#w: barom
ofcruelheart · 3 months
closed to @acridtongue / barom & valla / cuts of paradise
If there exists a visage eternally etched in the deepest recesses of her mind, it is that of Barom. Here, an engraving springs back to life as she emerges from behind the curtains, her gaze alighting upon her once-advocate as gently as soft snow upon a gravestone. Has she missed the familiarity they once shared, the wisdom imparted? Undoubtedly. Does she harbor any regrets regarding the past's unfolding? Never. Souls would confide their regrets to her as readily as their sins.
"It's been some time, Barom." Her curiosity manifests in an unwavering stare. "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"
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catboyrome · 2 years
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victorianera · 2 years
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Christian Yu aka Dpr Ian ~ DPR Regime Tour
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inhumanevoid · 2 years
so my thought process about big dragon is complicated to say the least.
when the first trailer came out, I was Hella hyped for bd. like it was soo intriguing to me, I couldn't wait for it to come out. I mightve watched that trailer like a 100 times already. and yk what made it more anticipated? Mos's eyes. Yk how Rm (Bts) has the eyes to whom the Army refer to as dragon eyes?? yeah imo Mos has similar eyes. and his gaze is soo intense like it makes u glued in your place but also vibrating with nervousness at the same time.
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like look at him????? he's just standing there yet here i am, shaking in my fucking boots. like mans is even smiling!!
BUT then came the new trailer. my very first, honest to everything I believe in reaction was, " why does this seem like a watered doen version of the original trailer?". and I was wayy less hyped and inclined to watch it.
still I decided to to give it a chance and I've caught up to the 3(?) episoded available until now. and daammmnnnnn.
this series is NOT disappointing. is it what I originally had in mind? no definitely not. but in more ways than not, it is better. it is sooo much better. and here's a few things that I personally appreciate.
1. Yai's relationship with his father.
yai has a complicated relationship w his father. impo, he loves his father dearly but doesn't support his father's decision to move on(?) from his mother (? I'm assuming she's not alive anymore). but he still listens to his dad and talks pretty openly with him
similar to yai, I think khun Barom also loves his son dearly, but he's just not able to understand how, and what, his sin thinks. but till now, he seems like a good man who doesn't really order his son to do and/or to not do a specific thing.
2. yai didn't beat himself over when he realized he was attracted to mangkorn.
I appreciate this sooo much. because usually we see characters going out of their way to avoid said crush and deny everything to themselves and require heavy outside intervention to even entertain the thought. Yai didn't need or do all this. he was definitely conflicted over how he felt, but he didn't tell himself it was just his imagination and there was no way he was attracted to mangkorn. he wasnt just understanding why it was happening. he even talked to da about this.
3. the way both Mangkorn and Yai didn't make a huge deal out of both of them spending time together.
I can't express how God those few scenes made me feel when they were I the car, at Mangkorn's special spot, at the dessert place and when mangkorn bought yai food. they were definitely a little awkward around each other but mangkorn was used to yai yelling at/threatening him and then giving some smart-ass replies while yai was used to doing the threatening and receiving those smart-ass replies so a civil conversation was very weird. but they didn't sit there and psycho analyse why and what changed. they went with the flow. they were bickering over the dessert and stealing from each other's plates and joking around and that was that. no one stopped to think "oh wait what am I being so friendly with the enemy".
there's many other details and small scenes that i wholeheartedly appreciate but I'm tired and my brain could only construct this much T_T
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hanhae · 7 years
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christianyu_: Cooking 🔥🔥🔥 #everyday #putinwork
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1m1nh · 6 years
171213, IG LIVE
He said he would release songs in the future?????? there’s gonna be more artists under dpr in the future????? bih is that u??/ he said it was someone unexpected fUFHIUFHIUFEK im so curious and excited
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wanderlust-krp · 4 years
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  ↬ 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐍. “ 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆. ”
Welcome to Wanderlust. Please prepare your account and add the admins (Artemis & Apollo) within the next 48 hours. Additional information will be sent once this step has been completed. Thank you for joining, and we look forward to the start of your journey!
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zzhangxing · 7 years
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Sat[urday] 30 August 1834
12 35/..
tol[erabl]y fair dur[in]g the night - B[o]th A- [Adney] and I slept a good deal – she ver[y] comf[ortabl]y n[o]t hav[in]g to awake
at each stage as I h[a]d to pay the postboy – at Leicest[e]r at 1 55/.. a.m. Bet[ween] Alfreton and Chesterfield
(at 9 1/4 a.m.) barley in stook - Ev[er]yth[in]g qui[te] green – no trace of autumn – fine count[r]y here –
at the Angel Inn, Chest[er]f[iel]d, at 10 - br[eak]f[a]st – off ag[ai]n at 12 – fine morn[in]g b[u]t cloudy - h[ad] been m[u]ch r[ai]n
ev[er]ywhere late[l]y, b[u]t the r[oa]d rath[e]r drier fr[om] here – at Sheff[iel]d at 1 37/.. alight[e]d at Rogers’
shop, and st[ai]d look[in]g at the cutlery etc. and mak[in]g
a few purchases till 2 55/.. - ver[y] nice well
plat[e]d portable  tea-pot cont[ainin]g coff[ee] pot
cream and sug[a]r basins = £6 – Canteens fitt[e]d up
to order as als[o] dress[in]g boxes etc. – at 4 35/..
4 m[ile]s fr[om] Penniston oats in stook – at P- [Penniston] at 5 10/..
oblig[e]d to ta[ke] 4 horses (s[e]nt th[e]m off at 6 52/.. just bef[ore] ent[erin]g Huddersf[iel]d)
1st ti[me] exc[ept] fr[om] Dartford to top of Shooters’ hill, and
beg[a]n w[i]th flagged causeway – oats and wheat in stook –
the man at the Geo[rge] Inn Huddersf[iel]d w[oul]d n[o]t settle wh[a]t
I w[a]s to pay for the horses - s[ai]d I w[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] horses fr[om] h[i]m
ag[ai]n – A- [Adney] nerv[ou]s and fright[ene]d d[o]wn Ainley hill – too steep –
at Shibd[e]n at 8 55/.. – wall built up bet[ween] gard[e]n and north
end of the h[ou]se - vex[e]d ab[ou]t it – all pret[ty] well – saw my a[un]t –
tea till 11 40/.. – a few flying show[e]rs fr[om] Sheff[iel]d and ag[ai]n on start[in]g
fr[om] Pennist[o]n – fine on arriv[in]g at Shibd[e]n F[ahrenheit] 64° at midnight –
 Mem[oran]da for Baxter respect[in]g the carr[ia]ge
Pole to be fitt[e]d for 4 horses i.e.
w[i]th brass hook at the end.
mail c[oa]ch lamps
c[oul]d barom[ete]r be fix[e]d at the top along the back
net to hook on at the top so as to ta[ke] off eas[il]y
Gr[ea]t pock[e]t to fast[e]n up w[i]th straps and buck[le]s inst[ea]d of comm[o]n butt[o]ns
new cap-case cov[e]r
Imper[ia]l to put on the boot
new blinds.
Saddles how to carry (Fleams to bleed horse?)
Canteen. new sabot, and drag staff.
Shafts how to be fix[e]d on.
Grease box in round leath[e]r case.
Lamp inside.
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baromtm-blog · 5 years
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          upon  recent  discovery  ,  box  dye  sets  from  the  airport  did  absolutely  nothing .  while  he  was  dying  his  hair  from  an  ash  grey  to  jet  black  ,  barom  somehow  managed  to  fuck  that  up  and  miss  an  entire  back  section  of  his  head  ,  so  small  tufts  of  grey  still  managed  to  peek  through  the  otherwise  dark  locks .  to  save  himself  utter  embarrassment  ,  he  booked  himself  an  appointment  at  a  local  hair  salon  as  soon  as  a  hairstylist  was  available  .   he  survives  being  the  butt  of  the  jokes  uttered  by  the  hairdresser  ,  and  manages  to  remain  calm  until  he’s  out  of  the  salon  .  it’s  just  hair  ,  it’s  not  that  deep  ,  but  barom  can’t  believe  that  he  managed  to  fuck  up  a  box  dye  set  .  determined  to  get  back  the  few  hours  that  he  lost  ,  barom  pops  into  a   coffee  shop  for  a  much  needed  espresso - loaded  drink  and  a chocolate  chip  cookie  (  to  ease  his  pain  ,  of  course  )  .  he’s  digging  through  the  valentino  messenger  bag  for  his  wallet  when  an  obvious  set  of  curls  goes  bouncing  in  his  line  of  vision  ,  and  everything  in  his  hands  goes  clattering  to  the  floor  :  keys ,  key  card  to  his  room  ,  phone  ,  wallet  ,  and  other  miscellaneous  objects  tumble  with  an  unflattering  noise  .  he  crouches  down  to  clean  up  his  mess  despite  the  angry  eyes  on  him  for  ruining  the  tranquility  of  the  coffee  shop  before  he  returns  to  his  full  height  and  steps  out  of  line  with  his  cheeks  aflame  and  his  heart  fluttering  in  his  chest  .  attempting  to  keep  himself  from  looking  like  a  complete  embarrassment ,  barom  decides  to  spark  up  a  conversation  .  ‘  so  ...  w-wasn’t  expecting  to  see  you  here  .  i  haven’t  ,  uh  ,  seen  you  since  the  party  that  one  weekend  .  ’
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From Neil McKen's memoir:
It was a Friday. June 27th 1969 - day of Judy Garland's funeral, a lesbian idol.
Many of her fans appeared along the way to the Ferncliff cementary in New York. Just after midnight, a few police cars stopped next to the Stonewall Inn, a scruffy bar on 53 Christopher Streed in the heart of the gay ghetto in NY, Greenwich Vilage. The police raid was supposed to be a routine acction, nothing new for a gay bar. Two barmans were arrested along woth three transvestites and one lesbian. The rest of people were free to go as the police demoished the bar. Soon, the crowd formed on front of the inn, some yelled, though the mood has shifted when the police escorted the arrested lesbian of of the bar. She hit one of the officers and escaped briefly, as she was captured a moment later. The bottles and cans started flying along with the sea of insuts directed at the officers, which decided to seek refuge, well, inside of the bar.In their frustration they took one of the men in the crowd with them and beat him up inside. Someone poured the gasoline inside that then got set ablaze. At 10pm there were 4 thousand gays, lesbians and trans people taking the streets in front of the Stonewall Inn, that stayed there till 3am. Sheridan Square and Christopher Street were a battlefield. After that in the upcoming few days there were some incidents, yet the fury and anger boiled down. There was another feeling taking their place - PRIDE. On the anniversary of those events the gay groups organize their own celebrations, to show their feeling of POWER AND PRIDE. In London - Gay Pride In San Francisco - Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day Parade In Berlin - Christopher Street Day
[Source: Nie?Tak!, 1990]
Ze wspomnień Neila McKena:
Był piątek, 27.06.1969 – dzień, w którym chowano Judy Garland(1922-1969) muzyczną idolkę lesbijek.
W południe wielu jej fanów, ustawiło się wzdłuż drogi na cmentarz Ferncliff w Nowym Jorku. Tuż po północy, kilka wozów policyjnych zatrzymało się przy Stonewall Inn, obskurnym barze przy 53 Christopher Street w sercu gejowskiego getta NY Greenwich Village. Nalot policji miał być zwyczajny jak co tydzień, kierowany przeciw barom gejowskim. Zaaresztowano dwóch barmanów, trzech transwestytów i lesbijkę. Pozostali mogli wychodzić a policja w tym czasie demolowała bar. Powoli zbierał się tłum przed barem, wydawał okrzyki, lecz nagle nastrój się zmienił, kiedy policja eskortowała aresztowaną lesbijkę. Pobiła ona policjanta i udało się jej uciec, ale tylko na chwilę ponieważ ją szybko złapano. W ruch poszły butelki i puszki oraz wyzwiska w stronę policjantów, którzy schronili się w … barze. Policjanci ze złości wciągnęli do baru pierwszego schwytanego mężczyznę i pobili do nieprzytomności. Ktoś wlał przez okno do baru benzynę, ktoś ją podpalił. Do 22:00 wieczorem 4 tysiące gejów, transwestytów i lesbijek zawojowało ulice. Walczyli z policją wszystkim czym mogli. Po 3:00 w nocy bunt wypalił się samoistnie. Sheridan Square i Christopher Street wyglądały jak pole bitwy. W ciągu kilku następnych dni miały miejsce sporadyczne incydenty ale złość i furia się wyczerpały. Pojawiło się zupełnie nowe uczucie- DUMA. W rocznicę tych wydarzeń, grupy gejowskie w kilku miastach , organizują własne imprezy, demonstrując poczucie SIŁY I DUMY. W Londynie – Gay Pride W San Fracisco- Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day Parade, W Berlinie- Christopher Street Day
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catboyrome · 2 years
To my fans and loved ones! Thank you for not letting go and welcome to the show ❤️‍🩹 - DPR IAN
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asiaforholiday · 2 years
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The Royal Palace is a complex of structures that serves as the King of Cambodia's royal home. The Preah Barom Reacheaveang Chaktomuk Serey Mongkol is its full name in Khmer. It has been occupied by Cambodian monarchs since it was built in the 1860s, with a brief period of absence when the country was in chaos during and after the Khmer Rouge's reign. The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, sometimes known as Tuol Sleng, is a Cambodian genocide museum. The site is a former secondary school in Phnom Penh that was utilized as Security Prison 21 by the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 until its overthrow in 1979. When you go there, you'll learn about Cambodia's turbulent recent history. We can help you plan your amazing Cambodian holiday: T: (+855) 95 58 1818 WA: (+855) 95 58 1818 E: [email protected]   W: https://asiaforholiday.com/  
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dumbfizzkpop-blog · 6 years
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🖤 Barom Yu Aesthetic Ship 
Requested by: @neokulture-universe
“ Halluu its me again 👋 im back w another req which is… aesthetic w CClown Barom aka *now* DPR Christian Yu, pls ? Any theme is okay ~ thank youuu so much again 💕 ps : pls dont get tired of me sending req over n over eheh 😶🙆‍♀️”
Your Aesthetics
Biting lips
Adrenaline highs and truth or dares
Rosy cheeks and cold hands
One kiss on the forehead and one on the nose
Mirrors reflecting toothy grins
Young dogs chasing their tails
Unread messages
Your Song You by 11:11
I can advise I can have the best night of my life I can own the cars and clothes, the chains But what you do to me is everything Girl, I could own a billion dollar company Or get faded with these drugs on me But it don't matter Cause I'm still here Thinking 'bout you Do you think about me?
All I want is you All I want is you I just want you All I want is you All I want is you
~Admin G🌹
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oppatxtme · 7 years
Christian Yu: What’s On Sight (1)
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Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7  // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9
WARNING: Just some curse words in some part. (sorry)
A/N: (Nhaks lakas maka-A/N HAHA!) Hello there ppl ~ This will be my first time posting my written scenario. I have lots on draft but it just stays there. Hahaha! But this is just my testing on posting it. I hope you liked it. Tell me what you think. I appreciate it really. 
Also, just keep in mind that English is not my native language so there might be some spelling and grammar error. Sorry for my lack of talent and I promise to work hard on this. Thank you and please enjoy. Any feedback is well loved. <3
                 Yaaaah! Christian!
  - yow! hahaha!
theres no need to yell
whats up? miss me?
                 Tsssk! Wat took u so long to reply?
               Wen u just tweet some trash when i msg u?
  - first of all its not trash, its called selfie. a selfie of a very handsome man who's supposed to be ur only best friend on earth. so show some love.
                FYI ur not the ONLY best friend i have. aaargh! watever!
  - ok fine. im just the best of the best u have. hahaha
- so wats new? its rare that ur the one looking for me and flooding me msgs like that..
  - well?
                its just that..
 - just that - you really miss me right?
                seriously Ian? If I were to miss someone, u already know who it was and its not you.
 - HAHAHA! I know. I know. Its Lori. Its always been Lori.
                 yea, always..
  - well Lori misses u too. we both do.
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                 Loooori! Arrrgh! dont be like that Ian, if u keep saying and sending me that I might change my mind on renewing my contract here.
  - huh? ur planning on renewing there? but thats not what u said when u took ur vacation YN
                  yea, i know. but something came up and i cant afford to quit and stay in Seoul as planned
  - WHY??
                 change of plans? hehe
 - well obviously
                  wait. r u mad or something?
 - no. its just that its not like you. i mean ur not that type of person who just back out once u decide on something w/o even trying.
                 i know Ba.. u dont have any idea how stressful it is, but i cant affort to make a mistake now..
               i just cant Ba
 - where r u now? its already 6am here in Seoul so its already 1am there in Dubai right?
                 yea.. why?
 - answer my call.
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  You’re hesitant to answer his call. But you answered anyway because you know him too well. He won’t stop calling until u answered.
 You cleared your throat.
  "Took you long enough."
 You can’t help but smile on how comfortable the two of you become. I guess that’s what four years of friendship can do to you.
  "Well, I miss you too Ba."
  "Whatever. So mind telling me what’s on your empty head that you decide to renew your freaking contract on that trashy company you're in."
  "Haha! The company is not trashy, just most of the people in it though."
  "Same thing. So why? Don’t you think you've been trolling me long enough? Long distance call is not cheap you know."
  You end up laughing at imagining how irritated he looks at the moment.
  "Stingy as always. But first, why are you mad?"
  "Wait a moment here YN, I'm the one who's calling so just answer my question and I might tell you why I'm mad."
  "Fine. Well, how do I start.."
 Honestly, you have plenty on your mind that you want to say to him. Because u know that out of all the people you know, you know that Christian is the right person who you can talk about it.
 But now that you've been keeping it for too long for yourself, you’re having a problem with putting it to words.
  "How about starting on since when are you having this issues and keeping it to yourself so now you're stressing yourself about it?"
 Again, you can’t help but laugh.
  "What’s funny YN? Are you gone crazy?"
  "Well, I think I am. Because just hearing you blabber makes my mind at ease. I don’t know how and why."
  You know that you said something cheesy so you're waiting for his lame joke in return, but it’s just silence.
  "Ba? Are you there?"
  You heard him clear his throat.
  "Damn YN, just answer my question will you?"
  "Fine. It happens right after my one week stay there in Seoul. When I went back home, I talked to Mom about the plan I talked you about. She agreed and more excited about it. But when she opened what I told her to Dad, he closes the idea and ends up making my return to Dubai much early as planned. And he wants me to either renew my contract here or find another company. He also said that before making any stupid decision, I have to make sure that my future is secure. And he brought again the topic of him finding a man for me to marry. What the heck right. I mean he's saying that before but I thought is all lame jokes but now he is serious with that arrange marriage thing? Aaargh!"
 You paused to breathe and try to stop the tears that I've been holding.
  "Did your Dad know that you went here in Seoul and met me before making that plan?"
  "I think so. I show the pictures to Mom that I took there and also with the crew. Why?"
  "I think it’s my entire fault YN. Sorry."
  "Huh? Sorry for what? How can it be your fault?"
  "Well, if what I think is correct then it’s really my fault. But I'm not sure."
  I heard his sight, a deep and long one. And I can’t stop wondering why.
  "How? Christian?"
  "You need to get some sleep YN. It’s already late there."
  "Oh no! Don’t give me that bull Christian. You need to tell me how it is your fault? And what’s the sorry for?"
  "I'm waitin Christian Yu. Or should I call you so you can just answer my question?"
  "God, YN. You and your impatience is really something."
  "Are you going to tell me or you're just going to tell me?"
  And it’s his turn to laugh at you.
  "Aigooo. Thanks for that very considerate choice YN."
  "I'm listening Ian."
  "So Bossy! Just like your father."
  "Yes! First, I'm not sure if it’s really my fault. But given the fact that your Dad knew we met since your two years abroad, then I think it has something to do with the talk we had two years ago."
  "Two years ago? You and Dad talk? About what?"
  "Before your departure to Dubai. Remember the crew and I stayed 3 days in your home town to bond and decided to extend one more day just so we can send you off on the day of your flight?"
  You nod your head as if he can see you.
  "We stayed at your house that last day remember?"
  Again you nod. As if he can see you, stupid.
  "And that night, your boyfriend told you that he can’t come along to the airport with us. You told him it’s okay, but you cried like a water falls that night."
  "EX-BOYFRIEND now, yeah I remember. And now that I think about it, you stayed in my room just to console me and to make sure that I won’t stay up late. And that’s the last time I saw you because the next morning you're gone. They say that you had to go back to Seoul immediately due to some work issue. I keep calling you but I can’t get a hold of you."
  "Because right after I left your room, I saw your Dad drinking on the terrace and I don’t know what kind of spirit came to me that made me go and talk to him."
 He paused and I'm sure I can hear his hand touching either his hair or his cheeks.
  "What did the two you talked about Christian?"
  “Well, what do you think we can talk about on that time?”
  "Back then, I kind of told your Dad what I really feel. Well now, I don’t know if this will make any sense to you or if you will take this seriously but I told him three years ago. At first, I asked him if he believed in love at first sight. He said no.
But I told him that I do believe in such. Because there this girl that I met, and what I felt was extraordinary, it’s somewhat like "SPARK AT FIRST SIGHT".
And I tried to ignore what I felt towards that girl because I know if I entertain that feeling it will just go nowhere. But the second time I saw how pure and kind she is, I admit that it’s a "crush at second sight" for her.
And the third time I saw her, we got a chance to somehow get to know little but enough from each other, and that’s the day I surrender that it’s "LOVE AT THIRD SIGHT"."
  I think I know where this is going, but I still need to be sure so I keep all that I want to say for myself, for now.
  "After that, he told me that he admires my ways and ask if that girl is already my girl. But I said no because after that day I saw her with someone else and what I felt is one-sided and for that my heart got "BROKEN AT FOURTH SIGHT".
But I told him that I'll make sure that she will be my wife someday. It’s just that it’s not yet our time back then."
  "No YN, let me finish please."
  You didn’t say or more likely you can’t say anything. You think your mind is on a chaos mode.
  "Your dad figure who the girl I was talking about, he said that we're two different people and still young and for me who hasn't figured out my life while you're already on the path towards what he planned for you. But he got mad when I said that you need to live the life you want not what he planned. And I'm certain that you and I are for each other and there will be a day that I will tell you how I felt and you and I can make our own life to live happily.
 I know that it’s stupid of me that I'm saying this now and thru the phone but. I just don't know what to do YN. I'm confused and scared."
  You kept quiet for a while. Then you found yourself looking on the screen of your phone. Dumbfounded on what Christian Yu is saying. Your best friend that you treated like your big brother, rather than your own.
 You’re confused. The things running thru your mind is kept on filling up. And you just can handle it all at once. So you just press the end button on the screen without saying anything to him.
 You tried to breathe just to calm yourself.
 But not a minute pass and your phone rings.
 And it’s Christian.
 'Aaah! So it’s not a dream.'
 While looking at the caller ID on your phone, all that he said is slowly sinking in.
 'So he likes me back then? Does he still feel the same way till now? Nah, that’s impossible. But now that I think of it, it just makes things more clear. All the favors I asked of him, he never once he refuses and all I thought it’s because he thinks of me as a little sister that he never had.
 Aaargh! My head is aching because of this overthinking.'
  Your attention return to your phone that keeps on ringing, you decided to reject his calls and send him a message.
 'Sorry Christian, talk to you later once I figure things out.'
 It’s already late and in just 3hrs you need to go for your work. You stress yourself if you will sleep of just waiting for the time. But then you fell asleep and woke up to the sound of your alarm.
 'Another day but same old problems, please no more new ones. Let me settle my entire problem first and give me a rest! Please!'
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7  // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9  
A/N: what do you think about this chapter? Talk to me, don’t be shy. I won’t bite. Have a good day/night everyone!
Y/N Portrayer in collage is @Mari_jasmmn  ~ check her out in IG (GIRL CRUSH)
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1m1nh · 6 years
perks of being a longtime fan: seeing your fave grow and develop and feeling yourself growing alongside them too :):):):):)))))
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