trendnewspoint · 1 year
Virtual Reality and Enhanced Fact: Future is Below
Virtual Reality and Enhanced Fact: Future is Below Virtual Reality virtual reality submerges users in an atmosphere while AR boosts their environment. This modern technology design has effectively been employed for games thus much. Likewise, it has been allowed for Instruction, as with VirtualShip, a likeness software used to instruct U.S. Shoreline Shield, Navy, Army, and leaders. Virtual…
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soniarandhawatech · 1 year
Sonia Randhawa || Advantages of Investing in Technology for Your Business
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While the Internet has made the world a small place, the latest technology is still evolving at an astounding pace. Voice assistants, chatbots, and the rise of artificial intelligence are transforming various sectors. Many people already use these tools to communicate and shop, and the next wave of this technology will only continue to grow. Companies can take advantage of this growing trend to attract a new customer base. But how do we determine what is truly the latest technology?
5G stands for fifth-generation mobile networks. It is set to deliver a higher speed for connectivity and will be able to connect multiple objects at the same time. Unlike today's 4G networks, 5G is expected to have ultra-low latency and high data rates. Its smooth and uniform experience will make it the preferred technology for many consumers. Sonia Randhawa says, while this may sound like science fiction, 5G is already making its way into our daily lives.
It's no secret that the internet is the main driving force behind today's businesses. It's integrated into our digital devices, social platforms, and search engines. In addition to the internet, AI and AR/VR technologies are transforming our interactions with customers and prospects. While the potential is enormous, companies are cautioning against relying on them too much. However, investing in the latest technologies could benefit businesses in many ways. The future of business depends on incorporating new technologies into their daily operations.
One of the hottest tech trends in the office is smart spaces. This trend is closely linked to the growing Internet of Things (IoT). In less than two years, the number of connected devices will pass 30 billion. Personalised workspaces will benefit 13% of the global population. And 5G technology promises even more connectivity. This is a big leap forward in mobile technology. And the future of computing will be nothing short of mind-blowing
Augmented reality and Virtual Reality are rapidly changing the way we interact with the world. Virtual Reality immerses you in a virtual environment, while Augmented Reality adds virtual entities to the real world. While virtual reality is primarily used for gaming, it is becoming increasingly common in training applications. One such example is VirtualShip, a training program used to prepare captains of U.S. Navy ships. And the latest trends in VR and AR have reached casual interactions.
Understanding new technology can be difficult without the help of an expert, says Sonia Randhawa, but a Google search can reveal upcoming seminars or conferences that discuss the latest trends in technology. Sometimes, specific industries hold public conferences that highlight new technologies. If you are looking for career advancement, attending such events will surely boost your resume. There are many online publications dedicated to new technologies, including CoinDesk, the Inquirer USA, and Yahoo Tech. So, it's important to keep up with the latest trends in technology.
Emerging technology trends can be a great way to grow your business and connect with customers. Taking advantage of these emerging trends can position you as a strategic partner to your business. For example, by implementing 3D printing or cyber security into your business, you'll be able to increase your sales, improve customer experience, and reduce costs. The list of technology trends for 2022 includes Artificial intelligence, VR, AR, and 3D printing.
By 2020, 5G will be available in many regions, so it's likely that smartphones will be upgraded to support it. Although it won't be the default mode, most smartphone manufacturers are already testing 5G-enabled devices. As of today, we can expect a new technological revolution - it's all a matter of time, and we can't wait to see how it all unfolds. For now, let's look at a few examples of the latest technology trends and how we can use it to benefit our society.
Read More: Investing in The Latest Technology for Your Business
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scalacode · 1 year
If you are an IT graduate or willing to switch your career in this industry because rapid technology advancements are exciting, then you must know about the 20 latest trending technologies.
rtificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI-ML)
 AI-ML is not new to the IT industry, and it’s getting valuable hype for the past few years. The comprehensive response will also bring it to the next level in 2023. As a result, AI-ML is a hot skill to learn and make a career in the IT industry.
AI-ML, usually considered synonyms for each other, are two different technologies, though these both need to be used together in an application.
Artificial intelligence is a computer science stream where digital solutions are developed with the human ability to think and respond. Business chatbots, Amazon Alexa, and Google Siri are widespread instances of Artificial intelligence.  
Machine Learning, usually known as ML, is a sub-part of AI technology. ML technology extracts the requested information from backend databases and serves through AI-enabled applications. For instance, Alexa receives the request from end-users, and through its machine learning, it extracts the relevant data from the backend and offers it according to the received request.
So in order to make a career in AI-ML, you need to learn both Artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Data Science
If you like data and have the analytical ability to extract information, then you can become a data analyst. Data science allows non-technical individuals to play a key role in a market research team and, based on the survey and data evaluation, facilitates top management to make decisions for the company's benefit. 
Information of Things (IoT)
IoT stands for Internet of Things is the latest IT trend you can learn. IoT is a technique to learn human behaviour, habits, and expectations. Business sectors like healthcare, Food & beverages, eCommerce, and many others require such helpful information to satisfy their need. IoT technology is vital in knowing customers’ natures and serving them the best. 
Smart device
There are various types of smart devices, including smartphones, smart TV, smart watch, smart outfit, and many more. These smart wearables ease the life of individuals. Smart watches facilitate their wearer to receive and disconnect phone calls, connect with friends through social media, and report daily diet and calorie burning by walking. These devices are IoT-enabled devices. As a result, you can utilise your IoT knowledge in smart device manufacturing.  
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
The following exceptional technological trend - Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (ER). VR immerses the user in an environment, whereas AR enhances their surroundings. Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming, it has also been used for training. For example, with VirtualShip, a simulation software AR and VR have enormous potential in training, entertainment, education, marketing, and even injury rehabilitation. They typically work in tandem with some of the other emerging technologies mentioned in this list. Read more...
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worldmoz · 2 years
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Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
The next exceptional technology trend - Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (ER). VR immerses the user in an environment while AR enhances their environment. Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with
  VirtualShip, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains
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moguld · 4 years
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#pentacostsunday Happy Pentecost Sunday #virtualship #fellowship #fellowshipchicago https://www.instagram.com/p/CA21f8xlzJv/?igshid=1oeudc962lsb
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venomsroom · 2 years
Teknologi tercipta untuk semakin memudahkan hidup manusia. Oleh karenanya, teknologi akan terus berevolusi mengikuti perkembangan kebutuhan manusia. Kita saksikan bersama, tiap tahun kemunculan teknologi terbaru terus mewarnai kehidupan manusia. Banyak aspek yang tersentuh teknologi mulai dari medis, komunikasi, pendidikan hingga ekonomi.
Meski tahun 2022 ruang gerak manusia tetap akan terbatasi pandemi Covid-19, teknologi terbaru tetap hadir. Apa saja teknologi tersebut? Untuk membahasnya akan sulit jika  memisahkan dari perkembangan teknologi yang saat ini terjadi. Berikut beberapa teknologi yang hadir di tahun 2021:
Otomatisasi Proses Robotik (RPA)
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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) adalah teknologi terbaru berupa perangkat lunak yang bekerja secara otomatis yang digunakan untuk menafsirkan aplikasi, memproses transaksi, menangani data, dan bahkan membalas email. RPA mampu memudahkan beragam pekerjaan dan menganalisanya dengan cepat dan akurat.
Hybrid Cloud
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Teknologi terbaru ini merupakan salah satu bentuk transformasi digital. Teknologi ini merupakan kombinasi dari public dan private cloud. Umumnya, perusahaan menyimpan data yang sensitif menggunakan private cloud. Sementara, layanan lain disimpan di public cloud. Nah, hybrid cloud banyak digunakan oleh berbagai perusahaan berbasis teknologi untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan ketahanan pada bisnis mereka.
Edge Computing
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Edge computing (EC) adalah teknologi terbaru berbentuk paradigma komputasi terdistribusi, yang mendekatkan komputasi dan penyimpanan data ke sumber data. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan waktu respon dan menghemat bandwidth. Perusahaan seperti AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, dan Google Cloud Platform terkenal memiliki layanan EC yang baik.
Quantum Computing
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Quantum computing merupakan bentuk komputasi yang memanfaatkan fenomena kuantum seperti superposisi dan keterikatan kuantum. Teknologi terbaru ini juga terlibat dalam mencegah penyebaran Covid-19, dan untuk mengembangkan vaksin potensial. Ini dapat tercapai berkat kemampuannya untuk menanyakan, memantau, menganalisis, dan menindaklanjuti data dengan mudah.
Quantum computing juga banyak digunakan oleh perbankan dan industri keuangan non-bank untuk mengelola risiko kredit, perdagangan frekuensi tinggi dan untuk mendeteksi penipuan.
Teknologi 5G
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Sebelumnya kita mengenal teknologi 3G dan 4G dalam menjelajahi internet, menggunakan layanan berbasis data, meningkatkan bandwidth dan lainnya secara cepat. Tahun ini, kita menantikan lahirnya teknologi terbaru di sektor komunikasi, yakni 5G. Layanan ini mengandalkan teknologi canggih seperti AR dan VR, bersama dengan layanan game berbasis cloud seperti Google Stadia, dan NVidia GeForce Now.
Internet of Thing (IoT)
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Internet of Thing (IoT) merupakan konsep di mana objek yang memiliki kemampuan mentransfer data melalui jaringan tanpa memerlukan interaksi manusia ke manusia atau manusia ke komputer. IoT telah berkembang dari konvergensi teknologi nirkabel, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) dan Internet.
Sejauh ini, IoT paling erat hubungannya dengan komunikasi machine-to-machine (M2M) di bidang manufaktur dan listrik, perminyakan, dan gas.
Virtual Reality
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Virtual Reality (VR), bersama dengan Augmented Reality (AR), dan Extended Reality (ER) merupakan teknologi terbaru yang hadir tahun ini. Dalam prosesnya, VR membenamkan user dalam suatu lingkungan sementara AR menyempurnakan lingkungan mereka.
Teknologi ini utamanya digunakan untuk bermain game, namun penggunaannya semakin luas, karena bisa digunakan juga untuk pelatihan. Misalnya, perangkat lunak simulasi VirtualShip yang digunakan untuk melatih Angkatan Laut, Angkatan Darat, dan penjaga pantai di Amerika Serikat (AS).
Inilah beberapa teknologi terbaru yang muncul di tahun 2021. Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, tentu saja ini kehadiran teknologi baru tidak akan berhenti di sini, karena akan ada banyak inovasi ke depan yang akan memudahkan pekerjaan manusia, dan memasuki Tahun 2022, perkembangan teknologi ini pasti akan menjadi tren hits.
Arah Teknologi Terbaru di Bidang Bisnis
Melihat beberapa teknologi terbaru yang hadir selama ini, penting bagi perusahaan untuk selalu update kemampuan dan adaptasi teknologi. Berikut merupakan arah teknologi di tahun 2022.
Otomatisasi yang Mempercepat Kerja Manusia
Dengan otomatisasi, waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan menjadi lebih cepat. Teknologi akan mengarah pada diperpendeknya rantai birokrasi, sehingga suatu pekerjaan yang biasanya selesai dalam 1 minggu, dapat diperpendek menjadi 1 hari atau bahkan bisa selesai dalam hitungan jam.
Pengambilan Keputusan yang Cepat
Teknologi juga akan mengarah pada dipercepatnya sebuah pengambilan keputusan. Dengan suplai data yang lebih cepat, perusahaan maupun pengambil kebijakan bisa segera membuat keputusan.
Penghematan Biaya
Teknologi terbaru juga akan berorientasi pada penghematan biaya, baik itu produksi maupun pemasaran.
Meningkatkan Respons
Dengan teknologi terbaru, sistem akan dapat terintegrasi di semua kantor cabang atau anak perusahaan. Sehingga akan dapat meningkatkan kecepatan dalam merespons sesuatu. Pihak manajemen pun akan dengan cepat mengetahui kondisi yang ada tanpa harus berkunjung ke kantor cabang yang jauh dan membutuhkan biaya akomodasi.
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Seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, kehadiran teknologi terbaru tidak akan berhenti di tahun ini. Sebab, kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan akan selalu diiringi dengan kehadiran teknologi-teknologi baru. Apalagi sifat natural teknologi adalah “dinamis”, yang artinya perkembangannya selalu bergerak mengikuti perkembangan zaman dan tuntutan hidup manusia.
Menurut analis dari Gartner, di tahun depan akan ada delapan tren teknologi terbaru yang harus dicermati. Para ahli percaya teknologi-teknologi yang akan hadir ini akan relevan, setidaknya selama lima tahun ke depan.
1. Internet of Behavior  (IoB)
Internet of Behavior (IoB) adalah tren yang sedang berkembang. Istilah ini mengacu pada pengumpulan dan penggunaan apa yang disebut “digital dust”, yaitu jejak digital yang ditinggalkan orang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.
Teknologi terbaru ini mampu hadir dalam bentuk facial recognition, pelacakan lokasi, dan Big Data. Termasuk dari ponsel cerdas dan perangkat yang dapat dikenakan, dan sensor ditanamkan di tubuh manusia. Gartner memperkirakan, pada akhir 2025 lebih dari setengah populasi dunia akan berpartisipasi dalam setidaknya satu program IoB.
2. Intelligent Composable Business
Ini adalah teknologi terbaru yang dapat beradaptasi dan merekayasa ulang dirinya sendiri sesuai dengan situasi. Kehadirannya memungkinkan user mendapatkan fungsionalitas yang dibutuhkan dengan cepat. Teknologi tersebut dapat disediakan oleh vendor atau dikembangkan di rumah.
3. Jejaring Keamanan Siber
Cybersecurity mesh atau jaring keamanan siber adalah teknologi terbaru yang memungkinkan user mengakses aset digital dengan aman, di mana pun aset atau user berada. Artinya, sistem perlindungan akan fokus pada pengorganisasian perimeter keamanan di sekitar setiap pengguna.
Kemunculan teknologi ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya permintaan akan teknologi cloud dan meningkatnya jumlah karyawan jarak jauh. Banyaknya karyawan yang bekerja jarak jauh, membuat sistem keamanan internal tidak lagi berfungsi.
Para ahli percaya bahwa pada tahun 2025, jaringan keamanan siber akan mendukung lebih dari setengah permintaan manajemen akses digital.
4. Total Experience
Total Experience merupakan bentuk teknologi terbaru yang mengkonsolidasikan pengalaman pelanggan, karyawan, dan user dengan lingkungan multi-channel. Perusahaan membutuhkan strategi konsolidasi yang berpengalaman karena interaksi menjadi lebih mobile, virtual, dan terdistribusi.
Menggunakan data terkonsolidasi untuk membuat strategi terpadu dapat memberikan manfaat yang kuat bagi bisnis. Gartner memprediksi bahwa perusahaan yang mengadopsi Total Experience akan mengungguli pesaing dalam metrik kepuasan pelanggan selama tiga tahun ke depan.
5. Hyper Automation
Di masa depan masih ada permintaan yang besar untuk otomatisasi proses dan tugas manual yang berulang. Oleh karena itu, RPA tetap menjadi tren penting. Nah, otomatisasi berbasis tugas ini akan semakin digantikan oleh otomatisasi berbasis proses. Inilah yang disebut Gartner sebagai Hyper Automation. Teknologi terbaru ini menyiratkan pengoptimalan proses bisnis pada tingkat yang baru secara kualitatif, menerapkan teknologi inovatif, termasuk kecerdasan buatan dan machine learning.
6. Anywhere Operation
Anywhere Operations adalah model bisnis yang dirancang untuk mendukung pelanggan, karyawan, dan layanan dari mana saja di dunia. Trennya sudah ada sebelumnya, tetapi pandemi 2020 telah mempercepat pergerakan ke arah ini.
Gartner percaya bahwa pada akhir 2023, 40% perusahaan akan menggunakan teknologi terbaru untuk mendukung model bisnis "Anywhere Operation", dengan menggabungkan interaksi virtual dan fisik dengan pelanggan dan karyawan.
7. AI Engineering
AI Engineering adalah teknologi terbaru yang menyediakan disiplin rekayasa dan struktur kuat, yang akan menekankan ketersediaan AI dan memastikan skala dan penerapannya. Gartner menganggap ini penting, karena menurut penelitian hanya setengah dari proyek AI yang beralih dari prototipe ke implementasi.
AI Engineering didasarkan pada metodologi DataOps, ModelOps, dan DevOps, dan membantu meningkatkan keandalan dan kinerja model AI, serta laba atas investasi yang diperoleh perusahaan dalam kecerdasan buatan.
8. Distributed Cloud
Teknologi terbaru ini mampu mendistribusikan layanan cloud ke beberapa lokasi di luar pusat data penyedia. Namun, tanggung jawab untuk operasi, pengelolaan, dan pengembangannya tetap berada di tangan penyedia cloud.
Bagi perusahaan, ini berarti dapat menemukan pusat data dan layanannya di lokasi yang sama, yang mengurangi latensi dan membantu mematuhi peraturan yang mewajibkan penyimpanan data di area geografis tertentu. Menurut Gartner, pada 2025, sebagian besar penyedia cloud akan menyediakan beberapa bentuk layanan ini.
Demikianlah beberapa tren teknologi terbaru yang diperkirakan akan hadir tahun 2022. Kehadiran teknologi-teknologi ini tentu menarik untuk dicermati, karena akan semakin mengubah pola kerja dan hubungan antar individu di masa depan.
Sumber : https://commercial.acerid.com/support/articles/8-teknologi-terbaru-yang-menjadi-tren-di-tahun-2022-pebisnis-wajib-tahu
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w3villatech · 2 years
Get to Know: The Top 5 Trending Technologies in 2022
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Technology is constantly advancing today, allowing for faster change and progress and thereby accelerating the rate of change. However, it is not just technology trends and developing technologies that are changing; much more has changed this year as a result of the outbreak of COVID-19, which has made IT professionals recognize that their job in the contactless world of tomorrow will not be the same.
It is rapidly changing, allowing for speedier development and progress and accelerating the rate of change. In the tech sector, we’ve seen a lot of innovation and high-tech items so far, and we’ll continue to see it in the future.
In this post, we’ll be discussing the top 5 trending technologies in 2022 to look out:
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is one of the popular emerging technology trends that we have all heard about for the past decade or two, but it has yet to be completely explored. There’s a lot you can accomplish or make using AI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the process of incorporating intellect (or the ability to reason) into machines. To put it another way, it’s the process of training machines to think and act in the same way that humans do.
In the coming years, AI will be at the forefront of technological advancements. The value of the AI sector is expected to exceed $400 billion in the next several years, according to experts. AI has the potential to be beneficial in a variety of businesses.
For example, we’ve already seen AI-powered mobile/smartphone gadgets that can learn from user interactions and adjust their services accordingly.
You can use Artificial Intelligence to design a mobile app, a next-generation AI-based trading and investment system, or an AI-powdered trading platform. The possibilities are literally endless.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
The next big technology advancements are virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) (ER). AR enhances the user’s surroundings, whereas VR immerses them in them. Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming, it has also been used for training, such as with VirtualShip, a simulation software used by the United States Navy, Army, and Coast Guard to teach ship captains.
We may expect these kinds of technologies to become much more embedded into our lives by 2022. AR and VR have huge potential in training, entertainment, education, marketing, and even injury rehabilitation. They usually function in unison with some of the other developing technologies we’ve covered in this list.
Read More:-bit.ly/3I2INQ5
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Augmented and Virtual reality- The new age technologies Augmented Reality (AR) enhances their environment while Virtual Reality (VR) immerses the user in an environment. Although VR has been primarily used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, with VirtualShip, a simulation software used to train U.S. Army, Navy, and Coast Guard ship captains. The popular Mobile game Pokemon Go is an example of AR. Both AR and VR have enormous potential in training, education, entertainment, marketing, and even rehabilitation after an injury. Either of them could be used to train doctors to do surgery, enhance theme parksoffer museum-goers a deeper experience, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. Getting started in AR and VR doesn’t require a lot of the specialized knowledge but basic programming skills and a forward-thinking mindset can land you a job. ✍️ Neeraj Kumar . Follow : @local2globalindia . . #local2globalindia . . #augmentedreality #ar #virtualreality #vr #d #mixedreality #technology #art #augmented #tech #digitalart #pokemongo #artificialintelligence #reality #innovation #arkit #augmentedrealityapp #unity #pokemon #augmentedrealityart #sparkar #ai #startup #gosnapshot #covid #oculus #extendedreality https://www.instagram.com/p/CEgoZ1SJ-CU/?igshid=oltck3vl2o79
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Latest Technologies In IT Industry 2019
Change is the only constant on this planet. There is no industry from education to healthcare which can resist changes. Every sector welcomes innovations that bring changes in the ongoing IT trends. Technologies are now evolving at such a rapid pace. As technology evolves, it enables even faster change and progress. The IT workers of the 21st century will constantly be learning, out of obligation if not desire. It means staying current with technology trends.
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):-
Artificial Intelligence has already received a lot of buzz in recent years. AI refers to computers systems built to imitate human intelligence and perform tasks such as recognition of images, speech or patterns and decision making. AI can do these tasks faster and more perfectly than humans.
AI has been around since 1956 is already widely used. In fact, five out of six people use AI services in one form or another every day, including navigation apps, streaming services, smart phone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps, home personal assistants, and smart home devices. In addition to consumer use, AI is used to schedule trains, assess business risk, predict maintenance, and improve energy efficiency, among many other money-saving tasks.
Especially in the field of AI: Pundits predict that jobs in AI will number 23 million by 2020. AI architect is one such job.
2. Block chain:-
Block chain offers security that is useful in many other ways. In the simplest of terms, block chain can be defined as data you can only add to, not take away from or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, with block chain, you don’t need a trusted third-party to oversee or validate transactions.
This heightened security is why block chain is used for crypto currency, and why it can play a significant role in protecting information such as personal medical data. Block chain could be used to severely improve the global supply chain, as well as protect assets such as art and real estate.
3. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality:-
Virtual Reality (VR) immerses the user in an environment while Augment Reality (AR) enhances their environment. Although VR has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with VirtualShip, simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. Both have enormous potential in training, entertainment, education, marketing, and even treatment after an injury. Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum-goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter.
Getting started in VR doesn’t require a lot of specialized knowledge. Basic programming skills and a advanced mindset can land a job, although other employers will be looking for optics as a skill-set and hardware engineers as well.
4. Cyber Security:-
Cyber security might not seem like rising technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures. Three of advancements are hardware authentication, cloud technology, and deep learning, according to experts. Another adds data loss prevention and behavioural analytics to the list. As long as we have hackers, we will have cyber security as an emerging technology because it will constantly evolve to defend against those hackers.
5. Cloud Technology:-
Cloud technology is undoubtedly one of the major digital transformation enablers. It has proved to be quite useful for companies in multiple ways. For instance, it offers real-time and remote data access, improves decision-making ability, boosts operational efficiency, and most importantly, reduces operational costs.  
In this data-driven world, Cloud technology essentially helps companies accelerate their business performance through effective data handling. Moreover, with solutions such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Software-as-a-Service, offered by Cloud service providers, companies need not invest in building IT infrastructure. Besides this, Cloud gives businesses the ability to store, process, analyze and manage both structured and unstructured data.
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Technologies are now in the center of attention for all industries. We expect 2019 to become a year of new use cases and possibilities. We will witness new changes and feel the benefits of advance technology.
It is essentially vital for companies to match the pace of these trending software technologies to outshine their competitors. Software consulting companies (RJ DIGITAL WEB TECH) can provide greater insight into these technologies and help businesses to become a software leader.
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moguld · 4 years
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Join us this morning #fellowshipchicago #virtualship #reginaldsharpejr https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkmAi3FE_n/?igshid=1b87mojacfj9d
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aokaminariki88 · 4 years
Fad or Trend
           Often, we hear the word fad and we hear the word trend. Though, we never really have a clear distinction between the two. Here in this blog, I will discuss the key differences between the two. I will also give examples of the two to help distinguish each term. There are many examples, especially in the world of emerging technologies.
           Essentially, fads and trends are in fact very similar concepts, they both involve the same type of social enthusiasm for the “next best popular thing” in society. The main differences between the two terms are time and relevancy. Fads tend to fade quickly, they come, and they go. Often people do not look back on fads, as their relevancy is quite limited. Fads to last anywhere from weeks to a month at the most. Trends on the other hand tend to last for months to several years. Often trends are looked back on and in some cases, even replicated years after they’ve ended.
           An example of an emerging technology considered a fad was the mobile application Pokémon Go. Popularity of this app swept the nation in the summer of July 2016. During this period, this app managed to accumulate over 45 million users world-wide. However, upon the arrival of August of 2016, the app lost 10 million of it’s 45 million users. This decline of users continued through the following months and has lost its popularity since then. The reason that this app is considered a fad is because it had a wide fanbase which greatly extinguished within a single month (Thubron, 2017).
           An example of an emerging technology considered a trend was virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), also known as extended reality (ER). Extended reality includes any type of technology that combines digital software with reality. Pokémon Go is considered augmented reality, however, that app was considered a fad. Extended reality, however, is overall considered a trend. This can be proven in the fact that extended reality technology is still being further developed by various companies even now. These companies range include Nintendo, Google, Apple, Samsung, Oculus, Disney, Microsoft, Sony and more. Even the military uses extended reality technology, such as VirtualShip (Duggal, 2020). Extended reality is considered a trend because it has continued to grow over years and is still being improved even today.
Duggal, N. (2020, April 1). Top 8 Technology Trends for 2020. Retrieved from https://www.simplilearn.com/top-technology-trends-and-jobs-article
Thubron, R. (2017, January 30). Biggest Tech Fads of the Last Decade. Retrieved from https://www.techspot.com/article/1321-tech-fads/
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top 5 digital technology trends
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
 Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has just gotten a ton of buzz lately, however, it keeps on being a pattern to watch since its impacts on how we live, work and play are just in the beginning periods. Also, different parts of AI have created, including Machine Learning, which we will go into beneath. Simulated intelligence alludes to PCs frameworks worked to emulate human intelligence and perform errands, for example, acknowledgment of pictures, discourse or examples, and basic leadership. Simulated intelligence can carry out these responsibilities quicker and more precisely than people.
 Man-made intelligence has been around since 1956 is as of now broadly utilized. Truth be told, five out of six Americans use AI benefits in some structure, each day, including route applications, gushing administrations, cell phone individual collaborators, ride-sharing applications, home individual colleagues, and shrewd home gadgets. Notwithstanding customer use, AI is utilized to calendar trains, evaluate business hazard, foresee upkeep, and improve vitality productivity, among numerous other cash sparing assignments.
 Machine Learning
 Machine Learning is a subset of AI. With Machine Learning, PCs are customized to figure out how to accomplish something they are not modified to do: They actually learn by finding examples and bits of knowledge from information. As a rule, we have two kinds of learning, directed and solo.
 While Machine Learning is a subset of AI, we likewise include subsets inside the area of Machine Learning, including neural systems, regular language handling (NLP), and profound learning. Every one of these subsets offers an open door for gaining practical experience in a vocation the field that will just develop.
 Machine Learning is quickly being sent in a wide range of enterprises, making a colossal demand for gifted professionals. The Machine learning business sector is relied upon to develop to $8.81 billion by 2022. Machine Learning applications are utilized for information investigation, information mining, and example acknowledgment. On the purchaser end, Machine Learning forces web query items, continuous promotions, and system interruption recognition, to give some examples of the numerous errands it can do.
 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
 Virtual Reality (VR) drenches the client in a domain while Augment Reality (AR) improves its condition. Despite the fact that VR has basically been utilized for gaming up to this point, it has likewise been utilized for preparing, similarly as with VirtualShip, a reproduction software used to prepare U.S. Naval force, Army and Coast Guard ship chiefs. The mainstream Pokemon Go is a case of AR.
 Both have tremendous potential in preparing, amusement, instruction, showcasing, and even recovery after damage. Either could be utilized to prepare specialists to do the medical procedure, offer gallery-goers a more profound encounter, improve amusement leaves, or even upgrade promoting, similarly as with this Pepsi Max transport cover.
 As indicated by an article at Monster.com, the demand for occupation candidates with VR information is up 37 percent, however, the potential representatives are hard to come by. That demand will just increment. There are significant players in the VR advertising, similar to Google, Samsung, and Oculus, however a lot of new businesses are shaping and they will contract—or attempting to, in light of the lack. Beginning in VR doesn't require a great deal of particular information. Fundamental programming abilities and a groundbreaking outlook can land work, albeit different bosses will search for optics as a range of abilities and equipment designs too.
 Cyber Security
 Cybersecurity probably won't appear rising technology, given that it has been around for some time, however it is developing similarly as different advances seem to be. That is to some extent since dangers are always new. The pernicious programmers who are attempting to unlawfully get to information won't surrender at any point in the near future, and they will keep on discovering approaches to traverse even the hardest security measures. It's likewise to a limited extent on the grounds that new technology is being adjusted to upgrade security. Three of those progressions are equipment verification, cloud technology, and profound learning, as indicated by one master. Another includes information misfortune counteractive action and social investigation to the rundown. For whatever length of time that we have programmers, we will have cybersecurity as a rising technology since it will always advance to protect against those programmers.
 Internet of Things
 Despite the fact that it seems like a game you'd play on your cell phone, the Internet of Things (IoT) is what's to come. Many "things" are presently being worked with WiFi network, which means they can be associated with the Internet—and to one another. Henceforth, the Internet of Things, or IoT. IoT empowers gadgets, home apparatuses, autos and considerably more to be associated with and trade information over the Internet. And we're just first and foremost phases of IoT: The quantity of IoT gadgets arrived at 8.4 billion out of 2017 is and expected to arrive at 30 billion gadgets by 2020.
 As purchasers, we're as of now utilizing and profiting by IoT. We can bolt our entryways remotely on the off chance that we neglect to when we leave for work and preheat our stoves on our route home from work, all while following our wellness on our Fitbits and hailing a ride with Lyft. In any case, organizations additionally have a lot to pick up now and sooner rather than later. The IoT can empower better security, proficiency, and basic leadership for organizations as information is gathered and dissected. It can empower prescient upkeep, accelerate therapeutic consideration, improve client support, and offer advantages we haven't envisioned at this point. Notwithstanding, regardless of this aid in the advancement and selection of IoT, specialists state insufficient IT professionals are landing prepared for IoT positions. An article at ITProToday.com says we'll require 200,000 more IT laborers that aren't yet in the pipeline, and that a study of specialists found 25.7 percent accept insufficient ability levels to be the business' greatest impediment to development.
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