#visit Faroe Island
letsberealsworld · 5 months
Trail Tales: Unveiling the Most Scenic Hikes You've Never Heard Of
Embark on a journey of hidden wonders with Trail Tales 🌿✨ Unveiling the most scenic hikes you've never heard of. Join our trailblazing adventure into uncharted beauty! 🏞️ #TrailTales #NatureDiscovery #HiddenGems
Trail Tales: Unveiling the Most Scenic Hikes You’ve Never Heard Of Lets Uncover the unseen Introduction: The Uncharted Beauty Awaits Step into a realm where the mundane footsteps yield to the majestic. You’ve roamed, trekked, and wandered, yet brace yourself for an odyssey through the untamed. Our saga unfolds where maps falter, unveiling nature’s clandestine gems in a grand gallery of…
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laurastudarus · 5 months
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aboutworld111 · 11 months
Title: Discover the Best Places to Visit in 2023: Unveiling the World's Hidden Gems
As the calendar flips to a new year, wanderlust sets in, and our hearts yearn for exciting adventures and new horizons. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a novice explorer, 2023 holds incredible promises of undiscovered treasures and remarkable experiences. To help ignite your travel inspiration, we have curated a list of the best places to visit in 2023, unveiling some of the world's hidden gems. From pristine beaches to vibrant cities and breathtaking natural wonders, let's embark on a journey to discover these remarkable destinations.
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1. Tasmania, Australia: Located off the southern coast of Australia, Tasmania is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. This island boasts breathtaking landscapes, including rugged mountains, lush forests, and captivating coastal cliffs. Explore the iconic Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park, witness the dramatic beauty of Wineglass Bay, and discover the unique wildlife, such as the Tasmanian devil. Tasmania offers a perfect blend of awe-inspiring beauty and thrilling experiences.
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2. Faroe Islands, Denmark: Nestled between Iceland and Norway, the Faroe Islands are an archipelago that captivates with its untouched landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Renowned for their dramatic cliffs, picturesque villages, and cascading waterfalls, these islands provide a truly immersive experience. Hike along the mesmerizing trails, visit charming fishing communities, and witness the enchanting play of light and shadows over the rugged landscapes. The Faroe Islands are a haven for photographers and nature enthusiasts.
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3. Rwanda: Known as the "land of a thousand hills," Rwanda is a destination that will awaken your sense of wonder. Famous for its awe-inspiring gorilla trekking experiences, this African gem offers encounters with endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Explore the lush Volcanoes National Park, encounter unique wildlife, and immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture. Rwanda's commitment to conservation and ecotourism makes it an exceptional destination for responsible travelers.
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4. Oman: Situated on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman offers a captivating blend of ancient traditions and modern luxury. From the bustling souks of Muscat to the awe-inspiring landscapes of the Wahba Sands and the stunning fjords of Musandam, this destination has something for every traveler. Discover ancient forts, indulge in traditional Omani cuisine, and immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of this Arabian gem.
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5. Azores, Portugal: A hidden archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the Azores will leave you spellbound with their pristine beauty. These volcanic islands offer a diverse range of landscapes, including stunning crater lakes, hot springs, and lush green valleys. Explore the picturesque towns of São Miguel, hike along breathtaking trails, and embark on whale-watching excursions to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. The Azores are a nature lover's paradise.
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6. Bhutan: Nestled in the Himalayas, Bhutan is a kingdom of breathtaking landscapes, ancient monasteries, and vibrant Buddhist culture. This secluded nation is committed to preserving its traditions and pristine environment. Discover the iconic Tiger's Nest Monastery perched on a cliffside, hike through the Paro Valley, and experience the vibrant festivals that showcase Bhutan's unique heritage. Bhutan's emphasis on sustainable tourism ensures an authentic and transformative journey.
Conclusion: As we eagerly anticipate the adventures that lie ahead in 2023, these remarkable destinations offer a tapestry of natural wonders, cultural richness, and unforgettable experiences. From the rugged beauty of Tasmania to the pristine landscapes of the Faroe Islands, and the vibrant cultures of Rwanda, Oman, the Azores, and Bhutan, each destination holds its own unique allure. Whether you seek breathtaking landscapes, wildlife encounters, cultural immersion, or a mix of all three, these hidden gems are waiting to be explored.
As you plan your travels in 2023, remember to prioritize responsible and sustainable tourism. Respect the local cultures, support local businesses, and take steps to minimize your environmental impact. By doing so, you can contribute to the preservation of these remarkable destinations for generations to come.
So, pack your bags, prepare your camera, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey. The best places to visit in 2023 are calling, and it's time to answer that call and create memories that will last a lifetime. Bon voyage!
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jellogram · 3 months
People are so fucking weird about hunting, or any means of gathering meat that isn't invisible to them. I was writing about the Faroe Islands for work today and all the comments on every article I consulted was about how no one should go to the Faroe Islands because they kill whales.
And yes, I can see how the practice is horrifying to witness. They kill so many pilot whales at a time that the shore turns red. But it's also a thousand year old tradition and pilot whales are not considered endangered, or even under threat of becoming endangered. The meat harvested during this practice feeds locals for months.
And everybody writes about it like it's this barbaric thing and the people on the islands must be evil and no one should ever visit the Faroes because doing so supports these horrible barbaric people.
And I'm just like.... do you eat meat? Do you eat meat from the grocery store? Do you believe in boycotting every country that participates in factory farming? If you do, then props for being consistent, but most people don't. The people commenting on how horrible the Faroese people are for doing this are going home and eating hamburgers and hotdogs and would never in a million years suggest boycotting any country that does such things.
I'm not saying the whale hunting isn't frightening to look at, or is 100% morally pure, I just think way too many Europeans and North Americans are very, very quick to judge less common cultures for how they get their meat. And it's incredibly hypocritical.
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folkfashion · 2 months
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Faroese woman and girls, Faroe Islands, by Visit Faroe Islands
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theroyalsandi · 4 months
King Frederik X and Queen Mary will carry out state visits to Sweden (May 6-7), Norway (May 14-15), the Faroe Islands (June 11-14) and Greenland (June 29 - July 8). The Royal Yacht Dannebrog will function as the residence during those trips. | February 09, 2024
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horsesarecreatures · 1 year
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Beautiful Faroese horse @skessafo wearing traditional Leypur (back baskets). They were a multipurpose work horse, transporting peat, seaweed, manure etc in Leypur like these (as well as being ridden). Leypur are similar to the creels and klibbers used with UK natives like the Shetland and Eriskay pony. I love seeing how the idea is the same but the form slightly different - it really shows the shared cultural horse heritage between the Faroe Islands and the British Isles. Sadly there are only around 86 Faroese horses left in the world making them one of the rarest horse breeds alive today. They are thought to have been brought to the islands by Norse settlers. Some of these Norse settlers travelled via the British Isles on their way to Iceland (the Faroe Islands being between Britain and Iceland). This is why the British Atlantic breeds like the Eriskay and Shetland pony are closely related and physically similar to the Faroese horse and Icelandic horse. The Faroese horse is a little bigger than a Shetland, but the have the bodies of small horses rather than ponies. The Faroese horse was once vital to life on the Faroe Islands. Now they face extinction. This is a shared story between many of the rare breeds around the world. The Faroese horse struggles for demand - there are not enough horses being born and not enough people on the Faroe Islands with the space or means to own them. There is a demand for them abroad, but sadly exporting is not possible by law as horses need a passport to travel. There is currently no passport issuing organisation for them. This means that they can only exist in the Faroe Islands where owners are hugely limited by land and resources. This passport dilemma is a Government issue and endangering these horses. It is a very real possibility they will become extinct soon if things do not change. How to help: Visit: https://www.ffr.fo/indexen Follow: @the_faroese_horse (if you’re interested in breeding them abroad let them know - a list of potential breeders if exporting were possible would be very helpful!). ©Ruth Chamberlain aka Ruth on the Hoof.
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apersonwholikeslotus · 2 months
The Visit
Y'all guess who's back to writing (finally); everyone say thank you to @hetagrammy for talking to me about IreNor which made me want to write again and for beta reading; she is a person of many talents.
Welcome back to world building the fics, couple of notes + human names;
Because I can I hc Faroe and Iceland as Norway & Ireland's kids; Alisdair has right to be worried he's not just an asshole.
Alisdair = Scotland Molly (or Máire) = Ireland Sigurd = Norway Ida = Faroe Islands
TW: for references to domestic/sexual abuse (character accusing another of it, nothing is actually happening)
ao3 link here
It had been too long since Alisdair had seen his sister, a couple decades at least. He didn’t even know where she was living, what she was up to, if she were even alive. When you knew as many people as centuries of life could afford you it was easier to find someone though, he assumed she was living in an abbey still; which one he wasn’t sure but that was his first guess to start looking. That was the clue he had given: his sister Máire, she lived in an abbey, made her living writing manuscripts. Even threw in her goldsmithing hobby, and a rough description based off the last time he had seen her. As he was sure there were a thousand Máire’s who helped write manuscripts in Ireland alone.
This wasn’t what he expected, out of all the places in Ireland, Dublin, a viking settlement, was the last place he expected to find her. He had heard of the city, which seemed to be a rather large hub for the Scandinavians now. He couldn’t believe how many boats were in the harbor, they lined up endlessly. He remembered one of the last conversations he had with her, he had half begged her to stay away from the coasts; convinced himself the farther inland she was the safer she would be. As usual anything he, or Dylan, asked of her spurred her to do the absolute opposite. Considering this is where she was living maybe Arthur had asked her to stay away from the coasts as well, she would happily let herself get captured if it meant spiting Arthur. 
He kept his head down, not wanting to draw attention with all of them around here. Reasonably he didn’t trust these people, he had already lost Shetland, Orkney, Caithness, and Sutherland; not to mention the Isle of Mann. Four girls and a boy, all fathered by the Norse personification and promptly left behind. It wasn’t uncommon for nations to leave their children in their own land until they were older; didn’t mean he had to like how recklessly he had them; nor did it mean he couldn’t feel bad for the bairns.
He came to the house he had been told; it took far longer than he expected, and had to go through what seemed half the clergy in the country before someone knew where she was. Only finally finding out from a priest that seemed ten years too old to be alive, but here he was. It was on the outside of the city, a small house looking like it wasn’t made to be a long term shelter, there was a small area of farmland around it. He opened the gate making sure to close it behind him so the chickens that milled about wouldn’t get out. A cat sat on top of an overturned crate, gazing over him lazily. That surprised him, Molly had never been much of a cat person preferring dogs, said they were more useful. 
He dusted himself off as he stood at the door, he didn’t need Molly immediately scolding him over his appearance. He knocked heavily, she tended to daydream and not hear things too lost in whatever she was doing. He didn’t want to just walk in either lest he scare her, or he had the wrong house. The wrong Máire. He hoped not. 
The door opened, he smiled expecting his sister. Expecting for her to throw herself into his arms for a hug, they had never been apart for so long he was so excited to see her. His face fell, instead of his sister stood a man, just barely taller than him, blond with blue eyes, dressed as a northmen. The Northman, Sigurd, the source of all his troubles stood in front of him. Molly must have been here, it was too much of a coincidence there is no way he was here and she was not at some point. 
“Where is she” 
“No hello?” it infuriated him how calm the other was, Sigurd was always infuriatingly calm, even when facing Alisdair. 
“Where is my sister?” Alisdair started again, his voice firm but loud, “Where is Molly? What have you done with her, you heathen?!” he spat the word in his face. 
Sigurd looked upset, but was nowhere near losing his temper as Alisdair was, “She is fine, and I do not–” 
“She can not be fine if you are in her house I–” Alisdair stopped, a small voice, clearly inquisitive, asking something. He looked down, a child no older than four, maybe five clung to Sigurd’s leg. He was going to brush her presence off, Sigurd had plenty of bastards, all of which deserved to hear the truth about their father regardless of age. His gaze lingered on her just long enough for her to look up at him. He froze suddenly, the girl was blonde and blue eyed, just as her father was; but the shape of her face, the way the frizzy curls framed her face… that was Molly. Sigurd must have noted his new interest and he shooed her away. Alisdair’s trance broke as he watched her go. 
“Where is my sister?” he demanded again, this time peering over Sigurd’s shoulder trying to see into the house. He wanted to see the girl again, he wanted to see her closer, that had to be his sister's child. 
“I already told you” He stepped to the side to block Alisdair’s view, “She is fine, why are you looking for her?” 
“I’m not allowed to see her?” 
“I didn’t say that” 
“Then where is-” 
“Sigurd? Who’s at the door?” He froze, moments away from pushing the other man out of the doorway to get into the house. The voice was Molly's. He needed to see her, he needed to know she was okay, he needed her alone, he needed to know she wasn’t being kept with him against her will. 
Sigurd stepped to the side so Alisdair could see in the house, Molly came into view and seeing her face took some of his anxiety away knowing she was okay. Knowing she seemed unhurt. The relief was short-lived, his eyes fell on the small girl he had just seen now rested on her hip, he froze seeing her swollen stomach. 
Molly froze, she just stared at him for a moment, he tried to decide if that was a good thing or not.  “Alisdair!” the hesitation morphed into an almost forced looking smile, there was a panic in her eyes that he knew shouldn’t be there. “I thought I heard your voice, but I didn’t want to hope too much!” 
She moved as quickly as she could over to him, she handed the child to Sigurd and hugged Alisdair tightly, his eyes didn’t move from Sigurd, he put his arm around Molly not in a hug, but as if he were trying to protect her. It was impossible to not assume what he was, the stories he heard, the things he had seen, he wanted him dead. Everything played out in his head, he couldn’t touch him while he was holding her; the girl was at no fault for her fathers actions. 
Molly let go of him, though she stayed close, smiling up at him. “I swear it seems you’ve gotten older since we last saw each other, you have to tell me everything, how are you? How are Arthur and Dylan?” 
He opened his mouth to answer, but every thing that came to mind had to do with what was in front of him. Her smile wavered, she was always good at knowing what he was thinking, “Silly me, you’re probably exhausted, come in, come in, we can talk later” she hugged him again quickly, this time taking the chance to whisper “wait til Ida goes to bed” 
He tensed once she let go, swallowing heavily, he assumed Ida was the girl. He nodded, but put his gaze back on Sigurd. He couldn’t help but take note of how heavily Molly kept her grip on him as she pulled him into the house, how she kept her distance from Sigurd, how she had whispered instead of asking aloud. Every instinct screaming to get Molly and Ida away from him. But he stayed quiet as Molly took her daughter back from Sigurd. 
“Mo réaltín,” Molly held the girl up a bit to be closer to eye level with him, “meet your uncle Alisdair.” 
The sun had set long ago, Alisdair sat watching his sister, Molly looked exhausted, her head rested on Sigurd’s shoulder, his arm around her. It infuriated Alisdair, he hadn’t gotten an answer yet, he hadn’t been given reasons to not kill Sigurd where he stood. If he threw him in the sea, it would take him longer to come back. The only punishment Alisdair could see fit for what he had done to her. 
“She’s long asleep” Alisdair commented, hoping to spur the conversation. He had spent all day with the small girl going on about all the things she liked (playing tag with the children down the road, the pictures in the windows at church, when her father told her stories about the gods); her favorite foods (pickled fish among them); the names of all the chickens (though she noted she preferred the sheep). It was easier to talk to the niece he didn’t know existed, ignore how she had her fathers nose, and her smile was too much like the Danes’. Ignore how she spoke Norse, and stumbled over the bit of Irish she proudly tried to speak to him in. 
Molly sat up a bit, she looked over at Alisdair, “what do we need to talk about?” 
He hesitated, he knew she knew, “can we go somewhere else?” 
“I’ll leave” Sigurd said instead, “I’m not making my pregnant wife go outside at this hour” 
“Wife?” It pissed him off hearing him refer to her that way, he spoke as if Molly weren’t in the room “My sister wouldn’t marry a pagan, much less willingly carry his children.” 
“But she did, and she is, so apparently you don’t know her that well.” Sigurd didn’t move from Molly’s side, he felt he held more power over Alisdair with her in his arms. “And I don’t like what you're implying about me” 
“I’ll say whatever I want about you because I know the truth.” 
“And what is the truth?” 
“I know what you viking are like.” Alisdair stated it plainly, “You show up, and take what you want without asking. That’s what you did with her; you were tired of just trinkets, jealous of your men getting to take whoever they wanted.” 
“Alisdair, sto-” she started but before being able to get anything beyond his name out was cut off. 
“And you knew the best way to make her stay with you was to have something to hang over her head,” he threw one of his hands towards the other half of the house where Ida was asleep, before gesturing to Molly, clearly trying to accentuate her current state. “You would have a dozen children just to keep her with you” 
Sigurd’s face barely changed, but Molly could feel him tense. He sat up straighter, his jaw clenched tight enough she could hear him grinding his teeth to keep himself from saying anything, 
Molly knew Sigurd wouldn’t say anything, he wasn’t a pushover but he wouldn’t want to distress her or wake up Ida either. He would hold his tongue until morning. She stood suddenly, “Alisdair, outside. Now.” She turned to Sigurd, assuring him a small walk wouldn’t kill her. To spite her brother she took his fur with her, pulling the oversized garment over her shoulders as she followed Alisdair outside.
As soon as the door closed behind her she faced him fury in her eyes “What the fuck was that” 
“Molly you don’t have to pretend to—“ 
“I’m not pretending anything!” She huffed loudly, “He is my husband, I love him, he hasn’t done anything I didn’t give him permission to.”
Alisdair was desperate to get her to admit something, anything to prove Sigurd had done something to her, that he wasn’t just being rash. “How do I know you're not saying that because he’s still right there?” 
She huffed stalking off expecting him to follow her, he did right at her heels. Admittedly he was having a hard time keeping up with her, which was embarrassing to admit considering she was at least six months along already. 
They were well out of hearing distance when she started talking again, repeating her earlier statement: “Sigurd is my husband, I love him, he hasn’t done anything without my permission. We didn’t plan Ida, or this baby, but I love being a mother and he’s a wonderful father.” 
A silence fell over them, as they kept walking. Alisdair knew Molly had no reason to lie to him, not when he wasn’t around to hear her. But he couldn’t believe she would fall for him, he couldn’t rationalize with everything that had happened that she would be okay being with him. 
“We can wait a few weeks so he doesn’t suspect, we’ll leave in the middle of the night, I’ll carry Ida so she doesn’t wake up. He won’t know we’re gone until–” he ignored everything she said. He didn’t think she was genuine, something must be wrong. 
“Alisdair.” She stopped suddenly, turning to face him, “I’m in no condition to travel, and even if I was I wouldn’t go with you” 
“I’ll come back for you in a few months then.” 
Molly went quiet looking up at her brother, she didn’t know how to tell him what she needed to. “I’m not going to be here in a few months.” 
“You’re going back to Norway with him?” 
“No. Once summer comes, and once he’s able to go get the rest of his children we’re all leaving for Iceland.” 
“No.” he didn’t even need to think about it, he wasn’t going that far away, he wasn’t letting her go that far from home. He wouldn’t be able to check on her, he wouldn’t be able to come get her if something happened. 
She sighed, “You know that means nothing,” she turned around going back to the house, “I’m going with him, I’m sorry you don’t trust him, but you can’t throw accusations around, especially after he’s been nothing but kind to me” 
“Nothing but kind?” if Alisdair wasn’t so angry he would have laughed. “You call what his people do to you, to me, kindness?” 
Molly stopped, she looked at the ground sighing. She faced him, but didn’t move any closer, “Seventy years ago now there was a raid on the Abbey I was living in. For some reason or another they decided I wasn’t to die with everyone else and brought me here…” 
Alisdair thought he had it, he thought he had his gotcha. That Molly was finally admitting the horrible things he had done to her. 
“Sigurd paid them off and let me go back about my business, not asking anything in return. That is what I call kindness, Alisdair.” Molly sighed, “It’s been too long, because you think I’m stupid now, enough so to let a man manipulate me into things, even if he had forced Ida on me I would have found a way out for both of us. You should know that.” 
Alisdair was taken aback, he hadn’t been trying to imply Molly to not know what she was doing. His assumptions had nothing to do with her, everything to do with him. He just got here, he had only seen her for a day. He thought he would show up and Molly would still be the same as the last time he had seen her, he thought she would still be his little sister and nothing more; he supposes he wasn’t always right though. 
“I know I won’t be able to stop you; but I can’t stay around if you’re going with him.” 
“I can’t say I’m surprised.” They stopped in front of the house, “But I was hoping you would be around when the baby came.” She opened the front gate not looking at him, “you are welcome to stay for a few days, but I expect you to apologize to Sigurd if you do” 
“I’ll find somewhere else then.” 
Molly nodded, “I’ll get your things then, he may not want you in his house if you don’t plan on taking anything back.” 
“Wait.” Molly stopped looking at him, he came here to check on her. She might be insisting she was fine, but he didn’t trust Sigurd, he couldn’t start trusting him just on Molly’s word either. He couldn’t help but feel as though he was admitting defeat, but… “If I apologize you’ll let me stay?” 
“I will,” she shrugged, “But you’ll have to see what he says” 
“I’ll stay, if I’m allowed.”
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travelingare · 6 months
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📍Faroe Islands 🇫🇴
Breathtaking shots of Faroe Islands 🇫🇴 Would you like to visit this country?
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wanderfulescapes · 9 months
Are you looking for interesting and less crowded places to visit? Here are a few lesser-known travel destinations that you might want to consider visiting before they become mainstream:
1. Faroe Islands: A stunning archipelago known for its dramatic landscapes, rugged coastlines, and unique Nordic culture.
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2. Bhutan: A remote Himalayan kingdom with breathtaking scenery, vibrant festivals, and a focus on Gross National Happiness.
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3. Azores, Portugal: A group of lush volcanic islands in the Atlantic, offering beautiful hikes, hot springs, and untouched beauty.
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4. Svalbard, Norway: A remote Arctic destination known for its polar bear sightings, stunning glaciers, and northern lights.
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5. Matera, Italy: An ancient city famous for its cave dwellings and historical architecture, often referred to as "the second Bethlehem."
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6. Palau: A Pacific island nation with crystal-clear waters, diverse marine life, and some of the world's best diving spots.
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7. Gobi Desert, Mongolia: A vast desert offering unique landscapes, dinosaur fossils, and the chance to experience traditional nomadic culture.
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Remember that even these hidden gems may become popular over time, so it's always a good idea to plan your visit sooner rather than later if you want to experience them before they gain widespread attention.
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travellingdragon · 8 months
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It's time to post an original Temeraire dragon breed again! This time it's a Faroese dragon, inspired by a depiction of Saint George and the Dragon (I think) I found in Tórshavn, the puffins that the Faroe Islands are famous for (here's the best photo my sister and I managed to take, we did not visit the right spots apparently; or at least not in the right weather), and the Faroese landscape.
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They are small, courier-sized dragons that live off the omnipresent sheep and fish. Since they can fly even in stronger winds, they make transport between the islands easy. Currently I don't have a name for the breed but that my follow later.
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everythingroyalty · 4 months
Frederik and Mary took more and more tasks and events over the last years - at least that was my impression. Do you think that they will do more and be more busy as King and Queen? What will they (have to) Tobias additionally that they haven't already done?
State visits come to mind. In the past 6 years, QMII has only been able to do one state visit (either incoming or outgoing) each year but back back in the day, she'd do at least one incoming and one outgoing every year – often 3 in total – and when she was younger, she did even more. I think she did 5 in 1992? 🥵😅
Since his accession, I've also noticed Frederik has emphasised his intention to be a uniting factor between the countries in the realm a lot. That makes me think we might be in for more frequent visits to and work with Greenland and the Faroe Islands during his reign. Which IMO is a really good idea, they're their king and queen as well.
There's also going to be some type of change in appointments and patronages. In terms of patronages, I reckon it'll mainly concern QMII handing over some patronages to M&F. A patronage like Det Kgl. Vajsenhus and Det Classenske Fideicommis will almost certainly transfer to Frederik just because he's the sitting monarch. Kræftens Bekæmpelse and Foreningen Grønlandske Børn seems right up Mary's alley.
Personally, I'm very excited to see what will happen to the DRF's affiliation with the Princess of Wales Royal Regiment. Is Charles going to retire a more than 100 year old tradition?
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the-occult-lounge · 4 months
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Heathenry vs Norse Paganism vs Ásatrú
When we dig deeper into the ideologies from the Nordic countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland) we find that there is a split of sorts in religious ideologies. The following are a few of the groupings one may find when digging deeper into this area of practice. (Quotes provided from thetroth.org)
> Heathenry is the preferred general term for someone who practices a reconstructed version of a pre-Christian religion for the Germanic area of Northern Europe. “Heathen” was first used in the Gothic language to mean a “Gentile” and was originally a neutral term meaning someone from a particular region who wasn’t familiar with Jewish or Christian Scripture. This wasn’t a negative or pejorative term until it became a negative thing to not be a Christian.
> The way we use 'Norse Paganism' is not to refer exclusively to the ethnic practices of the pre-Christian Norse peoples (Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, etc); rather, the “Norse” in Norse Paganism refers to the names by which we call the Gods. Most of us refer to the Gods by the names they were called in the Norse languages, and much of our ritual taxonomy is based in the Norse languages.
> Ásatrú is a combination of two words. “Tru” which means “Faith/Trust in” and “Asa” which means “The Gods/Aesir.” Some do not like this term, as they believe it excludes those who place faith and trust in the Vanir (Vanatru) or the Jotnar (Rokkatru or sometimes Thursatru). There is some debate here as to whether or not the “Asa” in “Asa-tru” is truly exclusive in this sense. Someone who worshipped Njord, Skadi and Freyja exclusively could still call themselves “Ásatrú” and most wouldn’t object. In the United States, “Ásatrú” is losing favor as a term because of its usage by Folkish groups. But the term itself is not indicative of white nationalist or folkish beliefs, and internationally it remains a popular general term.
***Please note that within the above ideologies there may be a few outliers, typically within these practices white supremacist tend to hide and morph the gentle beliefs into something that they are not. Be careful of groups that you may join and pay attention to the words that they use or the symbols they may show***
For more information on Heathenry, Norse Paganism, and other forms, please visit thetroth.org.
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theroyalsandi · 30 days
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Danish Royal Family - The King and Queen will officially board the Royal Yacht Dannebrog.  It is the first time that they, as King and Queen, are going on the traditional summer tour at sea. As part of the summer tour, they will visit the Faroe Islands and Greenland in June and July. (Photo by Stefan Lindblom) | May 02, 2024
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goexploregreece · 1 year
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Sunset at Akrotiri Lighthouse. Pure magic.
Today, I want to take you on a journey to the stunning Akrotiri Lighthouse on the Greek island of Santorini.
You may have heard it referred to as the Faros Lighthouse, but don't worry, it's the same place. Faros (Φάρος) is the Greek word for a lighthouse.
Akrotiri Lighthouse is located on the southernmost tip of Santorini, in a town called Akrotiri (surprise, surprise). It was built in 1892, and since then, it has guided sailors safely through the treacherous waters of the Aegean Sea.
Now, you may be wondering why a lighthouse was necessary in the first place. Well, back in the day (and by "the day", I mean the late 1800s), ships relied on the stars to navigate the sea. But when the skies were cloudy or stormy, it made it nearly impossible for sailors to find their way. That's where lighthouses came in. They were built to guide ships with a bright, shining light that could be seen from miles away.
The construction of Akrotiri Lighthouse took two years and was finally completed in 1892. At the time, it was a state-of-the-art lighthouse with a rotating lens that could project light up to 22 nautical miles away.
Over the years, Akrotiri Lighthouse has seen its fair share of history. During World War II, the Germans occupied Santorini and used the lighthouse as an observation point. And in 1956, a massive earthquake struck the island and damaged the lighthouse so severely that it had to be rebuilt entirely.
But despite this, Akrotiri Lighthouse still stands tall today, guiding ships safely through the Aegean Sea. And let me tell you, it is absolutely worth a visit.
The lighthouse is a beautiful, white structure perched atop a sea cliff. You can see the crystal-clear waters and the surrounding cliffs and islands from there. It's truly a breathtaking sight.
But here's a pro tip: if you want the ultimate experience, visit the lighthouse at sunset. The view of the sun setting over the sea is magical. And as the sun dips below the horizon, the lighthouse's light begins to shine, creating a stunning contrast between light and dark.
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Hey 👋
I'm here with a random ask of the week 🌷
If dennor were on a vacation together, where would they go? Would they take someone with them? Like Iceland, bc you know, it's their kid-
Okay, it depends a little on how much time they have off and the season – so have waaaaay too many headcanons about this!
If they only have a few days off, like one or two, they drive or take the train, either to someplace fun in their own countries, Sweden, or Germany. Denmark really loves amusement parks, if they have a day off during a World Meeting, he will go to the nearest amusement park. His favourite amusement park is also the world's oldest – Bakken in Kalundborg, Denmark, but he loves all the ones in Denmark, of course. His favourite rollercoaster ride is really embarrassing though. It's this one called Wildfire, and it's been named the best in Europe and thirdbest in the world in 2018 – BUT IT'S IN KOLMÅRDEN, SWEDEN (I've tried it though, it really is great). If Norway gets to pick, they usually go out into nature, either hiking in the mountains, fishing, visit the beaches or forests, go kayaking, etc. That is, unless it's winter – then it's skiing every single time. Norway is great at skiing, obviously, especially cross-country skiing. They're very unlikely to visit any historical sites, since they already lived through it, and for these shorter trips, they're more likely to just be the two of them.
Now, if it's a week or more, the world IS THEIR OYSTER. So we need to divide these into seasons:
Spring: In spring, they both have a few days off for Easter, but this is family time, so usually they celebrate with a Easter Lunch together with the other Nordics and just hang out together at one of their homes all five of them. They also go visit other European countries (mostly their fellow protestants, because they think the catholics can get a little prickly around Easter – Denmark claims it's because of the whole Lent thing). If they have a bit more time off, they might also visit Iceland, The Faroe Islands, and Greenland (both should have their own representations, because their history and culture is very different from Denmark and they actually have self rule nowadays).
Summer: Now, you gotta understand. Europe has a lot of time off during summer and of course the nations would too. So there's a lot of options presenting themselves. A week in one of Denmark's many vacation houses near the beaches, going on a train trip through Europe, getting a house boat and sail the nearby seas, taking a plane to the south of Europe and becoming as red as a shrimp in 0.5 second ... The possibilities are endless. Iceland occasionally go with them, and if they're in a vacation house, they get a lot of visitors – especially Germany, Sweden and Finland (Iceland just moves in with them without asking). But they do as much as they can during summer
Autumn: In fall, there's only three options. Either, they go to South Europe or they go to either Thailand or the USA. But 7 out of 10 times, they go to Spain, and they often bring the other Nordics along. Spain is the tourist destination. If it's not mainland Spain, it's Gran Canaria or Mallorca. Spain is definitely their favourite vacation place. Spain isn't entirely sure how much he likes that they visit him year after year after year. Sure, he likes the money the tourism generates, but he's never really sure how much he should be around them and he needs vacation too! How else is he going to visit his favourite half of a nation?
Winter: Christmas and New Year's Eve are some more holidays all the nordics celebrate together, and here, they usually decide to stay near the mountains (meaning not in Denmark) – so they can go skiing! I mentioned skiing earlier, and it is an activity all Nordics enjoy – alpine, cross country, snowboard, you name it, they do it. Finland and Iceland especially like snowboarding, whereas Sweden and Norway are more likely to do cross country. Denmark really likes alpine, and is probably the weakest skier among them – which makes the others tease him endlessly, but he's still pretty good. Just wasn't born on skis like the rest of them. Norway is really good at off-piste – Sweden is too tall to do it as well as Norway, and Denmark is afraid he'll fall (and also tall), so that's one thing Norway, Finland, and Iceland does together.
As you can see, there really is a lot of different vacation types they like to do!
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