#vor game
The captain's cabin was now overlaid with Bel's personal possessions; vid library, weapons, campaign souvenirs including a half-melted space-armor helmet that had been slagged saving Thorne's life, now made into a lamp; a small cage housing an exotic pet from Earth Thorne called a hamster.
Re-reading Vor Game, and I'm sorry, Bel had a what now
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mytly4 · 5 months
I'm currently rereading Barrayar, and flipped back to Shards to check on a bit of dialogue, and came across this little line:
"Why can't you just lose your temper with subordinates, like normal men, instead of with superiors, like a lunatic?"
This is said by Rulf Vorhalas to Aral, right after his conversation with Prince Serg in his cabin during the Escobar war. Now, there's a valid reason why Aral speaks to the Prince so disrepectfully - it's a part of the ruse to goad Serg to fight on the frontlines in the war and get annihilated. Nonethless, something tells me that this wasn't in the least bit out of character for Aral, especially as Vorhalas frames it as something that Aral has done before. Which of course, reminds me of this exchange, from The Vor Game:
Cecil flashed a grin. "Quite. Plus your rather irritating habit of treating your superior officers as your, ah . . ." Cecil paused, apparently groping again for just the right word.
"Equals?" Miles hazarded.
"Cattle," Cecil corrected judiciously. "To be driven to your will."
So looks like insubordination runs in the family. 😉 Granted, Miles would never think of "being disrespectful to superiors" as something he has in common with his father (especially as during his lifetime, his father had no superiors, except Gregor), but it's interesting to see that Miles follows in his Da's footsteps in a way that he never intended.
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earlgraytay · 4 months
God, The Vor Game is a hard read. I can see why I've been flinching away from finishing this one.
One of the things I love as a writer about the Vorkosigan series is that no one gets to run away from the consequences of their actions. Everything does wind up being important eventually, and the characters make mistakes early and often. It's really well-done both on a "mechanics of writing" level and on a "making you care" level
Unfortunately. As a short, physically disabled, ADHD-To-The-Max cleverdick with authority issues. I identify with Miles Vorkosigan in a way that I haven't vibed with a character since middle school.
And watching him get his shit kicked in over... and over... and over this book, without him really getting to cleverdick his way out of it, has been rough.
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jabberwockprince · 2 years
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the one fucking thing I hate abt kh’s reverse storytelling is that with every new game, nomura will throw a set of characters to get impossibly attached to and I’ll have to live knowing they will die or disappear within that exact game and that theres just gonna be ZERO mention of them in the already established games, even though they were so important to certain characters that are still around 
anyway bragi enjoyers win this one <3
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starlightwayfinder · 9 months
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clonerightsagenda · 1 month
Yeah it's good practice to look up the word you made up for your SFF novel but there's nothing you can do about the future. When creating her stoic warrior nobility class Lois McMaster Bujold could not have predicted vore.
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linovadraws · 5 months
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Gregor Vorbarra ?
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This one made me so so happy lol
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
Reading the Vor Game and shenanigans continue apace. My favorite bit so far might be Miles thinking "I have GOT to stop treating generals as future subordinates"
And then utterly and completely failing to do so
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ngc-5194 · 8 months
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anyway. explodes
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quietflorilegium · 1 year
"Meaning is what you bring to things, not what you take from them."
Aral Vorkosigan, Lois McMaster Bujold, “The Vor Game”
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apfelhalm · 3 months
Für die Kissing Prompts - No. 11. Natürlich mit Hörk!
💜 Danke dir
Morning kisses that are exchanged before either person opens their eyes, kissing blindly until their lips meet in a blissful encounter.
Etwas kitzelt Adam am Schlüsselbein. Er ist so scheißträge und das Bett ist so verdammt warm, also lässt er es wehrlos über sich ergehen, auch als das Kitzeln langsam weiterwandert. Über seinen Hals, seinen Kiefer entlang bis hin zu seinem Mundwinkel. Er brummt, halb unwillig, halb nach mehr verlangend, bis er mit seiner Hand blind nach dem Übeltäter greift. Leos Haare gleiten weich durch seine Finger, als er ihn an sich zieht und mit geschlossenen Augen küsst.
"Mmm", macht Leo und Adam fühlt das Verziehen seiner Mundwinkel, kann das Schmunzeln regelrecht vor sich sehen. Natürlich könnte er auch einfach die Augen aufmachen, aber dann müsste er sich der Tatsache stellen, dass er wach ist.
"Beweg deinen Arsch, Herr Capo", sagt Leo sanft, aber bestimmt gegen seinen Mund. "Ich will endlich mein Geburtstagsgeschenk einlösen."
Die Fotoausstellung. Stimmt, das war heute. Adam blinzelt die Augen auf und sieht sich mit einem erwartungsvoll guckenden Leo konfrontiert. Ein zerwuschelter Leo, der noch ganz sanft vom Schlaf ist. Ein verdammt schöner Leo. Adam kann sich bis heute noch nicht ganz an den Anblick gewöhnen. Oder an die Tatsache, dass Leo ihm jetzt genug vertraut, um sich ihm so zu zeigen.
Adam leckt sich über die Lippen, während er sich den Schlaf aus den Augen reibt. "Bist du sicher, dass du das machen willst?"
Es war zwar seine Idee, sein Geschenk, und vielleicht hatte er auch die vage Hoffnung, dass Leo den Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl erkennen und ihn mitnehmen würde, aber … so richtig daran geglaubt hat er nicht.
"Wieso?" Leo zuckt die Achseln. "Ist doch nichts dabei. Zwei Freunde, die eine Ausstellung besuchen."
"Klar", lacht Adam, ein bisschen kratzig vom Schlaf, ein bisschen amüsiert, aber auch ein gutes Stück melancholisch. Freunde. Das zerwühlte Bett, die halbleere Gleitgeltube und die Knutschflecken an Adams Hals sprechen eine andere Sprache. Aber das ist wohl der Preis, den sie dafür zahlen, um zusammen sein zu können. Vielleicht wird auch das mal anders sein. Irgendwann. Aber heute nicht. Heute gehen sie in die Galerie und werden angemessenen Abstand halten und harmlose Gespräche über Fotografie führen.
"Dann beweg mal deinen Arsch von mir runter und lass duschen, Herr Torwart."
Leos Augen blitzen amüsiert und hoffnungsvoll auf. "Zusammen?"
"Natürlich zusammen", schnaubt Adam.
So, wie das Freunde halt so tun.
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earlgraytay · 4 months
Okay. Okay, we have finally gotten to the cleverdickery, and it is worth it.
Every bit of stupid pain and indignity and horsehockey that Miles has been through up to this point is worth it for the payoff here
he and Gregor just managed to pull off the greatest con in the series so far, on someone who eminently deserves it
I'm glad I stuck with it, even through the horrible horrible horrible beginning, because that was so much fun
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No Admiral Naismith option on purpose, this is a secondary/tertiary character appreciation poll :P
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silverysnake · 1 year
Hab dieses coole picrew gefunden und dachte mir ich starte mal ein tag game :)
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Tagging: @shadow-of-a-cloud @neverland-in-space @schuerk-wie-schurke @schuerk @pumpking64 @anotherobsessedfangirl und wer sonst noch so mitmachen möchte :)
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werelektro · 2 years
Tennotober2022 day8 "clock". Drawing Vor is kinda fun. His face is very... ink- able. Know what I mean? I just think the rough lines suit him very well. He gets bonk'd anyway.
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