) dibawah Kementerian Tenaga dan Sumber Asli bagi mereka yang berkelayakan dan berminat anda diminta untuk segera membuat permohonan bagi mengisi kekosongan jawatan berikut. Jawatan Terkini FRIM 2022 PEGAWAI UNDANG-UNDANG L41 JURUAUDIT W41 PENOLONG AKAUNTAN W29 JURUFOTOGRAFI B21���
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wish-less-gallery · 2 years
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5/27金、本日12-18時まで営業。写真はUN©︎!!の新作原画作品。こういう事言われても実現したためしが無いですよね。 UNTITLED Mixed media on canvas W41 x H31.8 cm 2021 / Signed 作品に関するお問い合わせは以下まで [email protected] UN©!! 個展「SHITSTORM」 2022 年 5 月 14 日(土) ~ 6 月 5 日(日) 木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00 月曜~水曜 休み 会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10) @xoshittttttt @wish_less ----------------------- WISH LESS galleryでは、社会の事象に対して挑戦的かつ笑いをもって問題提起するアーティスト・UN©!!の個展「SHITSTORM」を開催いたします。都内では2年ぶり2度目の開催となり、コロナ禍で都心を離れて暮らすなかで制作された新作に加え、過去作品を少しアーカイブする構成となっております。 「カッティングステッカー」「サンプリング」「社会的タブー」「現代アート」「ストリート」などのキーワードを起点に、自らの活動に対する皆さまの疑問にお答えする内容です。ちなみにタイトルの『SHITSTORM』は「大炎上」という意味も含みますが、実際には炎上とは無縁のまま現在まで活動してきた作家UN©!!の、嵐のような頭の中を覗いてみてください。 (正直その辺のパロディと一緒くたにされるのはもうウンザリなので、是非会場で作品をご覧になってください!) ----------------------- PROFILE UN©!! 時代や社会を風刺するメッセージ性の強い作風で知られるアーティスト。企業ロゴや人気キャラ、漫画の主人公などを卑猥かつユーモラスにアレンジしたカッティングステッカーが話題となり、社会的タブーをポップに訴えかける。 インスタグラム:@xoshittttttt ----------------------- ※ 新型コロナウィルス感染防止対策として、マスクを着用してご来店ください。 ※ ギャラリー内での飲食は固くお断りいたします。 ※ ギャラリー内の混雑状況によっては、人数制限する場合もございます。 ----------------------- WISH LESS gallery is delighted to announce the solo exhibition ‘SHITSTORM’ by UN©!!, an artist who raises topical and social issues with an aggressive sense of humour. In addition to the new works produced while living away from the city center due to the pandemic, there will be chance to see some special pieces from his archive. His keywords for this show are ‘cutting stickers, sampling, social taboo, contemporary art, and street,’ this content will answer people’s questions and create discussion about his creative output. The title “SHITSTORM” refers to the mental storm inside the mind of the artist UN©!! who up until now has not been involved in a shitstorm in the real world. (To be honest I’m tired of being branded just a parody artist…So please come to the gallery and look at the work in the flesh!) #unco #shitstorm #大炎上 #stickers #art #graphicart #wishless #wishlessgallery #tokyo #abe #artcollectors #japaneseartist #アートコレクター #こんど一緒に何かやりましょうよ (at WISH LESS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeC38GBPSE5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
gogogolem · 2 years
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Sancta Familia: Omnes Familiae Sancti Sunt, 2022. Acrylic on paper, W41 x H45cm. #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #holyfamily #epiphany #flightintoegypt #celfcymru #artinwales #phdstudies #modernart #celfgyfoes #ysgolgelfaberystwyth #aberystwythschoolofart (at Radnor Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYfCuSXooYe/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
zef-zef · 2 years
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Ryann Daisy Swimmer - ascend | engulf (live) from: Ryann Daisy Swimmer - live at icehouse 9​.​20​.​22 (2022)
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zef-zef · 2 years
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Eomac - Portuguese Man O' War from: Eomac - Cracks (Planet Mu, 2021)
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zef-zef · 1 year
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Ella van der Woude - Psychic from: Ella van der Woude - Moloch (Ash International, 2022)
Winner of best music at the dutch film festival 2022
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zef-zef · 2 years
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S.M.D.A. - Depth Lurker from: S.M.D.A. - Depth Lurker (Jungle Gym, 2022)
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wish-less-gallery · 2 years
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5/15日、本日12-18時まで営業。UN©︎!!の個展開催中です。会場ではつい触れたくなる作品ばかりが並びますが、どうかお手を触れぬようお願い申し上げます。 「注意書き」by UN©︎!! Spray on canvas W41 x H31.8 cm 2022 / Signed 作品に関するお問い合わせは以下まで [email protected] UN©!! 個展「SHITSTORM」 2022 年 5 月 14 日(土) ~ 6 月 5 日(日) 木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00 月曜~水曜 休み 会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10) @xoshittttttt @wish_less ----------------------- WISH LESS galleryでは、社会の事象に対して挑戦的かつ笑いをもって問題提起するアーティスト・UN©!!の個展「SHITSTORM」を開催いたします。都内では2年ぶり2度目の開催となり、コロナ禍で都心を離れて暮らすなかで制作された新作に加え、過去作品を少しアーカイブする構成となっております。 「カッティングステッカー」「サンプリング」「社会的タブー」「現代アート」「ストリート」などのキーワードを起点に、自らの活動に対する皆さまの疑問にお答えする内容です。ちなみにタイトルの『SHITSTORM』は「大炎上」という意味も含みますが、実際には炎上とは無縁のまま現在まで活動してきた作家UN©!!の、嵐のような頭の中を覗いてみてください。 (正直その辺のパロディと一緒くたにされるのはもうウンザリなので、是非会場で作品をご覧になってください!) ----------------------- PROFILE UN©!! 時代や社会を風刺するメッセージ性の強い作風で知られるアーティスト。企業ロゴや人気キャラ、漫画の主人公などを卑猥かつユーモラスにアレンジしたカッティングステッカーが話題となり、社会的タブーをポップに訴えかける。 インスタグラム:@xoshittttttt ----------------------- ※ 新型コロナウィルス感染防止対策として、マスクを着用してご来店ください。 ※ ギャラリー内での飲食は固くお断りいたします。 ※ ギャラリー内の混雑状況によっては、人数制限する場合もございます。 ----------------------- WISH LESS gallery is delighted to announce the solo exhibition ‘SHITSTORM’ by UN©!!, an artist who raises topical and social issues with an aggressive sense of humour. In addition to the new works produced while living away from the city center due to the pandemic, there will be chance to see some special pieces from his archive. His keywords for this show are ‘cutting stickers, sampling, social taboo, contemporary art, and street,’ this content will answer people’s questions and create discussion about his creative output. The title “SHITSTORM” refers to the mental storm inside the mind of the artist UN©!! who up until now has not been involved in a shitstorm in the real world. (To be honest I’m tired of being branded just a parody artist…So please come to the gallery and look at the work in the flesh!) #unco #shitstorm #大炎上 #stickers #art #graphicart #wishless #wishlessgallery #tokyo #abe #artcollectors #japaneseartist #アートコレクター #感染拡大警報 (at WISH LESS) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdj5U4HvBY8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kapkunkap12 · 2 years
Kerja Terkini Majlis Perbandaran Sungai Petani 2022
Kerja Terkini Majlis Perbandaran Sungai Petani 2022
Kerja Terkini Majlis Perbandaran Sungai Petani 2022 | Kepada mereka yang sedang mencari jawatan kosong berkelayakan jangan lepaskan peluang untuk segera membuat permohonan bagi mengisi kekosongan terkini yang ditawarkan. Kerja Terkini Majlis Perbandaran Sungai Petani 2022 Jurutera Gred J41 /44Pegawai Penilaian Gred W41/44Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran Gred U29/32Penolong Pegawai Tadbir…
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