truthofself · 2 years
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SOOO heres some of my editted lucy gifs from cyberpunk!!! its just from when you first meet her, but its the start!!
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truthofself · 2 years
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truthofself · 2 years
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truthofself · 2 years
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truthofself · 2 years
dejun reacts to finding out he has a soulmate. ╰─▸ ❝ buy me a ko-fi
Dejun never understood the concept of soulmates if he were to be honest. Let alone why they were titled oath keepers and oblivions. Even when there’s an entire 4 week class in schools upon entering the age of maturity where they explain concepts such as that of soulmates, and why they shouldn’t be scared when they find their mark or match. But even with that 4 weeks of classes, and doing projects and being forced fed the information of it. Dejun was still taken back one day when he was just walking home from work, and felt a slight sting right over his right shoulder blade.
That could only mean one thing, Xiao Dejun was an oathkeeper, and his oblivion was in the area. But there was no way, that he’d even try to look for them. Fate would most likely have them cross paths again. And who’s soulmate is just going to be casually walking the street at 9pm on a school night? Unless they were in a similar case to Dejun, working after school for late hours, before going home to study until late hours to wake up for a 10am lecture, and just repeat the cycle daily. But for now, Dejun would just pretend nothing changed, that his back wasn’t now marked with what he could assume was most likely some colourful pretty tattoo that his soulmate would have a matching one when they made physical contact. He shivered a bit at the idea, meeting his soulmate so soon, he was only nineteen. The last thing he wanted right now was that.
He tried not to not let it bother him, as he kept his hands in his pockets, continued his walk home, bag bouncing against his side as he stepped, if fate was really intending for him to meet his soulmate, his oblivion so soon, then he was sure he’d meet the person again soon. But the idea of meeting them still lingered in his head, and he found himself often checking behind him or around him, watching people looking for anyone who could be it. But never once did he find anyone, who gave him the vibe of being his soulmate. No pretty girls, no one.
And deep down, he was okay with that, smiling softly to himself when he finally arrived back at his parents home for the night. Unlocking the front door, Dejun took a step in quickly slipping off his sneakers and not even bothering to put on his slippers, just stepping further into the home in his socks, trying to be a bit quiet as he figured his mother would already be asleep as he walked by the clock in the living room that chimed half-past eleven. He cursed softly when the chime went off, being a bit started and stumbling a bit over his feet. Dejun glared at the clock across the room before huffing and continuing his journey to his bedroom.He always forgot how long the walk home was, but it helped him clear his mind for classes the following day and stay in shape, so he didn't mind the long distance home or having to walk it. But what he did mind, was the colourful, tattoo on his shoulder when he was changing his clothes. The picture of a small dragon wrapped a flowers stem, was vibrant and the skin around it pink.
Whoever was matched him, is going to hate this tattoo, because Dejun hates it. CHAPTERS: 001 |
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truthofself · 2 years
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youre a, dream eater, stop haunting me, who are you ╰─▸ ❝ buy me a ko-fi
 they started about a month ago. every night, vincent was having strange dreams. he lived a crazy double life, as an artist and designer but also worked secretly as an agent of valorant. so why, were this dreams keeping him awake. dreams of his valorant life, but with a stranger he'd never seen before. but in his dreams he knew him well.
"Augma, mon ami we should get together, upgrade those weapons of yours some time. they look so out of date"
        and Augma would just laugh, a hand over their mouth as they shake their head. "Aah, Chamber you amuse me! These are state of the art, no worries or need to upgrade them simply for looks. They handle them selves well, and I handle them even better." Augma grinned the tattoos on their skin illuminating as the array of canons appear in the air behind them. "Besides Chamber, worry not about me but yourself, your rifle surely must need some love after this mission." 
        and thats where Vincent started to pay attention to his surrounding again, alone the two sat in an airship, minutes from their drop zone. What a flurry of events for a dream. Vincent just laughed and nodded, this Augma made him wonder when was the last time he took care of headhunter or tour de force?  He was going to reply back, when Brimstone spoke for them to prepare to drop, as the hangar door began to open. Augma was on their feet, giving one final check to the phantom they were holding onto, inspecting the mags before stepping towards the open bay door. "To good landings Chamber, see ya down that mon ami" They echoed, before racing to the edge and jumping down the feet towards the ground with a thud. 
        Vincent was quick to follow, landing with his feet firm and his hands gripped into the operator he held. what were these guns? How did he know what they were called, but Augma was speaking again.  "Watch my back and I'll make sure no one touches you"  Augma spoke with flare and confidence, almost as if Vincent could tell there was a wink laced into that sentence, as he followed behind the pink and green haired being that was running in front of him. "Viper how you holding up?" Augma spoke, earning an annoying tsk into their earpieces. "Well, I'm almost there 60 second ETA" 
        Augma, an interesting character, Viper seemed the same, even Brimstone seemed the same. But who is this Augma, why did he know their name, how were they friends, why did he know so much about them! "Augma, shh, no movements. Theres someone here." Vincent spoke, carefully throwing down trademark behind them to prevent anyone from flanking them. Augma's footsteps fell silent, Vincent watched holographic screens appear to briefly, as the tattoo's on Augmas skin seemed to illuminate again. there was a click nose as a audio notification played through their earpieces. Traps Disabled for 1 minute. Proceed carefully.  Vincent looked confused, before the knowledge flowed back into his mind. Augma was able to sense, and disable traps in a close proximity to them. How strange.
        And now he remembers Augmas file. Augma was a Czech Duelist, they were a natural radiant but had augmented some of their abilities with tech similar to the tech chamber used to give himself abilities. Augma was able to augment their weapons to switch them our in mid fight, to a different weapon, disable traps near by, throw an explosive grenade that leaves a slow zone behind. and their signature ultimate move, allowed them to summon a set of rayguns with tracking capabilities to quickly damage enemies as long as their within site and view line. What a strange fellow, but what a strong fellow given the context. It was amazing, how Chamber in moments knew nothing but then knew everything. Dreams brought you such strange instances. 
        "Chamber!" Augma's voice rang true as Vincent snapped back holding his operator up again, speaking a quick sorry mon ami. He was quick entering the spike site, seeing Augma had already broke onto it. There was no sign of life, but clearly someone was present, since there had been a trap placed and disabled by Augma. But soon the footsteps were heard, and soon followed trademark caught someone.
        "Coming from the south mon ami."  Vincent spoke, setting up his teleports to protect him as the footsteps got louder "Viper, come in, are you all set?"
        "Sage is here patching me up, theres a Jett, Breach and Omen. Be careful you too." Viper replied, clearly distraught but, ok since the enemies were now coming towards Vincent and Augma. 
        "In coming!"  Augma yells, rushing off site, and past Vincent. "Watch my back and I'll protect you." And they were off, a phantom tightly in their hands, as they ran by, only seen by the vibrancy of their hair, and the sound of their footsteps. Vincent was quick to follow, whipping around the corner and taking aim to protect Augma, in the heat of battle. But they seemd ok, two shots from their phantom, and the view of a jett knife zooming past their arm.  But they seemed not to care. More bullets wized by them, but it didnt stop them. They seemed to be enjoying the moment. 
        In the moment, their tattoo's lit up again, and in their hand sat a small grenade that left it as quickly as it appear in it. the sound was deafening as vincent moved closer to help out, pulling out headhunter, and recalling his teleports. he rushed to his teammates side, taking a shot at the Breach, who had barely missed his concussive on vincent. "You like it dangerous i see Augma. How enticing" 
Augma just laughed, their phantom reappearing in their hands, before it had augmented into a vandal. It was interesting to watch their skills up close. The way their tattoos illuminated a crimson colour every time they used a skill, the way they carried themselves and had full faith in their own abilites. "Dangerous is nothing compared to deadly." A true statement Vincent noted. 
        But as soon as the dream started, Vincent found himself sitting straight up in his bed, sweat dripping down the sides of his face, everything felt so cold and hot all at the same time. It took him a moment to process he was still laying in his bed, and that he had in fact just been dreaming. But the blaring of his alarm clock made him wish he could go back. The heat of the battle, and the smile of that Augma figure kept him wanting to stay there.
        And he did, every night, he had a new adventure in valorant with this Augma character. They seemed to be friends, and Vincent couldnt tell what he felt towards the character, but he wished to learn more about them if he could, even though they were just a figure in his dreams.
next chapter: 002
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truthofself · 2 years
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truthofself · 2 years
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