#vote in primaries
o-the-mts · 25 days
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sailor-cerise · 3 months
Reminder to vote in your local elections! (USA)
March is primary and local election season. Make a difference in your area by voting.
I recommend looking at a few voters guides because the provided material can be overwhelming.
If you do get overwhelmed, complete what you can. Anything worth doing is worth doing half-assed because perfect is the enemy of done. If you vote on literally one issue that is better than none. You got this.
As someone who is some kind of progressive socialist, here's some ways I get started:
Ballotpedia.org and Vote411.org for basic information and often a sample of each candidates' stances. A neutral information source. There are other sources that tend to be state-specific
Search for "progressive voters guide primaries 2024"
Search for "DSA voters guide" [etc. same as above]. I don't always agree with their recommendations, but I find it a helpful source anyway
Local papers that you find trustworthy, such as Knock-LA for southern California. Some will be informational only which can be good.
And finally something I started doing more recently:
Search for right wing/Republican/conservative voters guides to figure out what to vote against. One year I found a local landlords association recommendation in a conservative area and wow it was a gold mine of things not to support.
It's not always true that you should vote against it of course, but if you can find one with reasons stated, they'll show which will, for example, support a "tough on crime" approach to issues.
They will say things like "candidates who will defend freedom, stand for free enterprise, or have a conservative worldview, based on their ability to stand firm against efforts to increase taxes, size of government, weaken law and order, and crush individual freedom."
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kitconnor · 1 year
based ONLY on primary colours. no colours outside the 2nd part of the colour wheel.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
Michigan just gave us the rhetorical weapon that could push Biden and the DNC to turn their backs on Israel.
Okay so this is amazing news. Michigan was going to be a key state in the push to get Biden, and the DNC as a whole, to start pressuring Israel, and they have just proven that they have that power.
Background: Michigan is a swing state, and it has 16 votes in the electoral college. Winning Michigan was a major factor in Biden's win back in 2020, and much of that rested on the Arab-American vote. It was also a major factor in Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in 2016. She lost the state by ten thousand, seven hundred votes.
Praxis: For obvious reasons, Arab-Americans are incredibly upset with Biden's support for Israel, and support in that demographic has gone from 59% in the 2020 election to less than 17% now. As a form of protest, Arab-Americans in Michigan started a campaign to get voters to check "uncommitted" in the Democratic primary. This is an actual box that can be checked, though some less-organized pushes also suggested writing in 'ceasefire' like New Hampshire primary voters did.
The goal was to get at least 10,000 'uncommitted' votes, as that is how many Hillary lost by.
As Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, the first Arab mayor of this majority-Arab city, said:
"We're not sizable enough to make a candidate win, but we're sizable enough to make a candidate lose."
(Source: NPR, 2/25/24)
As of 10:49 PM EST, 2/27, there are thirty-nine thousand uncommitted votes, according to CNN, which is doing live coverage.
NPR was reporting 30k at 10:14.
As a caveat, New York Times is saying that each of the last three Michigan Dem Primaries had about 20k uncommitted votes, so the 35k isn't all the push for pro-Palestine stances in Congress, but that's still a jump of almost 20k, which is way, way more than the goal.
And they aren't done counting the votes yet. Barely 30% of votes are in. The goal has been blown out of the water.
Other states are reaching out for advice on how to replicate the results.
This is big news.
So can we relax?
Fuck no.
Do what Michigan did. Vote in the Dem primary, and vote uncommitted or write in "ceasefire."
But on a more daily basis, if you have a Democratic candidate, lean on this.
Tell them it will be repeated elsewhere.
This could very well lose the election for Biden and more. The Democrats can't afford another four years of Trump, and they know it. The loss of Michigan can and will tank this election for them, especially since other states that helped Biden win, like Georgia, were also won on demographics that are growing increasingly upset by the situation in Gaza.
Go to the Michigan section of this post and use that in your calls and emails.
But remember. Call your reps. Call your senators. Call your governor, if you'd like. And if they're a Democrat, you bring this up. Be polite, the staffer isn't making these decisions. They might just be an intern. But bring it up and tell them that we are going to lose the presidency if we do not sanction Israel and actually pressure them into not only pulling out of Gaza and the West Bank, but paying reparations.
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US folks living in New York, Wisconsin, Connecticut, or Rhode Island:
today (April 2, 2024) is the Democratic primary election! please please go vote against genocide!
the Vote Uncommitted campaign is sending Biden a message that voters demand a permanent ceasefire now! How it works is people vote uncommitted or undecided or other in large numbers, which will show the democrats that they WILL NOT win the general election in the Fall and Trump will become president unless Biden and the rest of the Dems immediately change their policy on Israel and Gaza. Michigan already turned out over 100,000 people voting uncommitted, which is MORE than the margin Biden won MI by last election and more than the margin Trump won MI by in 2016. Voting Uncommitted matters! So if you’re a US citizen who’s able to vote, make sure you do!!
each state has a different ballot option so please refer to this graphic to see how you should vote in your state!
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kyrianne · 1 year
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[Image ID: A series of screenshots from a Twitter thread by Jason Coupet / professajay.
Text begins: Man voting in Georgia is so different than in Illinois. When I lived in chicago, during early voting, I went to the local elementary school, waited in line about ten minutes, and they gave me a sheet of paper. I checked people off then I put it in the machine and left.
Not Georgia. We drove downtown because *every* other polling place had a line >90 minutes. We paid ten bucks to park. We went in the building, then emptied out pockets to go through a metal detector. We then saw a sign about where to park to get our parking validated. Inside.
We then waited in line ~80 minutes. We got to the end and we were given a form to fill out (?). We were told *not* to sign it until told. Then we were moved into a waiting room where we were given a ticket number, like when you are at the dmv.
We were told to get our IDs out and wait. We waited here for 15-20 minutes. When your number is called they took your form, did some stuff on the computer, then told you to sign the form. Then you get a little green card. You insert it into the machine.
Then you go through three or four prompts, including a very serious™��� warning about perjury, a totally necessary warning given how huge a problem stolen identity is for the purposes of voting on behalf of someone else.
You then finally vote, and after an “are you sure” prompt you get a sheet. You then have to walk the sheet over to feed it into a machine. About half of these were working.
The bottleneck was clearly the weird application and waiting room thing. There are two dozen people at a time sitting to have their stuffed checked. Think of it as regular voting except when you got there they had to run a credit check for *each person* like you need financing.
It was easier finishing my PhD paperwork. Thankful for the kind people (nearly all black women) the shepherded the processes. But man if you are poor or disabled or whatever, good luck yo. That should have been easier. We finished tho. Text ends.
Image ID: Two Black people are standing beside a city street and smiling at the camera, a man and a woman. The man has close-cropped hair and a beard. He is wearing a black hoodie that says Southside and has a sticker on his chest with a peach on it. The woman has large tortoiseshell browline glasses and long twist locs. She has a light brown leather crossbody bag, and is wearing a salmon-colored windbreaker. She also has a peach sticker on her chest, which she is pointing to. Her hand has a wedding ring. End ID]
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destielmemenews · 4 months
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griseldagimpel · 7 months
How to Punish Democrats in the United States for Being Pro-Genocide
I've seen a lot of posts about abandoning the Democratic party. (Because, really, is Be Anti-Genocide really that much of a fucking ask??)
And I've seen a lot of posts about how not voting Democrat means the Republicans will win, which means we'll end up with politicians that are both pro-genocide and a bunch of other awful shit. (Yep. This is true.)
But I haven't seen a lot of posts going around about other things people could do, especially with primaries literally being next year in which the entire House of Representatives and a third of the Senate are up for re-election.
For those not familiar with primaries, they are elections that take place before the general election and are the mechanism for how the general election candidate for a political party is selected. So a primary won't be Democrat vs Republican, it'll be Democrat vs Democrat or Republican vs Republican.
To start, yes, a lot of the below require a lot of time and effort. Yeah, the reality is is that the world's a shitty place because people who want to change it are struggling to exist under late stage capitalism. If there's something on this list you can't do, that's fine. What can you do?
This post is mostly not going to focus on Biden. He's not the sum total of the Democratic party, and if more of the party was against him, he'd have a harder time getting traction. That said, if you do have a presidential primary with him on the ballot, you should absolutely vote against him, just on principle.
Depending on the state, you may need to be a registered member of the Democratic Party to vote in the Democratic Party Primary. And, look, registering as a Democrat doesn't mean you have a legal obligation to vote for a Democratic candidate in the general election. There's no loyalty pledge you have to sign that says you agree with every single position the Democratic Party holds. There's not a membership fee. Literally, all it does is mean that your little voting card says you're a Democrat, which establishes that you want to have a say in how the Democratic Party is run. That's it.
Alright, first step. Who are your two Senators and one House Representative? Here's a link to find that information: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
Second step: Are your elected officials Democrats? (Or Independents that caucus with the Democrats?) And are they pro-Genocide?
If they're a Republican, than your goal is to elect an anti-Genocide Democrat. (Or anti-Genocide Independent who'll caucus with the Democrats. Same difference. I'm just going to use "Democrat" from here on out, and you can substitute in "Independent" if it applies.) You still care about primaries, though. It's just that in the General election, the Republican candidate will be incumbent rather than the challenger.
If they're a anti-Genocide Democrat, send them a letter telling them you appreciate their position, and most of the rest of this post doesn't apply to you.
If they're a pro-Genocide Democrat, is there someone running against them in the primary? https://ballotpedia.org/ is a great resource here.
If they've got a primary challenger, is their primary challenger anti-Genocide? If they are, write them and tell them you appreciate their position. Then write to the incumbent and tell them that them being pro-Genocide is why you aren't voting for them in the primary. If the primary challenger is pro-Genocide or doesn't have a stated position, write to them and try to get them to adopt an anti-Genocide position. Pay attention to town hall events, and don't hesitate to contact the campaign. Primaries don't get a lot of attention, so if you can get a primary challenger to switch positions, there's not a big risk of blow back for them doing so. (In a general election, switching positions can get a candidate labeled a flip-flop, so keep that in mind.)
If there's not a primary challenger or if you need a better primary challenger, who in your community can run as one? Check with your local leftist organizations. Check deadlines and requirements to get a candidate on the ballot. It usually requires getting a certain number of signatures on a petition from people in your area.
Now that you've got an anti-Genocide primary challenger, consider volunteering for their campaign. And, something to keep in mind, turn out for primaries tends to be low, and the smaller the population size of the district, the lower that number will be. It may only take a few hundred votes to swing a primary election, if you've got a smaller district.
While all this is going on, you will no doubt be flooded with messages from Democratic candidates begging for money. For each, check their position. If they're pro-Genocide, don't give them money and then call, email, or write them telling them that their pro-Genocide position is why they aren't getting money. If they're anti-Genocide, and you can afford it, give them a bit of money. Yeah, in the bigger elections, there's ridiculous amounts of money in play, but a primary challenger might not necessarily be rolling in it.
Finally, vote in the primaries.
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fellow usamericans just a small reminder (bc I feel like I need to hear it rn) that the primary elections are still a thing and we shouldn't have to settle for less just because the pres sucks rn. I feel like the vast majority of democratic voters are less than pleased with the current genocide enabling state of affairs so really. we should pick another candidate, (someone younger and less prone to do literally nothing for 4 years of presidency ideally,) and vote them for pres candidate. we got a good chance of being heard I think. and then we should vote them into potus power with a swiftness. numbers that blow the last election out the water. check your voting status y'all they tryna silence our voices more than ever but if we can make some sort of change at the polls we should damn well try fr
(remember: presidential primaries are in march! check your voter status both now and somewhere in february jic!!)
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enderspawn · 1 year
honestly in regards w the sexyman poll i was determined to vote based on Actual Sexyman Standing and not any outside bias, thus when i started I was totally prepped to #scarsweep the whole way if need be, but DURING the polling the community reaction has Created joe into a sexyman persona that’s STRONG ENOUGH I genuinely feel alright voting them in the finale.
like I don’t think Joe started this bracket a tumblr sexyman but i think he’s definitely ending one— regardless of if he’s the “ultimate” sexyman or not
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decolonize-the-left · 10 months
I think there's some cognitive dissonance surrounding progress that I really need you all to accept:
Regime changes are not smooth. They're scary even. And rebellions are messy and scary too.
A lot of you are like "yes that makes sense" and I'm glad because when I say this next thing I want you to Not be reactionary and immediately defensive, but listen and remember that progress means taking risks that make you uncomfortable. Remember that you want progress. Don't blurt out the first excuse that comes to mind like Really sit and think about it. Because you're gonna have to accept being uncomfortable if we want things to change.
Stop voting for Democrats and pressuring everyone else to vote democrat. They signed an agreement with Republicans saying that they denounce socialist policies (good welfare programs) in an era of late stage capitalism, poverty, and severe climate change. They intentionally platform extremists to help themselves win (and in fact this strategy backfiring is exactly why Trump won in 2016)
Democrats are not a party of progressives who are trying to fix things. They're literally trying to replace Republicans with extremists on ballots just so ppl feel obligated to vote for them. Democrats are intentionally scaring voters with an alt right & fascist candidates for votes.
If you have ever said "vote blue or else-" or "vote Blue and we might be able to save (state)" then this strategy has worked on you.
If you want Actual progress then you gotta vote for people who are promising you progress. Progressives, independents, green party.
Democrats keep promising that the fire won't get worse, but they've been fanning the flames the whole time cuz they love the heat.
Quit voting for people who prefer that your house be on fire.
And yeah it'll be scary to vote for a party without as much support and yeah maybe it does cause a swing vote.
......But maybe it doesn't.
Maybe we end up with a president willing to do more than compromise our rights with transphobic Republicans. Maybe we get our rights codified & even get a process for handling fascist politicians like trump & Desantis. Maybe we get a president with a personal and genuine interest in the betterment of us not just our economy.
And it starts with you doing something just a little different than usual.
We cant have change if you're too afraid to create it.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
Reminder: In an election like this, where the incumbent is running and a favorite to win, it is IMPERATIVE that you use your primary vote to make a statement, if you can. Biden and Trump are both unlikely to be replaced by a another candidate, barring age-related medical emergencies, so you aren't throwing a vote that "could have gotten him in" if you vote for someone else or write in "ceasefire."
Primaries is where you vote for what you want. General elections, in November, are to vote for what is less likely to kill you.
(I was going to say 'for what you can live with,' but for some people this year, they are in fact legitimately struggling with 'how can I live with myself if I vote for this candidate' in relation to specific current events.)
This is a map of states with open primaries. An open primary means that you can vote without being a registered party member. In a state with closed primaries or a caucus, you must be a registered party member to vote in the party's primary.
There's a widespread, very active campaign in Michigan, ands less active in other states, to make a statement about Biden risking swing states by not pursuing a ceasefire more actively. If you can vote, especially in a primary, and you haven't yet... consider writing in 'ceasefire' on your primary ballot.
Also call your reps.
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dabidagoose · 3 months
This is my time to post something political (USA-specific). I've seen so many people arguing over whether or not people should compromise and vote for Biden in the presidential election, but no one calling to vote in the primaries. There are candidates who are calling for a ceasefire. There are people with better policies. Depending on your state, you may not need to be registered as part of the Democratic party to vote in their primaries. If you can do so, get a primary ballot and vote.
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
Since the freedom caucus successfully bullied the RNC into nominating a far-right candidate, why don't the moderate Republicans just vote for Jeffries?
I need everyone to understand there ARE no moderate Republicans. They will go down with the flaming MAGA lunatic ship rather than work with Democrats ever, on anything. That's just how it is. They may play moderate on cable news, but that's the truth.
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genderqueerpositivity · 3 months
Today is the Republican primary in South Carolina. Here's your reminder that South Carolina is an open primary state and any registered voter can choose to vote in either primary (but never both!)
If you did not vote in the Democratic primary earlier this month, you are eligible to vote in the Republican primary today. I encourage you to get out and go vote for someone other than Donald fucking Trump.
I voted for Nikki Haley this morning (this being the first time I have voted for a Republican for anything in my life) and yes it felt gross (especially in light of her ridiculous embryo/IVF comments and then her weak immediate attempt at flip-flopping). But we live in a society or something like that so go out and vote I guess. We are living in the season finale of American democracy yippeeee.
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carsonjonesfiance · 2 months
Democracy is when Bernie wins and fake democracy is when anyone else wins, am I an expert in political sciences.
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