#victorian wurt
33darling · 4 months
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Wictorian Wurt i cant believe i havent posted it here, feel free to use as a phone wallpaper <3
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jemichiart · 2 years
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I’m a sucker for lore, so seeing what Wurt would have looked like as (mostly) a goat person before she became a merm - or if she wasn’t born as one, brings me a lot of joy! Not to mention that she just looks adorable - whether she’d agree or not. ^^
So I just had to draw her with her Victorian skin!
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satrain · 8 months
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Beach victorian wurt
The sketch was inspired by seii_shiin artwork. A friend suggested a similar theme but with a character from dst. It was supposed to be a sketch, but I got a little carried away :D
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halcyonbot · 5 months
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have been playing a bit of wurt. her victorian skin is everything
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inbarfink · 4 months
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kaitoushootingstar · 3 months
Victorian Wurt!!!!
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malcaishere · 11 months
as a Willow main, sometimes I feel like her skins are disgusting. so, I will judge them.
Guest of Honor Willow isn't bad, but is basic, and I can't see Willow as a basic person - 7/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Guest of Honor Set? Wigfrid, Walter and Wanda, because it feels like the outfit was speacially made for them, showing their personalities
The Survivor Willow I feel like she's doing great at surviving - 6/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Survivor Set? Wx, I don't now why but I like it
The Triumphant Willow basic, but at least, is prettier than the Guest of Honor. also, she's probably sad because miss her lighter - 8/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Triumphant Set? Wendy and Wigfrid because they are mean, powerful and pretty.
Dragonfly Costume Willow being the dragonfly makes her happy, and she wears the best costume - 10/10
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The Gladiator Willow dislike her face paint, and the set - 5/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Gladiator Set? Wendy and Wigfrid, it isn't my fault that all their skins are beautiful because Klei likes them.
The Roseate Willow I hate this skin, first Willow hates flowers, second this alice band is horrible - 1/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Roseate Set? Warly and Wigfrid because they're charming. also Wurt because pink baby axolotl
The Snowfallen Willow cute and fluffy - 8/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Snowfallen Set? Wolfgang as Santa
The Verdant Willow I like druids but this one is stinky - 7/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Verdant Set? Wendy, because she wears a stunning dress, Wigfrid, because she is a druid with a good haircut, and Winona, because she is a lovely gardener.
The Victorian Willow poor little girl that sells matches - 9/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Victorian Set? Wendy, because she's at her sister's funeral, and this is a summary of her character.
The Woeful Willow the addams family is just great - 10/10
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The Magmatic Willow can't stand the fire hair - 5/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Magmatic Set? Wigfrid, she is dressed up like a superhero
The Merrymaker Willow cuter than her first christmas skin - 10/10
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The Swashbuckler Willow she looks good for a pirate - 9/10
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Who is a 10/10 in the Swashbuckler Set? Wigfrid, she is the captain of the ship
The Masquerader Willow it's beautiful and extravagant - 10/10
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The Forlorn Doll Willow creepy, traumatized and probably psycho doll - 10/10
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spuddy-buddy · 1 year
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(Disclaimer: in no way related to this post)
Dunno what possessed me to do this, but I got to thinking about some DST skins that I didn’t particularly enjoy the execution of last night and how I thought they could be done differently. In my infinite wisdom I decided the best thing to do was do edits by hand until like 3 AM. For the sake of easy comparison my edits are on the left and the OGs are on the right.
Thought process and explanations for each under the cut.
Wigfrid’s GoH is pretty good in theory, but suffers from being literally the first skin collection in the game’s history; the art team at Klei had no way of knowing how skins would evolve as time went on. That being said, it’s still really inconsistent with other metal/armor-type skins, being completely flatly colored and lacking highlights. Her circlet is also inconsistent with other headdresses from future skins, being more or less completely flat instead of bowing upwards to imply depth. The point of this edit was purely to bring it up to the standard of more modern skins.
Maxwell’s GoH was another simple one. His trousers are colored weird and he looks fucking miserable instead of posh(which is what I think they were going for). Another really basic edit, just to fix the trousers and un-depress his expression; admittedly this is the one I’m most iffy on. If I’d have thought about it at the time I probably would have also unrolled his sleeves since we have skins like that now, but c'est la vie.
There wasn’t anything really wrong with Snowfallen Wurt per se, but I really hate it when people give rabbits dog-like noses. After editing the nose the pink inside the ears threw off the colors so I changed that to be more in line with the rest of the skin. For funsies I added lil paws on her feet since Klei changing Wurt’s feet isn’t unprecedented(Abyssal, Verdant, and Victorian).
I’m sorry, fellow Woodie mains, but they really did our boy dirty with his Snowfallen. It’s a bad skin when compared with both the other Woodie skins and the other Snowfallen skins. The mountaineer theme is fitting to Woodie, but he’s just so boring to look at - just a mass of grey and brown and gold, a far cry from the blues of the Snowfallen collection. Aside from Treeguard it’s his only skin that completely changes his hair color, which also doesn’t help it sticking out so badly(also warm cream greying with cool grey hair? blech). The main goal here was to bring the skin up to speed with the rest of the collection. Every color was sampled from another skin already in the game to help produce a coherent design(if you ask politely I’ll tell you what’s from where). The blue hair, I feel, still looks a bit out-of-place when put next to the other Woodie skins, but it plays nice with the rest of the collection. As for the addition of more brown when I cited that as a bad thing in the original, the main problem was that it was such a warm color compared to his grey hair that it looked very out of place; using a cooler brown and distributing it across more of the design helped with the color balance I think. The most extreme edit was changing the sleeves completely; I just couldn’t find a good balance with the more plain sleeves, plus I feel adding a bit more fur sells that this is an outfit for trekking across freezing mountain peaks.
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Books of 2022 - September
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Had a very slow reading month as I’ve started a completely new postgraduate course and shifted to full time education again. Needless to say, I’ve had a lot less time and it has been very draining. I’ve not necessarily read that much less by numbers, but what I did read was smaller – plus I didn’t love anything that I did read…
La Dame aux Camelias by Alexandre Dumas fils – this was a disappointing read, not necessarily because it was a bad book, but I couldn’t connect to it. This is definitely a personal problem as I, occasionally, gain the morals of a middle class Victorian – it’s a personal problem, not much I can do about it – and that occurred here, so I struggled to truly connect with most of the book. This is very much on me and is not a comment on a book because, clearly, I’ve developed something against stories around prostitutes (I blame the Victorian novels). The book itself was fine, I’m not sure how I feel about the translation, but the characters were well realised for the length of the book and the plot was engaging enough by 19th century standards.
Honestly, if you’re interested then give it a go, it just clearly hit me at the wrong moment in time and I didn’t love my experience reading it. It’s definitely one of those I’m glad I read it moments, but I’m also glad it’s over…
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien – this was my only reread of the month, which is a huge improvement from August, and I read it to continue my year of Tolkien. I think I’ve mentioned before that The Hobbit is not my favourite of Tolkien’s works, however, I enjoyed it well enough. I read most of The Hobbit through the new(ish) Andy Serkis audiobook, it was my first time listening to this version in full and I really enjoyed it. Serkis really elevates the book and animates it in a way I’ve never really experienced before, particularly as I’m more of a Silmarillion fan.
Warhost of Vastmark by Janny Wurts – I’m really struggling with the Wars of Light and Shadow series by Janny Wurts, it’s not so much that I don’t like it because there are elements that I absolutely love. However, there is something about it that I can’t quite pinpoint that keeps me from truly enjoying myself when I’m reading them. Some of this I think comes down to Wurts’ writing style, it’s overly dense so it can be difficult to fall into the book and forget the rest of the world for a bit. I’m always hyperaware that I’m reading rather than just experiencing a world or story. This just means a lot of the charm is now lost for me because I can’t just fall into the book without being aware of words on the page.
I’ve already said a lot about this series, so I don’t want to go into any specifics as the same problems keep rising up. I’m now wondering whether I should abandon the series or not. I’m going to give book four a shot as I do really love Lysaer’s plotline, but only enjoying about a third of the series is not fabulous when the books aren’t short and there’s currently 10 of them (soon to be 11!)
The Vampyre by John Polidori – I don’t have anything to say about this. Short stories don’t really do it for me, but I was stuck in the university library with nothing to do, so I thought I’d check it out.
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fishgirlbelly · 1 year
hi! i got an art tablet for christmas and i finally set it up. want me to draw you anything?
hiya, congrats on the art tablet!!! ever since i got my first one a few years ago i've rarely done traditional art LOL digital art is so much more effecient and fun imo!
u dont gotta make anythn for me if u dont want to, but may i offer Wurt from DST? specifically her victorian skin!
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rhoddys · 2 years
I have just made the realization I can get Wurt and Wortox
I already had some spools saved up just before getting the Victorian set and then afterwards when I unraveled the duplicates
And then winning the spool giveaway has given me more then enough to get the both of them 😦
Yooooo no new skins but new characters instead
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macabremomo · 4 months
Don't Starve Skin Collection -Wurt 71% -Wormwood 53% -Wartox 49% -Webber 13% -Wickerbottom 8% -Wigfrid 2%
Wishlist Sets -Wurt: Snowfallen x1, Victorian x1 -Wormwood: Hallowed Nights x1, Merrymaker x2, Moonbound x2, Snowfallen x2 -Wartox: Hallowed Nights x3, Shadow x2, Snowfallen x1, Victorian x2 -Webber: Costume x2, Formal x1, Hallowed Nights x2, Moonbound x1 -Wickerbottom: Hallowed Nights x2, Moonbound x3, Rose x4, Shadow x1
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tricksterbae · 3 years
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remadra · 2 years
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been playing with my friends, and our base always seems to have bees nearby...
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inbarfink · 4 months
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typosaurus · 5 years
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dancing in a swirl of golden memories
the loveliest lies of all
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