avendatagmbh · 6 months
Data Retention Tool - Data Protection at its Best
Data retention refers to the practice of keeping and preserving data for a specific period, as determined by organizational policies, legal requirements, or industry regulations. This data can be in various forms, including digital records, documents, emails, or any other type of information.
What is Data Retention Tool(DART)?
Data Retention Tool(DART) is a software tool used for managing and retaining data in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. It helps organizations securely store, retain, and manage data for specific periods of time as mandated by laws or internal policies. DART allows businesses to define retention policies, automate data retention processes, and ensure data is preserved and accessible when needed for legal or audit purposes. It helps organizations maintain data integrity, meet compliance obligations, and efficiently handle data retention and disposal.
please click below link to read more: avendata.com/blog/data-retention-tool-data-protection-at-its-best
#DataRetentionTool #viewbox #legacysystem #archivinglegacysystem #AvenDATA
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bonepriests · 1 month
nnneeed to actually finish putting together profiles for my beloved oc dragons i keep meaning to polish things up / finish making some art assets for them and then getting sidetracked
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(bumping their muzzles together) (he/him for both btw i just like f pose better)
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alleopo · 2 years
Blood typing
Rh determinations
Warming slides for Gram’s strains
Tissue typing
Reading enzymes antibody screen in micro plates
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cloudycodes · 1 year
wow hi sry it’s been a minute. i finished the odin project foundations course so i’ve hopped to the javascript stack, currently working on the intermediate html css section.
what are svgs?
scalable vector graphics. basically easy to scale to any size and retain their quality without changing the file size. vector graphics are built on formulas that are more adaptable to resizing, while raster graphics are built with pixels, making them susceptible to quality loss
they’re often used for icons, charts/graphs, large simple images, patterned backgrounds, effects via filters.
there are two ways to embed them:
you can use the html <img> tag or link with css background-image
you can also paste the contents directly into the code without linking it to an image. this can allow for altering via css and javascript
why use svgs (or why not)??
defined using XML (extensible markup language), which is html like syntax used for APIs, RSs, spreadsheets and word editing software
makes it easy to integrate into html files without changes
not good for textured/photo realistic images
you don’t really want to create them from scratch - you’ll more often find yourself copying or downloading from an image editor, like adobe illustrator or figma
here's an excerpt of some simple svg code
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some of these attributes are pretty recognizable, but a simple breakdown:
xmlns: XML namespace that specifies the dialect of the svg, imagine like defining the language you're using
viewbox: defines the aspect ratio and origin
class, id: same as html, allows us to target an element
circle, rect: click here for elements that are defined by the svg namespace
wow hi sry it’s been a minute, studying w a full time job is so inconsistent sometimes zzzz BUT i finished the odin project foundations course so i’ve hopped to the javascript stack, currently working on the intermediate html css section. the next couple posts are prob gonna be more html css oriented (⊙_⊙)
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neos-ultra · 1 year
-you pull open the menu and select the first one you can grab, activating it instantly and getting AQUA-BLADE! a katana with the light blue blade of water forms in your hands! you swing it as fast as possible! slashing one of shout's hands, but he still manages to get in close. getting a claw around your neck and slamming you against the platform again.
shout-sharker: "I DUNNO WHAT KINDA EVN YOU ARE MATEY, BUT SOON AS WE FOUND YOUR USER WE'RE GONNA MAKE 'EM WALK THE PLANK YOU SEE?" it slams you against the wall a few more times, you don't know how much more of this you can take but it's probably not a lot.
neos ultra: "oh yeah? well i- GAH- i've got something you don't!"
shout-sharker: "OH YEAH? AND WHAT'S THAT MATEY?"
neos ultra: "it's the..." you just start kicking him again, trying to break his grip, but all this does is anger him. it growls and tosses you away from the platform and out of the water!
-you flail through the air until you splat down onto a platform, shout leaps out of the water and lands on one infront of you. now getting a better look at him, you realise he's getting desperate. cracks on his frame forming, a twitch in his eye, he's in as bad shape as you are!
???: "SHOUT! FORGET ABOUT NEOS JUST GET THE DAMNED ORB ALREADY!" his user shouts from the viewbox towards the towering EVN
shout-sharker: "AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" he makes a 180 and starts jumping from platform to platform, you try to chase after it but it fires more iceballs at you each time it jumps! you need to do something to catch up!
what do you go
-get faster
-use another chip
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aquelarrerpg · 2 years
ID's Personajes
Os daremos acceso anticipado a la ficha del personaje, para que sea simplemente postearla cuando abramos el foro:
Os dejamos el código html para que si queréis la podáis ir rellenando y sobre todo gracias a nuestra BettyLeg por tan maravillosas tablillas.
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<div class="bt40b-exp"><div class="bt40b-head"><div><b>NOMBRE</b><span>APELLIDOS</span></div><i class="cp cp-fire"></i></div><div class="bt40b-port"><div class="bt40b-wave"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1440 320"><path fill="var(--bt40b-acento2)" fill-opacity="1" d="M0,224L26.7,234.7C53.3,245,107,267,160,261.3C213.3,256,267,224,320,186.7C373.3,149,427,107,480,85.3C533.3,64,587,64,640,85.3C693.3,107,747,149,800,192C853.3,235,907,277,960,272C1013.3,267,1067,213,1120,186.7C1173.3,160,1227,160,1280,165.3C1333.3,171,1387,181,1413,186.7L1440,192L1440,0L1413.3,0C1386.7,0,1333,0,1280,0C1226.7,0,1173,0,1120,0C1066.7,0,1013,0,960,0C906.7,0,853,0,800,0C746.7,0,693,0,640,0C586.7,0,533,0,480,0C426.7,0,373,0,320,0C266.7,0,213,0,160,0C106.7,0,53,0,27,0L0,0Z"></path></svg></div><div class="bt40b-portdts"><img src="https://via.placeholder.com/300x320"/><div class="bt40b-pddt"> <div><i class="cp cp-chevron-right"></i><span>Edad</span></div> <div><i class="cp cp-chevron-right"></i><span>Nacionalidad</span></div> <div><i class="cp cp-chevron-right"></i><span>Raza (Humano, Brujo, Demonio)</span></div> <div><i class="cp cp-chevron-right"></i><span>Grupo (Tipo de Humano, Brujo, Demonio)</span></div> <div><i class="cp cp-chevron-right"></i><span>Ocupacion</span></div> <div><i class="cp cp-chevron-right"></i><span>PB</span></div> <div><i class="cp cp-chevron-right"></i><span>Estado Civil</span></div> <div><i class="cp cp-chevron-right"></i><span>Orientación sexual</span></div> </div></div></div><div class="bt40b-tit"><div>Miscelánea</div></div> <div class="bt40b-txt">¿Cuáles son los rasgos que más son representativos de tu personalidad? ¿Hay algo que solo sepas tú y nadie más? ¿Llevas alguna reliquia familiar? Todo lo que nos quieras contar que sean un extra de la historia de tu vida nos la puedes contar aquí. </div><div class="bt40b-tit"><div>Historia</div></div><div class="bt40b-otdt"><div class="bt40b-txt">Texto </div></div><div class="bt40b-efoot" style="background:url(https://placehold.jp/570x200.png)center; background-size:cover;"><div class="bt40b-effrase" style="background:#000000aa"><span><i class="cp cp-fire"></i>FRASE QUE TE DESCRIBA</span></div></div></div><a class="bettycred" style="margin-top:-5px;width:550px;" href="https://bettyleg.tumblr.com/">bettyleg</a>
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Hind+Madurai:wght@300&family=Montserrat:ital,wght@0,900;1,900&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"/><link href="//icons.cappuccicons.com/cpf.css" rel="stylesheet"/><style>.bt40b-exp{--bt40b-fondo1:#222;--bt40b-fondo2:#333;--bt40b-acento1:#5e465e;--bt40b-border:#444; --bt40b-acento2:#5e465e;--bt40b-color:#ccc;}.bt40b-pddt br{display:none;} .bt40b-effrase > span > i,.bt40b-effrase,.bt40b-pddt > div > i,.bt40b-pddt > div,.bt40b-head, .bt40b-head > i,.bt40b-tit,.bt40b-portdts {display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center;} .bt40b-exp{min-width:550px; width:570px; box-sizing:content-box; margin:10px auto; border:var(--bt40b-border); background:var(--bt40b-fondo1);border-radius:10px; overflow:hidden; font-family:'Hind Madurai', sans-serif;} .bt40b-head{height:100px; border-bottom:1px solid var(--bt40b-border); background:var(--bt40b-fondo2); padding:0px 40px; justify-content:space-between;} .bt40b-head > div > b{display:block; font-family:'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-size:24px; color:var(--bt40b-acento2); text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:-.5px;} .bt40b-head > div > span{color:var(--bt40b-color); font-size:14px;} .bt40b-head > div{line-height:18px; text-align:center;} .bt40b-head > i{font-size:24px; width:60px; height:60px; background:var(--bt40b-acento2); border-radius:100px; color:var(--bt40b-fondo2);} .bt40b-txt{ margin:50px 30px; color:var(--bt40b-color); font-size:12.5px; text-align:justify; line-height:18px; max-height:480px; overflow:auto; padding:0px 20px;}.bt40b-otdt{display:flex; height:250px; margin:50px 0px; padding:0px 40px; } .bt40b-otimg{min-width:250px; height:250px; background:var(--bt40b-fondo2);} .bt40b-otdt > .bt40b-txt{margin:0px; max-height:250px;} .bt40b-tit{height:60px; background:url(https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp4981767.png); background-size:cover; background-color:var(--bt40b-fondo2); padding:0px 30px; justify-content:flex-end; border-top:1px solid var(--bt40b-border); border-bottom:1px solid var(--bt40b-border);} .bt40b-tit > div{border:1px solid var(--bt40b-border); font-size:10px; color:var(--bt40b-acento2); padding:5px 20px; border-radius:10px; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:900; font-style:italic; background:var(--bt40b-fondo1);} .bt40b-exp > .bt40b-txt{margin-bottom:70px;} .bt40b-port{align-items:flex-start;} .bt40b-portdts{margin-top:-185px; justify-content:flex-start}.bt40b-portdts > img{width:300px; height:300px; display:block; background:var(--bt40b-fondo2);} .bt40b-wave{height:200px; position:relative;} .bt40b-pddt{width:230px; back ground:#ddd; height:170px;position:relative; box-sizing:border-box; margin-left:20px; top:45px; overflow:scroll;}.bt40b-pddt > div{min-height:20px; height:33px; justify-content:flex-start;} .bt40b-pddt > div > i{font-size:10px; width:40px; height:100%; color:var(--bt40b-acento1); border-radius:0px 20px 20px 0px;}.bt40b-pddt > div > span{font-size:12px; color:var(--bt40b-color);} .bt40b-efoot{height:200px; border-top:1px solid var(--bt40b-border); background:var(--bt40b-fondo2);} .bt40b-effrase {height:200px; text-align:center; line-height:18px; font-size:13px; color:var(--bt40b-color);}.bt40b-effrase span > i{width:50px; height:50px; background:var(--bt40b-acento2); border-radius:100px; color:var(--bt40b-color); font-size:15px; margin:0px auto 10px;} .bettycred{display:block; margin:-20px auto 0px; border:1px solid #ddd; width:100px; padding:5px 0px; font-size:8px;text-transform:uppercase; text-align:center; letter-spacing:2px;background:#fff; color:#999; text-decoration:none;}</style>
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starlightthemes · 2 years
hey sorry to bother you and if this question was asked already in your discord theme code there are likes and random post at the side thats green i was wondering how to add more of those and how to add the ask button because i have asks enabled but when i copied the code the ask function isnt showing up
anon sent another message a little after this that I assume means they figured this out, but just in case it'd help anyone else, I'll go ahead and answer this!
ask and submit
both of these are blog-dependent; if you have the tumblr settings "let people ask questions" and "let people submit posts" turned on, they'll display! make sure to go to your actual blog in a new tab to check that these links appear, because the Customize page can be buggy and not display some stuff even when it's enabled and visible.
more "server" links
this'll take a bit of theme html editing, but it should be fairly simple! just copy/pasting a single line in the right place, then editing that a bit.
To start, you want to find the place in the code you'll be inserting your links, so open up the Edit HTML page in the Customize menu, then Ctrl+F to 'a class="more"'
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Just above that (and below "IfShowArchiveLink"), hit enter to get a new line. This is where you'll be adding your links! (There's a screenshot of the complete code at the end of this post, if you'd like visual reference.)
Now, all your links will follow a similar format:
<a href="YOUR-URL-HERE" data-tippy-content="YOUR-LABEL-HERE">SOMETHING-HERE</a>
For all the link types, to make this point to the link you want it to go to:
Change YOUR-URL-HERE to the url you want, e.g. https://tumblr.com
Change YOUR-LABEL-HERE to some text describing the link, e.g. Likes, Following, My Link, whatever. This can technically be as long as you want, but try and keep it short and simple.
Next, figure out what you want as the link icon (SOMETHING-HERE). This can be text, an SVG, or an image, all of which are pictured below:
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TEXT: Replace SOMETHING-HERE with whatever text. Keep it short, under 5 letters if you can. Uppercase/lowercase, whatever works.
SVG: Replace SOMETHING-HERE with an SVG, usually in a format similar to:
<svg width="1.5em" height="1.5em" viewbox="...STUFF HERE...">...STUFF HERE...</svg>
IMAGE: Replace SOMETHING-HERE with an image, in the format:
<img src="IMAGE-URL-HERE">
For image servers, you'll also want to add this to the Add Custom CSS section (that's at the bottom of the Customize page, in Advanced options):
servers a img { border-radius: 50%; height: var(--size); width: var(--size); object-fit: cover; transition: inherit; } #servers a:hover img, #servers a.active img { border-radius: 30% }
The HTML that resulted in the above three server-links was this. Note the double-hyphens in each var(); sometimes Tumblr reformats these into long dashes, so you'll have to edit them back by hand:
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aven-data · 21 days
Overcome archiving challenges with AvenDATA
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In today’s scenario, there is a large amount of information floating around the digital landscape. Due to this ocean of information, organizations are experiencing a data explosion problem. Furthermore, there is always an urgent need for different formats to use, present, and work on this diverse, enormous, and unstructured content. The problem multiplies when these formats keep on upgrading due to the fast development of technologies. Moreover, the research shows that more than 90% of businesses experience the need to manage unstructured formats as a major hurdle to their overall growth.
Archiving with AvenDATA
We are a well-recognized, most-trusted, and reliable organization with the best archiving solution. We have successfully managed numerous digital archives for various clients, including pharmaceutical companies, financial institutions, and the automotive industry.
With our extensive experience, we have worked with sensitive, private, and confidential information. We truly understand the importance of a secure and protective archiving mechanism and have achieved the target without any risk to the original format.
We understand the importance of removing unnecessary burdens from the system. We can assist and help you to create a strategy encompassing the required backup with suitable protection. Our solution, viz., ViewBox, not only streamlines your management tasks but also minimizes the associated costs. It simplifies the compliance processes, too.
ViewBox optimises valuable resources, shortens turn-around times, and navigates business growth while strictly adhering to the law. Undoubtedly, it not only transforms your existing systems into a more productive environment but also maintains system integrity.
ViewBox Advantages
ViewBox enhances productivity as organizations no longer need to exhaust resources like time and infrastructure. It enables easier-to-scale processes, promotes long-term retention and storage, and provides an overview of all the views, tables, and documents.
The solution allows you to reproduce your original reports from the legacy system, make linked documents, and provide data extracts in GoBD, CSV, and DART formats, offering the possibility of an audit trail on an ad hoc basis. It also enables you to generate DART files from the archived SAP setup by using the export center feature.
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nickssmith · 28 days
ViewBox Unleashed: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing the Potential of Legacy Systems Archiving
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Legacy systems are the bedrock of many organizations, housing years or even decades of valuable data and business logic. However, as technology evolves and business needs change, the challenge lies in effectively managing and accessing this legacy data. Enter ViewBox – a powerful tool designed to unleash the potential of legacy systems archiving. In this comprehensive guide, we explore how ViewBox can revolutionize the way organizations manage, access, and leverage their legacy data assets.
Understanding ViewBox:
ViewBox is more than just a storage solution for legacy data – it's a dynamic platform that empowers organizations to extract maximum value from their archived information. At its core, ViewBox provides a centralized repository for storing and managing archived data from disparate legacy systems. However, its true power lies in its advanced features and functionality, which enable organizations to unlock insights, streamline compliance, and drive innovation.
Maximizing the Potential of ViewBox:
1. Streamlined Access and Retrieval:
One of the key benefits of ViewBox is its ability to streamline access and retrieval of archived data. With ViewBox, users can easily search, retrieve, and view archived information from multiple legacy systems through a single, intuitive interface. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures that critical data is readily accessible when needed.
2. Advanced Search and Analytics:
ViewBox goes beyond basic search capabilities, offering advanced search and analytics tools that enable users to uncover hidden insights within their archived data. With features such as full-text search, keyword highlighting, and metadata filtering, ViewBox empowers organizations to perform deep dives into their legacy data, identifying trends, patterns, and opportunities for optimization.
3. Compliance and Governance:
In today's regulatory landscape, compliance and governance are top priorities for organizations across industries. ViewBox helps organizations stay compliant by providing robust security features, audit trails, and access controls to ensure that archived data remains secure and tamper-proof. Additionally, ViewBox supports retention policies and legal holds, enabling organizations to adhere to regulatory requirements and industry standards.
4. Integration and Scalability:
ViewBox is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing IT infrastructure and legacy systems, ensuring compatibility and interoperability across the organization. Whether deployed on-premises or in the cloud, ViewBox offers scalability and flexibility to meet the evolving needs of businesses of all sizes. With support for industry-standard protocols and APIs, ViewBox can easily integrate with other applications and systems, enabling seamless data exchange and interoperability.
ViewBox represents a paradigm shift in the way organizations approach legacy systems archiving. By providing a centralized repository for storing, managing, and accessing archived data, ViewBox empowers organizations to unleash the full potential of their legacy data assets. From streamlining access and retrieval to enabling advanced search and analytics, ViewBox offers a comprehensive solution for maximizing the value of legacy systems archiving. As organizations continue to grapple with the challenges of managing legacy data, ViewBox stands as a beacon of innovation, helping organizations unlock insights, streamline compliance, and drive business growth in the digital age.
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YouTube’s Loaded With EV Disinformation - CleanTechnica
<svg class="cm-icon cm-icon--bars" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M21 19H3a1 1 0 0 1 0-2h18a1 1 0 0 1 0 2Zm0-6H3a1 1 0 0 1 0-2h18a1 1 0 0 1 0 2Zm0-6H3a1 1 0 0 1 0-2h18a1 1 0 0 1 0 2Z"></path></svg> <svg class="cm-icon cm-icon--x-mark" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="m13.4 12 8.3-8.3c.4-.4.4-1 0-1.4s-1-.4-1.4 0L12 10.6 3.7…
View On WordPress
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ezaldevop · 2 months
Cool dashed bg
<section class="bg-green-200 relative"> <svg class="absolute opacity-80" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g clip-path="url(#clip0_17_19)"><g filter="url(#filter0_f_17_19)"><path d="M128.6 0H0V322.2L106.2 134.75L128.6 0Z" fill="#1097e6"></path><path d="M0 322.2V400H240H320L106.2 134.75L0 322.2Z" fill="#6ac3ce"></path><path d="M320 400H400V78.75L106.2 134.75L320 400Z" fill="#1097e6"></path><path d="M400 0H128.6L106.2 134.75L400 78.75V0Z" fill="#1097e6"></path></g></g><defs><filter id="filter0_f_17_19" x="-160.333" y="-160.333" width="720.666" height="720.666" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB"<feFlood flood-opacity="0" result="BackgroundImageFix"></feFlood><feBlend mode="normal" in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImageFix" result="shape"></feBlend><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="80.1666" result="effect1_foregroundBlur_17_19"></feGaussianBlur></filter></defs></svg>
<!-- Dashed Lines --> <div class="w-full h-full -z-1 absolute flex flex-row opacity-20 divide-x divide-dashed divide-[#f5f5f5] lg:border-l lg:border-r border-[#f5f5f5] border-dashed justify-between left-0 lg:h-full lg:max-w-7xl mx-auto right-0"> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full lg:block hidden"></div> <div class="w-full h-full md:block hidden"></div> <div class="w-full h-full md:block hidden"></div> <div class="w-full h-full sm:block hidden"></div> </div> <div class="w-full h-full -z-1 absolute flex max-h-[1200px] flex-col opacity-20 divide-y divide-dashed divide-[#f5f5f5]] justify-between left-0 lg:h-full lg:max-w-full mx-auto right-0"> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> <div class="w-full h-full"></div> </div> <!-- End Dashed Lines -->
<div class="items-center w-full px-8 py-8 sm:py-12 lg:py-24 mx-auto md:px-12 lg:px-32 max-w-7xl relative">
<h1>content</h1> </div> </section>
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avendatagmbh · 3 days
A Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Data Carve Out in SAP Systems
Download & Visit Our Page to know more about DATA CARVE-OUT
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veryutils · 2 months
VeryUtils Smooth Zoom Pan Image Viewer is an easy-to-use JavaScript
VeryUtils Smooth Zoom Pan Image Viewer is an easy-to-use JavaScript source code for mobile and desktop that adds "pinch to zoom" or "mouse scroll to zoom" functionality to your HTML content.
VeryUtils Smooth Zoom Pan Image Viewer is a JavaScript/CSS-based image viewer designed to display product photos, maps, or any image within a custom-defined small area. It can be configured and implemented on web pages with simple copy/paste steps. It supports all major touch-enabled devices and platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows.
VeryUtils Smooth Zoom Pan Image Viewer is a straightforward pan/zoom solution for SVGs and images in HTML. It adds event listeners for mouse scroll, double-click, and pan actions, and optionally offers the following features:
JavaScript API for controlling pan and zoom behavior
onPan and onZoom event handlers
On-screen zoom controls
It is cross-browser compatible and supports both inline SVGs and SVGs within HTML object or embed elements.
✅ VeryUtils Smooth Zoom Pan Image Viewer Key Features:
Initial Zoom level
Initial Position
Maximum zoom level
Minimum zoom level
Animation Smoothness
Animation Speed for Zoom
Animation Speed for Pan
Fit or Fill the image
Enable / Disable Pan buttons
Enable / Disable Pan Limitation
Adjustable Button Size, Color, Transparency, Alignment and Margin
Button Auto Hide and Delay Time
Mouse Drag / Touch Drag
Mouse Wheel zoom control
Mouse Cursor location zoom on mouse wheel
Mouse Double Click zoom
Border size, color, transparency
Full browser size option
Max width and height (for window resize)
Touch-enabled: This feature provides familiar touch gestures for zooming content on mobile devices.
Fully responsive: The plugin is capable of adapting to any screen size, ensuring an optimal viewing experience whether you're using desktop or mobile devices.
Cross-browser and compatible with iOS and Android: Whether you're using iOS, Android, laptops, desktops, or even an older browser like IE9, this plugin should function seamlessly.
Simple setup: Whether you're an HTML beginner or a seasoned jQuery developer, setting up the plugin is a breeze. With just a single line of code in either JavaScript or HTML, everything works automatically.
Developer API: This plugin offers developers greater control through the Smooth Zoom Pan Image API.
Multiple instances on one page: You can add multi-touch zooming capability to as many content elements as you'd like on a single page.
Zooming DIV content: Different elements such as images, text, etc., can be placed inside a DIV and zoomed.
Fullscreen toggle support: Small-screen devices often require maximum screen space. This feature allows users to toggle fullscreen mode to view content without clutter.
Adaptive image loading: Optimize load time, resources, and minimize lag by delivering the correct image size for any screen resolution.
Marker and tooltip support: Add markers, zoom to markers, or include tooltips on markers. This functionality is particularly useful for maps, floor plans, or product displays.
Mouseover zoom support: Enable zooming by mouseover on desktop while retaining pinch-to-zoom functionality on mobile devices. This option maximizes user interaction across various devices.
✅ Supported Browsers:
Internet Explorer 9+ (works badly if viewBox attribute is set)
0 notes
hydralisk98 · 2 months
Zorua Specs (2024-03.1)
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Appending to the Intersil 6100 / 6120 lineage in my very own way, inspired by DECmate II/III+ computer systems. Using SG-1000 / SC-3000 as reference sampler implementation on bare hardware;
Essentially making a aesthetic yet convenient personalized Lisp computer system localized in a Numic-derived conlang... for a "software toybox" of sorts. Really nerdy addventure right there.
" At the very end of time, you are tasked to compute, revise and approve sapient processes of divine law & figure a way out of entropy under a certain deadline. Discover the cosmic history behind this deterministic reality, get to rewrite your own life scripture "source code" & [...] ; ( HTML5 / CSS3 "Môsi" super personal project with tilemap design, game mechanics, viewbox styling & polishing left to do among other things... ) "
SEGA My Card 'EP' as a RW+ hot-swappable data format?
~10.125 KW with 1.875 leftover for the tilemap data... (12KW maximum per single map layer)
~4 KW * 3 per save-state logic, macro command histories & data interpolation for objects & "actors" (load current savestate, check & restore & interpolate with parity savestate?, "booknook" hyperlinks/meta-markers);
8 KW for graphics, sounds, input handling & whatever else presented?
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ajustelineal · 6 months
Despierta tu Potencial | FitLine Transforma Vidas en Madrid
FitLine Madrid: Despierta tu Potencial, Transforma tu Bienestar <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="a53d9965-6a5f-458e-8580-87cc9a9d42cd" data-name="Layer 1" width="109" height="169" viewBox="0 0 109 169"><path…
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cksaksen-blog · 7 months
블루투스 이어폰 LG 톤프리 (TONE-TFP3) 소개 및 스펙/매뉴얼/가격 정보
블루투스 이어폰 LG 톤프리 (TONE-TFP3W) 를(을) 소개합니다. 보기 편하게 복붙 수준으로 상세 정보를 가져왔습니다. 구매하시는데 도움이 되길 바랍니다. 목차 빠르게 이동 ☞ 제품 소개 <details id="e-n-accordion-item-1380" > <summary role="button" data-accordion-index="1" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="e-n-accordion-item-1380" > 제품소개 더보기 <svg aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 448 512" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M43.246…
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