mayhemlovesenvy · 3 months
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They don't get proper ref sheets bc im lazy and they won't have interesting outfits (I could do one for Vin but all interesting stuff I added to him is waist up anyways (?) )
Talking about outfits! These are Vincent's:
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Camp arc, the one I made for him (his everyday outfit ig), and his beautiful waiter self plus HE'S SMILING!! THE SILLY!!
Now the reason he smiles in png </3
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Wonderful men
Tienen la misma cara de culo 😭😭 no lo planeé lo prometo
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jeding-png · 1 year
Modern AU!
Ah, my lovely dudes...
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YES, I know that spring is coming soon, but it was the children's painting that took the most time (which I hadn't calculated).
My love for Winter x Reynold is boundless, as well as for Callisto x Penelope (well, almost, Calliope my beloved OTP) (-.-)y-~♡
In this AU, Winter was upset because the rabbit didn't have blue eyes, lol
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finnmash · 5 months
Fuck drugs, you ever like a ship of 2 random background characters that have never met, have very little or just insanely little screentime, and almost no shippers?
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vinjaryou · 5 months
me being silly about my pair under the cut - nothing bad, just a mental image from a meme going around
it's that "i know what you are" meme, but with vincent and reilena, with her saying that to him.
cue him thinking "ohgod, she's realized it, she's fallen for a monster, she's leaving, why did i think i had a chance"
only for her to walk over, wrap her arms around him, and stand up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear "the love of my life~"
cue them being stupidly cute and melting and ridiculously in love, send help
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phantasmacabre · 5 months
Vincent for the meme~ ❤🖤
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My bby Vinja, for you, of course ♥️⚰️
Sexuality Headcanon: He doesn't care about sexuality labels and considers sexuality to be fluid, he cares more about the connection he has with a partner than what gender they are. Before his death he was known to be very androgynously good looking and had experimented with both men and women
Gender Headcanon: Cis Male but does not consider himself to be fully human post-mortem due to the monsters being put into him and also his immortality
A ship I have with this character: Okay so I'm not usually an OC x Canon shipper but VinRei (@vinjaryou 's oc Reilena x Vincent) is my otp for Vincent. I also like VinVeld.
Brotp: VinVeld is also a Brotp for me, they have history and definitely a strong bond there even when it isn't romantic BUT Yuffie and Vincent is probably one of the greatest Brotps of all time. She has absolutely made Vincent a friendship bracelet and forced him to wear it on several occasions. They are ride or die.
NOTP: I'm a little picky with Vincent. I personally do not ship him with Cid, Cloud, Yuffie, Sephiroth or any of the Turks besides Veld.
Random Headcanon: I have a bunch but my favorite is that post-canon he and Yuffie are roommates in Kalm. There are several times where he questions his decision to be her roommate
General opinion: I love Vincent! He's my 2nd fav final fantasy character in VII and the franchise as a whole. His lore is so rich and deep and Lord knows I love all things tragic and broken.
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amekinoko · 4 years
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i have a theory, and it’s that benrey has a twin
vinrey works at aperture as a security guard and also is not very good at the sweetvoice
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born-of-loss · 3 years
3, 12, 19?
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3. Who was your first muse?
My first muse was a quarian named Theresa nar Vinrey (I went into her details in an earlier answer) but Idk, because I never really did anything with her, my first serious muse was Bryanna Shepard. I loved playing her. She was pretty consistent throughout my first time RPing.
12. Are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as?
None right now that will come to fruition. I sort of want to do an Inquisitor, but there are a LOT. Idk, I like OCs. It's fun to explore them in different worlds. So short answer, nothing right now.
Actually, in considering it, I maybe want to bring in my Skellige Berserker Hjalva. She's a Whole Lotta Woman and will crush you with her thighs. And her warhammer.
19. Give us a headcanon about your muse that you never shared to anyone else or wanting to explore deeper.
Despite all her experience being involved with people, Reina has actually never been in love. She's been infatuated with people, has been in super unhealthy, toxic relationships, but she's never been with someone who she can honestly, genuinely say she was in love with, not a lasting sort of love. Sometimes she gets very worried that she's not meant for love and only being that...stepping stone (probably because she is incredibly self-sacrificing) for others to get to their happily ever after. This is why she is so quick to attach to people, even knowing that she may never have a happily ever after.
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mayhemlovesenvy · 7 months
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Them. Again. In love. Perhaps too much. More than necessary
Close ups for meee
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mayhemlovesenvy · 4 months
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Random assortment of drawings go 💥💥💥 (info in alts!!)
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mayhemlovesenvy · 1 month
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Testing scenes 🕯💜🤍 (and also me yapping (wayyy too much) under the cut) (you've been warned)
Fixing the arc camp has proven to be harder than I thought,,, it's really damn hard to write 5 parallel stories at the same time in comic(?) Format, bc in the series it's a bit of each group per chapter (except the funtimes part but fuck them)
My idea is to just. Finish each group story and tie them up in the end. Shape of you time and they sing so bad cami dies. But since I want to give them more to do I confuse myself,,,, and also owynn didn't exist so I have to stick him somewhere, and also eak and ttrap do smth else, and also Margo is a whole thing
And Im going crazy BUT IM ENJOYING THE CRAZY. It's like suffering with math but instead of numbers it's just text and I do it for fun bc crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me into a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats drove me crazy.
So. What are you seeing in the drawings?? Those orange/red blobs are fire thingies, and the bighead kids are around them :3
- bonnie, freddy, ann, aiden (who would be looking away from the fire lol)
- Meg, joy, bon and spring (but they're not by the fire)
- The nightmares (+ toddy)
' And then probably the funtimes + pup and mai
Where golden? Well with his dad + other rich parents + jeffrey and he's looking sadly bc damn. He wants to be there :( or maybe be just really likes looking at fire and wants to be closer who knows
is jeffrey who lets her go with her friendos !!!¡! Hoorrray jeffrey. Also gives him the lighter
Then golden fucking dies
And jeffrey is on a date with vincent :)) bc he can and he wants and I want them to, too
And . And this is where i go crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once
Bc yes this is about golden BUT ALSO it IS jeffrey's big moment as fucking well. The fire both from the lighter and the candle representing literally how he's warming up to the idea of forming actual, meaningful relationships with people. He WORRIES so he starts to CARE which means he starts to DO .
HE STOPS BEING A BITCHHHH AND WE LOVE THAT FOR HIM AND IIIII AMMMM GOING CRAZY. oh also Golden in that time decides to escape once they get back home but that will be a s2 problem that def wont develop Golden's father and jeffrey a bit more and realize how fucked up they actually are (maybe). And def wont end with golden left as homeless and pathetic for the joke I PROMISE I DOOOOOOOO
Okay. So. Um. The fire represents the want to have relationships (any type). Golden longs for fire (a family) Jeffrey lights it for him (show that maybe he can give him one);
but Jeffrey is the one asking for a deeper relationship to Vincent represented throught a candle (and asking for/having a date), or smth like that. Needs more work. Maybe. What matters is that Jeffrey wants more *with* vin (not of, with) while vincent thinks he overstepped wayyy to much and is in this weird attempt to gain control over it by sabotaging himself. The fire IS THERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM BUT IT WILL DIE IF HE WAITS TOO LONG OR IF HE BLOWS IT .. AAAAAGHHHHHHHHH. The chance is there and he has to take it. And yes Golden takes the lighter aka golden acepts the chance while vin... lets it drip..lets the wax burn him, but he will run out of time
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mayhemlovesenvy · 5 months
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Some food for myself because why not
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Some extra vincents too!!
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mayhemlovesenvy · 7 months
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Making fanart of my boys in honor of 2016 me and my lost folder with all the fanart I had saved of them together
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mayhemlovesenvy · 6 months
Vincent y Jeffrey tomando vinito a las 3 am. That's it that's the post
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vinjaryou · 6 days
VinRei for ship bingo
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admittedly biased because it's my canon/oc pair but I don't care, I FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH
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vinjaryou · 2 months
For that ask game you posted: 🍓, 🍄, 🦷
🍓: how did you get into writing fanfiction?
Daydreaming and thinking "what if...?" while playing Zelda. The first actual fanfic I wrote, was actually a silly self-insert fic that I co-wrote with my late best friend. She and I traded off writing chapters, swapping a notebook back and forth - then it turned into floppy disks and USB drives. We wrote it all throughout high school, and I still have those notebooks, the finished fics on disks, and artwork that she drew for it as well. It's still one of my favorite memories - we did the same when we were in college too, but that time it was a YGO fic. We never published it anywhere, because one: we were cringe but not free just yet (these were the days of Mary Sues/Gary Stus) and two: we were literally Just Having Fun.
I've been writing for years, though: one of my aunts still has the first story I ever wrote, back in first or second grade, about a baby harp seal, lol
🍄: share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
One of the silliest things Vincent and Reilena own are matching pajamas; it started as a joke when Yuffie bought Vincent a pair of cute fuzzy pajama pants with a bat pattern, and then found a matching shirt & shorts set for Reilena. They own several now, with some racier sets, and a couple that they've bought for each other with inside jokes/pet names.
🦷: share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Write for yourself, first and foremost. Cringe is dead. If you're having fun, that's what matters; fandom is supposed to be enjoyable, not stressful.
from the Writers Truth & Dare ask game~
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vinjaryou · 11 months
WIP sneak peek of a long-owed prompt that I'm hoping to have finished by the end of the week.
Cid & Vincent catching up at the Heaven, but hey...
“Did you ever tell her?”
Crimson eyes blinked, an embarrassed flush rising in his face as Vincent suddenly took a vested interest in his glass of whiskey, swirling the ice around before taking a sip. Across the table from him, Cid raised a brow above dusky blue eyes, a faint playful smirk on his lips as he took a swig of his own beer, the bottle set down on the table with a clunk. “What? I��m just curious…”
A sigh as he set his glass down, claws tapped on the tabletop as he glanced out across the bar. The Seventh Heaven was rather busy for a Thursday evening, but seeing as Cid had caught wind of Vincent being in town to visit Reilena, he had come by to catch up with some of their crew. Reilena was behind the bar at the moment, violet eyes glittering as she laughed at a comment from a customer seated at the bar, filling a mug at the tap. On the opposite end of the bar was Tifa, lifting the countertop fold-up to make her way into the bar area proper, a tray held high in her right hand – managing to balance three beer bottles, a basket of French fries, and a loaded hamburger on a still-warm plate.
He didn’t look at Cid until he’d managed to catch Reilena’s eye, a boyish smile on his lips when she winked; turning back to his best friend, Vincent sipped at his whiskey again, black arched precariously over crimson. “Why?”
Cid shrugged, sitting back in the booth, arms folded despite his smile. “Like I said, sheer curiosity. Dunno if stupid shit like that’s come up during late night talks, or maybe when yer both drinkin’ a little more’n usual… speakin’ of, hey Tifa!” Sitting up, Cid looked out over the crowd with a boisterous wave to get her attention.
She was at the dartboard, chatting up the trio playing, tray slipped under her arm and scratch pad dropped in her skirt pocket. Chuckling under his breath at Cid’s attempts to get her attention, Vincent caught a sliver of ice in his mouth, idly chewing at it as his friend grumbled under his breath. “She’s gonna kill me if I do it…”
“But you will anyway,” Vincent replied, his deadpan tone the opposite of the smile on his face, just as Cid lifted two fingers to his mouth. He didn’t flinch at the high-pitched whistle, only continued chewing at his ice, as the bar fell silent for a beat.
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